qcacld-3.0: Fix buffer overread in wma_extscan_cached_results_event_handler

In function wma_extscan_cached_results_event_handler,
event->num_entries_in_page is received from the FW and is used in the
function wma_extscan_find_unique_scan_ids to calculate scan_ids_cnt
from src_rssi buffer. If the value of num_entries_in_page is greater
than the number of src_rssi buffers present, a buffer overread would
occur in the function wma_extscan_find_unique_scan_ids.

There is already a check in place to valudate num_entries_in_page in
the function wma_extscan_cached_results_event_handler however it is done
after the call of wma_extscan_find_unique_scan_ids.

Move the checks on num_entries_in_page before using it in the function

Change-Id: Ib5e803589deb6ca074cb70326b9ce846d0754a73
CRs-Fixed: 2149720
1 file changed
tree: fa15540bbf37c289958841c8eb65ef93e505ea4d
  1. components/
  2. core/
  3. uapi/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile
  8. README.txt