Delete PMKID from the cache when forget the AP from GUI

Wlan driver still include cached PMK ID in assoc Req after
forget AP and connect back.Delete the PMKID from the cache
in the driver as part of disconnect from supplicant.

CRs-fixed: 536894

Change-Id: Id248dc495d02769ad246a552fe88c4c0fbe8c06d
diff --git a/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h b/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
index e811a8f..69d43e0 100644
--- a/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
+++ b/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
@@ -2970,4 +2970,5 @@
 eHalStatus smeIssueFastRoamNeighborAPEvent (tHalHandle hHal,
                                             tANI_U8 *bssid,
                                             tSmeFastRoamTrigger fastRoamTrig);
+eHalStatus sme_RoamDelPMKIDfromCache( tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, tANI_U8 *pBSSId );
 #endif //#if !defined( __SME_API_H )