qcacld-3.0: fix the beacon corruption in WMA beacon update msg

When beacon is updated the host pass the gSchBeaconFrameBegin
param to WMA to copy the beacon to WMI and pass the value to
firmware. gSchBeaconFrameBegin is global so if we receive new
beacon update in LIM before the WMA process the old beacon
update the values in the global gSchBeaconFrameBegin are
updated as per new beacon. So if there is change in beacon
length the first WMA msg copy the wrong beacon data and send
this corrupt date to firmware.

To fix this instead of passing the global gSchBeaconFrameBegin
fill the beacon date in the beacon update req itself.

Change-Id: I6d196784470d9a2aeeaba76e12577f9f65012bac
CRs-Fixed: 2272448
7 files changed