qcacld-3.0: Differentiate roaming disabled by supplicant and on iface

Currently, do_not_roam flag is used for denoting both supplicant
disabled roaming and the roaming disabled on an interface during
the interface bring up. Differentiate these two flags with proper
nomenclature to make it clear and distinguishable. Name the new
flags to be supplicant_disabled_roaming and roaming_allowed_on_iface.

Currently in a sta+sta scenario roaming is supported only on wlan0.
Based on the flag roaming_allowed_on_iface, send/discard the
roaming commands to be sent to the firmware.

Change-Id: I1bd19e938b00c26c06ff06c73754560d4502ef2c
CRs-Fixed: 2130204
diff --git a/core/sme/src/common/sme_api.c b/core/sme/src/common/sme_api.c
index 4a527e7..afc368b 100644
--- a/core/sme/src/common/sme_api.c
+++ b/core/sme/src/common/sme_api.c
@@ -7460,18 +7460,21 @@
 	struct csr_roam_session *session = CSR_GET_SESSION(mac_ctx, session_id);
 	QDF_STATUS status;
-	/* do_not_roam flag is set in wlan_hdd_cfg80211_connect_start
-	 * when supplicant initiate connect request with BSSID.
-	 * This flag reset when supplicant sends vendor command to enable
-	 * roaming after association.
+	/*
+	 * supplicant_disabled_roaming flag is set to true in
+	 * wlan_hdd_cfg80211_connect_start when supplicant initiate connect
+	 * request with BSSID. This flag is reset when supplicant sends
+	 * vendor command to enable roaming after association.
 	 * This request from wpa_supplicant will be skipped in this function
-	 * if roaming is disabled using driver command or INI and do_not_roam
-	 * flag remains set. So make sure to set do_not_roam flag as per
-	 * wpa_supplicant even if roam request from wpa_supplicant ignored.
+	 * if roaming is disabled using driver command or INI and
+	 * supplicant_disabled_roaming flag remains set. So make sure to set
+	 * supplicant_disabled_roaming flag as per wpa_supplicant even if roam
+	 * request from wpa_supplicant ignored.
 	if (session && session->pCurRoamProfile)
-		session->pCurRoamProfile->do_not_roam = !is_fast_roam_enabled;
+		session->pCurRoamProfile->supplicant_disabled_roaming =
+			!is_fast_roam_enabled;
 	if (!mac_ctx->roam.configParam.isFastRoamIniFeatureEnabled) {
 		sme_debug("Fast roam is disabled through ini");
@@ -7539,11 +7542,20 @@
 	tSirRoamOffloadScanReq *req;
 	tpAniSirGlobal mac_ctx = PMAC_STRUCT(hal);
 	tpCsrNeighborRoamControlInfo roam_info;
+	struct csr_roam_session *session;
 	if (!CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID(mac_ctx, session_id)) {
 		sme_err("incorrect session/vdev ID");
+	session = CSR_GET_SESSION(mac_ctx, session_id);
+	if (session->pCurRoamProfile &&
+		!session->pCurRoamProfile->roaming_allowed_on_iface) {
+		sme_debug("Roaming was never started on session %d",
+				session_id);
+	}
 	roam_info = &mac_ctx->roam.neighborRoamInfo[session_id];
 	req = qdf_mem_malloc(sizeof(*req));
 	if (!req) {