qcacld-3.0: Flush packets in datapath error case

Several packets are sent to firmware in htt_htc_attach_all(), back to
back. However, if one of the latter packets fails to send for some
reason, the previous packets are not flushed. This leads to a number of
leaks under error conditions.

If a packet fails to send in htt_htc_attach_all(), flush the endpoint
before returning failure to the upper layers.

Change-Id: If9b33a645f7bcc77442e18566525ae57b544f1a0
CRs-Fixed: 2219137
1 file changed
tree: 4c0e0ce7eca13d294a140a02dde720169654e11b
  1. components/
  2. core/
  3. uapi/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile
  8. README.txt