blob: 07343dd927d0a73f60af587e8d7856843317a098 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import its.image
import its.caps
import its.device
import its.objects
import numpy
import os.path
def check_crop_region(expected, reported, active, err_threshold):
"""Check if the reported region is within the tolerance.
expected: expected crop region
reported: reported crop region
active: active resolution
err_threshold: error threshold for the active resolution
ex = (active["right"] - active["left"]) * err_threshold
ey = (active["bottom"] - active["top"]) * err_threshold
assert ((abs(expected["left"] - reported["left"]) <= ex) and
(abs(expected["right"] - reported["right"]) <= ex) and
(abs(expected["top"] - reported["top"]) <= ey) and
(abs(expected["bottom"] - reported["bottom"]) <= ey))
def main():
"""Test that raw streams are not croppable.
NAME = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0]
with its.device.ItsSession() as cam:
props = cam.get_camera_properties()
if (not its.caps.compute_target_exposure(props) or
not its.caps.raw16(props)):
print "Test skipped"
a = props['']
ax, ay = a["left"], a["top"]
aw, ah = a["right"] - a["left"], a["bottom"] - a["top"]
print "Active sensor region: (%d,%d %dx%d)" % (ax, ay, aw, ah)
full_region = {
"left": 0,
"top": 0,
"right": aw,
"bottom": ah
# Capture without a crop region.
# Use a manual request with a linear tonemap so that the YUV and RAW
# should look the same (once converted by the its.image module).
e, s =["minSensitivity"]
req = its.objects.manual_capture_request(s,e, True)
cap1_raw, cap1_yuv = cam.do_capture(req, cam.CAP_RAW_YUV)
# Calculate a center crop region.
zoom = min(3.0, its.objects.get_max_digital_zoom(props))
assert(zoom >= 1)
cropw = aw / zoom
croph = ah / zoom
req["android.scaler.cropRegion"] = {
"left": aw / 2 - cropw / 2,
"top": ah / 2 - croph / 2,
"right": aw / 2 + cropw / 2,
"bottom": ah / 2 + croph / 2
# when both YUV and RAW are requested, the crop region that's
# applied to YUV should be reported.
crop_region = req["android.scaler.cropRegion"]
if crop_region == full_region:
crop_region_err_thresh = 0.0
crop_region_err_thresh = CROP_REGION_ERROR_THRESHOLD
cap2_raw, cap2_yuv = cam.do_capture(req, cam.CAP_RAW_YUV)
imgs = {}
for s, cap, cr, err_delta in [("yuv_full", cap1_yuv, full_region, 0),
("raw_full", cap1_raw, full_region, 0),
("yuv_crop", cap2_yuv, crop_region, crop_region_err_thresh),
("raw_crop", cap2_raw, crop_region, crop_region_err_thresh)]:
img = its.image.convert_capture_to_rgb_image(cap, props=props)
its.image.write_image(img, "%s_%s.jpg" % (NAME, s))
r = cap["metadata"]["android.scaler.cropRegion"]
x, y = r["left"], r["top"]
w, h = r["right"] - r["left"], r["bottom"] - r["top"]
imgs[s] = img
print "Crop on %s: (%d,%d %dx%d)" % (s, x, y, w, h)
check_crop_region(cr, r, a, err_delta)
# Also check the image content; 3 of the 4 shots should match.
# Note that all the shots are RGB below; the variable names correspond
# to what was captured.
# Average the images down 4x4 -> 1 prior to comparison to smooth out
# noise.
# Shrink the YUV images an additional 2x2 -> 1 to account for the size
# reduction that the raw images went through in the RGB conversion.
imgs2 = {}
for s,img in imgs.iteritems():
h,w,ch = img.shape
m = 4
if s in ["yuv_full", "yuv_crop"]:
m = 8
img = img.reshape(h/m,m,w/m,m,3).mean(3).mean(1).reshape(h/m,w/m,3)
imgs2[s] = img
print s, img.shape
# Strip any border pixels from the raw shots (since the raw images may
# be larger than the YUV images). Assume a symmetric padded border.
xpad = (imgs2["raw_full"].shape[1] - imgs2["yuv_full"].shape[1]) / 2
ypad = (imgs2["raw_full"].shape[0] - imgs2["yuv_full"].shape[0]) / 2
wyuv = imgs2["yuv_full"].shape[1]
hyuv = imgs2["yuv_full"].shape[0]
print "Stripping padding before comparison:", xpad, ypad
for s,img in imgs2.iteritems():
its.image.write_image(img, "%s_comp_%s.jpg" % (NAME, s))
# Compute image diffs.
diff_yuv = numpy.fabs((imgs2["yuv_full"] - imgs2["yuv_crop"])).mean()
diff_raw = numpy.fabs((imgs2["raw_full"] - imgs2["raw_crop"])).mean()
print "YUV diff (crop vs. non-crop):", diff_yuv
print "RAW diff (crop vs. non-crop):", diff_raw
assert(diff_yuv > DIFF_THRESH)
assert(diff_raw < DIFF_THRESH)
if __name__ == '__main__':