wlan: Send proper mlm cnf when deauth occured during roaming

When DUT received the Deauth frame in eLIM_MLM_WT_ADD_STA_RSP_STATE
during roaming, Lim delayed the processing of the deauth till
ADD_STA_RSP comes from firmware, but that time lim is posting
the message as LIM_MLM_ASSOC_CNF instead of LIM_MLM_REASSOC_CNF,
which will not allow csr to inidcated to HDD.so now lim will send
LIM_MLM_REASSOC_CNF to mlm so csr can call hdd callback with reason
eCSR_ROAM_FT_REASSOC_FAILED so hdd can initiate disconnect procedure.

Change-Id: Idd000225abb3ff0fbcda54ada42175709f78a0d7
CRs-Fixed: 697263
1 file changed
tree: 63c0fc4711c9fc53ced697ff56017c1751d0b7be
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile