qcacld-3.0: Cleanup scan queue during driver unload

The following assert was observed during driver unload:
  QDF ASSERT in qdf_list_destroy Line 90
  PC is at hdd_scan_context_destroy+0x4c/0x78 [wlan]

There was also an associated memory leak detected:
 memory Leak@ File core/hdd/src/wlan_hdd_scan.c, @Line 562, size 48
 memory Leak@ File core/hdd/src/wlan_hdd_scan.c, @Line 2284, size 584

The issue is that the scan cleanup routine, hdd_cleanup_scan_queue(),
is currently only called during SSR and is not being called during the
driver unload sequence. Update the unload sequence to call this API.

Change-Id: Ib398a528cbb504bc132d985a0fa8c2a772d44332
CRs-Fixed: 2018045
1 file changed
tree: 68047bd963fa79690f8b011276ab0351eb207672
  1. core/
  2. uapi/
  3. Android.mk
  4. Kbuild
  5. Kconfig
  6. Makefile
  7. README.txt