qcacld-3.0: Send roam ch list to fw for both roaming and initial conn

Suppose, STA first connected to AP0 then connected to AP1.
After connection HOST sends current op channel to fw as roam
scan channel map only if the current(AP1) and previous AP(AP0)
profile does not match.

Now a disconnect indication comes to STA from AP1. While processing
deauth with currently associated AP (AP1) host first deletes its
previous connection profile(AP0) and then save the current AP profile
(AP1) as prev profile and complete disconnection with AP1.

At this point of time, STA successfully disconnected with AP1 and
has info about AP1 as a previous profile.

Now STA initiates a fresh connection with AP2 and successfully
connected. In case if the profile of AP1 and AP2 match, host does not
send the current home channel to fw after connection with AP2. This
results in the unavailability of the current home channel in fw scan
channel list and FW fails to find any AP available on current
operating channels in the partial scan.

Irrespective of capabilities of current and previously associated
APs, Host should send current home channel to FW after initial
connection as well as while roaming. FW has logic to append its
channel list with a list coming from host. So send current AP
channel to firmware all the time.

Change-Id: I7942b98116c651e6b53f1134fd6cc85bc80b5354
CRs-Fixed: 2561340
3 files changed