blob: aee153fc001eddca7a1d3f73627034c01da3afd0 [file] [log] [blame]
###################### Start of libnfc-brcm-common.conf #######################
# Application options
# performance measurement
# Change this setting to control how often USERIAL log the performance (throughput)
# data on read/write/poll
# defailt is to log performance dara for every 100 read or write
# Broadcom NFC Extras API
# Uncomment to disable Broadcom NFC Extras API. NfcService must be modified
# to recognize this API. This API is available with JNI version 401 or higher.
# The default is enabled.
# File used for NFA storage
# Snooze Mode Settings
# By default snooze mode is enabled. Set SNOOZE_MODE_CFG byte[0] to 0
# to disable.
# If SNOOZE_MODE_CFG is not provided, the default settings are used:
# They are as follows:
# 8 Sleep Mode (0=Disabled 1=UART 8=SPI/I2C)
# 0 Idle Threshold Host
# 0 Idle Threshold HC
# 0 NFC Wake active mode (0=ActiveLow 1=ActiveHigh)
# 1 Host Wake active mode (0=ActiveLow 1=ActiveHigh)
# Low Power Mode Settings
# If NFA_DM_LP_CFG is not provided, stack default settings are
# used (see nfa_dm_brcm_cfg.c). They are as follows:
# 1 Power cycle to full power mode from CEx
# 5 Parameter for low power mode command
# 0 Primary Threshold for battery monitor
# 0-7 representing below voltages:
# {2, 2.2, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3, 3.1, 3.2}
# 8 Secondary Threshold for battery monitor
# 0-15 representing below voltages:
# {5.2, 4.87, 4.54, 4.22, 3.9, 3.73, 3.57, 3.4,
# 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.9, 2.8, 2.7, 2.2, 2.0}
# Insert a delay in milliseconds after NFC_WAKE and before write to NFCC
# Various Delay settings (in ms) used in USERIAL
# Delay after turning on chip, before writing to transport (default 300)
# Delay after deasserting NFC-Wake before turn off chip (default 100)
# Delay after turning off chip, before USERIAL_close returns (default 0)
# Device Manager Config
# If NFA_DM_CFG is not provided, stack default settings are
# used (see nfa_dm_cfg.c). They are as follows:
# 500ms (0x1F4) Total duration when busy polling
# 1000ms (0x3E8) Total duration when background polling
# 0 (FALSE) Automatic NDEF detection when background polling
# 0 (FALSE) Automatic NDEF read when background polling
# LPTD mode configuration (effective NFCA 403.10.0.34)
# byte[0] is the length of the parameters
# if set to 0, LPTD params will NOT be sent to NFCC (i.e. disabled).
# byte[1] indicates if LPTD is enabled
# if set to 0, LPTD will be disabled.
# byte[2-n] are the LPTD parameters.
# By default, LPTD is enabled and default settings are used.
# See nfa_dm_brcm_cfg.c for defaults
# Startup Configuration (100 bytes maximum)
# For the 0xCA parameter, byte[9] (marked by 'AA') is for UICC0, and byte[10] (marked by BB) is
# for UICC1. The values are defined as:
# 0 : UICCx only supports ISO_DEP in low power mode.
# 2 : UICCx only supports Mifare in low power mode.
# 3 : UICCx supports both ISO_DEP and Mifare in low power mode.
# Startup Vendor Specific Configuration (100 bytes maximum)
# byte[0] is the length of the parameters
# byte[1] Start of first TLV
# byte[2] Length of first TLV
#NFA_DM_START_UP_VSC_CFG={03:17:01:01} # configure ARM JTAG
#NFA_DM_START_UP_VSC_CFG={04:09:02:01:01} # debug logging (byte[3]:RF Frames, byte[4]:SWP Frames)
# DTA Start Configuration (30 bytes maximum)
# The first byte is the length of the TLV's.
# Antenna Configuration - This data is used when setting 0xC8 config item
# at startup (before discovery is started). If not used, no value is sent.
# The settings for this value are documented here:
# Design/Doc/PHY%20register%20settings/BCM20791-B2-1027-02_PHY_Recommended_Reg_Settings.xlsx
# This document is maintained by Paul Forshaw.
# The values marked as ?? should be tweaked per antenna or customer/app:
# {06:??:00:??:??:??:00:??:24:00:1C:00:75:00:77:00:76:00:1C:00:03:00:0A:00:??:01:00:00:40:04}
# Configure Xtal Index (for when internal LPO can't
# detect xtal frequency)
# Use Nexus S NXP RC work to allow our stack/firmware to work with a retail
# Nexus S that causes IOP issues. Note, this will not pass conformance and
# should be removed for production.
# Configure the default Destination Gate used by HCI (the default is 4, which
# is the ETSI loopback gate.
# Configure the single default SE to use. The default is to use the first
# SE that is detected by the stack. This value might be used when the phone
# supports multiple SE (e.g. 0xF3 and 0xF4) but you want to force it to use
# one of them (e.g. 0xF4).
# Configure the NFC Extras to open and use a static pipe. If the value is
# not set or set to 0, then the default is use a dynamic pipe based on a
# destination gate (see NFA_HCI_DEFAULT_DEST_GATE). Note there is a value
# for each UICC (where F3="UICC0" and F4="UICC1")
# Configure the stack to send a reset byte on the static pipe when closing
# the pipe from the DH.
# Force UICC to only listen to the following technology(s).
# The bits are defined as tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK in nfa_api.h.
# Allow UICC to be powered off if there is no traffic.
# Timeout is in ms. If set to 0, then UICC will not be powered off.
# Force tag polling for the following technology(s).
# The bits are defined as tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK in nfa_api.h.
# Notable bits:
# Force P2P to only listen for the following technology(s).
# The bits are defined as tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK in nfa_api.h.
# This setting allows you to disable registering the T4t Virtual SE that causes
# the NFCC to send PPSE requests to the DH.
# The default setting is enabled (i.e. T4t Virtual SE is registered).
# When screen is turned off, specify the desired power state of the controller.
# 0: power-off-sleep state; DEFAULT
# 1: full-power state
# 2: screen-off card-emulation (CE4/CE3/CE1 modes are used)
####################### End of libnfc-brcm-common.conf ########################
################### Start of libnfc-brcm-transport-i2c.conf ###################
# Firmware patch file
# If the value is not set then patch download is disabled.
# Firmware pre-patch file (sent before the above patch file)
# If the value is not set then pre-patch is not used.
# Firmware patch format
# 1 = HCD
# 2 = NCD (default)
# transport driver
# where <driver> can be, for example:
# "/dev/ttyS" (UART)
# "/dev/bcmi2cnfc" (I2C)
# "hwtun" (HW Tunnel)
# "/dev/bcmspinfc" (SPI)
# "/dev/btusb0" (BT USB)
# power control driver
# Specify a kernel driver that support ioctl commands to control NFC_EN and
# NFC_WAKE gpio signals.
# where <driver> can be, for example:
# "/dev/nfcpower"
# "/dev/bcmi2cnfc" (I2C)
# "/dev/bcmspinfc" (SPI)
# i2c and spi driver may be used to control NFC_EN and NFC_WAKE signal
# I2C transport driver options
# I2C transport driver try to read multiple packets in read() if data is available
# remove the comment below to enable this feature
# SPI transport driver options
# UART transport driver options
# PORT=1,2,3,...
# BAUD=115200, 19200, 9600, 4800,
# DATABITS=8, 7, 6, 5
# PARITY="even" | "odd" | "none"
# STOPBITS="0" | "1" | "1.5" | "2"
# Tunnel transport driver options
# For use when TRANSPORT_DRIVER="hwtun" (see above)
# Insert a delay in microseconds per byte after a write to NFCC.
# after writing a block of data to the NFCC, delay this an amopunt of time before
# writing next block of data. the delay is calculated as below
# NFC_WRITE_DELAY * (number of byte written) / 1000 milliseconds
# e.g. after 259 bytes is written, delay (259 * 20 / 1000) 5 ms before next write
#################### End of libnfc-brcm-transport-i2c.conf ####################
################### Start of libnfc-brcm-fwfsm-enabled.conf ###################
# Multi-technology (default is enabled)
#################### End of libnfc-brcm-fwfsm-enabled.conf ####################