wlan: Disable WLAN driver initiated SSR if Riva crashes during unload

 When there is a Riva crash, SSR is invoked by WCNSS Kernel driver.
 WLAN driver may also try to invoke SSR, since a Riva crash might end up
 in a WDI timeout during unload. So if there is a Riva crash, disable
 the SSR from WLAN driver in the unload path.

 Fixed CRs: 408941

Change-Id: Ia5d72a524d09cdf98a42fb4e2fca110dd0404a39
4 files changed
tree: c172e734738260c8018634ae40727bec8dfe5b70
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Kconfig
  5. Makefile