(reland 3) Upgrade sensors to @2.0
* a.h.sensors@2.0-impl.ranchu is installed into
/vendor/lib(64)? instead of /vendor/lib(64)?/hw
because a.h.sensors@2.0-service.multihal does not
look for libraries in the hw directories unless
full path is provided and it is bitness-dependent,
see b/154634207.
* hals.conf is placed into the etc directory using
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES instead of prebuilt_etc due
to technical debt in our build files around wifi
HAL libraris. aosp/1293093 has to be landed
properly to resolve this, see aosp/1293576.
Bug: 153754380
Bug: 154634207
Test: atest VtsHalSensorsV2_0TargetTest
Signed-off-by: Roman Kiryanov <rkir@google.com>
Change-Id: I4be34db36763857d2d5428afe3e2c8d0b743b609
15 files changed