blob: fb467bbe12d8a9ede835eb028711b69862eea7cc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "../"
// This file includes a conversion kernel for RGGB, GRBG, GBRG, and BGGR Bayer patterns.
// Applying this script also will apply black-level subtraction, rescaling, clipping, tonemapping,
// and color space transforms along with the Bayer demosaic. See
// for more information.
// Input globals
rs_allocation inputRawBuffer; // RAW16 buffer of dimensions (raw image stride) * (raw image height)
rs_allocation gainMap; // Gainmap to apply to linearized raw sensor data.
uint cfaPattern; // The Color Filter Arrangement pattern used
uint gainMapWidth; // The width of the gain map
uint gainMapHeight; // The height of the gain map
bool hasGainMap; // Does gainmap exist?
rs_matrix3x3 sensorToIntermediate; // Color transform from sensor to a wide-gamut colorspace
rs_matrix3x3 intermediateToSRGB; // Color transform from wide-gamut colorspace to sRGB
ushort4 blackLevelPattern; // Blacklevel to subtract for each channel, given in CFA order
int whiteLevel; // Whitelevel of sensor
uint offsetX; // X offset into inputRawBuffer
uint offsetY; // Y offset into inputRawBuffer
uint rawWidth; // Width of raw buffer
uint rawHeight; // Height of raw buffer
float3 neutralPoint; // The camera neutral
float4 toneMapCoeffs; // Coefficients for a polynomial tonemapping curve
// Interpolate gain map to find per-channel gains at a given pixel
static float4 getGain(uint x, uint y) {
float interpX = (((float) x) / rawWidth) * gainMapWidth;
float interpY = (((float) y) / rawHeight) * gainMapHeight;
uint gX = (uint) interpX;
uint gY = (uint) interpY;
uint gXNext = (gX + 1 < gainMapWidth) ? gX + 1 : gX;
uint gYNext = (gY + 1 < gainMapHeight) ? gY + 1 : gY;
float4 tl = *((float4 *) rsGetElementAt(gainMap, gX, gY));
float4 tr = *((float4 *) rsGetElementAt(gainMap, gXNext, gY));
float4 bl = *((float4 *) rsGetElementAt(gainMap, gX, gYNext));
float4 br = *((float4 *) rsGetElementAt(gainMap, gXNext, gYNext));
float fracX = interpX - (float) gX;
float fracY = interpY - (float) gY;
float invFracX = 1.f - fracX;
float invFracY = 1.f - fracY;
return tl * invFracX * invFracY + tr * fracX * invFracY +
bl * invFracX * fracY + br * fracX * fracY;
// Apply gamma correction using sRGB gamma curve
static float gammaEncode(float x) {
return (x <= 0.0031308f) ? x * 12.92f : 1.055f * pow(x, 0.4166667f) - 0.055f;
// Apply gamma correction to each color channel in RGB pixel
static float3 gammaCorrectPixel(float3 rgb) {
float3 ret;
ret.x = gammaEncode(rgb.x);
ret.y = gammaEncode(rgb.y);
ret.z = gammaEncode(rgb.z);
return ret;
// Apply polynomial tonemapping curve to each color channel in RGB pixel.
// This attempts to apply tonemapping without changing the hue of each pixel,
// i.e.:
// For some RGB values:
// M = max(R, G, B)
// m = min(R, G, B)
// m' = mid(R, G, B)
// chroma = M - m
// H = m' - m / chroma
// The relationship H=H' should be preserved, where H and H' are calculated from
// the RGB and RGB' value at this pixel before and after this tonemapping
// operation has been applied, respectively.
static float3 tonemap(float3 rgb) {
float3 sorted = clamp(rgb, 0.f, 1.f);
float tmp;
int permutation = 0;
// Sort the RGB channels by value
if (sorted.z < sorted.y) {
tmp = sorted.z;
sorted.z = sorted.y;
sorted.y = tmp;
permutation |= 1;
if (sorted.y < sorted.x) {
tmp = sorted.y;
sorted.y = sorted.x;
sorted.x = tmp;
permutation |= 2;
if (sorted.z < sorted.y) {
tmp = sorted.z;
sorted.z = sorted.y;
sorted.y = tmp;
permutation |= 4;
float2 minmax;
minmax.x = sorted.x;
minmax.y = sorted.z;
// Apply tonemapping curve to min, max RGB channel values
minmax = native_powr(minmax, 3.f) * toneMapCoeffs.x +
native_powr(minmax, 2.f) * toneMapCoeffs.y +
minmax * toneMapCoeffs.z + toneMapCoeffs.w;
// Rescale middle value
float newMid;
if (sorted.z == sorted.x) {
newMid = minmax.y;
} else {
newMid = minmax.x + ((minmax.y - minmax.x) * (sorted.y - sorted.x) /
(sorted.z - sorted.x));
float3 finalRGB;
switch (permutation) {
case 0: // b >= g >= r
finalRGB.x = minmax.x;
finalRGB.y = newMid;
finalRGB.z = minmax.y;
case 1: // g >= b >= r
finalRGB.x = minmax.x;
finalRGB.z = newMid;
finalRGB.y = minmax.y;
case 2: // b >= r >= g
finalRGB.y = minmax.x;
finalRGB.x = newMid;
finalRGB.z = minmax.y;
case 3: // g >= r >= b
finalRGB.z = minmax.x;
finalRGB.x = newMid;
finalRGB.y = minmax.y;
case 6: // r >= b >= g
finalRGB.y = minmax.x;
finalRGB.z = newMid;
finalRGB.x = minmax.y;
case 7: // r >= g >= b
finalRGB.z = minmax.x;
finalRGB.y = newMid;
finalRGB.x = minmax.y;
case 4: // impossible
case 5: // impossible
finalRGB.x = 0.f;
finalRGB.y = 0.f;
finalRGB.z = 0.f;
LOGD(" Logic error in tonemap.", 0);
return clamp(finalRGB, 0.f, 1.f);
// Apply a colorspace transform to the intermediate colorspace, apply
// a tonemapping curve, apply a colorspace transform to a final colorspace,
// and apply a gamma correction curve.
static float3 applyColorspace(float3 pRGB) {
pRGB.x = clamp(pRGB.x, 0.f, neutralPoint.x);
pRGB.y = clamp(pRGB.y, 0.f, neutralPoint.y);
pRGB.z = clamp(pRGB.z, 0.f, neutralPoint.z);
float3 intermediate = rsMatrixMultiply(&sensorToIntermediate, pRGB);
intermediate = tonemap(intermediate);
return gammaCorrectPixel(clamp(rsMatrixMultiply(&intermediateToSRGB, intermediate), 0.f, 1.f));
// Load a 3x3 patch of pixels into the output.
static void load3x3(uint x, uint y, rs_allocation buf, /*out*/float* outputArray) {
outputArray[0] = *((ushort *) rsGetElementAt(buf, x - 1, y - 1));
outputArray[1] = *((ushort *) rsGetElementAt(buf, x, y - 1));
outputArray[2] = *((ushort *) rsGetElementAt(buf, x + 1, y - 1));
outputArray[3] = *((ushort *) rsGetElementAt(buf, x - 1, y));
outputArray[4] = *((ushort *) rsGetElementAt(buf, x, y));
outputArray[5] = *((ushort *) rsGetElementAt(buf, x + 1, y));
outputArray[6] = *((ushort *) rsGetElementAt(buf, x - 1, y + 1));
outputArray[7] = *((ushort *) rsGetElementAt(buf, x, y + 1));
outputArray[8] = *((ushort *) rsGetElementAt(buf, x + 1, y + 1));
// Blacklevel subtract, and normalize each pixel in the outputArray, and apply the
// gain map.
static void linearizeAndGainmap(uint x, uint y, ushort4 blackLevel, int whiteLevel,
uint cfa, /*inout*/float* outputArray) {
uint kk = 0;
for (uint j = y - 1; j <= y + 1; j++) {
for (uint i = x - 1; i <= x + 1; i++) {
uint index = (i & 1) | ((j & 1) << 1); // bits [0,1] are blacklevel offset
index |= (cfa << 2); // bits [2,3] are cfa
float bl = 0.f;
float g = 1.f;
float4 gains = 1.f;
if (hasGainMap) {
gains = getGain(i, j);
switch (index) {
case 0:
bl = blackLevel.x;
g = gains.x;
case 1:
bl = blackLevel.y;
g = gains.y;
case 2:
bl = blackLevel.z;
g = gains.z;
case 3:
bl = blackLevel.w;
g = gains.w;
case 4:
bl = blackLevel.x;
g = gains.y;
case 5:
bl = blackLevel.y;
g = gains.x;
case 6:
bl = blackLevel.z;
g = gains.w;
case 7:
bl = blackLevel.w;
g = gains.z;
case 8:
bl = blackLevel.x;
g = gains.y;
case 9:
bl = blackLevel.y;
g = gains.w;
case 10:
bl = blackLevel.z;
g = gains.x;
case 11:
bl = blackLevel.w;
g = gains.z;
case 12:
bl = blackLevel.x;
g = gains.w;
case 13:
bl = blackLevel.y;
g = gains.y;
case 14:
bl = blackLevel.z;
g = gains.z;
case 15:
bl = blackLevel.w;
g = gains.x;
outputArray[kk] = clamp(g * (outputArray[kk] - bl) / (whiteLevel - bl), 0.f, 1.f);
// Apply bilinear-interpolation to demosaic
static float3 demosaic(uint x, uint y, uint cfa, float* inputArray) {
uint index = (x & 1) | ((y & 1) << 1);
index |= (cfa << 2);
float3 pRGB;
switch (index) {
case 0:
case 5:
case 10:
case 15: // Red centered
// B G B
// G R G
// B G B
pRGB.x = inputArray[4];
pRGB.y = (inputArray[1] + inputArray[3] + inputArray[5] + inputArray[7]) / 4;
pRGB.z = (inputArray[0] + inputArray[2] + inputArray[6] + inputArray[8]) / 4;
case 1:
case 4:
case 11:
case 14: // Green centered w/ horizontally adjacent Red
// G B G
// R G R
// G B G
pRGB.x = (inputArray[3] + inputArray[5]) / 2;
pRGB.y = inputArray[4];
pRGB.z = (inputArray[1] + inputArray[7]) / 2;
case 2:
case 7:
case 8:
case 13: // Green centered w/ horizontally adjacent Blue
// G R G
// B G B
// G R G
pRGB.x = (inputArray[1] + inputArray[7]) / 2;
pRGB.y = inputArray[4];
pRGB.z = (inputArray[3] + inputArray[5]) / 2;
case 3:
case 6:
case 9:
case 12: // Blue centered
// R G R
// G B G
// R G R
pRGB.x = (inputArray[0] + inputArray[2] + inputArray[6] + inputArray[8]) / 4;
pRGB.y = (inputArray[1] + inputArray[3] + inputArray[5] + inputArray[7]) / 4;
pRGB.z = inputArray[4];
return pRGB;
// Full RAW->ARGB bitmap conversion kernel
uchar4 RS_KERNEL convert_RAW_To_ARGB(uint x, uint y) {
float3 pRGB;
uint xP = x + offsetX;
uint yP = y + offsetY;
if (xP == 0) xP = 1;
if (yP == 0) yP = 1;
if (xP == rawWidth - 1) xP = rawWidth - 2;
if (yP == rawHeight - 1) yP = rawHeight - 2;
float patch[9];
// TODO: Once ScriptGroup and RS kernels have been updated to allow for iteration over 3x3 pixel
// patches, this can be optimized to avoid re-applying the pre-demosaic steps for each pixel,
// potentially achieving a 9x speedup here.
load3x3(xP, yP, inputRawBuffer, /*out*/ patch);
linearizeAndGainmap(xP, yP, blackLevelPattern, whiteLevel, cfaPattern, /*inout*/patch);
pRGB = demosaic(xP, yP, cfaPattern, patch);
return rsPackColorTo8888(applyColorspace(pRGB));