Add OpenAPI JSON representation of Hiccup API

hiccup-api.json is generated using a Swagger endpoint introduced in
commit 126b0cc (Add API Documentation Endpoint; 2018-03-12)

In particular:

1. Get CSRF token from cookies:

    TOKEN=$(curl \
            -I http://localhost:8000/hiccup/admin/login/ \
            -c django_cookies.txt \
        | grep 'Set-Cookie:.*csrftoken' \
        | sed 's/^.*csrftoken=\([^;]*\);.*$/\1/')

2. Login with token, username, password, and login page as referrer. We
   are only interested in the side effect stored in djange_cookies.txt

    curl http://localhost:8000/hiccup/admin/login/ \
        -c django_cookies.txt -b django_cookies.txt \
        -e http://localhost:8000/hiccup/admin/login \
        -d "csrfmiddlewaretoken=${TOKEN}&username=admin&password=pw" \
        -s -o /dev/null

3. Request OpenAPI JSON from /docs

    curl http://localhost:8000/hiccup/docs/?format=openapi \
        -c django_cookies.txt -b django_cookies.txt \
        -H "Content-Type: application/openapi+json" |
    > documentation/hiccup-api.json


(cherry-picked from commit 9ee379b7ab1a5fe07452b6de503e95e5a2da3955)

Change-Id: I0de64618ed5970cfd78c6fe89c7ad2b3392216da
1 file changed