Define the build number with the product flavour and the manifest

Change compared to the cherry-picked commit: Override HAS_BUILD_NUMBER
that is set by build/make/core/, so that the now
stricter checks in build/make/core/Makefile correctly pick up our
modified BUILD_NUMBER.

Note that we cannot set the BUILD_NUMBER early during the invocation of as it seems to be intended by the build system, because our
BUILD_NUMBER depends on the build flavor (gms, sibon).

Issue: ST-911
Issue: FP2P-155
Change-Id: Ib759f39815956ba6c26eecdc2837295dd733b704
Depends-On: I40f38e5605db16ac3dc16f00a68569bae0855ca1
Depends-On: Idf51e7fb6a9a13cf543807d01adce4d7676de3ea
Depends-On: Idf9e46d6eb2b4ff6a72045ab082f5389b1c26d82
(cherry picked from commit 3969e5d9e08dfe8d02cd8e14e4a6dc45f72321a2)
diff --git a/ b/
index 4088392..d499b17 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -44,6 +44,18 @@
 PRODUCT_BRAND := Fairphone
+# Define the build number based on the product flavour and on the build manifest
+# revision
+ifneq (,$(strip $(PRODUCT_FLAVOR)))
+  _BUILD_MANIFEST_REV := $(shell (git -C $(TOPDIR).repo/manifests rev-parse --short=8 HEAD))
+  $(error PRODUCT_FLAVOR must be defined)
+$(warning Build defined as $(BUILD_ID) ($(BUILD_NUMBER)))
 PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += ro.frp.pst=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/pad
 DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS += device/fairphone/fp2-common/overlay