SCAN-OFFLOAD: Changes required for aborting the scan

When abort scan is issued, only the scan requests with a
particular session id needs to removed from the pending
queue and current ongoing scan should be abroted.

Change-Id: I02a45a3f18919d91bdeb050719d473681f6979e7
CRs-fixed: 500914
diff --git a/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h b/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
index f604be3..71942e8 100644
--- a/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
+++ b/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
@@ -1771,17 +1771,6 @@
 eHalStatus sme_SetKeepAlive (tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId,
                                   tpSirKeepAliveReq pRequest);
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    \fn sme_AbortMacScan
-    \brief  API to cancel MAC scan.
-    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
-    \return VOS_STATUS
-            VOS_STATUS_E_FAILURE - failure
-            VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS  success
-  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-eHalStatus sme_AbortMacScan(tHalHandle hHal);
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    \fn sme_GetOperationChannel
    \brief API to get current channel on which STA is parked
@@ -1962,11 +1951,12 @@
     \fn sme_AbortMacScan
     \brief  API to cancel MAC scan.
     \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  sessionId - sessionId for interface
     \return VOS_STATUS
             VOS_STATUS_E_FAILURE - failure
             VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS  success
-eHalStatus sme_AbortMacScan(tHalHandle hHal);
+eHalStatus sme_AbortMacScan(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId);
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     \fn sme_GetCfgValidChannels