| #Define the logging device type |
| type diag_device, dev_type, mlstrustedobject; |
| type smem_log_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define the hsic device |
| type hsic_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define the mhi device |
| type mhi_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define the bhi device |
| type bhi_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #device type for smd device nodes, ie /dev/smd* |
| type smd_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #device type for rmnet device nodes, ie /dev/rmnet_ctrl* |
| type rmnet_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define thermal-engine devices |
| type thermal_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define vm_bms devices |
| type vm_bms_device, dev_type; |
| type battery_data_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Add qdsp_device type |
| type qdsp_device, dev_type, mlstrustedobject; |
| type dsp_device, dev_type; |
| #Define hvdcp/quickcharge device |
| type hvdcp_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define mpdecision device |
| type device_latency, dev_type; |
| |
| #Added for fm_radio device |
| type fm_radio_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Add for storage pertitions for EFS partitions |
| type modem_efs_partition_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define device for partition links |
| type ssd_device, dev_type; |
| type rpmb_device, dev_type; |
| type sg_device, dev_type; |
| type dip_device, dev_type; |
| type mdtp_device, dev_type; |
| type sd_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #ESOC device |
| type esoc_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #SSR device |
| type ssr_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Ramdump device |
| type ramdump_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Kickstart bridge devices |
| type ksbridgehsic_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #EFS sync bridge devices |
| type efsbridgehsic_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #EFS sync block devices |
| type efs_boot_dev, dev_type; |
| |
| #MBA debug image partition |
| type mba_debug_dev, dev_type; |
| |
| #logdump partition |
| type logdump_partition, dev_type; |
| |
| #Bootselect partition |
| type bootselect_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #define usb_uicc_device for usb_uicc daemon |
| type usb_uicc_device, dev_type; |
| |
| # Define IPA devices |
| type ipa_dev, dev_type; |
| |
| type wcnss_device, dev_type; |
| |
| # Define spcom device |
| type spcom_device, dev_type; |
| |
| # Define skp device |
| type skp_device, dev_type; |
| |
| # Define sp_ssr device |
| type sp_ssr_device, dev_type; |
| |
| # Define sp_keymaster device |
| type sp_keymaster_device, dev_type; |
| |
| # Define sec_nvm devices |
| type sec_nvm_device, dev_type; |
| |
| # Define cryptoapp device |
| type cryptoapp_device, dev_type; |
| |
| # Define qsee_ipc_irq_spss device |
| type qsee_ipc_irq_spss_device, dev_type; |
| |
| # Define QDSS devices |
| type qdss_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define Gadget serial device |
| type gadget_serial_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #energy-awareness device |
| type pta_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Added for hbtp |
| type bu21150_device, dev_type; |
| type hbtp_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define qfintverify device |
| type qce_device, dev_type; |
| type rng_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define system health monitor devices |
| type system_health_monitor_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define usf device |
| type usf_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define qbt1000 device - ultrasonic fingperprint sensor |
| type qbt1000_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define avtimer device |
| type avtimer_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #define AT device |
| type at_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #define Bluetooth device |
| type bt_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #define Wlan device |
| type wlan_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Define rawdump block device |
| type rawdump_block_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #Block device for A/B partitions |
| type custom_ab_block_device, dev_type; |
| type xbl_block_device, dev_type; |
| type gpt_block_device, dev_type; |
| type modem_block_device, dev_type; |
| |
| #define bgcom char device |
| type bg_daemon_device, dev_type; |