qcacld-3.0: Replace typedef tSirLedFlashingReq

The current driver strategy is to converge on unified APIs, and the
unified WMI struct flashing_req_params conveys the same information as
typedef tSirLedFlashingReq, therefore replace tSirLedFlashingReq with
struct flashing_req_params.

Change-Id: I4ef75ee3bff7c83dbf8197bba0802569282a414f
CRs-Fixed: 2121335
diff --git a/core/wma/inc/wma_internal.h b/core/wma/inc/wma_internal.h
index 5e330b9..473b68e 100644
--- a/core/wma/inc/wma_internal.h
+++ b/core/wma/inc/wma_internal.h
@@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@
 QDF_STATUS wma_set_led_flashing(tp_wma_handle wma_handle,
-				tSirLedFlashingReq *flashing);
+				struct flashing_req_params *flashing);