qcacmn: Add support for low memory platforms

For supporting low memory platforms, if fastpath is enabled, the number
of destinaton ring receive buffers are reduced from 512 to 64 for CE1.
Also when pktlog has been disabled, avoid allocating receive buffers
for CE8.

Change-Id: Ia4cd991ec14a5d69f13efee8e6f72db6da99f83a
Acked-by: Sahoo, Amarendra Kumar <c_aksah@qti.qualcomm.com>
CRs-Fixed: 1066302
4 files changed
tree: 397ba39dfec2190139ad7193f045da0fc4b6190e
  1. dp/
  2. hal/
  3. hif/
  4. htc/
  5. pld_stub/
  6. qdf/
  7. wmi/
  8. README.txt
  9. VERSION.txt