qcacld-3.0: Purge all serialization commands on csr stop

During csr stop, csr_roam_close_session try to purge all the pending
commands for the vdev. But as vdev is already logically deleted,
the cmds are not purged as the purge by vdev API fails to get the
vdev ref.

As in csr stop, driver clean up all the sme session so instead of
calling purge commands for vdev, call purge cmd for all the vdev.

Also the active command timeout for the delete vdev is 30 sec while
HDD waits for 15 sec. The active command timeout should be less
than the HDD timeout. Thus set active cmd timeout as 10 sec and
HDD timeout as 11 sec

Change-Id: I1d45de261c50f1835379a9cc1df4631f3e32f459
CRs-Fixed: 2339694
6 files changed