blob: 577499742213afe248d87e8e9a9ba5f1c6482550 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
* Licensed under the MIT Open Source License, for details please see license.txt or the website
#include <dae.h>
#include <dom/domCOLLADA.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "rsContext.h"
#include "rsMesh.h"
#include "SimpleMesh.h"
using namespace android;
using namespace android::renderscript;
class ColladaGeometry {
bool init(domGeometryRef geometry);
Mesh *getMesh(Context *rsc) {
return mConvertedMesh.getMesh(rsc);
//Store some collada stuff
domMesh *mMesh;
// Cache the pointers to the collada version of the data
// This contains raw vertex data that is not necessarily the same size for all
// Offset refers to the way collada packs each triangle's index to position / normal / etc.
domListOfFloats *mPositionFloats;
int mPositionOffset;
domListOfFloats *mNormalFloats;
int mNormalOffset;
domListOfFloats *mTangentFloats;
int mTangentOffset;
domListOfFloats *mBinormalFloats;
int mBinormalOffset;
domListOfFloats *mTexture1Floats;
int mTexture1Offset;
// In the list of triangles, collada uses multiple indecies per triangle to point to the correct
// index in all the different arrays. We need to know the total number of these guys so we can
// just to the next triangle to process
int mMultiIndexOffset;
// All these vectors would contain the same number of "points"
// index*stride would properly get to the uv, normal etc.
// collada, like maya and many others keep point array, normal array etc
// different size in the cases the same vertex produces divergent normals for different faces
std::vector<float> *mPositions;
unsigned int mPositionsStride;
std::vector<float> *mNormals;
unsigned int mNormalsStride;
std::vector<float> *mTextureCoords;
unsigned int mTextureCoordsStride;
std::vector<float> *mTangents;
unsigned int mTangentssStride;
std::vector<float> *mBinormals;
unsigned int mBinormalsStride;
SimpleMesh mConvertedMesh;
// This vector is used to remap a position index into a list of all divergent vertices
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > mVertexRemap;
void addTriangles(domTriangles * colladaTriangles);
void cacheOffsetsAndDataPointers(domTriangles * colladaTriangles);
int remapIndexAndStoreData(const domListOfUInts &colladaIndexList, int indexToRemap);