[automerger skipped] Add a testing util for accessing classpath jars on a device. am: 2a4276fb12 -s ours

am skip reason: Merged-In I94d2f277360c92250e67d6f10f412945bbf65d0d with SHA-1 6d17636a76 is already in history

Original change: https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/tools/platform-compat/+/1729798

Change-Id: Iac4b9234135cc5e7eedc2535374d497bcd2190fe
tree: 3501ee7196591d863fffbe49c8c8be567c1cdb1e
  1. build/
  2. hiddenapi/
  3. java/
  4. javatest/
  5. Android.mk
  7. README.md

Platform compat tools

Tools for Android App Compat (go/android-compat).

What's in here?

├── build # python helper scripts for build
├── java # All Java source files; directories follow corresponding java packages
│   └── android
│       ├── compat
│       │   └── annotation # Annotations used for go/compat-framework and go/unsupportedappusage
│       └── processor
│           └── compat  # Java annotation processors for annotations defined in src/
│               ├── changeid # Creates compat_config xml files from @ChangeId constants
│               └── unsupportedappusage # Creates csv files with source positions for @UnsupportedAppUsage elements
└── javatest # Tests for source files defined under java/