Handle viSer 4.0

- The viSer proxy app is not required anymore.
- Set the built-in dialer as the default dialer.
- Update the app settings from a fresh export.

Issue: INFRA-225
Change-Id: I266bf682cb39b7118b57f05684f5e6ae5512b7f0
Depends-On: I55648872e2a87cdad22f82a29a17e7bb9824638d
2 files changed
tree: 687910e0c7d10ae85156efaaf72c7566603d9a36
  1. settings/
  2. .gitignore
  3. .pre-commit-config.yaml
  4. deploy.py
  5. README.md
  6. requirements-dev.txt
  7. requirements.txt
  8. setup.py

SmartViser deployment

Deployment script to install and configure the SmartViser solution on devices.


  • Python 3.6+

Install the required dependencies in a virtual environment:

% python3 -mvenv venv
% . ./venv/bin/activate
(venv) % pip install -r requirements.txt

Installing SmartViser on a Device

Follow instructions at https://gitlab.fairphone.software/fp/wiki/wikis/fp2/m/gms/sanity#prepare-a-device

Running Scenarios

Follow (and potentially adapt) instructions on how to run sanity check at https://gitlab.fairphone.software/fp/wiki/wikis/fp2/m/gms/sanity#run-the-sanity-check


Install the pre-commit hook to setup the toolchain:

(venv) % pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
(venv) % pre-commit install

The toolchain can be run independently of the hook. On the staged changes only:

(venv) % pre-commit run

Or on all files:

(venv) % pre-commit run --all-files


To keep things simple, and avoid installing extra software, this repository relies on standard Python tools (pip and the venv module).

The abstract dependencies are specified in setup.py while the actual dependencies (i.e. the required and transitive dependencies) are pinned in dedicated requirements files. This ensures reproducibility.