blob: b432293299b440055f5056f946a9ff897278ce94 [file] [log] [blame]
#must be defined for file_contexts
type qmi_ping_exec, exec_type, file_type;
type qmi_ping, domain;
domain_auto_trans(shell, qmi_ping_exec, qmi_ping)
domain_auto_trans(adbd, qmi_ping_exec, qmi_ping)
#test launched from pseudo terminal, so output goes there
allow qmi_ping devpts:chr_file {read write ioctl getattr};
#to access smem logs
allow qmi_ping smem_log_device:chr_file {read write open ioctl};
#enable accessing the path where qmuxds named sockets are present
#to interface with qmuxd through unix sockets
#to use socket interface to ipc router
allow qmi_ping qmi_ping:socket {create bind read write ioctl setopt};
#enable running test as root user => privileged process
#enable privileged processes to bypass permission checks
allow qmi_ping qmi_ping:capability {dac_override dac_read_search setgid setuid fsetid};
#QCCI calls qmuxd API. The API will internally require this