qcacld-3.0: Prioritize connection req frames in pe queue

qcacld-2.0 to qcacld-3.0 propagation

If there are many beacon/probe received and posted to pe queue
the connection req frames may get delayed and thus effect the
connection. This may also lead to connection failures.

To avoid this prioritize the connection req frames in pe queue.

Change-Id: I5a6fd5c21242205dd080b2ba0cff5f823f51d109
CRs-Fixed: 2013381
1 file changed
tree: adc9800eeebc835cbe20f48bc432d47dda0d4745
  1. core/
  2. uapi/
  3. Android.mk
  4. Kbuild
  5. Kconfig
  6. Makefile
  7. README.txt