Format all python files using the formatter

Run `git ls-files '*.py' | xargs black`

Issue: HIC-161
Change-Id: I1619e6296bc4036504c5bb73128f769a1b7b688d
diff --git a/crashreports/ b/crashreports/
index ff79149..c1efe79 100644
--- a/crashreports/
+++ b/crashreports/
@@ -7,42 +7,49 @@
         device = Device.objects.get(user=user)
         return False
-    if (uuid == device.uuid):
+    if uuid == device.uuid:
         return True
     return False
 def user_is_hiccup_staff(user):
-    if (user.groups.filter(name='FairphoneSoftwareTeam').exists()):
+    if user.groups.filter(name="FairphoneSoftwareTeam").exists():
         return True
-        return user.has_perms([
-            # Crashreports
-            'crashreports.add_crashreport', 'crashreports.change_crashreport',
-            'crashreports.del_crashreport',
-            # Heartbeats
-            'heartbeat.add_crashreport', 'heartbeat.change_crashreport',
-            'heartbeat.del_crashreport',
-            # Logfiles
-            'heartbeat.add_logfile', 'heartbeat.change_logfile',
-            'heartbeat.del_logfile',
-            ])
+        return user.has_perms(
+            [
+                # Crashreports
+                "crashreports.add_crashreport",
+                "crashreports.change_crashreport",
+                "crashreports.del_crashreport",
+                # Heartbeats
+                "heartbeat.add_crashreport",
+                "heartbeat.change_crashreport",
+                "heartbeat.del_crashreport",
+                # Logfiles
+                "heartbeat.add_logfile",
+                "heartbeat.change_logfile",
+                "heartbeat.del_logfile",
+            ]
+        )
 class HasStatsAccess(BasePermission):
     def has_permission(self, request, view):
         return user_is_hiccup_staff(request.user)
 class HasRightsOrIsDeviceOwnerDeviceCreation(BasePermission):
     def has_permission(self, request, view):
-        if (user_is_hiccup_staff(request.user)):
+        if user_is_hiccup_staff(request.user):
             return True
         # special case:
         # user is the owner of a device. in this case creations are allowed.
         # we have to check if the device with the supplied uuid indeed
         # belongs to the user
-        if request.method == 'POST':
-            if ('uuid' not in
+        if request.method == "POST":
+            if "uuid" not in
                 return False
             return user_owns_uuid(request.user,["uuid"])
         return False