qcacld-3.0: memset mac_context on mac close

on mac_close, current global mac_context is not getting memset
to zero, so when new mac_open occures this global mac_context
contains the previous configuration which leads to undefined
Initially during load time, driver type is set as production in
global mac context, on change of the con_mod to FTM, this driver
type is chnaged to MFG, now again if the con_mode is changed to
MISSION mode or MONITOR mode this driver type should be updated
to production, but since during mac_close, mac_ctx is not memset
to zero, this driver type is not getting updated and having the
previous value as MFG, because of this in pe mc process handler,
message is not getting processed leading to mem leak at stop

Change-Id: I342ad5c9bd4b710c668d8121f41f5ffd98d2c221
CRs-Fixed: 2349670
1 file changed