Improvements to suspend state detection; code cleanups and documentation.
- Added additional functions computeBaselineState() and getBaselineState() for detecting baseline state (improved the tests and estimating average)
- Added functions isApInSuspendState(), waitForApSuspendMode() to improve the criteria to detect AP off state
- Modified run_tests() to avoid computing a new baseline power for each test. The baseline power is measured once and then used for each test to determine the delta current draw.
- Removed waitForScreenOff() function
- Added endTestsBecauseConnectionToDeviceLost() function
- Added a flag "--max_baseline_amps" of type float to specify the max expected baseline amps for the device being tested
- Tested this on Shamu and HH, and the power tests run until the end and PASS everything
- several docstring comments added to functions, code cleanups, variable renaming for better description
- Added a PowerTestException class
Change-Id: I7190009882cc2d77d20138f10d4659ea1f39611d
diff --git a/apps/CtsVerifier/assets/scripts/ b/apps/CtsVerifier/assets/scripts/
index d1c2dac..d07cb36 100755
--- a/apps/CtsVerifier/assets/scripts/
+++ b/apps/CtsVerifier/assets/scripts/
@@ -25,57 +25,108 @@
 import pkgutil
 import threading
 import Queue
+import traceback
+import math
+import bisect
+from bisect import bisect_left
-# queue to signal thread to exit
-signal_exit_q = Queue.Queue()
-signal_abort = Queue.Queue()
+scipy, numpy and matplotlib are python packages that can be installed
+import scipy
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 # let this script know about the power monitor implementations
 sys.path = [os.path.basename(__file__)] + sys.path
-available_monitors = [name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules(
-    [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'power_monitors')]) if not name.startswith('_')]
+available_monitors = [
+    name
+    for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules(
+        [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "power_monitors")])
+    if not name.startswith("_")]
-APK = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', "CtsVerifier.apk")
+APK = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "CtsVerifier.apk")
 FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
-# whether to use a strict delay to ensure screen is off, or attempt to use power measurements
-    DELAY_SCREEN_OFF = 30.0
+# DELAY_SCREEN_OFF is the number of seconds to wait for baseline state
 # whether to log data collected to a file for each sensor run:
 def do_import(name):
     """import a module by name dynamically"""
     mod = __import__(name)
-    components = name.split('.')
+    components = name.split(".")
     for comp in components[1:]:
         mod = getattr(mod, comp)
     return mod
+class PowerTestException(Exception):
+    """
+    Definition of specialized Exception class for CTS power tests
+    """
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        self._error_message = message
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self._error_message
 class PowerTest:
-    """Class to run a suite of power tests"""
+    """Class to run a suite of power tests. This has methods for obtaining
+    measurements from the power monitor (through the driver) and then
+    processing it to determine baseline and AP suspend state and
+    measure ampere draw of various sensors.
+    Ctrl+C causes a keyboard interrupt exception which terminates the test."""
     # Thresholds for max allowed power usage per sensor tested
-    MAX_ACCEL_POWER = 0.08  # Amps
-    MAX_MAG_POWER = 0.08  # Amps
-    MAX_GYRO_POWER = 0.08  # Amps
-    MAX_SIGMO_POWER = 0.08 # Amps
-    MAX_STEP_COUNTER_POWER = 0.08 # Amps
-    MAX_STEP_DETECTOR_POWER = 0.08 # Amps
+    # TODO: Accel, Mag and Gyro have no maximum power specified in the CDD;
+    # the following numbers are bogus and will be replaced soon by what
+    # the device reports (from Sensor.getPower())
+    MAX_ACCEL_AMPS = 0.08  # Amps
+    MAX_MAG_AMPS = 0.08  # Amps
+    MAX_GYRO_AMPS = 0.08  # Amps
+    MAX_SIGMO_AMPS = 0.08  # Amps
-    PORT = 0  # any available port
+    # TODO: The following numbers for step counter, etc must be replaced by
+    # the numbers specified in CDD for low-power sensors. The expected current
+    # draw must be computed from the specified power and the voltage used to
+    # power the device (specified from a config file).
+    MAX_STEP_COUNTER_AMPS = 0.08  # Amps
+    MAX_STEP_DETECTOR_AMPS = 0.08  # Amps
+    # The variable EXPECTED_AMPS_VARIATION_HALF_RANGE denotes the expected
+    # variation of  the ampere measurements
+    # around the mean value at baseline state. i.e. we expect most of the
+    # ampere measurements at baseline state to vary around the mean by
+    # between +/- of the number below
+    # The variable THRESHOLD_BASELINE_SAMPLES_FRACTION denotes the minimum fraction of samples that must
+    # be in the range of variation defined by EXPECTED_AMPS_VARIATION_HALF_RANGE
+    # around the mean baseline for us to decide that the phone has settled into
+    # its baseline state
+    # The variable MAX_PERCENTILE_AP_SCREEN_OFF_AMPS denotes the maximum ampere
+    # draw that the device can consume when it has gone to suspend state with
+    # one or more sensors registered and batching samples (screen and AP are
+    # off in this case)
+    # The variable PERCENTILE_MAX_AP_SCREEN_OFF denotes the fraction of ampere
+    # measurements that must be below the specified maximum amperes
+    # MAX_PERCENTILE_AP_SCREEN_OFF_AMPS for us to decide that the phone has
+    # reached suspend state.
     DOMAIN_NAME = "/android/cts/powertest"
+    # SAMPLE_COUNT_NOMINAL denotes the typical number of measurements of amperes
+    # to collect from the power monitor
+    # RATE_NOMINAL denotes the nominal frequency at which ampere measurements
+    # are taken from the monsoon power monitor
     RATE_NOMINAL = 100
@@ -87,103 +138,157 @@
+        "Negative ampere draw measured, possibly due to power "
+        "supply from USB cable. Check the setup of device and power "
+        "monitor to make sure that the device is not connected "
+        "to machine via USB directly. The device should be "
+        "connected to the USB slot in the power monitor. It is okay "
+        "to change the wiring when the test is in progress.")
-    def __init__(self):
+    def __init__(self, max_baseline_amps):
+        """
+        Args:
+            max_baseline_amps: The maximum value of baseline amperes
+                    that we expect the device to consume at baseline state.
+                    This can be different between models of phones.
+        """
         power_monitors = do_import("power_monitors.%s" % FLAGS.power_monitor)
         testid = time.strftime("%d_%m_%Y__%H__%M_%S")
         self._power_monitor = power_monitors.Power_Monitor(log_file_id = testid)
+        self._tcp_connect_port = 0  # any available port
         print ("Establishing connection to device...")
         status = self._power_monitor.GetStatus()
         self._native_hz = status["sampleRate"] * 1000
+        # the following describes power test being run (i.e on what sensor
+        # and what type of test. This is used for logging.
         self._current_test = "None"
-        self._external_storage = self.executeOnDevice(PowerTest.REQUEST_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,
-                                                      reportErrors=True)
+        self._external_storage = self.executeOnDevice(PowerTest.REQUEST_EXTERNAL_STORAGE)
+        self._max_baseline_amps = max_baseline_amps
     def __del__(self):
     def finalize(self):
         """To be called upon termination of host connection to device"""
-        if PowerTest.PORT > 0:
-            # tell device side to exit connection loop, and remove the forwarding connection
-            self.executeOnDevice(PowerTest.REQUEST_EXIT, reportErrors=False)
-            self.executeLocal("adb forward --remove tcp:%d" % PowerTest.PORT)
-        PowerTest.PORT = 0
+        if self._tcp_connect_port > 0:
+            # tell device side to exit connection loop, and remove the forwarding
+            # connection
+            self.executeOnDevice(PowerTest.REQUEST_EXIT, reportErrors = False)
+            self.executeLocal("adb forward --remove tcp:%d" % self._tcp_connect_port)
+        self._tcp_connect_port = 0
         if self._power_monitor:
             self._power_monitor = None
-    def _send(self, msg, report_errors=True):
+    def _send(self, msg, report_errors = True):
         """Connect to the device, send the given command, and then disconnect"""
-        if PowerTest.PORT == 0:
+        if self._tcp_connect_port == 0:
             # on first attempt to send a command, connect to device via any open port number,
             # forwarding that port to a local socket on the device via adb
             logging.debug("Seeking port for communication...")
             # discover an open port
             dummysocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
             dummysocket.bind(("localhost", 0))
-            (_, PowerTest.PORT) = dummysocket.getsockname()
+            (_, self._tcp_connect_port) = dummysocket.getsockname()
-            assert(PowerTest.PORT > 0)
+            assert(self._tcp_connect_port > 0)
             status = self.executeLocal("adb forward tcp:%d localabstract:%s" %
-                    (PowerTest.PORT, PowerTest.DOMAIN_NAME))
-            if report_errors:
-                self.reportErrorIf(status != 0, msg="Unable to forward requests to client over adb")
-  "Forwarding requests over local port %d" % PowerTest.PORT)
+                                       (self._tcp_connect_port, PowerTest.DOMAIN_NAME))
+            # If the status !=0, then the host machine is unable to
+            # forward requests to client over adb. Ending the test and logging error message
+            # to the console on the host.
+            self.endTestIfLostConnection(
+                status != 0,
+                "Unable to forward requests to client over adb")
+  "Forwarding requests over local port %d",
+                         self._tcp_connect_port)
         link = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
             logging.debug("Connecting to device...")
-            link.connect (("localhost", PowerTest.PORT))
+            link.connect(("localhost", self._tcp_connect_port))
+        except socket.error as serr:
+            print "Socket connection error: ", serr
+            print "Finalizing and exiting the test"
+            self.endTestIfLostConnection(
+                report_errors,
+                "Unable to communicate with device: connection refused")
-            if report_errors:
-                self.reportErrorIf(True, msg="Unable to communicate with device: connection refused")
-        logging.debug("Sending '%s'" % msg)
+            print "Non socket-related exception at this block in _send(); re-raising now."
+            raise
+        logging.debug("Sending '%s'", msg)
         logging.debug("Getting response...")
         response = link.recv(4096)
-        logging.debug("Got response '%s'" % response)
+        logging.debug("Got response '%s'", response)
         return response
     def queryDevice(self, query):
         """Post a yes/no query to the device, return True upon successful query, False otherwise"""
-"Querying device with '%s'" % query)
+"Querying device with '%s'", query)
         return self._send(query) == "OK"
     # TODO: abstract device communication (and string commands) into its own class
-    def executeOnDevice(self, cmd , reportErrors=True):
+    def executeOnDevice(self, cmd, reportErrors = True):
         """Execute a (string) command on the remote device"""
-        return self._send(cmd , reportErrors)
+        return self._send(cmd, reportErrors)
-    def executeLocal(self, cmd, check_status=True):
+    def executeLocal(self, cmd, check_status = True):
         """execute a shell command locally (on the host)"""
         from subprocess import call
-        status = call(cmd.split(' '))
+        status = call(cmd.split(" "))
         if status != 0 and check_status:
-            logging.error("Failed to execute \"%s\"" % cmd)
+            logging.error("Failed to execute \"%s\"", cmd)
-            logging.debug("Executed \"%s\"" % cmd)
+            logging.debug("Executed \"%s\"", cmd)
         return status
-    def reportErrorIf(self, condition, msg):
+    def reportErrorRaiseExceptionIf(self, condition, msg):
         """Report an error condition to the device if condition is True.
-        Will raise an exception on the device if condition is True"""
+        Will raise an exception on the device if condition is True.
+        Args:
+            condition: If true, this reports error
+            msg: Message related to exception
+        Raises:
+            A PowerTestException encapsulating the message provided in msg
+        """
         if condition:
                 logging.error("Exiting on error: %s" % msg)
-                self.executeOnDevice(PowerTest.REQUEST_RAISE % (self._current_test, msg), False)
+                self.executeOnDevice(PowerTest.REQUEST_RAISE % (self._current_test, msg),
+                                     reportErrors = True)
-                logging.error("Unable to communicate with device to report error: %s" % msg)
+                logging.error("Unable to communicate with device to report "
+                              "error: %s" % msg)
-            raise Exception(msg)
+            raise PowerTestException(msg)
-    def setUsbEnabled(self, enabled, verbose=True):
+    def endTestIfLostConnection(self, lost_connection, error_message):
+        """
+        This function ends the test if lost_connection was true,
+        which indicates that the connection to the device was lost.
+        Args:
+            lost_connection: boolean variable, if True it indicates that
+                connection to device was lost and the test must be terminated.
+            error_message: String to print to the host console before exiting the test
+                (if lost_connection is True)
+        Returns:
+            None.
+        """
+        if lost_connection:
+            logging.error(error_message)
+            self.finalize()
+            sys.exit(error_message)
+    def setUsbEnabled(self, enabled, verbose = True):
         if enabled:
             val = 1
@@ -193,6 +298,7 @@
         # Sometimes command won't go through first time, particularly if immediately after a data
         # collection, so allow for retries
+        # TODO: Move this retry mechanism to the power monitor driver.
         status = self._power_monitor.GetStatus()
         while status is None and tries < 5:
             tries += 1
@@ -203,59 +309,230 @@
             status = self._power_monitor.GetStatus()
         if enabled:
-            if verbose: print("...USB enabled, waiting for device")
-            self.executeLocal ("adb wait-for-device")
-            if verbose: print("...device online")
+            if verbose:
+                print("...USB enabled, waiting for device")
+            self.executeLocal("adb wait-for-device")
+            if verbose:
+                print("...device online")
-            if verbose:"...USB disabled")
+            if verbose:
+      "...USB disabled")
         # re-establish port forwarding
-        if enabled and PowerTest.PORT > 0:
+        if enabled and self._tcp_connect_port > 0:
             status = self.executeLocal("adb forward tcp:%d localabstract:%s" %
-                                       (PowerTest.PORT, PowerTest.DOMAIN_NAME))
-            self.reportErrorIf(status != 0, msg="Unable to forward requests to client over adb")
+                                       (self._tcp_connect_port, PowerTest.DOMAIN_NAME))
+            self.reportErrorRaiseExceptionIf(status != 0, msg = "Unable to forward requests to client over adb")
-    def waitForScreenOff(self):
-        # disconnect of USB will cause screen to go on, so must wait (1 second more than screen off
-        # timeout)
-        if USE_STRICT_DELAY:
-            time.sleep(DELAY_SCREEN_OFF)
-            return
+    def computeBaselineState(self, measurements):
+        """
+        Args:
+            measurements: List of floats containing ampere draw measurements
+                taken from the monsoon power monitor.
+                Must be atleast 100 measurements long
+        Returns:
+            A tuple (isBaseline, mean_current) where isBaseline is a
+            boolean that is True only if the baseline state for the phone is
+            detected. mean_current is an estimate of the average baseline
+            current for the device, which is valid only if baseline state is
+            detected (if not, it is set to -1).
+        """
-        # need at least 100 sequential clean low-power measurements to know screen is off
-        CURRENT_LOW_POWER_THRESHOLD = 0.060  # Amps
-        TIMEOUT_SCREEN_OFF = 30 # this many tries at most
-        count_good = 0
-        tries = 0
-        print("Waiting for screen off and application processor in suspend mode...")
-        while count_good < THRESHOLD_COUNT_LOW_POWER:
-            measurements = self.collectMeasurements(THRESHOLD_COUNT_LOW_POWER,
-                                                      PowerTest.RATE_NOMINAL,
-                                                      ensure_screen_off=False,
-                                                      verbose=False)
-            count_good = len([m for m in measurements
-                               if m < CURRENT_LOW_POWER_THRESHOLD])
-            tries += 1
-            if count_good < THRESHOLD_COUNT_LOW_POWER and measurements:
-                print("Current usage: %.2f mAmps. Device is probably not in suspend mode.   Waiting..." %
-                      (1000.0*(sum(measurements)/len(measurements))))
-            if tries >= TIMEOUT_SCREEN_OFF:
-                # TODO: dump the state of sensor service to identify if there are features using sensors
-                self.reportErrorIf(tries>=TIMEOUT_SCREEN_OFF,
-                    msg="Unable to determine application processor suspend mode status.")
+        # Looks at the measurements to see if it is in baseline state
+        if len(measurements) < 100:
+            print(
+                "Need at least 100 measurements to determine if baseline state has"
+                " been reached")
+            return (False, -1)
+        # Assumption: At baseline state, the power profile is Gaussian distributed
+        # with low-variance around the mean current draw.
+        # Ideally we should find the mode from a histogram bin to find an estimated mean.
+        # Assuming here that the median is very close to this value; later we check that the
+        # variance of the samples is low enough to validate baseline.
+        sorted_measurements = sorted(measurements)
+        number_measurements = len(measurements)
+        if not number_measurements % 2:
+            median_measurement = (sorted_measurements[(number_measurements - 1) / 2] +
+                                  sorted_measurements[(number_measurements + 1) / 2]) / 2
+        else:
+            median_measurement = sorted_measurements[number_measurements / 2]
+        # Assume that at baseline state, a large fraction of power measurements
+        # are within +/- EXPECTED_AMPS_VARIATION_HALF_RANGE milliAmperes of
+        # the average baseline current. Find all such measurements in the
+        # sorted measurement vector.
+        left_index = (
+            bisect_left(
+                sorted_measurements,
+                median_measurement -
+        right_index = (
+            bisect_left(
+                sorted_measurements,
+                median_measurement +
+        average_baseline_amps = scipy.mean(
+            sorted_measurements[left_index: (right_index - 1)])
+        detected_baseline = True
+        # We enforce that a fraction of more than 'THRESHOLD_BASELINE_SAMPLES_FRACTION'
+        # of samples must be within +/- EXPECTED_AMPS_VARIATION_HALF_RANGE
+        # milliAmperes of the mean baseline current, which we have estimated as
+        # the median.
+        if ((right_index - left_index) < PowerTest.THRESHOLD_BASELINE_SAMPLES_FRACTION * len(
+                measurements)):
+            detected_baseline = False
+        # We check for the maximum limit of the expected baseline
+        if median_measurement > self._max_baseline_amps:
+            detected_baseline = False
+        if average_baseline_amps < 0:
+            print PowerTest.NEGATIVE_AMPERE_ERROR_MESSAGE
+            detected_baseline = False
+        print("%s baseline state" % ("Could detect" if detected_baseline else "Could NOT detect"))
+        print(
+            "median amps = %f, avg amps = %f, fraction of good samples = %f" %
+            (median_measurement, average_baseline_amps,
+             float(right_index - left_index) / len(measurements)))
+        if PowerTest.ENABLE_PLOTTING:
+            plt.plot(measurements)
+            print("To continue test, please close the plot window manually.")
+        return (detected_baseline, average_baseline_amps)
+    def isApInSuspendState(self, measurements_amps, nominal_max_amps, test_percentile):
+        """
+        This function detects AP suspend and display off state of phone
+        after a sensor has been registered.
+        Because the power profile can be very different between sensors and
+        even across builds, it is difficult to specify a tight threshold for
+        mean current draw or mandate that the power measurements must have low
+        variance. We use a criteria that allows for a certain fraction of
+        peaks in power spectrum and checks that test_percentile fraction of
+        measurements must be below the specified value nominal_max_amps
+        Args:
+            measurements_amps: amperes draw measurements from power monitor
+            test_percentile: the fraction of measurements we require to be below
+                             a specified amps value
+            nominal_max_amps: the specified value of the max current draw
+        Returns:
+            returns a boolean which is True if and only if the AP suspend and
+            display off state is detected
+        """
+        count_good = len([m for m in measurements_amps if m < nominal_max_amps])
+        count_negative = len([m for m in measurements_amps if m < 0])
+        if count_negative > 0:
+            print PowerTest.NEGATIVE_AMPERE_ERROR_MESSAGE
+            return False;
+        return count_good > test_percentile * len(measurements_amps)
+    def getBaselineState(self):
+        """This function first disables all sensors, then collects measurements
+        through the power monitor and continuously evaluates if baseline state
+        is reached. Once baseline state is detected, it returns a tuple with
+        status information. If baseline is not detected in a preset maximum
+        number of trials, it returns as well.
+        Returns:
+            Returns a tuple (isBaseline, mean_current) where isBaseline is a
+            boolean that is True only if the baseline state for the phone is
+            detected. mean_current is an estimate of the average baseline current
+            for the device, which is valid only if baseline state is detected
+            (if not, it is set to -1)
+        """
+        self.setPowerOn("ALL", False)
+        self.setUsbEnabled(False)
+        print("Waiting %d seconds for baseline state" % DELAY_SCREEN_OFF)
+        time.sleep(DELAY_SCREEN_OFF)
+            PowerTest.RATE_NOMINAL *
+        MAX_TRIALS = 50
+        collected_baseline_measurements = False
+        for tries in xrange(MAX_TRIALS):
+            print("Trial number %d of %d..." % (tries, MAX_TRIALS))
+            measurements = self.collectMeasurements(
+                verbose = False)
+            if self.computeBaselineState(measurements)[0] is True:
+                collected_baseline_measurements = True
-        if DELAY_SCREEN_OFF:
-            # add additional delay time if necessary
-            time.sleep(DELAY_SCREEN_OFF)
-        print("...Screen off and device in suspend mode.")
-    def collectMeasurements(self, measurementCount, rate , ensure_screen_off=True, verbose=True,
-                             plot_data = False):
-        assert(measurementCount > 0)
-        decimate_by = self._native_hz / rate  or 1
-        if ensure_screen_off:
-            self.waitForScreenOff()
-            print ("Taking measurements...")
+        if collected_baseline_measurements:
+            print("Verifying baseline state over a longer interval "
+                  "in order to double check baseline state")
+            measurements = self.collectMeasurements(
+                verbose = False)
+            self.reportErrorRaiseExceptionIf(
+                not measurements, "No background measurements could be taken")
+            retval = self.computeBaselineState(measurements)
+            if retval[0]:
+                print("Verified baseline.")
+                if measurements and LOG_DATA_TO_FILE:
+                    with open("/tmp/cts-power-tests-background-data.log", "w") as f:
+                        for m in measurements:
+                            f.write("%.4f\n" % m)
+            return retval
+        else:
+            return (False, -1)
+    def waitForApSuspendMode(self):
+        """This function repeatedly collects measurements until AP suspend and display off
+        mode is detected. After a maximum number of trials, if this state is not reached, it
+        raises an error.
+        Returns:
+            boolean which is True if device was detected to be in suspend state
+        Raises:
+            Power monitor-related exception
+        """
+        print("waitForApSuspendMode(): Sleeping for %d seconds" % DELAY_SCREEN_OFF)
+        time.sleep(DELAY_SCREEN_OFF)
+        # Maximum trials for which to collect measurements to get to Ap suspend
+        # state
+        MAX_TRIALS = 50
+        got_to_suspend_state = False
+        for count in xrange(MAX_TRIALS):
+            print ("waitForApSuspendMode(): Trial %d of %d" % (count, MAX_TRIALS))
+            measurements = self.collectMeasurements(NUMBER_MEASUREMENTS,
+                                                    PowerTest.RATE_NOMINAL,
+                                                    verbose = False)
+            if self.isApInSuspendState(
+                    measurements, PowerTest.MAX_PERCENTILE_AP_SCREEN_OFF_AMPS,
+                    PowerTest.PERCENTILE_MAX_AP_SCREEN_OFF):
+                got_to_suspend_state = True
+                break
+        self.reportErrorRaiseExceptionIf(
+            got_to_suspend_state is False,
+            msg = "Unable to determine application processor suspend mode status.")
+        print("Got to AP suspend state")
+        return got_to_suspend_state
+    def collectMeasurements(self, measurementCount, rate, verbose = True):
+        """Args:
+            measurementCount: Number of measurements to collect from the power
+                              monitor
+            rate: The integer frequency in Hertz at which to collect measurements from
+                  the power monitor
+        Returns:
+            A list containing measurements from the power monitor; that has the
+            requested count of the number of measurements at the specified rate
+        """
+        assert (measurementCount > 0)
+        decimate_by = self._native_hz / rate or 1
         sub_measurements = []
         measurements = []
@@ -273,47 +550,70 @@
                     tries = 0
                     while len(sub_measurements) >= decimate_by:
-                        sub_avg = sum(sub_measurements) / len(sub_measurements)
+                        sub_avg = sum(sub_measurements[0:decimate_by]) / decimate_by
                         sub_measurements = sub_measurements[decimate_by:]
                         if verbose:
+                            # "\33[1A\33[2K" is a special Linux console control
+                            # sequence for moving to the previous line, and
+                            # erasing it; and reprinting new text on that
+                            # erased line.
-                            print ("MEASURED[%d]: %f" % (len(measurements),measurements[-1]))
+                            print ("MEASURED[%d]: %f" % (len(measurements), measurements[-1]))
-        self.reportErrorIf(measurementCount > len(measurements),
-                            "Unable to collect all requested measurements")
+        self.reportErrorRaiseExceptionIf(measurementCount > len(measurements),
+                           "Unable to collect all requested measurements")
         return measurements
-    def request_user_acknowledgment(self, msg):
+    def requestUserAcknowledgment(self, msg):
         """Post message to user on screen and wait for acknowledgment"""
         response = self.executeOnDevice(PowerTest.REQUEST_USER_RESPONSE % msg)
-        self.reportErrorIf(response != "OK", "Unable to request user acknowledgment")
+        self.reportErrorRaiseExceptionIf(
+            response != "OK", "Unable to request user acknowledgment")
-    def setTestResult (self, testname, condition, msg):
-        if condition is False:
-            val = "FAIL"
-        elif condition is True:
-            val = "PASS"
-        else:
-            val = condition
-        print ("Test %s : %s" % (testname, val))
-        response = self.executeOnDevice(PowerTest.REQUEST_SET_TEST_RESULT % (testname, val, msg))
-        self.reportErrorIf(response != "OK", "Unable to send test status to Verifier")
+    def setTestResult(self, test_name, test_result, test_message):
+        """
+        Reports the result of a test to the device
+        Args:
+            test_name: name of the test
+            test_result: Boolean result of the test (True means Pass)
+            test_message: Relevant message
+        """
+        print ("Test %s : %s" % (test_name, test_result))
+        response = (
+            self.executeOnDevice(
+                PowerTest.REQUEST_SET_TEST_RESULT %
+                (test_name, test_result, test_message)))
+        self.reportErrorRaiseExceptionIf(
+            response != "OK", "Unable to send test status to Verifier")
     def setPowerOn(self, sensor, powered_on):
         response = self.executeOnDevice(PowerTest.REQUEST_SENSOR_SWITCH %
-                                        ({True:"ON", False:"OFF"}[powered_on], sensor))
-        self.reportErrorIf(response == "ERR", "Unable to set sensor %s state" % sensor)
-"Set %s %s" % (sensor, {True:"ON", False:"OFF"}[powered_on]))
+            (("ON" if powered_on else "OFF"), sensor))
+        self.reportErrorRaiseExceptionIf(
+            response == "ERR", "Unable to set sensor %s state" % sensor)
+"Set %s %s", sensor, ("ON" if powered_on else "OFF"))
         return response
-    def runPowerTest(self, sensor, max_power_allowed, user_request = None):
-        if not signal_abort.empty():
-            sys.exit( signal_abort.get() )
-        self._current_test = "%s_Power_Test_While_%s" % (sensor,
-                                    {True:"Under_Motion", False:"Still"}[user_request is not None])
+    def runSensorPowerTest(
+            self, sensor, max_amperes_allowed, baseline_amps, user_request = None):
+        """
+        Runs power test for a specific sensor; i.e. measures the amperes draw
+        of the phone using monsoon, with the specified sensor mregistered
+        and the phone in suspend state; and verifies that the incremental
+        consumed amperes is within expected bounds.
+        Args:
+            sensor: The specified sensor for which to run the power test
+            max_amperes_allowed: Maximum ampere draw of the device with the
+                    sensor registered and device in suspend state
+            baseline_amps: The power draw of the device when it is in baseline
+                    state (no sensors registered, display off, AP asleep)
+        """
+        self._current_test = ("%s_Power_Test_While_%s" % (
+            sensor, ("Under_Motion" if user_request is not None else "Still")))
             print ("\n\n---------------------------------")
             if user_request is not None:
@@ -321,248 +621,299 @@
                 print ("Running power test on %s while device is still." % sensor)
             print ("---------------------------------")
-            response = self.executeOnDevice(PowerTest.REQUEST_SENSOR_AVAILABILITY % sensor)
+            response = self.executeOnDevice(
+                PowerTest.REQUEST_SENSOR_AVAILABILITY % sensor)
             if response == "UNAVAILABLE":
-                self.setTestResult(self._current_test, condition="SKIPPED",
-                    msg="Sensor %s not available on this platform"%sensor)
+                self.setTestResult(
+                    self._current_test, test_result = "SKIPPED",
+                    test_message = "Sensor %s not available on this platform" % sensor)
             self.setPowerOn("ALL", False)
             if response == "UNAVAILABLE":
-                self.setTestResult(self._current_test, condition="SKIPPED",
-                                   msg="Sensor %s not available on this device"%sensor)
+                self.setTestResult(
+                    self._current_test, test_result = "SKIPPED",
+                    test_message = "Sensor %s not available on this device" % sensor)
-            self.reportErrorIf(response != "OK", "Unable to set all sensor off")
-            if not signal_abort.empty():
-                sys.exit( signal_abort.get() )
+            self.reportErrorRaiseExceptionIf(response != "OK", "Unable to set all sensor off")
-            print("Collecting background measurements...")
-            measurements = self.collectMeasurements( PowerTest.SAMPLE_COUNT_NOMINAL,
-                                                     PowerTest.RATE_NOMINAL,
-                                                     plot_data = True)
-            if measurements and LOG_DATA_TO_FILE:
-                with open( "/tmp/cts-power-tests-%s-%s-background-data.log"%(sensor,
-                   {True:"Under_Motion", False:"Still"}[user_request is not None] ),'w') as f:
-                    for m in measurements:
-                        f.write( "%.4f\n"%m)
-            self.reportErrorIf(not measurements, "No background measurements could be taken")
-            backgnd = sum(measurements) / len(measurements)
             self.setPowerOn(sensor, True)
             if user_request is not None:
                 print("===========================================\n" +
                       "==> Please follow the instructions presented on the device\n" +
-                      "==========================================="
-                     )
-                self.request_user_acknowledgment(user_request)
+                      "===========================================")
+                self.requestUserAcknowledgment(user_request)
-            self.reportErrorIf(response != "OK", "Unable to set sensor %s ON" % sensor)
+            self.reportErrorRaiseExceptionIf(
+                response != "OK", "Unable to set sensor %s ON" % sensor)
+            self.waitForApSuspendMode()
             print ("Collecting sensor %s measurements" % sensor)
             measurements = self.collectMeasurements(PowerTest.SAMPLE_COUNT_NOMINAL,
             if measurements and LOG_DATA_TO_FILE:
-                with open( "/tmp/cts-power-tests-%s-%s-sensor-data.log"%(sensor,
-                   {True:"Under_Motion", False:"Still"}[user_request is not None] ),'w') as f:
+                with open("/tmp/cts-power-tests-%s-%s-sensor-data.log" % (sensor,
+                    ("Under_Motion" if user_request is not None else "Still")), "w") as f:
                     for m in measurements:
-                        f.write( "%.4f\n"%m)
+                        f.write("%.4f\n" % m)
                     self.setUsbEnabled(True, verbose = False)
                     print("Saving raw data files to device...")
                     self.executeLocal("adb shell mkdir -p %s" % self._external_storage, False)
                     self.executeLocal("adb push %s %s/." % (, self._external_storage))
                     self.setUsbEnabled(False, verbose = False)
-            self.reportErrorIf(not measurements, "No measurements could be taken for %s" % sensor)
+            self.reportErrorRaiseExceptionIf(
+                not measurements, "No measurements could be taken for %s" % sensor)
             avg = sum(measurements) / len(measurements)
-            squared = [(m-avg)*(m-avg) for m in measurements]
+            squared = [(m - avg) * (m - avg) for m in measurements]
-            import math
-            stddev = math.sqrt(sum(squared)/len(squared))
-            current_diff = avg - backgnd
+            stddev = math.sqrt(sum(squared) / len(squared))
+            current_diff = avg - baseline_amps
             max_power = max(measurements) - avg
-            if current_diff <= max_power_allowed:
+            if current_diff <= max_amperes_allowed:
                 # TODO: fail the test of background > current
-                message = ("Draw is within limits. Current:%f Background:%f   Measured: %f Stddev: %f  Peak: %f")%\
-                             ( current_diff*1000.0, backgnd*1000.0, avg*1000.0, stddev*1000.0, max_power*1000.0)
+                message = (
+                              "Draw is within limits. Sensor delta:%f mAmp   Baseline:%f "
+                              "mAmp   Sensor: %f mAmp  Stddev : %f mAmp  Peak: %f mAmp") % (
+                              current_diff * 1000.0, baseline_amps * 1000.0, avg * 1000.0,
+                              stddev * 1000.0, max_power * 1000.0)
-                message = ("Draw is too high. Current:%f Background:%f   Measured: %f Stddev: %f  Peak: %f")%\
-                             ( current_diff*1000.0, backgnd*1000.0, avg*1000.0, stddev*1000.0, max_power*1000.0)
-            self.setTestResult( testname = self._current_test,
-                                condition = current_diff <= max_power_allowed,
-                                msg = message)
-            print("Result: "+message)
+                message = (
+                              "Draw is too high. Current:%f Background:%f   Measured: %f "
+                              "Stddev: %f  Peak: %f") % (
+                              current_diff * 1000.0, baseline_amps * 1000.0, avg * 1000.0,
+                              stddev * 1000.0, max_power * 1000.0)
+            self.setTestResult(
+                self._current_test,
+                ("PASS" if (current_diff <= max_amperes_allowed) else "FAIL"),
+                message)
+            print("Result: " + message)
-            import traceback
-            self.setTestResult(self._current_test, condition="FAIL",
-                               msg="Exception occurred during run of test.")
+            self.setTestResult(self._current_test, test_result = "FAIL",
+                               test_message = "Exception occurred during run of test.")
+            raise
-    def run_tests():
+    def runTests(max_baseline_amps):
         testrunner = None
-            GENERIC_MOTION_REQUEST = "\n===> Please press Next and when the screen is off, keep " + \
-                "the device under motion with only tiny, slow movements until the screen turns " + \
-                "on again.\nPlease refrain from interacting with the screen or pressing any side " + \
-                "buttons while measurements are taken."
-            USER_STEPS_REQUEST = "\n===> Please press Next and when the screen is off, then move " + \
-                "the device to simulate step motion until the screen turns on again.\nPlease " + \
-                "refrain from interacting with the screen or pressing any side buttons while " + \
-                "measurements are taken."
-            testrunner = PowerTest()
-            testrunner.executeOnDevice(PowerTest.REQUEST_SHOW_MESSAGE % "Connected.  Running tests...")
-            testrunner.runPowerTest("SIGNIFICANT_MOTION", PowerTest.MAX_SIGMO_POWER, user_request = GENERIC_MOTION_REQUEST)
-            testrunner.runPowerTest("STEP_DETECTOR", PowerTest.MAX_STEP_DETECTOR_POWER, user_request = USER_STEPS_REQUEST)
-            testrunner.runPowerTest("STEP_COUNTER", PowerTest.MAX_STEP_COUNTER_POWER, user_request = USER_STEPS_REQUEST)
-            testrunner.runPowerTest("ACCELEROMETER", PowerTest.MAX_ACCEL_POWER, user_request = GENERIC_MOTION_REQUEST)
-            testrunner.runPowerTest("MAGNETIC_FIELD", PowerTest.MAX_MAG_POWER, user_request = GENERIC_MOTION_REQUEST)
-            testrunner.runPowerTest("GYROSCOPE", PowerTest.MAX_GYRO_POWER, user_request = GENERIC_MOTION_REQUEST)
-            testrunner.runPowerTest("ACCELEROMETER", PowerTest.MAX_ACCEL_POWER, user_request = None)
-            testrunner.runPowerTest("MAGNETIC_FIELD", PowerTest.MAX_MAG_POWER, user_request = None)
-            testrunner.runPowerTest("GYROSCOPE", PowerTest.MAX_GYRO_POWER, user_request = None)
-            testrunner.runPowerTest("SIGNIFICANT_MOTION", PowerTest.MAX_SIGMO_POWER, user_request = None)
-            testrunner.runPowerTest("STEP_DETECTOR", PowerTest.MAX_STEP_DETECTOR_POWER, user_request = None)
-            testrunner.runPowerTest("STEP_COUNTER", PowerTest.MAX_STEP_COUNTER_POWER, user_request = None)
+            GENERIC_MOTION_REQUEST = ("\n===> Please press Next and when the "
+                "screen is off, keep the device under motion with only tiny, "
+                "slow movements until the screen turns on again.\nPlease "
+                "refrain from interacting with the screen or pressing any side "
+                "buttons while measurements are taken.")
+            USER_STEPS_REQUEST = ("\n===> Please press Next and when the "
+                "screen is off, then move the device to simulate step motion "
+                "until the screen turns on again.\nPlease refrain from "
+                "interacting with the screen or pressing any side buttons "
+                "while measurements are taken.")
+            testrunner = PowerTest(max_baseline_amps)
+            testrunner.executeOnDevice(
+                PowerTest.REQUEST_SHOW_MESSAGE % "Connected.  Running tests...")
+            is_baseline_success, baseline_amps = testrunner.getBaselineState()
+            if is_baseline_success:
+                testrunner.setUsbEnabled(True)
+                # TODO: Enable testing a single sensor
+                testrunner.runSensorPowerTest(
+                    "SIGNIFICANT_MOTION", PowerTest.MAX_SIGMO_AMPS, baseline_amps,
+                    user_request = GENERIC_MOTION_REQUEST)
+                testrunner.runSensorPowerTest(
+                    "STEP_DETECTOR", PowerTest.MAX_STEP_DETECTOR_AMPS, baseline_amps,
+                    user_request = USER_STEPS_REQUEST)
+                testrunner.runSensorPowerTest(
+                    "STEP_COUNTER", PowerTest.MAX_STEP_COUNTER_AMPS, baseline_amps,
+                    user_request = USER_STEPS_REQUEST)
+                testrunner.runSensorPowerTest(
+                    "ACCELEROMETER", PowerTest.MAX_ACCEL_AMPS, baseline_amps,
+                    user_request = GENERIC_MOTION_REQUEST)
+                testrunner.runSensorPowerTest(
+                    "MAGNETIC_FIELD", PowerTest.MAX_MAG_AMPS, baseline_amps,
+                    user_request = GENERIC_MOTION_REQUEST)
+                testrunner.runSensorPowerTest(
+                    "GYROSCOPE", PowerTest.MAX_GYRO_AMPS, baseline_amps,
+                    user_request = GENERIC_MOTION_REQUEST)
+                testrunner.runSensorPowerTest(
+                    "ACCELEROMETER", PowerTest.MAX_ACCEL_AMPS, baseline_amps,
+                    user_request = None)
+                testrunner.runSensorPowerTest(
+                    "MAGNETIC_FIELD", PowerTest.MAX_MAG_AMPS, baseline_amps,
+                    user_request = None)
+                testrunner.runSensorPowerTest(
+                    "GYROSCOPE", PowerTest.MAX_GYRO_AMPS, baseline_amps,
+                    user_request = None)
+                testrunner.runSensorPowerTest(
+                    "SIGNIFICANT_MOTION", PowerTest.MAX_SIGMO_AMPS, baseline_amps,
+                    user_request = None)
+                testrunner.runSensorPowerTest(
+                    "STEP_DETECTOR", PowerTest.MAX_STEP_DETECTOR_AMPS, baseline_amps,
+                    user_request = None)
+                testrunner.runSensorPowerTest(
+                    "STEP_COUNTER", PowerTest.MAX_STEP_COUNTER_AMPS, baseline_amps,
+                    user_request = None)
+            else:
+                print("Could not get to baseline state. This is either because "
+                      "in several trials, the monitor could not measure a set "
+                      "of power measurements that had the specified low "
+                      "variance or the mean measurements were below the "
+                      "expected value. None of the sensor power measurement "
+                      " tests were performed due to not being able to detect "
+                      "baseline state. Please re-run the power tests.")
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            print "Keyboard interrupt from user."
+            raise
             import traceback
-            signal_exit_q.put(0) # anything will signal thread to terminate
             if testrunner:
                 except socket.error:
-                    sys.exit("============================\nUnable to connect to device under " + \
-                             "test. Make sure the device is connected via the usb pass-through, " + \
-                             "the CtsVerifier app is running the SensorPowerTest on the device, " + \
-                             "and USB pass-through is enabled.\n===========================")
+                    sys.exit(
+                        "===================================================\n"
+                        "Unable to connect to device under test. Make sure \n"
+                        "the device is connected via the usb pass-through, \n"
+                        "the CtsVerifier app is running the SensorPowerTest on \n"
+                        "the device, and USB pass-through is enabled.\n"
+                        "===================================================")
 def main(argv):
-  """ Simple command-line interface for a power test application."""
-  useful_flags = ["voltage", "status", "usbpassthrough",
-                  "samples", "current", "log", "power_monitor"]
-  if not [f for f in useful_flags if FLAGS.get(f, None) is not None]:
-    print __doc__.strip()
-    print FLAGS.MainModuleHelp()
-    return
+    """ Simple command-line interface for a power test application."""
+    useful_flags = ["voltage", "status", "usbpassthrough",
+                    "samples", "current", "log", "power_monitor"]
+    if not [f for f in useful_flags if FLAGS.get(f, None) is not None]:
+        print __doc__.strip()
+        print FLAGS.MainModuleHelp()
+        return
-  if FLAGS.avg and FLAGS.avg < 0:
-    loggign.error("--avg must be greater than 0")
-    return
+    if FLAGS.avg and FLAGS.avg < 0:
+        logging.error("--avg must be greater than 0")
+        return
-  if FLAGS.voltage is not None:
-    if FLAGS.voltage > 5.5:
-        print("!!WARNING: Voltage higher than typical values!!!")
-    try:
-        response = raw_input("Voltage of %.3f requested.  Confirm this is correct (Y/N)"%FLAGS.voltage)
-        if response.upper() != "Y":
-            sys.exit("Aborting")
-    except:
-        sys.exit("Aborting.")
+    if FLAGS.voltage is not None:
+        if FLAGS.voltage > 5.5:
+            print("!!WARNING: Voltage higher than typical values!!!")
+        try:
+            response = raw_input(
+                "Voltage of %.3f requested.  Confirm this is correct (Y/N)" %
+                FLAGS.voltage)
+            if response.upper() != "Y":
+                sys.exit("Aborting")
+        except:
+            sys.exit("Aborting.")
-  if not FLAGS.power_monitor:
-      sys.exit("You must specify a '--power_monitor' option to specify which power monitor type " + \
-               "you are using.\nOne of:\n  \n  ".join(available_monitors))
-  power_monitors = do_import('power_monitors.%s' % FLAGS.power_monitor)
-  try:
-      mon = power_monitors.Power_Monitor(device=FLAGS.device)
-  except:
-      import traceback
-      traceback.print_exc()
-      sys.exit("No power monitors found")
-  if FLAGS.voltage is not None:
-    if FLAGS.ramp is not None:
-      mon.RampVoltage(mon.start_voltage, FLAGS.voltage)
-    else:
-      mon.SetVoltage(FLAGS.voltage)
-  if FLAGS.current is not None:
-    mon.SetMaxCurrent(FLAGS.current)
-  if FLAGS.status:
-    items = sorted(mon.GetStatus().items())
-    print "\n".join(["%s: %s" % item for item in items])
-  if FLAGS.usbpassthrough:
-    if FLAGS.usbpassthrough == 'off':
-      mon.SetUsbPassthrough(0)
-    elif FLAGS.usbpassthrough == 'on':
-      mon.SetUsbPassthrough(1)
-    elif FLAGS.usbpassthrough == 'auto':
-      mon.SetUsbPassthrough(2)
-    else:
-      mon.Close()
-      sys.exit('bad pass-through flag: %s' % FLAGS.usbpassthrough)
-  if FLAGS.samples:
-    # Make sure state is normal
-    mon.StopDataCollection()
-    status = mon.GetStatus()
-    native_hz = status["sampleRate"] * 1000
-    # Collect and average samples as specified
-    mon.StartDataCollection()
-    # In case FLAGS.hz doesn't divide native_hz exactly, use this invariant:
-    # 'offset' = (consumed samples) * FLAGS.hz - (emitted samples) * native_hz
-    # This is the error accumulator in a variation of Bresenham's algorithm.
-    emitted = offset = 0
-    collected = []
-    history_deque = collections.deque()  # past n samples for rolling average
-    try:
-      last_flush = time.time()
-      while emitted < FLAGS.samples or FLAGS.samples == -1:
-        # The number of raw samples to consume before emitting the next output
-        need = (native_hz - offset + FLAGS.hz - 1) / FLAGS.hz
-        if need > len(collected):  # still need more input samples
-          samples = mon.CollectData()
-          if not samples: break
-          collected.extend(samples)
-        else:
-          # Have enough data, generate output samples.
-          # Adjust for consuming 'need' input samples.
-          offset += need * FLAGS.hz
-          while offset >= native_hz:  # maybe multiple, if FLAGS.hz > native_hz
-            this_sample = sum(collected[:need]) / need
-            if FLAGS.timestamp: print int(time.time()),
-            if FLAGS.avg:
-              history_deque.appendleft(this_sample)
-              if len(history_deque) > FLAGS.avg: history_deque.pop()
-              print "%f %f" % (this_sample,
-                               sum(history_deque) / len(history_deque))
-            else:
-              print "%f" % this_sample
-            sys.stdout.flush()
-            offset -= native_hz
-            emitted += 1  # adjust for emitting 1 output sample
-          collected = collected[need:]
-          now = time.time()
-          if now - last_flush >= 0.99:  # flush every second
-            sys.stdout.flush()
-            last_flush = now
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-      print("interrupted")
-      return 1
-    finally:
-      mon.Close()
-    return 0
-  if
     if not FLAGS.power_monitor:
-        sys.exit("When running power tests, you must specify which type of power monitor to use" +
-                 " with '--power_monitor <type of power monitor>'")
-    PowerTest.run_tests()
+        sys.exit(
+            "You must specify a '--power_monitor' option to specify which power "
+            "monitor type " +
+            "you are using.\nOne of:\n  \n  ".join(available_monitors))
+    power_monitors = do_import("power_monitors.%s" % FLAGS.power_monitor)
+    try:
+        mon = power_monitors.Power_Monitor(device = FLAGS.device)
+    except:
+        import traceback
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        sys.exit("No power monitors found")
+    if FLAGS.voltage is not None:
+        if FLAGS.ramp is not None:
+            mon.RampVoltage(mon.start_voltage, FLAGS.voltage)
+        else:
+            mon.SetVoltage(FLAGS.voltage)
+    if FLAGS.current is not None:
+        mon.SetMaxCurrent(FLAGS.current)
+    if FLAGS.status:
+        items = sorted(mon.GetStatus().items())
+        print "\n".join(["%s: %s" % item for item in items])
+    if FLAGS.usbpassthrough:
+        if FLAGS.usbpassthrough == "off":
+            mon.SetUsbPassthrough(0)
+        elif FLAGS.usbpassthrough == "on":
+            mon.SetUsbPassthrough(1)
+        elif FLAGS.usbpassthrough == "auto":
+            mon.SetUsbPassthrough(2)
+        else:
+            mon.Close()
+            sys.exit("bad pass-through flag: %s" % FLAGS.usbpassthrough)
+    if FLAGS.samples:
+        # Make sure state is normal
+        mon.StopDataCollection()
+        status = mon.GetStatus()
+        native_hz = status["sampleRate"] * 1000
+        # Collect and average samples as specified
+        mon.StartDataCollection()
+        # In case FLAGS.hz doesn't divide native_hz exactly, use this invariant:
+        # 'offset' = (consumed samples) * FLAGS.hz - (emitted samples) * native_hz
+        # This is the error accumulator in a variation of Bresenham's algorithm.
+        emitted = offset = 0
+        collected = []
+        history_deque = collections.deque()  # past n samples for rolling average
+        # TODO: Complicated lines of code below. Refactoring needed
+        try:
+            last_flush = time.time()
+            while emitted < FLAGS.samples or FLAGS.samples == -1:
+                # The number of raw samples to consume before emitting the next output
+                need = (native_hz - offset + FLAGS.hz - 1) / FLAGS.hz
+                if need > len(collected):  # still need more input samples
+                    samples = mon.CollectData()
+                    if not samples: break
+                    collected.extend(samples)
+                else:
+                    # Have enough data, generate output samples.
+                    # Adjust for consuming 'need' input samples.
+                    offset += need * FLAGS.hz
+                    while offset >= native_hz:  # maybe multiple, if FLAGS.hz > native_hz
+                        this_sample = sum(collected[:need]) / need
+                        if FLAGS.timestamp: print int(time.time()),
+                        if FLAGS.avg:
+                            history_deque.appendleft(this_sample)
+                            if len(history_deque) > FLAGS.avg: history_deque.pop()
+                            print "%f %f" % (this_sample,
+                                             sum(history_deque) / len(history_deque))
+                        else:
+                            print "%f" % this_sample
+                        sys.stdout.flush()
+                        offset -= native_hz
+                        emitted += 1  # adjust for emitting 1 output sample
+                    collected = collected[need:]
+                    now = time.time()
+                    if now - last_flush >= 0.99:  # flush every second
+                        sys.stdout.flush()
+                        last_flush = now
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            print("interrupted")
+            return 1
+        finally:
+            mon.Close()
+        return 0
+    if
+        if not FLAGS.power_monitor:
+            sys.exit(
+                "When running power tests, you must specify which type of power "
+                "monitor to use" +
+                " with '--power_monitor <type of power monitor>'")
+        try:
+            PowerTest.runTests(FLAGS.max_baseline_amps)
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            print "Keyboard interrupt from user"
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     flags.DEFINE_boolean("status", None, "Print power meter status")
@@ -581,5 +932,6 @@
     flags.DEFINE_boolean("log", False, "Log progress to a file or not")
     flags.DEFINE_boolean("run", False, "Run the test suite for power")
     flags.DEFINE_string("power_monitor", None, "Type of power monitor to use")
+    flags.DEFINE_float("max_baseline_amps", 0.005,
+                       "Set maximum baseline current for device being tested")