qcacld-3.0: Logical AND current UAPSD bitmask with ADDTS rsp values

In function sme_ps_fill_uapsd_req_params perform a logical AND rather than OR
between current UASPD bitmask and values received in ADDTS response, otherwise
existing UAPSD bitmask (if all set) will always override ADDTS rsp values.

Change-Id: I17872f62b1f073963d3c04ad72415acd395f1ca5
CRs-Fixed: 1095306
1 file changed
tree: 106984ffac58428f4c51584c1ecb364cd2f5b394
  1. core/
  2. uapi/
  3. Android.mk
  4. Kbuild
  5. Kconfig
  6. Makefile
  7. README.txt