qcacld-3.0: Include commits since checkout in build tag

Currently, only the Change-Id for HEAD is included in the build tag.
This can be problematic for builds which include hotfixes
(cherry-picks). Include the Change-Ids of every cherry-pick commit since
the last non-cherry-pick commit. This allows developers to quickly
identify the checkout point used to make the build, as well as any
hotfixes applied.

Change-Id: Ibe6259c2e0b46c820e0f1d73a12383e01c10abb8
CRs-Fixed: 2143443
diff --git a/Kbuild b/Kbuild
index d2e04ae..61b6e7e 100644
--- a/Kbuild
+++ b/Kbuild
@@ -2269,12 +2269,22 @@
 # inject some build related information
 ifeq ($(CONFIG_BUILD_TAG), y)
-CLD_ID = $(shell cd "$(WLAN_ROOT)" && \
-	git log -1 | sed -nE 's/.*Change-Id: (I[0-f]{10}).*/\1/p')
-CMN_ID = $(shell cd "$(WLAN_COMMON_INC)" && \
-	git log -1 | sed -nE 's/.*Change-Id: (I[0-f]{10}).*/\1/p')
+CLD_CHECKOUT = $(shell cd "$(WLAN_ROOT)" && \
+	git reflog | grep -vm1 cherry-pick | grep -oE ^[0-f]+)
+CLD_IDS = $(shell cd "$(WLAN_ROOT)" && \
+	git log $(CLD_CHECKOUT)~..HEAD | \
+		sed -nE 's/^\s*Change-Id: (I[0-f]{10})[0-f]{30}\s*$$/\1/p' | \
+		paste -sd "," -)
+CMN_CHECKOUT = $(shell cd "$(WLAN_COMMON_INC)" && \
+	git reflog | grep -vm1 cherry-pick | grep -oE ^[0-f]+)
+CMN_IDS = $(shell cd "$(WLAN_COMMON_INC)" && \
+	git log $(CMN_CHECKOUT)~..HEAD | \
+		sed -nE 's/^\s*Change-Id: (I[0-f]{10})[0-f]{30}\s*$$/\1/p' | \
+		paste -sd "," -)
 TIMESTAMP = $(shell date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
-BUILD_TAG = "$(TIMESTAMP); cld:$(CLD_ID); cmn:$(CMN_ID);"
+BUILD_TAG = "$(TIMESTAMP); cld:$(CLD_IDS); cmn:$(CMN_IDS);"