blob: b4fb1bd781fdf97487fd7f0a35765c398b994705 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.text.cts;
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import android.text.Layout;
import android.text.Spannable;
import android.text.SpannableString;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.text.Layout.Alignment;
import dalvik.annotation.TestTargets;
import dalvik.annotation.TestLevel;
import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetNew;
import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass;
import dalvik.annotation.ToBeFixed;
public class LayoutTest extends AndroidTestCase {
private final static int LINE_COUNT = 5;
private final static int LINE_HEIGHT = 12;
private final static int LINE_DESCENT = 4;
private final static CharSequence LAYOUT_TEXT = "alwei\t;sdfs\ndf @";
private int mWidth;
private Layout.Alignment mAlign;
private float mSpacingmult;
private float mSpacingadd;
private SpannableString mSpannedText;
private TextPaint mTextPaint;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
mTextPaint = new TextPaint();
mSpannedText = new SpannableString(LAYOUT_TEXT);
mSpannedText.setSpan(new StrikethroughSpan(), 0, 1,
mWidth = 11;
mAlign = Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER;
mSpacingmult = 1;
mSpacingadd = 2;
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Layout}",
method = "Layout",
args = {java.lang.CharSequence.class, android.text.TextPaint.class, int.class, android.text.Layout.Alignment.class, float.class, float.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1417734", explanation = "should add @throws clause into javadoc " +
" of Layout constructor when the width is smaller than 0")
public void testConstructor() {
new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth, mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
try {
new MockLayout(null, null, -1, null, 0, 0);
fail("should throw IllegalArgumentException here");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#draw(Canvas)}",
method = "draw",
args = {}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1386429", explanation = "can not get the" +
" package protected class Directions")
public void testDraw1() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
layout.draw(new Canvas());
try {
layout.draw(new Canvas(Bitmap.createBitmap(200, 200, Config.ARGB_4444)));
fail("should throw NullPointerException here");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#draw(Canvas, Path, Paint, int)}",
method = "draw",
args = {,,, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1386429", explanation = "can not get the" +
" package protected class Directions")
public void testDraw2() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
layout.draw(new Canvas(), null, null, 0);
try {
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(200, 200,Config.ARGB_4444);
layout.draw(new Canvas(bitmap), null, null, 0);
fail("should throw NullPointerException here");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
try {
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(200, 200, null);
layout.draw(new Canvas(bitmap), new Path(), new Paint(), 2);
fail("should throw NullPointerException here");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getText()}",
method = "getText",
args = {}
public void testGetText() {
CharSequence text = "test case 1";
Layout layout = new MockLayout(text, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(text, layout.getText());
layout = new MockLayout(null, mTextPaint, mWidth, mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getPaint()}",
method = "getPaint",
args = {}
public void testGetPaint() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertSame(mTextPaint, layout.getPaint());
layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, null, mWidth, mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getWidth()}",
method = "getWidth",
args = {}
public void testGetWidth() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, 10,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(10, layout.getWidth());
layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, 0, mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(0, layout.getWidth());
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getEllipsizedWidth()}",
method = "getEllipsizedWidth",
args = {}
public void testGetEllipsizedWidth() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, 15,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(15, layout.getEllipsizedWidth());
layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, 0, mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(0, layout.getEllipsizedWidth());
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#increaseWidthTo(int)}",
method = "increaseWidthTo",
args = {int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1417734", explanation = "should add @throws clause into javadoc " +
" of Layout#increaseWidthTo(int) when the new width is smaller than old one")
public void testIncreaseWidthTo() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
int oldWidth = layout.getWidth();
assertEquals(oldWidth, layout.getWidth());
try {
layout.increaseWidthTo(oldWidth - 1);
fail("should throw runtime exception attempted to reduce Layout width");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
layout.increaseWidthTo(oldWidth + 1);
assertEquals(oldWidth + 1, layout.getWidth());
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getHeight}",
method = "getHeight",
args = {}
public void testGetHeight() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(60, layout.getHeight());
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getAlignment}",
method = "getAlignment",
args = {}
public void testGetAlignment() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertSame(mAlign, layout.getAlignment());
layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth, null, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getSpacingMultiplier}",
method = "getSpacingMultiplier",
args = {}
public void testGetSpacingMultiplier() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth, mAlign, -1, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(-1.0f, layout.getSpacingMultiplier());
layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth, mAlign, 5, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(5.0f, layout.getSpacingMultiplier());
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getSpacingAdd}",
method = "getSpacingAdd",
args = {}
public void testGetSpacingAdd() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth, mAlign, mSpacingmult, -1);
assertEquals(-1.0f, layout.getSpacingAdd());
layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth, mAlign, mSpacingmult, 20);
assertEquals(20.0f, layout.getSpacingAdd());
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getLineBounds(int, Rect)}",
method = "getLineBounds",
args = {int.class,}
public void testGetLineBounds() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
Rect bounds = new Rect();
assertEquals(32, layout.getLineBounds(2, bounds));
assertEquals(0, bounds.left);
assertEquals(mWidth, bounds.right);
assertEquals(36, bounds.bottom);
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getPrimaryHorizontal(int)}",
method = "getPrimaryHorizontal",
args = {int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1386429", explanation = "can not get the" +
" package protected class Directions")
public void testGetPrimaryHorizontal() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
try {
fail("should throw NullPointerException here");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getSecondaryHorizontal(int)}",
method = "getSecondaryHorizontal",
args = {int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1386429", explanation = "can not get the" +
" package protected class Directions")
public void testGetSecondaryHorizontal() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
try {
fail("should throw NullPointerException here");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getLineLeft(int)}",
method = "getLineLeft",
args = {int.class}
public void testGetLineLeft() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(2.0f, layout.getLineLeft(0));
assertEquals(4.0f, layout.getLineLeft(1));
assertEquals(1.0f, layout.getLineLeft(2));
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getLineRight(int)}",
method = "getLineRight",
args = {int.class}
public void testGetLineRight() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(9.0f, layout.getLineRight(0));
assertEquals(7.0f, layout.getLineRight(1));
assertEquals(10.0f, layout.getLineRight(2));
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getLineMax(int)}",
method = "getLineMax",
args = {int.class}
public void testGetLineMax() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(6.0f, layout.getLineMax(0));
assertEquals(3.0f, layout.getLineMax(1));
assertEquals(9.0f, layout.getLineMax(2));
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getLineWidth(int)}",
method = "getLineWidth",
args = {int.class}
public void testGetLineWidth() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(6.0f, layout.getLineWidth(0));
assertEquals(3.0f, layout.getLineWidth(1));
assertEquals(9.0f, layout.getLineWidth(2));
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getLineForVertical(int)}",
method = "getLineForVertical",
args = {int.class}
public void testGetLineForVertical() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(0, layout.getLineForVertical(-1));
assertEquals(0, layout.getLineForVertical(0));
assertEquals(0, layout.getLineForVertical(LINE_COUNT));
assertEquals(LINE_COUNT - 1, layout.getLineForVertical(1000));
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getLineForOffset(int)}",
method = "getLineForOffset",
args = {int.class}
public void testGetLineForOffset() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(0, layout.getLineForOffset(-1));
assertEquals(1, layout.getLineForOffset(1));
assertEquals(LINE_COUNT - 1, layout.getLineForOffset(LINE_COUNT - 1));
assertEquals(LINE_COUNT - 1, layout.getLineForOffset(1000));
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getOffsetForHorizontal(int, float)}",
method = "getOffsetForHorizontal",
args = {int.class, float.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1386429", explanation = "can not get the" +
" package protected class Directions")
public void testGetOffsetForHorizontal() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
try {
layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(0, 0);
fail("should throw NullPointerException here");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getLineEnd(int)}",
method = "getLineEnd",
args = {int.class}
public void testGetLineEnd() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(2, layout.getLineEnd(1));
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getLineVisibleEnd(int)}",
method = "getLineVisibleEnd",
args = {int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1417734", explanation = "should add @throws clause into javadoc " +
" of Layout#getLineVisibleEnd(int) when the line is out of bound")
public void testGetLineVisibleEnd() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(2, layout.getLineVisibleEnd(1));
assertEquals(LINE_COUNT, layout.getLineVisibleEnd(LINE_COUNT - 1));
assertEquals(LAYOUT_TEXT.length(), layout.getLineVisibleEnd(LAYOUT_TEXT.length() - 1));
try {
fail("should throw .StringIndexOutOfBoundsException here");
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getLineBottom(int)}",
method = "getLineBottom",
args = {int.class}
public void testGetLineBottom() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(LINE_HEIGHT, layout.getLineBottom(0));
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getLineBaseline(int)}",
method = "getLineBaseline",
args = {int.class}
public void testGetLineBaseline() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(8, layout.getLineBaseline(0));
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getLineAscent(int)}",
method = "getLineAscent",
args = {int.class}
public void testGetLineAscent() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(-8, layout.getLineAscent(0));
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getOffsetToLeftOf(int)}",
method = "getOffsetToLeftOf",
args = {int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1386429", explanation = "can not get the" +
" package protected class Directions")
public void testGetOffsetToLeftOf() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
try {
fail("should throw NullPointerException here");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getOffsetToRightOf(int)}",
method = "getOffsetToRightOf",
args = {int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1386429", explanation = "can not get the" +
" package protected class Directions")
public void testGetOffsetToRightOf() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
try {
fail("should throw NullPointerException here");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getCursorPath(int, Path, CharSequence)}",
method = "getCursorPath",
args = {int.class,, java.lang.CharSequence.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1386429", explanation = "can not get the" +
" package protected class Directions")
public void testGetCursorPath() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
try {
layout.getCursorPath(0, new Path(), "test");
fail("should throw NullPointerException here");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getSelectionPath(int, int, Path)}",
method = "getSelectionPath",
args = {int.class, int.class,}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1386429", explanation = "can not get the" +
" package protected class Directions")
public void testGetSelectionPath() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
Path path = new Path();
layout.getSelectionPath(0, 0, path);
try {
layout.getSelectionPath(1, 0, path);
fail("should throw NullPointerException here");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
try {
layout.getSelectionPath(0, 1, path);
fail("should throw NullPointerException here");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getParagraphAlignment(int)}",
method = "getParagraphAlignment",
args = {int.class}
public void testGetParagraphAlignment() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertSame(mAlign, layout.getParagraphAlignment(0));
layout = new MockLayout(mSpannedText, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertSame(mAlign, layout.getParagraphAlignment(0));
assertSame(mAlign, layout.getParagraphAlignment(1));
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getParagraphLeft(int)}",
method = "getParagraphLeft",
args = {int.class}
public void testGetParagraphLeft() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(0, layout.getParagraphLeft(0));
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#getParagraphRight(int)}",
method = "getParagraphRight",
args = {int.class}
public void testGetParagraphRight() {
Layout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
assertEquals(mWidth, layout.getParagraphRight(0));
level = TestLevel.TODO,
notes = "Test {@link Layout#isSpanned}",
method = "isSpanned",
args = {}
public void testIsSpanned() {
MockLayout layout = new MockLayout(LAYOUT_TEXT, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
// default is not spanned text
// try to create a spanned text
layout = new MockLayout(mSpannedText, mTextPaint, mWidth,
mAlign, mSpacingmult, mSpacingadd);
private final class MockLayout extends Layout {
public MockLayout(CharSequence text, TextPaint paint, int width,
Alignment align, float spacingmult, float spacingadd) {
super(text, paint, width, align, spacingmult, spacingadd);
protected boolean mockIsSpanned() {
return super.isSpanned();
public int getBottomPadding() {
return 0;
public int getEllipsisCount(int line) {
return 0;
public int getEllipsisStart(int line) {
return 0;
public boolean getLineContainsTab(int line) {
return false;
public int getLineCount() {
return LINE_COUNT;
public int getLineDescent(int line) {
public Directions getLineDirections(int line) {
return null;
public int getLineStart(int line) {
if (line < 0) {
return 0;
return line;
public int getLineTop(int line) {
if (line < 0) {
return 0;
return LINE_HEIGHT * (line);
public int getParagraphDirection(int line) {
return 0;
public int getTopPadding() {
return 0;