blob: 2a2572a4664f0b076b72e3acd381a75602a41e42 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public abstract class MemberInfo extends DocInfo implements Comparable, Scoped
public MemberInfo(String rawCommentText, String name, String signature,
ClassInfo containingClass, ClassInfo realContainingClass,
boolean isPublic, boolean isProtected,
boolean isPackagePrivate, boolean isPrivate,
boolean isFinal, boolean isStatic, boolean isSynthetic,
String kind,
SourcePositionInfo position,
AnnotationInstanceInfo[] annotations)
super(rawCommentText, position);
mName = name;
mSignature = signature;
mContainingClass = containingClass;
mRealContainingClass = realContainingClass;
mIsPublic = isPublic;
mIsProtected = isProtected;
mIsPackagePrivate = isPackagePrivate;
mIsPrivate = isPrivate;
mIsFinal = isFinal;
mIsStatic = isStatic;
mIsSynthetic = isSynthetic;
mKind = kind;
mAnnotations = annotations;
public abstract boolean isExecutable();
public String anchor()
if (mSignature != null) {
return mName + mSignature;
} else {
return mName;
public String htmlPage() {
return mContainingClass.htmlPage() + "#" + anchor();
public int compareTo(Object that) {
return this.htmlPage().compareTo(((MemberInfo)that).htmlPage());
public String name()
return mName;
public String signature()
return mSignature;
public ClassInfo realContainingClass()
return mRealContainingClass;
public ClassInfo containingClass()
return mContainingClass;
public boolean isPublic()
return mIsPublic;
public boolean isProtected()
return mIsProtected;
public boolean isPackagePrivate()
return mIsPackagePrivate;
public boolean isPrivate()
return mIsPrivate;
public boolean isStatic()
return mIsStatic;
public boolean isFinal()
return mIsFinal;
public boolean isSynthetic()
return mIsSynthetic;
public ContainerInfo parent()
return mContainingClass;
public boolean checkLevel()
return DroidDoc.checkLevel(mIsPublic, mIsProtected,
mIsPackagePrivate, mIsPrivate, isHidden());
public String kind()
return mKind;
public AnnotationInstanceInfo[] annotations()
return mAnnotations;
ClassInfo mContainingClass;
ClassInfo mRealContainingClass;
String mName;
String mSignature;
boolean mIsPublic;
boolean mIsProtected;
boolean mIsPackagePrivate;
boolean mIsPrivate;
boolean mIsFinal;
boolean mIsStatic;
boolean mIsSynthetic;
String mKind;
private AnnotationInstanceInfo[] mAnnotations;