wlan: Fix for SAP 11a mode.

Basically, Channel bonding is selected during start BSS,
by passing the operating channel and the hw_mode. The
hw_mode is passed to select CB mode function by Coverting
SapPhyMode To CsrPhyMode but there is no mapping for 11a
mode so the channel bonding is not reset based on the mode,
And the default CB mode is selected irrespective of the
hw mode set resulting the ADD BSS failure.

So to address this, add the Phymode mapping from SAP to
csr which is passed as a param while selecting the CB mode.

CRs-fixed: 750989
Change-Id: I28e385df40717ef6ae4b582655a2ba12cdff9c36
1 file changed
tree: f702b5ba4e6664dd77ae8c457362b67223d674cd
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile