wlan: SR pre-auth timer is made larger than Lim timer

CSR and Lim timers are of same time, 1 sec. because of which, CSR timer
starts first and Lim timer next, if the pre-auth response is not
received, then CSR timer expires first and sends next pre-auth request,
for which LIM timer is still running,it does not start a new timer and
it expires.
Which sends a pre-auth status with error and later for the 2nd pre-auth
request, STA receives pre-auth response also.
First error response is cleaning up the context and it crashes for the
next successful pre-auth

Change-Id: I294a41faa38a84e8a5c30ec362bf73248e999a51
1 file changed
tree: 61ae15a97672112c3421253bf3fb5e45dabea769
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Kconfig
  5. Makefile