qcacld-3.0: Relocate wlan_hdd_set_mon_chan()

Function wlan_hdd_set_mon_chan() is currently located in
wlan_hdd_wext.c, but this function is independent of wireless
extensions, so relocate it as part of the plan to omit wlan_hdd_wext.c
from the build when wireless extensions is not enabled.

Change-Id: I187305c1f01c7a3cb72f55a0ee885c4f4f0277aa
CRs-Fixed: 2227097
4 files changed
tree: a9d534b7cc7d1da4ee2fa8e59df66b0b33d938e6
  1. components/
  2. core/
  3. uapi/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile
  8. README.txt