Support test instancing in DeqpTestRunner.

* Add support for test instances with different render target
  configurations. A test case will be reported as a failure if any of
  its instances reports a failure or terminates unexpectedly.
* Check support for orientation and pixel format before attempting to
  run test instances. Report unsupported instances as passes.
* Update dEQP test package XML abi attribute injector regex to support
  subelements within Test-elements.

Bug: 18982383
Change-Id: I67c65caabef8e1c0ecc9dccfb409a3a19bcff4e3
diff --git a/build/ b/build/
index b07876d..58df98f 100644
--- a/build/
+++ b/build/
@@ -39,6 +39,6 @@
 										| grep --only-matching -e " abis=\"[^\"]*\""))
 # Patch xml caselist with supported abi
-	$(hide) $(SED_EXTENDED) -e 's:^<Test (.*)/>$$:<Test \1 $(supported_abi_attr) />:' \
+	$(hide) $(SED_EXTENDED) -e 's:^<Test ((.[^/]|[^/])*)(/?)>$$:<Test \1 $(supported_abi_attr) \3>:' \
 				> $@
diff --git a/tools/tradefed-host/src/com/android/cts/tradefed/testtype/ b/tools/tradefed-host/src/com/android/cts/tradefed/testtype/
index 8eb1621..6d8d807 100644
--- a/tools/tradefed-host/src/com/android/cts/tradefed/testtype/
+++ b/tools/tradefed-host/src/com/android/cts/tradefed/testtype/
@@ -22,8 +22,14 @@
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
  * Test runner for dEQP tests
@@ -35,29 +41,35 @@
     private static final String DEQP_ONDEVICE_APK = "com.drawelements.deqp.apk";
     private static final String DEQP_ONDEVICE_PKG = "com.drawelements.deqp";
     private static final String INCOMPLETE_LOG_MESSAGE = "Crash: Incomplete test log";
+    private static final String DEVICE_LOST_MESSAGE = "Crash: Device lost";
+    private static final String SKIPPED_INSTANCE_LOG_MESSAGE = "Configuration skipped";
+    private static final String CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME = "/sdcard/dEQP-TestCaseList.txt";
+    private static final String LOG_FILE_NAME = "/sdcard/TestLog.qpa";
+    public static final String FEATURE_LANDSCAPE = "android.hardware.screen.landscape";
+    public static final String FEATURE_PORTRAIT = "android.hardware.screen.portrait";
-    private final int TESTCASE_BATCH_LIMIT = 1000;
-    private boolean mLogData;
-    private ITestDevice mDevice;
+    private static final int TESTCASE_BATCH_LIMIT = 1000;
+    private static final BatchRunConfiguration DEFAULT_CONFIG =
+        new BatchRunConfiguration("rgba8888d24s8", "unspecified", "window");
     private final String mPackageName;
     private final String mName;
-    private Collection<TestIdentifier> mTests;
+    private final Collection<TestIdentifier> mRemainingTests;
+    private final Map<TestIdentifier, Set<BatchRunConfiguration>> mTestInstances;
+    private final TestInstanceResultListener mInstanceListerner;
     private IAbi mAbi;
     private CtsBuildHelper mCtsBuild;
+    private boolean mLogData;
+    private ITestDevice mDevice;
+    private Set<String> mDeviceFeatures;
-    private TestIdentifier mCurrentTestId;
-    private boolean mGotTestResult;
-    private String mCurrentTestLog;
-    private ITestInvocationListener mListener;
-    public DeqpTestRunner(String packageName, String name, Collection<TestIdentifier> tests) {
+    public DeqpTestRunner(String packageName, String name, Collection<TestIdentifier> tests,
+            Map<TestIdentifier, List<Map<String,String>>> testInstances) {
         mPackageName = packageName;
         mName = name;
-        mTests = tests;
+        mRemainingTests = new LinkedList<>(tests); // avoid modifying arguments
+        mTestInstances = parseTestInstances(tests, testInstances);
+        mInstanceListerner = new TestInstanceResultListener();
         mLogData = false;
@@ -95,18 +107,390 @@
+     * {@inheritDoc}
+     */
+    @Override
+    public void setDevice(ITestDevice device) {
+        mDevice = device;
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@inheritDoc}
+     */
+    @Override
+    public ITestDevice getDevice() {
+        return mDevice;
+    }
+    private static final class CapabilityQueryFailureException extends Exception {
+    };
+    /**
+     * Test configuration of dEPQ test instance execution.
+     * Exposed for unit testing
+     */
+    public static final class BatchRunConfiguration {
+        public static final String ROTATION_UNSPECIFIED = "unspecified";
+        public static final String ROTATION_PORTRAIT = "0";
+        public static final String ROTATION_LANDSCAPE = "90";
+        public static final String ROTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT = "180";
+        public static final String ROTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE = "270";
+        private final String mGlConfig;
+        private final String mRotation;
+        private final String mSurfaceType;
+        public BatchRunConfiguration(String glConfig, String rotation, String surfaceType) {
+            mGlConfig = glConfig;
+            mRotation = rotation;
+            mSurfaceType = surfaceType;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Get string that uniquely identifies this config
+         */
+        public String getId() {
+            return String.format("{glformat=%s,rotation=%s,surfacetype=%s}",
+                    mGlConfig, mRotation, mSurfaceType);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Get the GL config used in this configuration.
+         */
+        public String getGlConfig() {
+            return mGlConfig;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Get the screen rotation used in this configuration.
+         */
+        public String getRotation() {
+            return mRotation;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Get the surface type used in this configuration.
+         */
+        public String getSurfaceType() {
+            return mSurfaceType;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public boolean equals(Object other) {
+            if (other == null) {
+                return false;
+            } else if (!(other instanceof BatchRunConfiguration)) {
+                return false;
+            } else {
+                return getId().equals(((BatchRunConfiguration)other).getId());
+            }
+        }
+        @Override
+        public int hashCode() {
+            return getId().hashCode();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * dEQP test instance listerer and invocation result forwarded
+     */
+    private class TestInstanceResultListener {
+        private ITestInvocationListener mSink;
+        private BatchRunConfiguration mRunConfig;
+        private TestIdentifier mCurrentTestId;
+        private boolean mGotTestResult;
+        private String mCurrentTestLog;
+        private class PendingResult
+        {
+            boolean allInstancesPassed;
+            Map<BatchRunConfiguration, String> testLogs;
+            Map<BatchRunConfiguration, String> errorMessages;
+            Set<BatchRunConfiguration> remainingConfigs;
+        };
+        private final Map<TestIdentifier, PendingResult> mPendingResults = new HashMap<>();
+        public void setSink(ITestInvocationListener sink) {
+            mSink = sink;
+        }
+        public void setCurrentConfig(BatchRunConfiguration runConfig) {
+            mRunConfig = runConfig;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Forward result to sink
+         */
+        private void forwardFinalizedPendingResult() {
+            if (mRemainingTests.contains(mCurrentTestId)) {
+                final PendingResult result = mPendingResults.get(mCurrentTestId);
+                mRemainingTests.remove(mCurrentTestId);
+                mSink.testStarted(mCurrentTestId);
+                // Test Log
+                if (mLogData) {
+                    for (Map.Entry<BatchRunConfiguration, String> entry :
+                            result.testLogs.entrySet()) {
+                        final ByteArrayInputStreamSource source
+                                = new ByteArrayInputStreamSource(entry.getValue().getBytes());
+                        mSink.testLog(mCurrentTestId.getClassName() + "."
+                                + mCurrentTestId.getTestName() + "@" + entry.getKey().getId(),
+                                LogDataType.XML, source);
+                        source.cancel();
+                    }
+                }
+                // Error message
+                if (!result.allInstancesPassed) {
+                    final StringBuilder errorLog = new StringBuilder();
+                    for (Map.Entry<BatchRunConfiguration, String> entry :
+                            result.errorMessages.entrySet()) {
+                        if (errorLog.length() > 0) {
+                            errorLog.append('\n');
+                        }
+                        errorLog.append(String.format("=== with config %s ===\n",
+                                entry.getKey().getId()));
+                        errorLog.append(entry.getValue());
+                    }
+                    mSink.testFailed(mCurrentTestId, errorLog.toString());
+                }
+                // Clear all that won't be used again. The memory usage of these might
+                // add up to quite large numbers
+                result.testLogs = null;
+                result.errorMessages = null;
+                final Map<String, String> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
+                mSink.testEnded(mCurrentTestId, emptyMap);
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * Declare existence of a test and instances
+         */
+        public void setTestInstances(TestIdentifier testId, Set<BatchRunConfiguration> configs) {
+            // Test instances cannot change at runtime, ignore if we have already set this
+            if (!mPendingResults.containsKey(testId)) {
+                final PendingResult pendingResult = new PendingResult();
+                pendingResult.allInstancesPassed = true;
+                pendingResult.testLogs = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+                pendingResult.errorMessages = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+                pendingResult.remainingConfigs = new HashSet<>(configs); // avoid mutating argument
+                mPendingResults.put(testId, pendingResult);
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * Query if test instance has not yet been executed
+         */
+        public boolean isPendingTestInstance(TestIdentifier testId,
+                BatchRunConfiguration config) {
+            final PendingResult result = mPendingResults.get(testId);
+            return result.remainingConfigs.contains(config);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Fake execution of an instance with current config
+         */
+        public void skipTest(TestIdentifier testId) {
+            final PendingResult result = mPendingResults.get(testId);
+            result.errorMessages.put(mRunConfig, SKIPPED_INSTANCE_LOG_MESSAGE);
+            result.remainingConfigs.remove(mRunConfig);
+            if (result.remainingConfigs.isEmpty()) {
+                // fake as if we actually run the test
+                mCurrentTestId = testId;
+                forwardFinalizedPendingResult();
+                mCurrentTestId = null;
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * Handles beginning of dEQP session.
+         */
+        private void handleBeginSession(Map<String, String> values) {
+            // ignore
+        }
+        /**
+         * Handles end of dEQP session.
+         */
+        private void handleEndSession(Map<String, String> values) {
+            // ignore
+        }
+        /**
+         * Handles beginning of dEQP testcase.
+         */
+        private void handleBeginTestCase(Map<String, String> values) {
+            mCurrentTestId = pathToIdentifier(values.get("dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath"));
+            mCurrentTestLog = "";
+            mGotTestResult = false;
+            // mark instance as started
+            mPendingResults.get(mCurrentTestId).remainingConfigs.remove(mRunConfig);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Handles end of dEQP testcase.
+         */
+        private void handleEndTestCase(Map<String, String> values) {
+            final PendingResult result = mPendingResults.get(mCurrentTestId);
+            if (!mGotTestResult) {
+                result.allInstancesPassed = false;
+                result.errorMessages.put(mRunConfig, INCOMPLETE_LOG_MESSAGE);
+            }
+            if (mLogData && mCurrentTestLog != null && mCurrentTestLog.length() > 0) {
+                result.testLogs.put(mRunConfig, mCurrentTestLog);
+            }
+            // Pending result finished, report result
+            if (result.remainingConfigs.isEmpty()) {
+                forwardFinalizedPendingResult();
+            }
+            mCurrentTestId = null;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Handles dEQP testcase result.
+         */
+        private void handleTestCaseResult(Map<String, String> values) {
+            String code = values.get("dEQP-TestCaseResult-Code");
+            String details = values.get("dEQP-TestCaseResult-Details");
+            if (code.compareTo("Pass") == 0) {
+                mGotTestResult = true;
+            } else if (code.compareTo("NotSupported") == 0) {
+                mGotTestResult = true;
+            } else if (code.compareTo("QualityWarning") == 0) {
+                mGotTestResult = true;
+            } else if (code.compareTo("CompatibilityWarning") == 0) {
+                mGotTestResult = true;
+            } else if (code.compareTo("Fail") == 0 || code.compareTo("ResourceError") == 0
+                    || code.compareTo("InternalError") == 0 || code.compareTo("Crash") == 0
+                    || code.compareTo("Timeout") == 0) {
+                mPendingResults.get(mCurrentTestId).allInstancesPassed = false;
+                mPendingResults.get(mCurrentTestId)
+                        .errorMessages.put(mRunConfig, code + ": " + details);
+                mGotTestResult = true;
+            } else {
+                String codeError = "Unknown result code: " + code;
+                mPendingResults.get(mCurrentTestId).allInstancesPassed = false;
+                mPendingResults.get(mCurrentTestId)
+                        .errorMessages.put(mRunConfig, codeError + ": " + details);
+                mGotTestResult = true;
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * Handles terminated dEQP testcase.
+         */
+        private void handleTestCaseTerminate(Map<String, String> values) {
+            final PendingResult result = mPendingResults.get(mCurrentTestId);
+            String reason = values.get("dEQP-TerminateTestCase-Reason");
+            mPendingResults.get(mCurrentTestId).allInstancesPassed = false;
+            mPendingResults.get(mCurrentTestId)
+                    .errorMessages.put(mRunConfig, "Terminated: " + reason);
+            // Pending result finished, report result
+            if (result.remainingConfigs.isEmpty()) {
+                forwardFinalizedPendingResult();
+            }
+            mCurrentTestId = null;
+            mGotTestResult = true;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Handles dEQP testlog data.
+         */
+        private void handleTestLogData(Map<String, String> values) {
+            mCurrentTestLog = mCurrentTestLog + values.get("dEQP-TestLogData-Log");
+        }
+        /**
+         * Handles new instrumentation status message.
+         */
+        public void handleStatus(Map<String, String> values) {
+            String eventType = values.get("dEQP-EventType");
+            if (eventType == null) {
+                return;
+            }
+            if (eventType.compareTo("BeginSession") == 0) {
+                handleBeginSession(values);
+            } else if (eventType.compareTo("EndSession") == 0) {
+                handleEndSession(values);
+            } else if (eventType.compareTo("BeginTestCase") == 0) {
+                handleBeginTestCase(values);
+            } else if (eventType.compareTo("EndTestCase") == 0) {
+                handleEndTestCase(values);
+            } else if (eventType.compareTo("TestCaseResult") == 0) {
+                handleTestCaseResult(values);
+            } else if (eventType.compareTo("TerminateTestCase") == 0) {
+                handleTestCaseTerminate(values);
+            } else if (eventType.compareTo("TestLogData") == 0) {
+                handleTestLogData(values);
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * Signal listener that batch ended to flush incomplete results.
+         */
+        public void endBatch() {
+            // end open test if when stream ends
+            if (mCurrentTestId != null) {
+                final Map<String, String> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
+                handleEndTestCase(emptyMap);
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * Signal listener that device just died.
+         */
+        public void onDeviceLost() {
+            if (mCurrentTestId != null) {
+                final PendingResult result = mPendingResults.get(mCurrentTestId);
+                // kill current test
+                result.allInstancesPassed = false;
+                result.errorMessages.put(mRunConfig, DEVICE_LOST_MESSAGE);
+                if (mLogData && mCurrentTestLog != null && mCurrentTestLog.length() > 0) {
+                    result.testLogs.put(mRunConfig, mCurrentTestLog);
+                }
+                // finish all pending instances
+                result.remainingConfigs.clear();
+                forwardFinalizedPendingResult();
+                mCurrentTestId = null;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
      * dEQP instrumentation parser
-    class InstrumentationParser extends MultiLineReceiver {
-        private DeqpTestRunner mDeqpTests;
+    private static class InstrumentationParser extends MultiLineReceiver {
+        private TestInstanceResultListener mListener;
         private Map<String, String> mValues;
         private String mCurrentName;
         private String mCurrentValue;
-        public InstrumentationParser(DeqpTestRunner tests) {
-            mDeqpTests = tests;
+        public InstrumentationParser(TestInstanceResultListener listener) {
+            mListener = listener;
@@ -125,7 +509,7 @@
                         mCurrentValue = null;
-                    mDeqpTests.handleStatus(mValues);
+                    mListener.handleStatus(mValues);
                     mValues = null;
                 } else if (line.startsWith("INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-")) {
                     if (mCurrentName != null) {
@@ -161,7 +545,7 @@
             if (mValues != null) {
-                mDeqpTests.handleStatus(mValues);
+                mListener.handleStatus(mValues);
                 mValues = null;
@@ -176,9 +560,112 @@
+     * dEQP platfom query instrumentation parser
+     */
+    private static class PlatformQueryInstrumentationParser extends MultiLineReceiver {
+        private Map<String,String> mResultMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+        private int mResultCode;
+        private boolean mGotExitValue = false;
+        /**
+         * {@inheritDoc}
+         */
+        @Override
+        public void processNewLines(String[] lines) {
+            for (String line : lines) {
+                if (line.startsWith("INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: ")) {
+                    final String parts[] = line.substring(24).split("=",2);
+                    if (parts.length == 2) {
+                        mResultMap.put(parts[0], parts[1]);
+                    } else {
+                        CLog.w("Instrumentation status format unexpected");
+                    }
+                } else if (line.startsWith("INSTRUMENTATION_CODE: ")) {
+                    try {
+                        mResultCode = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(22));
+                        mGotExitValue = true;
+                    } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
+                        CLog.w("Instrumentation code format unexpected");
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * {@inheritDoc}
+         */
+        @Override
+        public boolean isCancelled() {
+            return false;
+        }
+        public boolean wasSuccessful() {
+            return mGotExitValue;
+        }
+        public int getResultCode() {
+            return mResultCode;
+        }
+        public Map<String,String> getResultMap() {
+            return mResultMap;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Parse map of instance arguments to map of BatchRunConfigurations
+     */
+    private static Map<TestIdentifier, Set<BatchRunConfiguration>> parseTestInstances(
+            Collection<TestIdentifier> tests,
+            Map<TestIdentifier, List<Map<String,String>>> testInstances) {
+        final Map<TestIdentifier, Set<BatchRunConfiguration>> instances = new HashMap<>();
+        for (final TestIdentifier test : tests) {
+            final Set<BatchRunConfiguration> testInstanceSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
+            if (testInstances.get(test).isEmpty()) {
+                // no instances defined, use default
+                testInstanceSet.add(DEFAULT_CONFIG);
+            } else {
+                for (Map<String, String> instanceArgs : testInstances.get(test)) {
+                    testInstanceSet.add(parseRunConfig(instanceArgs));
+                }
+            }
+            instances.put(test, testInstanceSet);
+        }
+        return instances;
+    }
+    private static BatchRunConfiguration parseRunConfig(Map<String,String> instanceArguments) {
+        final String glConfig;
+        final String rotation;
+        final String surfaceType;
+        if (instanceArguments.containsKey("glconfig")) {
+            glConfig = instanceArguments.get("glconfig");
+        } else {
+            glConfig = DEFAULT_CONFIG.getGlConfig();
+        }
+        if (instanceArguments.containsKey("rotation")) {
+            rotation = instanceArguments.get("rotation");
+        } else {
+            rotation = DEFAULT_CONFIG.getRotation();
+        }
+        if (instanceArguments.containsKey("surfaceType")) {
+            surfaceType = instanceArguments.get("surfaceType");
+        } else {
+            surfaceType = DEFAULT_CONFIG.getSurfaceType();
+        }
+        return new BatchRunConfiguration(glConfig, rotation, surfaceType);
+    }
+    private Set<BatchRunConfiguration> getTestRunConfigs (TestIdentifier testId) {
+        return mTestInstances.get(testId);
+    }
+    /**
      * Converts dEQP testcase path to TestIdentifier.
-    private TestIdentifier pathToIdentifier(String testPath) {
+    private static TestIdentifier pathToIdentifier(String testPath) {
         String[] components = testPath.split("\\.");
         String name = components[components.length - 1];
         String className = null;
@@ -194,150 +681,14 @@
         return new TestIdentifier(className, name);
-    /**
-     * Handles beginning of dEQP session.
-     */
-    private void handleBeginSession(Map<String, String> values) {
-        String id = AbiUtils.createId(mAbi.getName(), mPackageName);
-        mListener.testRunStarted(id, mTests.size());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Handles end of dEQP session.
-     */
-    private void handleEndSession(Map<String, String> values) {
-        Map <String, String> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
-        mListener.testRunEnded(0, emptyMap);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Handles beginning of dEQP testcase.
-     */
-    private void handleBeginTestCase(Map<String, String> values) {
-        mCurrentTestId = pathToIdentifier(values.get("dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath"));
-        mCurrentTestLog = "";
-        mGotTestResult = false;
-        mListener.testStarted(mCurrentTestId);
-        mTests.remove(mCurrentTestId);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Handles end of dEQP testcase.
-     */
-    private void handleEndTestCase(Map<String, String> values) {
-        Map <String, String> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
-        if (!mGotTestResult) {
-            mListener.testFailed(mCurrentTestId,
-                    INCOMPLETE_LOG_MESSAGE);
-        }
-        if (mLogData && mCurrentTestLog != null && mCurrentTestLog.length() > 0) {
-            ByteArrayInputStreamSource source
-                    = new ByteArrayInputStreamSource(mCurrentTestLog.getBytes());
-            mListener.testLog(mCurrentTestId.getClassName() + "."
-                    + mCurrentTestId.getTestName(), LogDataType.XML, source);
-            source.cancel();
-        }
-        mListener.testEnded(mCurrentTestId, emptyMap);
-        mCurrentTestId = null;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Handles dEQP testcase result.
-     */
-    private void handleTestCaseResult(Map<String, String> values) {
-        String code = values.get("dEQP-TestCaseResult-Code");
-        String details = values.get("dEQP-TestCaseResult-Details");
-        if (code.compareTo("Pass") == 0) {
-            mGotTestResult = true;
-        } else if (code.compareTo("NotSupported") == 0) {
-            mGotTestResult = true;
-        } else if (code.compareTo("QualityWarning") == 0) {
-            mGotTestResult = true;
-        } else if (code.compareTo("CompatibilityWarning") == 0) {
-            mGotTestResult = true;
-        } else if (code.compareTo("Fail") == 0 || code.compareTo("ResourceError") == 0
-                || code.compareTo("InternalError") == 0 || code.compareTo("Crash") == 0
-                || code.compareTo("Timeout") == 0) {
-            mListener.testFailed(mCurrentTestId,
-                    code + ": " + details);
-            mGotTestResult = true;
-        } else {
-            mListener.testFailed(mCurrentTestId,
-                    "Unknown result code: " + code + ": " + details);
-            mGotTestResult = true;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Handles terminated dEQP testcase.
-     */
-    private void handleTestCaseTerminate(Map<String, String> values) {
-        Map <String, String> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
-        String reason = values.get("dEQP-TerminateTestCase-Reason");
-        mListener.testFailed(mCurrentTestId,
-                "Terminated: " + reason);
-        mListener.testEnded(mCurrentTestId, emptyMap);
-        if (mLogData && mCurrentTestLog != null && mCurrentTestLog.length() > 0) {
-            ByteArrayInputStreamSource source
-                    = new ByteArrayInputStreamSource(mCurrentTestLog.getBytes());
-            mListener.testLog(mCurrentTestId.getClassName() + "."
-                    + mCurrentTestId.getTestName(), LogDataType.XML, source);
-            source.cancel();
-        }
-        mCurrentTestId = null;
-        mGotTestResult = true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Handles dEQP testlog data.
-     */
-    private void handleTestLogData(Map<String, String> values) {
-        mCurrentTestLog = mCurrentTestLog + values.get("dEQP-TestLogData-Log");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Handles new instrumentation status message.
-     */
-    public void handleStatus(Map<String, String> values) {
-        String eventType = values.get("dEQP-EventType");
-        if (eventType == null) {
-            return;
-        }
-        if (eventType.compareTo("BeginSession") == 0) {
-            handleBeginSession(values);
-        } else if (eventType.compareTo("EndSession") == 0) {
-            handleEndSession(values);
-        } else if (eventType.compareTo("BeginTestCase") == 0) {
-            handleBeginTestCase(values);
-        } else if (eventType.compareTo("EndTestCase") == 0) {
-            handleEndTestCase(values);
-        } else if (eventType.compareTo("TestCaseResult") == 0) {
-            handleTestCaseResult(values);
-        } else if (eventType.compareTo("TerminateTestCase") == 0) {
-            handleTestCaseTerminate(values);
-        } else if (eventType.compareTo("TestLogData") == 0) {
-            handleTestLogData(values);
-        }
+    private String getId() {
+        return AbiUtils.createId(mAbi.getName(), mPackageName);
      * Generates tescase trie from dEQP testcase paths. Used to define which testcases to execute.
-    private String generateTestCaseTrieFromPaths(Collection<String> tests) {
+    private static String generateTestCaseTrieFromPaths(Collection<String> tests) {
         String result = "{";
         boolean first = true;
@@ -390,15 +741,11 @@
      * Generates testcase trie from TestIdentifiers.
-    private String generateTestCaseTrie(Collection<TestIdentifier> tests) {
+    private static String generateTestCaseTrie(Collection<TestIdentifier> tests) {
         ArrayList<String> testPaths = new ArrayList<String>();
         for (TestIdentifier test : tests) {
             testPaths.add(test.getClassName() + "." + test.getTestName());
-            // Limit number of testcases for each run
-            if (testPaths.size() > TESTCASE_BATCH_LIMIT)
-                break;
         return generateTestCaseTrieFromPaths(testPaths);
@@ -407,34 +754,178 @@
      * Executes tests on the device.
-    private void executeTests(ITestInvocationListener listener) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
-        InstrumentationParser parser = new InstrumentationParser(this);
-        String caseListFileName = "/sdcard/dEQP-TestCaseList.txt";
-        String logFileName = "/sdcard/TestLog.qpa";
-        String testCases = generateTestCaseTrie(mTests);
+    private void runTests() throws DeviceNotAvailableException, CapabilityQueryFailureException {
+        while (!mRemainingTests.isEmpty()) {
+            // select tests for the batch
+            final ArrayList<TestIdentifier> batchTests = new ArrayList<>(TESTCASE_BATCH_LIMIT);
+            for (TestIdentifier test : mRemainingTests) {
+                batchTests.add(test);
+                if (batchTests.size() >= TESTCASE_BATCH_LIMIT) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
-        mDevice.executeShellCommand("rm " + caseListFileName);
-        mDevice.executeShellCommand("rm " + logFileName);
-        mDevice.pushString(testCases + "\n", caseListFileName);
+            // find union of all run configurations
+            final Set<BatchRunConfiguration> allConfigs = new LinkedHashSet<>();
+            for (TestIdentifier test : batchTests) {
+                allConfigs.addAll(getTestRunConfigs(test));
+            }
-        String instrumentationName =
+            // prepare instance listener
+            for (TestIdentifier test : batchTests) {
+                mInstanceListerner.setTestInstances(test, getTestRunConfigs(test));
+            }
+            // run batch for all configurations
+            for (BatchRunConfiguration runConfig : allConfigs) {
+                final ArrayList<TestIdentifier> relevantTests =
+                        new ArrayList<>(TESTCASE_BATCH_LIMIT);
+                // run only for declared run configs and only if test has not already
+                // been attempted to run
+                for (TestIdentifier test : batchTests) {
+                    if (mInstanceListerner.isPendingTestInstance(test, runConfig)) {
+                        relevantTests.add(test);
+                    }
+                }
+                if (!relevantTests.isEmpty()) {
+                    runTestRunBatch(relevantTests, runConfig);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void runTestRunBatch(Collection<TestIdentifier> tests, BatchRunConfiguration runConfig)
+            throws DeviceNotAvailableException, CapabilityQueryFailureException {
+        boolean isSupportedConfig = true;
+        // orientation support
+        if (!BatchRunConfiguration.ROTATION_UNSPECIFIED.equals(runConfig.getRotation())) {
+            final Set<String> features = getDeviceFeatures(mDevice);
+            if (isPortraitClassRotation(runConfig.getRotation()) &&
+                    !features.contains(FEATURE_PORTRAIT)) {
+                isSupportedConfig = false;
+            }
+            if (isLandscapeClassRotation(runConfig.getRotation()) &&
+                    !features.contains(FEATURE_LANDSCAPE)) {
+                isSupportedConfig = false;
+            }
+        }
+        // renderability support for OpenGL ES tests
+        if (isSupportedConfig && isOpenGlEsPackage()) {
+            isSupportedConfig = isSupportedGlesRenderConfig(runConfig);
+        }
+        mInstanceListerner.setCurrentConfig(runConfig);
+        // execute only if config is executable, else fake results
+        if (isSupportedConfig) {
+            executeTestRunBatch(tests, runConfig);
+        } else {
+            fakePassTestRunBatch(tests, runConfig);
+        }
+    }
+    private void executeTestRunBatch(Collection<TestIdentifier> tests,
+            BatchRunConfiguration runConfig) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
+        final String testCases = generateTestCaseTrie(tests);
+        mDevice.executeShellCommand("rm " + CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME);
+        mDevice.executeShellCommand("rm " + LOG_FILE_NAME);
+        mDevice.pushString(testCases + "\n", CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME);
+        final String instrumentationName =
-        String command = String.format(
-                "am instrument %s -w -e deqpLogFileName \"%s\" -e deqpCmdLine \""
-                    + "--deqp-caselist-file=%s --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8\""
-                    + " -e deqpLogData \"%s\" %s",
-                AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(mAbi.getName()), logFileName, caseListFileName, mLogData,
-                instrumentationName);
+        final StringBuilder deqpCmdLine = new StringBuilder();
+        deqpCmdLine.append("--deqp-caselist-file=");
+        deqpCmdLine.append(CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME);
+        deqpCmdLine.append(" ");
+        deqpCmdLine.append(getRunConfigDisplayCmdLine(runConfig));
-        mDevice.executeShellCommand(command, parser);
-        parser.flush();
+        final String command = String.format(
+                "am instrument %s -w -e deqpLogFileName \"%s\" -e deqpCmdLine \"%s\""
+                    + " -e deqpLogData \"%s\" %s",
+                AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(mAbi.getName()), LOG_FILE_NAME, deqpCmdLine.toString(),
+                mLogData, instrumentationName);
+        try {
+            final InstrumentationParser parser = new InstrumentationParser(mInstanceListerner);
+            mDevice.executeShellCommand(command, parser);
+            parser.flush();
+        } catch (DeviceNotAvailableException ex) {
+            // Device lost. We must signal the tradedef by rethrowing this execption. However,
+            // there is a possiblity that the device loss was caused by the currently run test
+            // instance. Since CtsTest is unaware of tests with only some instances executed,
+            // continuing the session after device has recovered will create a new DeqpTestRunner
+            // with current test in its run queue and this will cause the re-execution of this same
+            // instance. If the instance reliably can kill the device, the CTS cannot recover.
+            //
+            // Prevent this by terminating ALL instances of a tests if any of them causes a device
+            // loss.
+            mInstanceListerner.onDeviceLost();
+            throw ex;
+        } finally {
+            mInstanceListerner.endBatch();
+        }
+    }
+    private static String getRunConfigDisplayCmdLine(BatchRunConfiguration runConfig) {
+        final StringBuilder deqpCmdLine = new StringBuilder();
+        if (!runConfig.getGlConfig().isEmpty()) {
+            deqpCmdLine.append("--deqp-gl-config-name=");
+            deqpCmdLine.append(runConfig.getGlConfig());
+        }
+        if (!runConfig.getRotation().isEmpty()) {
+            if (deqpCmdLine.length() != 0) {
+                deqpCmdLine.append(" ");
+            }
+            deqpCmdLine.append("--deqp-screen-rotation=");
+            deqpCmdLine.append(runConfig.getRotation());
+        }
+        if (!runConfig.getSurfaceType().isEmpty()) {
+            if (deqpCmdLine.length() != 0) {
+                deqpCmdLine.append(" ");
+            }
+            deqpCmdLine.append("--deqp-surface-type=");
+            deqpCmdLine.append(runConfig.getSurfaceType());
+        }
+        return deqpCmdLine.toString();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Pass given batch tests without running it
+     */
+    private void fakePassTestRunBatch(Collection<TestIdentifier> tests,
+            BatchRunConfiguration runConfig) {
+        for (TestIdentifier test : tests) {
+            CLog.d("Skipping test '%s' invocation in config '%s'", test.toString(),
+                    runConfig.getId());
+            mInstanceListerner.skipTest(test);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Pass all remaining tests without running them
+     */
+    private void fakePassTests(ITestInvocationListener listener) {
+        Map <String, String> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
+        for (TestIdentifier test : mRemainingTests) {
+            CLog.d("Skipping test '%s', Opengl ES version not supported", test.toString());
+            listener.testStarted(test);
+            listener.testEnded(test, emptyMap);
+        }
+        mRemainingTests.clear();
      * Check if device supports OpenGL ES version.
-    static boolean isSupportedGles(ITestDevice device, int requiredMajorVersion, int requiredMinorVersion) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
+    private static boolean isSupportedGles(ITestDevice device, int requiredMajorVersion,
+            int requiredMinorVersion) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
         String roOpenglesVersion = device.getProperty("ro.opengles.version");
         if (roOpenglesVersion == null)
@@ -450,6 +941,99 @@
+     * Query if rendertarget is supported
+     */
+    private boolean isSupportedGlesRenderConfig(BatchRunConfiguration runConfig)
+            throws DeviceNotAvailableException, CapabilityQueryFailureException {
+        // query if configuration is supported
+        final StringBuilder configCommandLine =
+                new StringBuilder(getRunConfigDisplayCmdLine(runConfig));
+        if (configCommandLine.length() != 0) {
+            configCommandLine.append(" ");
+        }
+        configCommandLine.append("--deqp-gl-major-version=");
+        configCommandLine.append(getGlesMajorVersion());
+        configCommandLine.append(" --deqp-gl-minor-version=");
+        configCommandLine.append(getGlesMinorVersion());
+        final String instrumentationName =
+                "com.drawelements.deqp/com.drawelements.deqp.platformutil.DeqpPlatformCapabilityQueryInstrumentation";
+        final String command = String.format(
+                "am instrument %s -w -e deqpQueryType renderConfigSupported -e deqpCmdLine \"%s\""
+                    + " %s",
+                AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(mAbi.getName()), configCommandLine.toString(),
+                instrumentationName);
+        final PlatformQueryInstrumentationParser parser = new PlatformQueryInstrumentationParser();
+        mDevice.executeShellCommand(command, parser);
+        parser.flush();
+        if (parser.wasSuccessful() && parser.getResultCode() == 0 &&
+                parser.getResultMap().containsKey("Supported")) {
+            if ("Yes".equals(parser.getResultMap().get("Supported"))) {
+                return true;
+            } else if ("No".equals(parser.getResultMap().get("Supported"))) {
+                return false;
+            } else {
+                CLog.e("Capability query did not return a result");
+                throw new CapabilityQueryFailureException();
+            }
+        } else if (parser.wasSuccessful()) {
+            CLog.e("Failed to run capability query. Code: %d, Result: %s",
+                    parser.getResultCode(), parser.getResultMap().toString());
+            throw new CapabilityQueryFailureException();
+        } else {
+            CLog.e("Failed to run capability query");
+            throw new CapabilityQueryFailureException();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return feature set supported by the device
+     */
+    private Set<String> getDeviceFeatures(ITestDevice device)
+            throws DeviceNotAvailableException, CapabilityQueryFailureException {
+        if (mDeviceFeatures == null) {
+            mDeviceFeatures = queryDeviceFeatures(device);
+        }
+        return mDeviceFeatures;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Query feature set supported by the device
+     */
+    private static Set<String> queryDeviceFeatures(ITestDevice device)
+            throws DeviceNotAvailableException, CapabilityQueryFailureException {
+        // NOTE: Almost identical code in BaseDevicePolicyTest#hasDeviceFeatures
+        // TODO: Move this logic to ITestDevice.
+        String command = "pm list features";
+        String commandOutput = device.executeShellCommand(command);
+        // Extract the id of the new user.
+        HashSet<String> availableFeatures = new HashSet<>();
+        for (String feature: commandOutput.split("\\s+")) {
+            // Each line in the output of the command has the format "feature:{FEATURE_VALUE}".
+            String[] tokens = feature.split(":");
+            if (tokens.length < 2 || !"feature".equals(tokens[0])) {
+                CLog.e("Failed parse features. Unexpect format on line \"%s\"", tokens[0]);
+                throw new CapabilityQueryFailureException();
+            }
+            availableFeatures.add(tokens[1]);
+        }
+        return availableFeatures;
+    }
+    private boolean isPortraitClassRotation(String rotation) {
+        return BatchRunConfiguration.ROTATION_PORTRAIT.equals(rotation) ||
+                BatchRunConfiguration.ROTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT.equals(rotation);
+    }
+    private boolean isLandscapeClassRotation(String rotation) {
+        return BatchRunConfiguration.ROTATION_LANDSCAPE.equals(rotation) ||
+                BatchRunConfiguration.ROTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE.equals(rotation);
+    }
+    /**
      * Install dEQP OnDevice Package
     private void installTestApk() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
@@ -473,60 +1057,53 @@
-     * {@inheritDoc}
+     * Parse gl nature from package name
-    @Override
-    public void run(ITestInvocationListener listener) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
-        mListener = listener;
-        if ((mName.equals( "dEQP-GLES3") && isSupportedGles(mDevice, 3, 0))
-            || (mName.equals("dEQP-GLES31") && isSupportedGles(mDevice, 3, 1))) {
-            // Make sure there is no pre-existing package form earlier interrupted test run.
-            uninstallTestApk();
-            installTestApk();
-            while (!mTests.isEmpty()) {
-                executeTests(listener);
-                // Set test to failed if it didn't receive test result
-                if (mCurrentTestId != null) {
-                    Map <String, String> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
-                    if (mLogData && mCurrentTestLog != null && mCurrentTestLog.length() > 0) {
-                        ByteArrayInputStreamSource source
-                                = new ByteArrayInputStreamSource(mCurrentTestLog.getBytes());
-                        mListener.testLog(mCurrentTestId.getClassName() + "."
-                                + mCurrentTestId.getTestName(), LogDataType.XML, source);
-                        source.cancel();
-                    }
-                    if (!mGotTestResult) {
-                        mListener.testFailed(mCurrentTestId,
-                            INCOMPLETE_LOG_MESSAGE);
-                    }
-                    mListener.testEnded(mCurrentTestId, emptyMap);
-                    mCurrentTestId = null;
-                    mListener.testRunEnded(0, emptyMap);
-                }
-            }
-            uninstallTestApk();
+    private boolean isOpenGlEsPackage() {
+        if ("dEQP-GLES2".equals(mName) || "dEQP-GLES3".equals(mName) ||
+                "dEQP-GLES31".equals(mName)) {
+            return true;
+        } else if ("dEQP-EGL".equals(mName)) {
+            return false;
         } else {
-            /* Pass all tests if OpenGL ES version is not supported */
-            Map <String, String> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
-            String id = AbiUtils.createId(mAbi.getName(), mPackageName);
-            mListener.testRunStarted(id, mTests.size());
+            throw new IllegalStateException("dEQP runner was created with illegal name");
+        }
+    }
-            for (TestIdentifier test : mTests) {
-                CLog.d("Skipping test '%s', Opengl ES version not supported", test.toString());
-                mListener.testStarted(test);
-                mListener.testEnded(test, emptyMap);
-            }
+    /**
+     * Check GL support (based on package name)
+     */
+    private boolean isSupportedGles() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
+        return isSupportedGles(mDevice, getGlesMajorVersion(), getGlesMinorVersion());
+    }
-            mListener.testRunEnded(0, emptyMap);
+    /**
+     * Get GL major version (based on package name)
+     */
+    private int getGlesMajorVersion() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
+        if ("dEQP-GLES2".equals(mName)) {
+            return 2;
+        } else if ("dEQP-GLES3".equals(mName)) {
+            return 3;
+        } else if ("dEQP-GLES31".equals(mName)) {
+            return 3;
+        } else {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("getGlesMajorVersion called for non gles pkg");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get GL minor version (based on package name)
+     */
+    private int getGlesMinorVersion() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
+        if ("dEQP-GLES2".equals(mName)) {
+            return 0;
+        } else if ("dEQP-GLES3".equals(mName)) {
+            return 0;
+        } else if ("dEQP-GLES31".equals(mName)) {
+            return 1;
+        } else {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("getGlesMinorVersion called for non gles pkg");
@@ -534,15 +1111,33 @@
      * {@inheritDoc}
-    public void setDevice(ITestDevice device) {
-        mDevice = device;
-    }
+    public void run(ITestInvocationListener listener) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
+        final Map<String, String> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
+        final boolean isSupportedApi = !isOpenGlEsPackage() || isSupportedGles();
-    /**
-     * {@inheritDoc}
-     */
-    @Override
-    public ITestDevice getDevice() {
-        return mDevice;
+        listener.testRunStarted(getId(), mRemainingTests.size());
+        try {
+            if (isSupportedApi) {
+                // Make sure there is no pre-existing package form earlier interrupted test run.
+                uninstallTestApk();
+                installTestApk();
+                mInstanceListerner.setSink(listener);
+                runTests();
+                uninstallTestApk();
+            } else {
+                // Pass all tests if OpenGL ES version is not supported
+                fakePassTests(listener);
+            }
+        } catch (CapabilityQueryFailureException ex) {
+            // Platform is not behaving correctly, for example crashing when trying to create
+            // a window. Instead of silenty failing, signal failure by leaving the rest of the
+            // test cases in "NotExecuted" state
+            uninstallTestApk();
+        }
+        listener.testRunEnded(0, emptyMap);
diff --git a/tools/tradefed-host/src/com/android/cts/tradefed/testtype/ b/tools/tradefed-host/src/com/android/cts/tradefed/testtype/
index 372609a..6daebf7 100644
--- a/tools/tradefed-host/src/com/android/cts/tradefed/testtype/
+++ b/tools/tradefed-host/src/com/android/cts/tradefed/testtype/
@@ -247,7 +247,8 @@
             mDigest = generateDigest(testCaseDir, mJarPath);
             return vmHostTest;
         } else if (DEQP_TEST.equals(mTestType)) {
-            DeqpTestRunner deqpTest = new DeqpTestRunner(mAppPackageName, mName, mTests);
+            DeqpTestRunner deqpTest =
+                    new DeqpTestRunner(mAppPackageName, mName, mTests, mTestInstanceArguments);
             return deqpTest;
         } else if (NATIVE_TEST.equals(mTestType)) {
diff --git a/tools/tradefed-host/tests/src/com/android/cts/tradefed/testtype/ b/tools/tradefed-host/tests/src/com/android/cts/tradefed/testtype/
index c41793f..2721ec6 100644
--- a/tools/tradefed-host/tests/src/com/android/cts/tradefed/testtype/
+++ b/tools/tradefed-host/tests/src/com/android/cts/tradefed/testtype/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
@@ -32,7 +33,10 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -45,8 +49,23 @@
     private static final String LOG_FILE_NAME = "/sdcard/TestLog.qpa";
     private static final String INSTRUMENTATION_NAME =
+    private static final String QUERY_INSTRUMENTATION_NAME =
+            "com.drawelements.deqp/com.drawelements.deqp.platformutil.DeqpPlatformCapabilityQueryInstrumentation";
     private static final String DEQP_ONDEVICE_APK = "com.drawelements.deqp.apk";
     private static final String DEQP_ONDEVICE_PKG = "com.drawelements.deqp";
+    private static final String ONLY_LANDSCAPE_FEATURES =
+            "feature:"+DeqpTestRunner.FEATURE_LANDSCAPE;
+    private static final String ALL_FEATURES =
+            ONLY_LANDSCAPE_FEATURES + "\nfeature:"+DeqpTestRunner.FEATURE_PORTRAIT;
+    private static List<Map<String,String>> DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ARGS;
+    static {
+        DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ARGS = new ArrayList<>(1);
+        DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ARGS.add(new HashMap<String,String>());
+        DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ARGS.iterator().next().put("glconfig", "rgba8888d24s8");
+        DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ARGS.iterator().next().put("rotation", "unspecified");
+        DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ARGS.iterator().next().put("surfacetype", "window");
+    }
      * {@inheritDoc}
@@ -106,13 +125,15 @@
         ITestInvocationListener mockListener
                 = EasyMock.createStrictMock(ITestInvocationListener.class);
         Collection<TestIdentifier> tests = new ArrayList<TestIdentifier>();
+        Map<TestIdentifier, List<Map<String, String>>> instance = new HashMap<>();
+        instance.put(testId, DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ARGS);
         DeqpTestRunner deqpTest = new DeqpTestRunner(NAME,
                 "dEQP-GLES" + Integer.toString(requiredMajorVersion)
                 + (requiredMinorVersion > 0 ? Integer.toString(requiredMinorVersion) : ""),
-                tests);
+                tests, instance);
         int version = (majorVersion << 16) | minorVersion;
@@ -129,6 +150,8 @@
+            expectRenderConfigQuery(mockDevice, requiredMajorVersion, requiredMinorVersion);
                     EasyMock.eq("rm " + CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME))).andReturn("").once();
@@ -140,7 +163,9 @@
             String command = String.format(
                     "am instrument %s -w -e deqpLogFileName \"%s\" -e deqpCmdLine \""
-                        + "--deqp-caselist-file=%s --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8\" "
+                        + "--deqp-caselist-file=%s --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                        + "--deqp-screen-rotation=unspecified "
+                        + "--deqp-surface-type=window\" "
                         + "-e deqpLogData \"%s\" %s",
                     AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName()), LOG_FILE_NAME,
                     CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME, false, INSTRUMENTATION_NAME);
@@ -188,6 +213,46 @@
+    private void expectRenderConfigQuery(ITestDevice mockDevice, int majorVersion, int minorVersion)
+            throws Exception {
+        expectRenderConfigQuery(mockDevice, String.format("--deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                + "--deqp-screen-rotation=unspecified "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window "
+                + "--deqp-gl-major-version=%d "
+                + "--deqp-gl-minor-version=%d", majorVersion, minorVersion));
+    }
+    private void expectRenderConfigQuery(ITestDevice mockDevice, String commandLine)
+            throws Exception {
+        expectRenderConfigQueryAndReturn(mockDevice, commandLine, "Yes");
+    }
+    private void expectRenderConfigQueryAndReturn(ITestDevice mockDevice, String commandLine,
+            String output) throws Exception {
+        final String queryOutput = "INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: Supported=" + output + "\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_CODE: 0\r\n";
+        final String command = String.format(
+                "am instrument %s -w -e deqpQueryType renderConfigSupported -e deqpCmdLine "
+                    + "\"%s\" %s",
+                AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName()), commandLine, QUERY_INSTRUMENTATION_NAME);
+        mockDevice.executeShellCommand(EasyMock.eq(command),
+                EasyMock.<IShellOutputReceiver>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().andAnswer(new IAnswer<Object>() {
+            @Override
+            public Object answer() {
+                IShellOutputReceiver receiver
+                        = (IShellOutputReceiver)EasyMock.getCurrentArguments()[1];
+                receiver.addOutput(queryOutput.getBytes(), 0, queryOutput.length());
+                receiver.flush();
+                return null;
+            }
+        });
+    }
      * Test that result code produces correctly pass or fail.
@@ -228,10 +293,12 @@
         ITestInvocationListener mockListener
                 = EasyMock.createStrictMock(ITestInvocationListener.class);
         Collection<TestIdentifier> tests = new ArrayList<TestIdentifier>();
-        DeqpTestRunner deqpTest = new DeqpTestRunner(NAME, NAME, tests);
+        Map<TestIdentifier, List<Map<String, String>>> instance = new HashMap<>();
+        instance.put(testId, DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ARGS);
+        DeqpTestRunner deqpTest = new DeqpTestRunner(NAME, NAME, tests, instance);
         int version = 3 << 16;
@@ -245,6 +312,8 @@
                 EasyMock.eq(true), EasyMock.eq(AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName()))))
+        expectRenderConfigQuery(mockDevice, 3, 0);
         EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.executeShellCommand(EasyMock.eq("rm " + CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME)))
@@ -256,7 +325,9 @@
         String command = String.format(
                 "am instrument %s -w -e deqpLogFileName \"%s\" -e deqpCmdLine \""
-                    + "--deqp-caselist-file=%s --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8\" "
+                    + "--deqp-caselist-file=%s --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                    + "--deqp-screen-rotation=unspecified "
+                    + "--deqp-surface-type=window\" "
                     + "-e deqpLogData \"%s\" %s",
                 AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName()), LOG_FILE_NAME,
@@ -285,7 +356,8 @@
         if (!pass) {
-                    resultCode + ": Detail" + resultCode);
+                    "=== with config {glformat=rgba8888d24s8,rotation=unspecified,surfacetype=window} ===\n"
+                    + resultCode + ": Detail" + resultCode);
@@ -412,12 +484,14 @@
         ITestInvocationListener mockListener
                 = EasyMock.createStrictMock(ITestInvocationListener.class);
         Collection<TestIdentifier> tests = new ArrayList<TestIdentifier>();
+        Map<TestIdentifier, List<Map<String, String>>> instances = new HashMap<>();
         for (TestIdentifier id : testIds) {
+            instances.put(id, DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ARGS);
-        DeqpTestRunner deqpTest = new DeqpTestRunner(NAME, NAME, tests);
+        DeqpTestRunner deqpTest = new DeqpTestRunner(NAME, NAME, tests, instances);
         int version = 3 << 16;
@@ -430,6 +504,8 @@
                 EasyMock.eq(true), EasyMock.eq(AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName()))))
+        expectRenderConfigQuery(mockDevice, 3, 0);
         EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.executeShellCommand(EasyMock.eq("rm " + CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME)))
@@ -441,7 +517,9 @@
         String command = String.format(
                 "am instrument %s -w -e deqpLogFileName \"%s\" -e deqpCmdLine \""
-                    + "--deqp-caselist-file=%s --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8\" "
+                    + "--deqp-caselist-file=%s --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                    + "--deqp-screen-rotation=unspecified "
+                    + "--deqp-surface-type=window\" "
                     + "-e deqpLogData \"%s\" %s",
                 AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName()), LOG_FILE_NAME,
@@ -493,6 +571,269 @@
+     * Test that test are left unexecuted if pm list query fails
+     */
+    public void testRun_queryPmListFailure()
+            throws Exception {
+        final TestIdentifier testId = new TestIdentifier("dEQP-GLES3.orientation", "test");
+        ITestDevice mockDevice = EasyMock.createMock(ITestDevice.class);
+        ITestInvocationListener mockListener
+                = EasyMock.createStrictMock(ITestInvocationListener.class);
+        Collection<TestIdentifier> tests = new ArrayList<TestIdentifier>();
+        tests.add(testId);
+        Map<TestIdentifier, List<Map<String, String>>> instance = new HashMap<>();
+        instance.put(testId, new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>(1));
+        instance.get(testId).add(new HashMap<String,String>());
+        instance.get(testId).iterator().next().put("glconfig", "rgba8888d24s8");
+        instance.get(testId).iterator().next().put("rotation", "90");
+        instance.get(testId).iterator().next().put("surfacetype", "window");
+        DeqpTestRunner deqpTest = new DeqpTestRunner(NAME, NAME, tests, instance);
+        deqpTest.setAbi(UnitTests.ABI);
+        deqpTest.setDevice(mockDevice);
+        deqpTest.setBuildHelper(new StubCtsBuildHelper());
+        int version = 3 << 16;
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.getProperty("ro.opengles.version"))
+                .andReturn(Integer.toString(version)).atLeastOnce();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.executeShellCommand("pm list features"))
+                .andReturn("not a valid format");
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.uninstallPackage(EasyMock.eq(DEQP_ONDEVICE_PKG))).
+            andReturn("").once();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.installPackage(EasyMock.<File>anyObject(),
+                EasyMock.eq(true),
+                EasyMock.eq(AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName())))).andReturn(null)
+                .once();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.uninstallPackage(EasyMock.eq(DEQP_ONDEVICE_PKG)))
+                .andReturn("").once();
+        mockListener.testRunStarted(ID, 1);
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testRunEnded(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.<Map<String, String>>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        EasyMock.replay(mockDevice);
+        EasyMock.replay(mockListener);
+        EasyMock.verify(mockListener);
+        EasyMock.verify(mockDevice);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test that test are left unexecuted if renderablity query fails
+     */
+    public void testRun_queryRenderabilityFailure()
+            throws Exception {
+        final TestIdentifier testId = new TestIdentifier("dEQP-GLES3.orientation", "test");
+        ITestDevice mockDevice = EasyMock.createMock(ITestDevice.class);
+        ITestInvocationListener mockListener
+                = EasyMock.createStrictMock(ITestInvocationListener.class);
+        Collection<TestIdentifier> tests = new ArrayList<TestIdentifier>();
+        tests.add(testId);
+        Map<TestIdentifier, List<Map<String, String>>> instance = new HashMap<>();
+        instance.put(testId, new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>(1));
+        instance.get(testId).add(new HashMap<String,String>());
+        instance.get(testId).iterator().next().put("glconfig", "rgba8888d24s8");
+        instance.get(testId).iterator().next().put("rotation", "unspecified");
+        instance.get(testId).iterator().next().put("surfacetype", "window");
+        DeqpTestRunner deqpTest = new DeqpTestRunner(NAME, NAME, tests, instance);
+        deqpTest.setAbi(UnitTests.ABI);
+        deqpTest.setDevice(mockDevice);
+        deqpTest.setBuildHelper(new StubCtsBuildHelper());
+        int version = 3 << 16;
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.getProperty("ro.opengles.version"))
+                .andReturn(Integer.toString(version)).atLeastOnce();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.uninstallPackage(EasyMock.eq(DEQP_ONDEVICE_PKG))).
+            andReturn("").once();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.installPackage(EasyMock.<File>anyObject(),
+                EasyMock.eq(true),
+                EasyMock.eq(AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName())))).andReturn(null)
+                .once();
+        expectRenderConfigQueryAndReturn(mockDevice,
+                "--deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                + "--deqp-screen-rotation=unspecified "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window "
+                + "--deqp-gl-major-version=3 "
+                + "--deqp-gl-minor-version=0", "Maybe?");
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.uninstallPackage(EasyMock.eq(DEQP_ONDEVICE_PKG)))
+                .andReturn("").once();
+        mockListener.testRunStarted(ID, 1);
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testRunEnded(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.<Map<String, String>>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        EasyMock.replay(mockDevice);
+        EasyMock.replay(mockListener);
+        EasyMock.verify(mockListener);
+        EasyMock.verify(mockDevice);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test that orientation is supplied to runner correctly
+     */
+    private void testOrientation(final String rotation, final String featureString)
+            throws Exception {
+        final TestIdentifier testId = new TestIdentifier("dEQP-GLES3.orientation", "test");
+        final String testPath = "dEQP-GLES3.orientation.test";
+        final String testTrie = "{dEQP-GLES3{orientation{test}}}";
+        final String output = "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=2014.x\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseId\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=0xcafebabe\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=targetName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=android\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginSession\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath=" + testPath + "\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Code=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Details=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=TestCaseResult\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=EndTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=EndSession\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_CODE: 0\r\n";
+        ITestDevice mockDevice = EasyMock.createMock(ITestDevice.class);
+        ITestInvocationListener mockListener
+                = EasyMock.createStrictMock(ITestInvocationListener.class);
+        Collection<TestIdentifier> tests = new ArrayList<TestIdentifier>();
+        tests.add(testId);
+        Map<TestIdentifier, List<Map<String, String>>> instance = new HashMap<>();
+        instance.put(testId, new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>(1));
+        instance.get(testId).add(new HashMap<String,String>());
+        instance.get(testId).iterator().next().put("glconfig", "rgba8888d24s8");
+        instance.get(testId).iterator().next().put("rotation", rotation);
+        instance.get(testId).iterator().next().put("surfacetype", "window");
+        DeqpTestRunner deqpTest = new DeqpTestRunner(NAME, NAME, tests, instance);
+        deqpTest.setAbi(UnitTests.ABI);
+        deqpTest.setDevice(mockDevice);
+        deqpTest.setBuildHelper(new StubCtsBuildHelper());
+        int version = 3 << 16;
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.getProperty("ro.opengles.version"))
+                .andReturn(Integer.toString(version)).atLeastOnce();
+        if (!rotation.equals(DeqpTestRunner.BatchRunConfiguration.ROTATION_UNSPECIFIED)) {
+            EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.executeShellCommand("pm list features"))
+                    .andReturn(featureString);
+        }
+        final boolean isPortraitOrientation =
+                rotation.equals(DeqpTestRunner.BatchRunConfiguration.ROTATION_PORTRAIT) ||
+                rotation.equals(DeqpTestRunner.BatchRunConfiguration.ROTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT);
+        final boolean isLandscapeOrientation =
+                rotation.equals(DeqpTestRunner.BatchRunConfiguration.ROTATION_LANDSCAPE) ||
+                rotation.equals(DeqpTestRunner.BatchRunConfiguration.ROTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE);
+        final boolean executable =
+                rotation.equals(DeqpTestRunner.BatchRunConfiguration.ROTATION_UNSPECIFIED) ||
+                (isPortraitOrientation &&
+                featureString.contains(DeqpTestRunner.FEATURE_PORTRAIT)) ||
+                (isLandscapeOrientation &&
+                featureString.contains(DeqpTestRunner.FEATURE_LANDSCAPE));
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.uninstallPackage(EasyMock.eq(DEQP_ONDEVICE_PKG))).
+            andReturn("").once();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.installPackage(EasyMock.<File>anyObject(),
+                EasyMock.eq(true),
+                EasyMock.eq(AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName())))).andReturn(null)
+                .once();
+        if (executable) {
+            expectRenderConfigQuery(mockDevice, String.format(
+                    "--deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 --deqp-screen-rotation=%s "
+                    + "--deqp-surface-type=window --deqp-gl-major-version=3 "
+                    + "--deqp-gl-minor-version=0", rotation));
+            EasyMock.expect(
+                    mockDevice.executeShellCommand(EasyMock.eq("rm " + CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME)))
+                    .andReturn("").once();
+            EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.executeShellCommand(EasyMock.eq("rm " + LOG_FILE_NAME)))
+                    .andReturn("").once();
+            EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.pushString(testTrie + "\n", CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME))
+                    .andReturn(true).once();
+            String command = String.format(
+                    "am instrument %s -w -e deqpLogFileName \"%s\" -e deqpCmdLine \""
+                        + "--deqp-caselist-file=%s --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                        + "--deqp-screen-rotation=%s "
+                        + "--deqp-surface-type=window\" "
+                        + "-e deqpLogData \"%s\" %s",
+                    AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName()), LOG_FILE_NAME,
+                    CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME, rotation, false, INSTRUMENTATION_NAME);
+            mockDevice.executeShellCommand(EasyMock.eq(command),
+                    EasyMock.<IShellOutputReceiver>notNull());
+            EasyMock.expectLastCall().andAnswer(new IAnswer<Object>() {
+                @Override
+                public Object answer() {
+                    IShellOutputReceiver receiver
+                            = (IShellOutputReceiver)EasyMock.getCurrentArguments()[1];
+                    receiver.addOutput(output.getBytes(), 0, output.length());
+                    receiver.flush();
+                    return null;
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.uninstallPackage(EasyMock.eq(DEQP_ONDEVICE_PKG)))
+                .andReturn("").once();
+        mockListener.testRunStarted(ID, 1);
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testStarted(EasyMock.eq(testId));
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testEnded(EasyMock.eq(testId), EasyMock.<Map<String, String>>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testRunEnded(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.<Map<String, String>>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        EasyMock.replay(mockDevice);
+        EasyMock.replay(mockListener);
+        EasyMock.verify(mockListener);
+        EasyMock.verify(mockDevice);
+    }
+    /**
      * Test OpeGL ES3 tests on device with OpenGL ES2.
     public void testRun_require30DeviceVersion20() throws Exception {
@@ -596,4 +937,681 @@
     public void testRun_resultTimeout() throws Exception {
         testResultCode("Timeout", false);
+    /**
+     * Test dEQP Orientation
+     */
+    public void testRun_orientationLandscape() throws Exception {
+        testOrientation("90", ALL_FEATURES);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test dEQP Orientation
+     */
+    public void testRun_orientationPortrait() throws Exception {
+        testOrientation("0", ALL_FEATURES);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test dEQP Orientation
+     */
+    public void testRun_orientationReverseLandscape() throws Exception {
+        testOrientation("270", ALL_FEATURES);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test dEQP Orientation
+     */
+    public void testRun_orientationReversePortrait() throws Exception {
+        testOrientation("180", ALL_FEATURES);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test dEQP Orientation
+     */
+    public void testRun_orientationUnspecified() throws Exception {
+        testOrientation("unspecified", ALL_FEATURES);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test dEQP Orientation with limited features
+     */
+    public void testRun_orientationUnspecifiedLimitedFeatures() throws Exception {
+        testOrientation("unspecified", ONLY_LANDSCAPE_FEATURES);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test dEQP Orientation with limited features
+     */
+    public void testRun_orientationLandscapeLimitedFeatures() throws Exception {
+        testOrientation("90", ONLY_LANDSCAPE_FEATURES);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test dEQP Orientation with limited features
+     */
+    public void testRun_orientationPortraitLimitedFeatures() throws Exception {
+        testOrientation("0", ONLY_LANDSCAPE_FEATURES);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test dEQP unsupported pixel format
+     */
+    public void testRun_unsupportedPixelFormat() throws Exception {
+        final String pixelFormat = "rgba5658d16m4";
+        final TestIdentifier testId = new TestIdentifier("dEQP-GLES3.pixelformat", "test");
+        final String testPath = "dEQP-GLES3.pixelformat.test";
+        final String testTrie = "{dEQP-GLES3{pixelformat{test}}}";
+        final String output = "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=2014.x\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseId\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=0xcafebabe\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=targetName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=android\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginSession\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath=" + testPath + "\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Code=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Details=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=TestCaseResult\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=EndTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=EndSession\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_CODE: 0\r\n";
+        ITestDevice mockDevice = EasyMock.createMock(ITestDevice.class);
+        ITestInvocationListener mockListener
+                = EasyMock.createStrictMock(ITestInvocationListener.class);
+        Collection<TestIdentifier> tests = new ArrayList<TestIdentifier>();
+        tests.add(testId);
+        Map<TestIdentifier, List<Map<String, String>>> instance = new HashMap<>();
+        instance.put(testId, new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>(1));
+        instance.get(testId).add(new HashMap<String,String>());
+        instance.get(testId).iterator().next().put("glconfig", pixelFormat);
+        instance.get(testId).iterator().next().put("rotation", "unspecified");
+        instance.get(testId).iterator().next().put("surfacetype", "window");
+        DeqpTestRunner deqpTest = new DeqpTestRunner(NAME, NAME, tests, instance);
+        deqpTest.setAbi(UnitTests.ABI);
+        deqpTest.setDevice(mockDevice);
+        deqpTest.setBuildHelper(new StubCtsBuildHelper());
+        int version = 3 << 16;
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.getProperty("ro.opengles.version"))
+                .andReturn(Integer.toString(version)).atLeastOnce();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.uninstallPackage(EasyMock.eq(DEQP_ONDEVICE_PKG))).
+            andReturn("").once();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.installPackage(EasyMock.<File>anyObject(),
+                EasyMock.eq(true),
+                EasyMock.eq(AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName())))).andReturn(null)
+                .once();
+        expectRenderConfigQueryAndReturn(mockDevice, String.format(
+                "--deqp-gl-config-name=%s --deqp-screen-rotation=unspecified "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window "
+                + "--deqp-gl-major-version=3 "
+                + "--deqp-gl-minor-version=0", pixelFormat), "No");
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.uninstallPackage(EasyMock.eq(DEQP_ONDEVICE_PKG)))
+                .andReturn("").once();
+        mockListener.testRunStarted(ID, 1);
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testStarted(EasyMock.eq(testId));
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testEnded(EasyMock.eq(testId), EasyMock.<Map<String, String>>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testRunEnded(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.<Map<String, String>>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        EasyMock.replay(mockDevice);
+        EasyMock.replay(mockListener);
+        EasyMock.verify(mockListener);
+        EasyMock.verify(mockDevice);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test dEQP with multiple instances
+     */
+    public void testRun_multipleInstances() throws Exception {
+        final String instrumentationAnswerConfigA =
+                "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=2014.x\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseId\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=0xcafebabe\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=targetName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=android\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginSession\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath=dEQP-GLES3.instances.passall\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Code=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Details=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=TestCaseResult\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=EndTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath=dEQP-GLES3.instances.failone\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Code=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Details=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=TestCaseResult\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath=dEQP-GLES3.instances.crashtwo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"; // early eof
+        final String instrumentationAnswerConfigB =
+                "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=2014.x\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseId\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=0xcafebabe\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=targetName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=android\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginSession\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath=dEQP-GLES3.instances.passall\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Code=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Details=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=TestCaseResult\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=EndTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath=dEQP-GLES3.instances.crashtwo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TerminateTestCase-Reason=Magic\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=TerminateTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath=dEQP-GLES3.instances.skipone\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Code=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Details=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=TestCaseResult\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=EndTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=EndSession\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_CODE: 0\r\n";
+        final String instrumentationAnswerConfigC =
+                "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=2014.x\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseId\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=0xcafebabe\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=targetName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=android\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginSession\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath=dEQP-GLES3.instances.failone\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Code=Fail\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Details=Fail\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=TestCaseResult\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=EndTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath=dEQP-GLES3.instances.crashtwo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Code=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Details=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=TestCaseResult\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=EndTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=EndSession\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_CODE: 0\r\n";
+        final TestIdentifier[] testIds = {
+                new TestIdentifier("dEQP-GLES3.instances", "passall"),
+                new TestIdentifier("dEQP-GLES3.instances", "failone"),
+                new TestIdentifier("dEQP-GLES3.instances", "crashtwo"),
+                new TestIdentifier("dEQP-GLES3.instances", "skipone"),
+        };
+        final String[] testPaths = {
+                "dEQP-GLES3.instances.passall",
+                "dEQP-GLES3.instances.failone",
+                "dEQP-GLES3.instances.crashtwo",
+                "dEQP-GLES3.instances.skipone",
+        };
+        Map<String,String> supportedConfigA = new HashMap<>();
+        supportedConfigA.put("glconfig", "rgba8888d24s8");
+        supportedConfigA.put("rotation", "unspecified");
+        supportedConfigA.put("surfacetype", "window");
+        Map<String,String> supportedConfigB = new HashMap<>();
+        supportedConfigB.put("glconfig", "rgba8888d24s8");
+        supportedConfigB.put("rotation", "90");
+        supportedConfigB.put("surfacetype", "window");
+        Map<String,String> supportedConfigC = new HashMap<>();
+        supportedConfigC.put("glconfig", "rgba8888d24s8");
+        supportedConfigC.put("rotation", "180");
+        supportedConfigC.put("surfacetype", "window");
+        Map<String,String> unsupportedConfig = new HashMap<>();
+        unsupportedConfig.put("glconfig", "rgb565d16s0");
+        unsupportedConfig.put("rotation", "unspecified");
+        unsupportedConfig.put("surfacetype", "window");
+        Map<TestIdentifier, List<Map<String, String>>> instances = new HashMap<>();
+        // pass all
+        instances.put(testIds[0], new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>());
+        instances.get(testIds[0]).add(supportedConfigA);
+        instances.get(testIds[0]).add(supportedConfigB);
+        // fail one
+        instances.put(testIds[1], new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>());
+        instances.get(testIds[1]).add(supportedConfigA);
+        instances.get(testIds[1]).add(supportedConfigC);
+        // crash two
+        instances.put(testIds[2], new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>());
+        instances.get(testIds[2]).add(supportedConfigA);
+        instances.get(testIds[2]).add(supportedConfigC);
+        instances.get(testIds[2]).add(supportedConfigB);
+        // skip one
+        instances.put(testIds[3], new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>());
+        instances.get(testIds[3]).add(supportedConfigB);
+        instances.get(testIds[3]).add(unsupportedConfig);
+        Collection<TestIdentifier> tests = new ArrayList<TestIdentifier>();
+        for (TestIdentifier id : testIds) {
+            tests.add(id);
+        }
+        ITestDevice mockDevice = EasyMock.createMock(ITestDevice.class);
+        ITestInvocationListener mockListener
+                = EasyMock.createStrictMock(ITestInvocationListener.class);
+        DeqpTestRunner deqpTest = new DeqpTestRunner(NAME, NAME, tests, instances);
+        deqpTest.setAbi(UnitTests.ABI);
+        deqpTest.setDevice(mockDevice);
+        deqpTest.setBuildHelper(new StubCtsBuildHelper());
+        int version = 3 << 16;
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.getProperty("ro.opengles.version"))
+                .andReturn(Integer.toString(version)).atLeastOnce();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.executeShellCommand("pm list features")).andReturn(ALL_FEATURES)
+                .anyTimes();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.uninstallPackage(EasyMock.eq(DEQP_ONDEVICE_PKG))).
+            andReturn("").once();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.installPackage(EasyMock.<File>anyObject(),
+                EasyMock.eq(true),
+                EasyMock.eq(AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName())))).andReturn(null)
+                .once();
+        // query config A
+        expectRenderConfigQueryAndReturn(mockDevice, "--deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                + "--deqp-screen-rotation=unspecified "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window "
+                + "--deqp-gl-major-version=3 "
+                + "--deqp-gl-minor-version=0", "Yes");
+        // run config A
+        runInstrumentationLineAndAnswer(mockDevice,
+                "{dEQP-GLES3{instances{passall,failone,crashtwo}}}",
+                "--deqp-caselist-file=" + CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME
+                + " --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                + "--deqp-screen-rotation=unspecified "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window", instrumentationAnswerConfigA);
+        // query for config B
+        expectRenderConfigQueryAndReturn(mockDevice, "--deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                + "--deqp-screen-rotation=90 "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window "
+                + "--deqp-gl-major-version=3 "
+                + "--deqp-gl-minor-version=0", "Yes");
+        // run for config B
+        runInstrumentationLineAndAnswer(mockDevice,
+                "{dEQP-GLES3{instances{passall,crashtwo,skipone}}}",
+                "--deqp-caselist-file=" + CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME
+                + " --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                + "--deqp-screen-rotation=90 "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window", instrumentationAnswerConfigB);
+        // query for config C
+        expectRenderConfigQueryAndReturn(mockDevice, "--deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                + "--deqp-screen-rotation=180 "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window "
+                + "--deqp-gl-major-version=3 "
+                + "--deqp-gl-minor-version=0", "Yes");
+        // run for config C
+        runInstrumentationLineAndAnswer(mockDevice,
+                "{dEQP-GLES3{instances{failone,crashtwo}}}",
+                "--deqp-caselist-file=" + CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME
+                + " --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                + "--deqp-screen-rotation=180 "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window", instrumentationAnswerConfigC);
+        // query for unsupported config
+        expectRenderConfigQueryAndReturn(mockDevice, "--deqp-gl-config-name=rgb565d16s0 "
+                + "--deqp-screen-rotation=unspecified "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window "
+                + "--deqp-gl-major-version=3 "
+                + "--deqp-gl-minor-version=0", "No");
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.uninstallPackage(EasyMock.eq(DEQP_ONDEVICE_PKG)))
+                .andReturn("").once();
+        mockListener.testRunStarted(ID, 4);
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        // pass all
+        mockListener.testStarted(EasyMock.eq(testIds[0]));
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testEnded(EasyMock.eq(testIds[0]), EasyMock.<Map<String, String>>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        // fail one
+        mockListener.testStarted(EasyMock.eq(testIds[1]));
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testFailed(testIds[1],
+                "=== with config {glformat=rgba8888d24s8,rotation=180,surfacetype=window} ===\n"
+                + "Fail: Fail");
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testEnded(EasyMock.eq(testIds[1]), EasyMock.<Map<String, String>>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        // crash two
+        mockListener.testStarted(EasyMock.eq(testIds[2]));
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testFailed(testIds[2],
+                "=== with config {glformat=rgba8888d24s8,rotation=unspecified,surfacetype=window} ===\n"
+                + "Crash: Incomplete test log\n"
+                + "=== with config {glformat=rgba8888d24s8,rotation=90,surfacetype=window} ===\n"
+                + "Terminated: Magic");
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testEnded(EasyMock.eq(testIds[2]), EasyMock.<Map<String, String>>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        // skip one
+        mockListener.testStarted(EasyMock.eq(testIds[3]));
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testEnded(EasyMock.eq(testIds[3]), EasyMock.<Map<String, String>>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testRunEnded(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.<Map<String, String>>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        EasyMock.replay(mockDevice);
+        EasyMock.replay(mockListener);
+        EasyMock.verify(mockListener);
+        EasyMock.verify(mockDevice);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test dEQP with runner if device is lost during one of multiple instances.
+     */
+    public void testRun_multipleInstancesLossOfDeviceMidInstance() throws Exception {
+        final String instrumentationAnswerFine =
+                "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=2014.x\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseId\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=0xcafebabe\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=targetName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=android\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginSession\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath=dEQP-GLES3.loss.instance\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Code=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-TestCaseResult-Details=Pass\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=TestCaseResult\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=EndTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=EndSession\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_CODE: 0\r\n";
+        final String instrumentationAnswerCrash =
+                "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=2014.x\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=releaseId\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=0xcafebabe\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Name=targetName\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=SessionInfo\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-SessionInfo-Value=android\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginSession\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-EventType=BeginTestCase\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: dEQP-BeginTestCase-TestCasePath=dEQP-GLES3.loss.instance\r\n"
+                + "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 0\r\n"; // early <EOF>
+        final TestIdentifier testId = new TestIdentifier("dEQP-GLES3.loss", "instance");
+        final String testPath = "dEQP-GLES3.loss.instance";
+        Map<String,String> supportedConfigA = new HashMap<>();
+        supportedConfigA.put("glconfig", "rgba8888d24s8");
+        supportedConfigA.put("rotation", "unspecified");
+        supportedConfigA.put("surfacetype", "window");
+        Map<String,String> supportedConfigB = new HashMap<>();
+        supportedConfigB.put("glconfig", "rgba8888d24s8");
+        supportedConfigB.put("rotation", "90");
+        supportedConfigB.put("surfacetype", "window");
+        Map<String,String> supportedConfigC = new HashMap<>();
+        supportedConfigC.put("glconfig", "rgba8888d24s8");
+        supportedConfigC.put("rotation", "180");
+        supportedConfigC.put("surfacetype", "window");
+        Collection<TestIdentifier> tests = new ArrayList<TestIdentifier>();
+        tests.add(testId);
+        Map<TestIdentifier, List<Map<String, String>>> instance = new HashMap<>();
+        instance.put(testId, new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>());
+        instance.get(testId).add(supportedConfigA);
+        instance.get(testId).add(supportedConfigB);
+        instance.get(testId).add(supportedConfigC);
+        ITestDevice mockDevice = EasyMock.createMock(ITestDevice.class);
+        ITestInvocationListener mockListener
+                = EasyMock.createStrictMock(ITestInvocationListener.class);
+        DeqpTestRunner deqpTest = new DeqpTestRunner(NAME, NAME, tests, instance);
+        deqpTest.setAbi(UnitTests.ABI);
+        deqpTest.setDevice(mockDevice);
+        deqpTest.setBuildHelper(new StubCtsBuildHelper());
+        int version = 3 << 16;
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.getProperty("ro.opengles.version"))
+                .andReturn(Integer.toString(version)).atLeastOnce();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.executeShellCommand("pm list features")).andReturn(ALL_FEATURES)
+                .anyTimes();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.uninstallPackage(EasyMock.eq(DEQP_ONDEVICE_PKG))).
+            andReturn("").once();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.installPackage(EasyMock.<File>anyObject(),
+                EasyMock.eq(true),
+                EasyMock.eq(AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName())))).andReturn(null)
+                .once();
+        // query config A
+        expectRenderConfigQueryAndReturn(mockDevice, "--deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                + "--deqp-screen-rotation=unspecified "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window "
+                + "--deqp-gl-major-version=3 "
+                + "--deqp-gl-minor-version=0", "Yes");
+        // run config A
+        runInstrumentationLineAndAnswer(mockDevice,
+                "{dEQP-GLES3{loss{instance}}}",
+                "--deqp-caselist-file=" + CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME
+                + " --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                + "--deqp-screen-rotation=unspecified "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window", instrumentationAnswerFine);
+        // query config B
+        expectRenderConfigQueryAndReturn(mockDevice, "--deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                + "--deqp-screen-rotation=90 "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window "
+                + "--deqp-gl-major-version=3 "
+                + "--deqp-gl-minor-version=0", "Yes");
+        // run config B
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.executeShellCommand(EasyMock.eq("rm " + CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME)))
+                .andReturn("").once();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.executeShellCommand(EasyMock.eq("rm " + LOG_FILE_NAME)))
+                .andReturn("").once();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.pushString("{dEQP-GLES3{loss{instance}}}\n", CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME))
+                .andReturn(true).once();
+        String command = String.format(
+                "am instrument %s -w -e deqpLogFileName \"%s\" -e deqpCmdLine \""
+                + "--deqp-caselist-file=%s"
+                + " --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 "
+                + "--deqp-screen-rotation=90 "
+                + "--deqp-surface-type=window\" "
+                + "-e deqpLogData \"%s\" %s",
+                AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName()), LOG_FILE_NAME,
+        mockDevice.executeShellCommand(EasyMock.eq(command),
+                EasyMock.<IShellOutputReceiver>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().andAnswer(new IAnswer<Object>() {
+            @Override
+            public Object answer() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
+                IShellOutputReceiver receiver
+                        = (IShellOutputReceiver)EasyMock.getCurrentArguments()[1];
+                receiver.addOutput(instrumentationAnswerCrash.getBytes(), 0,
+                        instrumentationAnswerCrash.length());
+                throw new DeviceNotAvailableException();
+            }
+        });
+        mockListener.testRunStarted(ID, 1);
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testStarted(EasyMock.eq(testId));
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testFailed(testId,
+                "=== with config {glformat=rgba8888d24s8,rotation=90,surfacetype=window} ===\n"
+                + "Crash: Device lost");
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        mockListener.testEnded(EasyMock.eq(testId), EasyMock.<Map<String, String>>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();
+        EasyMock.replay(mockDevice);
+        EasyMock.replay(mockListener);
+        try {
+  ;
+            fail("did not get DeviceNotAvailableException");
+        } catch (DeviceNotAvailableException ex) {
+            // expected
+        }
+        EasyMock.verify(mockListener);
+        EasyMock.verify(mockDevice);
+    }
+    private void runInstrumentationLineAndAnswer(ITestDevice mockDevice, final String testTrie,
+            final String cmd, final String output) throws Exception {
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.executeShellCommand(EasyMock.eq("rm " + CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME)))
+                .andReturn("").once();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.executeShellCommand(EasyMock.eq("rm " + LOG_FILE_NAME)))
+                .andReturn("").once();
+        EasyMock.expect(mockDevice.pushString(testTrie + "\n", CASE_LIST_FILE_NAME))
+                .andReturn(true).once();
+        String command = String.format(
+                "am instrument %s -w -e deqpLogFileName \"%s\" -e deqpCmdLine \"%s\" "
+                    + "-e deqpLogData \"%s\" %s",
+                AbiUtils.createAbiFlag(UnitTests.ABI.getName()), LOG_FILE_NAME,
+                cmd, false, INSTRUMENTATION_NAME);
+        mockDevice.executeShellCommand(EasyMock.eq(command),
+                EasyMock.<IShellOutputReceiver>notNull());
+        EasyMock.expectLastCall().andAnswer(new IAnswer<Object>() {
+            @Override
+            public Object answer() {
+                IShellOutputReceiver receiver
+                        = (IShellOutputReceiver)EasyMock.getCurrentArguments()[1];
+                receiver.addOutput(output.getBytes(), 0, output.length());
+                receiver.flush();
+                return null;
+            }
+        });
+    }