blob: fdc400f84e9b7c5562b7d34d08dea749d0915c46 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <chrono>
#include <log/log.h>
#include <utils/SystemClock.h>
#include "gnss_hw_listener.h"
#include "util.h"
namespace goldfish {
namespace {
const char* testNmeaField(const char* i, const char* end,
const char* v,
const char sep) {
while (i < end) {
if (*v == 0) {
return (*i == sep) ? (i + 1) : nullptr;
} else if (*v == *i) {
} else {
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
const char* skipAfter(const char* i, const char* end, const char c) {
for (; i < end; ++i) {
if (*i == c) {
return i + 1;
return nullptr;
double convertDMMF(const int dmm, const int f, int p10) {
const int d = dmm / 100;
const int m = dmm % 100;
int base10 = 1;
for (; p10 > 0; --p10) { base10 *= 10; }
return double(d) + (m + (f / double(base10))) / 60.0;
double sign(char m, char positive) { return (m == positive) ? 1.0 : -1; }
} // namespace
GnssHwListener::GnssHwListener(const DataSink* sink): m_sink(sink) {
void GnssHwListener::reset() {
void GnssHwListener::consume(char c) {
if (c == '$' || !m_buffer.empty()) {
if (c == '\n') {
using namespace std::chrono;
const ahg10::GnssUtcTime t = time_point_cast<milliseconds>(
const ahg20::ElapsedRealtime ert = util::makeElapsedRealtime(
if (parse( + 1, + m_buffer.size() - 2, t, ert)) {
m_sink->gnssNmea(t, hidl_string(, m_buffer.size()));
} else {
m_buffer.back() = 0;
ALOGW("%s:%d: failed to parse an NMEA message, '%s'",
} else if (m_buffer.size() >= 1024) {
ALOGW("%s:%d buffer was too long, dropped", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
bool GnssHwListener::parse(const char* begin, const char* end,
const ahg10::GnssUtcTime& t,
const ahg20::ElapsedRealtime& ert) {
if (const char* fields = testNmeaField(begin, end, "GPRMC", ',')) {
return parseGPRMC(fields, end, t, ert);
} else if (const char* fields = testNmeaField(begin, end, "GPGGA", ',')) {
return parseGPGGA(fields, end, t, ert);
} else {
return false;
// begin end
// $GPRMC,195206,A,1000.0000,N,10000.0000,E,173.8,231.8,010420,004.2,W*47
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
// 1 195206 Time Stamp
// 2 A validity - A-ok, V-invalid
// 3 1000.0000 current Latitude
// 4 N North/South
// 5 10000.0000 current Longitude
// 6 E East/West
// 7 173.8 Speed in knots
// 8 231.8 True course
// 9 010420 Date Stamp (13 June 1994)
// 10 004.2 Variation
// 11 W East/West
// 12 *70 checksum
bool GnssHwListener::parseGPRMC(const char* begin, const char*,
const ahg10::GnssUtcTime& t,
const ahg20::ElapsedRealtime& ert) {
double speedKnots = 0;
double course = 0;
double variation = 0;
int latdmm = 0;
int londmm = 0;
int latf = 0;
int lonf = 0;
int latdmmConsumed = 0;
int latfConsumed = 0;
int londmmConsumed = 0;
int lonfConsumed = 0;
int hhmmss = -1;
int ddmoyy = 0;
char validity = 0;
char ns = 0; // north/south
char ew = 0; // east/west
char var_ew = 0;
if (sscanf(begin, "%06d,%c,%d.%n%d%n,%c,%d.%n%d%n,%c,%lf,%lf,%d,%lf,%c*",
&hhmmss, &validity,
&latdmm, &latdmmConsumed, &latf, &latfConsumed, &ns,
&londmm, &londmmConsumed, &lonf, &lonfConsumed, &ew,
&speedKnots, &course,
&variation, &var_ew) != 13) {
return false;
if (validity != 'A') {
return false;
const double lat = convertDMMF(latdmm, latf, latfConsumed - latdmmConsumed) * sign(ns, 'N');
const double lon = convertDMMF(londmm, lonf, lonfConsumed - londmmConsumed) * sign(ew, 'E');
const double speed = speedKnots * 0.514444;
ahg20::GnssLocation loc20;
loc20.elapsedRealtime = ert;
auto& loc10 = loc20.v1_0;
loc10.latitudeDegrees = lat;
loc10.longitudeDegrees = lon;
loc10.speedMetersPerSec = speed;
loc10.bearingDegrees = course;
loc10.horizontalAccuracyMeters = 5;
loc10.speedAccuracyMetersPerSecond = .5;
loc10.bearingAccuracyDegrees = 30;
loc10.timestamp = t;
using ahg10::GnssLocationFlags;
loc10.gnssLocationFlags =
GnssLocationFlags::HAS_LAT_LONG |
GnssLocationFlags::HAS_SPEED |
GnssLocationFlags::HAS_BEARING |
GnssLocationFlags::HAS_SPEED_ACCURACY |
if (m_flags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_ALTITUDE) {
loc10.altitudeMeters = m_altitude;
loc10.verticalAccuracyMeters = .5;
loc10.gnssLocationFlags |= GnssLocationFlags::HAS_ALTITUDE |
return true;
// $GPGGA,123519,4807.0382,N,12204.9799,W,1,6,,4.2,M,0.,M,,,*47
// time of fix 123519 12:35:19 UTC
// latitude 4807.0382 48 degrees, 07.0382 minutes
// north/south N or S
// longitude 12204.9799 122 degrees, 04.9799 minutes
// east/west E or W
// fix quality 1 standard GPS fix
// satellites 1 to 12 number of satellites being tracked
// HDOP <dontcare> horizontal dilution
// altitude 4.2 altitude above sea-level
// altitude units M to indicate meters
// diff <dontcare> height of sea-level above ellipsoid
// diff units M to indicate meters (should be <dontcare>)
// dgps age <dontcare> time in seconds since last DGPS fix
// dgps sid <dontcare> DGPS station id
bool GnssHwListener::parseGPGGA(const char* begin, const char* end,
const ahg10::GnssUtcTime&,
const ahg20::ElapsedRealtime&) {
double altitude = 0;
int latdmm = 0;
int londmm = 0;
int latf = 0;
int lonf = 0;
int latdmmConsumed = 0;
int latfConsumed = 0;
int londmmConsumed = 0;
int lonfConsumed = 0;
int hhmmss = 0;
int fixQuality = 0;
int nSatellites = 0;
int consumed = 0;
char ns = 0;
char ew = 0;
char altitudeUnit = 0;
if (sscanf(begin, "%06d,%d.%n%d%n,%c,%d.%n%d%n,%c,%d,%d,%n",
&latdmm, &latdmmConsumed, &latf, &latfConsumed, &ns,
&londmm, &londmmConsumed, &lonf, &lonfConsumed, &ew,
&consumed) != 9) {
return false;
begin = skipAfter(begin + consumed, end, ','); // skip HDOP
if (!begin) {
return false;
if (sscanf(begin, "%lf,%c,", &altitude, &altitudeUnit) != 2) {
return false;
if (altitudeUnit != 'M') {
return false;
m_altitude = altitude;
m_flags |= ahg10::GnssLocationFlags::HAS_ALTITUDE;
hidl_vec<ahg20::IGnssCallback::GnssSvInfo> svInfo(nSatellites);
for (int i = 0; i < nSatellites; ++i) {
auto* info20 = &svInfo[i];
auto* info10 = &info20->v1_0;
info20->constellation = ahg20::GnssConstellationType::GPS;
info10->svid = i + 3;
info10->constellation = ahg10::GnssConstellationType::GPS;
info10->cN0Dbhz = 30;
info10->elevationDegrees = 0;
info10->azimuthDegrees = 0;
info10->carrierFrequencyHz = 1.59975e+09;
info10->svFlag = ahg10::IGnssCallback::GnssSvFlags::HAS_CARRIER_FREQUENCY | 0;
return true;
} // namespace goldfish