blob: 87b94193fdf8213dac9bad04a07f1afd07224b20 [file] [log] [blame]
# Allow platform apps to interact with dtseagleservice
binder_call(platform_app, dtseagleservice)
# Allow platform apps to interact with fido daemon
binder_call(platform_app, fidodaemon)
# Allow platform apps to interact with secota daemon
allow platform_app secotad_service:service_manager find;
binder_call(platform_app, secotad)
# Allow platform apps to interact with imscm daemon
binder_call(platform_app, imscm)
allow platform_app color_service:service_manager find;
# Allow NFC service to be found
allow platform_app nfc_service:service_manager find;
#Allow platform apps to interact with seemp health daemon
binder_call(platform_app, seemp_health_daemon)
# Allow improveTouch service to be found
binder_call(platform_app, hbtp);
# Allow cneservice to be found
allow platform_app cne_service:service_manager find;
# allow platform apps to read board_date
allow platform_app persist_file:dir r_dir_perms;
allow platform_app persist_board_date_file:file { read open getattr };