qcacld-3.0: Set peer params after vdev restart for SAP

1. Turn on SAP on channel 1 on 2.4ghz 20Mhz BW
2. Connect a STA to it.
3. Change the SAp channel to 36 80mhz BW

STA changes the channel BW to 80 but SAP does not
send th packets in 80Mhz to the SAP.

Expectation: SAP should send the packets to STA on 80Mhz.

SAP does not set the peer params to the FW for the peer
hence the FW keeps on sending the packets with 20Mhz
which was previously configured to it.

Send peer params to FW for each peer so that the
packets can be sent by SAP on a max supported BW.

Change-Id: Ic9b310e67001d55b2b5427db0c2ab897ea36b6b0
CRs-Fixed: 2606872
1 file changed