Board bringup changes with all basic configs

Issue: FP2P-100
Change-Id: I050af472ed2196d60d56e35c4821e324746443ca
diff --git a/ b/
index ff9ceea..e61812f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2018 Fairphone B.V.
+# Copyright 2018-2020 Fairphone B.V.
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
diff --git a/camera_detect/ b/camera_detect/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c01766f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camera_detect/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Copyright 2018-2020 Fairphone B.V.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_MODULE       :=
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS  := optional
+LOCAL_INIT_RC      := init.fp.camera_detect.rc
+include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_MODULE       :=
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS  := optional
+LOCAL_INIT_RC      := init.fp.camera_preference_wipe.rc
+include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_MODULE       := init.fp.camera_detect.rc
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS  := optional
+include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
diff --git a/camera_detect/ b/camera_detect/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2762442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camera_detect/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright 2017-2020 Fairphone B.V.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+CAMERA_DETECT_FRAMEWORK_DIR := device/fairphone/fp2-common/camera_detect
+	init.fp.camera_detect.rc \
+ \
diff --git a/camera_detect/init.fp.camera_detect.rc b/camera_detect/init.fp.camera_detect.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bf76c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camera_detect/init.fp.camera_detect.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright 2017-2020 Fairphone B.V.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+service cam_detect /system/bin/sh /system/etc/
+    user root
+    group root
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+    seclabel u:r:camera_detect:s0
+on property:init.svc.bootanim=stopped
+    start cam_detect
diff --git a/camera_detect/ b/camera_detect/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca1d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camera_detect/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Copyright 2017-2020 Fairphone B.V.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+set -e
+set -u
+set -x
+readonly PERSIST_PATH="persist"
+readonly PROP_PATH=""
+readonly ANY_FRAGMENT="any"
+readonly SUBDEV_FRAGMENT="dev"
+readonly SENSOR_FRAGMENT="sensor"
+readonly CHANGED_FRAGMENT="changed"
+readonly POSITIONS="main front"
+readonly MAIN_SENSORS_PATTERN="(ov8865_q8v18a|ov12870)"
+readonly FRONT_SENSORS_PATTERN="(ov2685|ov5670)"
+readonly SYSFS_PATH="/sys/devices/fd8c0000.qcom,msm-cam/video4linux/*/name"
+function _detect_front_sensor() {
+  local sensor_name=`cat ${SYSFS_PATH} | grep -o -E "${FRONT_SENSORS_PATTERN}"`
+  setprop \
+      "${PROP_PATH}.front.${SENSOR_FRAGMENT}" \
+      "${sensor_name}"
+function _detect_main_sensor() {
+  local sensor_name=`cat ${SYSFS_PATH} | grep -o -E "${MAIN_SENSORS_PATTERN}"`
+  setprop \
+      "${PROP_PATH}.main.${SENSOR_FRAGMENT}" \
+      "${sensor_name}"
+# Compare persist.* property with new property to detect if main or front
+# Sensor has changed.
+# Sets *.changed property to 1 for any sensor that has changed.
+# Overwrites persist.* property with new sensor name.
+function _detect_and_persist_sensor_change() {
+    local changed_any_sensor=0
+    for pos in ${POSITIONS}; do
+        local changed_sensor=0
+        local property="${PROP_PATH}.${pos}.${SENSOR_FRAGMENT}"
+        local old_sensor="$(getprop "${PERSIST_PATH}.${property}")"
+        local new_sensor="$(getprop "${property}")"
+        # advocate change if:
+        # a sensor is detected in the current position
+        # AND a persist value is set (a camera was previously installed)
+        # AND a different sensor is detected than stored in the persist value
+        if [[ -n "${new_sensor}" ]] \
+           && [[ -n "${old_sensor}" ]] \
+           && [[ "${old_sensor}" != "${new_sensor}" ]] ; then
+            setprop "${PROP_PATH}.${pos}.${CHANGED_FRAGMENT}" "1"
+            changed_any_sensor=1
+        fi
+        # set new persist value with the new sensor name if it's non-empty
+        if [[ -n "${new_sensor}" ]]; then
+            setprop "${PERSIST_PATH}.${property}" "${new_sensor}"
+        fi
+    done
+    echo "${changed_any_sensor}"
+function _camera_detect_service() {
+    _detect_main_sensor
+    _detect_front_sensor
+    local changed_any_sensor="$(_detect_and_persist_sensor_change)"
+        "${changed_any_sensor}"
diff --git a/camera_detect/init.fp.camera_preference_wipe.rc b/camera_detect/init.fp.camera_preference_wipe.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0754a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camera_detect/init.fp.camera_preference_wipe.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright 2017-2020 Fairphone B.V.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+service cam_pref_wipe /system/bin/sh /system/etc/
+    user root
+    group root
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+    seclabel u:r:camera_detect:s0
+    start cam_pref_wipe
diff --git a/camera_detect/ b/camera_detect/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e11643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camera_detect/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Copyright 2017-2020 Fairphone B.V.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+set -e
+set -u
+readonly FILES_TO_WIPE="\
+ \
+readonly PREFERENCE_TO_WIPE_CACHE_FRONT="CachedSupportedPictureSizes_Build_Camera1"
+readonly PREFERENCE_TO_WIPE_RES_FRONT="pref_camera_picturesize_front_key"
+readonly PREFERENCE_TO_WIPE_CACHE_MAIN="CachedSupportedPictureSizes_Build_Camera0"
+readonly PREFERENCE_TO_WIPE_RES_MAIN="pref_camera_picturesize_back_key"
+# Precondition: file_to_wipe exists
+function _remove_preferences() {
+    local file_to_wipe="$(readlink -f "$1")"
+    local owner=$(stat -c '%U' "${file_to_wipe}")
+    local group=$(stat -c '%G' "${file_to_wipe}")
+    local access_bits="$(stat -c '%a' "${file_to_wipe}")"
+    local context="$(ls -Z "${file_to_wipe}" | grep -o "u:object_r:[^ ]*")"
+    if [ "${FRONT_CAM_CHANGED}" == "1" ]
+        then
+        sed -i "/${PREFERENCE_TO_WIPE_CACHE_FRONT}/d" "${file_to_wipe}"
+        sed -i "/${PREFERENCE_TO_WIPE_RES_FRONT}/d" "${file_to_wipe}"
+    fi
+    if [ "${MAIN_CAM_CHANGED}" == "1" ]
+        then
+        sed -i "/${PREFERENCE_TO_WIPE_CACHE_MAIN}/d" "${file_to_wipe}"
+        sed -i "/${PREFERENCE_TO_WIPE_RES_MAIN}/d" "${file_to_wipe}"
+    fi
+    chown -f ${owner} "${file_to_wipe}"
+    chgrp -f ${group} "${file_to_wipe}"
+    chmod "${access_bits}" "${file_to_wipe}"
+    chcon "${context}" "${file_to_wipe}"
+for f in ${FILES_TO_WIPE}; do
+    for user in /data/user/*; do
+        if [[ -f "${user}/${f}" ]]; then
+            _remove_preferences "${user}/${f}"
+        fi
+    done
diff --git a/camera_detect/sepolicy/camera_detect.te b/camera_detect/sepolicy/camera_detect.te
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0c0c54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camera_detect/sepolicy/camera_detect.te
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+type camera_detect, domain, mlstrustedsubject;
+type camera_detect_exec, exec_type, file_type;
+# Allow for transition from init domain to camera_detect
+# Allow executing a shell script
+allow camera_detect shell_exec:file { rx_file_perms entrypoint };
+allow camera_detect toolbox_exec:file { rx_file_perms };
+# Allow reading name of camera driver from /sys/class/video4linux
+r_dir_file(camera_detect, sysfs)
+# Allow wiping of cached resolutions in shared_prefs of GoogleCamera
+allow camera_detect rootfs:dir { r_dir_perms };
+allow camera_detect system_data_file:dir { r_dir_perms };
+allow camera_detect app_data_file:dir { rw_dir_perms };
+allow camera_detect app_data_file:file { create_file_perms relabelfrom relabelto };
+allow camera_detect self:capability { fowner chown fsetid dac_override };
+# Allow executing /system/etc/init.fp.camera_*.sh scripts
+allow camera_detect system_file:file execute_no_trans;
+# Allow access to camera_detect properties
+set_prop(camera_detect, camera_detect_prop)
+get_prop(system_app, camera_detect_prop)
+get_prop(priv_app, camera_detect_prop)
+get_prop(shell, camera_detect_prop)
diff --git a/camera_detect/sepolicy/property.te b/camera_detect/sepolicy/property.te
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b48478a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camera_detect/sepolicy/property.te
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+type camera_detect_prop, property_type;
diff --git a/camera_detect/sepolicy/property_contexts b/camera_detect/sepolicy/property_contexts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26e72bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camera_detect/sepolicy/property_contexts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@       u:object_r:camera_detect_prop:s0               u:object_r:camera_detect_prop:s0
diff --git a/ b/
index 613fe61..7984128 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2018-2019 Fairphone B.V.
+# Copyright 2018-2020 Fairphone B.V.
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -13,110 +13,282 @@
 # limitations under the License.
-# For PRODUCT_COPY_FILES, the first instance takes precedence.
+# camera_detect
+$(call inherit-product-if-exists, device/fairphone/fp2-common/camera_detect/
-BLOBS_PATH = device/fairphone/fp2-proprietary
-# Check the presence of proprietary blobs
-ifeq ("$(wildcard $(BLOBS_PATH)/","")
-Cannot find FP2 binary blobs.
-Please visit the download page
-accept the terms of agreement and follow the instructions.
-# Call the vendor setup
-$(call inherit-product-if-exists, vendor/fairphone/fp2-common/
-# Call the proprietary setup
-$(call inherit-product, $(BLOBS_PATH)/
+# setup dalvik vm configs.
+$(call inherit-product, frameworks/native/build/
 # This is needed for the 2016 June official Nexus 5 driver's glsub
-# Define the build number based on the product flavour and on the build manifest
-# revision
-ifneq (,$(strip $(PRODUCT_FLAVOR)))
-  _BUILD_MANIFEST_REV := $(shell (git -C $(TOPDIR).repo/manifests rev-parse --short=8 HEAD))
-  $(error PRODUCT_FLAVOR must be defined)
+# Common definitions to set undefined properties
+$(call inherit-product, device/qcom/common/
+BLOBS_PATH = device/fairphone/fp2-proprietary
+# Call the proprietary setup
+$(call inherit-product, $(BLOBS_PATH)/
+ifeq ($(TARGET_USES_QCOM_BSP), true)
+# Add QC Video Enhancements flag
+PRODUCT_BRAND := Fairphone
+PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += ro.frp.pst=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/pad
+DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS += device/fairphone/fp2-common/overlay
+# Do not enable data roaming by default
+# Set default alarm sound
+	ro.config.alarm_alert=Cesium.ogg
+# Allow mediaserver to allocate up to 75% of total RAM
+# Enable strict operation
+	persist.sys.strict_op_enable=false
+	persist.sys.whitelist=/system/etc/whitelist_appops.xml
+	camera2.portability.force_api=1
+	device/fairphone/fp2-common/rootdir/system/etc/old-apns-conf.xml:system/etc/old-apns-conf.xml \
+	device/fairphone/fp2-common/rootdir/system/etc/apns-conf.xml:system/etc/apns-conf.xml
+# MIDI feature
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/
+	device/fairphone/FP2/whitelist_appops.xml:system/etc/whitelist_appops.xml
+# Features
+	external/ant-wireless/antradio-library/com.dsi.ant.antradio_library.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/com.dsi.ant.antradio_library.xml \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/ \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/ \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/ \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.ethernet.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.ethernet.xml \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.sensor.accelerometer.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.accelerometer.xml \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.sensor.compass.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.compass.xml \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.sensor.gyroscope.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.gyroscope.xml \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.sensor.light.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.light.xml \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.sensor.proximity.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.proximity.xml \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.sensor.stepcounter.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.stepcounter.xml \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.sensor.stepdetector.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.stepdetector.xml \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.telephony.gsm.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.telephony.gsm.xml \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch.jazzhand.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch.jazzhand.xml \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.usb.accessory.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.usb.accessory.xml \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/ \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.wifi.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.wifi.xml \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/ \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/ \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/ \
+	frameworks/native/data/etc/handheld_core_hardware.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/permissions/handheld_core_hardware.xml \
+# Boot animation
+	vendor/fairphone/media/bootanimation/
+# Display logo image file
+	libqcomvisualizer \
+	libqcomvoiceprocessing \
+	libqcompostprocbundle
+# battery_monitor
+	battery_monitor \
+	battery_shutdown
+# fstab.qcom
+PRODUCT_PACKAGES += fstab.qcom
+# ANT stack
+	AntHalService \
+	libantradio \
+	ANTRadioService \
+	antradio_app
+# include an expanded selection of fonts for the SDK.
+# remove /dev/diag in user version for CTS
+ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),user)
+PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += device/qcom/common/rootdir/etc/init.qcom.diag.rc.user:root/init.qcom.diag.rc
-$(warning Build defined as $(BUILD_ID) ($(BUILD_NUMBER)))
-# Fairphone Common framework
-$(call inherit-product-if-exists, vendor/fairphone/frameworks/common/
+# Enable the diagnostics interface by default in userdebug and eng builds
+ifneq (,$(filter userdebug eng,$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)))
+	persist.sys.usb.config=diag
-# camera_detect
-$(call inherit-product-if-exists, device/fairphone/fp2-common/camera_detect/
+ifeq ($(strip $(FP2_SKIP_BOOT_JARS_CHECK)),)
+# we don't have the calibration data so don't generate persist.img
+# display density
+	ro.sf.lcd_density=480
+$(call inherit-product, build/target/product/
+# Media
+	audio.a2dp.default \
+	audio.primary.msm8974 \
+	audio.r_submix.default \
+	audio.usb.default \
+	audio_policy.msm8974 \
+	libqcompostprocbundle \
+	libqcomvisualizer \
+	libqcomvoiceprocessing \
+	libqcomvoiceprocessingdescriptors \
+	tinymix
+# RenderScript
+	android.hardware.renderscript@1.0-impl
 # Boot animation
-# Dalvik/HWUI
-$(call inherit-product-if-exists, frameworks/native/build/
-$(call inherit-product-if-exists, frameworks/native/build/
+# Camera
+ \
+	camera.device@1.0-impl \
+	camera.msm8974
+# Media
+	libOmxAacEnc \
+	libOmxAmrEnc \
+	libOmxCore \
+	libOmxEvrcEnc \
+	libOmxQcelp13Enc \
+	libOmxVdec \
+	libOmxVenc \
+	libc2dcolorconvert \
+	libstagefrighthw
 # Display
+# Graphics
-    copybit.msm8974 \
-    gralloc.msm8974 \
-    hwcomposer.msm8974 \
-    liboverlay \
-    memtrack.msm8974
+	copybit.msm8974 \
+	gralloc.msm8974 \
+	hwcomposer.msm8974 \
+	liboverlay \
+	memtrack.msm8974
-# Ramdisk
-    fstab.qcom \
-    init.qcom.power.rc \
-    init.qcom.rc \
-    init.qcom.usb.rc \
-    ueventd.qcom.rc
+# HAL Modules
-# Power
-    power.msm8974
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+	android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-impl \
+	android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service
-    hostapd \
-    wcnss_service \
-    wpa_supplicant
+ \
+ \
-# ANT stack
-    AntHalService \
-    com.dsi.ant.antradio_library \
-    libantradio
+	android.hardware.drm@1.0-impl \
+	android.hardware.drm@1.0-service
-# Lights
-    lights.msm8974
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+	android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-impl \
+	android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service \
+ \
 # Keystore
-    keystore.msm8974
+	android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-impl \
+	android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-service \
+	keystore.msm8974
-# flavour name, we only override the variables in the generated build.prop file.
+# Lights
+	android.hardware.light@2.0-service.FP2
-PRODUCT_BRAND := Fairphone
+# Power
+	android.hardware.power@1.1-service-qti
-$(call inherit-product, build/target/product/
+# USB
+	android.hardware.usb@1.0-service.basic
+# Vibrator
+	android.hardware.vibrator@1.0-impl \
+	android.hardware.vibrator@1.0-service
+PRODUCT_PACKAGES += libwvdrmengine
+	libhealthd.FP2
+# Ship the ModuleDetect app to inform users of a successful camera swap
+	ModuleDetect \
+	CameraSwapInfo
+# Ship the sound recorder app for backward compatibility with previous releases
+PRODUCT_PACKAGES += SoundRecorder
+# Ramdisk
+	init.qcom.power.rc \
+	init.qcom.rc \
+	init.qcom.usb.rc \
+	ueventd.qcom.rc
+# GPS
+	android.hardware.gnss@1.0-impl \
+	android.hardware.gnss@1.0-service \
+	gps.msm8974
diff --git a/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml b/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..508ae9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+** Copyright 2013, The Android Open Source Project
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+    <!-- Hardware keys present on the device, stored as a bit field.
+         This integer should equal the sum of the corresponding value for each
+         of the following keys present:
+             1 - Home
+             2 - Back
+             4 - Menu
+             8 - Assistant (search)
+            16 - App switch
+            32 - Camera
+            64 - Volume rocker
+         For example, a device with Home, Back and Menu keys would set this
+         config to 7. -->
+<!--    <integer name="config_deviceHardwareKeys">96</integer> -->
+    <!-- Whether a software navigation bar should be shown. NOTE: in the future this may be
+         autodetected from the Configuration. -->
+    <bool name="config_showNavigationBar">true</bool>
+    <!-- Boolean indicating whether the wifi chipset has dual frequency band support -->
+    <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_dual_band_support">true</bool>
+    <!-- Boolean indicating whether the wifi chipset has background scan support -->
+    <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_background_scan_support">true</bool>
+    <!-- Wifi driver supports batched scan -->
+    <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_batched_scan_supported">true</bool>
+    <!-- Flag indicating whether the we should enable the automatic brightness in Settings.
+         Software implementation will be used if config_hardware_auto_brightness_available is not set -->
+    <bool name="config_automatic_brightness_available">true</bool>
+    <!-- Array of light sensor LUX values to define our levels for auto backlight brightness support.
+         The N entries of this array define N  1 zones as follows:
+         Zone 0:        0 <= LUX < array[0]
+         Zone 1:        array[0] <= LUX < array[1]
+         ...
+         Zone N:        array[N - 1] <= LUX < array[N]
+         Zone N + 1     array[N] <= LUX < infinity
+         Must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
+    <integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLevels">
+        <item>5</item>
+        <item>15</item>
+        <item>50</item>
+        <item>100</item>
+        <item>200</item>
+        <item>400</item>
+        <item>1000</item>
+        <item>2000</item>
+        <item>3000</item>
+        <item>5000</item>
+        <item>10000</item>
+        <item>30000</item>
+    </integer-array>
+    <!-- Array of output values for LCD backlight corresponding to the LUX values
+         in the config_autoBrightnessLevels array.  This array should have size one greater
+         than the size of the config_autoBrightnessLevels array.
+         This must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
+    <integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues">
+        <item>11</item>   <!-- 0-5 -->
+        <item>18</item>   <!-- 5-15 -->
+        <item>27</item>   <!-- 15-50 -->
+        <item>38</item>   <!-- 50-100 -->
+        <item>48</item>   <!-- 100-200 -->
+        <item>55</item>   <!-- 200-400 -->
+        <item>64</item>   <!-- 400-1000 -->
+        <item>74</item>   <!-- 1000-2000 -->
+        <item>120</item>  <!-- 2000-3000 -->
+        <item>164</item>  <!-- 3000-5000 -->
+        <item>255</item>  <!-- 5000-10000 -->
+        <item>225</item>  <!-- 10000-30000 -->
+        <item>255</item>  <!-- 30000+ -->
+    </integer-array>
+    <!-- This string array should be overridden by the device to present a list of network
+         attributes.  This is used by the connectivity manager to decide which networks can coexist
+         based on the hardware -->
+    <!-- An Array of "[Connection name],[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_xxxx],
+         [associated radio-type],[priority],[restoral-timer(ms)],[dependencyMet]  -->
+    <!-- the 5th element "resore-time" indicates the number of milliseconds to delay
+         before automatically restore the default connection.  Set -1 if the connection
+         does not require auto-restore. -->
+    <!-- the 6th element indicates boot-time dependency-met value. -->
+    <string-array translatable="false" name="networkAttributes">
+        <item>"wifi,1,1,1,-1,true"</item>
+        <item>"mobile,0,0,0,-1,true"</item>
+        <item>"mobile_mms,2,0,4,60000,true"</item>
+        <item>"mobile_supl,3,0,2,60000,true"</item>
+        <item>"mobile_dun,4,0,2,60000,true"</item>
+        <item>"mobile_hipri,5,0,3,60000,true"</item>
+        <item>"mobile_fota,10,0,2,60000,true"</item>
+        <item>"mobile_ims,11,0,2,60000,true"</item>
+        <item>"mobile_cbs,12,0,2,60000,true"</item>
+        <item>"mobile_ia,14,0,2,-1,true"</item>
+        <item>"bluetooth,7,7,2,-1,true"</item>
+        <item>"ethernet,9,9,9,-1,true"</item>
+    </string-array>
+    <!-- This string array should be overridden by the device to present a list of radio
+         attributes.  This is used by the connectivity manager to decide which networks can coexist
+         based on the hardware -->
+    <!-- An Array of "[ConnectivityManager connectionType],
+                      [# simultaneous connection types]"  -->
+    <string-array translatable="false" name="radioAttributes">
+       <item>"1,1"</item>
+       <item>"0,1"</item>
+       <item>"7,1"</item>
+    </string-array>
+    <!-- List of regexpressions describing the interface (if any) that represent tetherable
+         USB interfaces.  If the device doesn't want to support tething over USB this should
+         be empty.  An example would be "usb.*" -->
+    <string-array translatable="false" name="config_tether_usb_regexs">
+        <item>"usb\\d"</item>
+        <item>"rndis\\d"</item>
+    </string-array>
+    <!-- List of regexpressions describing the interface (if any) that represent tetherable
+         Wifi interfaces.  If the device doesn't want to support tethering over Wifi this
+         should be empty.  An example would be "softap.*" -->
+    <string-array translatable="false" name="config_tether_wifi_regexs">
+        <item>"wlan0"</item>
+    </string-array>
+    <!-- List of regexpressions describing the interface (if any) that represent tetherable
+         bluetooth interfaces.  If the device doesn't want to support tethering over bluetooth this
+         should be empty. -->
+    <string-array translatable="false" name="config_tether_bluetooth_regexs">
+        <item>"bnep\\d"</item>
+        <item>"bt-pan"</item>
+    </string-array>
+    <!-- Array of ConnectivityManager.TYPE_xxxx values allowable for tethering -->
+    <!-- Common options are [1, 4] for TYPE_WIFI and TYPE_MOBILE_DUN or
+    <integer-array translatable="false" name="config_tether_upstream_types">
+        <item>0</item>
+        <item>1</item>
+        <item>4</item>
+        <item>5</item>
+        <item>7</item>
+    </integer-array>
+    <!-- Boolean indicddating if restoring network selection should be skipped -->
+    <!-- The restoring is handled by modem if it is true -->
+    <bool translatable="false" name="skip_restoring_network_selection">true</bool>
+    <!-- If this is true, the screen will come on when you unplug usb/power/whatever. -->
+    <bool name="config_unplugTurnsOnScreen">true</bool>
+    <bool name="config_enableWifiDisplay">true</bool>
+    <!-- Set to true if the wifi display supports compositing content stored
+         in gralloc protected buffers.  For this to be true, there must exist
+         a protected hardware path for surface flinger to composite and send
+         protected buffers to the wifi display video encoder.
+         If this flag is false, we advise applications not to use protected
+         buffers (if possible) when presenting content to a wifi display because
+         the content may be blanked.
+         This flag controls whether the {@link Display#FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
+         flag is set for wifi displays.
+    -->
+    <bool name="config_wifiDisplaySupportsProtectedBuffers">true</bool>
+    <!-- Is the notification LED intrusive? Used to decide if there should be a disable option -->
+    <bool name="config_intrusiveNotificationLed">true</bool>
+    <!-- Is the battery LED intrusive? Used to decide if there should be a disable option -->
+<!--    <bool name="config_intrusiveBatteryLed">true</bool> -->
+    <!-- Setting this true forces the headset jack switches to use the/dev/input/event subsystem
+         rather than the uevent framework. -->
+    <bool name="config_useDevInputEventForAudioJack">true</bool>
+    <!-- Indicate whether to allow the device to suspend when the screen is off
+         due to the proximity sensor.  This resource should only be set to true
+         if the sensor HAL correctly handles the proximity sensor as a wake-up source.
+         Otherwise, the device may fail to wake out of suspend reliably.
+         The default is false. -->
+    <bool name="config_suspendWhenScreenOffDueToProximity">true</bool>
+    <!--  Maximum number of supported users -->
+    <integer name="config_multiuserMaximumUsers">4</integer>
+    <!--  Whether Multiuser UI should be shown -->
+    <bool name="config_enableMultiUserUI">true</bool>
+    <string-array name="config_mobile_tcp_buffers">
+        <item>"lte:2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576"</item>
+        <item>"lte_ca:2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576"</item>
+        <item>"umts:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608"</item>
+        <item>"hspa:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608"</item>
+        <item>"hsupa:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608"</item>
+        <item>"hsdpa:4094,87380,2441216,4096,16384,2441216"</item>
+        <item>"hspap:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608"</item>
+        <item>"edge:4093,26280,35040,4096,16384,35040"</item>
+        <item>"gprs:4092,8760,11680,4096,8760,11680"</item>
+        <item>"evdo:4094,87380,1048576,4096,16384,262144"</item>
+        <item>"ehrpd:4094,87380,1048576,4096,16384,262144"</item>
+    </string-array>
+    <!-- Doze mode -->
+    <string name="config_dozeComponent"></string>
+    <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDoze">5</integer>
+    <bool name="config_dozeAfterScreenOff">true</bool>
+    <bool name="config_powerDecoupleInteractiveModeFromDisplay">true</bool>
+    <!-- Enable doze powersaving -->
+    <bool name="config_enableAutoPowerModes">true</bool>
+    <!-- Control whether Night display is available. This should only be enabled on devices
+         with HWC 2.0 or higher. -->
+    <bool name="config_nightDisplayAvailable">true</bool>
+    <!-- Configure wifi tcp buffersizes in the form:
+         rmem_min,rmem_def,rmem_max,wmem_min,wmem_def,wmem_max -->
+    <string name="config_wifi_tcp_buffers" translatable="false">524288,2097152,4194304,262144,524288,1048576</string>
+    <!-- Operating voltage for bluetooth controller. 0 by default-->
+    <integer translatable="false" name="config_bluetooth_operating_voltage_mv">3700</integer>
+    <!-- Configuration to support SIM contact batch operation -->
+<!--    <bool name="config_sim_phonebook_batch_operation">false</bool> -->
+    <!-- The RadioAccessFamilies supported by the device.
+         Empty is viewed as "all".  Only used on devices which
+         don't support RIL_REQUEST_GET_RADIO_CAPABILITY
+         format is UMTS|LTE|... -->
+    <string name="config_radio_access_family">GPRS|EDGE|UMTS|HSDPA|HSUPA|HSPA|LTE|HSPAP|GSM|TD_SCDMA|WCDMA|LTE_CA</string>
+    <!-- Defines the default set of global actions. Actions may still be disabled or hidden based
+         on the current state of the device.
+         Each item must be one of the following strings:
+         "power" = Power off
+         "settings" = An action to launch settings
+         "airplane" = Airplane mode toggle
+         "bugreport" = Take bug report, if available
+         "silent" = silent mode
+         "users" = list of users
+         "restart" = restart device
+         -->
+    <string-array translatable="false" name="config_globalActionsList">
+        <item>power</item>
+        <item>restart</item>
+    </string-array>
diff --git a/rootdir/system/etc/apns-conf.xml b/rootdir/system/etc/apns-conf.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fa7dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rootdir/system/etc/apns-conf.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33527 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+** Copyright (c) 2013 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+** Qualcomm Technologies Proprietary
+** Export of this technology or software is regulated by the U.S. Government.
+** Diversion contrary to U.S. law prohibited.
+** All ideas, data and information contained in or disclosed by
+** this document are confidential and proprietary information of
+** Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and all rights therein are expressly reserved.
+** By accepting this material the recipient agrees that this material
+** and the information contained therein are held in confidence and in
+** trust and will not be used, copied, reproduced in whole or in part,
+** nor its contents revealed in any manner to others without the express
+** written permission of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+<!-- use empty string to specify no proxy or port -->
+<!-- If you edit this version, also edit the version in the partner-supplied
+    apns-conf.xml configuration file -->
+<apns version="8">
+  <apn carrier="Cosmote Wireless Internet"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cosmote Wireless Internet"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cosmote Mms"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vf Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vf Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vf MMS"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      user="user"
+      password="pass"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="5080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Q Internet"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="myq"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Q-Telecom MMS GPRS"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Wind Internet"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Wind MMS"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 GPRS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="204043914"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="20404794"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone NL"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="vodafone"
+      password="vodafone"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - VZW Roaming Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - VZW Roaming Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - VZW Roaming FOTA"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - VZW Roaming FOTA"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - VZW Roaming IMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - VZW Roaming IMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - VZW Roaming CBS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - VZW Roaming CBS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CSpire international"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      user=""
+      password="cs3g"
+      authtype ="3"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="C Spire"
+      type="default,internet,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CSpire international"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="C Spire"
+      type="admin,fota,ota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CSpire international"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="C Spire"
+      type="dun,pam"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="KPN Mobiel Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rabo Mobiel Int."
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="rabo"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Rabo Mobiel"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rabo Mobiel MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="rabo"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="5080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Rabo Mobiel"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC mobiel internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807500"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807500"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC mobiel internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807501"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807501"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC mobiel internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807502"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807502"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC mobiel internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807503"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807503"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC mobiel internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807504"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807504"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcnet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807505"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807505"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcnet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807506"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807506"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcnet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807507"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807507"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcnet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807508"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807508"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcnet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807509"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807509"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC mobiel internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="204080751"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="204080751"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcnet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="204080752"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="204080752"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telfort Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="internet"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="tmobilemms"
+      password="tmobilemms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://t-mobilemms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ben Internet Abonnee"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="internet.ben"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="BEN NL"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ben Internet PrePaid"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="BEN NL"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ben MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="mms.ben"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://benmms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="BEN NL"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="tmobilemms"
+      password="tmobilemms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://t-mobilemms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Px MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="EVENT.PROXIMUS.BE"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Px Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Px Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenet Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2060188"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenet MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2060188"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin mobile"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="52"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VM MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="52"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="B6"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="B6"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NRJMMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="NRJ Mobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NRJWEB"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="NRJ Mobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      user="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      password="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="UNEFON"
+  />
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+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="UNEFON"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="UNEFON"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      user="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      password="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="IUSACELL"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MODEM"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="IUSACELL"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="IUSACELL"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenet Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenet MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobistar MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobistar Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BASE WAP"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BASE WAP"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      user="base"
+      password="base"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BASE MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      user="base"
+      password="base"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange World"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange World"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange.acte"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Entreprise"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange-mib"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8000"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      authtype="2"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carrefour WAP"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="33"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange.acte"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="33"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VM WAP"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="52"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VM MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange.acte"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="52"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NRJWEB"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange.acte"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 WAP"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange.acte"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="sl2sfr"
+      mmsc="http://mms1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="default,mms,supl,agps,fota"
+  />
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+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="websfr"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SFR webphone"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SFR webphone"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="sl2sfr"
+      mmsc="http://mms1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SFR option Modem"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="websfr"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+  />
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+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="fnetnrj"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      mmsc="http://mmsnrj"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      apn="mmsnrj"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="internetnrj"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Auchan WAP"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="wap65"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="A MOBILE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Auchan MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      mmsc="http://mms65"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      apn="mms65"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="A MOBILE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WAP LeclercMobile"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      apn="wap66"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="LeclercMobile"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS LeclercMobile"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      mmsc="http://mms66"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      apn="mms66"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="LeclercMobile"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="fnetcoriolis"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="12"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coriolis MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      mmsc="http://mmscoriolis"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      apn="mmscoriolis"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="12"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coriolis WEB"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="internetcoriolis"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="12"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WEB La Poste Mobile"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      apn="sl2sfr"
+      mmsc="http://mmsdebitel"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="4C"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Darty Surf&amp;Mails"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="wap68"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="44"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Darty MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms68"
+      mmsc="http://mms68/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="44"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Keyyo Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="internet68"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Keyyo Mobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Keyyo Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms68"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc="http://mms68"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Keyyo Mobile"
+  />
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+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="wap68"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Keyyo Mobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zero forfait"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="internet68"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ZERO FORFAIT"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zero forfait MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms68"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc="http://mms68"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ZERO FORFAIT"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WAP RegloMobile"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="wap66"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="RegloMobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS RegloMobile"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms66"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc="http://mms66"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="RegloMobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Joe"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="sl2sfr"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc="http://mms1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,mms,supl,agps,fota"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="53"
+  />
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+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="websfr"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="53"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Free"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="free"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Free MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="15"
+      mmsc=""
+      apn="mmsfree"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bouygues Telecom"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin mobile"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="52"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VM MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="52"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NRJ WEB"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="26"
+      apn="fnetnrj"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NRJ MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="26"
+      apn="mmsnrj"
+      mmsc="http://mmsnrj"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet móvil"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap@wap"
+      password="wap125"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="vodafone"
+      password="vodafone"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS VODAFONE"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap@wap"
+      password="wap125"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet Móvil"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet Móvil"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="orangeworld"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default"
+  />
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+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="orangemms"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet PC"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Euskaltel Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="CLIENTE"
+      password="EUSKALTEL"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2140359"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Euskaltel MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="MMS"
+      password="EUSKALTEL"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2140359"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carrefour"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2140352xxxxxxxx"
+  />
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+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="CARREFOURMMS"
+      user="CARREFOUR"
+      password="CARREFOUR"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2140352xxxxxxxx"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yoigo Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yoigo Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yoigo MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmss/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tuenti"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="tuenti"
+      password="tuenti"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET GPRS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="vodafone"
+      password="vodafone"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Vodafone"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap@wap"
+      password="wap125"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Euskaltel MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="MMS"
+      password="EUSKALTEL"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="0008"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Euskaltel Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="CLIENTE"
+      password="EUSKALTEL"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="0008"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet R"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2140612"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS R"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2140612"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TeleCable Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="telecable"
+      password="telecable"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2140613"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TeleCable MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="telecable"
+      password="telecable"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2140613"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Eroski Movil GPRS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap@wap"
+      password="wap125"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2140606"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Eroski Movil MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap@wap"
+      password="wap125"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2140606"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DUN"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pepephone"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pepephone"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="wap@wap"
+      password="wap125"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pepephone"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="telefonica"
+      password="telefonica"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="jazzinternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="JAZZTEL"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jazztel MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="jazzmms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="JAZZTEL"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="MOVISTAR"
+      password="MOVISTAR"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-2"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2140759577xxxxx"
+      type="default,ims,mms,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-2"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,ims,mms,supl"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2140796692xxxxx"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Euskaltel MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      user="MMS"
+      password="EUSKALTEL"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Euskaltel Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      user="CLIENTE"
+      password="EUSKALTEL"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      user="telecable"
+      password="telecable"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TeleCable MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      user="telecable"
+      password="telecable"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ONO Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ONO MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Simyo Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jazztel Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="jazzinternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jazztel MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="jazzmms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="27"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="online"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="Djuice"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="net"
+      type="default"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="Djuice"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="Djuice"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="internet.telekom"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile H"
+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="internet.telekom"
+      type="default,supl"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="21670xx2xxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="21670xx2xxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      user="vodawap"
+      password="vodawap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="21670xx2xxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="21670xx1xxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="21670xx1xxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      user="vodawap"
+      password="vodawap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="21670xx1xxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="HT Eronet GPRS"
+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ht Eronet MMS"
+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="3g1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mtelgprs1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
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+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mtelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bh Mobile"
+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BHMobileMMS"
+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms.htgprs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile"
+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="web.htgprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bonbon"
+  />
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+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms.htgprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bonbon"
+  />
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+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Broadband"
+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="38591"
+      password="38591"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="telenor"
+      password="gprs"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="gprs"
+      password="gprs"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
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+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="gprswap"
+      user="mts"
+      password="064"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mts"
+      password="064"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS Internet RS"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="gprsinternet"
+      authtype="0"
+      user="mts"
+      password="064"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="38267"
+      password="38267"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="tmcg-wnw"
+      user="38267"
+      password="38267"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SaskTel"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="5A"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vip GPRS"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="vipmobile"
+      user="vipmobile"
+      password="vipmobile"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vip MMS"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="vipmobile.mms"
+      user="vipmobile"
+      password="vipmobile"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIM WAP"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIM DUN (IT)"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIM MMS"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_match_data="FFFFFF00"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="FFFFFF00"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+ <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      user="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      password="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      apn=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="IUSACELL"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Modem"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      apn=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="IUSACELL"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      apn=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="IUSACELL"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      user="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      password="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="UNEFON"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Modem"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="UNEFON"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="UNEFON"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NOVERCA MMS"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Noverca"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NOVERCA WEB"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Noverca"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Acc. Internet da cell"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Vodafone"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Acc. Internet da cell"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tethering Internet"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PosteMobile"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="PosteMobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PosteMobile (DUN)"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="PosteMobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PosteMobile MMS"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="PosteMobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ErgMobile WAP"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ERG"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WIND WEB"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="internet.wind"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WIND MMS"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="mms.wind"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_match_data="FFFFFF00"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="FFFFFF00"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Fastweb WEB"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="FASTWEB"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live!"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live!"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="live"
+      password="vodafone"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MMS"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="vodafone"
+      mmsc="http://multimedia/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live!PRE"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="0"
+      user="live"
+      password="vodafone"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cosmote Connect Mobile"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cosmote Connect Mobile"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="broadband"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="wnw"
+      user="wnw"
+      password="wnw"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digi.Mobil"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cosmote Connect Mobile"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cosmote Connect Mobile"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="broadband"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="wnw"
+      user="wnw"
+      password="wnw"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="net"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Swisscom MMS"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Swisscom Services"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sunrise MMS"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcnet"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="22853xxxxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="22853xxxxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile CZ"
+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile CZ"
+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MMS"
+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange SK"
+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange SK MMS"
+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangewap"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="o2internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="o2mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="live!"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password="ppp"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="A1 MMS"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password="ppp"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8001"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="gprsinternet"
+      user="t-mobile"
+      password="tm"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="gprsmms"
+      user="t-mobile"
+      password="tm"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Planet 3"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <!--apn carrier="Orange MMS (AT)"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="orange.mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="web"
+      password="web"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  /-->
+  <apn carrier="tele.ring mms"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="web"
+      user=""
+      password="web"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password="ppp"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="data.bob MMS"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password="ppp"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8001"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="O2web"
+      password="O2web"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="payandgo"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="o2wap"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B2"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://MMSC/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B2"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="o2web"
+      password="password"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="o2wap"
+      password="password"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 Pay &amp; Go"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      user="payandgo"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      user="tescowap"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
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+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="giffgaff"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="giffgaff"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="giffgaff"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="O2web"
+      password="O2web"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="payandgo"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MMS Postpay"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="o2wap"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MOBILE WEB"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="O2web"
+      password="O2web"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MMS Prepay"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="payandgo"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MMS Postpay"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="o2wap"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone UK Prepay"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="A0"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
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+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="C1"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Talkmob WAP"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
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+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="C1"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TalkTalk WAP"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="70"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BT Mobile"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="bt"
+      password="bt"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B3"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Sainsbury's"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Lebara"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="3hotspot"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lycamobile"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="26"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="lmuk"
+      password="plus"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Lycamobile"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="user"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="28"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="everywhere"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="eezone"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BT One Phone Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B2"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://MMSC/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B2"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BT Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="bt"
+      password="bt"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="bt"
+      password="bt"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://MMS/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B3"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BT Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="bt"
+      password="bt"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="C3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BT MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="bt"
+      password="bt"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://MMS/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="C3"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EE Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn="everywhere"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EE MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn="eezone"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EE Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="32"
+      apn="everywhere"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EE MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="32"
+      apn="eezone"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EE Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="everywhere"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EE MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="eezone"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="tslpaygnet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="LIFE"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="tslmms"
+      authtype="1"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="LIFE"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EE Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="everywhere"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EE MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="eezone"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <!--apn carrier="Orange UK 34"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="orangeinternet"
+      user="user"
+      password="pass"
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange UK 34 MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="orangemms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  /-->
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jersey Telecom"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3130"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="pepper"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="C&amp;W Guernsey Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3G HSDPA"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn="3gpronto"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Manx Telecom Contract MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn=""
+      user="mmsgo"
+      password="mmsgo"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Manx Telecom Contract WEB"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn=""
+      user="gprs"
+      password="gprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="86"
+      apn="everywhere"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="86"
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+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="235"
+      mnc="94"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2380101xxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2380101xxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="TELMORE"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="TELMORE"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="TELMORE"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="Internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="telenor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="BiBoB"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BiBoB"
+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="BiBoB"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="CBB Mobil"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="telenor"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="CBB Mobil"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2382010x"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2382030x"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2382010x"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
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+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="webSP"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Call me"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="mmsSP"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Call me"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="webSP"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="DLG Tele"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="mmsSP"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="DLG Tele"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="Internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="telenor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmss"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="240017xxxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
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+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="240017xxxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor SE"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Telenor SE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet 3G"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS 3G"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telia MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmss"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Telia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telia"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Telia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Halebop Internet"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Halebop"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Halebop MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmss"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Halebop"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor Mobilsurf"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet 3G"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS 3G"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="2400768xxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2400768xxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor SE"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TelenorMobilsurf"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Spring data"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Spring MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Halebop Internet"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="017"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Halebop MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="017"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="telia"
+      mmsc="http://mmss"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet 3G"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS 3G"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor SE"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Telenor SE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ventelo Internett"
+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="24201700xxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ventelo MMS"
+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="ventelo"
+      password="1111"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="24201700xxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor"
+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="telenor"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NetCom"
+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="netcom"
+      mmsc="http://mm/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chess MMS"
+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="netcom"
+      user="mms"
+      password="netcom"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc="http://mm/"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="2420256xxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chess Internett"
+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="netcom"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2420256xxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet"
+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NwN Internet"
+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NwN MMS"
+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="dna"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elisa Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elisa MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Saunalahti Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet.saunalahti"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2440541"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Saunalahti MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2440541"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TDC Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="song@internet"
+      password="songnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TDC MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA Pro Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA Pro MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TDC Internet Finland"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TDC MMS Finland"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="dna"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Saunalahti Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="internet.saunalahti"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Saunalahti MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SONERA MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="omnitel"
+      user="omni"
+      password="omni"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms@mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZW800"
+      type="vzw800"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZW800"
+      type="vzw800"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test CBS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test IMS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      authtype="3"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZW800"
+      type="vzw800"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test 800"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZW800"
+      type="vzw800"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test FOTA"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test CBS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test IMS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
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+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      authtype="3"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test Internet"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test Internet"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LMT Internet"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LMT MMS"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 LV Internet"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 LV MMS"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bite LV Internet"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bite LV MMS"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms@mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bite LV WAP"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EMT Internet"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EMT MMS"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EMT WAP"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Send"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="248010x2"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Send"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="248010x3"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elisa Internet"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8000"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elisa WAP"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8000"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="24803005x"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="24803005x"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart/Ultra MMS"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="24803005x"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="24803000x"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart/Ultra MMS"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="24803000x"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS Internet"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mts"
+      password="mts"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS MMS"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mts"
+      password="mts"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Megafon Internet"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Megafon MMS"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc:8002"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="YOTA Internet"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TELE2 Internet"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TELE2 MMS"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline Internet"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn=""
+      user="beeline"
+      password="beeline"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn=""
+      user="beeline"
+      password="beeline"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc:8002/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS-internet"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline-internet"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline MMS"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kyivstar MMS"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kyivstar Internet"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="igprs"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Djuice MMS"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="djuice"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="DJUICE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Djuice Internet"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="DJUICE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Life:) internet"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Life:) MMS"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Utel Internet"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Utel MMS"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Velcom Internet"
+      mcc="257"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Velcom MMS"
+      mcc="257"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS Internet"
+      mcc="257"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mts"
+      user="mts"
+      password="mts"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS MMS"
+      mcc="257"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mts"
+      user="mts"
+      password="mts"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="life:) Internet"
+      mcc="257"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="life:) MMS"
+      mcc="257"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange_Internet_GPRS"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange_MMS_GPRS"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Moldcell Internet"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Moldcell MMS"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unite Internet PrePay"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unite Internet PostPay"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unite MMS"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="01"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Plus Internet"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="plus"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Plus MMS"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=""
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=""
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=""
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="heyahinternet"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="heyahmms"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="heyahmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="Internet"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Play Internet"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Play MMS"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telekom Internet"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telekom Internet"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet.telekom"
+      user="telekom"
+      password="telekom"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8008"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telekom Internet"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet.telekom"
+      user="telekom"
+      password="telekom"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8008"
+      mvno_match_data="debitel"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone DE"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone DE-MMS"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone DE"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="E-Plus Web GPRS"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="eplus"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="E-Plus MMS"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="eplus"
+      mmsc="http://mms/eplus/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="5080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="o2 Internet"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="internet"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2620739"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="o2 Internet Prepaid"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2620749"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alice"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="internet.partner1"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Alice"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Fonic"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_match_data="26207515"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Net2"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Net2"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="vodafone"
+      password="vodafone"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="vodafone P dun"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PortalOptimus"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PortalOptimus"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="umts"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc:10021/mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="tmn internet"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="tmn internet"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mms tmn"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="tmn"
+      password="tmnnet"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="POST MMS"
+      mcc="270"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="POST Internet"
+      mcc="270"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tango WAP"
+      mcc="270"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="tango"
+      password="tango"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tango MMS"
+      mcc="270"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="tango"
+      password="tango"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vox Mobile"
+      mcc="270"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone IE"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone IE-MMS"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MISP"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="vodafone"
+      password="vodafone"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 Ireland"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=" Mobile Hotspot"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="Open.internet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Meteor Data"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="my"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Meteor MMS"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="my"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tesco"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmc1/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="0A"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Siminn Internet"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Siminn MMS"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Internet"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MMS"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Internet"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MMS"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Nova"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Net Nova"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MT"
+      mcc="278"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MT-MMS"
+      mcc="278"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CYTA"
+      mcc="280"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="cytamobile"
+      user="user"
+      password="pass"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="280"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3130"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="280"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="wap"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="3130"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTel"
+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTel MMS"
+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mtel"
+      password="mtel"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIVACOM Internet"
+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivacom"
+      password="vivacom"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivacom MMS"
+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GPRS GLOBUL"
+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="globul"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8004"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GLOBUL MMS GPRS"
+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8004"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bulsatcom"
+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MAX TELECOM"
+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TURKCELL INTERNET"
+      mcc="286"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TURKCELL MMS"
+      mcc="286"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone internet"
+      mcc="286"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MMS"
+      mcc="286"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="vodafone"
+      password="vodafone"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AVEA INTERNET"
+      mcc="286"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AVEA MMS"
+      mcc="286"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele Internet"
+      mcc="290"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele MMS"
+      mcc="290"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Si.mobil GPRS"
+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      user="simobil"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9201"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Si.mobil MMS"
+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      user="simobil"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="mobitel"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T2"
+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="64"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tusmobil Internet"
+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      user="tusmobil"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tusmobil MMS"
+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      user="tusmobil"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telemach Internet"
+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="29370029xxxxxxx"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MK Internet"
+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MK Internet"
+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="internet"
+      password="t-mobile"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MK MMS"
+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="Internet"
+      user="Internet"
+      password="Internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cosmofon MMS"
+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="vipoperator"
+      user="vipoperator"
+      password="vipoperator"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="vipoperator.mms"
+      user="vipoperator"
+      password="vipoperator"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="297"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="38267"
+      password="38267"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="297"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="tmcg-wnw"
+      user="38267"
+      password="38267"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="54"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Koodo"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="4B"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="50"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Internet"
+       mcc="302"
+       mnc="220"
+       apn=""
+       type="default,mms,agps,supl,fota,hipri"
+       mmsc=""
+       mmsproxy=""
+       mmsport="80"
+       mvno_type="gid"
+       mvno_match_data="4D4F"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TELUS"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="221"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="54"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Koodo"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="221"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="4B"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PC mobile"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="221"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="50"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MOWAP"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="320"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MOMMS"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="320"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="270"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="270"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="370"
+      apn="sp.mts"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_match_data="2C"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Fido LTE"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="370"
+      apn="ltemobile.apn"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Media"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Media"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="510"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Media"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="520"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bell Mobility"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="660"
+      apn="sp.mts"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_match_data="2C"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="720"
+      apn="ltemobile.apn"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="720"
+      apn="chatrweb.apn"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_match_data="302720x94"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mnc="720"
+      mcc="302"
+      apn="ltemobile.apn"
+      type="default,mms,agps,supl,fota,hipri"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BA"
+  />
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+      mnc="720"
+      mcc="302"
+      apn="ltemobile.apn"
+      type="default,mms,agps,supl,fota,hipri"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="CITYFONE"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SaskTel"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="780"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon CDMA HRPD"
+     mcc="310"
+     mnc="00"
+     mmsc=""
+     type="default,mms,hipri,dun,supl"
+     mvno_type="spn"
+     mvno_match_data="Tracfone"
+     authtype="3"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8514"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8514"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8514"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Flatwire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Flatwire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Flatwire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Flatwire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Flatwire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mobipcs"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobipcs IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobipcs IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobipcs FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobipcs FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobipcs"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobipcs"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mobilenation"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilenation IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilenation IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilenation FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilenation FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilenation"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilenation"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mohave"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mohave IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mohave IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mohave FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mohave FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mohave"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mohave"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="peopleswire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="peopleswire"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Peopleswire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Peopleswire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Peopleswire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Peopleswire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="peopleswire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="peopleswire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="peopleswire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="peopleswire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Peopleswire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Peopleswire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Peopleswire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Peopleswire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="revol"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Revol IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Revol IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Revol FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Revol FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Revol"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Revol"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Commnet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="commnet"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="distribution"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Distribution IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Distribution IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Distribution FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Distribution FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Distribution"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Distribution"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Union Wireless Data"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      type="default,hipri,dun,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Union Wireless MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/01"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <!-- Need two APNs for CDMA technologies: a default that is used normally -->
+  <!-- and a second APN to be used when DUN is required.  Even though the -->
+  <!-- parameters appear the same, the profileID sent to the radio when requesting -->
+  <!-- a DUN connection will be different -->
+  <!-- IS95A - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+  />
+  <!-- IS95B - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+  />
+  <!-- 1xRTT - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_0 - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_A - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_B - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon Internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon Internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon CBS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon CBS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=" ALU Test-SIM Internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="028"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=" ALU Test-SIM FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="028"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=" ALU Test-SIM IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="028"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=" ALU Test-SIM CBS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="028"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="myBlue Pix"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn=""
+      user="privuser"
+      password="priv"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="itewire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itewire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itewire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itewire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itewire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itewire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itewire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="etex"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etex IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etex IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etex FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etex FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etex"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etex"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mta"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mta IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mta IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mta FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mta FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mta"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mta"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="alaskacomm"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alaskacomm IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alaskacomm IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alaskacomm FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alaskacomm FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alaskacomm"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alaskacomm"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S.Cellular"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="066"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="*"
+      server="*"
+      password="*"
+      mmsc=""
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Corr Wap"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="080"
+      apn="corrgprs"
+      server=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="9201"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CorrMMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="080"
+      apn="corrmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="090"
+      apn="isp"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="090"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Edge MMS Prepay"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="090"
+      apn="ppmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PLATMMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="100"
+      apn="mms.plateau"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PLATWEB"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="100"
+      apn="isp.plateau"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <!-- 1xRTT - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="sprint"
+      type="default,supl,mms,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_0 - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="sprint"
+      type="default,supl,mms,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      bearer="7"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_A - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="sprint"
+      type="default,supl,mms,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      bearer="8"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_B - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="sprint"
+      type="default,supl,mms,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      bearer="12"
+  />
+  <!-- IS95A - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="sprint"
+      type="default,supl,mms,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      bearer="4"
+  />
+  <!-- IS95B - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="sprint"
+      type="default,supl,mms,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      bearer="5"
+  />
+  <!-- this APN will be deleted and replaced by a new ia APN by the HFA provisioning process.
+       This is just a bootstrap APN to enable HFA -->
+  <apn carrier="OTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="fota,ia"
+      user="null"
+      password="null"
+  />
+  <!-- GPRS -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="1"
+  />
+  <!-- EDGE -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="2"
+  />
+  <!-- UMTS -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="3"
+  />
+  <!-- HSDPA -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="9"
+  />
+  <!-- HSUPA -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="10"
+  />
+  <!-- HSPA -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="11"
+  />
+  <!-- HSPAP -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="15"
+  />
+  <!-- GSM -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="16"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="My Multi Media"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="mms.c1.ama"
+      user="cell1mms"
+      password="cell1"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="carolinawest"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carolina IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carolina IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carolina FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carolina FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carolina west"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carolina west"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="150"
+      apn="ndo"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      proxy=""
+      port=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,mms,fota,hipri,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 160"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 160"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 160 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 160"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DataConnect"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="170"
+      apn="isp.cingular"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cingular MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="170"
+      apn="wap.cingular"
+      password="CINGULAR1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WCW-INTERNET"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn=""
+      user="13257630000"
+      password="mmsc"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WCW-MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn=""
+      user="13257630000"
+      password="mmsc"
+      authtype="3"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 200"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="200"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 200"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="200"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 200 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="200"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mtu="1440"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 200"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="200"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 210"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="210"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 210"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="210"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 210 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="210"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mtu="1440"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 210"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="210"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 220"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 220"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 220 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mtu="1440"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 220"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 230"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 230"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 230 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mtu="1440"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 230"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 240"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="240"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 240"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="240"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 240 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="240"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mtu="1440"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 240"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="240"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 250"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="250"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 250"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="250"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 250 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="250"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mtu="1440"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 250"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="250"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile GPRS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile GPRS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SIMPLE"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn="simple"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="534D"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TFWAP"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn="wap.tracfone"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="deff"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TFWAP"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn="wap.tracfone"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="ddff"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Consumer Cellular"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn="wholesale"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      proxy=""
+      port=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="2AC9"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 270"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="270"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 270"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="270"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 270 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="270"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 270"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="270"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 300"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="300"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 300 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="300"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 300"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="300"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="300"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 310"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 310"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 310 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 310"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellular One NEAZ ISP"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="320"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellular One ClearSky MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="320"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alltel2 IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alltel2 FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alltel2"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alltel2"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="pioneer"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pioneer IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pioneer IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pioneer FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pioneer FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pioneer"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cingular 380 ATT"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="380"
+      apn="proxy"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="380"
+      apn="proxy"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Celloneet MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password="celloneet"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="phone"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,hipri"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="wap.cingular"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      server=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="PRODATA"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      protocol="IP"
+      mtusize="1410"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="60FF"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="tfdata"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="deff"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TFDATA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="tfdata"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="ddff"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CBW Data"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="gci"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gci IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gci IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gci FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gci FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gci"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gci"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viaero Connect"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viaero MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DataConnect"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn="isp.cingular"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MediaNet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn="wap.cingular"
+      password="CINGULAR1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nTelos Ota"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn=""
+      type="admin,fota,ota"
+      bearer="13"
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nTelos Ota"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn=""
+      type="admin,fota,ota"
+      bearer="14"
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nTelos Wireless"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,internet,supl,hipri,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nTelos Tether"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun,pam"
+      bearer="13"
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nTelos Tether"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun,pam"
+      bearer="14"
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nTelos Wireless"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ntelos"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DataConnect"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="isp.cingular"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MediaNet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="wap.cingular"
+      password="CINGULAR1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 490"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 490"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 490 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 490"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GoodCall Picture Message"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Suncom MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 530"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 530 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 530"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DobsonMMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="560"
+      apn="dobsoncellularwap"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellular One Smartphone"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="570"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellular One MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="570"
+      apn="clearsky"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 580"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 580"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 580 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 580"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="inland"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Inland IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Inland IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Inland FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Inland FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Inland"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Inland"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CellularOne MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="cellular1wap"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 590"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 590 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 590"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="cellcom"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EpicINT"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="internet.epictouch"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EpicMMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="mms.epictouch"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 640"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="640"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 640 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="640"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 640"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="640"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 660"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="660"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 660"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="660"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 660 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="660"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 660"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="660"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rogers Internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="720"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rogers Media"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="720"
+      apn=""
+      user="media"
+      password="mda01"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Appalachian IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Appalachian IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Appalachian FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Appalachian FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Appalachian"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Appalachian"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="770"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Web 1"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="770"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Picture Messaging"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="770"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 800"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 800 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 800"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nepa"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nepa IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nepa IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nepa FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nepa FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nepa"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nepa"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="840"
+      apn="isp"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="840"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Edge MMS Prepay"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="840"
+      apn="ppmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DTC dtcwap"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="880"
+      apn=""
+      type="default"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DTC MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="880"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="midrivers"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Midrivers IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Midrivers IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Midrivers FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Midrivers FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Midrivers"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Midrivers"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WOW_WAP"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="910"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jamesvalley IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jamesvalley IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jamesvalley FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jamesvalley FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jamesvalley"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jamesvalley"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="coppervalley"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coppervalley IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coppervalley IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coppervalley FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coppervalley FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Copper Valley"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Copper Valley"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nntcwire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nntcwire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nntcwire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nntcwire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nntcwire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nntcwire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nntcwire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Silverstar IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Silverstar FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Silverstar"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Snakeriver IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Snakeriver"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Southcentral IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Southcentral FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Southcentral"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="strata"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Strata IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Strata IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Strata FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Strata FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="strata"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="strata"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="syringa"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="thumbcellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Thumb IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Thumb IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Thumb FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Thumb FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Thumbcellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Thumbcellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="elementmobile"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elementmobile IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elementmobile IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elementmobile FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elementmobile FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elementmobile"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elementmobile"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PINE WAP"
+     mcc="311"
+     mnc="080"
+     apn="PINE"
+     mmsc=""
+     mmsproxy=""
+     mmsport="9401"
+     type="default,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NexTech Wireless"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="100"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="sprocket"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprocket IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprocket IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprocket FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprocket FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprocket"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprocket"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ISP"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="190"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="190"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Farmers GPRS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="210"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Farmers MMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="210"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      authtype="3"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
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+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
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+      mmsc=""
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="223"
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+      mmsc=""
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+  />
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="224"
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+      mnc="224"
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="224"
+      mmsc=""
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="224"
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+      mcc="311"
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+      mcc="311"
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="225"
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="225"
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+      mcc="311"
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+      mmsc=""
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+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
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+      mcc="311"
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+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="226"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
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+      protocol="IPV4V6"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
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+      protocol="IPV4V6"
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+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
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+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      mmsc=""
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+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      mmsc=""
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+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      mmsc=""
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+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
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+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
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+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
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+      protocol="IPV4V6"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
+      mmsc=""
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+      authtype="3"
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+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
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+  />
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+      mnc="228"
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+      authtype="3"
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+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
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+      mnc="228"
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+      authtype="3"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
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+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
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+      protocol="IPV4V6"
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+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
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+      protocol="IPV4V6"
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+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
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+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
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+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
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+      mnc="230"
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+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
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+      mvno_type="spn"
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+      mvno_match_data="leaco"
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+      mnc="310"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="leaco"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Leaco FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="leaco"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Leaco"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="leaco"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Leaco"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="leaco"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="illinoisvalley"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Illinois IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Illinois IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Illinois FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Illinois FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Illinois valley"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Illinois valley"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nemont"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nemont IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nemont IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nemont FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nemont FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nemont"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nemont"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GCI WEB"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="370"
+      apn="web.gci"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GCI MMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="370"
+      apn="mms.gci"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9201"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ACS WEB"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="370"
+      apn="web.acs"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="3113702"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ACS MMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="370"
+      apn="mms.acs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="3113702"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ericsson Test-SIM Internet"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ericsson Test-SIM Internet"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ericsson Test-SIM FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ericsson Test-SIM FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ericsson Test-SIM IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ericsson Test-SIM IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ericsson Test-SIM CBS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ericsson Test-SIM CBS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="chatmobrsa2"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa2 IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa2 IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa2 FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa2 FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa2"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa2"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="northwestcell"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NW IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NW IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NW FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NW FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Northwestcell"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Northwestcell"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="chatmobrsa1"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa1 IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa1 IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa1 FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa1 FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa1"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa1"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluegrass IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluegrass IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluegrass FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluegrass FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluegrass"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluegrass"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ptci IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ptci IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ptci FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ptci FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ptci"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ptci"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <!-- Need two APNs for CDMA technologies: a default that is used normally -->
+  <!-- and a second APN to be used when DUN is required.  Even though the -->
+  <!-- parameters appear the same, the profileID sent to the radio when requesting -->
+  <!-- a DUN connection will be different -->
+  <!-- IS95A - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+  />
+  <!-- IS95B - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+  />
+  <!-- 1xRTT - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_0 - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_A - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_B - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="1"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="2"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="3"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="9"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="10"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="11"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="15"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <!-- EHRPD - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - Verizon Internet"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - Verizon Internet"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="1"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="2"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="3"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="9"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="10"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="11"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="15"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - Verizon FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - Verizon FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="1"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="2"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="3"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="9"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="10"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="11"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="15"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - Verizon IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - Verizon IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="1"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="2"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="3"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="9"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="10"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="11"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="15"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - Verizon CBS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - Verizon CBS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="2"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="3"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint CdmaNai"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="9"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="10"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="11"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="ota"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="ota"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="15"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="16"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="24-7 WAP"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="24-7 Wireless"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="24-7 WAP AT&amp;T"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="24-7 Wireless RPA"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="24-7 WAP T-Mobile"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="24-7 Wireless RPT"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="24-7 WAP Other networks"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="24-7 Wireless RPO"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mosaic WAP"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Mosaic Mobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mosaic WAP AT&amp;T"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Mosaic RPA"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mosaic WAP T-Mobile"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Mosaic RPT"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mosaic WAP Other networks"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Mosaic RPO"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Norvado"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Norvado Wireless"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Norvado AT&amp;T"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Norvado Wireless RPA"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Norvado T-Mobile"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Norvado Wireless RPT"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Norvado Other networks"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Norvado Wireless RPO"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Blaze"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Blaze Wireless"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Duet Internet"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gsc IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gsc FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gsc"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cox IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cox FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cox FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cox"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cox"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="srtcomm"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Srtcomm IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Srtcomm IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Srtcomm FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Srtcomm FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Srtcomm"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Srtcomm"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="United IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="United IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="United FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="United FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unitedwireless"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pinebelt IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pinebelt FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pinebelt FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+   />
+  <apn carrier="Pinebelt"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pinebelt"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+   />
+  <apn carrier="TelAlaska Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="740"
+      apn=""
+      type="default"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="2"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="3"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="9"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="10"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="11"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="ota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="ota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="15"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="16"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="910"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport="8081"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,internet,admin,fota,dun,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chariton IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chariton FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chariton valley"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa Wireless"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,internet,admin,fota,dun,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Custer IMS"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Custer IMS"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Custer FOTA"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Custer FOTA"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Custer"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Custer"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="chatmobility"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobility IMS"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobility IMS"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="chatmobility FOTA"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="chatmobility"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="chatmobility"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="admin,fota,ota"
+      bearer="14"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NexTech Ota"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="admin,fota,ota"
+      bearer="13"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,internet,supl,hipri,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="dun,pam"
+      bearer="14"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NexTech Tether"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="dun,pam"
+      bearer="13"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="1"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="2"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="3"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="9"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="10"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="11"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="15"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="16"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="ota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="ota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="570"
+      apn="Blue Hotspot"
+      server="*"
+      mmsport="8514"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      user=""
+      password="wirelessblue"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="316"
+      mnc="010"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default"
+  />
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+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="110"
+      apn=""
+      type="default"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Puerto Rico:Claro:Banda Ancha"
+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="110"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS CLARO"
+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="110"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      user="webgprs"
+      password="webgprs2002"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      user="mmsgprs"
+      password="mmsgprs2003"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn=""
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn=""
+      user="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      password="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc='334'
+      mnc='090'
+      apn=''
+      server=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='supl'
+      port='7275'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Nextel MMS'
+      mcc='334'
+      mnc='090'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+  />
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+      mcc='334'
+      mnc='090'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Nextel Navegación'
+      mcc='334'
+      mnc='090'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET Digicel"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="web"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Digicel"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET Digicel"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="web"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Digicel"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Prepaid"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="ppinternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Prepaid MMS"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="ppmms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Prepaid"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn="ppinternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Prepaid MMS"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn="ppmms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Claro Web"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Claro MMS"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange World Caraïbe"
+      mcc="340"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangewap"
+      user="orange"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8082"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS Caraïbe"
+      mcc="340"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangewap"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8082"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel Web"
+      mcc="340"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="French West Indies:Digicel:Modem"
+      mcc="340"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="dun"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="342"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="342"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Barbado:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='342'
+      mnc='600'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Barbados:Lime:Mms"
+      mcc="342"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Barbado:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='342'
+      mnc='600'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="344"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="344"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Antigua:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='344'
+      mnc='920'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Antigua:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='344'
+      mnc='920'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Antigua:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='344'
+      mnc='920'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="346"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="346"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Cayman Islands:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='346'
+      mnc='140'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Cayman Islands:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='346'
+      mnc='140'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Cayman Islands:Mms'
+      mcc='346'
+      mnc='140'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="348"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="348"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Bvi:Digicel:Internet'
+      mcc='348'
+      mnc='77'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Bvi:Digicel:Mms'
+      mcc='348'
+      mnc='77'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+      user='wapbvi'
+      password='wapbvi'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Bvi:Digicel:Modem'
+      mcc='348'
+      mnc='77'
+      apn=''
+      port='8080'
+      authtype='1'
+      proxy=''
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+      user='wapbvi'
+      password='wapbvi'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Bvi:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='348'
+      mnc='170'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Bvi:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='348'
+      mnc='170'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Bvi:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='348'
+      mnc='170'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="352"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="352"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Grenada:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='352'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Grenada:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='352'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Grenada:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='352'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="354"
+      mnc="86"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="354"
+      mnc="86"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Monserrat:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='354'
+      mnc='860'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Monserrat:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='354'
+      mnc='860'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Monserrat:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='354'
+      mnc='860'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="356"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="356"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Kitts And Nevis:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='356'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Kitts And Nevis:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='356'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Kitts And Nevis:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='356'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="358"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="358"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="360"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Lucia:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='358'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Lucia:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='358'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Lucia:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='358'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="360"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Vincent:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='360'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Vincent:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='360'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Vincent:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='360'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Curacao:Digicel:Internet'
+      mcc='362'
+      mnc='69'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Curacao:Digicel:Mms'
+      mcc='362'
+      mnc='69'
+      apn='wap'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Curacao:Digicel:Modem'
+      mcc='362'
+      mnc='69'
+      apn='wap'
+      port='8080'
+      authtype='1'
+      proxy=''
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET Aruba"
+      mcc="363"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Digicel"
+      mcc="363"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET Aruba"
+      mcc="363"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Digicel"
+      mcc="363"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn="wap"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="365"
+      mnc="84"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="365"
+      mnc="84"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Anguilla:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='365'
+      mnc='840'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Anguilla:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='365'
+      mnc='840'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Anguilla:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='365'
+      mnc='840'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="366"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="366"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Dominica:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='366'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Dominica:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='366'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Dominica:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='366'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="368"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cubacel MMS"
+      mcc="368"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet (LTE)"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangeinternet"
+      type="ia,default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange net (3G)"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangeworld"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Móvil Claro"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Móvil Claro"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viva Edge (GSM)"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      user="viva"
+      password="viva"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viva MMS"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="viva"
+      password="viva"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Haiti:Digicel:Internet'
+      mcc='372'
+      mnc='02'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Haiti:Digicel:Mms'
+      mcc='372'
+      mnc='02'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+      user='wapha'
+      password='wap01ha'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Haiti:Digicel:Modem'
+      mcc='372'
+      mnc='02'
+      apn=''
+      port='8080'
+      authtype='1'
+      proxy=''
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+      user='wapha'
+      password='wap01ha'
+  />
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+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="121"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="121"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="122"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="122"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="123"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="123"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="124"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="124"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="125"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="125"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="126"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="126"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="127"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="127"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="128"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="128"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="129"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="129"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET Trinidad"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Trinidad"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET Trinidad"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Trinidad"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="376"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="376"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Turks And Caicos:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='376'
+      mnc='350'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Turks And Caicos:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='376'
+      mnc='350'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Turks And Caicos:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='376'
+      mnc='350'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Azercell"
+      mcc="400"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bakcell"
+      mcc="400"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="FONEX"
+      mcc="400"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nar Mobile"
+      mcc="400"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline Internet"
+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="@internet.beeline"
+      password="beeline"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="@mms.beeline"
+      password="beeline"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DOS Internet"
+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kcell Internet"
+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="B-Mobile"
+      mcc="402"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TashiCell"
+      mcc="402"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance WAP"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="aircelwappost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance Net"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance WAP"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance Internet (40418)"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="mizone"
+      password="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Mobile"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="22"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="22"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="22"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="aircelwappost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="27"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="27"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="27"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="28"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="28"
+      apn="aircelwappost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="28"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="28"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="28"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="28"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="myaircelpost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="myaircel"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      type="default,supl"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="myaircelpost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="myaircel"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      type="default,supl"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="aircelwappost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel Internet (40435)"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="36"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance Net"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="36"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance WAP"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="36"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance Internet (40436)"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="36"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="37"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="37"
+      apn="aircelwappost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="37"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="37"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel Internet (40437)"
+       mcc="404"
+       mnc="37"
+       apn="aircelgprs"
+       type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+       protocol="IP"
+       roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="37"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="38"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="38"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="38"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn="aircelgprs.po"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn="aircelwap.po"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+       mcc="404"
+       mnc="41"
+       apn="aircelgprs"
+       type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+       protocol="IP"
+       roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
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+       mcc="404"
+       mnc="41"
+       apn="aircelwap"
+       type="default,supl"
+       proxy=""
+       port="8080"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn="aircelmms.po"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel MMS (40441)"
+       mcc="404"
+       mnc="41"
+       apn="aircelmms"
+       mmsproxy=""
+       mmsport="8080"
+       mmsc=""
+       type="mms"
+       protocol="IP"
+       roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn="aircelgprs.po"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn="aircelwap.po"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+       mcc="404"
+       mnc="42"
+       apn="aircelgprs"
+       type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+       protocol="IP"
+       roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn="aircelmms.po"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="43"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="43"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="43"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="44"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="44"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="44"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="45"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="45"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="45"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="46"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="46"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="46"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="49"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="49"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="49"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance WAP"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="51"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="51"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="51"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="52"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance Net"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="52"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance WAP"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="52"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="54"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="54"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="54"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="56"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="56"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="56"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="57"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="57"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="57"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="59"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="59"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="59"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="62"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="62"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="62"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="64"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="64"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="64"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="66"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="66"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="66"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="67"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance Net"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="67"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance WAP"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="67"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTNL"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="68"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="mtnl"
+      password="mtnl123"
+      mmsc="http://mtnlmms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="default,mms,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTNL"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="69"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="mtnl"
+      password="mtnl123"
+      mmsc="http://mtnlmms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="default,mms,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="71"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="71"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="71"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="72"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="72"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="72"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="73"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="73"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="73"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="74"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="74"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="74"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="75"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="75"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="75"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="76"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="76"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="76"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="78"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="78"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="78"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="79"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="79"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="79"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="80"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="80"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="80"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="82"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="82"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="82"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="83"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="83"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance WAP"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="83"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="84"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="84"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="84"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="85"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance Net"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="85"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance WAP"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="85"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="86"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="86"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="86"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="87"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="87"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="87"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="aircelwappost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="94"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="94"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="94"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="95"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="95"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="95"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="96"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="96"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="96"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="97"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="97"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="97"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="98"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="98"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="98"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="22"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="22"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="22"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="025"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="025"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="025"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="026"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="026"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="026"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="027"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="027"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="027"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="028"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="028"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="028"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="029"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="029"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="029"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="030"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="031"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="031"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="031"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="032"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="033"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="033"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="033"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="034"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="034"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="034"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="035"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="036"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="036"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="036"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="037"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="037"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="037"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="038"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="038"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="038"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="039"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="039"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="039"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="040"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="041"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="041"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="041"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="042"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="042"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="042"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="043"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="043"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="043"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="044"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="044"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="044"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="045"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="045"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="045"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="046"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="046"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="046"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="047"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="047"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="047"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="51"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="51"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="51"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="52"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="52"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="52"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="54"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="54"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="54"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="56"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="56"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="56"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="66"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="66"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="66"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="67"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="67"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="67"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="751"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="751"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="751"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="752"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="752"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="752"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="753"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="753"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="753"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="754"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="754"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="754"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="755"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="755"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="755"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="756"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="756"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="756"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="799"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="799"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="799"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="801"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="801"
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+      port="8081"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="801"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="802"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="802"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
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+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="802"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="803"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="803"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="803"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="804"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="804"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="804"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="805"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="805"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="805"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="806"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="806"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="806"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="807"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="807"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="807"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="808"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="808"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="808"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="809"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="809"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="809"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="810"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="810"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="810"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="811"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="811"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="811"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="812"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="812"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="812"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="813"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="813"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="813"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="814"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="814"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="814"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="815"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="815"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="815"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="816"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="816"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="816"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="817"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="817"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="817"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="818"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="818"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="818"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="819"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="819"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="819"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="821"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="821"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="821"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="822"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="822"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="822"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="823"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="823"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="824"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="824"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="825"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="825"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="826"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="826"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="827"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="827"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="828"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="828"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="829"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="829"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="830"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="830"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="831"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="831"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="832"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="832"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="833"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="833"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="834"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="834"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="835"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="835"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="836"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="836"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="837"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="837"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="838"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="838"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="839"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="839"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="840"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="840"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="841"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="841"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="842"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="842"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="843"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="843"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="844"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="844"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="844"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="845"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="845"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="845"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="846"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="846"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="846"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="847"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="847"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="847"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="848"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="848"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="848"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="849"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="849"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="849"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="850"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="850"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="850"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="851"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="851"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="851"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="852"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="852"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="852"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="853"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="853"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="853"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405854)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="854"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405854)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="854"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405855)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="855"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405855)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="855"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405856)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="856"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405856)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="856"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405857)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="857"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405857)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="857"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405858)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="858"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405858)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="858"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405859)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="859"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405859)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="859"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405860)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="860"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405860)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="860"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405861)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="861"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405861)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="861"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405862)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="862"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405862)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="862"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405863)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="863"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405863)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="863"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405864)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="864"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405864)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="864"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405865)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="865"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405865)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="865"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405866)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="866"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405866)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="866"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405867)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="867"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405867)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="867"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405868)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="868"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405868)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="868"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405869)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="869"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405869)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="869"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405870)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405870)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405871)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="871"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405871)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="871"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405872)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="872"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405872)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="872"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405873)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="873"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405873)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="873"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405874)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="874"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405874)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="874"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="875"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="875"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="875"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="876"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="876"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="876"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="877"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="877"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="877"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="878"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="878"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="878"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="879"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="879"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="879"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="880"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="880"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="880"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="881"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STEL"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="882"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STEL"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="883"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STEL"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="884"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STEL"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="885"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STEL"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="886"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="908"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="908"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="909"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="909"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="910"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="910"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="911"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="911"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="912"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="913"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="914"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="915"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="916"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="917"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="918"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="919"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="921"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="922"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="923"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="924"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="925"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="925"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="925"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="926"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="926"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="926"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="927"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="927"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="927"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="928"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="928"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="928"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="929"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="929"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="929"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="931"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="932"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="932"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilink WAP GPRS"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="Mobilink"
+      password="Mobilink"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilink MMS"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="Mobilink"
+      password="Mobilink"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ufone WAP"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="Ufone.internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ufone MMS"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="Ufone.mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ZONG WAP"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="zonginternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ZONG MMS"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="zongmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8000"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor WAP"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor MMS"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="Telenor"
+      password="Telenor"
+      mmsc="http://mmstelenor"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Warid WAP"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="Wap.warid"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Warid MMS"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms.warid"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Consumer Cellular'
+      mcc='410'
+      mnc='310'
+      apn='att.mvno'
+      type='default,mms,supl,hipri,fota'
+      protocol='IP'
+      roaming_protocol='IP'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='80'
+      mvno_type='gid'
+      mvno_match_data='2AC9'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AWCC"
+      mcc="412"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Roshan"
+      mcc="412"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="412"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etisalat"
+      mcc="412"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobitel"
+      mcc="413"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Dialog"
+      mcc="413"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etisalat"
+      mcc="413"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="413"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Hutch"
+      mcc="413"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MPT"
+      mcc="414"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alfa Internet"
+      mcc="415"
+      mnc="01"
+      user="mic1"
+      password="mic1"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alfawap"
+      mcc="415"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mic1"
+      password="mic1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alfa MMS"
+      mcc="415"
+      mnc="01"
+      user="mic1"
+      password="mic1"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="touch"
+      mcc="415"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="touch"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="touch_WAP"
+      mcc="415"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="touch_MMS"
+      mcc="415"
+      mnc="03"
+      user="touch"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms:8088/mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain JO Internet"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="zain"
+      user="zain"
+      password="zain"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain JO WAP"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="zain"
+      user="zain"
+      password="zain"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain JO Streaming"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="Zain"
+      user="zain"
+      password="zain"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain JO MMS"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="zain"
+      user="zain"
+      password="zain"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Umniah internet"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="net"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Umniah WAP"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Umniah MMS"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="770"
+      apn=""
+      user="mmc"
+      password="mmc"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="770"
+      apn=""
+      user="net"
+      password="net"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange WAP"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="770"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn=""
+      user="mmc"
+      password="mmc"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn=""
+      user="net"
+      password="net"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange WAP"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syriatel Net"
+      mcc="417"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syriatel MMS"
+      mcc="417"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN WAP"
+      mcc="417"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN MMS"
+      mcc="417"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Asiacell GPRS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Asiacell MMS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SanaTel"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ZAIN-GPRS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="atheer"
+      password="atheer"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain-MMS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="MMS"
+      user="atheer"
+      password="atheer"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mms:8002/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ZAIN-GPRS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="atheer"
+      password="atheer"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain-MMS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="MMS"
+      user="atheer"
+      password="atheer"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mms:8002/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Korek 9595"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Korek 9191"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      user="korek"
+      password="korek"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Korek 9494"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="KOREK MMS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      user="korek"
+      password="korek"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobitel"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="45"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itisaluna"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="62"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Omnnea"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MI"
+      mcc="419"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="pps"
+      user="pps"
+      password="pps"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain WAP"
+      mcc="419"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="pps"
+      user="pps"
+      password="pps"
+      authtype="3"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="419"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="pps"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="3"
+      mmsc="http://mms.zain"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Action"
+      mcc="419"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Wataniya MMS"
+      mcc="419"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIVA - KW"
+      mcc="419"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="viva"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STC - GPRS"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STC MMS"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobily WEB"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="web1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobily prepaid - GPRS"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="wap2"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobily postpaid - GPRS"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="wap1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobily WEB 2"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="web2"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobily MMS Postpaid"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobily MMS Prepaid"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms2"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="zain-Internet Wap"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="zain"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="zain-mms"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="zainmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SabaFon"
+      mcc="421"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sabafon MMS"
+      mcc="421"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      type="mms"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="421"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN MMS YE"
+      mcc="421"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="fast-mms"
+      type="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="3130"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yemen Mobile"
+      mcc="421"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="HiTS-UNITEL"
+      mcc="421"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Oman Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="422"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Oman Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="422"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="taif"
+      user="taif"
+      password="taif"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nawras MMS"
+      mcc="422"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="test"
+      password="test"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nawras Internet"
+      mcc="422"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="test"
+      password="test"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etisalat Data Package"
+      mcc="424"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Weyak Wap"
+      mcc="424"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="etisalat"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etisalat MMS"
+      mcc="424"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="etisalat"
+      mmsc="http://mms/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="du Internet"
+      mcc="424"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="du"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="du WAP"
+      mcc="424"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="du"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="du MMS"
+      mcc="424"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="du"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3G Portal"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3G DUN"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="0"
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom Internet"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="sphone"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom MMS"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Multimedia Pelephone"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="pcl@3g"
+      password="pcl"
+      authtype="3"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sphone Pelephone"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="pcl@3g"
+      password="pcl"
+      authtype="2"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jawwal WAP"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jawwal MMS"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Wataniya_mms"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet HOT mobile"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="net.hotm"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS HOT mobile"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms.hotm"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GolanTelecom Internet"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GolanTelecom MMS"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3G Portal"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alon Internet"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Home Cellular Internet"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="hcminternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="hcmMMS"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8898"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rami Levi 3G"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="internet.rl"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rami Levi Multimedia"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Batelco Internet"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Batelco WAP"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="0"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Batelco MMS"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain BH WAP"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="0"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIVAGPRS"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIVAWAP"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIVAMMS"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mozaic Mob"
+      mcc="427"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="gprs.qtel"
+      user="gprs"
+      password="gprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="427"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms.qtel"
+      user="10"
+      password="11"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Voda internet"
+      mcc="427"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VFQ MMS"
+      mcc="427"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unitel"
+      mcc="428"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Skytel"
+      mcc="428"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="G.Mobile"
+      mcc="428"
+      mnc="98"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MobiCom"
+      mcc="428"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Namaste / NT Mobile"
+      mcc="429"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ncell"
+      mcc="429"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sky/C-Phone"
+      mcc="429"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SmartCell"
+      mcc="429"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCI-GPRS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCCI MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCI-GPRS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCCI MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="MCI-GPRS"
+      mmsport="38090"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCI-GPRS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCCI MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="MCI-GPRS"
+      mmsport="38090"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="rightel"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="rightel"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RighTel-MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="RighTel-WAP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Irancell-GPRS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="mtnirancell"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Irancell-MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="mtnirancell"
+      mmsc="http://mms:8002"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCI-GPRS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCCI MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCI-GPRS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCCI MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn="MCI-GPRS"
+      mmsport="38090"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline-UZB Internet"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="beeline"
+      password="beeline"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline-UZB MMS"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="beeline"
+      password="beeline"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UCELL Internet"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UCELL MMS"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc:8002/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Perfectum Mobile"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS-UZB Internet"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="mts"
+      password="mts"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS-UZB MMS"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/was"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tcell"
+      mcc="436"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tcell"
+      mcc="436"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Megafon"
+      mcc="436"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Babilon-M"
+      mcc="436"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tacom"
+      mcc="436"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tcell"
+      mcc="436"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline"
+      mcc="437"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Fonex"
+      mcc="437"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MegaCom"
+      mcc="437"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O!"
+      mcc="437"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS (BARASH Communication)"
+      mcc="438"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TM-Cell"
+      mcc="438"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mopera U"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      server=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="b-mobile for Nexus"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="bmobile@nx"
+      server=""
+      password="bmobile"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="b-mobile 3G・4G 1GB/Fair"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="bmobile@fr"
+      server=""
+      password="bmobile"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="b-mobile 3G・4G U300"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="bmobile@u300"
+      server=""
+      password="bmobile"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="b-mobile スマホ電話"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="bmobile@spd"
+      server=""
+      password="bmobile"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="b-mobile 4G カメレオンSIM"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="bmobile@cm"
+      server=""
+      password="bmobile"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IIJmio (LTE端末)"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="mio@iij"
+      server=""
+      password="iij"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IIJmio (3G端末)"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="mio@iij"
+      server=""
+      password="iij"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="OCN モバイル ONE (3G)"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="mobileid@ocn"
+      server=""
+      password="mobile"
+      authtype="2"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="OCN モバイル ONE (LTE)"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="mobileid@ocn"
+      server=""
+      password="mobile"
+      authtype="2"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Application"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      user="ym"
+      password="ym"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc="http://mms-s"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri"
+      authtype="2"
+  />
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+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
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+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SKT LTE Roaming"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SKT 3G Roaming"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="KT"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SKT 3G INTERNET"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SKT LTE Roaming"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SKT 3G Roaming"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
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+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia,ims"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LG uplus"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LG uplus LTE Roaming"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="0"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LG uplus Roaming"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="0"
+  />
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+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      port="80"
+      server="*"
+  />
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+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      port="80"
+      server="*"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="m-wap"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="m-wap"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="m-i090"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="m3-world"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="m3-mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8000"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viettel-wap-gprs 1"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="v-internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viettel-wap-gprs 2"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="v-wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viettel-gprs-mms"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="v-mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vietnamobile_GPRS3"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vietnamobile_GPRS1"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vietnamobile_GPRS2"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vietnamobile_MMS"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gmobile-wap-gprs2"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gmobile-wap-gprs"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gmobile-gprs-mms"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gmobile MMS"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="2"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="e-internet"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="e-internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="e-wap"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="e-wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="e-mms"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="e-mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="1O1O"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="mobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="csl"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="mobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NWMOBILE"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="nwmobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="1O1O"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="csl"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NWMOBILE"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="nwmobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3 LTE"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3(2G) MMS"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3(2G) GPRS"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SmarTone"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="SmarTone"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="csl"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="hkcsl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CMHK MMS"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="cmhk"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CMHK Data"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="cmhk"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CMHK MMS"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="cmhk"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CMHK Data"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="cmhk"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SmarTone"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="SmarTone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="csl"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="PCCW"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SmarTone"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="SmarTone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="1O1O"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="mobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="csl"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="mobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NWMOBILE"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="nwmobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="csl"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="PCCW"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SmarTone Macau"
+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="smartgprs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CTM Data"
+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="ctm-mobile"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CTM MMS"
+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="ctmmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CTM (Prepaid)"
+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="ctmprepaid"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3 Macau"
+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CTM Data"
+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="ctm-mobile"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CTM MMS"
+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="ctmmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CTM (Prepaid)"
+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="ctmprepaid"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3 Macau"
+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcard"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="qb"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Star-Cell"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Metfone"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Excell"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcard"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTC"
+      mcc="457"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ETL"
+      mcc="457"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unitel"
+      mcc="457"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline"
+      mcc="457"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动 (China Mobile) GPRS"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="cmnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动 (China Mobile) WAP"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="cmwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动彩信 (China Mobile)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="cmwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="沃3G连接互联网 (China Unicom)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="3gnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="沃3G手机上网 (China Unicom)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="3gwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="联通2GNET上网 (China Unicom)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="uninet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="联通彩信 (China Unicom)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="3gwap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="联通2g彩信 (China Unicom)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="uniwap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动 (China Mobile) GPRS"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="cmnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动 (China Mobile) WAP"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="cmwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动彩信 (China Mobile)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="cmwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动 (China Mobile) GPRS"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="cmnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动 (China Mobile) WAP"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="cmwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动彩信 (China Mobile)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="cmwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="遠傳電信(Far EasTone) (MMS)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="fetnet01"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="遠傳電信(Far EasTone) (Internet)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="和信電訊(KGT-Online) (Internet)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="和信電訊(KGT-Online) (MMS)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="kgtmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T Star-internet"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIBO-vibo"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="vibo"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIBOONE"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="viboone"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T Star-MMS"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="internet"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中華電信(Chunghwa) (Internet)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中華電信(Chunghwa) (MMS)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn="emome"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="台灣大哥大(TW Mobile) (Internet)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn="Internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="台灣大哥大(TW Mobile) (MMS)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn="MMS"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="台灣大哥大(TW Mobile) (Internet)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="97"
+      apn="Internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="台灣大哥大(TW Mobile) (MMS)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="97"
+      apn="MMS"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="台灣大哥大(TW Mobile) (Internet)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn="Internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="台灣大哥大(TW Mobile) (MMS)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GP-INTERNET"
+      mcc="470"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="gpinternet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GP-MMS"
+      mcc="470"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="gpmms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Dhiraagu"
+      mcc="472"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Wataniya"
+      mcc="472"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="diginet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi MMS"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="digimms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Maxis Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="max4g"
+      user="maxis"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Celcom Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="celcom4g"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Maxis Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="142"
+      apn="max4g"
+      user="maxis"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="143"
+      apn="diginet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi MMS"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="143"
+      apn="digimms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Celcom Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="145"
+      apn="celcom4g"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="146"
+      apn="diginet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi MMS"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="146"
+      apn="digimms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Maxis Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="147"
+      apn="max4g"
+      user="maxis"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Celcom Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="148"
+      apn="celcom4g"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi MMS"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="digimms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="diginet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Maxis Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="max4g"
+      user="maxis"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="my3g"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Celcom Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="celcom4g"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="telstra.wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="telstra.mms"
+      type="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Optus Yes Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="yesinternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Optus Business Mobile Broadband"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="yesbusiness"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Optus Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Optus MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8070"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="50502100"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="virgininternet"
+      type="default"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8070"
+      mvno_match_data="505029"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="virginmms"
+      type="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8070"
+      mvno_match_data="505029"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live!"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Planet 3"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="3services"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VF AU PXT"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VF Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="Telstra.mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="Telstra.wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="3netaccess"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="3services"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="71"
+      apn="Telstra.mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="71"
+      apn="Telstra.wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="72"
+      apn="Telstra.mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="72"
+      apn="Telstra.wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VF AU PXT"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VF Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Optus Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Optus MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8070"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Live!"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Indosat-SNS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="indosatgprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Indosat GPRS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="indosatgprs"
+      user="indosat"
+      password="indosat"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="indosatmms"
+      user="indosat"
+      password="indosat"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AXIS-SNS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="AXIS"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AXISwap"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="AXIS"
+      user="axis"
+      password="123456"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AXISmms"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="AXISmms"
+      user="axis"
+      password="123456"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc.axis"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TSEL-SNS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TSEL-WAP"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="telkomsel"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap123"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8000"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TSEL-MMS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap123"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8000"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="XL-MMS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="xlgprs"
+      password="proxl"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Indosat-SNS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="indosatgprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Indosat GPRS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="indosatgprs"
+      user="indosat"
+      password="indosat"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Indosat MMS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="indosatmms"
+      user="indosat"
+      password="indosat"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="3gprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3GPRS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="3gprs"
+      user="3gprs"
+      password="3gprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="3128"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3MMS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="3mms"
+      user="3mms"
+      password="3mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telin"
+      mcc="514"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Timor Telecom"
+      mcc="514"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viettel Timor-Leste"
+      mcc="514"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="myGlobe Internet"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="myGlobe INET"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="myGlobe Connect"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="myGlobe MMS"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="smartlte"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SMART INTERNET"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart GPRS"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="Smart1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart MMS"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sun Internet"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="minternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="fbband"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sun Streaming"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="minternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Redinternet"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="redinternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Redmms"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CAT3G INTERNET"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CAT3G MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="catmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TRUE-H INTERNET"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="true"
+      password="true"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="01"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TRUE-H MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="hmms"
+      user="true"
+      password="true"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="01"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIS Internet"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIS MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIS Internet"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIS MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TRUE-H INTERNET"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="true"
+      password="true"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TRUE-H MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="hmms"
+      user="true"
+      password="true"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TOT 3G Internet"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TOT 3G MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="dtac MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="dtac Internet"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="true"
+      password="true"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn="hmms"
+      user="true"
+      password="true"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="e-ideas"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="hicard"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SingTel (PostPaid)"
+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="e-ideas"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SingTel (PrePaid)"
+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="hicard"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="sunsurf"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="miworld"
+      user="65"
+      password="user123"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="miworld"
+      user="65"
+      password="user123"
+      mmsc="http://mmsgw:8002"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="sunsurf"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="miworld"
+      user="65"
+      password="user123"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="miworld"
+      user="65"
+      password="user123"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmsgw:8002"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="shwap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="shmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="528"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="528"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VFNZ Gateway"
+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VFNZ Internet"
+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="vodafone"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TelecomData"
+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TelecomContent"
+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TelecomMMS"
+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="2Degrees Internet"
+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="2Degrees MMS"
+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel"
+      mcc="536"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BeMobile"
+      mcc="537"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PNG WAP"
+      mcc="537"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PNG WEB"
+      mcc="537"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Papua New Guinea:Digicel:Modem"
+      mcc="537"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PNG MMS"
+      mcc="537"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U-Call"
+      mcc="539"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Shoreline Communication"
+      mcc="539"
+      mnc="43"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel"
+      mcc="539"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tonga:Digicel:Modem"
+      mcc="539"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tonga:Digicel:Mms"
+      mcc="539"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BREEZE"
+      mcc="540"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BeMobile"
+      mcc="540"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIL"
+      mcc="541"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SMILE"
+      mcc="541"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel"
+      mcc="541"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vanatu:Digicel:Modem"
+      mcc="541"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vanatu:Digicel:Mms"
+      mcc="541"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone"
+      mcc="542"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel"
+      mcc="542"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Fiji:Digicel:Modem"
+      mcc="542"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Fiji:Digicel:Mms"
+      mcc="542"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluesky"
+      mcc="544"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kiribati - TSKL"
+      mcc="545"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kiribati - Frigate Net"
+      mcc="545"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilis"
+      mcc="546"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vini"
+      mcc="547"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telecom Cook"
+      mcc="548"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel"
+      mcc="549"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluesky"
+      mcc="549"
+      mnc="27"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="FSMTC"
+      mcc="550"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MINTA"
+      mcc="551"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PNCC"
+      mcc="552"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Palau Mobile"
+      mcc="552"
+      mnc="80"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobinil Web"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mobinilweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobinil WAP"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mobinilwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobinil MMS"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mobinilmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="vodafone internet"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone WAP"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="3"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MMS"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etisalat WAP"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="etisalat"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etisalat MMS"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="etisalat"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mobilis wap"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilis internet"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilis mms"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="djezzy.internet"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="djezzy.internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="djezzy.mms"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="djezzy.mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nedjmawap"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="nedjmawap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="3128"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=""
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="nedjma"
+      password="nedjma"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nedjmamms"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="nedjmamms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn=""
+      user="MEDINET"
+      password="MEDINET"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Imedia"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      user="MEDIWAP"
+      password="MEDIWAP"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GPRS MMS"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn=""
+      user="MEDIMMS"
+      password="MEDIMMS"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MobileZone"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Mobile"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS IAM"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mmsiam"
+      mmsc="http://mms:8002/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WEB"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WAP"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="weborange"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="weborange"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Orange"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms.otun"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Portail"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="gprs"
+      password="gprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tunisie Telecom MMS"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms@tt1"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tunisiana-Internet"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Tunisiana"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libyana"
+      mcc="606"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libyana MMS"
+      mcc="606"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="mms"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8000"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Madar"
+      mcc="606"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Al-Jeel Phone"
+      mcc="606"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libya Phone"
+      mcc="606"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Hatef Libya"
+      mcc="606"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gamcel"
+      mcc="607"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Africel"
+      mcc="607"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Comium"
+      mcc="607"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="QCell"
+      mcc="607"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+    <apn carrier="Orange MMS SN"
+      mcc="608"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsalize/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Wap SN"
+      mcc="608"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="wap"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Web SN"
+      mcc="608"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo Internet SN"
+      mcc="608"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Expresso Internet SN"
+      mcc="608"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="expresso"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mattel"
+      mcc="609"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chinguitel"
+      mcc="609"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mauritel"
+      mcc="609"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange ML MMS"
+      mcc="610"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Wap ML"
+      mcc="610"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange S.A."
+      mcc="611"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sotelgui"
+      mcc="611"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telecel Guinee"
+      mcc="611"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="611"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom"
+      mcc="611"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Moov Internet CI"
+      mcc="612"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="moov"
+      user="web"
+      password="web"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="OWORLD CI"
+      mcc="612"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="orangeciwap"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Omms CI"
+      mcc="612"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="orangecimms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Koz Internet CI"
+      mcc="612"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="web"
+      password="web"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN Internet CI"
+      mcc="612"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      user="vide"
+      password="vide"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telmob"
+      mcc="613"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="613"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telecel Faso"
+      mcc="613"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      apn="orange.mms"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mcc="614"
+      mnc="04"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      apn=""
+      mcc="614"
+      mnc="04"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Togo Cell"
+      mcc="615"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Moov"
+      mcc="615"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libercom"
+      mcc="616"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Moov"
+      mcc="616"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="616"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BBCOM"
+      mcc="616"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Glo"
+      mcc="616"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      apn="orangemms"
+      user="mmsc"
+      password="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mcc="617"
+      mnc="01"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      apn="orange"
+      mcc="617"
+      mnc="01"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lonestar Cell"
+      mcc="618"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libercell"
+      mcc="618"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Comium"
+      mcc="618"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom"
+      mcc="618"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LIBTELCO"
+      mcc="618"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="619"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo"
+      mcc="619"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Africell"
+      mcc="619"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Comium"
+      mcc="619"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Africell"
+      mcc="619"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobitel"
+      mcc="619"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Glo"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="0"
+      apn="glowap"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Glo mms"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="0"
+      apn="glo mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN Internet GH"
+      apn="internet"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="01"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN MMS"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mtn mms"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Internet GH"
+      apn="browse"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="02"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_mms"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo Internet GH"
+      apn=""
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="03"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo mms"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel Internet GH"
+      apn="wap"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="06"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9201"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel mms"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="mms/airtel mms"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Glo Internet GH"
+      apn="glowap"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="07"
+      user="glo"
+      password="glo"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel Internet"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel WAP"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN WAP"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="web"
+      password="web"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN ACESS"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="web"
+      password="web"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN MMS"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Glo Direct"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="glosecure"
+      user="gprs"
+      password="gprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Glo MMS"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="glomms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="etisalat WAP"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="etisalat"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="etisalat MMS"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="etisalat"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="622"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tawali"
+      mcc="622"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo"
+      mcc="622"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Salam"
+      mcc="622"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CTP"
+      mcc="623"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TC"
+      mcc="623"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange"
+      mcc="623"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nationlink"
+      mcc="623"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CVMOVEL"
+      mcc="625"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T+"
+      mcc="625"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CSTmovel"
+      mcc="626"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange GQ"
+      mcc="627"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange GQ MMS"
+      mcc="627"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangemms"
+      type="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Hits GQ"
+      mcc="627"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libertis"
+      mcc="628"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Moov"
+      mcc="628"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="628"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Azur"
+      mcc="628"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="629"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libertis Telecom"
+      mcc="629"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodacom Internet CD"
+      mcc="630"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="vodanet"
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodacom MMS"
+      mcc="630"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="vodalive"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo Internet CD"
+      mcc="630"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="tigo.web"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UNITEL"
+      mcc="631"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MOVICEL"
+      mcc="631"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Areeba"
+      mcc="632"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange"
+      mcc="632"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Guinetel"
+      mcc="632"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cable &amp; Wireless"
+      mcc="633"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mediatech International"
+      mcc="633"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="633"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain SD"
+      mcc="634"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="634"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sudani One"
+      mcc="634"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Privet Network"
+      mcc="634"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="635"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rwandatel"
+      mcc="635"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo"
+      mcc="635"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="635"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ETH-MTN"
+      mcc="636"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telesom"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Somafone"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nationlink"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Hormuud"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Golis"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unittel"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="57"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nationlink Telecom"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Somtel"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="71"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telcom"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="82"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Evatis"
+      mcc="638"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="safaricom GPRS"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="safaricom"
+      user="saf"
+      password="data"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="safaricom mms"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="safaricom"
+      user="saf"
+      password="data"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel Internet"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel mms"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mms"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yu Internet"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="Internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yu WAP"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="Yu internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yu mms"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="Yu"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodacom WAP"
+      mcc="640"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="Wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodacom MMS"
+      mcc="640"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel Internet UG"
+      apn="internet"
+      mcc="641"
+      mnc="01"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN Internet UG"
+      apn=""
+      mcc="641"
+      mnc="10"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UTL Internet UG"
+      apn="utweb"
+      mcc="641"
+      mnc="11"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet UG"
+      mcc="641"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn=""
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="641"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="orangemms"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Warid Telecom Internet UG"
+      apn=""
+      mcc="641"
+      mnc="22"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Spacetel"
+      mcc="642"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tempo"
+      mcc="642"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Onatel"
+      mcc="642"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart Mobile"
+      mcc="642"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="HiTs Telecom"
+      mcc="642"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Leo"
+      mcc="642"
+      mnc="82"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mCel"
+      mcc="643"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movitel"
+      mcc="643"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodacom"
+      mcc="643"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="645"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="645"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ZAMTEL"
+      mcc="645"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MG Internet"
+      mcc="646"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="orangenet"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      authtype="0"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange World re"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="orangerun"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS Réunion"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="orangerun.acte"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="OnlyWap"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="onlywap"
+      user="only"
+      password="only"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="OnlyMMS"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="onlymms"
+      user="only"
+      password="only"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Full Internet SRR"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="sl2sfr"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mmssfr"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GPRS SRR"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="wapsfr"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coriolis WAP"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="fnetcoriolis"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="12"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coriolis MMS"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="10"
+      mmsc="http://mmscoriolis"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      apn="mmscoriolis"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="12"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telecel"
+      mcc="648"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Econet"
+      mcc="648"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTC"
+      mcc="649"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="switch"
+      mcc="649"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Leo"
+      mcc="649"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TNM"
+      mcc="650"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="650"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VCL Internet GPRS"
+      mcc="651"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VCL MMS GPRS"
+      mcc="651"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Swazi MTN"
+      mcc="653"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="HURI - SNPT"
+      mcc="654"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE.Vodacom"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS.Vodacom"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart.Vodacom"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS.Vodacom"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telkom Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telkom Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cell C GPRS"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cell C MMS"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIRGIN_INTERNET_1"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="vdata"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="6550710"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIRGIN_INTERNET_2"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="vdata"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9201"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="6550710"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin_MMS_1"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="vmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="6550710"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin_MMS_2"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="vmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="6550710"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RBM Internet"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="6550713"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Redbull MMS"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="6550713"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN GPRS"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="myMTN"
+      user="mtnwap"
+      password="mtnwap"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN MMS"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="myMTN"
+      user="mtnmms"
+      password="mtnmms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Eritel"
+      mcc="657"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DigiCell"
+      mcc="702"
+      mnc="67"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart"
+      mcc="702"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet CLARO"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet.ideasclaro"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS CLARO"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms.ideasclaro"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Broadband TIGO"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS TIGO"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8888"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistargt"
+      password="movistargt"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistargt"
+      password="movistargt"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistargt"
+      password="movistargt"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistargt"
+      password="movistargt"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet CLARO"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet.ideasclaro"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS CLARO"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms.ideasclaro"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel Internet"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Tigo"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Tigo"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8888"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarsv"
+      password="movistarsv"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarsv"
+      password="movistarsv"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarsv"
+      password="movistarsv"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarsv"
+      password="movistarsv"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Claro"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="internet.ideasclaro"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Claro"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="mms.ideasclaro"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Claro"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="001"
+      apn="internet.ideasclaro"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Claro"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="001"
+      apn="mms.ideasclaro"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET TIGO"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS TIGO"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8888"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Honduras:Digicel:Internet'
+      mcc='708'
+      mnc='04'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Honduras:Digicel:Mms'
+      mcc='708'
+      mnc='04'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Honduras:Digicel:Modem'
+      mcc='708'
+      mnc='04'
+      apn=''
+      port='8080'
+      authtype='1'
+      proxy=''
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET TIGO"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS TIGO"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8888"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Honduras:Digicel:Internet:2'
+      mcc='708'
+      mnc='040'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Honduras:Digicel:Mms:2'
+      mcc='708'
+      mnc='040'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Enitel WEB"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn=""
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Enitel MMS"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarni"
+      password="movistarni"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarni"
+      password="movistarni"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="300"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarni"
+      password="movistarni"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="300"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarni"
+      password="movistarni"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Enitel WEB"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="73"
+      apn=""
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Enitel MMS"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="73"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Enitel WEB"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="730"
+      apn=""
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Enitel MMS"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="730"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="KOLBI 3G"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="kolbi3g"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Costar Rica:Kolbi:Modem"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="kolbi"
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kolbi_Multimedia"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="kolbimundo"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc="http://mmsice"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="KOLBI 3G"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="kolbi3g"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kolbi_Multimedia"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="kolbimundo"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc="http://mmsice"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet.ideasclaro"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS CLARO CR"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms.ideasclaro"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarcr"
+      password="movistarcr"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarcr"
+      password="movistarcr"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Tuyo"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="019"
+      apn="tm7datos"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Tuyo"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="019"
+      apn="tm7mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Tuyo"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="190"
+      apn="tm7datos"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Tuyo"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="190"
+      apn="tm7mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Fulmovil"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarpa"
+      password="movistarpa"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarpamms"
+      password="movistarpa"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarpa"
+      password="movistarpa"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarpamms"
+      password="movistarpa"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WEB Claro"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="CLAROWEB"
+      password="CLAROWEB"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Claro"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="CLAROMMS"
+      password="CLAROMMS"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel Internet"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Panama:Digicel:Internet:2'
+      mcc='714'
+      mnc='040'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Panama:Digicel:Mms:2'
+      mcc='714'
+      mnc='040'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar@datos"
+      password="movistar"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar@mms"
+      password="movistar"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CLARO DATOS"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="claro"
+      password="claro"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CLARO MMS"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="claro"
+      password="claro"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc="http://claro/servlets/mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bitel - Internet"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="bitel"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bitel - MMS"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="bitel-mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8000"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Entel PE"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Entel MMS"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Entel Location"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn=""
+      port="7275"
+      server=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="supl"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Quam_WEB'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='01'
+      apn='internet.movil'
+      user='internet'
+      password='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+      mvno_type='spn'
+      mvno_match_data='QUAM'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Quam_MMS'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='01'
+      apn='mms.movil'
+      user='mms'
+      password='mms'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9090'
+      authtype='1'
+      type='mms'
+      mvno_type='spn'
+      mvno_match_data='QUAM'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Quam_WEB'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='01'
+      apn='internet.movil'
+      user='internet'
+      password='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+      mvno_type='spn'
+      mvno_match_data='CELULAR'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Quam_MMS'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='01'
+      apn='mms.movil'
+      user='mms'
+      password='mms'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9090'
+      authtype='1'
+      type='mms'
+      mvno_type='spn'
+      mvno_match_data='CELULAR'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar WAP"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Argentina:Movistar:INTERNET"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Claro AR"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Claro AR"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Personal Datos"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn=""
+      user="datos"
+      password="datos"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Argentina:Personal:DUN"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Personal MMS"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Argentina:Nuestro:MMS'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='36'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+      user='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Argentina:Nuestro:Internet'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='36'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='default'
+      user='gprs'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Argentina:Personal :Datos'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='340'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='default'
+      user='gprs'
+      password='adgj'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Argentina:Personal :DUN'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='340'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='dun'
+      user='internet'
+      password='internet'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Argentina:Personal :MMS'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='340'
+      apn='mms'
+      authtype='0'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+      user='mms'
+      password='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Personal Datos"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="341"
+      apn=""
+      user="datos"
+      password="datos"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Argentina:Personal: DUN"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="341"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Personal MMS"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="341"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIM Connect"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="tim"
+      password="tim"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIM Connect"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="tim"
+      password="tim"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIM Connect"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="tim"
+      password="tim"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Java Session"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      user="claro"
+      password="claro"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Claro Foto"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      user="claro"
+      password="claro"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo MMS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo Internet"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SCTL MMS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="sercomtel"
+      password="sercomtel"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SCTL GPRS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="sercomtel"
+      password="sercomtel"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo Internet"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo MMS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo MMS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo Internet"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Sercomtel:Dados'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='15'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+      user='sercomtel'
+      password='sercomtel'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Sercomtel:MMS'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='15'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+      user='sercomtel'
+      password='sercomtel'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Sercomtel:Modem'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='15'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='dun'
+      user='sercomtel'
+      password='sercomtel'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Oi GPRS Internet"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS GPRS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      user="oimms"
+      password="oioioi"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TelemigC GPRS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn=""
+      user="celular"
+      password="celular"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Telemig"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn=""
+      user="celular"
+      password="celular"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo Internet"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo MMS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="OI:INTERNET:2"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,dun"
+      user="oi"
+      password="oi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Oi:MMS:2"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+      user="oimms"
+      password="oioioi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Oi GPRS Internet"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS GPRS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn=""
+      user="oimms"
+      password="oioioi"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:Dados:1'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='32'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:Modem:1'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='32'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='dun'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:MMS:1'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='32'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:Dados:2'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='33'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:Modem:2'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='33'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='dun'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:MMS:2'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='33'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:Dados:3'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='34'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:Modem:3'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='34'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='dun'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:MMS:3'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='34'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Nextel GPS'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='39'
+      apn=''
+      server=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='supl'
+      protocol='IPV4V6'
+      roaming_protocol='IPV4V6'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Nextel MMS'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='39'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+      protocol='IPV4V6'
+      roaming_protocol='IPV4V6'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Nextel Modem'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='39'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='dun'
+      protocol='IPV4V6'
+      roaming_protocol='IPV4V6'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Nextel WAP'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='39'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='default'
+      protocol='IPV4V6'
+      roaming_protocol='IPV4V6'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Porto Seguro Conecta'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='54'
+      authtype='0'
+      type='default,dun'
+      apn=''
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Movil"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="entelpcs"
+      password="entelpcs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Entel"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="entelpcs"
+      password="entelpcs"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Internet Nextel'
+      mcc='730'
+      mnc='09'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='MMS Nextel'
+      mcc='730'
+      mnc='09'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Movil"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="entelpcs"
+      password="entelpcs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Entel"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="entelpcs"
+      password="entelpcs"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar APLICACIONES"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Banda Ancha Movil"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="clarochile"
+      password="clarochile"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Claro"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="clarochile"
+      password="clarochile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="web"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="webgtd"
+      password="webgtd"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      user="vtrmovil"
+      password="vtrmovil"
+      authtype="2"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Wap"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="9028"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9028"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Movil"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="entelpcs"
+      password="entelpcs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Entel PCS"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="entelpcs"
+      password="entelpcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Movistar INTERNET'
+      mcc='732'
+      mnc='12'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default, dun'
+      user='movistar'
+      password='movistar'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Movistar MMS'
+      mcc='732'
+      mnc='12'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9001'
+      type='mms'
+      user='movistar'
+      password='movistar'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="COMCEL"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="101"
+      apn=""
+      user="COMCELWEB"
+      password="COMCELWEB"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Comcel 3GSM"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="101"
+      apn=""
+      user="COMCELMMS"
+      password="COMCELMMS"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIGO WEB"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIGO Multimedia"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms-cm1900"
+      password="mms-cm1900"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet ETB"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      user="etb"
+      password="etb"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="ETB MOVI"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet ETB"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      user="etb"
+      password="etb"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="ETB MOVI"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Éito"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="movil exito"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UFFMOVIL"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="Uff!"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UNE"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      user="une"
+      password="une"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="UNE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIGO WEB"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="111"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIGO Multimedia"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="111"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms-cm1900"
+      password="mms-cm1900"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet ETB"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="111"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      user="etb"
+      password="etb"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="ETB MOVIL"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Éito"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="111"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="movil exito"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UFFMOVIL"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="111"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="Uff!"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UNE"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="111"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      user="une"
+      password="une"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="UNE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="123"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="123"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9001"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin Mobile"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="123"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl,internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="Virgin Mobile"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Avantel"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digitel 412"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Venezuela:Digitel:MODEM:1"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digitel 412"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Venezuela:Digitel:MODEM:2"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digitel 412"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Venezuela:Digitel:MODEM:3"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9001"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar WAP"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9001"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MODEM"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIVA3G"
+      mcc="736"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="3128"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIVAMMS"
+      mcc="736"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ENTEL WAP GPRS"
+      mcc="736"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ENTEL MMS GPRS"
+      mcc="736"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WAPTIGO"
+      mcc="736"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMSTIGO"
+      mcc="736"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel"
+      mcc="738"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Guyana:Digicel:Modem"
+      mcc="738"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Guyana:Digicel:Mms"
+      mcc="738"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="mms"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GT&amp;T Cellink Plus"
+      mcc="738"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9001"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Claro"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Claro"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="portamms"
+      password="portamms2003"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Claro"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="010"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Claro"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="010"
+      apn=""
+      user="portamms"
+      password="portamms2003"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CNT 3G"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CNT MMS"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VOX INTERNET"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="vox.internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Paraguay:Voxx:Modem"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="vox.wap"
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VOX MMS"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="vox.mms"
+      user="vox"
+      password="vox"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Claro PY"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="ctigprs"
+      password="ctigprs999"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS GPRS PY"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="ctimms"
+      password="ctimms999"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIGO PY"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Tigo"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="tigo"
+      password="tigo"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8888"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Personal Datos Py"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="personal"
+      password="personal"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Personal MMS Py"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telesur"
+      mcc="746"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Suriname:Digicel:Internet'
+      mcc='746'
+      mnc='03'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Suriname:Digicel:Mms'
+      mcc='746'
+      mnc='03'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+      user='wap'
+      password='wap'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Suriname:Digicel:Modem'
+      mcc='746'
+      mnc='03'
+      apn=''
+      port='8080'
+      authtype='1'
+      proxy=''
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+      user='wap'
+      password='wap'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="wapANCEL"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="3128"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mmsANCEL"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="gprsANCEL"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="gprs.ancel"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="mmsuy"
+      password="mmsuy"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Claro UY"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="ctigprs"
+      password="ctigprs999"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS GPRS UY"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="ctimms"
+      password="ctimms999"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Armenia MMS"
+      mcc="283"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Armenia Internet"
+      mcc="283"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="Internet"
+      type="default"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange BW MMS"
+      mcc="652"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange WAP BW"
+      mcc="652"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orangeweb"
+      mcc="340"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangeweb"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange CM"
+      mcc="624"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="orangecmgprs"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange net KE"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange RE"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="orangerun"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MG MMS"
+      mcc="646"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="orangemms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange World MG"
+      mcc="646"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="orangeworld"
+      user="world"
+      password="orange"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Eagle Mobile"
+      apn="internet"
+      mcc="276"
+      mnc="03"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
diff --git a/rootdir/system/etc/old-apns-conf.xml b/rootdir/system/etc/old-apns-conf.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fa7dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rootdir/system/etc/old-apns-conf.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33527 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+** Copyright (c) 2013 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+** Qualcomm Technologies Proprietary
+** Export of this technology or software is regulated by the U.S. Government.
+** Diversion contrary to U.S. law prohibited.
+** All ideas, data and information contained in or disclosed by
+** this document are confidential and proprietary information of
+** Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and all rights therein are expressly reserved.
+** By accepting this material the recipient agrees that this material
+** and the information contained therein are held in confidence and in
+** trust and will not be used, copied, reproduced in whole or in part,
+** nor its contents revealed in any manner to others without the express
+** written permission of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+<!-- use empty string to specify no proxy or port -->
+<!-- If you edit this version, also edit the version in the partner-supplied
+    apns-conf.xml configuration file -->
+<apns version="8">
+  <apn carrier="Cosmote Wireless Internet"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cosmote Wireless Internet"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cosmote Mms"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vf Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vf Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vf MMS"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      user="user"
+      password="pass"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="5080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Q Internet"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="myq"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Q-Telecom MMS GPRS"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Wind Internet"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Wind MMS"
+      mcc="202"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 GPRS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="204043914"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="20404794"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone NL"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="vodafone"
+      password="vodafone"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - VZW Roaming Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - VZW Roaming Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - VZW Roaming FOTA"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - VZW Roaming FOTA"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - VZW Roaming IMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - VZW Roaming IMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - VZW Roaming CBS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - VZW Roaming CBS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BAE0000000000000"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CSpire international"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      user=""
+      password="cs3g"
+      authtype ="3"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="C Spire"
+      type="default,internet,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CSpire international"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="C Spire"
+      type="admin,fota,ota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CSpire international"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="C Spire"
+      type="dun,pam"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="KPN Mobiel Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rabo Mobiel Int."
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="rabo"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Rabo Mobiel"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="rabo"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="5080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Rabo Mobiel"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807500"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807500"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC mobiel internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807501"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807501"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC mobiel internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807502"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807502"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC mobiel internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807503"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807503"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC mobiel internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807504"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807504"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807505"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807505"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcnet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807506"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807506"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcnet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807507"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807507"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcnet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807508"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807508"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcnet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807509"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2040807509"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC mobiel internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="204080751"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UPC MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="204080751"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcnet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="204080752"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="204080752"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="internet"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="tmobilemms"
+      password="tmobilemms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://t-mobilemms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ben Internet Abonnee"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="internet.ben"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="BEN NL"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ben Internet PrePaid"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="BEN NL"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="mms.ben"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://benmms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="BEN NL"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="tmobilemms"
+      password="tmobilemms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://t-mobilemms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Px MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="EVENT.PROXIMUS.BE"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Px Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Px Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenet Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2060188"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenet MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2060188"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin mobile"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="52"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VM MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="52"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="B6"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="B6"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NRJMMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="NRJ Mobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NRJWEB"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="NRJ Mobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      user="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      password="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="UNEFON"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MODEM"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="UNEFON"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="UNEFON"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      user="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      password="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="IUSACELL"
+  />
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+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="IUSACELL"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="IUSACELL"
+  />
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+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobistar MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BASE WAP"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      user="base"
+      password="base"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BASE MMS"
+      mcc="206"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      user="base"
+      password="base"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange World"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange World"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange.acte"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Entreprise"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange-mib"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8000"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      authtype="2"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carrefour WAP"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="33"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carrefour MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange.acte"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="33"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VM WAP"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="52"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VM MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange.acte"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="52"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NRJWEB"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NRJMMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange.acte"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 WAP"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orange.acte"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SFR webphone"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="sl2sfr"
+      mmsc="http://mms1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="default,mms,supl,agps,fota"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SFR option modem"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="websfr"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SFR webphone"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SFR webphone"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="sl2sfr"
+      mmsc="http://mms1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SFR option Modem"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="websfr"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NRJWEB"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="fnetnrj"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NRJMMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      mmsc="http://mmsnrj"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      apn="mmsnrj"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET NRJ"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="internetnrj"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Auchan WAP"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="wap65"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="A MOBILE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Auchan MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      mmsc="http://mms65"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      apn="mms65"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="A MOBILE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WAP LeclercMobile"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      apn="wap66"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="LeclercMobile"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS LeclercMobile"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      mmsc="http://mms66"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      apn="mms66"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="LeclercMobile"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coriolis WAP"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="fnetcoriolis"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="12"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coriolis MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      mmsc="http://mmscoriolis"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      apn="mmscoriolis"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="12"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coriolis WEB"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="internetcoriolis"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="12"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WEB La Poste Mobile"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      apn="sl2sfr"
+      mmsc="http://mmsdebitel"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="4C"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Darty Surf&amp;Mails"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="wap68"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="44"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Darty MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms68"
+      mmsc="http://mms68/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="44"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Keyyo Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="internet68"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Keyyo Mobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Keyyo Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms68"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc="http://mms68"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Keyyo Mobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Keyyo Mobile Wap"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="wap68"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Keyyo Mobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zero forfait"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="internet68"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ZERO FORFAIT"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zero forfait MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms68"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc="http://mms68"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ZERO FORFAIT"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WAP RegloMobile"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="wap66"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="RegloMobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS RegloMobile"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms66"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc="http://mms66"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="RegloMobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Joe"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="sl2sfr"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc="http://mms1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,mms,supl,agps,fota"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="53"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Modem Joe"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="websfr"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="53"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Free"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="free"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Free MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="15"
+      mmsc=""
+      apn="mmsfree"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bouygues Telecom"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin mobile"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="52"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VM MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="52"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NRJ WEB"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="26"
+      apn="fnetnrj"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NRJ MMS"
+      mcc="208"
+      mnc="26"
+      apn="mmsnrj"
+      mmsc="http://mmsnrj"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="4E"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet móvil"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap@wap"
+      password="wap125"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="vodafone"
+      password="vodafone"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS VODAFONE"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap@wap"
+      password="wap125"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet Móvil"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet Móvil"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="orangeworld"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="orangemms"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet PC"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Euskaltel Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="CLIENTE"
+      password="EUSKALTEL"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2140359"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Euskaltel MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="MMS"
+      password="EUSKALTEL"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2140359"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carrefour"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2140352xxxxxxxx"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carrefour MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="CARREFOURMMS"
+      user="CARREFOUR"
+      password="CARREFOUR"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2140352xxxxxxxx"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yoigo Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yoigo Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yoigo MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmss/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tuenti"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="tuenti"
+      password="tuenti"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET GPRS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="vodafone"
+      password="vodafone"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Vodafone"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap@wap"
+      password="wap125"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Euskaltel MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="MMS"
+      password="EUSKALTEL"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="0008"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Euskaltel Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="CLIENTE"
+      password="EUSKALTEL"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="0008"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet R"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2140612"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS R"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2140612"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TeleCable Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="telecable"
+      password="telecable"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2140613"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TeleCable MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="telecable"
+      password="telecable"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2140613"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Eroski Movil GPRS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap@wap"
+      password="wap125"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2140606"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Eroski Movil MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap@wap"
+      password="wap125"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2140606"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DUN"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pepephone"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pepephone"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="wap@wap"
+      password="wap125"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pepephone"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="telefonica"
+      password="telefonica"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="jazzinternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="JAZZTEL"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="jazzmms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="JAZZTEL"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="MOVISTAR"
+      password="MOVISTAR"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-2"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2140759577xxxxx"
+      type="default,ims,mms,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-2"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,ims,mms,supl"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2140796692xxxxx"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Euskaltel MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      user="MMS"
+      password="EUSKALTEL"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Euskaltel Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      user="CLIENTE"
+      password="EUSKALTEL"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TeleCable Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      user="telecable"
+      password="telecable"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TeleCable MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      user="telecable"
+      password="telecable"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ONO Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ONO MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Simyo Internet"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="jazzinternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jazztel MMS"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="jazzmms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="214"
+      mnc="27"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor MMS"
+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="online"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="Djuice"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="net"
+      type="default"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="Djuice"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="Djuice"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile H"
+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile H MMS"
+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="internet.telekom"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile H"
+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="internet.telekom"
+      type="default,supl"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Internet"
+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="21670xx2xxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MMS"
+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="21670xx2xxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Live!"
+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      user="vodawap"
+      password="vodawap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="21670xx2xxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="21670xx1xxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MMS"
+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="21670xx1xxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Live! VitaMAX"
+      mcc="216"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      user="vodawap"
+      password="vodawap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="21670xx1xxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="HT Eronet GPRS"
+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ht Eronet MMS"
+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="3g1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mtelgprs1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
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+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mtelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bh Mobile"
+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BHMobileMMS"
+      mcc="218"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms.htgprs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile"
+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="web.htgprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bonbon"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bonbon MMS"
+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms.htgprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bonbon"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2"
+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Broadband"
+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Broadband"
+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="38591"
+      password="38591"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIP.mms"
+      mcc="219"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor WAP"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="telenor"
+      password="gprs"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor MMS"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor MNE internet"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="gprs"
+      password="gprs"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor MNE mms"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mt:s wap"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="gprswap"
+      user="mts"
+      password="064"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mt:s mms"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mts"
+      password="064"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS Internet RS"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="gprsinternet"
+      authtype="0"
+      user="mts"
+      password="064"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="38267"
+      password="38267"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="tmcg-wnw"
+      user="38267"
+      password="38267"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SaskTel"
+      mcc="204"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="5A"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="vipmobile"
+      user="vipmobile"
+      password="vipmobile"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="220"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="vipmobile.mms"
+      user="vipmobile"
+      password="vipmobile"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIM DUN (IT)"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIM MMS"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_match_data="FFFFFF00"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="FFFFFF00"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+ <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      user="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      password="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      apn=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="IUSACELL"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      apn=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="IUSACELL"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      apn=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="IUSACELL"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      user="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      password="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="UNEFON"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Modem"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="UNEFON"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default"
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="UNEFON"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Noverca"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Noverca"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Vodafone"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Acc. Internet da cell"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="dun"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="PosteMobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PosteMobile (DUN)"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="PosteMobile"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="PosteMobile"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ERG"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="internet.wind"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="mms.wind"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_match_data="FFFFFF00"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="FFFFFF00"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="222"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="FASTWEB"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live!"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="live"
+      password="vodafone"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
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+      password="vodafone"
+      mmsc="http://multimedia/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="0"
+      user="live"
+      password="vodafone"
+      type="default"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="broadband"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
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+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      password="wnw"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digi.Mobil"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cosmote Connect Mobile"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cosmote Connect Mobile"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="broadband"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cosmote MMS"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="wnw"
+      user="wnw"
+      password="wnw"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
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+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="226"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="net"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Swisscom MMS"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Swisscom Services"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sunrise live"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sunrise MMS"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcnet"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="22853xxxxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="upcmms"
+      mcc="228"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="22853xxxxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile CZ"
+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile CZ"
+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MMS"
+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="230"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange SK"
+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange SK MMS"
+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange World"
+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangewap"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="o2internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="231"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="o2mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="live!"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password="ppp"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="A1 MMS"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password="ppp"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8001"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="gprsinternet"
+      user="t-mobile"
+      password="tm"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="gprsmms"
+      user="t-mobile"
+      password="tm"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Planet 3"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <!--apn carrier="Orange MMS (AT)"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="orange.mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange web (AT)"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="web"
+      password="web"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  /-->
+  <apn carrier="tele.ring mms"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="tele.ring web"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="web"
+      user=""
+      password="web"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Planet3"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="data.bob"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password="ppp"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="data.bob MMS"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password="ppp"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8001"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="232"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UBIQUISYS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="O2web"
+      password="O2web"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MMS Prepay"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="payandgo"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MMS Postpay"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="o2wap"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BT One Phone Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B2"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BT One Phone MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://MMSC/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B2"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 Mobile Web"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="o2web"
+      password="password"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="o2wap"
+      password="password"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      user="payandgo"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      user="tescowap"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="0A"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="giffgaff"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="giffgaff"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="O2web"
+      password="O2web"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MMS Prepay"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="payandgo"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="o2wap"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MOBILE WEB"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="O2web"
+      password="O2web"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MMS Prepay"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="payandgo"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O2 MMS Postpay"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="o2wap"
+      password="password"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone UK"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="A0"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="C1"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Talkmob WAP"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="C1"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="70"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BT Mobile"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="bt"
+      password="bt"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B3"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Sainsbury's"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lebara Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Lebara"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="3hotspot"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lycamobile"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="26"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      user="lmuk"
+      password="plus"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Lycamobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin Media Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="user"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="28"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="everywhere"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="eezone"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B2"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://MMSC/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B2"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="bt"
+      password="bt"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="bt"
+      password="bt"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://MMS/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="B3"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BT Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="bt"
+      password="bt"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="C3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BT MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="bt"
+      password="bt"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://MMS/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="C3"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn="everywhere"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn="eezone"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="32"
+      apn="everywhere"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="32"
+      apn="eezone"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="everywhere"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EE MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="eezone"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="tslpaygnet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="LIFE"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="tslmms"
+      authtype="1"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="LIFE"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EE Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="everywhere"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EE MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="eezone"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <!--apn carrier="Orange UK 34"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="orangeinternet"
+      user="user"
+      password="pass"
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange UK 34 MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="orangemms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  /-->
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jersey Telecom"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3130"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="pepperWEB (Jersey)"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="pepper"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="C&amp;W Guernsey Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sure Picture Messaging"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3G HSDPA"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn="3gpronto"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Manx Telecom Contract MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Manx Telecom Prepay MMS"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn=""
+      user="mmsgo"
+      password="mmsgo"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Manx Telecom Contract WEB"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn=""
+      user="gprs"
+      password="gprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EE Internet"
+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="86"
+      apn="everywhere"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="234"
+      mnc="86"
+      apn="eezone"
+      user="eesecure"
+      password="secure"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="235"
+      mnc="94"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DK TDC mms"
+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2380101xxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TDC MMS"
+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2380101xxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="TELMORE"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="TELMORE"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TELMORE WAP"
+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="TELMORE"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="Internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="telenor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BiBoB Internet profil"
+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="BiBoB"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BiBoB"
+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="BiBoB"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="CBB Mobil"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="telenor"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="CBB Mobil"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telia SurfPort"
+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2382010x"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telia SurfPort"
+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2382030x"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telia MMS"
+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2382010x"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telia MMS"
+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="2382030x"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="webSP"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Call me"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Call me MMS"
+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="mmsSP"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Call me"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="webSP"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="DLG Tele"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="mmsSP"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="DLG Tele"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange DE"
+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="Internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="238"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="telenor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telia MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmss"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telia"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="240017xxxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Halebop MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmss"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="240017xxxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Telenor SE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet 3G"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS 3G"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telia MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmss"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Telia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telia"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Telia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Halebop Internet"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Halebop"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Halebop MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmss"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Halebop"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS 3G"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="2400768xxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2400768xxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Spring data"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Spring MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Halebop Internet"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="017"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Halebop MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="017"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="telia"
+      mmsc="http://mmss"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS 3G"
+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Tele2"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="240"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="Telenor SE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
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+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="24201700xxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="ventelo"
+      password="1111"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="24201700xxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="telenor"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="netcom"
+      mmsc="http://mm/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="netcom"
+      user="mms"
+      password="netcom"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc="http://mm/"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="2420256xxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="netcom"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2420256xxxxxxxx"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="242"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="dna"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elisa Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elisa MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Saunalahti Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet.saunalahti"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="2440541"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Saunalahti MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2440541"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TDC Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="song@internet"
+      password="songnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TDC MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA Pro Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA Pro MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TDC Internet Finland"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TDC MMS Finland"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DNA MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="dna"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Saunalahti Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="internet.saunalahti"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Saunalahti MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SONERA Internet"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SONERA MMS"
+      mcc="244"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Omnitel MMS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Omnitel Internet"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="omnitel"
+      user="omni"
+      password="omni"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bite Internet"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bite MMS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms@mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet LT"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test 800"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZW800"
+      type="vzw800"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test 800"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZW800"
+      type="vzw800"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test FOTA"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test FOTA"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test CBS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test CBS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test IMS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test IMS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test Internet"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      authtype="3"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test Internet"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test Internet"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="081"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test 800"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZW800"
+      type="vzw800"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test 800"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZW800"
+      type="vzw800"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test FOTA"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test FOTA"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test CBS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test CBS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test IMS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test IMS"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test Internet"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      authtype="3"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test Internet"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Test Internet"
+      mcc="246"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LMT Internet"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LMT MMS"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 LV Internet"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 LV MMS"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bite LV Internet"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bite LV MMS"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms@mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bite LV WAP"
+      mcc="247"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EMT Internet"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EMT MMS"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EMT WAP"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Send"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="248010x2"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Send"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="248010x3"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elisa Internet"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elisa MMS"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8000"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elisa WAP"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8000"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="24803005x"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="24803005x"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart/Ultra MMS"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="24803005x"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="24803000x"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart/Ultra MMS"
+      mcc="248"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="24803000x"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS Internet"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mts"
+      password="mts"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS MMS"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mts"
+      password="mts"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Megafon Internet"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Megafon MMS"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc:8002"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="YOTA Internet"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TELE2 Internet"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TELE2 MMS"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline Internet"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn=""
+      user="beeline"
+      password="beeline"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline MMS"
+      mcc="250"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn=""
+      user="beeline"
+      password="beeline"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc:8002/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS-internet"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline-internet"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline MMS"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kyivstar MMS"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kyivstar Internet"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="igprs"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Djuice MMS"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="djuice"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="DJUICE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Djuice Internet"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="DJUICE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Life:) internet"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Life:) MMS"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Utel Internet"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Utel MMS"
+      mcc="255"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Velcom Internet"
+      mcc="257"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Velcom MMS"
+      mcc="257"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="257"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mts"
+      user="mts"
+      password="mts"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS MMS"
+      mcc="257"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mts"
+      user="mts"
+      password="mts"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="life:) Internet"
+      mcc="257"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="life:) MMS"
+      mcc="257"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange_Internet_GPRS"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange_MMS_GPRS"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Moldcell Internet"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Moldcell MMS"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unite Internet PrePay"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unite Internet PostPay"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unite MMS"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mms/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      mcc="259"
+      mnc="01"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Plus Internet"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="plus"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Plus MMS"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=""
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=""
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=""
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="heyahinternet"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="heyahmms"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="heyahmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="Internet"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Play Internet"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Play MMS"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="260"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telekom Internet"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telekom Internet"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet.telekom"
+      user="telekom"
+      password="telekom"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8008"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telekom Internet"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet.telekom"
+      user="telekom"
+      password="telekom"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8008"
+      mvno_match_data="debitel"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone DE"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone DE-MMS"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone DE"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="E-Plus Web GPRS"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="eplus"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="E-Plus MMS"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="eplus"
+      mmsc="http://mms/eplus/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="5080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="o2 Internet"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="internet"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2620739"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="o2 Internet Prepaid"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="2620749"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alice"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="internet.partner1"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Alice"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Fonic"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_match_data="26207515"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="262"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Net2"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Net2"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="vodafone"
+      password="vodafone"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="vodafone P dun"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PortalOptimus"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PortalOptimus"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="umts"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc:10021/mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="tmn internet"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="tmn internet"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mms tmn"
+      mcc="268"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="tmn"
+      password="tmnnet"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="POST MMS"
+      mcc="270"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="POST Internet"
+      mcc="270"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tango WAP"
+      mcc="270"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="tango"
+      password="tango"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="270"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="tango"
+      password="tango"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vox Mobile"
+      mcc="270"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone IE"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone IE-MMS"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MISP"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="vodafone"
+      password="vodafone"
+      type="dun"
+  />
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+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=" Mobile Hotspot"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="Open.internet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Meteor Data"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="my"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Meteor MMS"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="my"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tesco"
+      mcc="272"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmc1/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      mvno_match_data="0A"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Siminn MMS"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Internet"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MMS"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Internet"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MMS"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Nova"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Net Nova"
+      mcc="274"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="278"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MT-MMS"
+      mcc="278"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="280"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="cytamobile"
+      user="user"
+      password="pass"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="280"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3130"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="280"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="wap"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="3130"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTel"
+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTel MMS"
+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mtel"
+      password="mtel"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivacom"
+      password="vivacom"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="globul"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8004"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GLOBUL MMS GPRS"
+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8004"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bulsatcom"
+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MAX TELECOM"
+      mcc="284"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="286"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="286"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="286"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MMS"
+      mcc="286"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="vodafone"
+      password="vodafone"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="286"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="286"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="290"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="290"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      user="simobil"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9201"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Si.mobil MMS"
+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      user="simobil"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="mobitel"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="64"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      user="tusmobil"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      user="tusmobil"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="293"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+      mvno_match_data="29370029xxxxxxx"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+  />
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+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="internet"
+      password="t-mobile"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="Internet"
+      user="Internet"
+      password="Internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="vipoperator"
+      user="vipoperator"
+      password="vipoperator"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="294"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="vipoperator.mms"
+      user="vipoperator"
+      password="vipoperator"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="297"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="38267"
+      password="38267"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="297"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="tmcg-wnw"
+      user="38267"
+      password="38267"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TELUS"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="54"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Koodo"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="4B"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="50"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Internet"
+       mcc="302"
+       mnc="220"
+       apn=""
+       type="default,mms,agps,supl,fota,hipri"
+       mmsc=""
+       mmsproxy=""
+       mmsport="80"
+       mvno_type="gid"
+       mvno_match_data="4D4F"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TELUS"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="221"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="54"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Koodo"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="221"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="4B"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PC mobile"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="221"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_match_data="50"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MOWAP"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="320"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MOMMS"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="320"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="270"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="270"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="370"
+      apn="sp.mts"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_match_data="2C"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Fido LTE"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="370"
+      apn="ltemobile.apn"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Media"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Media"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="510"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Media"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="520"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bell Mobility"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="660"
+      apn="sp.mts"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_match_data="2C"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rogers LTE"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="720"
+      apn="ltemobile.apn"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="720"
+      apn="chatrweb.apn"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      mvno_match_data="302720x94"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tbaytel Internet"
+      mnc="720"
+      mcc="302"
+      apn="ltemobile.apn"
+      type="default,mms,agps,supl,fota,hipri"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="BA"
+  />
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+      mnc="720"
+      mcc="302"
+      apn="ltemobile.apn"
+      type="default,mms,agps,supl,fota,hipri"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="CITYFONE"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SaskTel"
+      mcc="302"
+      mnc="780"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon CDMA HRPD"
+     mcc="310"
+     mnc="00"
+     mmsc=""
+     type="default,mms,hipri,dun,supl"
+     mvno_type="spn"
+     mvno_match_data="Tracfone"
+     authtype="3"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluewire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8514"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluewire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluewire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluewire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluewire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8514"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluewire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8514"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluewire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Flatwire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Flatwire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Flatwire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Flatwire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Flatwire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="flatwire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobipcs IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobipcs FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobipcs"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobipcs"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilenation IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mobilenation"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mohave IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mohave FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mohave"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="peopleswire"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Peopleswire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Peopleswire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="peopleswire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="peopleswire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="peopleswire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Peopleswire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Peopleswire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Peopleswire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Peopleswire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="revol"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Revol IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Revol IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Revol FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Revol FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Revol"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Revol"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="revol"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Commnet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="commnet"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="distribution"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Distribution IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Distribution IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Distribution FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Distribution FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Distribution"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Distribution"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="distribution"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Union Wireless Data"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      type="default,hipri,dun,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Union Wireless MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/01"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <!-- Need two APNs for CDMA technologies: a default that is used normally -->
+  <!-- and a second APN to be used when DUN is required.  Even though the -->
+  <!-- parameters appear the same, the profileID sent to the radio when requesting -->
+  <!-- a DUN connection will be different -->
+  <!-- IS95A - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+  />
+  <!-- IS95B - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+  />
+  <!-- 1xRTT - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_0 - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_A - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_B - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon Internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon Internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon CBS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon CBS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="004"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=" ALU Test-SIM Internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="028"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=" ALU Test-SIM FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="028"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=" ALU Test-SIM IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="028"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=" ALU Test-SIM CBS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="028"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="myBlue Pix"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn=""
+      user="privuser"
+      password="priv"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="itewire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itewire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itewire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itewire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itewire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itewire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itewire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="itewire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="etex"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etex IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etex IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etex FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etex FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etex"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etex"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="etex"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mta"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mta IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mta IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mta FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mta FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mta"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mta"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="mta"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="alaskacomm"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alaskacomm IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alaskacomm IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alaskacomm FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alaskacomm FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alaskacomm"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alaskacomm"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alaskacomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S.Cellular"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="066"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="*"
+      server="*"
+      password="*"
+      mmsc=""
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Corr Wap"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="080"
+      apn="corrgprs"
+      server=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="9201"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CorrMMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="080"
+      apn="corrmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="090"
+      apn="isp"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="090"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Edge MMS Prepay"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="090"
+      apn="ppmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PLATMMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="100"
+      apn="mms.plateau"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PLATWEB"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="100"
+      apn="isp.plateau"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <!-- 1xRTT - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="sprint"
+      type="default,supl,mms,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_0 - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="sprint"
+      type="default,supl,mms,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      bearer="7"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_A - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="sprint"
+      type="default,supl,mms,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      bearer="8"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_B - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="sprint"
+      type="default,supl,mms,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      bearer="12"
+  />
+  <!-- IS95A - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="sprint"
+      type="default,supl,mms,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      bearer="4"
+  />
+  <!-- IS95B - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="sprint"
+      type="default,supl,mms,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      bearer="5"
+  />
+  <!-- this APN will be deleted and replaced by a new ia APN by the HFA provisioning process.
+       This is just a bootstrap APN to enable HFA -->
+  <apn carrier="OTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="fota,ia"
+      user="null"
+      password="null"
+  />
+  <!-- GPRS -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="1"
+  />
+  <!-- EDGE -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="2"
+  />
+  <!-- UMTS -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="3"
+  />
+  <!-- HSDPA -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="9"
+  />
+  <!-- HSUPA -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="10"
+  />
+  <!-- HSPA -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="11"
+  />
+  <!-- HSPAP -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="15"
+  />
+  <!-- GSM -->
+  <apn carrier="SPCS Global"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      bearer="16"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="My Multi Media"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="mms.c1.ama"
+      user="cell1mms"
+      password="cell1"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="carolinawest"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carolina IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carolina IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carolina FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carolina FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carolina west"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Carolina west"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="carolinawest"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="150"
+      apn="ndo"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      proxy=""
+      port=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,mms,fota,hipri,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 160"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 160"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 160 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 160"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DataConnect"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="170"
+      apn="isp.cingular"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cingular MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="170"
+      apn="wap.cingular"
+      password="CINGULAR1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WCW-INTERNET"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn=""
+      user="13257630000"
+      password="mmsc"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WCW-MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn=""
+      user="13257630000"
+      password="mmsc"
+      authtype="3"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 200"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="200"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 200"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="200"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 200 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="200"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mtu="1440"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 200"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="200"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 210"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="210"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 210"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="210"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 210 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="210"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mtu="1440"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 210"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="210"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 220"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 220"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 220 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mtu="1440"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 220"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 230"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 230"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 230 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mtu="1440"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 230"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 240"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="240"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 240"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="240"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 240 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="240"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mtu="1440"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 240"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="240"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 250"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="250"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 250"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="250"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 250 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="250"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mtu="1440"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 250"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="250"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile GPRS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile GPRS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SIMPLE"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn="simple"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="534D"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TFWAP"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn="wap.tracfone"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="deff"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TFWAP"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn="wap.tracfone"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="ddff"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Consumer Cellular"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="260"
+      apn="wholesale"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      proxy=""
+      port=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="2AC9"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 270"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="270"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 270"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="270"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 270 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="270"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 270"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="270"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 300"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="300"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 300 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="300"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 300"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="300"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="300"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 310"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 310"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 310 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 310"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellular One NEAZ ISP"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="320"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellular One ClearSky MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="320"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="alltel2"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alltel2 IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alltel2 IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alltel2 FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alltel2 FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alltel2"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alltel2"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="330"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="alltel2"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="pioneer"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pioneer IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pioneer IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pioneer FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pioneer FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pioneer"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pioneer"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="360"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pioneer"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cingular 380 ATT"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="380"
+      apn="proxy"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AWS MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="380"
+      apn="proxy"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Celloneet MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password="celloneet"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ATT Phone"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="phone"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,hipri"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ATT WAP"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="wap.cingular"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      server=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Defense Mobile"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="PRODATA"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,mms,supl"
+      protocol="IP"
+      mtusize="1410"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="60FF"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TFDATA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="tfdata"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="deff"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TFDATA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="tfdata"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+      mvno_match_data="ddff"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CBW Data"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="gci"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gci IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gci IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gci FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gci FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gci"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gci"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gci"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viaero Connect"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viaero MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn="isp.cingular"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MediaNet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn="wap.cingular"
+      password="CINGULAR1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nTelos Ota"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn=""
+      type="admin,fota,ota"
+      bearer="13"
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nTelos Ota"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn=""
+      type="admin,fota,ota"
+      bearer="14"
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nTelos Wireless"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,internet,supl,hipri,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nTelos Tether"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun,pam"
+      bearer="13"
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nTelos Tether"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun,pam"
+      bearer="14"
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nTelos Wireless"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="470"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ntelos"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DataConnect"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="isp.cingular"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MediaNet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="wap.cingular"
+      password="CINGULAR1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 490"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 490"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 490 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 490"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GoodCall Picture Message"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Suncom MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 530"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 530 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 530"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="560"
+      apn="dobsoncellularwap"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="570"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellular One MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="570"
+      apn="clearsky"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 580"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 580 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 580"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Inland IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Inland FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Inland FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Inland"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Inland"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="inland"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CellularOne MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="cellular1wap"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 590"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 590 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 590"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="cellcom"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cellcom"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EpicINT"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="internet.epictouch"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EpicMMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="mms.epictouch"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 640"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="640"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 640 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="640"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 640"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="640"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 660"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="660"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 660"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="660"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 660 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="660"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 660"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="660"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rogers Internet"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="720"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rogers Media"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="720"
+      apn=""
+      user="media"
+      password="mda01"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Appalachian IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Appalachian IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Appalachian FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Appalachian FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Appalachian"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Appalachian"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="appalachian"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="770"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Web 1"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="770"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Picture Messaging"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="770"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 800"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 800"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T-Mobile US 800 DUN"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn=""
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      protocol="IP"
+      type="dun"
+      mtu="1440"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MetroPCS 800"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+      protocol="IPV6"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      mvno_match_data="6D"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nepa IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nepa IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nepa FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nepa"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nepa"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nepa"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="840"
+      apn="isp"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="840"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="840"
+      apn="ppmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="880"
+      apn=""
+      type="default"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DTC MMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="880"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Midrivers FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="900"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="midrivers"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="910"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jamesvalley FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="jamesvalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coppervalley IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coppervalley FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coppervalley FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Copper Valley"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Copper Valley"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="coppervalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nntcwire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nntcwire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nntcwire IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nntcwire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nntcwire FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nntcwire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nntcwire"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nntcwire"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="silverstar"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Silverstar IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Silverstar IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Silverstar FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Silverstar FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Silverstar"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Silverstar"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="silverstar"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="snakeriver"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Snakeriver IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Snakeriver IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Snakeriver FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Snakeriver FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Snakeriver"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Snakeriver"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="snakeriver"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="southcentral"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Southcentral IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Southcentral IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Southcentral FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Southcentral FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Southcentral"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Southcentral"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="southcentral"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="strata"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Strata IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Strata IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Strata FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Strata FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="strata"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="strata"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="strata"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="syringa"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa IMS"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa FOTA"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa"
+      mcc="310"
+      mnc="960"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="syringa"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="thumbcellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Thumb IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Thumb IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Thumb FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Thumb FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Thumbcellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Thumbcellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="thumbcellular"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="elementmobile"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elementmobile IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elementmobile IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elementmobile FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elementmobile FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elementmobile"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Elementmobile"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="elementmobile"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PINE WAP"
+     mcc="311"
+     mnc="080"
+     apn="PINE"
+     mmsc=""
+     mmsproxy=""
+     mmsport="9401"
+     type="default,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NexTech Wireless"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="100"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="sprocket"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprocket IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprocket IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprocket FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprocket FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprocket"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprocket"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="140"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="sprocket"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ISP"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="190"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="190"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Farmers GPRS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="210"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Farmers MMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="210"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      authtype="3"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="220"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="221"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="222"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="223"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="223"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="223"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="223"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="223"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="223"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="223"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="223"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="224"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="224"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="224"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="224"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="224"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="224"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="224"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="224"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="225"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="225"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="225"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="225"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="225"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="225"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="225"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="225"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="226"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="226"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="226"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="226"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="226"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="226"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="226"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="226"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="227"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="228"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="229"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CSpire ota"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="admin,fota,ota"
+      bearer="14"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CSpire ota"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="admin,fota,ota"
+      bearer="13"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,internet,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="dun,pam"
+      bearer="13"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CSpire tether"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="dun,pam"
+      bearer="14"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="230"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cspire"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="leaco"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="leaco"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Leaco IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="leaco"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="leaco"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="leaco"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="leaco"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="leaco"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Illinois valley"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Illinois valley"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="340"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="illinoisvalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nemont IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nemont"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="350"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="nemont"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="370"
+      apn="web.gci"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="370"
+      apn="mms.gci"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9201"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="370"
+      apn="web.acs"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="3113702"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="370"
+      apn="mms.acs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="3113702"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="390"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="chatmobrsa2"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa2 IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa2 IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa2 FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa2 FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa2"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa2"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="410"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa2"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="northwestcell"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NW IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NW IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NW FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NW FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Northwestcell"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Northwestcell"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="northwestcell"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="chatmobrsa1"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa1 IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa1 IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa1 FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa1 FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa1"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobrsa1"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="430"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobrsa1"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bluegrass"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluegrass IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluegrass IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluegrass FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluegrass FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluegrass"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluegrass"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="440"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="bluegrass"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ptci"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ptci IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ptci IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ptci FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ptci FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ptci"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ptci"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="450"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="6672"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="ptci"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <!-- Need two APNs for CDMA technologies: a default that is used normally -->
+  <!-- and a second APN to be used when DUN is required.  Even though the -->
+  <!-- parameters appear the same, the profileID sent to the radio when requesting -->
+  <!-- a DUN connection will be different -->
+  <!-- IS95A - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+  />
+  <!-- IS95B - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+  />
+  <!-- 1xRTT - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_0 - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_A - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+  />
+  <!-- EVDO_B - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,ims,cbs,dun"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="1"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="2"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="3"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="9"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="10"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="11"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="15"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <!-- EHRPD - CDMA -->
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - Verizon Internet"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - Verizon Internet"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      type="default,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="0"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="1"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="2"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="3"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="9"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="10"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="11"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="15"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - Verizon FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - Verizon FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="3"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="1"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="2"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="3"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="9"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="10"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="11"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="15"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - Verizon IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - Verizon IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="2"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="1"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="2"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="3"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="9"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="10"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="11"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Verizon"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="15"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="EHRPD - Verizon CBS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE - Verizon CBS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="480"
+      apn="VZWAPP"
+      type="cbs,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      profile_id="4"
+      modem_cognitive="true"
+      max_conns="1023"
+      max_conns_time="300"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="2"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="3"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint CdmaNai"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="9"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="10"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="11"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="ota"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="ota"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="15"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="490"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="16"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="24-7 WAP"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="24-7 Wireless"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="24-7 WAP AT&amp;T"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="24-7 Wireless RPA"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="24-7 WAP T-Mobile"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="24-7 Wireless RPT"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="24-7 WAP Other networks"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="24-7 Wireless RPO"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mosaic WAP"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Mosaic Mobile"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mosaic WAP AT&amp;T"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Mosaic RPA"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mosaic WAP T-Mobile"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Mosaic RPT"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mosaic WAP Other networks"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Mosaic RPO"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Norvado"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Norvado Wireless"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Norvado AT&amp;T"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Norvado Wireless RPA"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Norvado T-Mobile"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Norvado Wireless RPT"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Norvado Other networks"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="500"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Norvado Wireless RPO"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Blaze"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="Blaze Wireless"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Duet Internet"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="580"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="581"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="582"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="583"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="584"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="585"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="586"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="587"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="588"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
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+      bearer="13"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      apn="usccinternet"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="4"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="5"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="7"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="8"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U.S. Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="589"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms,dun,hipri,fota"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="12"
+      mtu="1422"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
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+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
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+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
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+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
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+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
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+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
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+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
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+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gsc"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="590"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="gsc"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="cox"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cox IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cox IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cox FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cox FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cox"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cox"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="cox"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="srtcomm"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Srtcomm IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Srtcomm IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Srtcomm FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Srtcomm FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Srtcomm"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Srtcomm"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="610"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="srtcomm"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="unitedwireless"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="United IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="United IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="United FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="United FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unitedwireless"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unitedwireless"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="650"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="unitedwireless"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="pinebelt"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pinebelt IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pinebelt IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pinebelt FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pinebelt FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+   />
+  <apn carrier="Pinebelt"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pinebelt"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="670"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="pinebelt"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+   />
+  <apn carrier="TelAlaska Cellular"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="740"
+      apn=""
+      type="default"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="2"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="3"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint CdmaNai"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="9"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="10"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="11"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="ota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="ota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="15"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="16"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MobileNation"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="910"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport="8081"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,internet,admin,fota,dun,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chariton IMS"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chariton FOTA"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="charitonvalley"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syringa Wireless"
+      mcc="311"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,internet,admin,fota,dun,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Custer IMS"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Custer IMS"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Custer FOTA"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Custer"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Custer"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="custer"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobility IMS"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chatmobility IMS"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="chatmobility FOTA"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="chatmobility FOTA"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="chatmobility"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="160"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="chatmobility"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NexTech Ota"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="admin,fota,ota"
+      bearer="14"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NexTech Ota"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="admin,fota,ota"
+      bearer="13"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,internet,supl,hipri,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="dun,pam"
+      bearer="14"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NexTech Tether"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="420"
+      apn=""
+      server="*"
+      mmsport=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="dun,pam"
+      bearer="13"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint CdmaNai"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="2"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="3"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="9"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="10"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="11"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="15"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,mms"
+      bearer="16"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="ota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint"
+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="530"
+      apn="otasn"
+      type="ota"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="312"
+      mnc="570"
+      apn="Blue Hotspot"
+      server="*"
+      mmsport="8514"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      user=""
+      password="wirelessblue"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,dun,mms"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sprint APN"
+      mcc="316"
+      mnc="010"
+      apn="cinet.spcs"
+      user="none"
+      server="*"
+      password="none"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default"
+  />
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+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="CdmaNai"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      type="mms"
+      carrier_enabled="false"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="6"
+  />
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+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Openmobile IMS"
+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWIMS"
+      type="ims,ia"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Openmobile FOTA"
+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWADMIN"
+      type="fota"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
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+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="13"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Openmobile"
+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="000"
+      apn="VZWINTERNET"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport=""
+      mvno_type="spn"
+      mvno_match_data="openmobile"
+      type="default,mms,dun,supl"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+      bearer="14"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Puerto Rico:Claro:LTE"
+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="110"
+      apn=""
+      type="default"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Puerto Rico:Claro:Banda Ancha"
+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="110"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS CLARO"
+      mcc="330"
+      mnc="110"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      user="webgprs"
+      password="webgprs2002"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      user="mmsgprs"
+      password="mmsgprs2003"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn=""
+      user="iusacellgsm"
+      password="iusacellgsm"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Iusacell MMS"
+      mcc="334"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn=""
+      user="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      password="mmsiusacellgsm"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc='334'
+      mnc='090'
+      apn=''
+      server=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='supl'
+      port='7275'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Nextel MMS'
+      mcc='334'
+      mnc='090'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Nextel Modem'
+      mcc='334'
+      mnc='090'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Nextel Navegación'
+      mcc='334'
+      mnc='090'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='default'
+  />
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+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="web"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="web"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="050"
+      apn="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="ppinternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Prepaid MMS"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="ppmms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn="ppinternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn="ppmms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Claro MMS"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="070"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="338"
+      mnc="180"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="340"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangewap"
+      user="orange"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8082"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="340"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangewap"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8082"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="340"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="340"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="dun"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+  />
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+      mcc="342"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="342"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc='342'
+      mnc='600'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
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+      mcc="342"
+      mnc="600"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc='342'
+      mnc='600'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="344"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="344"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc='344'
+      mnc='920'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Antigua:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='344'
+      mnc='920'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Antigua:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='344'
+      mnc='920'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="346"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="346"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Cayman Islands:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='346'
+      mnc='140'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Cayman Islands:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='346'
+      mnc='140'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Cayman Islands:Mms'
+      mcc='346'
+      mnc='140'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="348"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="348"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Bvi:Digicel:Internet'
+      mcc='348'
+      mnc='77'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Bvi:Digicel:Mms'
+      mcc='348'
+      mnc='77'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+      user='wapbvi'
+      password='wapbvi'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Bvi:Digicel:Modem'
+      mcc='348'
+      mnc='77'
+      apn=''
+      port='8080'
+      authtype='1'
+      proxy=''
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+      user='wapbvi'
+      password='wapbvi'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Bvi:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='348'
+      mnc='170'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Bvi:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='348'
+      mnc='170'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Bvi:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='348'
+      mnc='170'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
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+      mcc="352"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="352"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Grenada:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='352'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Grenada:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='352'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Grenada:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='352'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="354"
+      mnc="86"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="354"
+      mnc="86"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Monserrat:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='354'
+      mnc='860'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Monserrat:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='354'
+      mnc='860'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Monserrat:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='354'
+      mnc='860'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="356"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="356"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Kitts And Nevis:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='356'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Kitts And Nevis:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='356'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Kitts And Nevis:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='356'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="358"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="358"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="360"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Lucia:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='358'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Lucia:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='358'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Lucia:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='358'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="360"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Vincent:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='360'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Vincent:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='360'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='St Vincent:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='360'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Curacao:Digicel:Internet'
+      mcc='362'
+      mnc='69'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Curacao:Digicel:Mms'
+      mcc='362'
+      mnc='69'
+      apn='wap'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Curacao:Digicel:Modem'
+      mcc='362'
+      mnc='69'
+      apn='wap'
+      port='8080'
+      authtype='1'
+      proxy=''
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET Aruba"
+      mcc="363"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Digicel"
+      mcc="363"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET Aruba"
+      mcc="363"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Digicel"
+      mcc="363"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn="wap"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="365"
+      mnc="84"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="365"
+      mnc="84"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Anguilla:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='365'
+      mnc='840'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Anguilla:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='365'
+      mnc='840'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Anguilla:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='365'
+      mnc='840'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="366"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="366"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Dominica:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='366'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Dominica:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='366'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Dominica:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='366'
+      mnc='110'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="368"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cubacel MMS"
+      mcc="368"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet (LTE)"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangeinternet"
+      type="ia,default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange net (3G)"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangeworld"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Móvil Claro"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Móvil Claro"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viva Edge (GSM)"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      user="viva"
+      password="viva"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viva MMS"
+      mcc="370"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="viva"
+      password="viva"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Haiti:Digicel:Internet'
+      mcc='372'
+      mnc='02'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Haiti:Digicel:Mms'
+      mcc='372'
+      mnc='02'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+      user='wapha'
+      password='wap01ha'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Haiti:Digicel:Modem'
+      mcc='372'
+      mnc='02'
+      apn=''
+      port='8080'
+      authtype='1'
+      proxy=''
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+      user='wapha'
+      password='wap01ha'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="120"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="121"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="121"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="122"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="122"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="123"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="123"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="124"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="124"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="125"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="125"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="126"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="126"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="127"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="127"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="128"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="128"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile internet"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="129"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bmobile mms"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="129"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET Trinidad"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Trinidad"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET Trinidad"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Trinidad"
+      mcc="374"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Internet Postpaid"
+      mcc="376"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="internet"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lime Postpaid MMS"
+      mcc="376"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Turks And Caicos:Lime:Internet'
+      mcc='376'
+      mnc='350'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Turks And Caicos:Lime:Mms'
+      mcc='376'
+      mnc='350'
+      apn='multimedia'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc='http://mmsc'
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Turks And Caicos:Lime:Modem'
+      mcc='376'
+      mnc='350'
+      apn='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Azercell"
+      mcc="400"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bakcell"
+      mcc="400"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="FONEX"
+      mcc="400"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nar Mobile"
+      mcc="400"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline Internet"
+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="@internet.beeline"
+      password="beeline"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline MMS"
+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="@mms.beeline"
+      password="beeline"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DOS Internet"
+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kcell Internet"
+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kcell MMS"
+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 Internet"
+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tele2 MMS"
+      mcc="401"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="B-Mobile"
+      mcc="402"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TashiCell"
+      mcc="402"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="aircelwappost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="mizone"
+      password="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Mobile"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="22"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="22"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="22"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="aircelwappost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="27"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="27"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="27"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="28"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="28"
+      apn="aircelwappost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="28"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="28"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="28"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="28"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="myaircelpost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="myaircel"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      type="default,supl"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="29"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="myaircelpost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="myaircel"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      type="default,supl"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="33"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="aircelwappost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel Internet (40435)"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="36"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance Net"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="36"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance WAP"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="36"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance Internet (40436)"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="36"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="37"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="37"
+      apn="aircelwappost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="37"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="37"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel Internet (40437)"
+       mcc="404"
+       mnc="37"
+       apn="aircelgprs"
+       type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+       protocol="IP"
+       roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="37"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="38"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="38"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="38"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn="aircelgprs.po"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn="aircelwap.po"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel Internet (40441)"
+       mcc="404"
+       mnc="41"
+       apn="aircelgprs"
+       type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+       protocol="IP"
+       roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel WAP (40441)"
+       mcc="404"
+       mnc="41"
+       apn="aircelwap"
+       type="default,supl"
+       proxy=""
+       port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn="aircelmms.po"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="41"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel MMS (40441)"
+       mcc="404"
+       mnc="41"
+       apn="aircelmms"
+       mmsproxy=""
+       mmsport="8080"
+       mmsc=""
+       type="mms"
+       protocol="IP"
+       roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn="aircelgprs.po"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-GPRS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn="aircelwap.po"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Pocket Internet-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel Internet (40442)"
+       mcc="404"
+       mnc="42"
+       apn="aircelgprs"
+       type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+       protocol="IP"
+       roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS-Postpaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn="aircelmms.po"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS-Prepaid"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="42"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="43"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="43"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="43"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="44"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="44"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="44"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="45"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="45"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="45"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="46"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="46"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="46"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="49"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="49"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="49"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance Net"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance WAP"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="51"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="51"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="51"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="52"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance Net"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="52"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance WAP"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="52"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="54"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="54"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="54"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="56"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="56"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="56"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="57"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="57"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="57"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="58"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="59"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="59"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="59"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="62"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="62"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="62"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="64"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="64"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="64"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="66"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="66"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="66"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="67"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="67"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance WAP"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="67"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTNL"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="68"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="mtnl"
+      password="mtnl123"
+      mmsc="http://mtnlmms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="default,mms,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTNL"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="69"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      user="mtnl"
+      password="mtnl123"
+      mmsc="http://mtnlmms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="default,mms,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="71"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="71"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="71"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="72"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="72"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="72"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="73"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="73"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="73"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="74"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="74"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="74"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="75"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="75"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="75"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlmms"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="76"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="76"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="76"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="78"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="78"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="78"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="79"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="79"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="79"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="80"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="80"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="80"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="bsnlmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnlnet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="bsnlnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="bsnllive"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="81"
+      apn="bsnllive"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="82"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="82"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="82"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="83"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="83"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="83"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="84"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="84"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="84"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="85"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance Net"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="85"
+      apn="smartnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="85"
+      apn="smartwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="86"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="86"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="86"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="87"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="87"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="87"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafonemobileconnect"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="aircelwebpost"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="aircelwappost"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="aircelweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Aircel-MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="94"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="94"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="94"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="95"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="95"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="95"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="96"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="96"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="96"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="97"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="97"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="97"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="98"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="98"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="404"
+      mnc="98"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="22"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="22"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="22"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Reliance MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn="rcommms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Netconnect"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn="rcomnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RelianceMbWorld"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn="rcomwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="025"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="025"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="025"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="026"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="026"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="026"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="027"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="027"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="027"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="028"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="028"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="028"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="029"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="029"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="029"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="030"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="031"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="031"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="031"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="032"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="032"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="033"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="033"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="033"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="034"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="034"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="034"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="035"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="035"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="036"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="036"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="036"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="037"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="037"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="037"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="038"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="038"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="038"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="039"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="039"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="039"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="040"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="041"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="041"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="041"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="042"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="042"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="042"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="043"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="043"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="043"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="044"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="044"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="044"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="045"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="045"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="045"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="046"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="046"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="046"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO INTERNET"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="047"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO DIVE-IN"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="047"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.DIVE.IN"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TATA DOCOMO MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="047"
+      apn="TATA.DOCOMO.MMS"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="51"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="51"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="51"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="52"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="52"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="52"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="53"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="54"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIRTEL LIVE"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="54"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="54"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobile Office"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="55"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="56"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="56"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="56"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="66"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="66"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="66"
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+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="67"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="67"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="67"
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+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="70"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="70"
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+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="750"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="750"
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+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="751"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="751"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="751"
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+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="752"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="752"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="752"
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+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="753"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="753"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="753"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="754"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="754"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="754"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="755"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="755"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="755"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="756"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="756"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="756"
+      apn="portalnmms"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="799"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="799"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="799"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn="aircelwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="800"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="801"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="801"
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+      port="8081"
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+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="801"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="802"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="802"
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+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
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+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="802"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="803"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="803"
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+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
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+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="803"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8081"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="804"
+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="804"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="804"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="805"
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+      proxy=""
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+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="805"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="806"
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+      port="8080"
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+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="806"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
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+      apn="aircelgprs"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="807"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mnc="808"
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+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="808"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
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+      type="mms"
+  />
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+  />
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+  />
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+      mmsproxy=""
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+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="810"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
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+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="811"
+      apn="aircelmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
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+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+  />
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+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="813"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mnc="813"
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+  />
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+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="814"
+      apn="uninor"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mnc="814"
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+      type="mms"
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+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="815"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mnc="815"
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+      type="mms"
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+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="816"
+      apn="uninor"
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+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="816"
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+  />
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+      apn="uninor"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="817"
+      apn="uninor"
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+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="817"
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+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      apn="uninor"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="818"
+      apn="uninor"
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+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="818"
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+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      apn="uninor"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="819"
+      apn="uninor"
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+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="819"
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+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      apn="uninor"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="820"
+      apn="uninor"
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+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="820"
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+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="821"
+      apn="uninor"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="821"
+      apn="uninor"
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+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="821"
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+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mnc="822"
+      apn="uninor"
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+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="822"
+      apn="uninor"
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+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="822"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
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+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="823"
+      apn=""
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+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="823"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="824"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="824"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="825"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="825"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="826"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="826"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="827"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="827"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="828"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="828"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="829"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="829"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="830"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="830"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="831"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="831"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="832"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="832"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="833"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="833"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="834"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="834"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="835"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="835"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="836"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="836"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="837"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="837"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="838"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="838"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="839"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="839"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="840"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="840"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="841"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="841"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="842"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="842"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="843"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="843"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="844"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="844"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="844"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="845"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="845"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="845"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="846"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="846"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="846"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="847"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="847"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="847"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="848"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="848"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="848"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="849"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="849"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="849"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="850"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="850"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="850"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="851"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="851"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="851"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="852"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="852"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="852"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Idea_Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="853"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA GPRS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="853"
+      apn="imis"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="853"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="854"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405854)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="854"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405855)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="855"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405855)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="855"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405856)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="856"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405856)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="856"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="857"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405857)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="857"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="858"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="858"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="859"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405859)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="859"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="860"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405860)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="860"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="861"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="861"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="862"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405862)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="862"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="863"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405863)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="863"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="864"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405864)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="864"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="865"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405865)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="865"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="866"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405866)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="866"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="867"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405867)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="867"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="868"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405868)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="868"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405869)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="869"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405869)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="869"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405870)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405870)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="870"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405871)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="871"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405871)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="871"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405872)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="872"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405872)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="872"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405873)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="873"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop MMS (405873)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="873"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Loop Internet (405874)"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="874"
+      apn="www"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="874"
+      apn="mizone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9401"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+      carrier_enabled="true"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="875"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="875"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="875"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="876"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="876"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="876"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="877"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="877"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="877"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="878"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="878"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="878"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="879"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="879"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="879"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="880"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="880"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="880"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STEL"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="881"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STEL"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="882"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STEL"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="883"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STEL"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="884"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STEL"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="885"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STEL"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="886"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="908"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="908"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="909"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="909"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="910"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="910"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="911"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IDEA MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="911"
+      apn="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="912"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="913"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="914"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="915"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="916"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="917"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="918"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="919"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="920"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="921"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="922"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="923"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="924"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="925"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="925"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="925"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="926"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="926"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="926"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="927"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="927"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="927"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="928"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="928"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="928"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Internet"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="929"
+      apn="uninor"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor Wap"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="929"
+      apn="uninor"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Uninor MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="929"
+      apn="uninor"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="930"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cheers"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="931"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon MMS"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="932"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Videocon"
+      mcc="405"
+      mnc="932"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilink WAP GPRS"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="Mobilink"
+      password="Mobilink"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilink MMS"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="Mobilink"
+      password="Mobilink"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ufone WAP"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="Ufone.internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ufone MMS"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="Ufone.mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ZONG WAP"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="zonginternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ZONG MMS"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="zongmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8000"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor WAP"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telenor MMS"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="Telenor"
+      password="Telenor"
+      mmsc="http://mmstelenor"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Warid WAP"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="Wap.warid"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Warid MMS"
+      mcc="410"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms.warid"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Consumer Cellular'
+      mcc='410'
+      mnc='310'
+      apn='att.mvno'
+      type='default,mms,supl,hipri,fota'
+      protocol='IP'
+      roaming_protocol='IP'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='80'
+      mvno_type='gid'
+      mvno_match_data='2AC9'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AWCC"
+      mcc="412"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Roshan"
+      mcc="412"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="412"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etisalat"
+      mcc="412"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobitel"
+      mcc="413"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Dialog"
+      mcc="413"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etisalat"
+      mcc="413"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="413"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Hutch"
+      mcc="413"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MPT"
+      mcc="414"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alfa Internet"
+      mcc="415"
+      mnc="01"
+      user="mic1"
+      password="mic1"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alfawap"
+      mcc="415"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mic1"
+      password="mic1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alfa MMS"
+      mcc="415"
+      mnc="01"
+      user="mic1"
+      password="mic1"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="touch"
+      mcc="415"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="touch"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="touch_WAP"
+      mcc="415"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="touch_MMS"
+      mcc="415"
+      mnc="03"
+      user="touch"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms:8088/mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain JO Internet"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="zain"
+      user="zain"
+      password="zain"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain JO WAP"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="zain"
+      user="zain"
+      password="zain"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain JO Streaming"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="Zain"
+      user="zain"
+      password="zain"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain JO MMS"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="zain"
+      user="zain"
+      password="zain"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Umniah internet"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="net"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Umniah WAP"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Umniah MMS"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="770"
+      apn=""
+      user="mmc"
+      password="mmc"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="770"
+      apn=""
+      user="net"
+      password="net"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange WAP"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="770"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn=""
+      user="mmc"
+      password="mmc"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn=""
+      user="net"
+      password="net"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange WAP"
+      mcc="416"
+      mnc="77"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syriatel Net"
+      mcc="417"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Syriatel MMS"
+      mcc="417"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN WAP"
+      mcc="417"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN MMS"
+      mcc="417"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Asiacell GPRS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Asiacell MMS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SanaTel"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ZAIN-GPRS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="atheer"
+      password="atheer"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain-MMS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="MMS"
+      user="atheer"
+      password="atheer"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mms:8002/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ZAIN-GPRS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="atheer"
+      password="atheer"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain-MMS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="MMS"
+      user="atheer"
+      password="atheer"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mms:8002/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Korek 9595"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Korek 9191"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      user="korek"
+      password="korek"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Korek 9494"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="KOREK MMS"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="40"
+      apn=""
+      user="korek"
+      password="korek"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobitel"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="45"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Itisaluna"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="62"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Omnnea"
+      mcc="418"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MI"
+      mcc="419"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="pps"
+      user="pps"
+      password="pps"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain WAP"
+      mcc="419"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="pps"
+      user="pps"
+      password="pps"
+      authtype="3"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="419"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="pps"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="3"
+      mmsc="http://mms.zain"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Action"
+      mcc="419"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Wataniya MMS"
+      mcc="419"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIVA - KW"
+      mcc="419"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="viva"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STC - GPRS"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="STC MMS"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobily WEB"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="web1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobily prepaid - GPRS"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="wap2"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobily postpaid - GPRS"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="wap1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobily WEB 2"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="web2"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobily MMS Postpaid"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobily MMS Prepaid"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms2"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="zain-Internet Wap"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="zain"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="zain-mms"
+      mcc="420"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="zainmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SabaFon"
+      mcc="421"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sabafon MMS"
+      mcc="421"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      type="mms"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="421"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN MMS YE"
+      mcc="421"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="fast-mms"
+      type="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="3130"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yemen Mobile"
+      mcc="421"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="HiTS-UNITEL"
+      mcc="421"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Oman Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="422"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Oman Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="422"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="taif"
+      user="taif"
+      password="taif"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nawras MMS"
+      mcc="422"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="test"
+      password="test"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nawras Internet"
+      mcc="422"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="test"
+      password="test"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etisalat Data Package"
+      mcc="424"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Weyak Wap"
+      mcc="424"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="etisalat"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etisalat MMS"
+      mcc="424"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="etisalat"
+      mmsc="http://mms/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="du Internet"
+      mcc="424"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="du"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="du WAP"
+      mcc="424"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="du"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="du MMS"
+      mcc="424"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="du"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3G Portal"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3G DUN"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="0"
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom Internet"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="sphone"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom MMS"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Multimedia Pelephone"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="pcl@3g"
+      password="pcl"
+      authtype="3"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sphone Pelephone"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="pcl@3g"
+      password="pcl"
+      authtype="2"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jawwal WAP"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Jawwal MMS"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Wataniya_mms"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet HOT mobile"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="net.hotm"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS HOT mobile"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms.hotm"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GolanTelecom Internet"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GolanTelecom MMS"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3G Portal"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Alon Internet"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Home Cellular Internet"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="hcminternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Home Cellular MMS"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="hcmMMS"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8898"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rami Levi 3G"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="internet.rl"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rami Levi Multimedia"
+      mcc="425"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Batelco Internet"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Batelco WAP"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="0"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Batelco MMS"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain BH Internet"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain BH WAP"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="0"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain BH MMS"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIVAGPRS"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIVAWAP"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIVAMMS"
+      mcc="426"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mozaic Mob"
+      mcc="427"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="gprs.qtel"
+      user="gprs"
+      password="gprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Qtel MMS"
+      mcc="427"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms.qtel"
+      user="10"
+      password="11"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Voda internet"
+      mcc="427"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VFQ MMS"
+      mcc="427"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unitel"
+      mcc="428"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Skytel"
+      mcc="428"
+      mnc="91"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="G.Mobile"
+      mcc="428"
+      mnc="98"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MobiCom"
+      mcc="428"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Namaste / NT Mobile"
+      mcc="429"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Ncell"
+      mcc="429"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sky/C-Phone"
+      mcc="429"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SmartCell"
+      mcc="429"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCI-GPRS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCCI MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCI-GPRS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCCI MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="MCI-GPRS"
+      mmsport="38090"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCI-GPRS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCCI MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="MCI-GPRS"
+      mmsport="38090"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="rightel"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="rightel"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RighTel-MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="RighTel-WAP"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Irancell-GPRS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="mtnirancell"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Irancell-MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="35"
+      apn="mtnirancell"
+      mmsc="http://mms:8002"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCI-GPRS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCCI MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="70"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCI-GPRS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn="mcinet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MCCI MMS"
+      mcc="432"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn="MCI-GPRS"
+      mmsport="38090"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline-UZB Internet"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="beeline"
+      password="beeline"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline-UZB MMS"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="beeline"
+      password="beeline"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UCELL Internet"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UCELL MMS"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc:8002/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Perfectum Mobile"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS-UZB Internet"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="mts"
+      password="mts"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS-UZB MMS"
+      mcc="434"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc="http://mmsc/was"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tcell"
+      mcc="436"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tcell"
+      mcc="436"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Megafon"
+      mcc="436"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Babilon-M"
+      mcc="436"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tacom"
+      mcc="436"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tcell"
+      mcc="436"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline"
+      mcc="437"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Fonex"
+      mcc="437"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MegaCom"
+      mcc="437"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="O!"
+      mcc="437"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTS (BARASH Communication)"
+      mcc="438"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TM-Cell"
+      mcc="438"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mopera U"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      server=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="b-mobile for Nexus"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="bmobile@nx"
+      server=""
+      password="bmobile"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="b-mobile 3G・4G 1GB/Fair"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="bmobile@fr"
+      server=""
+      password="bmobile"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="b-mobile 3G・4G U300"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="bmobile@u300"
+      server=""
+      password="bmobile"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="b-mobile スマホ電話"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="bmobile@spd"
+      server=""
+      password="bmobile"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="b-mobile 4G カメレオンSIM"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="bmobile@cm"
+      server=""
+      password="bmobile"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IIJmio (LTE端末)"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="mio@iij"
+      server=""
+      password="iij"
+      authtype="3"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="IIJmio (3G端末)"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="mio@iij"
+      server=""
+      password="iij"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="OCN モバイル ONE (3G)"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="mobileid@ocn"
+      server=""
+      password="mobile"
+      authtype="2"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="OCN モバイル ONE (LTE)"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="mobileid@ocn"
+      server=""
+      password="mobile"
+      authtype="2"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Application"
+      mcc="440"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      user="ym"
+      password="ym"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc="http://mms-s"
+      type="default,mms,supl,hipri"
+      authtype="2"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SKT LTE INTERNET"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SKT 3G INTERNET"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SKT LTE Roaming"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SKT 3G Roaming"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="KT"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SKT 3G INTERNET"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SKT LTE Roaming"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SKT 3G Roaming"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9093"
+      server="*"
+  />
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+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      type="ia,ims"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LG uplus"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LG uplus LTE Roaming"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="0"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LG uplus Roaming"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="0"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="KT LTE INTERNET"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      port="80"
+      server="*"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="KT 3G INTERNET"
+      mcc="450"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,mms,supl,fota,cbs"
+      mmsc=""
+      port="80"
+      server="*"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="m-wap"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="m-wap"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="m-i090"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="m3-world"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="m3-mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8000"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="v-internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viettel-wap-gprs 2"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="v-wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viettel-gprs-mms"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="v-mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vietnamobile_GPRS1"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vietnamobile_GPRS2"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vietnamobile_MMS"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gmobile-wap-gprs2"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gmobile-wap-gprs"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="2"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="e-internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="e-wap"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="e-wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="e-mms"
+      mcc="452"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="e-mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="1O1O"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="mobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="csl"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="mobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NWMOBILE"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="nwmobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="1O1O"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="csl"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="NWMOBILE"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="nwmobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3 LTE"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3(2G) MMS"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3(2G) GPRS"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="SmarTone"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="csl"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="hkcsl"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="cmhk"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CMHK Data"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="cmhk"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CMHK MMS"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="cmhk"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CMHK Data"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="cmhk"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="SmarTone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="csl"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="PCCW"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SmarTone"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="SmarTone"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="mobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="csl"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="mobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="nwmobile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="csl"
+      mcc="454"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="PCCW"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="smartgprs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="ctm-mobile"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="ctmmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="ctmprepaid"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3 Macau"
+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="ctm-mobile"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="ctmmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CTM (Prepaid)"
+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="ctmprepaid"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3 Macau"
+      mcc="455"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcard"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="qb"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Star-Cell"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Metfone"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Excell"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcard"
+      mcc="456"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTC"
+      mcc="457"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ETL"
+      mcc="457"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unitel"
+      mcc="457"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Beeline"
+      mcc="457"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动 (China Mobile) GPRS"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="cmnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动 (China Mobile) WAP"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="cmwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动彩信 (China Mobile)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="cmwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="沃3G连接互联网 (China Unicom)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="3gnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="沃3G手机上网 (China Unicom)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="3gwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="联通2GNET上网 (China Unicom)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="uninet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="联通彩信 (China Unicom)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="3gwap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="联通2g彩信 (China Unicom)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="uniwap"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动 (China Mobile) GPRS"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="cmnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动 (China Mobile) WAP"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="cmwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动彩信 (China Mobile)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="cmwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动 (China Mobile) GPRS"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="cmnet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动 (China Mobile) WAP"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="cmwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中国移动彩信 (China Mobile)"
+      mcc="460"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="cmwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="遠傳電信(Far EasTone) (MMS)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="fetnet01"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="遠傳電信(Far EasTone) (Internet)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="和信電訊(KGT-Online) (Internet)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="和信電訊(KGT-Online) (MMS)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="kgtmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T Star-internet"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIBO-vibo"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="vibo"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIBOONE"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="viboone"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T Star-MMS"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="internet"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中華電信(Chunghwa) (Internet)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="中華電信(Chunghwa) (MMS)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="92"
+      apn="emome"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="台灣大哥大(TW Mobile) (Internet)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn="Internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="台灣大哥大(TW Mobile) (MMS)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="93"
+      apn="MMS"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="台灣大哥大(TW Mobile) (Internet)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="97"
+      apn="Internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="台灣大哥大(TW Mobile) (MMS)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="97"
+      apn="MMS"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="台灣大哥大(TW Mobile) (Internet)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn="Internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="台灣大哥大(TW Mobile) (MMS)"
+      mcc="466"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GP-INTERNET"
+      mcc="470"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="gpinternet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GP-MMS"
+      mcc="470"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="gpmms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Dhiraagu"
+      mcc="472"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Wataniya"
+      mcc="472"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="diginet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi MMS"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="digimms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Maxis Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="max4g"
+      user="maxis"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Celcom Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="celcom4g"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Maxis Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="142"
+      apn="max4g"
+      user="maxis"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="143"
+      apn="diginet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi MMS"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="143"
+      apn="digimms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Celcom Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="145"
+      apn="celcom4g"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="146"
+      apn="diginet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi MMS"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="146"
+      apn="digimms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Maxis Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="147"
+      apn="max4g"
+      user="maxis"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Celcom Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="148"
+      apn="celcom4g"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi MMS"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="digimms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DiGi Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn="diginet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Maxis Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn="max4g"
+      user="maxis"
+      password="wap"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="my3g"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Celcom Internet"
+      mcc="502"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn="celcom4g"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="telstra.wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="telstra.mms"
+      type="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Optus Yes Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="yesinternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Optus Business Mobile Broadband"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="yesbusiness"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Optus Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Optus MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8070"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Truphone"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="50502100"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="virgininternet"
+      type="default"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8070"
+      mvno_match_data="505029"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="virginmms"
+      type="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8070"
+      mvno_match_data="505029"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone live!"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Planet 3"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="3services"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VF AU PXT"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VF Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="Telstra.mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="Telstra.wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="3netaccess"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="3services"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="71"
+      apn="Telstra.mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="71"
+      apn="Telstra.wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="72"
+      apn="Telstra.mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telstra Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="72"
+      apn="Telstra.wap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VF AU PXT"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VF Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Optus Internet"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Optus MMS"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="90"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8070"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone Live!"
+      mcc="505"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Indosat-SNS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="indosatgprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Indosat GPRS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="indosatgprs"
+      user="indosat"
+      password="indosat"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="indosatmms"
+      user="indosat"
+      password="indosat"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AXIS-SNS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="AXIS"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AXISwap"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="AXIS"
+      user="axis"
+      password="123456"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AXISmms"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="AXISmms"
+      user="axis"
+      password="123456"
+      mmsc="http://mmsc.axis"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TSEL-SNS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TSEL-WAP"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="telkomsel"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap123"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8000"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TSEL-MMS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap123"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8000"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="XL-MMS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="xlgprs"
+      password="proxl"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Indosat-SNS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="indosatgprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Indosat GPRS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="indosatgprs"
+      user="indosat"
+      password="indosat"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Indosat MMS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn="indosatmms"
+      user="indosat"
+      password="indosat"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3-SNS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="3gprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3GPRS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="3gprs"
+      user="3gprs"
+      password="3gprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="3128"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="3MMS"
+      mcc="510"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="3mms"
+      user="3mms"
+      password="3mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telin"
+      mcc="514"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Timor Telecom"
+      mcc="514"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Viettel Timor-Leste"
+      mcc="514"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="myGlobe Internet"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="myGlobe INET"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="myGlobe Connect"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="myGlobe MMS"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SMARTLTE"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="smartlte"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SMART INTERNET"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart GPRS"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="Smart1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart MMS"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sun Internet"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="minternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SUN WAP GPRS"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sun SBW"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="fbband"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sun Streaming"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="minternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SUN MMS"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Redinternet"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="redinternet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Redmms"
+      mcc="515"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CAT3G INTERNET"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CAT3G MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="catmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TRUE-H INTERNET"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="true"
+      password="true"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="01"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TRUE-H MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="hmms"
+      user="true"
+      password="true"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="01"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIS Internet"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIS MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIS Internet"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIS MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="multimedia"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TRUE-H INTERNET"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="true"
+      password="true"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TRUE-H MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="hmms"
+      user="true"
+      password="true"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="dtac Internet"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="dtac MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TOT 3G Internet"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TOT 3G MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="dtac MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="dtac Internet"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="18"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="true"
+      password="true"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TRUE MMS"
+      mcc="520"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn="hmms"
+      user="true"
+      password="true"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="e-ideas"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SingTel (PrePaid)"
+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="hicard"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SingTel (PostPaid)"
+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="e-ideas"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SingTel (PrePaid)"
+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="hicard"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sunsurf Mobile"
+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="sunsurf"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="M1 WAP"
+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="miworld"
+      user="65"
+      password="user123"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="miworld"
+      user="65"
+      password="user123"
+      mmsc="http://mmsgw:8002"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sunsurf Mobile"
+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="sunsurf"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="M1 WAP"
+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="miworld"
+      user="65"
+      password="user123"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8081"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="M1 MMS(3G)"
+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="miworld"
+      user="65"
+      password="user123"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc="http://mmsgw:8002"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SH Data Postpaid"
+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="shwap"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SH MMS Postpaid"
+      mcc="525"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="shmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="B-Mobile"
+      mcc="528"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DSTCom"
+      mcc="528"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VFNZ Gateway"
+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="vodafone"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TelecomData"
+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TelecomContent"
+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="80"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TelecomMMS"
+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="2Degrees MMS"
+      mcc="530"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel"
+      mcc="536"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BeMobile"
+      mcc="537"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PNG WAP"
+      mcc="537"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PNG WEB"
+      mcc="537"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Papua New Guinea:Digicel:Modem"
+      mcc="537"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PNG MMS"
+      mcc="537"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="U-Call"
+      mcc="539"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Shoreline Communication"
+      mcc="539"
+      mnc="43"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel"
+      mcc="539"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tonga:Digicel:Modem"
+      mcc="539"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tonga:Digicel:Mms"
+      mcc="539"
+      mnc="88"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BREEZE"
+      mcc="540"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BeMobile"
+      mcc="540"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="AIL"
+      mcc="541"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SMILE"
+      mcc="541"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel"
+      mcc="541"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vanatu:Digicel:Modem"
+      mcc="541"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vanatu:Digicel:Mms"
+      mcc="541"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone"
+      mcc="542"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel"
+      mcc="542"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Fiji:Digicel:Modem"
+      mcc="542"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Fiji:Digicel:Mms"
+      mcc="542"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluesky"
+      mcc="544"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kiribati - TSKL"
+      mcc="545"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kiribati - Frigate Net"
+      mcc="545"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilis"
+      mcc="546"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vini"
+      mcc="547"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telecom Cook"
+      mcc="548"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel"
+      mcc="549"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bluesky"
+      mcc="549"
+      mnc="27"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="FSMTC"
+      mcc="550"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MINTA"
+      mcc="551"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="PNCC"
+      mcc="552"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Palau Mobile"
+      mcc="552"
+      mnc="80"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobinil Web"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mobinilweb"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobinil WAP"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mobinilwap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobinil MMS"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mobinilmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="vodafone internet"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="3"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone WAP"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="3"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone MMS"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etisalat WAP"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="etisalat"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Etisalat MMS"
+      mcc="602"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="etisalat"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mobilis wap"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilis internet"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobilis mms"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="djezzy.internet"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="djezzy.internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="djezzy.mms"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="djezzy.mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nedjmawap"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="nedjmawap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="3128"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier=""
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="nedjma"
+      password="nedjma"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="nedjmamms"
+      mcc="603"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="nedjmamms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn=""
+      user="MEDINET"
+      password="MEDINET"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Imedia"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      user="MEDIWAP"
+      password="MEDIWAP"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GPRS MMS"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn=""
+      user="MEDIMMS"
+      password="MEDIMMS"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MobileZone"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Mobile"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS IAM"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mmsiam"
+      mmsc="http://mms:8002/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WEB"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WAP"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="604"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="weborange"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="weborange"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Orange"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms.otun"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Portail"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="gprs"
+      password="gprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tunisie Telecom MMS"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms@tt1"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tunisiana-Internet"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Tunisiana"
+      mcc="605"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libyana"
+      mcc="606"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libyana MMS"
+      mcc="606"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="mms"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8000"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Madar"
+      mcc="606"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Al-Jeel Phone"
+      mcc="606"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libya Phone"
+      mcc="606"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Hatef Libya"
+      mcc="606"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Gamcel"
+      mcc="607"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Africel"
+      mcc="607"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Comium"
+      mcc="607"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="QCell"
+      mcc="607"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+    <apn carrier="Orange MMS SN"
+      mcc="608"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mmsalize/servlets/mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Wap SN"
+      mcc="608"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="wap"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Web SN"
+      mcc="608"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo Internet SN"
+      mcc="608"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Expresso Internet SN"
+      mcc="608"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="expresso"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mattel"
+      mcc="609"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Chinguitel"
+      mcc="609"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mauritel"
+      mcc="609"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange ML MMS"
+      mcc="610"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Wap ML"
+      mcc="610"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="wap"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange S.A."
+      mcc="611"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sotelgui"
+      mcc="611"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telecel Guinee"
+      mcc="611"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="611"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom"
+      mcc="611"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Moov Internet CI"
+      mcc="612"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="moov"
+      user="web"
+      password="web"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="OWORLD CI"
+      mcc="612"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="orangeciwap"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Omms CI"
+      mcc="612"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="orangecimms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Koz Internet CI"
+      mcc="612"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="web"
+      password="web"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN Internet CI"
+      mcc="612"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      user="vide"
+      password="vide"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telmob"
+      mcc="613"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="613"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telecel Faso"
+      mcc="613"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      apn="orange.mms"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mcc="614"
+      mnc="04"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      apn=""
+      mcc="614"
+      mnc="04"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Togo Cell"
+      mcc="615"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Moov"
+      mcc="615"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libercom"
+      mcc="616"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Moov"
+      mcc="616"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="616"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="BBCOM"
+      mcc="616"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Glo"
+      mcc="616"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      apn="orangemms"
+      user="mmsc"
+      password="mmsc"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mcc="617"
+      mnc="01"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      apn="orange"
+      mcc="617"
+      mnc="01"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Lonestar Cell"
+      mcc="618"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libercell"
+      mcc="618"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Comium"
+      mcc="618"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cellcom"
+      mcc="618"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LIBTELCO"
+      mcc="618"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="619"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo"
+      mcc="619"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Africell"
+      mcc="619"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Comium"
+      mcc="619"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Africell"
+      mcc="619"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mobitel"
+      mcc="619"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Glo"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="0"
+      apn="glowap"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Glo mms"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="0"
+      apn="glo mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
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+      apn="internet"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="01"
+      type="default"
+  />
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+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mtn mms"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
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+      apn="browse"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="02"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodafone_mms"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo Internet GH"
+      apn=""
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="03"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo mms"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel Internet GH"
+      apn="wap"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="06"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9201"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel mms"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn="mms/airtel mms"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Glo Internet GH"
+      apn="glowap"
+      mcc="620"
+      mnc="07"
+      user="glo"
+      password="glo"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8799"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel Internet"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel MMS"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel WAP"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN WAP"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="web"
+      password="web"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN ACESS"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="web"
+      password="web"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN MMS"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Glo Direct"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="glosecure"
+      user="gprs"
+      password="gprs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Glo MMS"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="50"
+      apn="glomms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="etisalat WAP"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="etisalat"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="etisalat MMS"
+      mcc="621"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="etisalat"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="622"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tawali"
+      mcc="622"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo"
+      mcc="622"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Salam"
+      mcc="622"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CTP"
+      mcc="623"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TC"
+      mcc="623"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange"
+      mcc="623"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nationlink"
+      mcc="623"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CVMOVEL"
+      mcc="625"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="T+"
+      mcc="625"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CSTmovel"
+      mcc="626"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange GQ"
+      mcc="627"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
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+      mcc="627"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangemms"
+      type="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Hits GQ"
+      mcc="627"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libertis"
+      mcc="628"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Moov"
+      mcc="628"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="628"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Azur"
+      mcc="628"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="629"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Libertis Telecom"
+      mcc="629"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodacom Internet CD"
+      mcc="630"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="vodanet"
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodacom MMS"
+      mcc="630"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="vodalive"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="0"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo Internet CD"
+      mcc="630"
+      mnc="89"
+      apn="tigo.web"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UNITEL"
+      mcc="631"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MOVICEL"
+      mcc="631"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Areeba"
+      mcc="632"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange"
+      mcc="632"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Guinetel"
+      mcc="632"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cable &amp; Wireless"
+      mcc="633"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Mediatech International"
+      mcc="633"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="633"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Zain SD"
+      mcc="634"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="634"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Sudani One"
+      mcc="634"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Privet Network"
+      mcc="634"
+      mnc="09"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="635"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Rwandatel"
+      mcc="635"
+      mnc="12"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tigo"
+      mcc="635"
+      mnc="13"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="635"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ETH-MTN"
+      mcc="636"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telesom"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Somafone"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nationlink"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Hormuud"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="25"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Golis"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Unittel"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="57"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Nationlink Telecom"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="60"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Somtel"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="71"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telcom"
+      mcc="637"
+      mnc="82"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Evatis"
+      mcc="638"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="safaricom GPRS"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="safaricom"
+      user="saf"
+      password="data"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="safaricom mms"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="safaricom"
+      user="saf"
+      password="data"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel Internet"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel mms"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mms"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yu Internet"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="Internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yu WAP"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="Yu internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Yu mms"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="Yu"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodacom WAP"
+      mcc="640"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="Wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9401"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodacom MMS"
+      mcc="640"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel Internet UG"
+      apn="internet"
+      mcc="641"
+      mnc="01"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN Internet UG"
+      apn=""
+      mcc="641"
+      mnc="10"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UTL Internet UG"
+      apn="utweb"
+      mcc="641"
+      mnc="11"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Internet UG"
+      mcc="641"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn=""
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS"
+      mcc="641"
+      mnc="14"
+      apn="orangemms"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Warid Telecom Internet UG"
+      apn=""
+      mcc="641"
+      mnc="22"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Spacetel"
+      mcc="642"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Tempo"
+      mcc="642"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Onatel"
+      mcc="642"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart Mobile"
+      mcc="642"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="HiTs Telecom"
+      mcc="642"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Leo"
+      mcc="642"
+      mnc="82"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mCel"
+      mcc="643"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movitel"
+      mcc="643"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vodacom"
+      mcc="643"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="645"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN"
+      mcc="645"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ZAMTEL"
+      mcc="645"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MG Internet"
+      mcc="646"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="orangenet"
+      type="default,supl,agps,fota,dun"
+      authtype="0"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange World re"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="orangerun"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MMS Réunion"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="orangerun.acte"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="OnlyWap"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="onlywap"
+      user="only"
+      password="only"
+      authtype="1"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="OnlyMMS"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="onlymms"
+      user="only"
+      password="only"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Full Internet SRR"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="sl2sfr"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mmssfr"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GPRS SRR"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="wapsfr"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coriolis WAP"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="fnetcoriolis"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="12"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Coriolis MMS"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="10"
+      mmsc="http://mmscoriolis"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      apn="mmscoriolis"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="12"
+      mvno_type="gid"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telecel"
+      mcc="648"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Econet"
+      mcc="648"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTC"
+      mcc="649"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="switch"
+      mcc="649"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Leo"
+      mcc="649"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TNM"
+      mcc="650"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Airtel"
+      mcc="650"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VCL Internet GPRS"
+      mcc="651"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VCL MMS GPRS"
+      mcc="651"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Swazi MTN"
+      mcc="653"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="HURI - SNPT"
+      mcc="654"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="LTE.Vodacom"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS.Vodacom"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart.Vodacom"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS.Vodacom"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telkom Mobile Internet"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="internet"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telkom Mobile MMS"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cell C GPRS"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="internet"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Cell C MMS"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIRGIN_INTERNET_1"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="vdata"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="6550710"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIRGIN_INTERNET_2"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="vdata"
+      proxy=""
+      port="9201"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="6550710"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin_MMS_1"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="vmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="6550710"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin_MMS_2"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="vmms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="6550710"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="RBM Internet"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default,supl"
+      mvno_match_data="6550713"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Redbull MMS"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+      mvno_match_data="6550713"
+      mvno_type="imsi"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN GPRS"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="myMTN"
+      user="mtnwap"
+      password="mtnwap"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MTN MMS"
+      mcc="655"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="myMTN"
+      user="mtnmms"
+      password="mtnmms"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Eritel"
+      mcc="657"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="DigiCell"
+      mcc="702"
+      mnc="67"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Smart"
+      mcc="702"
+      mnc="99"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet CLARO"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet.ideasclaro"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS CLARO"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms.ideasclaro"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Broadband TIGO"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS TIGO"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8888"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistargt"
+      password="movistargt"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistargt"
+      password="movistargt"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistargt"
+      password="movistargt"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="704"
+      mnc="030"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistargt"
+      password="movistargt"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet CLARO"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="internet.ideasclaro"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS CLARO"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms.ideasclaro"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel Internet"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Tigo"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Tigo"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8888"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarsv"
+      password="movistarsv"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarsv"
+      password="movistarsv"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarsv"
+      password="movistarsv"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="706"
+      mnc="040"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarsv"
+      password="movistarsv"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Claro"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="internet.ideasclaro"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Claro"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="mms.ideasclaro"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Claro"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="001"
+      apn="internet.ideasclaro"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Claro"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="001"
+      apn="mms.ideasclaro"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET TIGO"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS TIGO"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8888"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Honduras:Digicel:Internet'
+      mcc='708'
+      mnc='04'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Honduras:Digicel:Mms'
+      mcc='708'
+      mnc='04'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Honduras:Digicel:Modem'
+      mcc='708'
+      mnc='04'
+      apn=''
+      port='8080'
+      authtype='1'
+      proxy=''
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="INTERNET TIGO"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS TIGO"
+      mcc="708"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8888"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Honduras:Digicel:Internet:2'
+      mcc='708'
+      mnc='040'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Honduras:Digicel:Mms:2'
+      mcc='708'
+      mnc='040'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Enitel WEB"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn=""
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Enitel MMS"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="21"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarni"
+      password="movistarni"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="30"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarni"
+      password="movistarni"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="300"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarni"
+      password="movistarni"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="300"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarni"
+      password="movistarni"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Enitel WEB"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="73"
+      apn=""
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Enitel MMS"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="73"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Enitel WEB"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="730"
+      apn=""
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Enitel MMS"
+      mcc="710"
+      mnc="730"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="KOLBI 3G"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="kolbi3g"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Costar Rica:Kolbi:Modem"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="kolbi"
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kolbi_Multimedia"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="kolbimundo"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc="http://mmsice"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="KOLBI 3G"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="kolbi3g"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Kolbi_Multimedia"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="kolbimundo"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc="http://mmsice"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet CLARO CR"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="internet.ideasclaro"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS CLARO CR"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn="mms.ideasclaro"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarcr"
+      password="movistarcr"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarcr"
+      password="movistarcr"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Tuyo"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="019"
+      apn="tm7datos"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Tuyo"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="019"
+      apn="tm7mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Tuyo"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="190"
+      apn="tm7datos"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Tuyo"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="190"
+      apn="tm7mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Fulmovil"
+      mcc="712"
+      mnc="20"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarpa"
+      password="movistarpa"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarpamms"
+      password="movistarpa"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarpa"
+      password="movistarpa"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="020"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistarpamms"
+      password="movistarpa"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WEB Claro"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="CLAROWEB"
+      password="CLAROWEB"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Claro"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="CLAROMMS"
+      password="CLAROMMS"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel Internet"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="714"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Panama:Digicel:Internet:2'
+      mcc='714'
+      mnc='040'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Panama:Digicel:Mms:2'
+      mcc='714'
+      mnc='040'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar@datos"
+      password="movistar"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar@mms"
+      password="movistar"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CLARO DATOS"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="claro"
+      password="claro"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CLARO MMS"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="claro"
+      password="claro"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      mmsc="http://claro/servlets/mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bitel - Internet"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="bitel"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Bitel - MMS"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="15"
+      apn="bitel-mms"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8000"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+      roaming_protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Entel PE"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,dun"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Entel MMS"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="mms"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Entel Location"
+      mcc="716"
+      mnc="17"
+      apn=""
+      port="7275"
+      server=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="supl"
+      protocol="IP"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Quam_WEB'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='01'
+      apn='internet.movil'
+      user='internet'
+      password='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+      mvno_type='spn'
+      mvno_match_data='QUAM'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Quam_MMS'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='01'
+      apn='mms.movil'
+      user='mms'
+      password='mms'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9090'
+      authtype='1'
+      type='mms'
+      mvno_type='spn'
+      mvno_match_data='QUAM'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Quam_WEB'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='01'
+      apn='internet.movil'
+      user='internet'
+      password='internet'
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+      mvno_type='spn'
+      mvno_match_data='CELULAR'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Quam_MMS'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='01'
+      apn='mms.movil'
+      user='mms'
+      password='mms'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9090'
+      authtype='1'
+      type='mms'
+      mvno_type='spn'
+      mvno_match_data='CELULAR'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar WAP"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Argentina:Movistar:INTERNET"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Claro AR"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Claro AR"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="310"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Personal Datos"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn=""
+      user="datos"
+      password="datos"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Argentina:Personal:DUN"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Personal MMS"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="34"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Argentina:Nuestro:MMS'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='36'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+      user='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Argentina:Nuestro:Internet'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='36'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='default'
+      user='gprs'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Argentina:Personal :Datos'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='340'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='default'
+      user='gprs'
+      password='adgj'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Argentina:Personal :DUN'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='340'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='dun'
+      user='internet'
+      password='internet'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Argentina:Personal :MMS'
+      mcc='722'
+      mnc='340'
+      apn='mms'
+      authtype='0'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+      user='mms'
+      password='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Personal Datos"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="341"
+      apn=""
+      user="datos"
+      password="datos"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Argentina:Personal: DUN"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="341"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      user="internet"
+      password="internet"
+      authtype="0"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Personal MMS"
+      mcc="722"
+      mnc="341"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIM Connect"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="tim"
+      password="tim"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIM Connect"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="tim"
+      password="tim"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIM Connect"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="tim"
+      password="tim"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Java Session"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      user="claro"
+      password="claro"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Claro Foto"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn=""
+      user="claro"
+      password="claro"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo MMS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo Internet"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SCTL MMS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="sercomtel"
+      password="sercomtel"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="SCTL GPRS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="sercomtel"
+      password="sercomtel"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo Internet"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo MMS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo MMS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo Internet"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="11"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Sercomtel:Dados'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='15'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+      user='sercomtel'
+      password='sercomtel'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Sercomtel:MMS'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='15'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8799'
+      type='mms'
+      user='sercomtel'
+      password='sercomtel'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Sercomtel:Modem'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='15'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='dun'
+      user='sercomtel'
+      password='sercomtel'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Oi GPRS Internet"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS GPRS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="16"
+      apn=""
+      user="oimms"
+      password="oioioi"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TelemigC GPRS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn=""
+      user="celular"
+      password="celular"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Telemig"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="19"
+      apn=""
+      user="celular"
+      password="celular"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo Internet"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Vivo MMS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="23"
+      apn=""
+      user="vivo"
+      password="vivo"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="80"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="OI:INTERNET:2"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,dun"
+      user="oi"
+      password="oi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Oi:MMS:2"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="24"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+      user="oimms"
+      password="oioioi"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      roaming_protocol="IPV4V6"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Oi GPRS Internet"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn=""
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS GPRS"
+      mcc="724"
+      mnc="31"
+      apn=""
+      user="oimms"
+      password="oioioi"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      authtype="1"
+      protocol="IPV4V6"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:Dados:1'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='32'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:Modem:1'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='32'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='dun'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:MMS:1'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='32'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:Dados:2'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='33'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:Modem:2'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='33'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='dun'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:MMS:2'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='33'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:Dados:3'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='34'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:Modem:3'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='34'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='dun'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='CTBC:MMS:3'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='34'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+      user='CTBC'
+      password='1212'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Nextel GPS'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='39'
+      apn=''
+      server=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='supl'
+      protocol='IPV4V6'
+      roaming_protocol='IPV4V6'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Nextel MMS'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='39'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+      protocol='IPV4V6'
+      roaming_protocol='IPV4V6'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Nextel Modem'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='39'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='dun'
+      protocol='IPV4V6'
+      roaming_protocol='IPV4V6'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Nextel WAP'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='39'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='default'
+      protocol='IPV4V6'
+      roaming_protocol='IPV4V6'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Porto Seguro Conecta'
+      mcc='724'
+      mnc='54'
+      authtype='0'
+      type='default,dun'
+      apn=''
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Movil"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="entelpcs"
+      password="entelpcs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Entel"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="entelpcs"
+      password="entelpcs"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Internet Nextel'
+      mcc='730'
+      mnc='09'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='MMS Nextel'
+      mcc='730'
+      mnc='09'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='0'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='8080'
+      type='mms'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Movil"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="entelpcs"
+      password="entelpcs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Entel"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="entelpcs"
+      password="entelpcs"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar APLICACIONES"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Banda Ancha Movil"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="clarochile"
+      password="clarochile"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Claro"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user="clarochile"
+      password="clarochile"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="web"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="webgtd"
+      password="webgtd"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      user="vtrmovil"
+      password="vtrmovil"
+      authtype="2"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Wap"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="9028"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="08"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms"
+      password=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9028"
+      authtype="0"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Movil"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="entelpcs"
+      password="entelpcs"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Entel PCS"
+      mcc="730"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="entelpcs"
+      password="entelpcs"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Movistar INTERNET'
+      mcc='732'
+      mnc='12'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default, dun'
+      user='movistar'
+      password='movistar'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Movistar MMS'
+      mcc='732'
+      mnc='12'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9001'
+      type='mms'
+      user='movistar'
+      password='movistar'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="COMCEL"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="101"
+      apn=""
+      user="COMCELWEB"
+      password="COMCELWEB"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Comcel 3GSM"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="101"
+      apn=""
+      user="COMCELMMS"
+      password="COMCELMMS"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIGO WEB"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIGO Multimedia"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms-cm1900"
+      password="mms-cm1900"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet ETB"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      user="etb"
+      password="etb"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="ETB MOVI"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet ETB"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      user="etb"
+      password="etb"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="ETB MOVI"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Éito"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="movil exito"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UFFMOVIL"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="Uff!"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UNE"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="103"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      user="une"
+      password="une"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="UNE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIGO WEB"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="111"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIGO Multimedia"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="111"
+      apn=""
+      user="mms-cm1900"
+      password="mms-cm1900"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet ETB"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="111"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      user="etb"
+      password="etb"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="ETB MOVIL"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Éito"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="111"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="movil exito"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UFFMOVIL"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="111"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="Uff!"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="UNE"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="111"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,dun"
+      user="une"
+      password="une"
+      authtype="0"
+      mvno_match_data="UNE"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="123"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="123"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9001"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Virgin Mobile"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="123"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl,internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      mvno_match_data="Virgin Mobile"
+      mvno_type="spn"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Avantel"
+      mcc="732"
+      mnc="130"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="0"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digitel 412"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Venezuela:Digitel:MODEM:1"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digitel 412"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Venezuela:Digitel:MODEM:2"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digitel 412"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Venezuela:Digitel:MODEM:3"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9001"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar WAP"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9001"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MODEM"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS"
+      mcc="734"
+      mnc="06"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIVA3G"
+      mcc="736"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="3128"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VIVAMMS"
+      mcc="736"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ENTEL WAP GPRS"
+      mcc="736"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="ENTEL MMS GPRS"
+      mcc="736"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="WAPTIGO"
+      mcc="736"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMSTIGO"
+      mcc="736"
+      mnc="03"
+      apn=""
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Digicel"
+      mcc="738"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Guyana:Digicel:Modem"
+      mcc="738"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="dun"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsc=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Guyana:Digicel:Mms"
+      mcc="738"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="mms"
+      user="wap"
+      password="wap"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsport="9201"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="GT&amp;T Cellink Plus"
+      mcc="738"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="9001"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Claro"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Claro"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn=""
+      user="portamms"
+      password="portamms2003"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Internet Claro"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="010"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Claro"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="010"
+      apn=""
+      user="portamms"
+      password="portamms2003"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8799"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CNT 3G"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="CNT MMS"
+      mcc="740"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VOX INTERNET"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="vox.internet"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Paraguay:Voxx:Modem"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="vox.wap"
+      type="dun"
+      authtype="1"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsc=""
+      port="8080"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="VOX MMS"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="vox.mms"
+      user="vox"
+      password="vox"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Claro PY"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="ctigprs"
+      password="ctigprs999"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS GPRS PY"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      user="ctimms"
+      password="ctimms999"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="TIGO PY"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS Tigo"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="04"
+      apn=""
+      user="tigo"
+      password="tigo"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8888"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Personal Datos Py"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="internet"
+      user="personal"
+      password="personal"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Personal MMS Py"
+      mcc="744"
+      mnc="05"
+      apn="mms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="mms"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc="http://mms"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Telesur"
+      mcc="746"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="default"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Suriname:Digicel:Internet'
+      mcc='746'
+      mnc='03'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      type='default'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Suriname:Digicel:Mms'
+      mcc='746'
+      mnc='03'
+      apn=''
+      authtype='1'
+      mmsc=''
+      mmsproxy=''
+      mmsport='9201'
+      type='mms'
+      user='wap'
+      password='wap'
+  />
+  <apn carrier='Suriname:Digicel:Modem'
+      mcc='746'
+      mnc='03'
+      apn=''
+      port='8080'
+      authtype='1'
+      proxy=''
+      mmsc=''
+      type='dun'
+      user='wap'
+      password='wap'
+  />
+  <apn carrier="wapANCEL"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="wap"
+      proxy=""
+      port="3128"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="mmsANCEL"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="mms"
+      user=""
+      password=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="gprsANCEL"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="gprs.ancel"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar INTERNET"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="movistar"
+      password="movistar"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Movistar MMS"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      user="mmsuy"
+      password="mmsuy"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Claro UY"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="ctigprs"
+      password="ctigprs999"
+      authtype="1"
+      type="default,supl"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="MMS GPRS UY"
+      mcc="748"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn=""
+      user="ctimms"
+      password="ctimms999"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      authtype="1"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Armenia MMS"
+      mcc="283"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="mms"
+      mmsc="http://mms/"
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="3128"
+      type="mms"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange Armenia Internet"
+      mcc="283"
+      mnc="10"
+      apn="Internet"
+      type="default"
+      authtype="1"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange BW MMS"
+      mcc="652"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange WAP BW"
+      mcc="652"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn=""
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orangeweb"
+      mcc="340"
+      mnc="01"
+      apn="orangeweb"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange CM"
+      mcc="624"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="orangecmgprs"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="default,mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange net KE"
+      mcc="639"
+      mnc="07"
+      apn=""
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange RE"
+      mcc="647"
+      mnc="00"
+      apn="orangerun"
+      user="orange"
+      password="orange"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange MG MMS"
+      mcc="646"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="orangemms"
+      user="mms"
+      password="orange"
+      mmsc=""
+      mmsproxy=""
+      mmsport="8080"
+      type="mms"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Orange World MG"
+      mcc="646"
+      mnc="02"
+      apn="orangeworld"
+      user="world"
+      password="orange"
+      proxy=""
+      port="8080"
+      type="default"
+  />
+  <apn carrier="Eagle Mobile"
+      apn="internet"
+      mcc="276"
+      mnc="03"
+      type="default,supl,mms"
+  />