qcacld-3.0: Unblock wait for NDP_END indcation if req is a failure

When host driver sends NDP_END request to firmware, driver starts
a wait-for-complete and waits for the NDP_END confirm event.
It unblocks the wait upon getting successful NDP_END event from
firmware. But firmware sends response with a failure status if
the NDP is already gone and it doesn't send NDP_END event.
NDP_END requester waits till the timeout(2 seconds) happens for the
NDP_END confirm event from firmware in this case. Unblock the
wait-for-complete in this case also to avoid the unnecessary wait.

Change-Id: I779248455b07cd934ceaf2c23e79f3943aff5e41
CRs-Fixed: 2651663
1 file changed