qcacld-3.0: Reset tx desc type after calling msdu complete conditionally

qcacld-2.0 to qcacld-3.0 propagation

After calling ol_tx_msdu_complete, it will reset the tx desc's pakcet
type to ol_tx_frm_freed state. So there might be a race condition
if there is another thread try to allocate this tx description between
these two operations.

The ol_tx_msdu_complete doesn't always free the tx_desc according to the
tx desc type. So need to reset the tx desc's packet type only when the
ol_tx_msdu_complete hasn't freed it.

Change-Id: I0d96ef60d10048c524e93209469e8cdf20ce22c6
CRs-Fixed: 1087688
1 file changed
tree: c85702facf02c8cdd6c23d603faedde18b128b59
  1. core/
  2. uapi/
  3. Android.mk
  4. Kbuild
  5. Kconfig
  6. Makefile
  7. README.txt