qcacld-3.0: Change the priority of the deauth and disassoc commands

In SAP mode when driver receives deauth and disassoc commands
for any sta, this command is getting queued in to sme command
queue in pending list with low priority, it means these
commands will be inserted at the tail of the queue. These
commands have timeout of 30 seconds. If any command is in active
list with high priority and higher timeout that command will not
let the deauth and disassoc commands to process and these commands
will get timeout. This will result in failure of disassoc and
deauth commands.

For example if driver operates in STA+SAP mode and sta issues
a connect request to some AP, in connect path driver tries to
move to single mac mode(SMM) and issues the command for the same.
SMM command is pushed in sme queue and now if SAP issues a
disconnect command for some connected station this command is
pushed after the SMM command. Since connection for STA is still
going on so SMM command does not process as it is waiting for
key. And wait-for-key timeout is around 120 seconds, SMM command
can not execute until wait-for-key timeout occures which results
timeout of the SAP issued disconnect command which is behind the
SMM command in the sme_command queue.

To resolve above issue change the priority of the disassoc and
deauth commands to high priority which will allow to push these
commands to the front of the sme_command queue and since these
comands does not wait for wait-for-key timeout, theses commands
will get a chance to execute.

Change-Id: I613bbd11b9172902dd8828fa04c778b4cfe6be14
CRs-Fixed: 2484608
1 file changed