wlan: Subsystem restart invoke mutex_lock in atomic environment

When WCTS_NotifyCallback() is invoked in the interrupt context ,to
process SMD_EVENT_CLOSE  event it is trying to get the VOS List
mutex to clear the transfport message queue which is not desirable in
the interrupt context.To fix the issue moved the cleaning of the
transport message queue to wdi_shutdown().

Change-Id: Ieb5e5bb689b3139b3780b97890488894e8b46ee9
CR-Fixed: 401750
3 files changed
tree: 8306da95c398b7f9bbcaec51e6a1954cddbbef63
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Kconfig
  5. Makefile