qcacmn: Structure optimized through poke-a-hole tool

Structure memory is being optimized by aligning field with
bus address length using pokeahole tool.
This patch optimizes structure linked in wmi module
(for both 64 bit and 32 bit platform)

Structure                     Bytes saved(64bit)     Bytes saved(32bit)
fd_params                               8 bytes                 4 bytes
wmi_mgmt_params                         8 bytes                 4 bytes
wmi_offchan_data_tx_params              16 bytes                8 bytes
sta_uapsd_trig_params                   8 bytes                 0 bytes
wifi_passpoint_network_param            8 bytes                 8 bytes
ctl_table_params                        8 bytes                 4 bytes
mcast_group_update_params               8 bytes                 0 bytes
rtt_meas_req_params                     8 bytes                 4 bytes
wmi_host_peer_adv_stats                 8 bytes                 8 bytes
wmi_host_rf_characterization_event_param4 bytes                 4 bytes
wmi_host_oem_indirect_data              8 bytes                 8 bytes
wmi_oem_response_param                  8 bytes                 0 bytes

Change-Id: I539e0fe6c599aab70952b1ad26f92c0b9b94429f
1 file changed