blob: e184cb87e8a7d5aaca7c9743c3d2e8253da78e7a [file] [log] [blame]
#include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/data_image.h"
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "common/libs/utils/files.h"
#include "common/libs/utils/subprocess.h"
namespace {
const std::string kDataPolicyUseExisting = "use_existing";
const std::string kDataPolicyCreateIfMissing = "create_if_missing";
const std::string kDataPolicyAlwaysCreate = "always_create";
const std::string kDataPolicyResizeUpTo= "resize_up_to";
bool ForceFsckImage(const char* data_image) {
auto fsck_path = vsoc::DefaultHostArtifactsPath("bin/fsck.f2fs");
int fsck_status = cvd::execute({fsck_path, "-y", "-f", data_image});
LOG(ERROR) << "`fsck.f2fs -y -f " << data_image << "` failed with code "
<< fsck_status;
return false;
return true;
bool ResizeImage(const char* data_image, int data_image_mb) {
auto file_mb = cvd::FileSize(data_image) >> 20;
if (file_mb > data_image_mb) {
LOG(ERROR) << data_image << " is already " << file_mb << " MB, will not "
<< "resize down.";
return false;
} else if (file_mb == data_image_mb) {
LOG(INFO) << data_image << " is already the right size";
return true;
} else {
off_t raw_target = static_cast<off_t>(data_image_mb) << 20;
int truncate_status =
cvd::SharedFD::Open(data_image, O_RDWR)->Truncate(raw_target);
if (truncate_status != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "`truncate --size=" << data_image_mb << "M "
<< data_image << "` failed with code " << truncate_status;
return false;
bool fsck_success = ForceFsckImage(data_image);
if (!fsck_success) {
return false;
auto resize_path = vsoc::DefaultHostArtifactsPath("bin/resize.f2fs");
int resize_status = cvd::execute({resize_path, data_image});
if (resize_status != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "`resize.f2fs " << data_image << "` failed with code "
<< resize_status;
return false;
fsck_success = ForceFsckImage(data_image);
if (!fsck_success) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
void CreateBlankImage(
const std::string& image, int block_count, const std::string& image_fmt,
const std::string& block_size) {
LOG(INFO) << "Creating " << image;
std::string of = "of=";
of += image;
std::string count = "count=";
count += std::to_string(block_count);
std::string bs = "bs=" + block_size;
cvd::execute({"/bin/dd", "if=/dev/zero", of, bs, count});
if (image_fmt != "none") {
auto make_f2fs_path = vsoc::DefaultHostArtifactsPath("bin/make_f2fs");
cvd::execute({make_f2fs_path, "-t", image_fmt, image, "-g", "android"});
bool ApplyDataImagePolicy(const vsoc::CuttlefishConfig& config,
const std::string& data_image) {
bool data_exists = cvd::FileHasContent(data_image.c_str());
bool remove{};
bool create{};
bool resize{};
if (config.data_policy() == kDataPolicyUseExisting) {
if (!data_exists) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Specified data image file does not exists: " << data_image;
return false;
if (config.blank_data_image_mb() > 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "You should NOT use -blank_data_image_mb with -data_policy="
<< kDataPolicyUseExisting;
return false;
create = false;
remove = false;
resize = false;
} else if (config.data_policy() == kDataPolicyAlwaysCreate) {
remove = data_exists;
create = true;
resize = false;
} else if (config.data_policy() == kDataPolicyCreateIfMissing) {
create = !data_exists;
remove = false;
resize = false;
} else if (config.data_policy() == kDataPolicyResizeUpTo) {
create = false;
remove = false;
resize = true;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid data_policy: " << config.data_policy();
return false;
if (remove) {
if (create) {
if (config.blank_data_image_mb() <= 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "-blank_data_image_mb is required to create data image";
return false;
CreateBlankImage(data_image.c_str(), config.blank_data_image_mb(),
} else if (resize) {
if (!data_exists) {
LOG(ERROR) << data_image << " does not exist, but resizing was requested";
return false;
return ResizeImage(data_image.c_str(), config.blank_data_image_mb());
} else {
LOG(INFO) << data_image << " exists. Not creating it.";
return true;
bool InitializeMiscImage(const std::string& misc_image) {
bool misc_exists = cvd::FileHasContent(misc_image.c_str());
if (misc_exists) {
LOG(INFO) << "misc partition image: use existing";
return true;
LOG(INFO) << "misc partition image: creating empty";
CreateBlankImage(misc_image, 1 /* mb */, "none");
return true;