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Subject: How to get the android source code using Cygwin and Git
Date: 2009/04/27
Table of content:
1- Goals and Requirements
2- Getting the code, the simple way
3- SSH issues
4- Advanced Tricks
1- Goals and Requirements
This document explains how to checkout the Android source from the git
repositories under Windows.
As stated in development/docs/howto_build_SDK.txt, one can't build the whole
Android source code under Windows. You can only build a the SDK tools for
There are a number of caveats in checking out the code from Git under Windows.
This document tries to explain them.
First you will need to meet the following requirements:
- You must have Cygwin installed.
- You must install Cyginw using the "Unix / Binary" mode.
If you don't do that, git will fail to properly compute some SHA1 keys.
- You need the "git" and "curl" packages to checkout the code.
If you plan to contribute, you might want to get "gitk" also.
Note: if you want to build the SDK, check the howto_build_SDK.txt file
for a list of extra required packages.
2- Getting the code, the simple way
Out of the box, "repo" and "git" will work just fine under Cygwin:
$ repo init -u git://
$ repo sync
And you're done. You can build as explained in howto_build_SDK.txt and ignore
the rest of this document.
3- SSH issues
If you maintain your own private repository using an SSH server, you might get
some "mux/ssh" errors. In this case try this:
$ repo init -u ssh://my.private.ssh.repo/platform/manifest.git
$ export GIT_SSH=ssh
$ repo sync
4- Advanced Tricks
There are two remaining issues with the default repo/git options:
A- If you plan on contributing, you will notice that even after a fresh "repo
sync" some projects are marked as having modified files. This happens on the
"bionic" and the "external/iptables" project. The issue is that they have files
which have the same name yet differ only by their case-sensitivity. Since the
Windows filesystem is not case-sensitive, this confuses Git.
Solution: we can simply ignore these projects as they are not needed to build
the Windows SDK.
To do this you just need to create a file .repo/local_manifest.xml that
provides a list of projects to ignore:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remove-project name="platform/bionic" />
<remove-project name="platform/external/iptables" />
B- The other issue is that by default repo maintains around 100+ git projects.
However most of these are not needed to build the Windows SDK. We can easily
reduce this list to around 70 projects, which will make your repo syncs a lot
Solution: Simply ignore all projects bionic, bootable/*, hardware/* and most
external projects. For external, we still need a handful of projects for the
SDK -- things like the emulator or sqlite can be quite useful :-)
Here's a script that takes care of all these details. It performs the repo
init, creates the appropriate local_manifest.xml and does a repo sync as
set -e # fail on errors
# repo init if there's no .repo directory
if [[ ! -d .repo ]]; then
repo init -u $URL -b $BRANCH
# create a local_manifest to exclude projects not useful to the Windows SDK
if [[ ! -f $L ]]; then
cat > $L <<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
for i in $(sed -sn '/external\/\(apache\|expat\|g\|libpng\|pr\|qemu\|sqlite\|tag\|zlib\)/d;/\(bionic\|bootable\|cts\|external\|hardware\).* name/s/^.*name="\([^"]\+\)".*/\1/p' $M) ; do
echo "Ignore project $i"
echo " <remove-project name=\"$i\" />" >> $L
cat >> $L <<EOF2
[[ $URL != ${URL/ssh/} ]] && export GIT_SSH=ssh
repo sync
Simply extract this to a "" file and try the following:
$ mkdir android_src
$ cd android_src
$ chmod +x
$ ./