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page.title=Batching sensor results
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<h2>In this document</h2>
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<h2 id="Why">Why batch?</h2>
<p>This page presents the specificities of Batch mode and the expected behaviors
of sensors while in batch mode. Batching can enable significant power savings by
preventing the application processor from waking up to receive each event. Instead, these
events can be grouped and processed together.</p>
<h2 id="batch-function">batch(int handle, int flags, int64_t period_ns, int64_t
<p>Enabling batch mode for a given sensor sets the delay between events.
<code>max_report_latency</code> sets the maximum time by which events can be delayed and
batched together before being reported to the applications. A value of zero
disables batch mode for the given sensor. The <code>period_ns</code> parameter is equivalent
to calling setDelay() -- this function both enables or disables the batch mode
AND sets the event's period in nanoseconds. See setDelay() for a detailed
explanation of the <code>period_ns</code> parameter.</p>
<p>In non-batch mode, all sensor events must be reported as soon as they are
detected. For example, an accelerometer activated at 50Hz will trigger
interrupts 50 times per second.<br/>
While in batch mode, sensor events do not need to be reported as soon as they
are detected. They can be temporarily stored and reported in batches, as long as
no event is delayed by more than <code>maxReportingLatency</code> nanoseconds. That is, all events
since the previous batch are recorded and returned at once. This reduces the
amount of interrupts sent to the SoC and allows the SoC to switch to a lower
power mode (idle) while the sensor is capturing and batching data.</p>
<p>setDelay() is not affected and it behaves as usual. <br/>
Each event has a timestamp associated with it. The timestamp must be accurate
and correspond to the time at which the event physically happened.</p>
<p>Batching does not modify the behavior of poll(): batches from different sensors
can be interleaved and split. As usual, all events from the same sensor are
<h2 id="Suspend">Behavior outside of suspend mode</h2>
<p>These are the power modes of the application processor: on, idle, and suspend.
The sensors behave differently in each of these modes. As you would imagine, on
mode is when the application processor is running. Idle mode is a medium power mode
where the application processor is powered but doesn't perform any tasks.
Suspend is a low-power mode where the application processor is not powered. The
power consumption of the device in this mode is usually 100 times less than in the On
<p>When the SoC is awake (not in suspend mode), events must be reported in batches
at least every maxReportingLatency. No event shall be dropped or lost. If internal
hardware FIFOs fill up before the maxReportingLatency, then events are reported at that
point to ensure no event is lost.</p>
<h2 id="Normal">Normal behavior in suspend mode</h2>
<p>By default, batch mode doesn't significantly change the interaction with suspend
mode. That is, sensors must continue to allow the SoC to go into suspend mode
and sensors must stay active to fill their internal FIFO. In this mode, when the
FIFO fills up, it shall wrap around and behave like a circular buffer,
overwriting older events.<br/>
As soon as the SoC comes out of suspend mode, a batch is produced with as much
as the recent history as possible, and batch operation resumes as usual.</p>
<p>The behavior described above allows applications to record the recent history of
a set of sensor types while keeping the SoC in suspend. It also allows the
hardware to not have to rely on a wake-up interrupt line.</p>
<h2 id="WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL">WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL behavior in suspend mode</h2>
<p>There are cases, however, where an application cannot afford to lose any events,
even when the device goes into suspend mode.</p>
<p>For a given rate, if a sensor has the capability to store at least 10 seconds
worth of events in its FIFO and is able to wake up the SoC, it can implement an
optional secondary mode: the <code>WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL</code> mode.</p>
<p>The caller will set the <code>SENSORS_BATCH_WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL</code> flag to activate this
mode. If the sensor does not support this mode, batch() will fail when the flag
is set.</p>
<p>In batch mode, and only when the flag
set and supported, the specified sensor must be able to wake-up the SoC and be
able to buffer at least 10 seconds worth of the requested sensor events.</p>
<p>When running with the <code>WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL</code> flag set, no events can be lost. When
the FIFO is getting full, the sensor must wake up the SoC from suspend and
return a batch before the FIFO fills-up.</p>
<p>Depending on the device, it might take a few milliseconds for the SoC to
entirely come out of suspend and start flushing the FIFO. Enough head room must
be allocated in the FIFO to allow the device to entirely come out of suspend
without the FIFO overflowing (no events shall be lost).</p>
<p>Implementing the <code>WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL</code> mode is optional. If the hardware cannot
support this mode, or if the physical FIFO is so small that the device would
never be allowed to go into suspend for at least 10 seconds, then this function
<strong>must</strong> fail when the flag
<code>SENSORS_BATCH_WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL</code> is set, regardless
of the value of the maxReportingLatency parameter.</p>
<h2 id="Implementing">Implementing batching</h2>
<p>Batch mode, if supported, should happen at the hardware level, typically using
hardware FIFOs. In particular, it SHALL NOT be implemented in the HAL, as this
would be counter productive. The goal here is to save significant amounts of
power. Batching should be implemented without the aid of the SoC, which should
be allowed to be in suspend mode during batching.</p>
<p>In some implementations, events from several sensors can share the same physical
FIFO. In that case, all events in the FIFO can be sent and processed by the HAL
as soon as one batch must be reported.</p>
<p>For example, if the following sensors are activated:</p>
<li>accelerometer batched with <code>maxReportingLatency</code> = 20s</li>
<li>gyroscope batched with <code>maxReportingLatency</code> = 5s</li>
<p>Then the accelerometer batches can be reported at the same time the gyroscope
batches are reported (every 5 seconds).<br/>
Batch mode can be enabled or disabled at any time, in particular while the
specified sensor is already enabled; and this shall not result in the loss of
<h2 id="fifo-allocation">FiFo allocation priority</h2>
<p>On platforms in which hardware FIFO size is limited, the system designers may
have to choose how much FIFO to reserve for each sensor. To help with this
choice, here is a list of applications made possible when batching is
implemented on the different sensors.</p>
<p><strong>High value: Low power pedestrian dead reckoning</strong><br/>
Target batching time: 20 seconds to 1 minute<br/>
Sensors to batch:<br/>
- Step detector<br/>
- Rotation vector or game rotation vector at 5Hz<br/>
Gives us step and heading while letting the SoC go to Suspend.<br/>
<strong>High value: Medium power activity/gesture recognition</strong><br/>
Target batching time: 3 seconds<br/>
Sensors to batch: accelerometer between 20Hz and 50Hz<br/>
Allows recognizing arbitrary activities and gestures without having<br/>
to keep the SoC fully awake while the data is collected.<br/>
<strong>Medium-high value: Interrupt load reduction</strong><br/>
Target batching time: &lt; 1 second<br/>
Sensors to batch: any high frequency sensor.<br/>
If the gyroscope is set at 240Hz, even batching just 10 gyro events can<br/>
reduce the number of interrupts from 240/second to 24/second.<br/>
<strong>Medium value: Continuous low frequency data collection</strong><br/>
Target batching time: &gt; 1 minute<br/>
Sensors to batch: barometer, humidity sensor, other low frequency<br/>
Allows creating monitoring applications at low power.<br/>
<strong>Medium value: Continuous full-sensors collection</strong><br/>
Target batching time: &gt; 1 minute<br/>
Sensors to batch: all, at high frequencies<br/>
Allows full collection of sensor data while leaving the SoC in<br/>
suspend mode. Only to consider if fifo space is not an issue.<br/>
In each of the cases above, if <code>WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL</code> is implemented, the<br/>
applications might decide to let the SoC go to suspend, allowing for even<br/>
more power savings.</p>
<h2 id="Dry-run">Dry run</h2>
<p>If the flag <code>SENSORS_BATCH_DRY_RUN</code> is set, this function returns without
modifying the batch mode or the event period and has no side effects, but
returns errors as usual (as it would if this flag was not set). This flag is
used to check if batch mode is available for a given configuration, in
particular for a given sensor at a given rate.</p>
<h2 id="Return-values">Return values</h2>
<p>Because sensors must be independent, the return value must not depend on the
state of the system (whether another sensor is on or not), nor on whether the
flag <code>SENSORS_BATCH_DRY_RUN</code> is set (in other words, if a batch call with
<code>SENSORS_BATCH_DRY_RUN</code> is successful, the same call without
must succeed as well).</p>
<p>If successful, 0 is returned.</p>
<p>If the specified sensor doesn't support batch mode, -EINVAL is returned.<br/>
If the specified sensor's trigger-mode is one-shot, -EINVAL is returned.</p>
<p>If WAKE UPON FIFO_FULL is specified and the specified sensor's internal FIFO is
too small to store at least 10 seconds worth of data at the given rate, -EINVAL
is returned. Note that as stated above, this has to be determined at compile
time and not based on the state of the system.</p>
<p>If some other constraints above cannot be satisfied, -EINVAL is returned.<br/>
Note: The <code>maxReportingLatency</code> parameter when &gt; 0 has no impact on
whether this function succeeds or fails.<br/>
If <code>maxReportingLatency</code> is set to 0, this function must succeed.</p>
<h2 id="Supporting-docs">Supporting documentation</h2>
<p><a href="">Developer - Location and Sensors
<p><a href="">Developer - Sensors
<p><a href="">Sensors SDK API
<p><a href="{@docRoot}devices/reference/sensors_8h_source.html">Android
Hardware Abstraction Layer - sensors.h</a></p>
<p><a href="">SensorManager</a></p>