Adding a slightly reorganized version of skyler's revamped s.a.c.

Change-Id: I19439883c25d887fa4409b33a70c235af3a78eaf
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77f75d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/README b/README
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index 0000000..e94d178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ contains tutorials, references, and miscellaneous information relating to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). The current iteration of this site is fully static HTML (notably lacking in javascript and doxygen content), and is and/or was maintained by skyler (illustrious intern to the almighty JBQ).
+## Short Instructions ##
+Run the build script.
+This generates a directory html_out, which is the fully built site. Hoorah.
+## Less Short Instructions ##
+### Contents Included in Box ###
+Necessary source files include:
+    site_src/   individual page content in markdown format
+    templates/  templates for page content
+and the following content which is copied directly:
+    assets/     stylish things that make the page look pretty
+    images/     exactly what it sounds like
+    cdds/       compatibility documents in PDF format
+### Structure of Site Source ###
+The build script currently assumes that
+- directory structure in site_src is only one level deep;
+- every file under the site_src directory is an individual page of;
+- each directory within site_src is a tab of and contains its particular sidebar.
+These assumptions are kind of stupid, but for the moment, they work, because is actually very simple.
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d57762d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import glob
+import shutil
+import string
+import subprocess
+# call markdown as a subprocess, and capture the output
+def markdown(raw_file):
+  extensions = '-x tables' + ' ' + '-x "toc(title=In This Document)"'
+  command = 'markdown' + ' ' + extensions + ' ' + raw_file
+  p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)
+  return p.communicate()[0]
+# read just the title (first heading) from a source page
+def get_title(raw_file):
+  for line in open(raw_file, 'r'):
+    if '#' in line:
+      return line.strip(' #\n')
+  return ""
+# directory to compile the site to (will be clobbered during build!)
+HTML_DIR = 'out'
+# directory to look in for markdown source files
+SRC_DIR = 'src'
+# directory to look in for html templates
+TEMPLATE_DIR = 'templates'
+# filenames of templates to load, in order
+TEMPLATE_LIST = ['includes', 'header', 'sidebar', 'main', 'footer'] 
+t = ""
+for f in TEMPLATE_LIST:
+  t += open(os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, f), 'r').read()
+template = string.Template(t)
+if os.path.exists(HTML_DIR):
+  shutil.rmtree(HTML_DIR)
+category = 'home'
+for curdir, subdirs, files in os.walk(SRC_DIR):
+  print 'Processing %s...'  % (curdir,),
+  outdir = [x for x in curdir.split(os.path.sep) if x]
+  outdir[0] = HTML_DIR
+  if len(outdir) == 2:
+    category = outdir[-1]
+  outdir = os.path.join(*outdir)
+  for subdir in subdirs:
+    os.mkdir(os.path.join(outdir, subdir))
+  if '' in files:
+    sidebar = markdown(os.path.join(curdir, ''))
+    del files[files.index('')]
+  else:
+    sidebar = ''
+  for f in files:
+    print ' .',
+    if f.endswith('.md'):
+      main = markdown(os.path.join(curdir, f))
+      final = template.safe_substitute(main=main, sidebar=sidebar, category=category, title=get_title(os.path.join(curdir, f)))
+      html = file(os.path.join(outdir, f.replace('.md', '.html')), 'w')
+      html.write(final)
+    else:
+      shutil.copy(os.path.join(curdir, f), os.path.join(outdir, f))
+  print
+print 'Done.'
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..853c244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.4
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import SimpleHTTPServer, SocketServer, os
+PORT = int(os.environ.get('HTTP_PORT', 8080))
+Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
+httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler)
diff --git a/src/about/ b/src/about/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f247561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/about/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# About the Android Open Source Project #
+Android is an open-source software stack created for mobile phones and
+other devices.  The Android Open Source Project (AOSP), led by Google, is
+tasked with the maintenance and further development of Android. Many device
+manufacturers have brought to market devices running Android, and they are
+readibly available around the world.
+Our primary purpose is to build an excellent software platform for everyday
+users. A number of companies have committed many engineers to achieve this
+goal, and the result is a full production quality consumer product whose
+source is open for customization and porting.
+You can find more information about Android from these pages:
+- [Our Project Philosophy and Goals](philosophy.html)
+- [People and Roles](roles.html)
+- [Interacting with the Project](/source/index.html)
+- [Android Compatibility](/compatibility/index.html)
+- [Licensing Information](licenses.html)
diff --git a/src/about/ b/src/about/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..677abcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/about/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Licenses #
+The Android Open Source Project uses a few [open source initiative]( 
+approved open source licenses for our software.
+## Android Open Source Project license ##
+The preferred license for the Android Open Source Project is the [Apache 
+Software License, 2.0]( ("Apache 2.0"), 
+and the majority of the Android software is licensed
+with Apache 2.0. While the project will strive to adhere to the preferred
+license, there may be exceptions which will be handled on a case-by-case
+basis. For example, the Linux kernel patches are under the GPLv2 license with
+system exceptions, which can be found on [](
+## Contributor License Grants ##
+All *individual* contributors (that is, contributors making contributions
+only on their own behalf) of ideas, code, or documentation to the Android Open
+Source Project will be required to complete, sign, and submit an [Individual
+Contributor License Grant](cla-individual.html). The grant can be executed online through the
+[code review tool](,agreements). 
+The grant clearly defines the terms under which intellectual
+property has been contributed to the Android Open Source Project. This license
+is for your protection as a contributor as well as the protection of the
+project; it does not change your rights to use your own contributions for any
+other purpose.
+For a *corporation* (or other entity) that has assigned employees to
+work on the Android Open Source Project, a [Corporate
+Contributor License Grant](cla-corporate.html) is available. 
+This version of the grant allows a
+corporation to authorize contributions submitted by its designated employees
+and to grant copyright and patent licenses. Note that a Corporate Contributor
+License Grant does not remove the need for any developer to sign their own
+Individual Contributor License Grant as an individual, to cover any of their
+contributions which are *not* owned by the corporation signing the
+Corporate Contributor License Grant.
+Please note that we based our grants on the ones that the 
+[Apache Software Foundation]( uses, which can
+be found on [the Apache web site](
+## Why Apache Software License? ##
+We are sometimes asked why Apache Software License 2.0 is the preferred
+license for Android. For userspace (that is, non-kernel) software, we do in
+fact prefer ASL2.0 (and similar licenses like BSD, MIT, etc.) over other
+licenses such as LGPL.
+Android is about freedom and choice. The purpose of Android is promote
+openness in the mobile world, but we don't believe it's possible to predict or
+dictate all the uses to which people will want to put our software. So, while
+we encourage everyone to make devices that are open and modifiable, we don't
+believe it is our place to force them to do so. Using LGPL libraries would
+often force them to do so.
+Here are some of our specific concerns:
+- LGPL (in simplified terms) requires either: shipping of source to the
+application; a written offer for source; or linking the LGPL-ed library
+dynamically and allowing users to manually upgrade or replace the library.
+Since Android software is typically shipped in the form of a static system
+image, complying with these requirements ends up restricting OEMs' designs.
+(For instance, it's difficult for a user to replace a library on read-only
+flash storage.)
+- LGPL requires allowance of customer modification and reverse
+engineering for debugging those modifications.  Most device makers do
+not want to have to be bound by these terms, so to minimize the burden on
+these companies we minimize usage of LGPL software in userspace.</li>
+- Historically, LGPL libraries have been the source of a large number
+of compliance problems for downstream device makers and application
+developers. Educating engineers on these issues is difficult and slow-going,
+unfortunately. It's critical to Android's success that it be as easy as
+possible for device makers to comply with the licenses.  Given the
+difficulties with complying with LGPL in the past, it is most prudent to
+simply not use LGPL libraries if we can avoid it.
+The issues discussed above are our reasons for preferring ASL2.0 for
+our own code. They aren't criticisms of LGPL or other licenses. We do
+feel strongly on this topic, even to the point where we've gone out of our
+way to make sure as much code as possible is ASL2.0. However, we love all free
+and open source licenses, and respect others' opinions and preferences. We've
+simply decided that ASL2.0 is the right license for our goals.
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+++ b/src/about/
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+# Philosophy and Goals #
+Android is an open-source software stack for mobile phones and other
+## Origin and Goal ##
+Android was originated by a group of companies known as the Open Handset
+Alliance, led by Google. Today, many companies -- both original members of the
+OHA and others -- have invested heavily in Android, typically in the form of
+allocating significant engineering resources to improve Android and bring
+Android devices to Market.
+We created Android in response to our own experiences launching mobile
+apps. We wanted to make sure that there would always be an open platform
+available for carriers, OEMs, and developers to use to make their innovative
+ideas a reality. We wanted to make sure that there was no central point of
+failure, where one industry player could restrict or control the innovations
+of any other. The solution we chose was an open and open-source platform.
+The goal of the Android Open Source Project is to create a successful
+real-world product that improves the mobile experience for end users.
+## Governance Philosophy ##
+The companies that have invested in Android have done so on its merits,
+because we believe that an open platform is necessary. Android is
+intentionally and explicitly an open-source -- as opposed to free software --
+effort: a group of organizations with shared needs has pooled
+resources to collaborate on a single implementation of a shared product. 
+The Android philosophy is pragmatic, first and foremost. The objective is
+a shared product that each contributor can tailor and customize.
+Uncontrolled customization can, of course, lead to incompatible
+implementations. To prevent this, the AOSP also maintains the Android
+Compatibility Program, which spells out what it means to be "Android
+compatible", and what is required of device builders to achieve that status.
+Anyone can (and will!) use the Android source code for any purpose, and we
+welcome all such uses. However, in order to take part in the shared
+ecosystem of applications that we are building around Android, device builders
+must participate in the Compatibility Program.
+Though Android consists of multiple sub-projects, this is strictly a
+project-management technique. We view and manage Android as a single,
+holistic software product, not a "distribution", specification, or collection
+of replaceable parts. Our intent is that device builders port
+Android to a device; they don't implement a specification or curate a
+## How We Work ##
+We know that quality does not come without hard work. Along with many
+partners, Google has contributed full-time engineers, product managers, UI
+designers, Quality Assurance, and all the other roles required to bring
+modern devices to market.  We roll the open source administration and
+maintenance into the larger product development cycle.
+- At any given moment, there is a current latest release of the Android
+platform. This typically takes the form of a branch in the tree.
+- Device builders and Contributors work with the current
+latest release, fixing bugs, launching new devices, experimenting with new
+features, and so on.
+- In parallel, Google works internally on the next version of the
+Android platform and framework, working according to the product's needs and
+goals. We develop the next version of Android by working with a device partner
+on a flagship device whose specifications are chosen to push Android
+in the direction we believe it should go.
+- When the "n+1"th version is ready, it will be published to the public
+source tree, and become the new latest release.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1badf26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/about/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# People and Roles #
+The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) includes individuals working in a variety
+of roles. As noted in [Our Philosophy](about/philosophy.html), Google is responsible for Android product management
+and the engineering process for the core framework and platform; however,
+the project considers contributions from any source, not just Google. This
+page describes the kinds of roles that interested parties can take on.
+Anyone who is interested in exploring and contributing to Android can use the
+Android Open Source Project resources. Anyone can join the mailing lists, ask
+questions, contribute patches, report bugs, look at submitted patches, and use
+the tools. To get started with the Android code, see [Get Involved](source/index.html).
+## Contributor ##
+A "Contributor" is anyone making contributions to the AOSP source code,
+including both employees of Google or other companies, as well as external
+developers who are contributing to Android on their own behalf.  There is no
+distinction between Contributors who are employed by Google, and those who are
+not: all engineers use the same tools (git, repo, and gerrit), 
+follow the same code review process, and are subject
+to the same requirements on code style and so on.
+## Developer ##
+A "Developer" is an engineer writing applications that run on Android
+devices. There is, of course, no difference in skillset between a "Developer"
+and a "Contributor", but AOSP uses "Developer" to distinguish between
+engineers using the platform and those contributing to it. Developers are
+(along with end users) the "customers" of the platform that the Contributors
+create. As such, we talk about Developers a lot, though this isn't technically
+a separate role in the AOSP per se.
+## Verifier ##
+"Verifiers" are responsible for testing change requests. After individuals
+have submitted a significant amount of high-quality code to the project, the
+Project Leads might invite them to become Verifiers. *Note: at this
+time, generally Verifiers are the same as Approvers.*
+## Approver ##
+"Approvers" are experienced members of the project who have demonstrated their
+design skills and have made significant technical contributions to the
+project. In the code-review process, an Approver decides whether to include or
+exclude a change. Project Leads (who are typically employed by Google) choose
+the Approvers, sometimes promoting to this position Verifiers who have
+demonstrated their expertise within a specific project.
+## Project Leads ##
+Android consists of a number of sub-projects; you can see these in the git
+repository, as individual .git files. Tech Leads are senior Contributors who
+oversee the engineering for individual Android projects. Typically these tech
+leads will be Google employees.  A Project Lead for an individual project is
+responsible for the following:
+- Lead all technical aspects of the project; for example, the project roadmap, 
+  development, release cycles, versioning, and QA.
+- Ensure that the project is QA-ed in time for scheduled Android platform
+  releases.
+- Designate Verifiers and Approvers for submitted patches.
+- Be fair and unbiased while reviewing changes. Accept or reject patches
+  based on technical merit and alignment with the Android strategy.
+- Review changes in a timely manner and make best efforts to communicate
+  when changes are not accepted.
+- Optionally maintain a web site for the project for information and
+  documents specific to the project.
+- Act as a facilitator in resolving technical conflicts.
+- Be a public face for the project and the go-to person for questions
+  related to the project.
diff --git a/src/about/ b/src/about/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acc32cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/about/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Links #
+- [Project Philosophy](philosophy.html)
+- [People and Roles](roles.html)
+- [Getting Involved](/source/index.html)
+- [Compatibility](/compatibility/index.html)
+- [Licensing Information](licenses.html)
diff --git a/src/assets/bg_fade.jpg b/src/assets/bg_fade.jpg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c6c70b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/bg_fade.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/assets/bg_images_sprite.png b/src/assets/bg_images_sprite.png
new file mode 100755
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+++ b/src/assets/bg_images_sprite.png
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8884b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/favicon.ico
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/assets/main.css b/src/assets/main.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a089e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/main.css
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+/* reset styles */
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, 
+dl, dt, dd, 
+table, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {
+  border: 0;
+  margin: 0;
+  padding: 0;
+/* OVERALL */
+body {
+  background-color: white;
+  overflow: auto;
+body {
+  background: white url(bg_fade.jpg) repeat-x;
+  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+  font-size: 13px;
+a {
+  color: #069;
+a.visited {
+  color: #036;
+p, ul, ol, li {
+  line-height: 1.3em;
+table {
+  border-collapse: collapse;
+  border-width: 0;
+  empty-cells: show;
+  font-size: 1em;
+  margin: 0 0 1em 0;
+  padding: 0;
+td, th {
+  background-color: inherit;
+  border: 1px solid #ccc;
+  padding: 6px 12px;
+  text-align: left;
+  vertical-align: top;
+th {
+  background-color: #dee8f1;
+/* HEADER */
+#header {
+  border-bottom: 3px solid #94b922;
+  height: 111px;
+  padding: 0 10px;
+#header ul {
+  height: 29px;
+  list-style: none;
+  margin: 7px 0 0;  
+  padding: 0;
+#header li {
+  float: left;
+  margin: 0px 2px 0px 0px;
+  padding: 0;
+#header li a {
+  background: url(bg_images_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -58px;
+  color: #666;
+  display: block;
+  font-size: 13px;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  height: 29px;
+  margin: 0px;
+  text-decoration: none;
+  text-align: center;
+  width: 94px;
+#header li a:hover 
+  background: url(bg_images_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -29px;
+/* tab highlighting */
+.home #home-link a, #community-link a,
+.porting #porting-link a,
+.source #source-link a,
+.about #about-link a,
+.compatibility #compatibility-link a {
+  background: green url(bg_images_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 0;
+  color: #fff;
+  cursor:default;
+  font-weight: bold;
+#header li a span {
+  position: relative;
+  top: 7px;
+#headerLeft {
+  padding-top: 25px;
+#headerLeft img {
+  height: 50px;
+  width: 349px;
+#headerRight {
+  position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0;
+  text-align: right;
+#headerLinks {
+  font-size: 11px;
+  height: 13px;
+  margin: 10px 10px 0 0;
+  vertical-align: top;
+#headerLinks a {
+  color: #7FA9B5;
+#headerLinks img {
+  vertical-align: middle;
+/* SIDEBAR */
+#sidebar {
+  background-color: #fff;
+  float: left;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  margin-top: 1em;
+  padding-left: 6px;
+  width: 250px;
+#sidebar h1 {
+  font-size: 12px;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  margin: .5em 0 0 0;
+  padding: 3px 0 1px 9px;
+#sidebar ul {
+  list-style: none;
+  margin: 0;
+  padding: 0 0 5px 18px;
+#sidebar ul ul {
+  margin-top: .35em;
+#sidebar li {
+  line-height: 16px;
+  padding: 0;
+#sidebar li a {
+  text-decoration: none;
+#sidebar li a:hover {
+  text-decoration: underline;
+/* FOOTER */
+#footer {
+  clear: both;
+  font-size: 80%;
+  margin: 0 3em;
+#footerLeft {
+  float: left;
+#footerRight {
+  float: right;
+/* MAIN */
+#main {
+  margin: 1em;
+  overflow: hidden;
+#main h1 {
+  color: #5d7d99;
+  font-size: 150%;
+#main h2 {
+  color: #435a6e;
+  font-size: 120%;
+#main h3 {
+  color: #1f2a33;
+  font-size: 110%;
+p {
+  margin: 1em 0 1em 0;
+code {
+  font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;
+pre {
+  color: #007000;
+  background-color: #fafafa;
+  border: solid 1px #ccc;
+  margin: 1em 0 1em 0;
+  padding: 1em;
+.toc {
+  background-color: #fafafa;
+  border: 1px solid #94b922;
+  display: inline-block; 
+  padding: 1em;
+  margin: 1em 0;
+.toctitle {
+  color: #007000;
+  font-size: 110%;
+.toc ul {
+  list-style: none;
+  margin-left: 0;
+  padding: 0;
+.toc li {
+  margin-left: 1em;
+  padding: 0;
+/* REBOX (the little blue boxes on the home page) */
+.rebox {
+  background: #daf3fc;
+  border-collapse: collapse;
+  border-width: 0px;
+  float: left; 
+  font-size: 13px;
+  margin: 1em 1em 1.5em 1em;
+  -moz-border-radius: 5px;
+  -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+  width: 30%; 
+.rebox p img {
+  display: block;
+  margin-bottom: 2em;
+.rebox p {
+  line-height: 1.25em;
+  margin-bottom: 16px;
+.rebox h2, .rebox h3 {
+  background: url('rebox-gradient.gif') no-repeat center bottom #95c0d0;
+  color: white;
+  display: block;
+  font-size: 16px;
+  padding: .5em .5em .5em .75em;
+  -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;
+  -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;
+  -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;
+  -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px;
+.rebox img {
+  float: left;
+  margin: 1em; margin-bottom: 5em;
+  padding: 0 0 3em 0;
diff --git a/src/assets/rebox-gradient.gif b/src/assets/rebox-gradient.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..124e844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/rebox-gradient.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/community/ b/src/community/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cfac22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/community/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Android Discussion Groups Charter #
+## Audience ##
+These discussion groups are intended for developers working with the
+Android platform. Everyone is welcome to join in, provided you follow our
+community's policies described below. Our users help each other, and many
+experts post to these groups, including members of the Open Handset Alliance.
+No topic is off-limits, provided it relates to Android in some way.
+However, since these are very busy lists, search the archives before posting
+your question; you may find your question has already been answered.
+## Mailing list rules ##
+We love simplicity and hate restrictions, so we keep our policies minimal.
+The rules below describe what's expected of subscribers to the Android mailing
+- *Please be friendly*: 
+    Showing courtesy and respect to others is a vital part of the Android culture, and we expect everyone participating in the Android community to join us in accepting nothing less. Being courteous does not mean we can't constructively disagree with each other, but it does mean that we must be polite when we do so. There's never a reason to be antagonistic or dismissive
+toward anyone; if you think there is, think again before you post.
+    Mobile development is serious business, but it's also a lot of
+fun. Let's keep it that way. Let's strive to be one of the friendliest
+communities in all of open source.
+- *Allowed discussion topics*: 
+    Most of our groups are for technical discussions of Android or users helping each other. Generally we don't put hard restrictions on the topics discussed in the group: as long as the topic is relevant to Android in some way, it's welcome on our groups.  We welcome announcements and discussion of products, libraries, publications, and other interesting Android-related news,
+but *please do not cross-post*. Post only to the most relevant group for your message. We even welcome (polite!) discussion of articles and ideas critical of Android--after all, we can't improve if we don't listen.
+- *Working Lists*: 
+    Some of our groups are considered "working lists", by which we mean that the list is intended to be used in support of the completion of specific tasks. On these groups, we don't welcome off-topic conversations, and will generally ask you to take general discussions to a different list. Since these are lists where people are trying to get work done, we will be pretty aggressive about keeping the noise level low. We ask that you respect our contributors' time and keep general discussions to appropriate lists.
+- *Spam*: 
+    We hate spam almost as passionately as we love courtesy and respect, so we reserve the right to limit discussions that amount to spam. Outright spam will result in the spammer being immediately and permanently banned from the list.
+The most important rule is friendliness. Remember: disrespect and rudeness are not welcome in our community under any circumstances. We don't have a formal policy on dealing with troublemakers, and we hope we never need one. That said, we do pledge to do our best to be fair, and we will always try to warn someone before banning him or her.
+## Contacting the moderators ##
+If you see anyone being rude, call them out on it. This is your group too, and you don't have to accept someone else being disrespectful just because it wasn't directed at you. Just remember to be polite and courteous yourself! Don't add fuel to the fire.
+But if you see an outrageous violation, want to report spam, feel very strongly about something, or even if you just want to chat, then contact the mailing list's owners. It's what we're here for!
diff --git a/src/community/ b/src/community/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4868bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/community/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Android Community #
+Welcome to the Android community!
+The key to any community is, obviously, communication. Like most projects,
+Android communicates via mailing lists. Because Android is an extremely large
+project with many components, we have many discussion forums, each focusing on
+a different topic.
+Please check out the groups below, and join any that seem interesting to
+you. Note that if you're a user looking for help with your Android device,
+this page probably isn't for you; you should contact your carrier or retailer
+for help with your phone.
+Please note that if you're looking for information about building
+applications for Android, you can find a separate set of groups for those at
+our sister site, []
+## Getting the Most from Our Lists ##
+Please consider the following before you post to our lists.
+- *Read the [Charter for our forums.](groups-charter.html)* This explains the (few) rules and guidelines for our community.
+- *Search the group archives to see whether your questions have already been discussed.* This avoids time-wasting redundant discussions.
+- *Use a clear, relevant message subject.* This helps everyone, both those trying to answer your question as well as those who may be looking for information in the future.
+- *Give plenty of details in your post.* Code or log snippets, pointers to screenshots, and similar details will get better results and make for better discussions. For a great guide to phrasing your questions, read [How to Ask Questions the Smart Way](
+## Open Source Project discussions ##
+- *android-platform*: 
+    This list is for general discussion about the Android open-source project or the platform technologies.
+    - Subscribe using Google Groups: [android-platform](
+    - Subscribe via email: [android-platform](
+- *android-building*:
+    Subscribe to this list for discussion and help on building the Android source code, and on the build system. If you've just checked out the source code and have questions about how to turn it into binaries, start here.
+    - Subscribe using Google Groups: [android-building](
+    - Subscribe via email: [android-building](
+- *android-porting*:
+    This list is for developers who want to port Android to a new device. If you're wondering how to combine the Android source code with your hardware, this is the right group for you. Discuss here the specifics of porting Android to individual devices, from obtaining toolchains and merging kernel drivers all the way to configuring or modifying applications for your specific
+    - Subscribe using Google Groups: [android-porting](
+    - Subscribe via email: [android-porting](
+- *android-contrib*:
+    This list is for developers who want to contribute code to Android. This is a working list, and is not appropriate for general discussion. We ask that general discussion go to android-platform.  Note: contributors to the Android kernel should go to the android-kernel list, below.
+    - Subscribe using Google Groups: [android-contrib](
+    - Subscribe via email: [android-contrib](
+- *android-kernel*:
+    This list is for deveopers who want to contribute to the Linux kernel that Android devices use. If you've downloaded the kernel code, if you know how to compile it, if you want to write kernel code to specifically support Android,
+this is your place. This group isn't for user-space topics (see android-platform for that), and people will shake their fingers at you and call you naughty if you ask user-space questions here.
+    - Subscribe using Google Groups: [android-kernel](
+    - Subscribe via email: [android-kernel](
+## Using email with Google Groups ##
+Instead of using the [Google groups]( site, you can use your email client of choice to participate in the mailing lists.
+To subscribe to a group without using the Google Groups site, use the link under "subscribe via email" in the lists above.
+To set up how you receive mailing list postings by email:
+1. Sign into the group via the Google Groups site. For example, for the android-platform group you would [].
+1. Click "Edit my membership" on the right side.
+1. Under "How do you want to read this group?" select one of the email options.
+## Android on IRC ##
+We also have a presence on IRC via [freenode](
+We maintain two official IRC channels on [](irc:// (access via the web
+at [freenode webchat](
+- [\#android](irc:// - dedicated to general Android discussion and porting concerns
+- [\#android-dev](irc:// - dedicated to discussion about writing Android applications
+The channels above are official. There are a few other channels the
+community is using, but are not official. These aren't official or officially
+moderated/managed, so you use the channels below at your own risk. The Open
+Handset Alliance doesn't endorse these channels, there's no warranty express
+or implied, and so on. There may be more channels than just these listed.
+- [\#android-firehose](irc:// - displays in real-time the commits to the Android Open Source Project
+- [\#android-fr](irc:// - pour discuter d'Android en français
+- [\#android-offtopic](irc:// - for, well, off-topic discussions
+- [\#android-root](irc:// - for discussion related to off-label uses of hardware
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/community/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Discussion Groups #
+- [android-building]( (off-site)
+- [android-contrib]( (off-site)
+- [android-kernel]( (off-site)
+- [android-platform]( (off-site)
+- [android-porting]( (off-site)
+- [repo-discuss]( (off-site)
+# Other Links #
+- [Groups Charter](groups-charter.html)
+- [App Developer Groups]( (off-site)
diff --git a/src/compatibility/1.6/android-1.6-cdd.pdf b/src/compatibility/1.6/android-1.6-cdd.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba7b4ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compatibility/1.6/android-1.6-cdd.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/compatibility/2.1/android-2.1-cdd.pdf b/src/compatibility/2.1/android-2.1-cdd.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fe54c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compatibility/2.1/android-2.1-cdd.pdf
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fcf50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compatibility/2.1/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+page.title=Permitted Version Strings for Android 2.1
+As described in Section 3.2.2 of the [Android 2.1 Compatibility Definition](android-2.1-cdd.pdf)
+Definition</a>, only certain strings are allowable for the system property
+<code>android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE</code>. The reason for this is that
+applications and web sites may rely on predictable values for this string, and
+so that end users can easily and reliably identify the version of Android
+running on their devices.
+Because subsequent releases of the Android software may revise this string,
+but not change any API behavior, such releases may not be accompanied by a new
+Compatibility Definition Document. This page lists the versions that are
+allowable by an Android 2.1-based system. The only permitted values for
+<code>android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE</code> for Android 2.1 are:
+- 2.1
+- 2.1-update1
diff --git a/src/compatibility/2.2/android-2.2-cdd.pdf b/src/compatibility/2.2/android-2.2-cdd.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbc1e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compatibility/2.2/android-2.2-cdd.pdf
@@ -0,0 +1,4080 @@

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+ 39 0 R

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+ 41 0 R

+ 42 0 R

+ 43 0 R

+ 44 0 R

+ 45 0 R

+ 46 0 R ]

+ /Contents 237 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

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+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ]

+ /XObject << /FormXob.a31102908a592e8f94c7b4e032ffcc37 3 0 R >> >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER43': class LinkAnnotation 

+48 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 583.6725

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 730.6775

+ 115.015

+ 741.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER44': class LinkAnnotation 

+49 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 419.5475

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 719.4275

+ 152.53

+ 730.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER45': class LinkAnnotation 

+50 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 310.4225

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 708.1775

+ 185.86

+ 719.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER46': class LinkAnnotation 

+51 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 169.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 696.9275

+ 126.265

+ 708.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER47': class LinkAnnotation 

+52 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 388.5475

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 685.6775

+ 152.11

+ 696.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER48': class LinkAnnotation 

+53 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 322.6725

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 674.4275

+ 135.4375

+ 685.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER49': class LinkAnnotation 

+54 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 256.7975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 663.1775

+ 119.605

+ 674.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER50': class LinkAnnotation 

+55 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 202.1725

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 651.9275

+ 138.7825

+ 663.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER51': class LinkAnnotation 

+56 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 104.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 640.6775

+ 173.7925

+ 651.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER52': class LinkAnnotation 

+57 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 612.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 629.4275

+ 195.0625

+ 640.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER53': class LinkAnnotation 

+58 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 343.1725

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 618.1775

+ 135.4525

+ 629.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER54': class LinkAnnotation 

+59 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 222.3888

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 604.9275

+ 166.2775

+ 616.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER55': class LinkAnnotation 

+60 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 632.8888

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 593.6775

+ 177.115

+ 604.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER56': class LinkAnnotation 

+61 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 538.36

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 580.4275

+ 144.6025

+ 591.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER57': class LinkAnnotation 

+62 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 461.235

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 569.1775

+ 190.465

+ 580.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER58': class LinkAnnotation 

+63 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 384.11

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 557.9275

+ 182.5225

+ 569.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER59': class LinkAnnotation 

+64 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 318.235

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 546.6775

+ 216.73

+ 557.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER60': class LinkAnnotation 

+65 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 162 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 591.1387

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 533.4275

+ 161.2825

+ 544.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER61': class LinkAnnotation 

+66 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 162 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 452.9513

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 522.1775

+ 148.375

+ 533.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER62': class LinkAnnotation 

+67 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 162 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 226.0138

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 510.9275

+ 119.605

+ 522.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER63': class LinkAnnotation 

+68 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 747.2637

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 499.6775

+ 200.065

+ 510.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page2': class PDFPage 

+69 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 48 0 R

+ 49 0 R

+ 50 0 R

+ 51 0 R

+ 52 0 R

+ 53 0 R

+ 54 0 R

+ 55 0 R

+ 56 0 R

+ 57 0 R

+ 58 0 R

+ 59 0 R

+ 60 0 R

+ 61 0 R

+ 62 0 R

+ 63 0 R

+ 64 0 R

+ 65 0 R

+ 66 0 R

+ 67 0 R

+ 68 0 R ]

+ /Contents 238 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER64': class LinkAnnotation 

+70 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 417.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 125.8675

+ 663.865

+ 170.05

+ 675.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER65': class LinkAnnotation 

+71 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 404.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 326.365

+ 565.865

+ 370.5475

+ 577.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER66': class LinkAnnotation 

+72 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 390.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 309.6925

+ 522.615

+ 353.875

+ 533.865 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER67': class PDFDictionary 

+73 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 189.625

+ 405.1775

+ 297.1675

+ 416.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER68': class PDFDictionary 

+74 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 205.45

+ 391.9275

+ 369.6775

+ 403.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER69': class PDFDictionary 

+75 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 167.965

+ 378.6775

+ 254.6725

+ 389.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER70': class PDFDictionary 

+76 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 184.2325

+ 365.4275

+ 363.4825

+ 376.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER71': class PDFDictionary 

+77 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 172.9525

+ 352.1775

+ 413.8825

+ 363.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER72': class PDFDictionary 

+78 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 157.96

+ 338.9275

+ 358.885

+ 350.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER73': class PDFDictionary 

+79 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 186.715

+ 325.6775

+ 373.45

+ 336.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER74': class PDFDictionary 

+80 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 171.7

+ 312.4275

+ 400.96

+ 323.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER75': class PDFDictionary 

+81 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 95.005

+ 299.1775

+ 307.1575

+ 310.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER76': class PDFDictionary 

+82 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 114.5275

+ 272.6775

+ 374.23

+ 283.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER77': class PDFDictionary 

+83 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 114.94

+ 259.4275

+ 346.2925

+ 270.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER78': class PDFDictionary 

+84 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 148.705

+ 246.1775

+ 368.8

+ 257.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER79': class PDFDictionary 

+85 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 162.8875

+ 232.9275

+ 477.1975

+ 244.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER80': class PDFDictionary 

+86 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 129.535

+ 219.6775

+ 371.7325

+ 230.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER81': class PDFDictionary 

+87 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 96.6025

+ 206.4275

+ 313.3675

+ 217.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER82': class PDFDictionary 

+88 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 127.4425

+ 193.1775

+ 351.265

+ 204.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER83': class PDFDictionary 

+89 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 129.955

+ 179.9275

+ 269.1925

+ 191.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER84': class PDFDictionary 

+90 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 245.845

+ 166.6775

+ 453.865

+ 177.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER85': class PDFDictionary 

+91 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 164.1325

+ 153.4275

+ 364.645

+ 164.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER86': class PDFDictionary 

+92 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 117.8575

+ 140.1775

+ 349.2025

+ 151.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER87': class PDFDictionary 

+93 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 138.7075

+ 126.9275

+ 355.06

+ 138.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER88': class PDFDictionary 

+94 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 179.965

+ 113.6775

+ 452.1775

+ 124.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER89': class PDFDictionary 

+95 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 167.8825

+ 100.4275

+ 389.23

+ 111.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER90': class PDFDictionary 

+96 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 184.9825

+ 87.1775

+ 443.02

+ 98.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page3': class PDFPage 

+97 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 70 0 R

+ 71 0 R

+ 72 0 R

+ 73 0 R

+ 74 0 R

+ 75 0 R

+ 76 0 R

+ 77 0 R

+ 78 0 R

+ 79 0 R

+ 80 0 R

+ 81 0 R

+ 82 0 R

+ 83 0 R

+ 84 0 R

+ 85 0 R

+ 86 0 R

+ 87 0 R

+ 88 0 R

+ 89 0 R

+ 90 0 R

+ 91 0 R

+ 92 0 R

+ 93 0 R

+ 94 0 R

+ 95 0 R

+ 96 0 R ]

+ /Contents 239 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER91': class PDFDictionary 

+98 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 161.6125

+ 730.6775

+ 396.28

+ 741.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER92': class PDFDictionary 

+99 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 161.2075

+ 717.4275

+ 395.47

+ 728.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER93': class PDFDictionary 

+100 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 157.0525

+ 704.1775

+ 407.5825

+ 715.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER94': class PDFDictionary 

+101 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 220.3975

+ 690.9275

+ 429.6475

+ 702.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER95': class PDFDictionary 

+102 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 119.9575

+ 677.6775

+ 388.825

+ 688.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER96': class LinkAnnotation 

+103 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 377.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 460.615

+ 462.365

+ 504.7975

+ 473.615 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER97': class LinkAnnotation 

+104 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 364.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 470.995

+ 311.74

+ 515.1775

+ 322.99 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'F3': class PDFType1Font 

+105 0 obj

+% Font Courier

+<< /BaseFont /Courier

+ /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding

+ /Name /F3

+ /Subtype /Type1

+ /Type /Font >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER98': class LinkAnnotation 

+106 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 351.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 336.2725

+ 258.99

+ 380.455

+ 270.24 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'F4': class PDFType1Font 

+107 0 obj

+% Font Times-Roman

+<< /BaseFont /Times-Roman

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+ /Name /F4

+ /Subtype /Type1

+ /Type /Font >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER99': class LinkAnnotation 

+108 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 337.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 350.19

+ 182.99

+ 394.3725

+ 194.24 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page4': class PDFPage 

+109 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 98 0 R

+ 99 0 R

+ 100 0 R

+ 101 0 R

+ 102 0 R

+ 103 0 R

+ 104 0 R

+ 106 0 R

+ 108 0 R ]

+ /Contents 240 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Page5': class PDFPage 

+110 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

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+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Page6': class PDFPage 

+111 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

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+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER100': class LinkAnnotation 

+112 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 324.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 381.61

+ 261.6775

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+ 272.9275 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page7': class PDFPage 

+113 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+ 0

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+ 792 ]

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+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER101': class LinkAnnotation 

+114 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 311.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 447.265

+ 645.6775

+ 491.4475

+ 656.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER102': class LinkAnnotation 

+115 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 311.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 160.4575

+ 506.4275

+ 204.64

+ 517.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER103': class LinkAnnotation 

+116 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 390.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 125.4475

+ 429.3025

+ 169.63

+ 440.5525 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page8': class PDFPage 

+117 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 114 0 R

+ 115 0 R

+ 116 0 R ]

+ /Contents 244 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER104': class LinkAnnotation 

+118 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 298.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 500.1475

+ 503.0525

+ 548.5

+ 514.3025 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER105': class LinkAnnotation 

+119 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 284.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 515.1475

+ 352.4275

+ 553.075

+ 363.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER106': class LinkAnnotation 

+120 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 284.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 55

+ 341.1775

+ 63.34

+ 352.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER107': class LinkAnnotation 

+121 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 271.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 313.045

+ 233.9275

+ 361.3975

+ 245.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER108': class LinkAnnotation 

+122 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 258.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 448.06

+ 201.9275

+ 496.4125

+ 213.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER109': class LinkAnnotation 

+123 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 245.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 124.615

+ 190.6775

+ 172.9675

+ 201.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER110': class LinkAnnotation 

+124 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 231.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 132.535

+ 126.6775

+ 180.8875

+ 137.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page9': class PDFPage 

+125 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 118 0 R

+ 119 0 R

+ 120 0 R

+ 121 0 R

+ 122 0 R

+ 123 0 R

+ 124 0 R ]

+ /Contents 245 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER111': class LinkAnnotation 

+126 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 218.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 217.9075

+ 612.1775

+ 266.26

+ 623.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER112': class LinkAnnotation 

+127 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 205.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 73.7575

+ 548.1775

+ 122.11

+ 559.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER113': class LinkAnnotation 

+128 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 192.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 188.2975

+ 319.49

+ 236.65

+ 330.74 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER114': class LinkAnnotation 

+129 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 178.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 499.5925

+ 148.8025

+ 547.945

+ 160.0525 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER115': class LinkAnnotation 

+130 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 165.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 257.9875

+ 128.0525

+ 306.34

+ 139.3025 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER116': class LinkAnnotation 

+131 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 152.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 373.0375

+ 128.0525

+ 421.39

+ 139.3025 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER117': class LinkAnnotation 

+132 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 298.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 493.5025

+ 128.0525

+ 541.855

+ 139.3025 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page10': class PDFPage 

+133 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 126 0 R

+ 127 0 R

+ 128 0 R

+ 129 0 R

+ 130 0 R

+ 131 0 R

+ 132 0 R ]

+ /Contents 246 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Page11': class PDFPage 

+134 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Contents 247 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Page12': class PDFPage 

+135 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Contents 248 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER118': class LinkAnnotation 

+136 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 178.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 207.1

+ 663.865

+ 255.4525

+ 675.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER119': class LinkAnnotation 

+137 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 178.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 239.6275

+ 628.115

+ 287.98

+ 639.365 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER120': class LinkAnnotation 

+138 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 139.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 98.3425

+ 592.365

+ 146.695

+ 603.615 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER121': class LinkAnnotation 

+139 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 125.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 392.7925

+ 329.6775

+ 441.145

+ 340.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER122': class LinkAnnotation 

+140 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 112.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 332.6125

+ 263.8025

+ 380.965

+ 275.0525 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page13': class PDFPage 

+141 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 136 0 R

+ 137 0 R

+ 138 0 R

+ 139 0 R

+ 140 0 R ]

+ /Contents 249 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER123': class LinkAnnotation 

+142 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 99.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 273.535

+ 719.4275

+ 321.8875

+ 730.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER124': class LinkAnnotation 

+143 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 742.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 460.75

+ 478.1775

+ 509.1025

+ 489.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER125': class LinkAnnotation 

+144 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 99.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 259.42

+ 263.3025

+ 307.7725

+ 274.5525 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER126': class LinkAnnotation 

+145 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 99.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 381.79

+ 174.6775

+ 430.1425

+ 185.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page14': class PDFPage 

+146 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 142 0 R

+ 143 0 R

+ 144 0 R

+ 145 0 R ]

+ /Contents 250 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER127': class LinkAnnotation 

+147 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 99.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 304.7875

+ 617.5525

+ 353.14

+ 628.8025 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page15': class PDFPage 

+148 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 147 0 R ]

+ /Contents 251 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER128': class LinkAnnotation 

+149 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 729.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 425.56

+ 574.4275

+ 473.9125

+ 585.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER129': class LinkAnnotation 

+150 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 716.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 433.0675

+ 332.0525

+ 481.42

+ 343.3025 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER130': class LinkAnnotation 

+151 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 716.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 397.6375

+ 266.1775

+ 445.99

+ 277.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page16': class PDFPage 

+152 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 149 0 R

+ 150 0 R

+ 151 0 R ]

+ /Contents 252 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER131': class LinkAnnotation 

+153 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 689.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 180.895

+ 286.6775

+ 229.2475

+ 297.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page17': class PDFPage 

+154 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 153 0 R ]

+ /Contents 253 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER132': class LinkAnnotation 

+155 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 703.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 164.2225

+ 570.24

+ 212.575

+ 581.49 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER133': class LinkAnnotation 

+156 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 703.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 465.5875

+ 493.115

+ 513.94

+ 504.365 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER134': class LinkAnnotation 

+157 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 703.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 345.55

+ 393.49

+ 393.9025

+ 404.74 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER135': class LinkAnnotation 

+158 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 703.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 57.085

+ 327.615

+ 105.4375

+ 338.865 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page18': class PDFPage 

+159 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 155 0 R

+ 156 0 R

+ 157 0 R

+ 158 0 R ]

+ /Contents 254 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER136': class LinkAnnotation 

+160 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 404.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 323.41

+ 539.74

+ 367.5925

+ 550.99 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER137': class PDFDictionary 

+161 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 193.8325

+ 174.615

+ 283.9675

+ 185.865 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page19': class PDFPage 

+162 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 160 0 R

+ 161 0 R ]

+ /Contents 255 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Page20': class PDFPage 

+163 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Contents 256 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'R164': class PDFCatalog 

+164 0 obj

+% Document Root

+<< /Outlines 166 0 R

+ /PageMode /UseNone

+ /Pages 236 0 R

+ /Type /Catalog >>


+% 'R165': class PDFInfo 

+165 0 obj

+<< /Author ()

+ /CreationDate (D:20100802143410+08'00')

+ /Keywords ()

+ /Producer (pisa HTML to PDF <>)

+ /Subject ()

+ /Title (Android 2.2 Compatibility Definition) >>


+% 'R166': class PDFOutlines 

+166 0 obj

+<< /Count 11

+ /First 167 0 R

+ /Last 167 0 R

+ /Type /Outlines >>


+% 'Outline.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+167 0 obj

+<< /Count -15

+ /Dest [ 47 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 168 0 R

+ /Last 230 0 R

+ /Parent 166 0 R

+ /Title (Android 2.2 Compatibility Definition) >>


+% 'Outline.2.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+168 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 47 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 169 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Title (Table of Contents) >>


+% 'Outline.2.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+169 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 170 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 168 0 R

+ /Title (1. Introduction) >>


+% 'Outline.2.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+170 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 171 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 169 0 R

+ /Title (2. Resources) >>


+% 'Outline.2.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+171 0 obj

+<< /Count -8

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 172 0 R

+ /Last 188 0 R

+ /Next 194 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 170 0 R

+ /Title (3. Software) >>


+% 'Outline.3.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+172 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 173 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Title (3.1. Managed API Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+173 0 obj

+<< /Count -7

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 174 0 R

+ /Last 180 0 R

+ /Next 181 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 172 0 R

+ /Title (3.2. Soft API Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.4.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+174 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 175 0 R

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Title (3.2.1. Permissions) >>


+% 'Outline.4.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+175 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 176 0 R

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Prev 174 0 R

+ /Title (3.2.2. Build Parameters) >>


+% 'Outline.4.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+176 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 111 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 177 0 R

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Prev 175 0 R

+ /Title (3.2.3. Intent Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.4.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+177 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 111 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 178 0 R

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Prev 176 0 R

+ /Title ( Core Application Intents) >>


+% 'Outline.4.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+178 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 111 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 179 0 R

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Prev 177 0 R

+ /Title ( Intent Overrides) >>


+% 'Outline.4.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+179 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 111 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 180 0 R

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Prev 178 0 R

+ /Title ( Intent Namespaces) >>


+% 'Outline.4.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+180 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 113 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Prev 179 0 R

+ /Title ( Broadcast Intents) >>


+% 'Outline.3.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+181 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 113 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 182 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 173 0 R

+ /Title (3.3. Native API Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+182 0 obj

+<< /Count -2

+ /Dest [ 113 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 183 0 R

+ /Last 184 0 R

+ /Next 185 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 181 0 R

+ /Title (3.4. Web Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.5.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+183 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 113 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 184 0 R

+ /Parent 182 0 R

+ /Title (3.4.1. WebView Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.5.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+184 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 117 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 182 0 R

+ /Prev 183 0 R

+ /Title (3.4.2. Browser Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+185 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 117 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 186 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 182 0 R

+ /Title (3.5. API Behavioral Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+186 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 117 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 187 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 185 0 R

+ /Title (3.6. API Namespaces) >>


+% 'Outline.3.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+187 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 188 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 186 0 R

+ /Title (3.7. Virtual Machine Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.7': class OutlineEntryObject 

+188 0 obj

+<< /Count -5

+ /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 189 0 R

+ /Last 193 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 187 0 R

+ /Title (3.8. User Interface Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.6.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+189 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 190 0 R

+ /Parent 188 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.1. Widgets) >>


+% 'Outline.6.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+190 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 191 0 R

+ /Parent 188 0 R

+ /Prev 189 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.2. Notifications) >>


+% 'Outline.6.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+191 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 192 0 R

+ /Parent 188 0 R

+ /Prev 190 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.3. Search) >>


+% 'Outline.6.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+192 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 133 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 193 0 R

+ /Parent 188 0 R

+ /Prev 191 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.4. Toasts) >>


+% 'Outline.6.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+193 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 133 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 188 0 R

+ /Prev 192 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.5. Live Wallpapers) >>


+% 'Outline.2.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+194 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 133 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 195 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 171 0 R

+ /Title (4. Reference Software Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+195 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 133 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 196 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 194 0 R

+ /Title (5. Application Packaging Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+196 0 obj

+<< /Count -3

+ /Dest [ 134 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 197 0 R

+ /Last 199 0 R

+ /Next 200 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 195 0 R

+ /Title (6. Multimedia Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.7.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+197 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 134 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 198 0 R

+ /Parent 196 0 R

+ /Title (6.1. Media Codecs) >>


+% 'Outline.7.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+198 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 199 0 R

+ /Parent 196 0 R

+ /Prev 197 0 R

+ /Title (6.2. Audio Recording) >>


+% 'Outline.7.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+199 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 196 0 R

+ /Prev 198 0 R

+ /Title (6.3. Audio Latency) >>


+% 'Outline.2.7': class OutlineEntryObject 

+200 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 141 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 201 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 196 0 R

+ /Title (7. Developer Tool Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.8': class OutlineEntryObject 

+201 0 obj

+<< /Count -16

+ /Dest [ 141 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 202 0 R

+ /Last 220 0 R

+ /Next 221 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 200 0 R

+ /Title (8. Hardware Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.8.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+202 0 obj

+<< /Count -3

+ /Dest [ 141 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 203 0 R

+ /Last 205 0 R

+ /Next 206 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Title (8.1. Display) >>


+% 'Outline.9.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+203 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 204 0 R

+ /Parent 202 0 R

+ /Title (8.1.2. Non-Standard Display Configurations) >>


+% 'Outline.9.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+204 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 205 0 R

+ /Parent 202 0 R

+ /Prev 203 0 R

+ /Title (8.1.3. Display Metrics) >>


+% 'Outline.9.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+205 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 202 0 R

+ /Prev 204 0 R

+ /Title (8.1.4. Declared Screen Support) >>


+% 'Outline.8.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+206 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 207 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 202 0 R

+ /Title (8.2. Keyboard) >>


+% 'Outline.8.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+207 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 208 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 206 0 R

+ /Title (8.3. Non-touch Navigation) >>


+% 'Outline.8.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+208 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 209 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 207 0 R

+ /Title (8.4. Screen Orientation) >>


+% 'Outline.8.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+209 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 210 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 208 0 R

+ /Title (8.5. Touchscreen input) >>


+% 'Outline.8.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+210 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 211 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 209 0 R

+ /Title (8.6. USB) >>


+% 'Outline.8.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+211 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 212 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 210 0 R

+ /Title (8.7. Navigation keys) >>


+% 'Outline.8.7': class OutlineEntryObject 

+212 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 213 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 211 0 R

+ /Title (8.8. Wireless Data Networking) >>


+% 'Outline.8.8': class OutlineEntryObject 

+213 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 214 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 212 0 R

+ /Title (8.9. Camera) >>


+% 'Outline.8.9': class OutlineEntryObject 

+214 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 215 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 213 0 R

+ /Title (8.10. Accelerometer) >>


+% 'Outline.8.10': class OutlineEntryObject 

+215 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 216 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 214 0 R

+ /Title (8.11. Compass) >>


+% 'Outline.8.11': class OutlineEntryObject 

+216 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 217 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 215 0 R

+ /Title (8.12. GPS) >>


+% 'Outline.8.12': class OutlineEntryObject 

+217 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 218 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 216 0 R

+ /Title (8.13. Telephony) >>


+% 'Outline.8.13': class OutlineEntryObject 

+218 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 219 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 217 0 R

+ /Title (8.14. Memory and Storage) >>


+% 'Outline.8.14': class OutlineEntryObject 

+219 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 220 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 218 0 R

+ /Title (8.15. Application Shared Storage) >>


+% 'Outline.8.15': class OutlineEntryObject 

+220 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 219 0 R

+ /Title (8.16. Bluetooth) >>


+% 'Outline.2.9': class OutlineEntryObject 

+221 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 222 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 201 0 R

+ /Title (9. Performance Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.10': class OutlineEntryObject 

+222 0 obj

+<< /Count -4

+ /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 223 0 R

+ /Last 226 0 R

+ /Next 227 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 221 0 R

+ /Title (10. Security Model Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.10.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+223 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 224 0 R

+ /Parent 222 0 R

+ /Title (10.1. Permissions) >>


+% 'Outline.10.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+224 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 225 0 R

+ /Parent 222 0 R

+ /Prev 223 0 R

+ /Title (10.2. UID and Process Isolation) >>


+% 'Outline.10.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+225 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 226 0 R

+ /Parent 222 0 R

+ /Prev 224 0 R

+ /Title (10.3. Filesystem Permissions) >>


+% 'Outline.10.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+226 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 222 0 R

+ /Prev 225 0 R

+ /Title (10.4. Alternate Execution Environments) >>


+% 'Outline.2.11': class OutlineEntryObject 

+227 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 162 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 228 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 222 0 R

+ /Title (11. Compatibility Test Suite) >>


+% 'Outline.2.12': class OutlineEntryObject 

+228 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 162 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 229 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 227 0 R

+ /Title (12. Updatable Software) >>


+% 'Outline.2.13': class OutlineEntryObject 

+229 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 162 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 230 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 228 0 R

+ /Title (13. Contact Us) >>


+% 'Outline.2.14': class OutlineEntryObject 

+230 0 obj

+<< /Count -5

+ /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 231 0 R

+ /Last 235 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 229 0 R

+ /Title (Appendix A - Bluetooth Test Procedure) >>


+% 'Outline.11.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+231 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 232 0 R

+ /Parent 230 0 R

+ /Title (Setup and Installation) >>


+% 'Outline.11.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+232 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 233 0 R

+ /Parent 230 0 R

+ /Prev 231 0 R

+ /Title (Test Bluetooth Control by Apps) >>


+% 'Outline.11.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+233 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 234 0 R

+ /Parent 230 0 R

+ /Prev 232 0 R

+ /Title (Test Pairing and Communication) >>


+% 'Outline.11.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+234 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 235 0 R

+ /Parent 230 0 R

+ /Prev 233 0 R

+ /Title (Test Pairing and Communication in the Reverse Direction) >>


+% 'Outline.11.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+235 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /Fit ]

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+ /Prev 234 0 R

+ /Title (Test Re-Launches) >>


+% 'R236': class PDFPages 

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+ % ReportLab generated PDF document -- digest ( 

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diff --git a/src/compatibility/2.2/ b/src/compatibility/2.2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80273f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compatibility/2.2/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+page.title=Permitted Version Strings for Android 2.2
+As described in Section 3.2.2 of the [Android 2.2 Compatibility Definition](android-2.2-cdd.pdf), only certain strings are allowable for the system property
+<code>android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE</code>. The reason for this is that
+applications and web sites may rely on predictable values for this string, and
+so that end users can easily and reliably identify the version of Android
+running on their devices.
+Because subsequent releases of the Android software may revise this string,
+but not change any API behavior, such releases may not be accompanied by a new
+Compatibility Definition Document. This page lists the versions that are
+allowable by an Android 2.2-based system.
+The value of <code>android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE</code> for Android 2.2
+MUST be one of the following strings:
+- 2.2
+- 2.2.1
diff --git a/src/compatibility/2.3/android-2.3-cdd.pdf b/src/compatibility/2.3/android-2.3-cdd.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb77a7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compatibility/2.3/android-2.3-cdd.pdf
@@ -0,0 +1,5223 @@

+%“Œ‹ž ReportLab Generated PDF document

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+% 'F1': class PDFType1Font 

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+% 'FormXob.c4c4c9f90f2c427799b277ddd57a9a5b': class PDFImageXObject 

+3 0 obj

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+ /DCTDecode ]

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+% 'F2': class PDFType1Font 

+4 0 obj

+% Font Helvetica-Bold

+<< /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold

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+ /Name /F2

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER1': class PDFDictionary 

+5 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 55

+ 626.125

+ 145.135

+ 637.375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER2': class LinkAnnotation 

+6 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 747.2637

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 564.9375

+ 117.5275

+ 576.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER3': class LinkAnnotation 

+7 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 501.8263

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 553.6875

+ 114.1825

+ 564.9375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER4': class LinkAnnotation 

+8 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 586.8887

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 542.4375

+ 107.935

+ 553.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER5': class LinkAnnotation 

+9 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 503.61

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 529.1875

+ 190.045

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER6': class LinkAnnotation 

+10 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 362.485

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

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+ 172.12

+ 529.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER7': class LinkAnnotation 

+11 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 286.1775

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER8': class LinkAnnotation 

+12 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 137 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 701.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

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+ 504.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER9': class LinkAnnotation 

+13 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 137 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 701.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 482.1875

+ 184.6225

+ 493.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER10': class LinkAnnotation 

+14 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 137 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 637.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 115

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+ 221.725

+ 480.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER11': class LinkAnnotation 

+15 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 137 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 271.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 115

+ 457.6875

+ 195.46

+ 468.9375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER12': class LinkAnnotation 

+16 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 137 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 185.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 115

+ 446.4375

+ 206.7175

+ 457.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER13': class LinkAnnotation 

+17 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 139 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 742.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 115

+ 435.1875

+ 200.47

+ 446.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER14': class LinkAnnotation 

+18 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 139 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 678.0475

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 421.9375

+ 180.0325

+ 433.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER15': class LinkAnnotation 

+19 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 139 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 206.1725

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 410.6875

+ 160.0225

+ 421.9375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER16': class LinkAnnotation 

+20 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 139 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 118.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 397.4375

+ 197.53

+ 408.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER17': class LinkAnnotation 

+21 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 390.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

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+ 193.36

+ 397.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER18': class LinkAnnotation 

+22 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 171.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 372.9375

+ 194.2075

+ 384.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER19': class LinkAnnotation 

+23 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 156 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 653.5475

+ 0 ]

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+ 361.6875

+ 157.5325

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER20': class LinkAnnotation 

+24 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER21': class LinkAnnotation 

+25 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

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+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ 0 ]

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER22': class LinkAnnotation 

+26 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ 0 ]

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+ 147.94

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER23': class LinkAnnotation 

+27 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ 0 ]

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+ 161.695

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER24': class LinkAnnotation 

+28 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 485.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

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+ 144.61

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER25': class LinkAnnotation 

+29 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 292.1875

+ 143.3575

+ 303.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER26': class LinkAnnotation 

+30 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 259.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 280.9375

+ 174.1975

+ 292.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER27': class LinkAnnotation 

+31 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 170 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 747.2637

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 267.6875

+ 197.1325

+ 278.9375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER28': class LinkAnnotation 

+32 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 170 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 642.8262

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 256.4375

+ 159.6025

+ 267.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER29': class LinkAnnotation 

+33 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 170 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 243.1875

+ 147.5275

+ 254.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER30': class LinkAnnotation 

+34 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 170 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 407.1725

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 231.9375

+ 160.45

+ 243.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER31': class LinkAnnotation 

+35 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 171 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 620.5475

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 220.6875

+ 160.0375

+ 231.9375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER32': class LinkAnnotation 

+36 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 171 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 297.6035

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 209.4375

+ 155.035

+ 220.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER33': class LinkAnnotation 

+37 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 176 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 745.7975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 198.1875

+ 147.1225

+ 209.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER34': class LinkAnnotation 

+38 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 176 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ 0 ]

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+ 174.1975

+ 196.1875 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER35': class LinkAnnotation 

+39 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 179 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 720.8887

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 173.6875

+ 155.8525

+ 184.9375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER36': class LinkAnnotation 

+40 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 179 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 445.36

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 160.4375

+ 170.8675

+ 171.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER37': class LinkAnnotation 

+41 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 179 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 369.0525

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 147.1875

+ 195.0475

+ 158.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER38': class LinkAnnotation 

+42 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 722.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 135.9375

+ 171.685

+ 147.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER39': class LinkAnnotation 

+43 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 680.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 124.6875

+ 205.0525

+ 135.9375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER40': class LinkAnnotation 

+44 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 616.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 113.4375

+ 183.3775

+ 124.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER41': class LinkAnnotation 

+45 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 509.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 102.1875

+ 201.7075

+ 113.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER42': class LinkAnnotation 

+46 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 303.2975

+ 0 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page1': class PDFPage 

+47 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+ 16 0 R

+ 17 0 R

+ 18 0 R

+ 19 0 R

+ 20 0 R

+ 21 0 R

+ 22 0 R

+ 23 0 R

+ 24 0 R

+ 25 0 R

+ 26 0 R

+ 27 0 R

+ 28 0 R

+ 29 0 R

+ 30 0 R

+ 31 0 R

+ 32 0 R

+ 33 0 R

+ 34 0 R

+ 35 0 R

+ 36 0 R

+ 37 0 R

+ 38 0 R

+ 39 0 R

+ 40 0 R

+ 41 0 R

+ 42 0 R

+ 43 0 R

+ 44 0 R

+ 45 0 R

+ 46 0 R ]

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER43': class LinkAnnotation 

+48 0 obj

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+ 730.6775

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER44': class LinkAnnotation 

+49 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ 719.4275

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER45': class LinkAnnotation 

+50 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

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+ 55

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+ 0 ]

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER46': class LinkAnnotation 

+51 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

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+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ 182.545

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER47': class LinkAnnotation 

+52 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

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+ /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ 0 ]

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+ 127.105

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER48': class LinkAnnotation 

+53 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 670.4275

+ 169.195

+ 681.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER49': class LinkAnnotation 

+54 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ 0 ]

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+ 659.1775

+ 169.2025

+ 670.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER50': class LinkAnnotation 

+55 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ 0 ]

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+ 647.9275

+ 136.69

+ 659.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER51': class LinkAnnotation 

+56 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 616.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 636.6775

+ 157.1125

+ 647.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER52': class LinkAnnotation 

+57 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 516.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 625.4275

+ 155.86

+ 636.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER53': class LinkAnnotation 

+58 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 440.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 614.1775

+ 165.8575

+ 625.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER54': class LinkAnnotation 

+59 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 376.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 602.9275

+ 159.6175

+ 614.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER55': class LinkAnnotation 

+60 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 335.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 591.6775

+ 177.5275

+ 602.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER56': class LinkAnnotation 

+61 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 259.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 578.4275

+ 158.365

+ 589.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER57': class LinkAnnotation 

+62 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 194.24

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 565.1775

+ 155.8675

+ 576.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER58': class LinkAnnotation 

+63 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

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+ 185.035

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER59': class LinkAnnotation 

+64 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 193 0 R

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+ 55

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER60': class LinkAnnotation 

+65 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

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+ 55

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER61': class LinkAnnotation 

+66 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

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+ /Rect [ 100

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER62': class LinkAnnotation 

+67 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER63': class LinkAnnotation 

+68 0 obj

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+ /Rect [ 100

+ 493.6775

+ 190.8625

+ 504.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER64': class LinkAnnotation 

+69 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 710.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 482.4275

+ 192.115

+ 493.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER65': class LinkAnnotation 

+70 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 475.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 471.1775

+ 193.375

+ 482.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER66': class LinkAnnotation 

+71 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 223.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 459.9275

+ 186.2875

+ 471.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER67': class LinkAnnotation 

+72 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 158.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 446.6775

+ 169.6225

+ 457.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER68': class LinkAnnotation 

+73 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 93.24

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 433.4275

+ 223.375

+ 444.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER69': class LinkAnnotation 

+74 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 197 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 592.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 422.1775

+ 212.1475

+ 433.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER70': class LinkAnnotation 

+75 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 197 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 335.5475

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 408.9275

+ 115.015

+ 420.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER71': class LinkAnnotation 

+76 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 197 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 171.0138

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 395.6775

+ 166.2775

+ 406.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER72': class LinkAnnotation 

+77 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 621.6388

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 384.4275

+ 172.945

+ 395.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER73': class LinkAnnotation 

+78 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 527.11

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 371.1775

+ 140.4325

+ 382.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER74': class LinkAnnotation 

+79 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 449.985

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 359.9275

+ 186.295

+ 371.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER75': class LinkAnnotation 

+80 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 372.86

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 348.6775

+ 178.3525

+ 359.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER76': class LinkAnnotation 

+81 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 306.985

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 337.4275

+ 212.56

+ 348.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER77': class LinkAnnotation 

+82 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 591.1387

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 324.1775

+ 183.79

+ 335.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER78': class LinkAnnotation 

+83 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 475.86

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 310.9275

+ 182.5375

+ 322.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER79': class LinkAnnotation 

+84 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 300.985

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 299.6775

+ 144.6025

+ 310.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER80': class LinkAnnotation 

+85 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 137.36

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 288.4275

+ 180.88

+ 299.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER81': class LinkAnnotation 

+86 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 208 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 686.8887

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 275.1775

+ 148.375

+ 286.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER82': class LinkAnnotation 

+87 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 208 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 459.9513

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 263.9275

+ 119.605

+ 275.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER83': class LinkAnnotation 

+88 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 209 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 747.2637

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 252.6775

+ 200.065

+ 263.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page2': class PDFPage 

+89 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 48 0 R

+ 49 0 R

+ 50 0 R

+ 51 0 R

+ 52 0 R

+ 53 0 R

+ 54 0 R

+ 55 0 R

+ 56 0 R

+ 57 0 R

+ 58 0 R

+ 59 0 R

+ 60 0 R

+ 61 0 R

+ 62 0 R

+ 63 0 R

+ 64 0 R

+ 65 0 R

+ 66 0 R

+ 67 0 R

+ 68 0 R

+ 69 0 R

+ 70 0 R

+ 71 0 R

+ 72 0 R

+ 73 0 R

+ 74 0 R

+ 75 0 R

+ 76 0 R

+ 77 0 R

+ 78 0 R

+ 79 0 R

+ 80 0 R

+ 81 0 R

+ 82 0 R

+ 83 0 R

+ 84 0 R

+ 85 0 R

+ 86 0 R

+ 87 0 R

+ 88 0 R ]

+ /Contents 304 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER84': class LinkAnnotation 

+90 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 462.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 125.8675

+ 663.865

+ 170.05

+ 675.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER85': class LinkAnnotation 

+91 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 591.1387

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 237.16

+ 579.115

+ 272.5975

+ 590.365 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER86': class LinkAnnotation 

+92 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 436.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 401.8075

+ 567.865

+ 445.99

+ 579.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER87': class PDFDictionary 

+93 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 189.625

+ 450.4275

+ 297.1675

+ 461.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER88': class PDFDictionary 

+94 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 205.45

+ 437.1775

+ 369.6775

+ 448.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER89': class PDFDictionary 

+95 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 167.965

+ 423.9275

+ 254.6725

+ 435.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER90': class PDFDictionary 

+96 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 184.2325

+ 410.6775

+ 363.4825

+ 421.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER91': class PDFDictionary 

+97 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 172.9525

+ 397.4275

+ 413.8825

+ 408.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER92': class PDFDictionary 

+98 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 157.96

+ 384.1775

+ 358.885

+ 395.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER93': class PDFDictionary 

+99 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 186.715

+ 370.9275

+ 373.45

+ 382.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER94': class PDFDictionary 

+100 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 171.7

+ 357.6775

+ 400.96

+ 368.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER95': class PDFDictionary 

+101 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 95.005

+ 344.4275

+ 307.1575

+ 355.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER96': class PDFDictionary 

+102 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 159.955

+ 331.1775

+ 327.52

+ 342.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER97': class PDFDictionary 

+103 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 131.2

+ 317.9275

+ 296.68

+ 329.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER98': class PDFDictionary 

+104 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 172.045

+ 304.6775

+ 300.8425

+ 315.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER99': class PDFDictionary 

+105 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 178.3

+ 291.4275

+ 298.765

+ 302.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER100': class PDFDictionary 

+106 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 170.7925

+ 278.1775

+ 283.75

+ 289.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER101': class PDFDictionary 

+107 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 114.5275

+ 251.6775

+ 374.23

+ 262.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER102': class PDFDictionary 

+108 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 114.94

+ 238.4275

+ 346.2925

+ 249.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER103': class PDFDictionary 

+109 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 148.705

+ 225.1775

+ 368.8

+ 236.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER104': class PDFDictionary 

+110 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 162.8875

+ 211.9275

+ 477.1975

+ 223.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER105': class PDFDictionary 

+111 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 129.535

+ 198.6775

+ 371.7325

+ 209.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER106': class PDFDictionary 

+112 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 96.6025

+ 185.4275

+ 313.3675

+ 196.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER107': class PDFDictionary 

+113 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 127.4425

+ 172.1775

+ 351.265

+ 183.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER108': class PDFDictionary 

+114 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 245.845

+ 158.9275

+ 453.865

+ 170.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER109': class PDFDictionary 

+115 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 164.1325

+ 145.6775

+ 364.645

+ 156.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER110': class PDFDictionary 

+116 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 117.8575

+ 132.4275

+ 349.2025

+ 143.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER111': class PDFDictionary 

+117 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 138.7075

+ 119.1775

+ 355.06

+ 130.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER112': class PDFDictionary 

+118 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 179.965

+ 105.9275

+ 452.1775

+ 117.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER113': class PDFDictionary 

+119 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 167.8825

+ 92.6775

+ 389.23

+ 103.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER114': class PDFDictionary 

+120 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 161.6125

+ 79.4275

+ 396.28

+ 90.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page3': class PDFPage 

+121 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 90 0 R

+ 91 0 R

+ 92 0 R

+ 93 0 R

+ 94 0 R

+ 95 0 R

+ 96 0 R

+ 97 0 R

+ 98 0 R

+ 99 0 R

+ 100 0 R

+ 101 0 R

+ 102 0 R

+ 103 0 R

+ 104 0 R

+ 105 0 R

+ 106 0 R

+ 107 0 R

+ 108 0 R

+ 109 0 R

+ 110 0 R

+ 111 0 R

+ 112 0 R

+ 113 0 R

+ 114 0 R

+ 115 0 R

+ 116 0 R

+ 117 0 R

+ 118 0 R

+ 119 0 R

+ 120 0 R ]

+ /Contents 305 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER115': class PDFDictionary 

+122 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 184.9825

+ 730.6775

+ 443.02

+ 741.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER116': class PDFDictionary 

+123 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 157.0525

+ 717.4275

+ 407.5825

+ 728.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER117': class PDFDictionary 

+124 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 119.9575

+ 704.1775

+ 388.825

+ 715.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER118': class PDFDictionary 

+125 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI (\(int\)) >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 152.0425

+ 690.9275

+ 474.6625

+ 702.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER119': class PDFDictionary 

+126 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 161.2075

+ 677.6775

+ 395.47

+ 688.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER120': class PDFDictionary 

+127 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 220.3975

+ 664.4275

+ 429.6475

+ 675.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER121': class PDFDictionary 

+128 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 129.955

+ 651.1775

+ 269.1925

+ 662.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER122': class LinkAnnotation 

+129 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 422.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 460.615

+ 435.865

+ 504.7975

+ 447.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER123': class LinkAnnotation 

+130 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 409.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 470.995

+ 253.24

+ 515.1775

+ 264.49 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'F3': class PDFType1Font 

+131 0 obj

+% Font Courier

+<< /BaseFont /Courier

+ /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding

+ /Name /F3

+ /Subtype /Type1

+ /Type /Font >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER124': class LinkAnnotation 

+132 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 396.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 336.2725

+ 200.49

+ 380.455

+ 211.74 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'F4': class PDFType1Font 

+133 0 obj

+% Font Times-Roman

+<< /BaseFont /Times-Roman

+ /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding

+ /Name /F4

+ /Subtype /Type1

+ /Type /Font >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER125': class LinkAnnotation 

+134 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 383.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 350.19

+ 124.49

+ 394.3725

+ 135.74 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page4': class PDFPage 

+135 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 122 0 R

+ 123 0 R

+ 124 0 R

+ 125 0 R

+ 126 0 R

+ 127 0 R

+ 128 0 R

+ 129 0 R

+ 130 0 R

+ 132 0 R

+ 134 0 R ]

+ /Contents 306 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER128': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER129': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER130': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER131': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER132': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER133': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER134': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER135': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER136': class LinkAnnotation 

+150 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER137': class LinkAnnotation 

+151 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER138': class LinkAnnotation 

+152 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER139': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER142': class LinkAnnotation 

+158 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER143': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER144': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER147': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER148': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER151': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER152': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER154': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER155': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER156': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER160': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER162': class LinkAnnotation 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER163': class LinkAnnotation 

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+ 676.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 164.2225

+ 558.99

+ 212.575

+ 570.24 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER172': class LinkAnnotation 

+199 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 676.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 465.5875

+ 481.865

+ 513.94

+ 493.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER173': class LinkAnnotation 

+200 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 676.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 345.55

+ 382.24

+ 393.9025

+ 393.49 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER174': class LinkAnnotation 

+201 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 676.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 57.085

+ 316.365

+ 105.4375

+ 327.615 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page21': class PDFPage 

+202 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 198 0 R

+ 199 0 R

+ 200 0 R

+ 201 0 R ]

+ /Contents 323 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER175': class LinkAnnotation 

+203 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 449.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 323.41

+ 430.615

+ 367.5925

+ 441.865 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER176': class LinkAnnotation 

+204 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 449.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 315.115

+ 321.615

+ 359.2975

+ 332.865 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page22': class PDFPage 

+205 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 203 0 R

+ 204 0 R ]

+ /Contents 324 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER177': class LinkAnnotation 

+206 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 663.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 188.2975

+ 730.6775

+ 236.65

+ 741.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER178': class PDFDictionary 

+207 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 193.8325

+ 408.5525

+ 283.9675

+ 419.8025 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page23': class PDFPage 

+208 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 206 0 R

+ 207 0 R ]

+ /Contents 325 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Page24': class PDFPage 

+209 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Contents 326 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'R210': class PDFCatalog 

+210 0 obj

+% Document Root

+<< /Outlines 212 0 R

+ /PageMode /UseNone

+ /Pages 302 0 R

+ /Type /Catalog >>


+% 'R211': class PDFInfo 

+211 0 obj

+<< /Author ()

+ /CreationDate (D:20101215173620+08'00')

+ /Keywords ()

+ /Producer (pisa HTML to PDF <>)

+ /Subject ()

+ /Title (Android 2.3 Compatibility Definition) >>


+% 'R212': class PDFOutlines 

+212 0 obj

+<< /Count 17

+ /First 213 0 R

+ /Last 213 0 R

+ /Type /Outlines >>


+% 'Outline.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+213 0 obj

+<< /Count -14

+ /Dest [ 47 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 214 0 R

+ /Last 296 0 R

+ /Parent 212 0 R

+ /Title (Android 2.3 Compatibility Definition) >>


+% 'Outline.2.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+214 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 47 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 215 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Title (Table of Contents) >>


+% 'Outline.2.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+215 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 216 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 214 0 R

+ /Title (1. Introduction) >>


+% 'Outline.2.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+216 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 217 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 215 0 R

+ /Title (2. Resources) >>


+% 'Outline.2.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+217 0 obj

+<< /Count -8

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 218 0 R

+ /Last 234 0 R

+ /Next 240 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 216 0 R

+ /Title (3. Software) >>


+% 'Outline.3.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+218 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 219 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Title (3.1. Managed API Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+219 0 obj

+<< /Count -7

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 220 0 R

+ /Last 226 0 R

+ /Next 227 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 218 0 R

+ /Title (3.2. Soft API Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.4.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+220 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 221 0 R

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Title (3.2.1. Permissions) >>


+% 'Outline.4.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+221 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 222 0 R

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Prev 220 0 R

+ /Title (3.2.2. Build Parameters) >>


+% 'Outline.4.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+222 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 137 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 223 0 R

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Prev 221 0 R

+ /Title (3.2.3. Intent Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.4.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+223 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 137 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 224 0 R

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Prev 222 0 R

+ /Title ( Core Application Intents) >>


+% 'Outline.4.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+224 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 137 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 225 0 R

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Prev 223 0 R

+ /Title ( Intent Overrides) >>


+% 'Outline.4.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+225 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 137 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 226 0 R

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Prev 224 0 R

+ /Title ( Intent Namespaces) >>


+% 'Outline.4.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+226 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 139 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Prev 225 0 R

+ /Title ( Broadcast Intents) >>


+% 'Outline.3.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+227 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 139 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 228 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 219 0 R

+ /Title (3.3. Native API Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+228 0 obj

+<< /Count -2

+ /Dest [ 139 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 229 0 R

+ /Last 230 0 R

+ /Next 231 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 227 0 R

+ /Title (3.4. Web Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.5.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+229 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 139 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 230 0 R

+ /Parent 228 0 R

+ /Title (3.4.1. WebView Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.5.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+230 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 228 0 R

+ /Prev 229 0 R

+ /Title (3.4.2. Browser Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+231 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 232 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 228 0 R

+ /Title (3.5. API Behavioral Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+232 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 156 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 233 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 231 0 R

+ /Title (3.6. API Namespaces) >>


+% 'Outline.3.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+233 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 156 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 234 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 232 0 R

+ /Title (3.7. Virtual Machine Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.7': class OutlineEntryObject 

+234 0 obj

+<< /Count -5

+ /Dest [ 156 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 235 0 R

+ /Last 239 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 233 0 R

+ /Title (3.8. User Interface Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.6.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+235 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 236 0 R

+ /Parent 234 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.1. Widgets) >>


+% 'Outline.6.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+236 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 237 0 R

+ /Parent 234 0 R

+ /Prev 235 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.2. Notifications) >>


+% 'Outline.6.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+237 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 238 0 R

+ /Parent 234 0 R

+ /Prev 236 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.3. Search) >>


+% 'Outline.6.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+238 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 239 0 R

+ /Parent 234 0 R

+ /Prev 237 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.4. Toasts) >>


+% 'Outline.6.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+239 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 234 0 R

+ /Prev 238 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.5. Live Wallpapers) >>


+% 'Outline.2.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+240 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 170 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 241 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 217 0 R

+ /Title (4. Application Packaging Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+241 0 obj

+<< /Count -5

+ /Dest [ 170 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 242 0 R

+ /Last 246 0 R

+ /Next 247 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 240 0 R

+ /Title (5. Multimedia Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.7.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+242 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 170 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 243 0 R

+ /Parent 241 0 R

+ /Title (5.1. Media Codecs) >>


+% 'Outline.7.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+243 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 170 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 244 0 R

+ /Parent 241 0 R

+ /Prev 242 0 R

+ /Title (5.1.1. Media Decoders) >>


+% 'Outline.7.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+244 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 171 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 245 0 R

+ /Parent 241 0 R

+ /Prev 243 0 R

+ /Title (5.1.2. Media Encoders) >>


+% 'Outline.7.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+245 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 171 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 246 0 R

+ /Parent 241 0 R

+ /Prev 244 0 R

+ /Title (5.2. Audio Recording) >>


+% 'Outline.7.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+246 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 176 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 241 0 R

+ /Prev 245 0 R

+ /Title (5.3. Audio Latency) >>


+% 'Outline.2.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+247 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 176 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 248 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 241 0 R

+ /Title (6. Developer Tool Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.7': class OutlineEntryObject 

+248 0 obj

+<< /Count -7

+ /Dest [ 179 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 249 0 R

+ /Last 283 0 R

+ /Next 284 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 247 0 R

+ /Title (7. Hardware Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.8.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+249 0 obj

+<< /Count -5

+ /Dest [ 179 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 250 0 R

+ /Last 254 0 R

+ /Next 255 0 R

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Title (7.1. Display and Graphics) >>


+% 'Outline.9.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+250 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 179 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 251 0 R

+ /Parent 249 0 R

+ /Title (7.1.1. Screen Configurations) >>


+% 'Outline.9.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+251 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 252 0 R

+ /Parent 249 0 R

+ /Prev 250 0 R

+ /Title (7.1.2. Display Metrics) >>


+% 'Outline.9.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+252 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 253 0 R

+ /Parent 249 0 R

+ /Prev 251 0 R

+ /Title (7.1.3. Declared Screen Support) >>


+% 'Outline.9.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+253 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 254 0 R

+ /Parent 249 0 R

+ /Prev 252 0 R

+ /Title (7.1.4. Screen Orientation) >>


+% 'Outline.9.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+254 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 249 0 R

+ /Prev 253 0 R

+ /Title (7.1.5. 3D Graphics Acceleration) >>


+% 'Outline.8.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+255 0 obj

+<< /Count -4

+ /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 256 0 R

+ /Last 259 0 R

+ /Next 260 0 R

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Prev 249 0 R

+ /Title (7.2. Input Devices) >>


+% 'Outline.10.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+256 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 257 0 R

+ /Parent 255 0 R

+ /Title (7.2.1. Keyboard) >>


+% 'Outline.10.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+257 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 258 0 R

+ /Parent 255 0 R

+ /Prev 256 0 R

+ /Title (7.2.2. Non-touch Navigation) >>


+% 'Outline.10.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+258 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 259 0 R

+ /Parent 255 0 R

+ /Prev 257 0 R

+ /Title (7.2.3. Navigation keys) >>


+% 'Outline.10.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+259 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 255 0 R

+ /Prev 258 0 R

+ /Title (7.2.4. Touchscreen input) >>


+% 'Outline.8.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+260 0 obj

+<< /Count -8

+ /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 261 0 R

+ /Last 268 0 R

+ /Next 269 0 R

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Prev 255 0 R

+ /Title (7.3. Sensors) >>


+% 'Outline.11.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+261 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 262 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.1. Accelerometer) >>


+% 'Outline.11.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+262 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 263 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 261 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.2. Magnetometer) >>


+% 'Outline.11.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+263 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 264 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 262 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.3. GPS) >>


+% 'Outline.11.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+264 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 265 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 263 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.4. Gyroscope) >>


+% 'Outline.11.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+265 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 266 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 264 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.5. Barometer) >>


+% 'Outline.11.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+266 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 267 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 265 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.7. Thermometer) >>


+% 'Outline.11.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+267 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 268 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 266 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.7. Photometer) >>


+% 'Outline.11.7': class OutlineEntryObject 

+268 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 267 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.8. Proximity Sensor) >>


+% 'Outline.8.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+269 0 obj

+<< /Count -5

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 270 0 R

+ /Last 274 0 R

+ /Next 275 0 R

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Prev 260 0 R

+ /Title (7.4. Data Connectivity) >>


+% 'Outline.12.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+270 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 271 0 R

+ /Parent 269 0 R

+ /Title (7.4.1. Telephony) >>


+% 'Outline.12.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+271 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 272 0 R

+ /Parent 269 0 R

+ /Prev 270 0 R

+ /Title (7.4.2. IEEE 802.11 \(WiFi\)) >>


+% 'Outline.12.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+272 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 273 0 R

+ /Parent 269 0 R

+ /Prev 271 0 R

+ /Title (7.4.3. Bluetooth) >>


+% 'Outline.12.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+273 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 274 0 R

+ /Parent 269 0 R

+ /Prev 272 0 R

+ /Title (7.4.4. Near-Field Communications) >>


+% 'Outline.12.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+274 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 269 0 R

+ /Prev 273 0 R

+ /Title (7.4.5. Minimum Network Capability) >>


+% 'Outline.8.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+275 0 obj

+<< /Count -4

+ /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 276 0 R

+ /Last 279 0 R

+ /Next 280 0 R

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Prev 269 0 R

+ /Title (7.5. Cameras) >>


+% 'Outline.13.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+276 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 277 0 R

+ /Parent 275 0 R

+ /Title (7.5.1. Rear-Facing Camera) >>


+% 'Outline.13.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+277 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 278 0 R

+ /Parent 275 0 R

+ /Prev 276 0 R

+ /Title (7.5.2. Front-Facing Camera) >>


+% 'Outline.13.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+278 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 279 0 R

+ /Parent 275 0 R

+ /Prev 277 0 R

+ /Title (7.5.3. Camera API Behavior) >>


+% 'Outline.13.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+279 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 275 0 R

+ /Prev 278 0 R

+ /Title (7.5.4. Camera Orientation) >>


+% 'Outline.8.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+280 0 obj

+<< /Count -2

+ /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 281 0 R

+ /Last 282 0 R

+ /Next 283 0 R

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Prev 275 0 R

+ /Title (7.6. Memory and Storage) >>


+% 'Outline.14.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+281 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 282 0 R

+ /Parent 280 0 R

+ /Title (7.6.1. Minimum Memory and Storage) >>


+% 'Outline.14.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+282 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 197 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 280 0 R

+ /Prev 281 0 R

+ /Title (7.6.2. Application Shared Storage) >>


+% 'Outline.8.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+283 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 197 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Prev 280 0 R

+ /Title (7.7. USB) >>


+% 'Outline.2.8': class OutlineEntryObject 

+284 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 197 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 285 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 248 0 R

+ /Title (8. Performance Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.9': class OutlineEntryObject 

+285 0 obj

+<< /Count -4

+ /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 286 0 R

+ /Last 289 0 R

+ /Next 290 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 284 0 R

+ /Title (9. Security Model Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.15.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+286 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 287 0 R

+ /Parent 285 0 R

+ /Title (9.1. Permissions) >>


+% 'Outline.15.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+287 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 288 0 R

+ /Parent 285 0 R

+ /Prev 286 0 R

+ /Title (9.2. UID and Process Isolation) >>


+% 'Outline.15.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+288 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 289 0 R

+ /Parent 285 0 R

+ /Prev 287 0 R

+ /Title (9.3. Filesystem Permissions) >>


+% 'Outline.15.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+289 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 285 0 R

+ /Prev 288 0 R

+ /Title (9.4. Alternate Execution Environments) >>


+% 'Outline.2.10': class OutlineEntryObject 

+290 0 obj

+<< /Count -3

+ /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 291 0 R

+ /Last 293 0 R

+ /Next 294 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 285 0 R

+ /Title (10. Software Compatibility Testing) >>


+% 'Outline.16.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+291 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 292 0 R

+ /Parent 290 0 R

+ /Title (10.1. Compatibility Test Suite) >>


+% 'Outline.16.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+292 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 293 0 R

+ /Parent 290 0 R

+ /Prev 291 0 R

+ /Title (10.2. CTS Verifier) >>


+% 'Outline.16.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+293 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 290 0 R

+ /Prev 292 0 R

+ /Title (10.3. Reference Applications) >>


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+ /Title (Test Pairing and Communication in the Reverse Direction) >>


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diff --git a/src/compatibility/2.3/ b/src/compatibility/2.3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b1bc9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compatibility/2.3/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+page.title=Permitted Version Strings for Android 2.3
+As described in Section 3.2.2 of the [Android 2.3 Compatibility Definition](android-2.3-cdd.pdf), only certain strings are allowable for the system property
+<code>android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE</code>. The reason for this is that
+applications and web sites may rely on predictable values for this string, and
+so that end users can easily and reliably identify the version of Android
+running on their devices.
+Because subsequent releases of the Android software may revise this string,
+but not change any API behavior, such releases may not be accompanied by a new
+Compatibility Definition Document. This page lists the versions that are
+allowable by an Android 2.2-based system.
+The value of <code>android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE</code> for Android 2.3
+MUST be one of the following strings:
+- 2.3
+- 2.3.1
diff --git a/src/compatibility/android-1.6-cdd.pdf b/src/compatibility/android-1.6-cdd.pdf
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new file mode 100644
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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER19': class LinkAnnotation 

+23 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 117 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 297.4225

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 361.6875

+ 157.5325

+ 372.9375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER20': class LinkAnnotation 

+24 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 548.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 350.4375

+ 196.285

+ 361.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER21': class LinkAnnotation 

+25 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 450.4225

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 339.1875

+ 191.7025

+ 350.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER22': class LinkAnnotation 

+26 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 385.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 325.9375

+ 147.94

+ 337.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER23': class LinkAnnotation 

+27 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 266.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 314.6875

+ 161.695

+ 325.9375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER24': class LinkAnnotation 

+28 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 159.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 303.4375

+ 144.61

+ 314.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER25': class LinkAnnotation 

+29 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 133 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 645.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 292.1875

+ 143.3575

+ 303.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER26': class LinkAnnotation 

+30 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 133 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 592.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 280.9375

+ 174.1975

+ 292.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER27': class LinkAnnotation 

+31 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 133 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 418.1388

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 267.6875

+ 189.625

+ 278.9375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER28': class LinkAnnotation 

+32 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 133 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 200.2013

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 256.4375

+ 197.1325

+ 267.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER29': class LinkAnnotation 

+33 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 134 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 747.2637

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 245.1875

+ 159.6025

+ 256.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER30': class LinkAnnotation 

+34 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 134 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 675.235

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 231.9375

+ 147.5275

+ 243.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER31': class LinkAnnotation 

+35 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 698.7975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 220.6875

+ 155.035

+ 231.9375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER32': class LinkAnnotation 

+36 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 480.1725

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 209.4375

+ 147.1225

+ 220.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER33': class LinkAnnotation 

+37 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 141 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 747.2637

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 196.1875

+ 174.1975

+ 207.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER34': class LinkAnnotation 

+38 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 141 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 571.3262

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 184.9375

+ 155.8525

+ 196.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER35': class LinkAnnotation 

+39 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 141 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 320.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 171.6875

+ 124.18

+ 182.9375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER36': class LinkAnnotation 

+40 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 607.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 158.4375

+ 244.645

+ 169.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER37': class LinkAnnotation 

+41 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 511.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 147.1875

+ 171.685

+ 158.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER38': class LinkAnnotation 

+42 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 469.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 135.9375

+ 205.0525

+ 147.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER39': class LinkAnnotation 

+43 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 404.7975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 122.6875

+ 131.695

+ 133.9375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER40': class LinkAnnotation 

+44 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 253.9225

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 111.4375

+ 171.7075

+ 122.6875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER41': class LinkAnnotation 

+45 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 165.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 100.1875

+ 162.1225

+ 111.4375 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER42': class LinkAnnotation 

+46 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 710.0475

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 88.9375

+ 161.29

+ 100.1875 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page1': class PDFPage 

+47 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 5 0 R

+ 6 0 R

+ 7 0 R

+ 8 0 R

+ 9 0 R

+ 10 0 R

+ 11 0 R

+ 12 0 R

+ 13 0 R

+ 14 0 R

+ 15 0 R

+ 16 0 R

+ 17 0 R

+ 18 0 R

+ 19 0 R

+ 20 0 R

+ 21 0 R

+ 22 0 R

+ 23 0 R

+ 24 0 R

+ 25 0 R

+ 26 0 R

+ 27 0 R

+ 28 0 R

+ 29 0 R

+ 30 0 R

+ 31 0 R

+ 32 0 R

+ 33 0 R

+ 34 0 R

+ 35 0 R

+ 36 0 R

+ 37 0 R

+ 38 0 R

+ 39 0 R

+ 40 0 R

+ 41 0 R

+ 42 0 R

+ 43 0 R

+ 44 0 R

+ 45 0 R

+ 46 0 R ]

+ /Contents 237 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ]

+ /XObject << /FormXob.a31102908a592e8f94c7b4e032ffcc37 3 0 R >> >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER43': class LinkAnnotation 

+48 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 583.6725

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 730.6775

+ 115.015

+ 741.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER44': class LinkAnnotation 

+49 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 419.5475

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 719.4275

+ 152.53

+ 730.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER45': class LinkAnnotation 

+50 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 310.4225

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 708.1775

+ 185.86

+ 719.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER46': class LinkAnnotation 

+51 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 169.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 696.9275

+ 126.265

+ 708.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER47': class LinkAnnotation 

+52 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 388.5475

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 685.6775

+ 152.11

+ 696.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER48': class LinkAnnotation 

+53 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 322.6725

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 674.4275

+ 135.4375

+ 685.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER49': class LinkAnnotation 

+54 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 256.7975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 663.1775

+ 119.605

+ 674.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER50': class LinkAnnotation 

+55 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 202.1725

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 651.9275

+ 138.7825

+ 663.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER51': class LinkAnnotation 

+56 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 104.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 640.6775

+ 173.7925

+ 651.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER52': class LinkAnnotation 

+57 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 612.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 629.4275

+ 195.0625

+ 640.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER53': class LinkAnnotation 

+58 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 343.1725

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 618.1775

+ 135.4525

+ 629.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER54': class LinkAnnotation 

+59 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 222.3888

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 604.9275

+ 166.2775

+ 616.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER55': class LinkAnnotation 

+60 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 632.8888

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 593.6775

+ 177.115

+ 604.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER56': class LinkAnnotation 

+61 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 538.36

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 580.4275

+ 144.6025

+ 591.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER57': class LinkAnnotation 

+62 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 461.235

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 569.1775

+ 190.465

+ 580.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER58': class LinkAnnotation 

+63 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 384.11

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 557.9275

+ 182.5225

+ 569.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER59': class LinkAnnotation 

+64 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 318.235

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 546.6775

+ 216.73

+ 557.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER60': class LinkAnnotation 

+65 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 162 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 591.1387

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 533.4275

+ 161.2825

+ 544.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER61': class LinkAnnotation 

+66 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 162 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 452.9513

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 522.1775

+ 148.375

+ 533.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER62': class LinkAnnotation 

+67 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 162 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 226.0138

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 510.9275

+ 119.605

+ 522.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER63': class LinkAnnotation 

+68 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 747.2637

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 499.6775

+ 200.065

+ 510.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page2': class PDFPage 

+69 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 48 0 R

+ 49 0 R

+ 50 0 R

+ 51 0 R

+ 52 0 R

+ 53 0 R

+ 54 0 R

+ 55 0 R

+ 56 0 R

+ 57 0 R

+ 58 0 R

+ 59 0 R

+ 60 0 R

+ 61 0 R

+ 62 0 R

+ 63 0 R

+ 64 0 R

+ 65 0 R

+ 66 0 R

+ 67 0 R

+ 68 0 R ]

+ /Contents 238 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER64': class LinkAnnotation 

+70 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 417.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 125.8675

+ 663.865

+ 170.05

+ 675.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER65': class LinkAnnotation 

+71 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 404.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 326.365

+ 565.865

+ 370.5475

+ 577.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER66': class LinkAnnotation 

+72 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 390.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 309.6925

+ 522.615

+ 353.875

+ 533.865 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER67': class PDFDictionary 

+73 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 189.625

+ 405.1775

+ 297.1675

+ 416.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER68': class PDFDictionary 

+74 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 205.45

+ 391.9275

+ 369.6775

+ 403.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER69': class PDFDictionary 

+75 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 167.965

+ 378.6775

+ 254.6725

+ 389.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER70': class PDFDictionary 

+76 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 184.2325

+ 365.4275

+ 363.4825

+ 376.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER71': class PDFDictionary 

+77 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 172.9525

+ 352.1775

+ 413.8825

+ 363.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER72': class PDFDictionary 

+78 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 157.96

+ 338.9275

+ 358.885

+ 350.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER73': class PDFDictionary 

+79 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 186.715

+ 325.6775

+ 373.45

+ 336.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER74': class PDFDictionary 

+80 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 171.7

+ 312.4275

+ 400.96

+ 323.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER75': class PDFDictionary 

+81 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 95.005

+ 299.1775

+ 307.1575

+ 310.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER76': class PDFDictionary 

+82 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 114.5275

+ 272.6775

+ 374.23

+ 283.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER77': class PDFDictionary 

+83 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 114.94

+ 259.4275

+ 346.2925

+ 270.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER78': class PDFDictionary 

+84 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 148.705

+ 246.1775

+ 368.8

+ 257.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER79': class PDFDictionary 

+85 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 162.8875

+ 232.9275

+ 477.1975

+ 244.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER80': class PDFDictionary 

+86 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 129.535

+ 219.6775

+ 371.7325

+ 230.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER81': class PDFDictionary 

+87 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 96.6025

+ 206.4275

+ 313.3675

+ 217.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER82': class PDFDictionary 

+88 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 127.4425

+ 193.1775

+ 351.265

+ 204.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER83': class PDFDictionary 

+89 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ 179.9275

+ 269.1925

+ 191.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER84': class PDFDictionary 

+90 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 245.845

+ 166.6775

+ 453.865

+ 177.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER85': class PDFDictionary 

+91 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 164.1325

+ 153.4275

+ 364.645

+ 164.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER86': class PDFDictionary 

+92 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 117.8575

+ 140.1775

+ 349.2025

+ 151.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER87': class PDFDictionary 

+93 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 138.7075

+ 126.9275

+ 355.06

+ 138.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER88': class PDFDictionary 

+94 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 179.965

+ 113.6775

+ 452.1775

+ 124.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER89': class PDFDictionary 

+95 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 167.8825

+ 100.4275

+ 389.23

+ 111.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER90': class PDFDictionary 

+96 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

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+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ 87.1775

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+% 'Page3': class PDFPage 

+97 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+ 81 0 R

+ 82 0 R

+ 83 0 R

+ 84 0 R

+ 85 0 R

+ 86 0 R

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+ 95 0 R

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER91': class PDFDictionary 

+98 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

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+ /URI ( >>

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+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 161.6125

+ 730.6775

+ 396.28

+ 741.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER92': class PDFDictionary 

+99 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

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+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ 717.4275

+ 395.47

+ 728.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER93': class PDFDictionary 

+100 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 157.0525

+ 704.1775

+ 407.5825

+ 715.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER94': class PDFDictionary 

+101 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 220.3975

+ 690.9275

+ 429.6475

+ 702.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER95': class PDFDictionary 

+102 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 119.9575

+ 677.6775

+ 388.825

+ 688.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER96': class LinkAnnotation 

+103 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 377.615

+ 0 ]

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+ 504.7975

+ 473.615 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER97': class LinkAnnotation 

+104 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ 66.25

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+% 'F3': class PDFType1Font 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER98': class LinkAnnotation 

+106 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER99': class LinkAnnotation 

+108 0 obj

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+ 0

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+% 'Page4': class PDFPage 

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+% 'Page5': class PDFPage 

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+% 'Page6': class PDFPage 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER100': class LinkAnnotation 

+112 0 obj

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+% 'Page7': class PDFPage 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER101': class LinkAnnotation 

+114 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER102': class LinkAnnotation 

+115 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER103': class LinkAnnotation 

+116 0 obj

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+% 'Page8': class PDFPage 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER104': class LinkAnnotation 

+118 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER105': class LinkAnnotation 

+119 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER106': class LinkAnnotation 

+120 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER107': class LinkAnnotation 

+121 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER108': class LinkAnnotation 

+122 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER109': class LinkAnnotation 

+123 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER110': class LinkAnnotation 

+124 0 obj

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+% 'Page9': class PDFPage 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER111': class LinkAnnotation 

+126 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER112': class LinkAnnotation 

+127 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER113': class LinkAnnotation 

+128 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER114': class LinkAnnotation 

+129 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER115': class LinkAnnotation 

+130 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER116': class LinkAnnotation 

+131 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER117': class LinkAnnotation 

+132 0 obj

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+% 'Page10': class PDFPage 

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+% 'Page11': class PDFPage 

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+% 'Page12': class PDFPage 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER118': class LinkAnnotation 

+136 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER119': class LinkAnnotation 

+137 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER120': class LinkAnnotation 

+138 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER121': class LinkAnnotation 

+139 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER122': class LinkAnnotation 

+140 0 obj

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+% 'Page13': class PDFPage 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER123': class LinkAnnotation 

+142 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER124': class LinkAnnotation 

+143 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER125': class LinkAnnotation 

+144 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER126': class LinkAnnotation 

+145 0 obj

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+% 'Page14': class PDFPage 

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+% Page dictionary

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER127': class LinkAnnotation 

+147 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER128': class LinkAnnotation 

+149 0 obj

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER129': class LinkAnnotation 

+150 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER130': class LinkAnnotation 

+151 0 obj

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+% 'Page16': class PDFPage 

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+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER131': class LinkAnnotation 

+153 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 689.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 180.895

+ 286.6775

+ 229.2475

+ 297.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page17': class PDFPage 

+154 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 153 0 R ]

+ /Contents 253 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER132': class LinkAnnotation 

+155 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 703.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 164.2225

+ 570.24

+ 212.575

+ 581.49 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER133': class LinkAnnotation 

+156 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 703.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 465.5875

+ 493.115

+ 513.94

+ 504.365 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER134': class LinkAnnotation 

+157 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 703.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 345.55

+ 393.49

+ 393.9025

+ 404.74 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER135': class LinkAnnotation 

+158 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 703.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 57.085

+ 327.615

+ 105.4375

+ 338.865 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page18': class PDFPage 

+159 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 155 0 R

+ 156 0 R

+ 157 0 R

+ 158 0 R ]

+ /Contents 254 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER136': class LinkAnnotation 

+160 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 404.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 323.41

+ 539.74

+ 367.5925

+ 550.99 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER137': class PDFDictionary 

+161 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 193.8325

+ 174.615

+ 283.9675

+ 185.865 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page19': class PDFPage 

+162 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 160 0 R

+ 161 0 R ]

+ /Contents 255 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Page20': class PDFPage 

+163 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Contents 256 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 236 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'R164': class PDFCatalog 

+164 0 obj

+% Document Root

+<< /Outlines 166 0 R

+ /PageMode /UseNone

+ /Pages 236 0 R

+ /Type /Catalog >>


+% 'R165': class PDFInfo 

+165 0 obj

+<< /Author ()

+ /CreationDate (D:20100802143410+08'00')

+ /Keywords ()

+ /Producer (pisa HTML to PDF <>)

+ /Subject ()

+ /Title (Android 2.2 Compatibility Definition) >>


+% 'R166': class PDFOutlines 

+166 0 obj

+<< /Count 11

+ /First 167 0 R

+ /Last 167 0 R

+ /Type /Outlines >>


+% 'Outline.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+167 0 obj

+<< /Count -15

+ /Dest [ 47 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 168 0 R

+ /Last 230 0 R

+ /Parent 166 0 R

+ /Title (Android 2.2 Compatibility Definition) >>


+% 'Outline.2.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+168 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 47 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 169 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Title (Table of Contents) >>


+% 'Outline.2.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+169 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 170 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 168 0 R

+ /Title (1. Introduction) >>


+% 'Outline.2.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+170 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 97 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 171 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 169 0 R

+ /Title (2. Resources) >>


+% 'Outline.2.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+171 0 obj

+<< /Count -8

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 172 0 R

+ /Last 188 0 R

+ /Next 194 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 170 0 R

+ /Title (3. Software) >>


+% 'Outline.3.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+172 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 173 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Title (3.1. Managed API Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+173 0 obj

+<< /Count -7

+ /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 174 0 R

+ /Last 180 0 R

+ /Next 181 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 172 0 R

+ /Title (3.2. Soft API Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.4.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+174 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 175 0 R

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Title (3.2.1. Permissions) >>


+% 'Outline.4.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+175 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 109 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 176 0 R

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Prev 174 0 R

+ /Title (3.2.2. Build Parameters) >>


+% 'Outline.4.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+176 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 111 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 177 0 R

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Prev 175 0 R

+ /Title (3.2.3. Intent Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.4.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+177 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 111 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 178 0 R

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Prev 176 0 R

+ /Title ( Core Application Intents) >>


+% 'Outline.4.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+178 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 111 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 179 0 R

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Prev 177 0 R

+ /Title ( Intent Overrides) >>


+% 'Outline.4.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+179 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 111 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 180 0 R

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Prev 178 0 R

+ /Title ( Intent Namespaces) >>


+% 'Outline.4.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+180 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 113 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 173 0 R

+ /Prev 179 0 R

+ /Title ( Broadcast Intents) >>


+% 'Outline.3.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+181 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 113 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 182 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 173 0 R

+ /Title (3.3. Native API Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+182 0 obj

+<< /Count -2

+ /Dest [ 113 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 183 0 R

+ /Last 184 0 R

+ /Next 185 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 181 0 R

+ /Title (3.4. Web Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.5.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+183 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 113 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 184 0 R

+ /Parent 182 0 R

+ /Title (3.4.1. WebView Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.5.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+184 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 117 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 182 0 R

+ /Prev 183 0 R

+ /Title (3.4.2. Browser Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+185 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 117 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 186 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 182 0 R

+ /Title (3.5. API Behavioral Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+186 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 117 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 187 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 185 0 R

+ /Title (3.6. API Namespaces) >>


+% 'Outline.3.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+187 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 188 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 186 0 R

+ /Title (3.7. Virtual Machine Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.7': class OutlineEntryObject 

+188 0 obj

+<< /Count -5

+ /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 189 0 R

+ /Last 193 0 R

+ /Parent 171 0 R

+ /Prev 187 0 R

+ /Title (3.8. User Interface Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.6.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+189 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 190 0 R

+ /Parent 188 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.1. Widgets) >>


+% 'Outline.6.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+190 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 191 0 R

+ /Parent 188 0 R

+ /Prev 189 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.2. Notifications) >>


+% 'Outline.6.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+191 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 125 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 192 0 R

+ /Parent 188 0 R

+ /Prev 190 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.3. Search) >>


+% 'Outline.6.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+192 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 133 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 193 0 R

+ /Parent 188 0 R

+ /Prev 191 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.4. Toasts) >>


+% 'Outline.6.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+193 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 133 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 188 0 R

+ /Prev 192 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.5. Live Wallpapers) >>


+% 'Outline.2.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+194 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 133 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 195 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 171 0 R

+ /Title (4. Reference Software Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+195 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 133 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 196 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 194 0 R

+ /Title (5. Application Packaging Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+196 0 obj

+<< /Count -3

+ /Dest [ 134 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 197 0 R

+ /Last 199 0 R

+ /Next 200 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 195 0 R

+ /Title (6. Multimedia Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.7.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+197 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 134 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 198 0 R

+ /Parent 196 0 R

+ /Title (6.1. Media Codecs) >>


+% 'Outline.7.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+198 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 199 0 R

+ /Parent 196 0 R

+ /Prev 197 0 R

+ /Title (6.2. Audio Recording) >>


+% 'Outline.7.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+199 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 196 0 R

+ /Prev 198 0 R

+ /Title (6.3. Audio Latency) >>


+% 'Outline.2.7': class OutlineEntryObject 

+200 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 141 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 201 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 196 0 R

+ /Title (7. Developer Tool Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.8': class OutlineEntryObject 

+201 0 obj

+<< /Count -16

+ /Dest [ 141 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 202 0 R

+ /Last 220 0 R

+ /Next 221 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 200 0 R

+ /Title (8. Hardware Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.8.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+202 0 obj

+<< /Count -3

+ /Dest [ 141 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 203 0 R

+ /Last 205 0 R

+ /Next 206 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Title (8.1. Display) >>


+% 'Outline.9.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+203 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 204 0 R

+ /Parent 202 0 R

+ /Title (8.1.2. Non-Standard Display Configurations) >>


+% 'Outline.9.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+204 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 205 0 R

+ /Parent 202 0 R

+ /Prev 203 0 R

+ /Title (8.1.3. Display Metrics) >>


+% 'Outline.9.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+205 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 202 0 R

+ /Prev 204 0 R

+ /Title (8.1.4. Declared Screen Support) >>


+% 'Outline.8.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+206 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 207 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 202 0 R

+ /Title (8.2. Keyboard) >>


+% 'Outline.8.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+207 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 208 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 206 0 R

+ /Title (8.3. Non-touch Navigation) >>


+% 'Outline.8.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+208 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 146 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 209 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 207 0 R

+ /Title (8.4. Screen Orientation) >>


+% 'Outline.8.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+209 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 210 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 208 0 R

+ /Title (8.5. Touchscreen input) >>


+% 'Outline.8.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+210 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 211 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 209 0 R

+ /Title (8.6. USB) >>


+% 'Outline.8.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+211 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 212 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 210 0 R

+ /Title (8.7. Navigation keys) >>


+% 'Outline.8.7': class OutlineEntryObject 

+212 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 213 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 211 0 R

+ /Title (8.8. Wireless Data Networking) >>


+% 'Outline.8.8': class OutlineEntryObject 

+213 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 148 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 214 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 212 0 R

+ /Title (8.9. Camera) >>


+% 'Outline.8.9': class OutlineEntryObject 

+214 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 215 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 213 0 R

+ /Title (8.10. Accelerometer) >>


+% 'Outline.8.10': class OutlineEntryObject 

+215 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 216 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 214 0 R

+ /Title (8.11. Compass) >>


+% 'Outline.8.11': class OutlineEntryObject 

+216 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 217 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 215 0 R

+ /Title (8.12. GPS) >>


+% 'Outline.8.12': class OutlineEntryObject 

+217 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 218 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 216 0 R

+ /Title (8.13. Telephony) >>


+% 'Outline.8.13': class OutlineEntryObject 

+218 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 152 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 219 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 217 0 R

+ /Title (8.14. Memory and Storage) >>


+% 'Outline.8.14': class OutlineEntryObject 

+219 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 220 0 R

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 218 0 R

+ /Title (8.15. Application Shared Storage) >>


+% 'Outline.8.15': class OutlineEntryObject 

+220 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 201 0 R

+ /Prev 219 0 R

+ /Title (8.16. Bluetooth) >>


+% 'Outline.2.9': class OutlineEntryObject 

+221 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 222 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 201 0 R

+ /Title (9. Performance Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.10': class OutlineEntryObject 

+222 0 obj

+<< /Count -4

+ /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 223 0 R

+ /Last 226 0 R

+ /Next 227 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 221 0 R

+ /Title (10. Security Model Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.10.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+223 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 224 0 R

+ /Parent 222 0 R

+ /Title (10.1. Permissions) >>


+% 'Outline.10.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+224 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 225 0 R

+ /Parent 222 0 R

+ /Prev 223 0 R

+ /Title (10.2. UID and Process Isolation) >>


+% 'Outline.10.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+225 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 226 0 R

+ /Parent 222 0 R

+ /Prev 224 0 R

+ /Title (10.3. Filesystem Permissions) >>


+% 'Outline.10.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+226 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 159 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 222 0 R

+ /Prev 225 0 R

+ /Title (10.4. Alternate Execution Environments) >>


+% 'Outline.2.11': class OutlineEntryObject 

+227 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 162 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 228 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 222 0 R

+ /Title (11. Compatibility Test Suite) >>


+% 'Outline.2.12': class OutlineEntryObject 

+228 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 162 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 229 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 227 0 R

+ /Title (12. Updatable Software) >>


+% 'Outline.2.13': class OutlineEntryObject 

+229 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 162 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 230 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 228 0 R

+ /Title (13. Contact Us) >>


+% 'Outline.2.14': class OutlineEntryObject 

+230 0 obj

+<< /Count -5

+ /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 231 0 R

+ /Last 235 0 R

+ /Parent 167 0 R

+ /Prev 229 0 R

+ /Title (Appendix A - Bluetooth Test Procedure) >>


+% 'Outline.11.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+231 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 232 0 R

+ /Parent 230 0 R

+ /Title (Setup and Installation) >>


+% 'Outline.11.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+232 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 233 0 R

+ /Parent 230 0 R

+ /Prev 231 0 R

+ /Title (Test Bluetooth Control by Apps) >>


+% 'Outline.11.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+233 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 234 0 R

+ /Parent 230 0 R

+ /Prev 232 0 R

+ /Title (Test Pairing and Communication) >>


+% 'Outline.11.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+234 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 235 0 R

+ /Parent 230 0 R

+ /Prev 233 0 R

+ /Title (Test Pairing and Communication in the Reverse Direction) >>


+% 'Outline.11.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+235 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 163 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 230 0 R

+ /Prev 234 0 R

+ /Title (Test Re-Launches) >>


+% 'R236': class PDFPages 

+236 0 obj

+% page tree

+<< /Count 20

+ /Kids [ 47 0 R

+ 69 0 R

+ 97 0 R

+ 109 0 R

+ 110 0 R

+ 111 0 R

+ 113 0 R

+ 117 0 R

+ 125 0 R

+ 133 0 R

+ 134 0 R

+ 135 0 R

+ 141 0 R

+ 146 0 R

+ 148 0 R

+ 152 0 R

+ 154 0 R

+ 159 0 R

+ 162 0 R

+ 163 0 R ]

+ /Type /Pages >>


+% 'R237': class PDFStream 

+237 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 1796 >>




+% 'R238': class PDFStream 

+238 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 946 >>




+% 'R239': class PDFStream 

+239 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 3247 >>




+% 'R240': class PDFStream 

+240 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 2935 >>




+% 'R241': class PDFStream 

+241 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 3185 >>




+% 'R242': class PDFStream 

+242 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 2279 >>




+% 'R243': class PDFStream 

+243 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 2767 >>




+% 'R244': class PDFStream 

+244 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 2605 >>




+% 'R245': class PDFStream 

+245 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 2902 >>




+% 'R246': class PDFStream 

+246 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 2747 >>




+% 'R247': class PDFStream 

+247 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 4322 >>




+% 'R248': class PDFStream 

+248 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 2420 >>




+% 'R249': class PDFStream 

+249 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 3929 >>




+% 'R250': class PDFStream 

+250 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 2421 >>




+% 'R251': class PDFStream 

+251 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 2286 >>




+% 'R252': class PDFStream 

+252 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

+ /Length 2729 >>




+% 'R253': class PDFStream 

+253 0 obj

+% page stream

+<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode

+ /FlateDecode ]

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+ 23 0 R

+ 24 0 R

+ 25 0 R

+ 26 0 R

+ 27 0 R

+ 28 0 R

+ 29 0 R

+ 30 0 R

+ 31 0 R

+ 32 0 R

+ 33 0 R

+ 34 0 R

+ 35 0 R

+ 36 0 R

+ 37 0 R

+ 38 0 R

+ 39 0 R

+ 40 0 R

+ 41 0 R

+ 42 0 R

+ 43 0 R

+ 44 0 R

+ 45 0 R

+ 46 0 R ]

+ /Contents 303 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ]

+ /XObject << /FormXob.c4c4c9f90f2c427799b277ddd57a9a5b 3 0 R >> >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER43': class LinkAnnotation 

+48 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 249.49

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 730.6775

+ 152.95

+ 741.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER44': class LinkAnnotation 

+49 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 111.74

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 719.4275

+ 192.9625

+ 730.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER45': class LinkAnnotation 

+50 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 684.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 708.1775

+ 173.785

+ 719.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER46': class LinkAnnotation 

+51 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 588.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 696.9275

+ 182.545

+ 708.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER47': class LinkAnnotation 

+52 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 474.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 683.6775

+ 127.105

+ 694.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER48': class LinkAnnotation 

+53 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 232.24

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 670.4275

+ 169.195

+ 681.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER49': class LinkAnnotation 

+54 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 116.99

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 659.1775

+ 169.2025

+ 670.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER50': class LinkAnnotation 

+55 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 669.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 647.9275

+ 136.69

+ 659.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER51': class LinkAnnotation 

+56 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 616.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 636.6775

+ 157.1125

+ 647.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER52': class LinkAnnotation 

+57 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 516.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 625.4275

+ 155.86

+ 636.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER53': class LinkAnnotation 

+58 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 440.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 614.1775

+ 165.8575

+ 625.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER54': class LinkAnnotation 

+59 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 376.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 602.9275

+ 159.6175

+ 614.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER55': class LinkAnnotation 

+60 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 335.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 591.6775

+ 177.5275

+ 602.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER56': class LinkAnnotation 

+61 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 259.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 578.4275

+ 158.365

+ 589.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER57': class LinkAnnotation 

+62 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 194.24

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 565.1775

+ 155.8675

+ 576.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER58': class LinkAnnotation 

+63 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 699.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 553.9275

+ 185.035

+ 565.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER59': class LinkAnnotation 

+64 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 646.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 542.6775

+ 152.5375

+ 553.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER60': class LinkAnnotation 

+65 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 539.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 531.4275

+ 213.7825

+ 542.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER61': class LinkAnnotation 

+66 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 398.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 520.1775

+ 215.86

+ 531.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER62': class LinkAnnotation 

+67 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 280.7975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 506.9275

+ 130.015

+ 518.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER63': class LinkAnnotation 

+68 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 193.24

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 493.6775

+ 190.8625

+ 504.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER64': class LinkAnnotation 

+69 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 710.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 482.4275

+ 192.115

+ 493.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER65': class LinkAnnotation 

+70 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 475.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 471.1775

+ 193.375

+ 482.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER66': class LinkAnnotation 

+71 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 223.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 459.9275

+ 186.2875

+ 471.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER67': class LinkAnnotation 

+72 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 158.2975

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 446.6775

+ 169.6225

+ 457.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER68': class LinkAnnotation 

+73 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 93.24

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 433.4275

+ 223.375

+ 444.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER69': class LinkAnnotation 

+74 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 197 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 592.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 100

+ 422.1775

+ 212.1475

+ 433.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER70': class LinkAnnotation 

+75 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 197 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 335.5475

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 408.9275

+ 115.015

+ 420.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER71': class LinkAnnotation 

+76 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 197 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 171.0138

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 395.6775

+ 166.2775

+ 406.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER72': class LinkAnnotation 

+77 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 621.6388

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 384.4275

+ 172.945

+ 395.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER73': class LinkAnnotation 

+78 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 527.11

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 371.1775

+ 140.4325

+ 382.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER74': class LinkAnnotation 

+79 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 449.985

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 359.9275

+ 186.295

+ 371.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER75': class LinkAnnotation 

+80 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 372.86

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 348.6775

+ 178.3525

+ 359.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER76': class LinkAnnotation 

+81 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 306.985

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 337.4275

+ 212.56

+ 348.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER77': class LinkAnnotation 

+82 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 591.1387

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 324.1775

+ 183.79

+ 335.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER78': class LinkAnnotation 

+83 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 475.86

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 310.9275

+ 182.5375

+ 322.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER79': class LinkAnnotation 

+84 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 300.985

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 299.6775

+ 144.6025

+ 310.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER80': class LinkAnnotation 

+85 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 137.36

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 85

+ 288.4275

+ 180.88

+ 299.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER81': class LinkAnnotation 

+86 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 208 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 686.8887

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 275.1775

+ 148.375

+ 286.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER82': class LinkAnnotation 

+87 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 208 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 459.9513

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 263.9275

+ 119.605

+ 275.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER83': class LinkAnnotation 

+88 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 209 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 747.2637

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 70

+ 252.6775

+ 200.065

+ 263.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page2': class PDFPage 

+89 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 48 0 R

+ 49 0 R

+ 50 0 R

+ 51 0 R

+ 52 0 R

+ 53 0 R

+ 54 0 R

+ 55 0 R

+ 56 0 R

+ 57 0 R

+ 58 0 R

+ 59 0 R

+ 60 0 R

+ 61 0 R

+ 62 0 R

+ 63 0 R

+ 64 0 R

+ 65 0 R

+ 66 0 R

+ 67 0 R

+ 68 0 R

+ 69 0 R

+ 70 0 R

+ 71 0 R

+ 72 0 R

+ 73 0 R

+ 74 0 R

+ 75 0 R

+ 76 0 R

+ 77 0 R

+ 78 0 R

+ 79 0 R

+ 80 0 R

+ 81 0 R

+ 82 0 R

+ 83 0 R

+ 84 0 R

+ 85 0 R

+ 86 0 R

+ 87 0 R

+ 88 0 R ]

+ /Contents 304 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER84': class LinkAnnotation 

+90 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 462.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 125.8675

+ 663.865

+ 170.05

+ 675.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER85': class LinkAnnotation 

+91 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 55

+ 591.1387

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 237.16

+ 579.115

+ 272.5975

+ 590.365 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER86': class LinkAnnotation 

+92 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 436.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 401.8075

+ 567.865

+ 445.99

+ 579.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER87': class PDFDictionary 

+93 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 189.625

+ 450.4275

+ 297.1675

+ 461.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER88': class PDFDictionary 

+94 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 205.45

+ 437.1775

+ 369.6775

+ 448.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER89': class PDFDictionary 

+95 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 167.965

+ 423.9275

+ 254.6725

+ 435.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER90': class PDFDictionary 

+96 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 184.2325

+ 410.6775

+ 363.4825

+ 421.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER91': class PDFDictionary 

+97 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 172.9525

+ 397.4275

+ 413.8825

+ 408.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER92': class PDFDictionary 

+98 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 157.96

+ 384.1775

+ 358.885

+ 395.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER93': class PDFDictionary 

+99 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 186.715

+ 370.9275

+ 373.45

+ 382.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER94': class PDFDictionary 

+100 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 171.7

+ 357.6775

+ 400.96

+ 368.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER95': class PDFDictionary 

+101 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 95.005

+ 344.4275

+ 307.1575

+ 355.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER96': class PDFDictionary 

+102 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 159.955

+ 331.1775

+ 327.52

+ 342.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER97': class PDFDictionary 

+103 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 131.2

+ 317.9275

+ 296.68

+ 329.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER98': class PDFDictionary 

+104 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 172.045

+ 304.6775

+ 300.8425

+ 315.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER99': class PDFDictionary 

+105 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 178.3

+ 291.4275

+ 298.765

+ 302.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER100': class PDFDictionary 

+106 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 170.7925

+ 278.1775

+ 283.75

+ 289.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER101': class PDFDictionary 

+107 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 114.5275

+ 251.6775

+ 374.23

+ 262.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER102': class PDFDictionary 

+108 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 114.94

+ 238.4275

+ 346.2925

+ 249.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER103': class PDFDictionary 

+109 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 148.705

+ 225.1775

+ 368.8

+ 236.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER104': class PDFDictionary 

+110 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 162.8875

+ 211.9275

+ 477.1975

+ 223.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER105': class PDFDictionary 

+111 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 129.535

+ 198.6775

+ 371.7325

+ 209.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER106': class PDFDictionary 

+112 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 96.6025

+ 185.4275

+ 313.3675

+ 196.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER107': class PDFDictionary 

+113 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 127.4425

+ 172.1775

+ 351.265

+ 183.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER108': class PDFDictionary 

+114 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 245.845

+ 158.9275

+ 453.865

+ 170.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER109': class PDFDictionary 

+115 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 164.1325

+ 145.6775

+ 364.645

+ 156.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER110': class PDFDictionary 

+116 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 117.8575

+ 132.4275

+ 349.2025

+ 143.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER111': class PDFDictionary 

+117 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 138.7075

+ 119.1775

+ 355.06

+ 130.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER112': class PDFDictionary 

+118 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 179.965

+ 105.9275

+ 452.1775

+ 117.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER113': class PDFDictionary 

+119 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 167.8825

+ 92.6775

+ 389.23

+ 103.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER114': class PDFDictionary 

+120 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 161.6125

+ 79.4275

+ 396.28

+ 90.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page3': class PDFPage 

+121 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+ 91 0 R

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+ 94 0 R

+ 95 0 R

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+ 100 0 R

+ 101 0 R

+ 102 0 R

+ 103 0 R

+ 104 0 R

+ 105 0 R

+ 106 0 R

+ 107 0 R

+ 108 0 R

+ 109 0 R

+ 110 0 R

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+ 114 0 R

+ 115 0 R

+ 116 0 R

+ 117 0 R

+ 118 0 R

+ 119 0 R

+ 120 0 R ]

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+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

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+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER115': class PDFDictionary 

+122 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 184.9825

+ 730.6775

+ 443.02

+ 741.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER116': class PDFDictionary 

+123 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 157.0525

+ 717.4275

+ 407.5825

+ 728.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER117': class PDFDictionary 

+124 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 119.9575

+ 704.1775

+ 388.825

+ 715.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER118': class PDFDictionary 

+125 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI (\(int\)) >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 152.0425

+ 690.9275

+ 474.6625

+ 702.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER119': class PDFDictionary 

+126 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 161.2075

+ 677.6775

+ 395.47

+ 688.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER120': class PDFDictionary 

+127 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 220.3975

+ 664.4275

+ 429.6475

+ 675.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER121': class PDFDictionary 

+128 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 129.955

+ 651.1775

+ 269.1925

+ 662.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER122': class LinkAnnotation 

+129 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 422.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 460.615

+ 435.865

+ 504.7975

+ 447.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER123': class LinkAnnotation 

+130 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 409.615

+ 0 ]

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+ 264.49 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'F3': class PDFType1Font 

+131 0 obj

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER124': class LinkAnnotation 

+132 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ 66.25

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+ 0 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'F4': class PDFType1Font 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER125': class LinkAnnotation 

+134 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

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+ 0 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page4': class PDFPage 

+135 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+ 134 0 R ]

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+% 'Page5': class PDFPage 

+136 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+% 'Page6': class PDFPage 

+137 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER126': class LinkAnnotation 

+138 0 obj

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+ 0

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+ 0 ]

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+% 'Page7': class PDFPage 

+139 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER127': class LinkAnnotation 

+140 0 obj

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+ 66.25

+ 356.615

+ 0 ]

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+ 544.1775 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER128': class LinkAnnotation 

+141 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ 69.925

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+ 0 ]

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER129': class LinkAnnotation 

+142 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

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+ 0 ]

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+ 498.9275 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER130': class LinkAnnotation 

+143 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 316.865

+ 0 ]

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+ 485.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER131': class LinkAnnotation 

+144 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ 69.925

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+% 'F5': class PDFType1Font 

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER132': class LinkAnnotation 

+146 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 290.365

+ 0 ]

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+ 158.8

+ 453.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER133': class LinkAnnotation 

+147 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 356.615

+ 0 ]

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+ 204.64

+ 293.6775 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER134': class LinkAnnotation 

+148 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 343.365

+ 0 ]

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+ 250.4275

+ 232.165

+ 261.6775 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER135': class LinkAnnotation 

+149 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 330.115

+ 0 ]

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+ 237.1775

+ 170.4775

+ 248.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER136': class LinkAnnotation 

+150 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

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+ 69.925

+ 316.865

+ 0 ]

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+ 157.1275

+ 235.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER137': class LinkAnnotation 

+151 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 303.615

+ 0 ]

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+ 391.7875

+ 214.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER138': class LinkAnnotation 

+152 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

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+ 69.925

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+ 0 ]

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+ 158.8

+ 203.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER139': class LinkAnnotation 

+153 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

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+ 0 ]

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+% 'Page8': class PDFPage 

+154 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+ 151 0 R

+ 152 0 R

+ 153 0 R ]

+ /Contents 310 0 R

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER140': class LinkAnnotation 

+155 0 obj

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+% 'Page9': class PDFPage 

+156 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+ /ImageI ] >>

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER141': class LinkAnnotation 

+157 0 obj

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+ 263.865

+ 0 ]

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+ 677.9275

+ 553.075

+ 689.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER142': class LinkAnnotation 

+158 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

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+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 55

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+ 63.34

+ 677.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER143': class LinkAnnotation 

+159 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

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+ 0 ]

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+ 559.4275

+ 361.3975

+ 570.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER144': class LinkAnnotation 

+160 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 237.365

+ 0 ]

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+ 527.4275

+ 496.4125

+ 538.6775 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER145': class LinkAnnotation 

+161 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ 69.925

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+ 0 ]

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+ 172.9675

+ 527.4275 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER146': class LinkAnnotation 

+162 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

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+ 69.925

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+ 0 ]

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+ 463.4275 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER147': class LinkAnnotation 

+163 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

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+ 69.925

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+ 0 ]

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+ 290.4275 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER148': class LinkAnnotation 

+164 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

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+% 'Page10': class PDFPage 

+165 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

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+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

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+ /ImageB

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+ /ImageI ] >>

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER149': class LinkAnnotation 

+166 0 obj

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+ 0 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER150': class LinkAnnotation 

+167 0 obj

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+ 0

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

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+ 69.925

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+ 0 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER151': class LinkAnnotation 

+168 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

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+ 421.39

+ 686.365 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER152': class LinkAnnotation 

+169 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

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+ 69.925

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+% 'Page11': class PDFPage 

+170 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+% 'Page12': class PDFPage 

+171 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

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+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER153': class LinkAnnotation 

+172 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

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+ 0 ]

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+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER154': class LinkAnnotation 

+173 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

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+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 207.1

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER155': class LinkAnnotation 

+174 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

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+ 0 ]

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+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER156': class LinkAnnotation 

+175 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

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+% 'Page13': class PDFPage 

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+% Page dictionary

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+% 'Annot.NUMBER157': class LinkAnnotation 

+177 0 obj

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+ 118.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 392.7925

+ 454.74

+ 441.145

+ 465.99 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER158': class LinkAnnotation 

+178 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 104.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 258.0025

+ 388.865

+ 306.355

+ 400.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page14': class PDFPage 

+179 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 177 0 R

+ 178 0 R ]

+ /Contents 316 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER159': class LinkAnnotation 

+180 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 91.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 462.835

+ 689.1775

+ 511.1875

+ 700.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER160': class LinkAnnotation 

+181 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 742.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 259.42

+ 120.3025

+ 307.7725

+ 131.5525 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page15': class PDFPage 

+182 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 180 0 R

+ 181 0 R ]

+ /Contents 317 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER161': class LinkAnnotation 

+183 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 742.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 381.79

+ 717.4275

+ 430.1425

+ 728.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER162': class LinkAnnotation 

+184 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 742.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 304.7875

+ 508.1775

+ 353.14

+ 519.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER163': class LinkAnnotation 

+185 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 118.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 468.19

+ 385.8025

+ 516.5425

+ 397.0525 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER164': class LinkAnnotation 

+186 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 729.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 382.21

+ 165.3025

+ 430.5625

+ 176.5525 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page16': class PDFPage 

+187 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 183 0 R

+ 184 0 R

+ 185 0 R

+ 186 0 R ]

+ /Contents 318 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER165': class LinkAnnotation 

+188 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 729.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 382.21

+ 717.4275

+ 430.5625

+ 728.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page17': class PDFPage 

+189 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 188 0 R ]

+ /Contents 319 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER166': class LinkAnnotation 

+190 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 716.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 297.6025

+ 602.6775

+ 345.955

+ 613.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER167': class LinkAnnotation 

+191 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 118.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 68.335

+ 463.4275

+ 116.6875

+ 474.6775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER168': class LinkAnnotation 

+192 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 118.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 320.2675

+ 418.1775

+ 368.62

+ 429.4275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page18': class PDFPage 

+193 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 190 0 R

+ 191 0 R

+ 192 0 R ]

+ /Contents 320 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER169': class LinkAnnotation 

+194 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 703.115

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 293.17

+ 545.9275

+ 341.5225

+ 557.1775 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER170': class LinkAnnotation 

+195 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 689.865

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 425.56

+ 353.6775

+ 473.9125

+ 364.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page19': class PDFPage 

+196 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 194 0 R

+ 195 0 R ]

+ /Contents 321 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Page20': class PDFPage 

+197 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Contents 322 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER171': class LinkAnnotation 

+198 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 676.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 164.2225

+ 558.99

+ 212.575

+ 570.24 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER172': class LinkAnnotation 

+199 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 676.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 465.5875

+ 481.865

+ 513.94

+ 493.115 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER173': class LinkAnnotation 

+200 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 676.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 345.55

+ 382.24

+ 393.9025

+ 393.49 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER174': class LinkAnnotation 

+201 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 676.615

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 57.085

+ 316.365

+ 105.4375

+ 327.615 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page21': class PDFPage 

+202 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 198 0 R

+ 199 0 R

+ 200 0 R

+ 201 0 R ]

+ /Contents 323 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER175': class LinkAnnotation 

+203 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 449.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 323.41

+ 430.615

+ 367.5925

+ 441.865 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER176': class LinkAnnotation 

+204 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 66.25

+ 449.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 315.115

+ 321.615

+ 359.2975

+ 332.865 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page22': class PDFPage 

+205 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 203 0 R

+ 204 0 R ]

+ /Contents 324 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER177': class LinkAnnotation 

+206 0 obj

+<< /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Contents ()

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /XYZ

+ 69.925

+ 663.365

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 188.2975

+ 730.6775

+ 236.65

+ 741.9275 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Annot.NUMBER178': class PDFDictionary 

+207 0 obj

+<< /A << /S /URI

+ /Type /Action

+ /URI ( >>

+ /Border [ 0

+ 0

+ 0 ]

+ /Rect [ 193.8325

+ 408.5525

+ 283.9675

+ 419.8025 ]

+ /Subtype /Link

+ /Type /Annot >>


+% 'Page23': class PDFPage 

+208 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Annots [ 206 0 R

+ 207 0 R ]

+ /Contents 325 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'Page24': class PDFPage 

+209 0 obj

+% Page dictionary

+<< /Contents 326 0 R

+ /MediaBox [ 0

+ 0

+ 612

+ 792 ]

+ /Parent 302 0 R

+ /Resources << /Font 1 0 R

+ /ProcSet [ /PDF

+ /Text

+ /ImageB

+ /ImageC

+ /ImageI ] >>

+ /Rotate 0

+ /Trans <<  >>

+ /Type /Page >>


+% 'R210': class PDFCatalog 

+210 0 obj

+% Document Root

+<< /Outlines 212 0 R

+ /PageMode /UseNone

+ /Pages 302 0 R

+ /Type /Catalog >>


+% 'R211': class PDFInfo 

+211 0 obj

+<< /Author ()

+ /CreationDate (D:20101215173620+08'00')

+ /Keywords ()

+ /Producer (pisa HTML to PDF <>)

+ /Subject ()

+ /Title (Android 2.3 Compatibility Definition) >>


+% 'R212': class PDFOutlines 

+212 0 obj

+<< /Count 17

+ /First 213 0 R

+ /Last 213 0 R

+ /Type /Outlines >>


+% 'Outline.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+213 0 obj

+<< /Count -14

+ /Dest [ 47 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 214 0 R

+ /Last 296 0 R

+ /Parent 212 0 R

+ /Title (Android 2.3 Compatibility Definition) >>


+% 'Outline.2.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+214 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 47 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 215 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Title (Table of Contents) >>


+% 'Outline.2.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+215 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 216 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 214 0 R

+ /Title (1. Introduction) >>


+% 'Outline.2.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+216 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 121 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 217 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 215 0 R

+ /Title (2. Resources) >>


+% 'Outline.2.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+217 0 obj

+<< /Count -8

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 218 0 R

+ /Last 234 0 R

+ /Next 240 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 216 0 R

+ /Title (3. Software) >>


+% 'Outline.3.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+218 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 219 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Title (3.1. Managed API Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+219 0 obj

+<< /Count -7

+ /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 220 0 R

+ /Last 226 0 R

+ /Next 227 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 218 0 R

+ /Title (3.2. Soft API Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.4.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+220 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 221 0 R

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Title (3.2.1. Permissions) >>


+% 'Outline.4.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+221 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 135 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 222 0 R

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Prev 220 0 R

+ /Title (3.2.2. Build Parameters) >>


+% 'Outline.4.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+222 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 137 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 223 0 R

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Prev 221 0 R

+ /Title (3.2.3. Intent Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.4.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+223 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 137 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 224 0 R

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Prev 222 0 R

+ /Title ( Core Application Intents) >>


+% 'Outline.4.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+224 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 137 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 225 0 R

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Prev 223 0 R

+ /Title ( Intent Overrides) >>


+% 'Outline.4.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+225 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 137 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 226 0 R

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Prev 224 0 R

+ /Title ( Intent Namespaces) >>


+% 'Outline.4.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+226 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 139 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 219 0 R

+ /Prev 225 0 R

+ /Title ( Broadcast Intents) >>


+% 'Outline.3.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+227 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 139 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 228 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 219 0 R

+ /Title (3.3. Native API Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+228 0 obj

+<< /Count -2

+ /Dest [ 139 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 229 0 R

+ /Last 230 0 R

+ /Next 231 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 227 0 R

+ /Title (3.4. Web Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.5.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+229 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 139 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 230 0 R

+ /Parent 228 0 R

+ /Title (3.4.1. WebView Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.5.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+230 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 228 0 R

+ /Prev 229 0 R

+ /Title (3.4.2. Browser Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+231 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 154 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 232 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 228 0 R

+ /Title (3.5. API Behavioral Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+232 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 156 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 233 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 231 0 R

+ /Title (3.6. API Namespaces) >>


+% 'Outline.3.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+233 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 156 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 234 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 232 0 R

+ /Title (3.7. Virtual Machine Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.3.7': class OutlineEntryObject 

+234 0 obj

+<< /Count -5

+ /Dest [ 156 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 235 0 R

+ /Last 239 0 R

+ /Parent 217 0 R

+ /Prev 233 0 R

+ /Title (3.8. User Interface Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.6.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+235 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 236 0 R

+ /Parent 234 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.1. Widgets) >>


+% 'Outline.6.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+236 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 237 0 R

+ /Parent 234 0 R

+ /Prev 235 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.2. Notifications) >>


+% 'Outline.6.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+237 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 238 0 R

+ /Parent 234 0 R

+ /Prev 236 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.3. Search) >>


+% 'Outline.6.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+238 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 239 0 R

+ /Parent 234 0 R

+ /Prev 237 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.4. Toasts) >>


+% 'Outline.6.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+239 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 165 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 234 0 R

+ /Prev 238 0 R

+ /Title (3.8.5. Live Wallpapers) >>


+% 'Outline.2.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+240 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 170 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 241 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 217 0 R

+ /Title (4. Application Packaging Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+241 0 obj

+<< /Count -5

+ /Dest [ 170 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 242 0 R

+ /Last 246 0 R

+ /Next 247 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 240 0 R

+ /Title (5. Multimedia Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.7.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+242 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 170 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 243 0 R

+ /Parent 241 0 R

+ /Title (5.1. Media Codecs) >>


+% 'Outline.7.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+243 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 170 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 244 0 R

+ /Parent 241 0 R

+ /Prev 242 0 R

+ /Title (5.1.1. Media Decoders) >>


+% 'Outline.7.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+244 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 171 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 245 0 R

+ /Parent 241 0 R

+ /Prev 243 0 R

+ /Title (5.1.2. Media Encoders) >>


+% 'Outline.7.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+245 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 171 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 246 0 R

+ /Parent 241 0 R

+ /Prev 244 0 R

+ /Title (5.2. Audio Recording) >>


+% 'Outline.7.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+246 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 176 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 241 0 R

+ /Prev 245 0 R

+ /Title (5.3. Audio Latency) >>


+% 'Outline.2.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+247 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 176 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 248 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 241 0 R

+ /Title (6. Developer Tool Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.7': class OutlineEntryObject 

+248 0 obj

+<< /Count -7

+ /Dest [ 179 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 249 0 R

+ /Last 283 0 R

+ /Next 284 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 247 0 R

+ /Title (7. Hardware Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.8.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+249 0 obj

+<< /Count -5

+ /Dest [ 179 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 250 0 R

+ /Last 254 0 R

+ /Next 255 0 R

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Title (7.1. Display and Graphics) >>


+% 'Outline.9.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+250 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 179 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 251 0 R

+ /Parent 249 0 R

+ /Title (7.1.1. Screen Configurations) >>


+% 'Outline.9.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+251 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 252 0 R

+ /Parent 249 0 R

+ /Prev 250 0 R

+ /Title (7.1.2. Display Metrics) >>


+% 'Outline.9.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+252 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 253 0 R

+ /Parent 249 0 R

+ /Prev 251 0 R

+ /Title (7.1.3. Declared Screen Support) >>


+% 'Outline.9.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+253 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 254 0 R

+ /Parent 249 0 R

+ /Prev 252 0 R

+ /Title (7.1.4. Screen Orientation) >>


+% 'Outline.9.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+254 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 249 0 R

+ /Prev 253 0 R

+ /Title (7.1.5. 3D Graphics Acceleration) >>


+% 'Outline.8.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+255 0 obj

+<< /Count -4

+ /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 256 0 R

+ /Last 259 0 R

+ /Next 260 0 R

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Prev 249 0 R

+ /Title (7.2. Input Devices) >>


+% 'Outline.10.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+256 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 257 0 R

+ /Parent 255 0 R

+ /Title (7.2.1. Keyboard) >>


+% 'Outline.10.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+257 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 182 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 258 0 R

+ /Parent 255 0 R

+ /Prev 256 0 R

+ /Title (7.2.2. Non-touch Navigation) >>


+% 'Outline.10.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+258 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 259 0 R

+ /Parent 255 0 R

+ /Prev 257 0 R

+ /Title (7.2.3. Navigation keys) >>


+% 'Outline.10.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+259 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 255 0 R

+ /Prev 258 0 R

+ /Title (7.2.4. Touchscreen input) >>


+% 'Outline.8.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+260 0 obj

+<< /Count -8

+ /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 261 0 R

+ /Last 268 0 R

+ /Next 269 0 R

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Prev 255 0 R

+ /Title (7.3. Sensors) >>


+% 'Outline.11.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+261 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 262 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.1. Accelerometer) >>


+% 'Outline.11.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+262 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 187 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 263 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 261 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.2. Magnetometer) >>


+% 'Outline.11.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+263 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 264 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 262 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.3. GPS) >>


+% 'Outline.11.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+264 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 265 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 263 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.4. Gyroscope) >>


+% 'Outline.11.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+265 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 266 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 264 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.5. Barometer) >>


+% 'Outline.11.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+266 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 267 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 265 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.7. Thermometer) >>


+% 'Outline.11.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+267 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 268 0 R

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 266 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.7. Photometer) >>


+% 'Outline.11.7': class OutlineEntryObject 

+268 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 260 0 R

+ /Prev 267 0 R

+ /Title (7.3.8. Proximity Sensor) >>


+% 'Outline.8.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+269 0 obj

+<< /Count -5

+ /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 270 0 R

+ /Last 274 0 R

+ /Next 275 0 R

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Prev 260 0 R

+ /Title (7.4. Data Connectivity) >>


+% 'Outline.12.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+270 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 189 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 271 0 R

+ /Parent 269 0 R

+ /Title (7.4.1. Telephony) >>


+% 'Outline.12.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+271 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 272 0 R

+ /Parent 269 0 R

+ /Prev 270 0 R

+ /Title (7.4.2. IEEE 802.11 \(WiFi\)) >>


+% 'Outline.12.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+272 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 273 0 R

+ /Parent 269 0 R

+ /Prev 271 0 R

+ /Title (7.4.3. Bluetooth) >>


+% 'Outline.12.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+273 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 274 0 R

+ /Parent 269 0 R

+ /Prev 272 0 R

+ /Title (7.4.4. Near-Field Communications) >>


+% 'Outline.12.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+274 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 269 0 R

+ /Prev 273 0 R

+ /Title (7.4.5. Minimum Network Capability) >>


+% 'Outline.8.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+275 0 obj

+<< /Count -4

+ /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 276 0 R

+ /Last 279 0 R

+ /Next 280 0 R

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Prev 269 0 R

+ /Title (7.5. Cameras) >>


+% 'Outline.13.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+276 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 193 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 277 0 R

+ /Parent 275 0 R

+ /Title (7.5.1. Rear-Facing Camera) >>


+% 'Outline.13.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+277 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 278 0 R

+ /Parent 275 0 R

+ /Prev 276 0 R

+ /Title (7.5.2. Front-Facing Camera) >>


+% 'Outline.13.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+278 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 279 0 R

+ /Parent 275 0 R

+ /Prev 277 0 R

+ /Title (7.5.3. Camera API Behavior) >>


+% 'Outline.13.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+279 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 275 0 R

+ /Prev 278 0 R

+ /Title (7.5.4. Camera Orientation) >>


+% 'Outline.8.5': class OutlineEntryObject 

+280 0 obj

+<< /Count -2

+ /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 281 0 R

+ /Last 282 0 R

+ /Next 283 0 R

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Prev 275 0 R

+ /Title (7.6. Memory and Storage) >>


+% 'Outline.14.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+281 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 196 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 282 0 R

+ /Parent 280 0 R

+ /Title (7.6.1. Minimum Memory and Storage) >>


+% 'Outline.14.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+282 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 197 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 280 0 R

+ /Prev 281 0 R

+ /Title (7.6.2. Application Shared Storage) >>


+% 'Outline.8.6': class OutlineEntryObject 

+283 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 197 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 248 0 R

+ /Prev 280 0 R

+ /Title (7.7. USB) >>


+% 'Outline.2.8': class OutlineEntryObject 

+284 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 197 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 285 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 248 0 R

+ /Title (8. Performance Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.2.9': class OutlineEntryObject 

+285 0 obj

+<< /Count -4

+ /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 286 0 R

+ /Last 289 0 R

+ /Next 290 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 284 0 R

+ /Title (9. Security Model Compatibility) >>


+% 'Outline.15.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+286 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 287 0 R

+ /Parent 285 0 R

+ /Title (9.1. Permissions) >>


+% 'Outline.15.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+287 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 288 0 R

+ /Parent 285 0 R

+ /Prev 286 0 R

+ /Title (9.2. UID and Process Isolation) >>


+% 'Outline.15.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+288 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 289 0 R

+ /Parent 285 0 R

+ /Prev 287 0 R

+ /Title (9.3. Filesystem Permissions) >>


+% 'Outline.15.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+289 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 202 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 285 0 R

+ /Prev 288 0 R

+ /Title (9.4. Alternate Execution Environments) >>


+% 'Outline.2.10': class OutlineEntryObject 

+290 0 obj

+<< /Count -3

+ /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 291 0 R

+ /Last 293 0 R

+ /Next 294 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 285 0 R

+ /Title (10. Software Compatibility Testing) >>


+% 'Outline.16.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+291 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 292 0 R

+ /Parent 290 0 R

+ /Title (10.1. Compatibility Test Suite) >>


+% 'Outline.16.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+292 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 293 0 R

+ /Parent 290 0 R

+ /Prev 291 0 R

+ /Title (10.2. CTS Verifier) >>


+% 'Outline.16.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+293 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 205 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 290 0 R

+ /Prev 292 0 R

+ /Title (10.3. Reference Applications) >>


+% 'Outline.2.11': class OutlineEntryObject 

+294 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 208 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 295 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 290 0 R

+ /Title (11. Updatable Software) >>


+% 'Outline.2.12': class OutlineEntryObject 

+295 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 208 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 296 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 294 0 R

+ /Title (12. Contact Us) >>


+% 'Outline.2.13': class OutlineEntryObject 

+296 0 obj

+<< /Count -5

+ /Dest [ 209 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /First 297 0 R

+ /Last 301 0 R

+ /Parent 213 0 R

+ /Prev 295 0 R

+ /Title (Appendix A - Bluetooth Test Procedure) >>


+% 'Outline.17.0': class OutlineEntryObject 

+297 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 209 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 298 0 R

+ /Parent 296 0 R

+ /Title (Setup and Installation) >>


+% 'Outline.17.1': class OutlineEntryObject 

+298 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 209 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 299 0 R

+ /Parent 296 0 R

+ /Prev 297 0 R

+ /Title (Test Bluetooth Control by Apps) >>


+% 'Outline.17.2': class OutlineEntryObject 

+299 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 209 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 300 0 R

+ /Parent 296 0 R

+ /Prev 298 0 R

+ /Title (Test Pairing and Communication) >>


+% 'Outline.17.3': class OutlineEntryObject 

+300 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 209 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Next 301 0 R

+ /Parent 296 0 R

+ /Prev 299 0 R

+ /Title (Test Pairing and Communication in the Reverse Direction) >>


+% 'Outline.17.4': class OutlineEntryObject 

+301 0 obj

+<< /Dest [ 209 0 R

+ /Fit ]

+ /Parent 296 0 R

+ /Prev 300 0 R

+ /Title (Test Re-Launches) >>


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+<< /ID 

+ % ReportLab generated PDF document -- digest ( 

+ [(\262~\267\007\250\024\326\216\224D*%\324\240\2522) (\262~\267\007\250\024\326\216\224D*%\324\240\2522)] 


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diff --git a/src/compatibility/android-cts-manual-r4.pdf b/src/compatibility/android-cts-manual-r4.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f16b6f9
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/compatibility/ b/src/compatibility/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fd45cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compatibility/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Contact Us #
+Thanks for your interest in Android compatibility!
+If you have questions about Android compatibility that aren't covered in
+this site, you can reach us in one of a few different ways. To get the most
+out of any of these options, please first read "Getting the Most from Our
+Lists" on the [Community page](index.html)
+## For General Discussion ##
+The preferred way to reach us is via the []( address.
+## For CTS Technical Questions ##
+If you have specific issues with the Compatibility Test Suite that require
+you to disclose information you'd prefer not to be public, you can contact an
+email address we've set up specifically this purpose: []( This email address is for
+cases that require disclosure of confidential information only, so general
+questions will be directed back to the public android-compatibility
+list. Note also that this list is for specific technical questions; general
+inquiries will also be directed back to the android-compatibility list.
+## For Business Inquiries ##
+Finally, business inquiries about the compatibility program, including
+requests to use branding elements and so on, can be sent to the address []( Like
+the CTS address, this address is for specific, private inquiries; general
+questions will be directed back to the android-compatibility list.
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+# CTS Development #
+## Initializing Your Repo Client ##
+Follow the [instructions](/source/downloading.html)
+to get and build the Android source code but specify `-b froyo`
+when issuing the `repo init` command. This assures that your CTS
+changes will be included in the next CTS release and beyond.
+## Setting Up Eclipse ##
+Follow the [instructions](/source/using-eclipse.html)
+to setup Eclipse but execute the following command to generate the
+`.classpath` file rather than copying the one from the development
+    cd /path/to/android/root
+    ./cts/development/ide/eclipse/ > .classpath
+    chmod u+w .classpath
+This `.classpath` file will contain both the Android framework
+packages and the CTS packages.
+## Building and Running CTS ##
+Execute the following commands to build CTS and start the interactive
+CTS console:
+    cd /path/to/android/root
+    make cts
+    cts
+Provide arguments to CTS to immediately start executing a test:
+    cts start --plan CTS -p android.os.cts.BuildVersionTest
+## Writing CTS Tests ##
+CTS tests use JUnit and the Android testing APIs. Review the 
+[Testing and Instrumentation]( 
+tutorial while perusing the existing tests under the
+`cts/tests/tests` directory. You will see that CTS tests mostly follow the same
+conventions used in other Android tests.
+Since CTS runs across many production devices, the tests must follow
+these rules:
+- Must take into account varying screen sizes, orientations, and keyboard layouts.
+- Only use public API methods. In other words, avoid all classes, methods, and fields that are annotated with the "hide" annotation.
+- Avoid relying upon particular view layouts or depend on the dimensions of assets that may not be on some device.
+- Don't rely upon root privileges.
+### Test Naming and Location ###
+Most CTS test cases target a specific class in the Android API. These tests
+have Java package names with a `cts` suffix and class
+names with the `Test` suffix. Each test case consists of
+multiple tests, where each test usually exercises a particular API method of
+the API class being tested. Each test is annotated with a `@TestTargetNew`
+annotation to indicate what API method is being exercised. These tests are
+arranged in a directory structure where tests are grouped into different
+categories like "widgets" and "views."
+For example, the CTS test for `android.widget.TextView` is
+`android.widget.cts.TextViewTest` found under the
+`cts/tests/tests/widget/src/android/widget/cts` directory with its
+Java package name as `android.widget.cts` and its class name as
+`TextViewTest`. The `TextViewTest` class has a test called `testSetText`
+that exercises the "setText" method and a test named "testSetSingleLine" that
+calls the `setSingleLine` method. Each of those tests have `@TestTargetNew`
+annotations indicating what they cover.
+Some CTS tests do not directly correspond to an API class but are placed in
+the most related package possible. For instance, the CTS test,
+``, is in the ``, because it
+is network related even though there is no `` class.
+Thus, use your best judgement when adding new tests and refer to other tests
+as examples.
+### New Test Packages ###
+When adding new tests, there may not be an existing directory to place your
+test. In that case, refer to the example under `cts/tests/tests/example` and
+create a new directory. Furthermore, make sure to add your new package's
+module name from its `` to `CTS_COVERAGE_TEST_CASE_LIST` in
+`cts/`. This Makefile is used by `build/core/tasks/`
+to glue all the tests together to create the final CTS package.
+### Test Stubs and Utilities ###
+Some tests use additional infrastructure like separate activities
+and various utilities to perform tests. These are located under the
+`cts/tests/src` directory. These stubs aren't separated into separate test
+APKs like the tests, so the `cts/tests/src` directory does not have additional
+top level directories like "widget" or "view." Follow the same principle of
+putting new classes into a package with a name that correlates to the purpose
+of your new class. For instance, a stub activity used for testing OpenGL like
+`GLSurfaceViewStubActivity` belongs in the `android.opengl.cts` package under
+the `cts/tests/src/android/opengl` directory.
+## Other Tasks ##
+Besides adding new tests there are other ways to contribute to CTS:
+- Fix or remove tests annotated with BrokenTest and KnownFailure.
+## Submitting Your Changes ##
+Follow the [Android Contributors' Workflow](/source/submit-patches.html)
+to contribute changes to CTS. A reviewer
+will be assigned to your change, and your change should be reviewed shortly!
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+# Compatibility Test Suite #
+## How does the CTS work? ##
+<div style="float: right">
+    <img src="/images/cts-0.png">
+The CTS is an automated testing harness that includes two major software components:
+- The CTS test harness runs on your desktop machine and manages test execution.
+- Individual test cases are executed on attached mobile devices or on an
+emulator. The test cases are written in Java as JUnit tests and packaged as
+Android .apk files to run on the actual device target.
+## Workflow ##
+1. [Download](downloads.html) the CTS.
+1. Attach at least one device (or emulator) to your machine.
+1. For CTS 2.1 R2 and beyond, setup your device (or emulator) to run the accessibility tests:
+    a. adb install -r android-cts/repository/testcases/CtsDelegatingAccessibilityService.apk
+    a. On the device, enable Settings > Accessibility > Accessibility > Delegating Accessibility Service
+1. Launch the CTS. The CTS test harness loads the test plan onto the attached devices. For each test in the test harness:
+    - The test harness pushes a .apk file to each device, executes the test through instrumentation, and records test results.
+    - The test harness removes the .apk file from each device.
+1. Once all the tests are executed, you can view the test results in your browser and use the results to adjust your design. You can continue to run the CTS throughout your development process.
+When you are ready, you can submit the report generated by the CTS to The report is a .zip archived file that contains XML results and supplemental information such as screen captures.
+## Types of test cases ##
+The CTS includes the following types of test cases:
+- *Unit tests* test atomic units of code within the Android platform; e.g. a single class, such as java.util.HashMap.
+- *Functional tests* test a combination of APIs together in a higher-level use-case.
+- *Reference application tests* instrument a complete sample application to exercise a full set of APIs and Android runtime services
+Future versions of the CTS will include the following types of test cases:
+- *Robustness tests* test the durability of the system under stress.
+- *Performance tests* test the performance of the system against defined benchmarks, for example rendering frames per second.
+## Areas Covered ##
+The unit test cases cover the following areas to ensure compatibility:
+Area | Description 
+Signature tests  |  For each Android release, there are XML files describing the signatures of all public APIs contained in the release. The CTS contains a utility to check those API signatures against the APIs available on the device. The results from signature checking are recorded in the test result XML file.
+Platform API Tests  |  Test the platform (core libraries and Android Application Framework) APIs as documented in the SDK [Class Index]( to ensure API correctness, including correct class, attribute and method signatures, correct method behavior, and negative tests to ensure expected behavior for incorrect parameter handling.
+Dalvik VM Tests  |  The tests focus on testing the Dalvik VM
+Platform Data Model  |  The CTS tests the core platform data model as exposed to application developers through content providers, as documented in the SDK [android.provider]( package: contacts, browser, settings, etc.
+Platform Intents  |  The CTS tests the core platform intents, as documented in the SDK [Available Intents](
+Platform Permissions  |  The CTS tests the core platform permissions, as documented in the SDK [Available Permissions](
+Platform Resources  |  The CTS tests for correct handling of the core platform resource types, as documented in the SDK [Available Resource Types]( This includes tests for: simple values, drawables, nine-patch, animations, layouts, styles and themes, and loading alternate resources.
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+# Android Compatibility Downloads #
+Thanks for your interest in Android Compatibility! The links below allow
+you to access the key documents and information.
+## Android 2.3 ##
+Android 2.3 is the release of the development milestone code-named
+Gingerbread. Android 2.3 is the current version of Android. Source code for
+Android 2.3 is found in the 'gingerbread' branch in the open-source tree. A
+CTS release for Android 2.3 has not yet been prepared, but one will be
+available soon.
+- [Android 2.3 Compatibility Definition Document (CDD)](/cdds/android-2.3-cdd.pdf)
+<!-- [Android 2.2 R4 Compatibility Test Suite (CTS)]( -->
+## Android 2.2 ##
+Android 2.2 is the release of the development milestone code-named
+FroYo. Source code for Android 2.2 is found in the 'froyo' branch in the
+open-source tree.
+- [Android 2.2 Compatibility Definition Document (CDD)](/cdds/android-2.2-cdd.pdf)
+- [Android 2.2 R4 Compatibility Test Suite (CTS)](
+## Android 2.1 ##
+Android 2.1 is the release of the development milestone code-named
+Eclair. Source code for Android 2.1 is found in the 'eclair' branch in the
+open-source tree. Note that for technical reasons, there is no compatibility
+program for Android 2.0 or 2.0.1, and new devices must use Android 2.1.
+- [Android 2.1 Compatibility Definition Document (CDD)](/cdds/android-2.1-cdd.pdf)
+- [Android 2.1 R5 Compatibility Test Suite (CTS)](
+## Android 1.6 ##
+Android 1.6 was the release of the development milestone code-named Donut.
+Android 1.6 was obsoleted by Android 2.1. Source code for Android 1.6 is found
+in the 'donut' branch in the open-source tree.
+- [Android 1.6 Compatibility Definition Document (CDD)](/cdds/android-1.6-cdd.pdf)
+## Compatibility Test Suite Manual ##
+The CTS user manual is applicable to any CTS version, but CTS 2.1 R2 and
+beyond require [additional steps](cts-intro.html) to run the accessibility tests.
+- [Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) User Manual](/cdds/android-cts-manual-r4.pdf)
+## Older Android Versions ##
+There is no Compatibility Program for older versions of Android, such as Android
+1.5 (known in development as Cupcake). New devices intended to be Android
+compatible must ship with Android 1.6 or later.
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+# Android Compatibility #
+Android's purpose is to establish an open platform for developers to build
+innovative mobile apps. Three key components work together to realize this
+The Android Compatibility Program defines the technical details of Android
+platform and provides tools used by OEMs to ensure that developers’ apps run
+on a variety of devices. The Android SDK provides built-in tools that
+Developers use to clearly state the device features their apps require. And
+Android Market shows apps only to those devices that can properly run
+These pages describe the Android Compatibility Program and how to get
+access to compatibility information and tools. The latest version of the
+Android source code and compatibility program is 2.3, which 
+corresponded to the Gingerbread branch.
+## Why build compatible Android devices? ##
+### Users want a customizable device. ###
+A mobile phone is a highly personal, always-on, always-present gateway to
+the Internet. We haven't met a user yet who didn't want to customize it by
+extending its functionality. That's why Android was designed as a robust
+platform for running after-market applications.
+### Developers outnumber us all. ###
+No device manufacturer can hope to write all the software that a person could
+conceivably need. We need third-party developers to write the apps users want,
+so the Android Open Source Project aims to make it as easy and open as
+possible for developers to build apps.
+### Everyone needs a common ecosystem. ###
+Every line of code developers write to work around a particular phone's bug
+is a line of code that didn't add a new feature. The more compatible phones
+there are, the more apps there will be. By building a fully compatible Android
+device, you benefit from the huge pool of apps written for Android, while
+increasing the incentive for developers to build more of those apps.
+## Android compatibility is free, and it's easy. ##
+If you are building a mobile device, you can follow these steps to make
+sure your device is compatible with Android. For more details about the
+Android compatibility program in general, see [the program overview](overview.html).
+Building a compatible device is a three-step process:
+1. *Obtain the Android software source code*.
+    This is [the source code for the Android platform](/source/index.html), that you port to your hardware.
+1. *Comply with Android Compatibility Definition Document (CDD)*.
+    The CDD enumerates the software and hardware requirements of a compatible Android device.
+1. *Pass the Compatibility Test Suite (CTS)*.
+    You can use the CTS (included in the Android source code) as an ongoing aid to compatibility during the development process.
+# Joining the Ecosystem #
+Once you've built a compatible device, you may wish to include Android
+Market to provide your users access to the third-party app ecosystem.
+Unfortunately, for a variety of legal and business reasons, we aren't able to
+automatically license Android Market to all compatible devices. To inquire
+about access about Android Market, you can [contact us](contact-us.html).
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+# Compatibility Program Overview #
+The Android compatibility program makes it easy for mobile device
+manufacturers to develop compatible Android devices.
+# Program goals #
+The Android compatibility program works for the benefit of the entire
+Android community, including users, developers, and device manufacturers.
+Each group depends on the others. Users want a wide selection of devices
+and great apps; great apps come from developers motivated by a large market
+for their apps with many devices in users' hands; device manufacturers rely
+on a wide variety of great apps to increase their products' value for
+Our goals were designed to benefit each of these groups:
+- *Provide a consistent application and hardware environment to application
+    Without a strong compatibility standard, devices can vary so
+greatly that developers must design different versions of their applications
+for different devices. The compatibility program provides a precise definition
+of what developers can expect from a compatible device in terms of APIs and
+capabilities. Developers can use this information to make good design
+decisions, and be confident that their apps will run well on any compatible
+- *Enable a consistent application experience for consumers.*
+    If an application runs well on one compatible Android device, it should run well on
+any other device that is compatible with the same Android platform version.
+Android devices will differ in hardware and software capabilities, so the
+compatibility program also provides the tools needed for distribution systems
+such as Android Market to implement appropriate filtering. This means that
+users can only see applications which they can actually run.
+- *Enable device manufacturers to differentiate while being
+    The Android compatibility program focuses on the aspects of
+Android relevant to running third-party applications, which allows device
+manufacturers the flexibility to create unique devices that are nonetheless
+- *Minimize costs and overhead associated with compatibility.*
+    Ensuring compatibility should be easy and inexpensive to
+device manufacturers. The testing tool (CTS) is free, open source, and
+available for [download](downloads.html). 
+CTS is designed to be used for continuous self-testing
+during the device development process to eliminate the cost of changing your
+workflow or sending your device to a third party for testing. Meanwhile, there
+are no required certifications, and thus no corresponding costs and
+The Android compatibility program consists of three key components:
+- The source code to the Android software stack
+- The Compatilbility Definition Document, representing the "policy" aspect of compatibility
+- The Compatilbility Test Suite, representing the "mechanism" of compatibility
+Just as each version of the Android platform exists in a separate branch in
+the source code tree, there is a separate CTS and CDD for each version as
+well. The CDD, CTS, and source code are -- along with your hardware and your
+software customizations -- everything you need to create a compatible device.
+# Compatibility Definition Document (CDD) #
+For each release of the Android platform, a detailed Compatibility
+Definition Document (CDD) will be provided. The CDD represents the "policy"
+aspect of Android compatibility.
+No test suite, including CTS, can truly be comprehensive. For instance, the
+CTS includes a test that checks for the presence and correct behavior of
+OpenGL graphics APIs, but no software test can verify that the graphics
+actually appear correctly on the screen. More generally, it's impossible to
+test the presence of hardware features such as keyboards, display density,
+WiFi, and Bluetooth.
+The CDD's role is to codify and clarify specific requirements, and
+eliminate ambiguity.  The CDD does not attempt to be comprehensive. Since
+Android is a single corpus of open-source code, the code itself is the
+comprehensive "specification" of the platform and its APIs. The CDD acts as a
+"hub", referencing other content (such as SDK API documentation) that provides
+a framework in which the Android source code may be used so that the end
+result is a compatible system.
+If you want to build a device compatible with a given Android version,
+start by checking out the source code for that version, and then read the
+corresponding CDD and stay within its guidelines. For additional details,
+simply examine <a href="">the latest CDD</a>.
+# Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) #
+The CTS is a free, commercial-grade test suite, available for
+The CTS represents the "mechanism" of compatibility.
+The CTS runs on a desktop machine and executes test cases directly on
+attached devices or an emulator. The CTS is a set of unit tests designed to be
+integrated into the daily workflow (such as via a continuous build system) of
+the engineers building a device. Its intent is to reveal incompatibilities
+early on, and ensure that the software remains compatible throughout the
+development process.
+For details on the CTS, consult the [CTS introduction](cts-intro.html).
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+# Getting Started #
+- [Compatibility Overview](overview.html)
+- [Current CDD](/compatibility/2.3/android-2.3-cdd.pdf)
+- [CTS Introduction](cts-intro.html)
+- [CTS Development](cts-development.html)
+# More Information #
+- [Downloads](downloads.html)
+- [FAQs](/faqs.html#compatibility)
+- [Contact Us](contact-us.html)
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+# Frequently Asked Questions #
+## Open Source ##
+### What is the Android Open Source Project? ###
+We use the phrase "Android Open Source Project" or "AOSP" to refer to the
+people, the processes, and the source code that make up Android.
+The people oversee the project and develop the actual source code. The
+processes refer to the tools and procedures we use to manage the development
+of the software. The net result is the source code that you can use to build
+cell phone and other devices.
+### Why did we open the Android source code? ###
+Google started the Android project in response to our own experiences
+launching mobile apps. We wanted to make sure that there would always be an
+open platform available for carriers, OEMs, and developers to use to make
+their innovative ideas a reality. We also wanted to make sure that there was no
+central point of failure, so that no single industry player could restrict or control
+the innovations of any other.  The single most important goal of the Android
+Open-Source Project (AOSP) is to make sure that the open-source Android
+software is implemented as widely and compatibly as possible, to everyone's
+You can find more information on this topic at our Project Philosophy page.
+### What kind of open-source project is Android? ###
+Google oversees the development of the core Android open-source platform,
+and works to create robust developer and user communities. For the most part
+the Android source code is licensed under the permissive Apache Software
+License 2.0, rather than a "copyleft" license. The main reason for this is
+because our most important goal is widespread adoption of the software, and
+we believe that the ASL2.0 license best achieves that goal.
+You can find more information on this topic at our Project Philosophy and
+Licensing pages. 
+### Why is Google in charge of Android? ###
+Launching a software platform is complex. Openness is vital to the
+long-term success of a platform, since openness is required to attract
+investment from developers and ensure a level playing field. However, the
+platform itself must also be a compelling product to end users.
+That's why Google has committed the professional engineering resources
+necessary to ensure that Android is a fully competitive software platform.
+Google treats the Android project as a full-scale product development
+operation, and strikes the business deals necessary to make sure that great
+devices running Android actually make it to market.
+By making sure that Android is a success with end users, we help ensure the
+vitality of Android as a platform, and as an open-source project. After all,
+who wants the source code to an unsuccessful product?
+Google's goal is to ensure a successful ecosystem around Android, but no
+one is required to participate, of course. We opened the Android source code
+so anyone can modify and distribute the software to meet their own needs.
+### What is Google's overall strategy for Android product development? ###
+We focus on releasing great devices into a competitive marketplace, and
+then incorporate the innovations and enhancements we made into the core
+platform, as the next version.
+In practice, this means that the Android engineering team typically focuses
+on a small number of "flagship" devices, and develops the next version of
+the Android software to support those product launches. These flagship
+devices absorb much of the product risk and blaze a trail for the broad OEM
+community, who follow up with many more devices that take advantage of the
+new features. In this way, we make sure that the Android platform evolves
+according to the actual needs of real-world devices.
+### How is the Android software developed? ###
+Each platform version of Android (such as 1.5, 1.6, and so on) has a
+corresponding branch in the open-source tree. At any given moment, the most
+recent such branch will be considered the "current stable" branch version.
+This current stable branch is the one that manufacturers port to their
+devices. This branch is kept suitable for release at all times.
+Simultaneously, there is also a "current experimental" branch, which is
+where speculative contributions, such as large next-generation features, are
+developed. Bug fixes and other contributions can be included in the current
+stable branch from the experimental branch as appropriate.
+Finally, Google works on the next version of the Android platform in tandem
+with developing a flagship device. This branch pulls in changes from the
+experimental and stable branches as appropriate.
+You can find more information on this topic at our [Branches and Releases](source/code-lines.html).
+### Why are parts of Android developed in private? ###
+It typically takes over a year to bring a device to market, but of course
+device manufacturers want to ship the latest software they can. Developers,
+meanwhile, don't want to have to constantly track new versions of the
+platform when writing apps. Both groups experience a tension between
+shipping products, and not wanting to fall behind.
+To address this, some parts of the next version of Android including the
+core platform APIs are developed in a private branch. These APIs constitute
+the next version of Android. Our aim is to focus attention on the current
+stable version of the Android source code, while we create the next version
+of the platform as driven by flagship Android devices. This allows developers
+and OEMs to focus on a single version without having to track unfinished
+future work just to keep up. Other parts of the Android system that aren't
+related to application compatibility are developed in the open, however.
+It's our intention to move more of these parts to open development over
+### When are source code releases made? ###
+When they are ready. Some parts of Android are developed in the open,
+so that source code is always available. Other parts are developed first in
+a private tree, and that source code is released when the next platform
+version is ready.
+In some releases, core platform APIs will be ready far enough in advance
+that we can push the source code out for an early look in advance of the
+device's release; however in others, this isn't possible. In all cases, we
+release the platform source when we feel the version has stabilized enough,
+and when the development process permits. Releasing the source code is a
+fairly complex process.
+### What is involved in releasing the source code for a new Android version? ###
+Releasing the source code for a new version of the Android platform is a
+significant process. First, the software gets built into a system image for
+a device, and put through various forms of certification, including
+government regulatory certification for the regions the phones will be
+deployed. It also goes through operator testing. This is an important phase
+of the process, since it helps shake out a lot of software bugs.</p>
+Once the release is approved by the regulators and operators, the
+manufacturer begins mass producing devices, and we turn to releasing the
+source code.
+Simultaneous to mass production the Google team kicks off several efforts
+to prepare the open source release. These efforts include final API changes
+and documentation (to reflect any changes that were made during
+qualification testing, for example), preparing an SDK for the new version,
+and launching the platform compatibility information.
+Also included is a final legal sign-off to release the code into open
+source. Just as open source contributors are required to sign a Contributors
+License Agreement attesting to their IP ownership of their contribution,
+Google too must verify that it is clear to make contributions.
+Starting at the time mass production begins, the software release process
+usually takes around a month, which often roughly places source code
+releases around the same time that the devices reach users.
+### How does the AOSP relate to the Android Compatibility Program? ###
+The Android Open-Source Project maintains the Android software, and
+develops new versions. Since it's open-source, this software can be used for
+any purpose, including to ship devices that are not compatible with other
+devices based on the same source.
+The function of the Android Compatibility Program is to define a baseline
+implementation of Android that is compatible with third-party apps written
+by developers. Devices that are "Android compatible" may participate in the
+Android ecosystem, including Android Market; devices that don't meet the
+compatibility requirements exist outside that ecosystem.
+In other words, the Android Compatibility Program is how we separate
+"Android compatible devices" from devices that merely run derivatives of the
+source code. We welcome all uses of the Android source code, but only
+Android compatible devices -- as defined and tested by the Android
+Compatibility Program -- may participate in the Android ecosystem.
+### How can I contribute to Android? ###
+There are a number of ways you can contribute to Android. You can report
+bugs, write apps for Android, or contribute source code to the Android
+Open-Source Project.
+There are some limits on the kinds of code contributions we are willing or
+able to accept. For instance, someone might want to contribute an
+alternative application API, such as a full C++-based environment. We would
+decline that contribution, since Android is focused on applications that run
+in the Dalvik VM. Alternatively, we won't accept contributions such as GPL
+or LGPL libraries that are incompatible with our licensing goals.
+We encourage those interested in contributing source code to contact us via
+the AOSP Community page prior to beginning any work. You can find more
+information on this topic at the Getting Involved page.
+### How do I become an Android committer? ###
+The Android Open Source Project doesn't really have a notion of a
+"committer". All contributions -- including those authored by Google
+employees -- go through a web-based system known as "gerrit" that's part of
+the Android engineering process. This system works in tandem with the git
+source code management system to cleanly manage source code
+Once submitted, changes need to be accepted by a designated Approver.
+Approvers are typically Google employees, but the same approvers are
+responsible for all submissions, regardless of origin.
+You can find more information on this topic at the [Submitting Patches](source/submit-patches.html) page.
+## Compatibility ##
+### What does "compatibility" mean? ###
+We define an "Android compatible" device as one that can run any
+application written by third-party developers using the Android SDK and NDK.
+We use this as a filter to separate devices that can participate in the
+Android app ecosystem, and those that cannot. Devices that are properly
+compatible can seek approval to use the Android trademark. Devices that are
+not compatible are merely derived from the Android source code and may not
+use the Android trademark.
+In other words, compatibility is a prerequisite to participate in the
+Android apps ecosystem. Anyone is welcome to use the Android source code,
+but if the device isn't compatible, it's not considered part of the Android
+### What is the role of Android Market in compatibility? ###
+Devices that are Android compatible may seek to license the Android Market
+client software. This allows them to become part of the Android app
+ecosystem, by allowing users to download developers' apps from a catalog
+shared by all compatible devices. This option isn't available to devices
+that aren't compatible.
+### What kinds of devices can be Android compatible? ###
+The Android software can be ported to a lot of different kinds of devices,
+including some on which third-party apps won't run properly. The Android
+Compatibility Definition Document (CDD) spells out the specific device
+configurations that will be considered compatible.
+For example, though the Android source code could be ported to run on a
+phone that doesn't have a camera, the CDD requires that in order to be
+compatible, all phones must have a camera. This allows developers to rely
+on a consistent set of capabilities when writing their apps.
+The CDD will evolve over time to reflect market realities. For instance,
+the 1.6 CDD only allows cell phones, but the 2.1 CDD allows devices to omit
+telephony hardware, allowing for non-phone devices such as tablet-style
+music players to be compatible. As we make these changes, we will also
+augment Android Market to allow developers to retain control over where
+their apps are available. To continue the telephony example, an app that
+manages SMS text messages would not be useful on a media player, so Android
+Market allows the developer to restrict that app exclusively to phone
+### If my device is compatible, does it automatically have access to Android Market and branding? ###
+Android Market is a service operated by Google. Achieving compatibility is
+a prerequisite for obtaining access to the Android Market software and branding.
+Device manufacturers should contact Google to obtain access to Android
+### If I am not a manufacturer, how can I get Android Market? ###
+Android Market is only licensed to handset manufacturers shipping devices.
+For questions about specific cases, contact
+### How can I get access to the Google apps for Android, such as Maps? ###
+The Google apps for Android, such as YouTube, Google Maps and Navigation,
+Gmail, and so on are Google properties that are not part of Android, and
+are licensed separately.  Contact for
+inquiries related to those apps.
+### Is compatibility mandatory? ###
+No. The Android Compatibility Program is optional. Since the Android source
+code is open, anyone can use it to build any kind of device. However, if a
+manufacturer wishes to use the Android name with their product, or wants
+access to Android Market, they must first demonstrate that the device is
+### How much does compatibility certification cost? ###
+There is no cost to obtain Android compatibility for a device. The
+Compatibility Test Suite is open-source and available to anyone to use to
+test a device.
+### How long does compatibility take? ###
+The process is automated. The Compatibility Test Suite generates a report
+that can be provided to Google to verify compatibility. Eventually we intend
+to provide self-service tools to upload these reports to a public database.
+### Who determines what will be part of the compatibility definition? ###
+Since Google is responsible for the overall direction of Android as a
+platform and product, Google maintains the Compatibility Definition Document
+for each release. We draft the CDD for a new Android version in consultation
+with a number of OEMs, who provide input on its contents.
+### How long will each Android version be supported for new devices? ###
+Since Android's code is open-source, we can't prevent someone from using an
+old version to launch a device. Instead, Google chooses not to license the
+Android Market client software for use on versions that are considered
+obsolete. This allows anyone to continue to ship old versions of Android,
+but those devices won't use the Android name and will exist outside the
+Android apps ecosystem, just as if they were non-compatible.
+### Can a device have a different user interface and still be compatible? ###
+The Android Compatibility Program focuses on whether a device can run
+third-party applications. The user interface components shipped with a
+device (such as home screen, dialer, color scheme, and so on) does not
+generally have much effect on third-party apps. As such, device builders are
+free to customize the user interface as much as they like. The Compatibility
+Definition Document does restrict the degree to which OEMs may alter the
+system user interface for areas that do impact third-party apps.
+### When are compatibility definitions released for new Android versions? ###
+Our goal is to release new versions of Android Compatibility Definition
+Documents (CDDs) once the corresponding Android platform version has
+converged enough to permit it. While we can't release a final draft of a CDD
+for an Android software version before the first flagship device ships with
+that software, final CDDs will always be released after the first device.
+However, wherever practical we will make draft versions of CDDs available.
+### How are device manufacturers' compatibility claims validated? ###
+There is no validation process for Android device compatibility. However,
+if the device is to include Android Market, Google will typically validate
+the device for compatibility before agreeing to license the Market client
+### What happens if a device that claims compatibility is later found to have compatibility problems? ###
+Typically, Google's relationships with Android Market licensees allow us to
+ask them to release updated system images that fix the problems.
+## Compatibility Test Suite ##
+### What is the purpose of the CTS? ###
+The Compatibility Test Suite is a tool used by device manufacturers to help
+ensure their devices are compatible, and to report test results for
+validations. The CTS is intended to be run frequently by OEMs throughout the
+engineering process to catch compatibility issues early.
+### What kinds of things does the CTS test? ###
+The CTS currently tests that all of the supported Android strong-typed APIs
+are present and behave correctly. It also tests other non-API system
+behaviors such as application lifecycle and performance. We plan to add
+support in future CTS versions to test "soft" APIs such as Intents as
+### Will the CTS reports be made public? ###
+Yes. While not currently implemented, Google intends to provide web-based
+self-service tools for OEMs to publish CTS reports so that they can be
+viewed by anyone. CTS reports can be shared as widely as manufacturers
+### How is the CTS licensed? ###
+The CTS is licensed under the same Apache Software License 2.0 that the
+bulk of Android uses.
+### Does the CTS accept contributions? ###
+Yes please! The Android Open-Source Project accepts contributions to
+improve the CTS in the same way as for any other component. In fact,
+improving the coverage and quality of the CTS test cases is one of the best
+ways to help out Android.
+### Can anyone use the CTS on existing devices? ###
+The Compatibility Definition Document requires that compatible devices
+implement the 'adb' debugging utility. This means that any compatible device
+-- including ones available at retail -- must be able to run the CTS
diff --git a/src/images/.found b/src/images/.found
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/src/images/.found
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+../site_src/porting/bluetooth-process:<img src="/images/androidBluetoothProcessDiagram.jpg">
+../site_src/porting/audio:<img src="/images/android_audio_architecture.gif">
+../site_src/porting/bluetooth:<img src="/images/androidBluetooth.gif">
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+../site_src/porting/stk:<img src="/images/stk_display_text.gif" border="1"> 
+../site_src/porting/stk:<img src="/images/stk_send_SMS.gif"> 
+../site_src/porting/stk:<img src="/images/stk_refresh_init.gif">
+../site_src/porting/stk:<img src="/images/stk_refresh_update.gif"> 
+../site_src/porting/stk:<img src="/images/stk_refresh_reset.gif"> 
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+../site_src/source/life-of-a-patch:<img src="/images/workflow-0.png"/>
+../site_src/compatibility/cts-intro:    <img src="/images/cts-0.png">
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+for img in *.png *.gif *.jpg
+  FOUND=`grep -R $img ../site_src`
+  if [ -z "$FOUND" ]
+  then
+    mv $img useless/
+  fi
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/images/open_source.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/stk.gif b/src/images/stk.gif
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/stk_refresh_reset.gif b/src/images/stk_refresh_reset.gif
new file mode 100755
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/stk_refresh_update.gif b/src/images/stk_refresh_update.gif
new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/stk_send_SMS.gif b/src/images/stk_send_SMS.gif
new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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index 0000000..ca7eaad
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/telephony.gif b/src/images/telephony.gif
new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e51c4d6
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f06eebf
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/useless/cts-process-0.gif b/src/images/useless/cts-process-0.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..565da23
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2656433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/images/useless/cts-process-1.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/useless/customlogo.gif.png b/src/images/useless/customlogo.gif.png
new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/useless/discuss-0.png b/src/images/useless/discuss-0.png
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/useless/download-0.png b/src/images/useless/download-0.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2cea10
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/useless/git-repo-0.png b/src/images/useless/git-repo-0.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2cea10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/images/useless/git-repo-0.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/useless/how-it-works-0.png b/src/images/useless/how-it-works-0.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c1c9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/images/useless/how-it-works-0.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/useless/how-it-works-1.png b/src/images/useless/how-it-works-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..856674a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/images/useless/how-it-works-1.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/useless/stk_display_text2.gif b/src/images/useless/stk_display_text2.gif
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cac707b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/images/useless/stk_display_text2.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/useless/submit-patches-1.png b/src/images/useless/submit-patches-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..777a3c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/images/useless/submit-patches-1.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/images/workflow-0.png b/src/images/workflow-0.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8456b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/images/workflow-0.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c03d2fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Welcome to Android #
+<div style="float: right; width: 35%;">
+## News ##
+### Compatibility Definition for Android 2.3 ###
+The Compatibility Definition Document for Android 2.3 has been published. 
+The 2.3 CDD allows device manufacturers to use the Android source code to ship
+a significantly wider variety of devices, including devices with extra-large
+screens, such as tablets.  A release of the Compatibility Test Suite is not
+yet available, but will be soon.  For more information, visit the 
+[Compatibility](compatibility/index.html) page.
+### Source Code Available for Android 2.3 ###
+The source code for the Android 2.3 platform and software stack has been
+released! This release allows OEMs to begin preparing Android 2.3 for
+installation on new and existing devices, and allows hobbyists, enthusiasts,
+and researchers to develop custom builds. For information on how to obtain the
+software, visit our [Getting the Source](source/downloading.html) page.
+<img style="float: right; padding-right: 1.5em;" src="images/home-bugdroid.png" alt="Android Mascot"/>
+<div style="font-size: 1.3em;">
+Here you can find the information and source code you need to build an
+Android-compatible device.
+Android is an open-source software stack for mobile devices, and a
+corresponding open-source project led by Google. We created Android in
+response to our own experiences launching mobile apps. We wanted to make
+sure that there was no central point of failure, so that no industry player
+can restrict or control the innovations of any other.  That's why we
+created Android, and made its source code open.
+[Learn more »](about/index.html)
+<div style="clear: both;"/>
+<table border="0" style="border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"><tr><td align="center" style="border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">
+<div class="rebox" style="float: left; width: 30%; margin: 1em;"> 
+  <h2 style="color: white; background-color: #95C0D0; border: 0px;">Source</h2>
+  <div class="p"> 
+    <p><img src="images/lil-wrench.png" alt="" style="margin: 1em; margin-bottom: 5em;"/>
+    If you're interested in contributing to the Android source code or helping
+    out with the open-source project, our Source pages have the information
+    you need.</p> 
+    <p><a href="source/index.html">Get Involved &raquo;</a></p> 
+  </div> 
+<div class="rebox" style="float: left; width: 30%; margin: 1em;"> 
+  <h2 style="color: white; background-color: #95C0D0; border: 0px;">Porting</h2> 
+  <div class="p"> 
+    <p><img src="images/lil-wrench.png" alt="" style="margin: 1em; margin-bottom: 5em;"/>
+    If you're an engineer building a device
+    intended to run the Android software stack, look at our Porting pages for
+    information and tips.</p> 
+    <p><a href="porting/index.html">Build a Device &raquo;</a></p> 
+  </div> 
+<div class="rebox" style="float: left; width: 30%; margin: 1em;"> 
+  <h2 style="color: white; background-color: #95C0D0; border: 0px;">Compatibility</h2> 
+  <div class="p"> 
+    <p><img src="images/lil-wrench.png" alt="" style="margin: 1em; margin-bottom: 5em;"/>
+    If you're an organization building an Android device, you'll want to check out our
+    Compatibility pages to find out how to take advantage of the benefits of
+    compatibility.</p> 
+    <p><a href="compatibility/index.html">Get Compatible &raquo;</a></p> 
+  </div> 
+<div style="clear: both;"/>
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8e13f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Audio #
+AudioHardwareInterface serves as the glue between proprietary audio drivers and the Android AudioFlinger service, the core audio service that handles all audio-related requests from applications.
+<img src="/images/android_audio_architecture.gif">
+Solid elements represent Android blocks and dashed elements represent partner-specific blocks.
+## Building an Audio Library ##
+To implement an audio driver, create a shared library that implements the interface defined in `AudioHardwareInterface.h`. You must name your shared library `` so that it will get loaded from `/system/lib` at runtime.  Place libaudio sources and `` in `vendor/acme/chipset_or_board/libaudio/`.
+The following stub `` file ensures that `libaudio` compiles and links to the appropriate libraries:
+    LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+    include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+    LOCAL_MODULE := libaudio
+        libcutils \
+        libutils \
+        libmedia \
+        libhardware
+    LOCAL_SRC_FILES += MyAudioHardware.cpp
+    LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libaudiointerface
+    include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
+Doxygen content is unavailable at the moment as is reverse engineered and then engineered again in the forward direction. Sorry for the inconvenience!
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d389d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Bluetooth Process Diagram #
+The diagram below offers a process-oriented architectural overview of Android's Bluetooth stack. Click [Bluetooth](bluetooth.html) to return to the Bluetooth overview page.
+<img src="/images/androidBluetoothProcessDiagram.jpg">
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..63bcb34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+# Bluetooth #
+Android's Bluetooth stack uses BlueZ for GAP, SDP, and RFCOMM profiles, and
+is a SIG-qualified Bluetooth stack. 
+Bluez is GPL licensed, so the Android framework interacts with userspace bluez code through D-BUS IPC to avoid proprietary code.
+Headset and Handsfree (v1.5) profiles are implemented in the Android framework and are both tightly coupled with the Phone App. These profiles are also SIG qualified.
+The diagram below offers a library-oriented view of the Bluetooth stack. Click [Bluetooth Process Diagram](bluetooth-process.html) for a process-oriented view.
+<img src="/images/androidBluetooth.gif">
+Solid elements represent Android blocks and dashed elements represent partner-specific blocks.
+## Porting ##
+BlueZ is Bluetooth 2.1 compatible and should work with any 2.1 chipset and is backward compatibile with older Bluetooth versions. There are two integration points:
+- UART driver
+- Bluetooth Power On/Off
+### UART Driver ###
+The BlueZ kernel sub-system attaches to your hardware-specific UART driver using the `hciattach` daemon.
+For example, for MSM7201A, this is `drivers/serial/msm_serial.c`. You may also need to edit command line options to `hciattach` via `init.rc`.
+### Bluetooth Power On/Off ###
+The method for powering on and off your bluetooth chip varies from Android V 1.0 to post-1.0.
+- 1.0: Android framework writes a 0 or 1 to `/sys/modules/board_[PLATFORM]/parameters/bluetooth_power_on`.
+- Post-1.0: Android framework uses the linux `rfkill` API. See `arch/arm/mach-msm/board-trout-rfkill.c` for an example.
+### Compiling ###
+To compile Android with Bluetooth support enabled, add the following line to ``.
+### Troubleshooting ###
+#### Debugging ####
+To debug your bluetooth implementation, start by reading the logs (`adb logcat`) and look for ERRROR and WARNING messages regarding Bluetooth. Android uses BlueZ, which comes with some useful debugging tools. The snippet below provides examples in a suggested order:
+    hciconfig -a  			# print BT chipset address and features. Useful to check if you can communicate with your BT chipset.
+    hcidump -XVt  			# print live HCI UART traffic.
+    hcitool scan  			# scan for local devices. Useful to check if RX/TX works.
+    l2ping ADDRESS  		# ping another BT device. Useful to check if RX/TX works.
+    sdptool records ADDRESS # request the SDP records of another BT device.
+#### Daemon Logs ####
+Deamon logs for `hcid` (`STDOUT`) and `hciattach` (`STDERR`) are sent to `/dev/null` by default. Edit `init.rc` and `init.PLATFORM.rc` to run these daemons under `logwrapper`, which redirects output to `logcat`.
+#### hciconfig and hcitool ####
+If you compile your own system.img for Android, and `hciconfig -a` works but `hcitool` scan doesn't, try installing the firmware for the Bluetooth chipset. This firmware isn't yet available in the open source codebase, but you can `adb pull` and then `adb push`it from a stock T-Mobile G1 (located in `/etc/firmware/brf6300.bin`).
+## Tools ##
+BlueZ provides a rich set of command line tools for debugging and interacting with the Bluetooth sub-system, including:
+- `hciconfig`
+- `hcitool`
+- `hcidump`
+- `sdptool`
+- `dbus-send`
+- `dbus-monitor`
+## Feature Support ##
+This section provides a change history of Bluetooth features added in each Android release and provides some rough guidance as to future features. 
+### Android 1.0 release ###
+Platform features:
+- Based on Bluez 3.36 and Linux Kernel 2.6.25
+- Bluetooth 2.0+EDR host stack
+- Headset Profile 1.0 in Audio Gateway role
+- Handsfree Profile 1.5 in Audio Gateway role
+    - Three-way calling
+    - Phonebook over AT commands
+- QDID B014524: Host stack (SDP, L2CAP, GAP, RFCOMM, SPP)
+- QDID B014624: EPL for HTC Dream (HSP, HFP)
+Example products:
+- HTC Dream 
+- T-Mobile G1
+### Android 1.1 release ###
+No Bluetooth changes since 1.0
+### Android 1.5 release (cupcake) ###
+Platform features:
+- Based on Bluez 3.36 with Linux Kernel 2.6.27
+- Bluetooth 2.0+EDR host stack
+    - Support for auto-pairing with '0000' devices
+- Headset Profile 1.1 in Audio Gateway role
+- Handsfree Profile 1.5 in Audio Gateway role
+    - Three-way calling    
+    - Phonebook over AT commands    
+    - Volume synchronization
+    - eSCO
+    - Extensive bug fixes and compatibility improvements
+- Stereo Bluetooth (A2DP 1.2) in Source role
+    - AVDTP 1.2 in Acceptor and Initiator roles
+    - GAVDTP 1.0 in Acceptor and Initiator roles
+    - 44.1 khz, stereo, software SBC codec
+- Remote Control (AVRCP 1.0) in Target role
+    - AVCTP 1.3 in Target role
+    - play/pause/stop/prev/next
+- QDID B015262: EPL for HTC Sapphire (HSP, HFP)
+### Android 2.0/2.1 release (eclair) ###
+Platform features:
+- Based on Bluez 4.47 with Linux Kernel 2.6.29
+- Bluetooth 2.1+EDR host stack
+    - Support for auto-pairing with '0000' devices
+    - Support for Simple Secure Pairing
+- Headset Profile 1.1 in Audio Gateway role
+- Handsfree Profile 1.5 in Audio Gateway role
+    - Three-way calling    
+    - Phonebook over AT commands    
+    - Volume synchronization
+    - eSCO
+    - Extensive bug fixes and compatibility improvements
+- Stereo Bluetooth (A2DP 1.2) in Source role
+    - AVDTP 1.2 in Acceptor and Initiator roles
+    - GAVDTP 1.0 in Acceptor and Initiator roles
+    - 44.1 khz, stereo, software SBC codec
+- Remote Control (AVRCP 1.0) in Target role
+    - AVCTP 1.3 in Target role
+    - play/pause/stop/prev/next
+-  Object Push Profile version 1.1 
+     - Adds ability to transfer pictures, videos
+     - Transfer of contacts using vCard is not supported in this release.
+- Phone Book Address Profile version 1.0
+    - Phone Book Server Equipment (PSE) role supported
+- Using Java Bluetooth APIs, an Android application can peform the
+  following:
+   - Scan for other Bluetooth devices 
+   - Query the local Bluetooth adapter for paired Bluetooth devices 
+   - Establish RFCOMM channels 
+   - Connect to other devices through service discovery 
+   - Transfer data to and from other devices 
+   - Manage multiple connections 
+- Support for Bluetooth enabled car and desk docks
+   - Framework support for routing Phone Call Audio and A2DP streaming using
+   car and desk docks. 
+### Android 2.2 release (froyo) ###
+Platform features:
+- Based on Bluez 4.47 with Linux Kernel 2.6.32
+- No new profiles added.
+- Added ability to share contacts using vCard
+- Added ability to export all contacts - useful to transfer contacts to car kits 
+- Improved compatibility with headsets and car kits. 
+### Future releases ###
+This section offers a rough guide of which features the team is developing for the next release. This feature list may change without notice. It isn't possible to post scheduling advice to the mailing lists.
+- More profiles...
+- Improved compatibility with headsets and car kits
+- Bluetooth emulator support
+- Bluetooth Low Energy 
+### Development Notes ###
+- **HID Support**: Cupcake features some early work--Bluez has an HID plugin, `external/bluez/utils/input/`, which gets compiled. 
+    You can interact directly with this plugin using `dbus-send` and `dbus-monitor`. While not officially supported, you should be able to connect and use a HID keyboard and mouse using the Bluez HID plugin API. Next steps include plumbing the plugin API in the Android Java framework and offering better support for HID input methods (new keymaps and mouse support).
+- **Tethering - DUN and PAN Support**: Cupcake features some early work--Bluez has has DUN and PAN daemons which get compiled and  `BNEP` support is compiled into the kernel with cupcake. 
+    While not officially supported, you should be able to run `dund` or `pand` daemons and, using `pppd` or `iptables`, test tethering support. Next steps include plubming the DBUS APIs to these daemons up into the Android Java framework and adding code to setup the network paths via `pppd` and/or `iptables`.
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2c5f3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+# Bring Up #
+Once your code is built and you have verified that all necessary directories exist, power on and test your device with basic bring up, as described below. Bring up tests are typically designed to stress certain aspects of your system and allow you to characterize the device's behavior.
+# Confirm a Clean Installation of a Basic Linux Kernel #
+Before considering Android-specific modifications to the Linux kernel, verify that you can build, deploy, and boot a core Linux kernel on your target hardware.
+# Modify Your Kernel Configuration to Accommodate Android Drivers #
+Your kernel configuration file should include the following:
+    #
+    # Android
+    #
+    # CONFIG_ANDROID_GADGET is not set
+# Write Drivers #
+Android ships with default drivers for all basic functionality but you'll likely want to write your own drivers (or at least customize the default drivers) for your own device depending on your hardware configuration. See the following topics for examples of how to write your own drivers. 
+- [Audio](audio_subsystem.html)
+- [Keymaps and Keyboard](keymaps_keyboard_input.html)
+- [Display](display_drivers.html)
+# Burn Images to Flash #
+An image represents the state of a system or part of a system  stored in non-volatile memory. The build process should produce the following system images:
+- *bootloader*: The bootloader is a small program responsible for initiating loading of the operating system. 
+- *boot*:
+- *recovery*: 
+- *system*: The system image stores a snapshot of the Android operating system.
+- *data*: The data image stores user data. Anything not saved to the <code>device/data</code> directory will be lost on reboot.
+- *kernel*: The kernel represents the most basic element of an operating system. Android's Linux kernel is responsible for managing the system's resources and acts as an abstraction layer between hardware and a system's applications. 
+- *ramdisk*: RAMdisk defines a portion of Random Access Memory (RAM) that gets used as if it were a hard drive. 
+Configure the bootloader to load the kernel and RAMdisk into RAM and pass the RAMdisk address to the kernel on 	startup.
+# Boot the kernel and mount the RAMdisk. #
+# Debug Android-specific init programs on RAMdisk #
+Android-specific init programs are found in <code>device/system/init</code>. Add LOG messages to help you debug potential problems with the LOG macro defined in <code>device/system/init/init.c</code>.
+The init program directly mounts all filesystems and devices using either hard-coded file names or device names generated by probing the sysfs filesystem (thereby eliminating the need for a <code>/etc/fstab</code> file in Android).  After <code>device/system</code> files are mounted, init  reads <code>/etc/init.rc</code> and invokes the programs listed there (one of the first of which is the console shell).
+# Verify that applications have started #
+Once the shell becomes available, execute <code>% ps</code> to confirm that the following applications are running:
+- <code>/system/bin/logd</code>
+- <code>/sbin/adbd</code>
+- <code>/system/bin/usbd</code>
+- <code>/system/bin/debuggerd</code>
+- <code>/system/bin/rild</code>
+- <code>/system/bin/app_process</code>
+- <code>/system/bin/runtime</code>
+- <code>/system/bin/dbus-daemon</code>
+- <code>system_server</code>
+Each of these applications is embedded Linux C/C++ and you can use any standard Linux debugging tool to troubleshoot applications that aren't running. Execute <code>% make showcommands</code> to determine precise build commands. <code>gdbserver</code> (the GNU debugger) is available in the <code>bin</code> directory of the system partition (please see <a href=""></a> for more information). 
+# Pulling it all together #
+If bring up was successful, you should see the following Java applications (with icons) visible on the LCD panel:
+- The Android contact application.
+If they are not visible or unresponsive to keypad control, run the <code>framebuffer/keypad</code> tests.
+<a name="androidInitLanguage"></a><h1>Android Init Language</h1>
+The Android Init Language consists of four broad classes of statements:
+- Action
+- Commands
+- Services
+- Options
+The language syntax includes the following conventions: 
+- All classes are line-oriented and consist of tokens separated by whitespace. c-style backslash escapes may be used to insert whitespace into a token. Double quotes may also be used to prevent whitespace from breaking text into multiple tokens. A backslash appearing as the last character on a line is used for line-folding.
+- Lines that start with a \# (leading whitespace allowed) are comments.
+- Actions and Services implicitly declare new sections. All commands or options belong to the section most recently declared. Commands or options before the first section are ignored.
+- Actions and Services have unique names. If a second Action or Service is declared with the same name as an existing one, it is ignored as an error.
+## Actions ##
+Actions are named sequences of commands. Actions have a trigger used to determine when the action should occur. When an event occurs which matches an action's trigger, that action is added to the tail of a to-be-executed queue (unless it is already on the queue).
+Each action in the queue is dequeued in sequence. Each command in an action is executed in sequence.&nbsp;Init handles other activities (such as, device creation/destruction, property setting, process restarting) "between" the execution of the commands in activities.
+Actions take the form of:
+    on <trigger>
+      <command>
+      <command>
+      <command>
+## Services ##
+Services are programs that init launches and (optionally) restarts when they exit. 
+Services take the form of:
+    service <name> <pathname> [ <argument> ]*
+    <option>
+    <option>
+    ...
+## Options ##
+Options are modifiers to services that affect how and when init
+runs a service. Options are described in the table below:
+Option                      | Description
+<code>disabled</code>       | This service will not automatically start with its class. It must be explicitly started by name.
+<code>socket <type> <name> <perm> [ <user> [ <group> ] ]</code> | Create a unix domain socket named <code>/dev/socket/<name></code> and pass its fd to the launched process. Valid <code><type></code> values include <code><dgram></code> and <code><stream></code>. <code>user</code> and <code>group</code> default to 0.
+<code>user <username></code>| Change to username before exec'ing this service. Currently defaults to root.
+<code>group <groupname> [ <groupname> ]*</code> | Change to groupname before exec'ing this service. &nbsp;Additional&nbsp; groupnames beyond the first, which is required, are used to set additional groups of the process (with <code>setgroups()</code>). Currently defaults to root.
+<code>capability [ <capability> ]+</code> | Set linux capability before exec'ing this service</td>
+<code>oneshot</code> | Do not restart the service when it exits.
+<code>class <name></code> | Specify a class name for the service. All services in a named class must start and stop together. A service is considered of class "default" if one is not specified via the class option.
+## Triggers ##
+Triggers are strings used to match certain kinds of events that cause an action to occur.
+  <table>
+    <tr>
+      <th scope="col">Trigger</th>
+      <th scope="col">Description</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>boot</code></td>
+      <td>This is the first trigger that occurs when init starts (after <code>/init.conf</code> is loaded).</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>&lt;name&gt;=&lt;value&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Triggers of this form occur when the property <code>&lt;name&gt;</code> is set to the specific value <code>&lt;value&gt;</code>.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>device-added-&lt;path&gt;<br />
+  device-removed-&lt;path&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Triggers of these forms occur when a device node is added or removed.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code> service-exited-&lt;name&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Triggers of this form occur when the specified service exits.</td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <p><br />
+  Commands</p>
+  <table>
+    <tr>
+      <th scope="col">Command</th>
+      <th scope="col">Description</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>exec &lt;path&gt; [ &lt;argument&gt; ]*</code></td>
+      <td>Fork and execute a program (<code>&lt;path&gt;</code>). This will block until the program completes execution. Try to avoid exec. Unlike the <code>builtin</code> commands, it runs the risk of getting init &quot;stuck&quot;.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>export &lt;name&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Set the environment variable <code>&lt;name&gt;</code> equal to <code>&lt;value&gt;</code> in the global environment (which will be inherited by all processes started after this command is executed).</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>ifup &lt;interface&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Bring the network interface <code>&lt;interface&gt;</code> online.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>import &lt;filename&gt;</code></td>
+      <td> Parse an init config file, extending the current configuration.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>hostname &lt;name&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Set the host name.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>class_start &lt;serviceclass&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Start all services of the specified class if they are not already running.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>class_stop &lt;serviceclass&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Stop all services of the specified class if they are currently running.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>domainname &lt;name&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Set the domain name.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>insmod &lt;path&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Install the module at <code>&lt;path&gt;</code>.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>mkdir &lt;path&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Make a directory at <code>&lt;path&gt;</code>.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>mount &lt;type&gt; &lt;device&gt; &lt;dir&gt; [ &lt;mountoption&gt; ]*</code></td>
+      <td>Attempt to mount the named device at the directory <code>&lt;dir&gt;</code>         <code>&lt;device&gt;</code>. This may be of the form mtd@name to specify a mtd block device by name.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>setkey</code></td>
+      <td>- currenlty undefined - </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>setprop &lt;name&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Set system property <code>&lt;name&gt;</code> to <code>&lt;value&gt;</code>.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code> setrlimit &lt;resource&gt; &lt;cur&gt; &lt;max&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Set the rlimit for a resource.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>start &lt;service&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Start a service running if it is not already running.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code> stop &lt;service&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Stop a service from running if it is currently running.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>symlink &lt;target&gt; &lt;path&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>Create a symbolic link at <code>&lt;path&gt;</code> with the value <code>&lt;target&gt;</code>.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>write &lt;path&gt; &lt;string&gt; [ &lt;string&gt; ]*</code></td>
+      <td>Open the file at <code>&lt;path&gt;</code> and write one or more strings to it with write(2).</td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <p>    Properties</p>
+    Init updates some system properties to provide some insight into <br />
+    what it's doing:</p>
+  <table>
+    <tr>
+      <th scope="col">Property</th>
+      <th scope="col">Description</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>init.action</code></td>
+      <td>Equal to the name of the action currently being executed or &quot;&quot; if none.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>init.command</code></td>
+      <td>Equal to the command being executed or &quot;&quot; if none.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><code>init.svc.&lt;name&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>State of a named service (&quot;stopped&quot;, &quot;running&quot;, or &quot;restarting&quot;).</td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+Example init.conf
+The following snippet is an incomplete example of the <code>init.conf</code> file, simply meant to give you an idea of what a proper configuration resembles.
+    on boot
+      export PATH /sbin:/system/sbin:/system/bin
+      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /system/lib
+      mkdir /dev
+      mkdir /proc
+      mkdir /sys
+      mount tmpfs tmpfs /dev
+      mkdir /dev/pts
+      mkdir /dev/socket
+      mount devpts devpts /dev/pts
+      mount proc proc /proc
+      mount sysfs sysfs /sys
+      write /proc/cpu/alignment 4
+      ifup lo
+      hostname localhost
+      domainname localhost
+      mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system
+      mount yaffs2 mtd@userdata /data
+      import /system/etc/init.conf
+      class_start default
+    service adbd /sbin/adbd
+      user adb
+      group adb
+    service usbd /system/bin/usbd -r
+      user usbd
+      group usbd
+      socket usbd 666
+    service zygote /system/bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote
+      socket zygote 666
+    service runtime /system/bin/runtime
+      user system
+      group system
+    on device-added-/dev/compass
+      start akmd
+    on device-removed-/dev/compass
+      stop akmd
+    service akmd /sbin/akmd
+      disabled
+      user akmd
+      group akmd
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bda3768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+# Build Cookbook #
+<p>The Android Build Cookbook offers code snippets to help you quickly implement some common build tasks. For additional instruction, please see the other build documents in this section.</p>  
+<h3><a name="simpleAPK"></a>Building a simple APK</h3>
+  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+  &nbsp;
+  # Build all java files in the java subdirectory
+  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
+  &nbsp;
+  # Name of the APK to build
+  LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage
+  &nbsp;
+  # Tell it to build an APK
+  include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
+<h3><a name="APKJar"></a>Building a APK that depends on a static .jar file</h3>
+  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+  &nbsp;
+  # List of static libraries to include in the package
+  LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := static-library
+  &nbsp;
+  # Build all java files in the java subdirectory
+  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
+  &nbsp;
+  # Name of the APK to build
+  LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage
+  &nbsp;
+  # Tell it to build an APK
+  include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
+<h3><a name="APKPlatform"></a>Building a APK that should be signed with the platform key</h3>
+  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+  &nbsp;
+  # Build all java files in the java subdirectory
+  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
+  &nbsp;
+  # Name of the APK to build
+  LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage
+  &nbsp;
+  LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := platform
+  &nbsp;
+  # Tell it to build an APK
+  include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
+<h3><a name="APKVendor"></a>Building a APK that should be signed with a specific vendor key</h3>
+  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+  &nbsp;
+  # Build all java files in the java subdirectory
+  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
+  &nbsp;
+  # Name of the APK to build
+  LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage
+  &nbsp;
+  LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := vendor/example/certs/app
+  &nbsp;
+  # Tell it to build an APK
+  include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
+<h3><a name="prebuiltAPK"></a>Adding a prebuilt APK</h3>
+  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+  &nbsp;
+  # Module name should match apk name to be installed.
+  LOCAL_MODULE := LocalModuleName
+  &nbsp;
+  include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
+<h3><a name="staticJava"></a>Adding a Static Java Library</h3>
+  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+  &nbsp;
+  # Build all java files in the java subdirectory
+  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
+  &nbsp;
+  # Any libraries that this library depends on
+  LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
+  &nbsp;
+  # The name of the jar file to create
+  LOCAL_MODULE := sample
+  &nbsp;
+  # Build a static jar file.
+<h3><a name="mkVars"></a> Variables</h3>
+<p>These are the variables that you'll commonly see in files, listed
+alphabetically. First, a note on the variable naming: </p> 
+    <li><b>LOCAL_</b> - These variables are set per-module.  They are cleared
+    by the <code>include $(CLEAR_VARS)</code> line, so you can rely on them
+    being empty after including that file.  Most of the variables you'll use
+    in most modules are LOCAL_ variables.</li> 
+    <li><b>PRIVATE_</b> - These variables are make-target-specific variables.  That
+    means they're only usable within the commands for that module.  It also
+    means that they're unlikely to change behind your back from modules that
+    are included after yours.  This 
+    <a href="">link to the make documentation</a> 
+    describes more about target-specific variables.
+    </li> 
+    <li><b>HOST_</b> and <b>TARGET_</b> - These contain the directories
+    and definitions that are specific to either the host or the target builds.
+    Do not set variables that start with HOST_ or TARGET_ in your makefiles.
+    </li> 
+    <li><b>BUILD_</b> and <b>CLEAR_VARS</b> - These contain the names of
+    well-defined template makefiles to include.  Some examples are CLEAR_VARS
+    and BUILD_HOST_PACKAGE.</li> 
+    <li>Any other name is fair-game for you to use in your  However,
+    remember that this is a non-recursive build system, so it is possible that
+    your variable will be changed by another included later, and be
+    different when the commands for your rule / module are executed.</li> 
+<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
+ <tbody><tr>
+  <th scope="col">Parameter</th>
+  <th scope="col">Description</th>
+ </tr>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_AAPT_FLAGS</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_ACP_UNAVAILABLE</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_DIR</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_AIDL_INCLUDES</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_ALLOW_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_ARM_MODE</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_ASFLAGS</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_ASSET_DIR</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_ASSET_FILES</td>
+<td valign="top">In files that <code>include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)</code> set this
+to the set of files you want built into your app.  Usually:</p> 
+<p><code>LOCAL_ASSET_FILES += $(call find-subdir-assets)</code></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE_STEM</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_C_INCLUDES</td>
+<td valign="top"><p>Additional directories to instruct the C/C++ compilers to look for header
+files in.  These paths are rooted at the top of the tree.  Use
+<code>LOCAL_PATH</code> if you have subdirectories of your own that you
+want in the include paths.  For example:</p> 
+LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += extlibs/zlib-1.2.3<br/> 
+<p>You should not add subdirectories of include to
+<code>LOCAL_C_INCLUDES</code>, instead you should reference those files
+in the <code>#include</code> statement with their subdirectories.  For
+<p><code>#include &lt;utils/KeyedVector.h&gt;</code><br/> 
+not <code><s>#include &lt;KeyedVector.h&gt;</s></code></p> </td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_CC</td>
+<td valign="top">If you want to use a different C compiler for this module, set LOCAL_CC
+to the path to the compiler.  If LOCAL_CC is blank, the appropriate default
+compiler is used.</td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_CERTIFICATE</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_CFLAGS</td>
+<td valign="top">If you have additional flags to pass into the C or C++ compiler, add
+them here.  For example:</p> 
+<p><code>LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DLIBUTILS_NATIVE=1</code></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_CLASSPATH</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_COMPRESS_MODULE_SYMBOLS</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS</td>
+<td valign="top"><p>The set of files to copy to the install include tree.  You must also
+supply <code>LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS_TO</code>.</p> 
+<p>This is going away because copying headers messes up the error messages, and
+may lead to people editing those headers instead of the correct ones.  It also
+makes it easier to do bad layering in the system, which we want to avoid.  We
+also aren't doing a C/C++ SDK, so there is no ultimate requirement to copy any
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS_TO</td>
+<td valign="top"><p>The directory within "include" to copy the headers listed in
+<code>LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS</code> to.</p> 
+<p>This is going away because copying headers messes up the error messages, and
+may lead to people editing those headers instead of the correct ones.  It also
+makes it easier to do bad layering in the system, which we want to avoid.  We
+also aren't doing a C/C++ SDK, so there is no ultimate requirement to copy any
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION</td>
+<td valign="top">If your C++ files end in something other than "<code>.cpp</code>",
+you can specify the custom extension here.  For example:
+<p><code>LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION := .cc</code></p> 
+Note that all C++ files for a given module must have the same
+extension; it is not currently possible to mix different extensions.</td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_CPPFLAGS</td>
+<td valign="top">If you have additional flags to pass into <i>only</i> the C++ compiler, add
+them here.  For example:</p> 
+<p><code>LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -ffriend-injection</code></p> 
+<code>LOCAL_CPPFLAGS</code> is guaranteed to be after <code>LOCAL_CFLAGS</code> 
+on the compile line, so you can use it to override flags listed in
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_CXX</td>
+<td valign="top">If you want to use a different C++ compiler for this module, set LOCAL_CXX
+to the path to the compiler.  If LOCAL_CXX is blank, the appropriate default
+compiler is used.</td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_DX_FLAGS</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_FORCE_STATIC_EXECUTABLE</td>
+<td valign="top"><p>If your executable should be linked statically, set 
+<code>LOCAL_FORCE_STATIC_EXECUTABLE:=true</code>.  There is a very short
+list of libraries that we have in static form (currently only libc).  This is
+really only used for executables in /sbin on the root filesystem.</p> </td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES</td>
+<td valign="top"><p>Files that you add to <code>LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES</code> will be
+automatically generated and then linked in when your module is built.
+See the <a href="#custom-tools">Custom Tools</a> template makefile for an
+example.</p> </td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_INSTRUMENTATION_FOR</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_SOURCES</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_JAR_MANIFEST</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_JARJAR_RULES</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES</td>
+<td valign="top"><p>When linking Java apps and libraries, <code>LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES</code> 
+specifies which sets of java classes to include.  Currently there are
+two of these: <code>core</code> and <code>framework</code>.
+In most cases, it will look like this:</p> 
+<p><code>LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := core framework</code></p> 
+<p>Note that setting <code>LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES</code> is not necessary
+(and is not allowed) when building an APK with
+"<code>include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)</code>".  The appropriate libraries
+will be included automatically.</p> </td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_JAVA_RESOURCE_DIRS</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_LDFLAGS</td>
+<td valign="top"><p>You can pass additional flags to the linker by setting
+<code>LOCAL_LDFLAGS</code>.  Keep in mind that the order of parameters is
+very important to ld, so test whatever you do on all platforms.</p> </td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_LDLIBS</td>
+<td valign="top"><p><code>LOCAL_LDLIBS</code> allows you to specify additional libraries
+that are not part of the build for your executable or library.  Specify
+the libraries you want in -lxxx format; they're passed directly to the 
+link line.  However, keep in mind that there will be no dependency generated
+for these libraries.  It's most useful in simulator builds where you want
+to use a library preinstalled on the host.  The linker (ld) is a particularly
+fussy beast, so it's sometimes necessary to pass other flags here if you're
+doing something sneaky. Some examples:</p> 
+<p><code>LOCAL_LDLIBS += -lcurses -lpthread<br/> 
+LOCAL_LDLIBS += -Wl,-z,origin
+</code></p> </td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_MODULE</td>
+<td valign="top"><code>LOCAL_MODULE</code> is the name of what's supposed to be generated
+from your  For exmample, for libkjs, the <code>LOCAL_MODULE</code> 
+is "libkjs" (the build system adds the appropriate suffix -- .so .dylib .dll).
+For app modules, use <code>LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME</code> instead of 
+<code>LOCAL_MODULE</code>. </td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_MODULE_PATH</td>
+<td valign="top">Instructs the build system to put the module somewhere other than what's
+normal for its type.  If you override this, make sure you also set
+<code>LOCAL_UNSTRIPPED_PATH</code> if it's an executable or a shared library
+so the unstripped binary has somewhere to go.  An error will occur if you forget
+<p>See <a href="#moving-modules">Putting modules elsewhere</a> for more.</td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_MODULE_STEM</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS</td>
+<td valign="top"><p>Set <code>LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS</code> to any number of whitespace-separated
+tags.  <p>This variable controls what build flavors the package gets included in. For example:</p>
+<ul type="disc">
+  <li><code>user</code>: include this in user/userdebug builds</li>
+  <li><code>eng</code>: include this in eng builds</li>
+  <li><code>tests</code>: the target is a testing target and makes it available for tests</li>
+  <li><code>optional</code>: don't include this</li>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_NO_DEFAULT_COMPILER_FLAGS</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_NO_EMMA_COMPILE</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_NO_EMMA_INSTRUMENT</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_NO_STANDARD_LIBRARIES</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_OVERRIDES_PACKAGES</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME</td>
+<td valign="top"><code>LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME</code> is the name of an app.  For example,
+Dialer, Contacts, etc. </td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_POST_PROCESS_COMMAND</td>
+<td valign="top"><p>For host executables, you can specify a command to run on the module
+after it's been linked.  You might have to go through some contortions
+to get variables right because of early or late variable evaluation:</p> 
+<p><code>module := $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/$(LOCAL_MODULE)<br/> 
+LOCAL_POST_PROCESS_COMMAND := /Developer/Tools/Rez -d __DARWIN__ -t APPL\<br/> 
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-d __WXMAC__ -o $(module) Carbon.r
+ </td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_PREBUILT_EXECUTABLES</td>
+<td valign="top">When including $(BUILD_PREBUILT) or $(BUILD_HOST_PREBUILT), set these to
+executables that you want copied.  They're located automatically into the
+right bin directory.</td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_PREBUILT_JAVA_LIBRARIES</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_PREBUILT_LIBS</td>
+<td valign="top">When including $(BUILD_PREBUILT) or $(BUILD_HOST_PREBUILT), set these to
+libraries that you want copied.  They're located automatically into the
+right lib directory.</td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_PREBUILT_OBJ_FILES</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES</td>
+<td valign="top"><p>Set <code>LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES</code> to any number of whitespace-separated
+module names, like "libblah" or "Email".  If this module is installed, all
+of the modules that it requires will be installed as well.  This can be
+used to, e.g., ensure that necessary shared libraries or providers are
+installed when a given app is installed.</td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_RESOURCE_DIR</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_SDK_VERSION</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES</td>
+<td valign="top">These are the libraries you directly link against.  You don't need to
+pass transitively included libraries.  Specify the name without the suffix:</p> 
+<p><code>LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := \<br/> 
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;libutils \<br/> 
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;libui \<br/> 
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;libaudio \<br/> 
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;libexpat \<br/> 
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;libsgl
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_SRC_FILES</td>
+<td valign="top">The build system looks at <code>LOCAL_SRC_FILES</code> to know what source
+files to compile -- .cpp .c .y .l .java.  For lex and yacc files, it knows
+how to correctly do the intermediate .h and .c/.cpp files automatically.  If
+the files are in a subdirectory of the one containing the, prefix
+them with the directory name:</p> 
+<p><code>LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \<br/> 
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file1.cpp \<br/> 
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dir/file2.cpp
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES</td>
+<td valign="top">These are the static libraries that you want to include in your module.
+Mostly, we use shared libraries, but there are a couple of places, like
+executables in sbin and host executables where we use static libraries instead.
+<p><code>LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := \<br/> 
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;libutils \<br/> 
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;libtinyxml
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_UNSTRIPPED_PATH</td>
+<td valign="top">Instructs the build system to put the unstripped version of the module
+somewhere other than what's normal for its type.  Usually, you override this
+because you overrode <code>LOCAL_MODULE_PATH</code> for an executable or a
+shared library.  If you overrode <code>LOCAL_MODULE_PATH</code>, but not 
+<code>LOCAL_UNSTRIPPED_PATH</code>, an error will occur.</p> 
+<p>See <a href="#moving-modules">Putting modules elsewhere</a> for more.</td>
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES</td>
+<td valign="top">These are the static libraries that you want to include in your module without allowing
+the linker to remove dead code from them. This is mostly useful if you want to add a static library
+to a shared library and have the static library's content exposed from the shared library.
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;libsqlite3_android<br/> 
+<td valign="top">LOCAL_YACCFLAGS</td>
+<td valign="top">Any flags to pass to invocations of yacc for your module.  A known limitation
+here is that the flags will be the same for all invocations of YACC for your
+module.  This can be fixed.  If you ever need it to be, just ask.</p> 
+<p><code>LOCAL_YACCFLAGS := -p kjsyy</code></td>
+<td valign="top">OVERRIDE_BUILT_MODULE_PATH</td>
+<td valign="top"></td>
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..40ab644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+# Configuring a New Product #
+<a name="androidOHDPortingDeviceBuildingProcess"></a><h3>Detailed Instructions</h3>
+<p>The steps below describe how to configure makefiles for new mobile devices and products running Android.</p>
+  <li>Create a company directory in <code>//vendor/</code>.<br/>
+  <pre class="prettyprint">
+  mkdir vendor/&lt;company_name&gt;</pre></li>
+  <li>Create a <code>products</code> directory beneath the company directory you created in step 1.<BR>
+  <pre class="prettyprint">
+  mkdir vendor/&lt;company_name&gt;/products/</pre></li>
+  <li>Create a product-specific makefile, called <code>vendor/&lt;company_name&gt;/products/&lt;first_product_name&gt;.mk</code>, that includes at least the following code:<BR>
+    <pre class="prettyprint">
+  $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/
+  #
+  # Overrides
+  PRODUCT_NAME := &lt;first_product_name&gt;
+  PRODUCT_DEVICE := &lt;board_name&gt;</pre>
+  <li>
+  Additional product-specific variables can be added to this <a href="#androidBuildSystemProductDefFiles">Product Definition</a> 
+  </li>
+  <li>In the <code>products</code> directory, create an <code></code> file that point to (and is responsible for finding) the individual product make files.<BR>
+  <pre class="prettyprint">
+  #
+  # This file should set PRODUCT_MAKEFILES to a list of product makefiles
+  # to expose to the build system.  LOCAL_DIR will already be set to
+  # the directory containing this file. 
+  #
+  # This file may not rely on the value of any variable other than
+  # LOCAL_DIR; do not use any conditionals, and do not look up the
+  # value of any variable that isn't set in this file or in a file that
+  # it includes.
+  #
+    $(LOCAL_DIR)/ \</pre></li>
+  <li>Create a board-specific directory beneath your company directory that matches the <code>PRODUCT_DEVICE</code> variable <code>&lt;board_name&gt;</code> referenced in the product-specific make file above. This will include a make file that gets accessed by any product using this board.<BR>
+  <pre class="prettyprint">
+  mkdir vendor/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;board_name&gt;</pre></li>
+    <li>Create a <code></code> file in the directory created in the previous step (<code>vendor/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;board_name&gt;</code>). <BR>
+  <pre class="prettyprint">
+  # These definitions override the defaults in config/config.make for &lt;board_name&gt;
+  #
+  #
+  TARGET_USE_GENERIC_AUDIO := true</pre></li>  
+  <li>If you wish to modify system properties, create a <code>system.prop</code> file in your <code>&lt;board_name&gt;</code> directory(<code>vendor/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;board_name&gt;</code>).<BR>
+  <pre class="prettyprint">
+  # system.prop for <board_name>
+  # This overrides settings in the products/generic/system.prop file
+  #
+  # rild.libpath=/system/lib/
+  # rild.libargs=-d /dev/ttyS0</pre></li>   
+  <li>Add a pointer to <code>&lt;second_product_name&gt;.mk</code> within <code>products/</code>.<BR>
+  <pre class="prettypring">
+    $(LOCAL_DIR)/ \
+    $(LOCAL_DIR)/</pre></li>
+  <li>An <code></code> file must be included in <code>vendor/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;board_name&gt;</code> with at least the following code:<BR>
+  <pre class="prettyprint">
+  # make file for new hardware <board_name> from <company_name>
+  #
+  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+  #
+  # this is here to use the pre-built kernel
+  endif
+  #
+  ALL_PREBUILT += $(file)
+  $(file): $(TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL) | $(ACP)
+		$(transform-prebuilt-to-target)
+  #
+  # no boot loader, so we don't need any of that stuff..  
+  #
+  LOCAL_PATH := vendor/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;board_name&gt;
+  #
+  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+  #
+  # include more board specific stuff here? Such as Audio parameters.      
+  #</pre>
+  </li>
+<li>To create a second product for the same board, create a second product-specific make file called <code>vendor/company_name/products/&lt;second_product_name&gt;.mk</code> that includes:<BR>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+  $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/
+  \#
+  \# Overrides
+  PRODUCT_NAME := &lt;second_product_name&gt;
+  PRODUCT_DEVICE := &lt;board_name&gt;</pre></li>   	
+<p>By now, you should have two new products, called <code>&lt;first_product_name&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;second_product_name&gt;</code> associated with <code>&lt;company_name&gt;</code>. To verify that a product is properly configured (<code>&lt;first_product_name&gt;</code>, for example), execute the following:<BR>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+  . build/
+  make PRODUCT-&lt;first_product_name&gt;-user
+<p>You should find new build binaries located in <code>/out/target/product/&lt;board_name&gt;</code>.
+<a name="androidBuildNewFileTree"></a><h3>New Product File Tree</h3>
+<p>The file tree below illustrates what your own system should look like after completing the steps above.</p>
+  <li><code>&lt;company_name&gt;</code></li>
+  <ul>
+    <li><code>&lt;board_name&gt;</code></li>
+    <ul>
+      <li><code></code></li>
+      <li><code></code></li>
+      <li><code>system.prop</code></li>
+    </ul>
+    <li><code>products</code></li>
+    <ul>
+      <li><code></code></li>
+      <li><code>&lt;first_product_name&gt;.mk</code></li>
+      <li><code>&lt;second_product_name&gt;.mk</code></li>
+    </ul>
+  </ul>
+<a name="androidBuildSystemProductDefFiles"></a><h3>Product Definition Files</h3>
+<p>Product-specific variables are defined in product definition files. A product definition file can inherit from other product definition files, thus reducing the need to copy and simplifying maintenance.</p>
+<p>Variables maintained in a product definition files include:</p>
+<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
+ <tbody><tr>
+  <th scope="col">Parameter</th>
+  <th scope="col">Description</th>
+  <th scope="col">Example</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_NAME</td>
+   <td valign="top">End-user-visible name for the overall product. Appears in the "About the phone" info.</td>
+   <td valign="top"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_MODEL</td>
+   <td valign="top">End-user-visible name for the end product</td>
+   <td valign="top"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_LOCALES</td>
+   <td valign="top">A space-separated list of two-letter language code, two-letter country code pairs that describe several settings for the user, such as the UI language and time, date and currency formatting. The first locale listed in PRODUCT_LOCALES is is used if the locale has never been set before.</td>
+   <td valign="top"><code>en_GB de_DE es_ES fr_CA</code></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_PACKAGES</td>
+   <td valign="top">Lists the APKs to install.</td>
+   <td valign="top"><code>Calendar Contacts</code></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_DEVICE</td>
+   <td valign="top">Name of the industrial design</td>
+   <td valign="top"><code>dream</code></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER</td>
+   <td valign="top">Name of the manufacturer</td>
+   <td valign="top"><code>acme</code></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_BRAND</td>
+   <td valign="top">The brand (e.g., carrier) the software is customized for, if any</td>
+   <td valign="top"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES</td>
+   <td valign="top">List of property assignments in the format "key=value"</td>
+   <td valign="top"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_COPY_FILES</td>
+   <td valign="top">List of words like <code>source_path:destination_path</code>. The file at the source path should be copied to the destination path when building this product. The rules for the copy steps are defined in config/Makefile</td>
+   <td valign="top"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_OTA_PUBLIC_KEYS</td>
+   <td valign="top">List of OTA public keys for the product</td>
+   <td valign="top"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_POLICY</td>
+   <td valign="top">Indicate which policy this product should use</td>
+   <td valign="top"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS</td>
+   <td valign="top">Indicate whether to use default resources or add any product specific overlays</td>
+   <td valign="top"><code>vendor/acme/overlay</code></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_CONTRIBUTORS_FILE</td>
+   <td valign="top">HTML file containing the contributors to the project.</td>
+   <td valign="top"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+   <td valign="top">PRODUCT_TAGS</td>
+   <td valign="top">list of space-separated words for a given product</td>
+   <td valign="top"></td>
+ </tr>
+<p>The snippet below illustrates a typical product definition file.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+$(call inherit-product, build/target/product/
+PRODUCT_BRAND := acme_us
+PRODUCT_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS := vendor/acme/overlay
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d51e832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# Android Build System #
+<p>Android uses a custom build system to generate tools, binaries, and documentation. This document provides an overview of Android's build system and instructions for doing a simple build. </p>
+<p>Android's build system is make based and requires a recent version of GNU Make (note that Android uses advanced features of GNU Make that may not yet appear on the GNU Make web site). Before continuing, check your version of make by running <code>% make -v</code>. If you don't have version 3.80 or greater, you need to <a href="">upgrade your version of make</a>. </p>
+<a name="androidBuildSystemOverview"></a><h4>Understanding the makefile</h4>
+<p>A makefile defines how to build a particular application. Makefiles typically include all of the following elements:</p>
+  <li>Name: Give your build a name (<code>LOCAL_MODULE := &lt;build_name&gt;</code>).</li>
+  <li>Local Variables: Clear local variables with CLEAR_VARS  (<code>include $(CLEAR_VARS)</code>).</li>
+  <li>Files: Determine which files your application depends upon (<code>LOCAL_SRC_FILES := main.c</code>).</li>
+  <li>Tags: Define tags, as necessary (<code>LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng development</code>).</li>
+  <li>Libraries: Define whether your application links with other libraries (<code>LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := cutils</code>).</li>
+  <li>Template file: Include a template file to define underlining make tools for a particular target (<code>include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)</code>).</li>
+<p>The following snippet illustrates a typical makefile.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+LOCAL_PATH := $(my-dir)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_MODULE := &lt;buil_name&gt;
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES := main.c
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng development
+<p>The snippet above includes artificial line breaks to maintain a print-friendly document.</p>
+<a name="androidBuildSystemLayers"></a><h4>Layers</h4>
+<p>The build hierarchy includes the abstraction layers described in the table below.</p>
+<p>Each layer relates to the one above it in a one-to-many relationship. For example, an arch can have more than one board and each board can have more than one device. You may define an element in a given layer as a specialization of an element in the same layer, thus eliminating copying and simplifying maintenance.</p>
+<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
+ <tbody><tr>
+  <th scope="col">Layer</th>
+  <th  scope="col">Example</th>
+  <th  scope="col">Description</th>
+ </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td valign="top">Product</td>
+    <td valign="top">myProduct, myProduct_eu, myProduct_eu_fr, j2, sdk</td>
+    <td valign="top">The product layer defines a complete specification of a shipping product, defining which modules to build and how to configure them. You might offer a device in several different versions based on locale, for example, or on features such as a camera. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td valign="top">Device</td>
+    <td valign="top">myDevice, myDevice_eu, myDevice_eu_lite</td>
+    <td valign="top">The device layer represents the physical layer of plastic on the device. For example, North American devices probably include QWERTY keyboards whereas devices sold in France probably include AZERTY keyboards. Peripherals typically connect to the device layer. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td valign="top">Board</td>
+    <td valign="top">sardine, trout, goldfish </td>
+    <td valign="top">The board layer represents the bare schematics of a product. You may still connect peripherals to the board layer. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td valign="top">Arch</td>
+    <td valign="top">arm (arm5te) (arm6), x86, 68k </td>
+    <td valign="top">The arch layer describes the processor running on your board. </td>
+  </tr>
+<a name="androidSourceSetupBuildingCodeBase"></a><h3>Building the Android Platform</h3>
+<p>This section describes how to build the default version of Android. Once you are comfortable with a generic build, then you can begin to modify Android for your own target device.</p>
+<a name="androidSourceSetupBuildingDeviceCodeBase"></a><h4>Device Code</h4>
+<p>To do a generic build of android, source <code>build/</code>, which contains necessary variable and function definitions, as described below.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+% cd $TOP
+% . build/
+# pick a configuration using choosecombo
+% choosecombo
+% make -j4 PRODUCT-generic-user
+<p>You can also replace user with eng for a debug engineering build:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+% make -j4 PRODUCT-generic-eng
+<p>These <a href="#androidBuildVariants">Build Variants</a> differ in terms of debug options and packages installed. 
+<a name="androidBuildingCleaning"></a><h4>Cleaning Up</h4>
+<p>Execute <code>% m clean</code> to clean up the binaries you just created. You can also execute <code>% m clobber</code> to get rid of the binaries of all combos. <code>% m clobber</code> is equivalent to removing the <code>//out/</code> directory where all generated files are stored.</p>
+<a name="androidBuildingSpeeding"></a><h4>Speeding Up Rebuilds</h4>
+<p> The binaries of each combo are stored as distinct sub-directories of <code>//out/</code>, making it possible to quickly switch between combos without having to recompile all sources each time. </p>
+<p> However, performing a clean rebuild is necessary if the build system doesn't catch changes to environment variables or makefiles. If this happens often, you should define the <code>USE_CCACHE</code> environment variable as shown below: </p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+% export USE_CCACHE=1
+<p>Doing so will force the build system to use the ccache compiler cache tool, which reduces recompiling all sources.</p>
+<p><code>ccache</code> binaries are provided in <code>//prebuilt/...</code> and don't need to get installed on your system.</p>
+<a name="androidBuildingTroubleshooting"></a><h4>Troubleshooting</h4>
+<p>The following error is likely caused by running an outdated version of Java.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: method java.util.Arrays.hashCode with
+signature ([Ljava.lang.Object;)I was not found.
+  at
+  at
+  at java.util.HashMap.hash(
+<p><code>dx</code> is a Java program that uses facilities first made available in Java version 1.5. Check your version of Java by executing <code>% java -version</code> in the shell you use to build. You should see something like:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+java version "1.5.0_07"
+Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_07-164)
+Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_07-87, mixed mode, sharing)
+<p>If you do have Java 1.5 or later and your receive this error, verify that you have properly updated your <code>PATH</code> variable.</p>
+<a name="androidSourceSetupBuildingKernel"></a><h3>Building the Android Kernel</h3>
+<p>This section describes how to build Android's default kernel. Once you are comfortable with a generic build, then you can begin to modify Android drivers for your own target device.</p>
+<p>To build the kernel base, switch to the device directory (<code>/home/joe/android/device</code>) in order to establish variables and run:
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+% . build/
+% partner_setup generic
+<p>Then switch to the kernel directory <code>/home/joe/android/kernel</code>.
+<a name="androidSourceSetupBuildingKernelCheckingBranch"></a><h4>Checking Out a Branch</h4>
+<p>The default branch is always <code>android</code>. To check out a different branch, execute the following:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+% git checkout --track -b android-mydevice origin/android-mydevice
+  //Branch android-mydevice set up to track remote branch
+% refs/remotes/origin/android-mydevice.
+  //Switched to a new branch "android-mydevice"
+<p>To simplify code management, give your local branch the same name as the remote branch it is tracking (as illustrated in the snippet above). Switch between branches by executing <code>% git checkout &lt;branchname&gt;</code>.</p>
+<a name="androidSourceSetupBuildingKernelBranchLocation"></a><h4>Verifying Location</h4>
+<p>Find out which branches exist (both locally and remotely) and which one is active (marked with an asterisk) by executing the following:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+% git branch -a
+  android
+* android-mydevice
+  origin/HEAD
+  origin/android
+  origin/android-mydevice
+  origin/android-mychipset
+<p>To only see local branches, omit the <code>-a</code> flag.</p> 
+<a name="androidSourceSetupBuildingKernelBuild"></a><h4>Building the Kernel</h4>
+<p>To build the kernel, execute:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+% make -j4
+<a name="androidBuildVariants"></a><h3>Build Variants</h3>
+When building for a particular product, it's often useful to have minor
+variations on what is ultimately the final release build.  These are the
+currently-defined build variants:
+<table border=1> 
+    <td> 
+        <code>eng <code> 
+    </td> 
+    <td> 
+        This is the default flavor. A plain <code>make</code> is the
+        same as <code>make eng</code>.
+        <ul> 
+        <li>Installs modules tagged with: <code>eng</code>, <code>debug</code>,
+            <code>user</code>, and/or <code>development</code>.
+        <li>Installs non-APK modules that have no tags specified.
+        <li>Installs APKs according to the product definition files, in
+            addition to tagged APKs.
+        <li><code></code> 
+        <li><code>ro.debuggable=1</code> 
+        <li><code></code> 
+        <li><code>adb</code> is enabled by default.
+    </td> 
+    <td> 
+        <code>user <code> 
+    </td> 
+    <td> 
+        <code>make user</code>
+        <p> 
+        This is the flavor intended to be the final release bits.
+        <ul> 
+        <li>Installs modules tagged with <code>user</code>.</li>
+        <li>Installs non-APK modules that have no tags specified.</li>
+        <li>Installs APKs according to the product definition files; tags
+            are ignored for APK modules.</li>
+        <li><code></code> </li>
+        <li><code>ro.debuggable=0</code> </li>
+        <li><code>adb</code> is disabled by default.</li>
+    </td> 
+    <td> 
+        <code>userdebug <code> 
+    </td> 
+    <td> 
+        <code>make userdebug</code>
+        <p> 
+        The same as <code>user</code>, except:
+        <ul> 
+        <li>Also installs modules tagged with <code>debug</code>.
+        <li><code>ro.debuggable=1</code> 
+        <li><code>adb</code> is enabled by default.
+    </td> 
+If you build one flavor and then want to build another, you should run
+<code>make installclean</code> between the two makes to guarantee that
+you don't pick up files installed by the previous flavor.  <code>make
+clean</code> will also suffice, but it takes a lot longer.
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4f5f1a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Camera #
+Android's camera subsystem connects the camera application to the application framework and user space libraries, which in turn communicate with the camera hardware layer that operates the physical camera.
+The diagram below illustrates the structure of the camera subsystem.
+<img src="/images/camera_video2.gif">
+## Building a Camera Library ##
+To implement a camera driver, create a shared library that implements the interface defined in `CameraHardwareInterface.h`. You must name your shared library `` so that it will get loaded from `/system/lib` at runtime.  Place libcamera sources and `` in `vendor/acme/chipset_or_board/libcamera/`.
+The following stub `` file ensures that `libcamera` compiles and links to the appropriate libraries:
+    LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+    include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+    LOCAL_MODULE := libcamera
+        libutils \
+        librpc \
+        liblog
+    LOCAL_SRC_FILES += MyCameraHardware.cpp
+        libcamera-common \
+        libclock-rpc \
+        libcommondefs-rpc
+    include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
+## Sequence Diagrams ##
+### Preview ###
+The following diagram illustrates the sequence of function calls and actions necessary for your camera to preview.
+<img src="/images/cameraPreview.jpg">
+### Taking a Picture ###
+The following diagram illustrates the sequence of function calls and actions necessary for your camera to take a picture.
+<img src="/images/cameraTakePicture.jpg">
+Doxygen content is unavailable at the moment as is downsized for an upgrade. Sorry for the inconvenience!
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..34409f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+# Customization #
+<a name="androidBootScreenCustomization"></a><h3>Boot Screen Customization</h3> 
+<p>At startup, Android displays a splashscreen image while booting the device. Do the following if you wish to modify the default splash screen:</p> 
+<ol><li>Create a 320x480 image, <code>splashscreen.jpg</code> in this example.</li> 
+<li>Using ImageMagick, convert your .jpg file to .r format:
+<pre class="prettify"> 
+convert screen.jpg screen.r
+<li>Use the rgb2565 application to convert the image to 565 format:
+<pre class="prettify"> 
+rgb2565 < screen.rgb > screen.565
+<li>Use fastboot to flash the image to the device:
+<pre class="prettify"> 
+fastboot flash splash1 screen.565
+<a name="androidNetCustPlat"></a><h3>Network Customization Platform</h3> 
+<a name="androidNetCustPlatNetworkConfig"></a><h4>Network Configuration</h4> 
+<p>Android stores network configurations as a resource that gets compiled into binary at form at build time. The XML representation of this resource is located at <code>//android/frameworks/base/core/res/res/xml/apns.xml</code>. This file does not include any configured APNs. You should not modify this file, but instead configure APNs by product at build time (see Build-time APN Configuration below).</p> 
+<p>Each network configuration is stored in an XML element following this syntax:</p> 
+    <apn carrier="T-Mobile US"
+             mcc="310"
+             mnc="260"
+             apn=""
+             user="none"
+             server="*"
+             password="none"
+             proxy=""
+             port="8080"
+             mmsc=""
+    />
+<a name="androidNetCustPlatAPNConfig"></a><h4>Build-time APN configuration</h4> 
+<p>To set the APN configuration for a particular product target, add an <code>apns-conf.xml</code> file to the product configuration (do not modify the default platform APNs). This allows multiple products, all with different APNs, to be built off the same code base.  </p> 
+<p>To configure APNs at the product level, add a line to the product configuration file like the example below (<code>vendor/<vendor_name>/products/</code>): </p> 
+<pre class="prettify"> 
+PRODUCT_COPY_FILES := vendor/acme/etc/apns-conf-us.xml:system/etc/apns-conf.xml
+<a name="androidNetCustPlatAPNRunTime"></a><h4>APN configuration at run time</h4> 
+<p>At runtime, the Android reads APNs from the following file:</p> 
+<pre class="prettify"> 
+<p>Android supports the following run-time network configuration methods to choose the appropriate APN from the list of configured APNs:</p> 
+<li><b>Automatic Configuration</b>: At boot time, Android determines the correct network configuration based on the MCC and MNC from the SIM card and automatically configure all network settings.</li> 
+<li><b>Manual Configuration</b>: The platform will also support runtime (user) manual selection of network settings by name, for example, "Company Name US," and will support manual network configuration entry.</li> 
+<li><b>WAP / SMS Push Configuration</b>: The network configurations are standard Android resources. You can upgrade a resource at runtime by installing a new system resource APK package. It will be possible to develop a network configuration service which listens to a specific binary SMS port for binary SMS messages containing the network configurations.  NOTE: The implementation will likely be network operator dependent due to inconsistent SMS ports, binary SMS formats, etc.</li> 
+<a name="androidCustomizingPre-LoadedApps"></a><h3>Customizing pre-loaded applications</h3> 
+<p>To customize the list of Android packages for a particular product (applications, input methods, providers, services, etc.), set <code>PRODUCT_PACKAGES</code> property in the product configuration, as illustrated below:</p> 
+<pre class="prettify"> 
+ <company_name>Mail \
+    <company_name>IM \
+ <company_name>HomeScreen \
+ <company_name>Maps \
+ <company_name>SystemUpdater
+<p>Package names should correspond to the <code>LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME</code> specified for each package's build target. For example, the <code></code> build target for <company_name>Mail, referenced above, could look like this:
+    # Build the <company_name>Mail application
+    LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
+    include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+    LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := user development
+    LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under,src,tests)
+    LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := <company_name>login-client
+    # Specify the package name
+    LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := <company_name>Mail
+    # Specify the certificate used to sign the application
+    LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := vendor/<company_name>/certs/app
+    include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
+    # Build the login client static library
+    include $(LOCAL_PATH)/client/
+<p>Note that the home screen is just an Android application that can be replaced entirely or customized by changing source code and application resources (Java source, layouts, etc.).</p> 
+<a name="androidBrowserBookmarks"></a><h3>Customizing browser bookmarks</h3> 
+<p>Browser bookmarks are stored as string resources in the Browser application: <code>//android/packages/apps/Browser/res/values/strings.xml</code>.  Bookmarks are defined as simple value string arrays called "bookmarks".  Each bookmark entry is stored as a pair of array values; the first represents the bookmark name and the second the bookmark URL.  For example:</p> 
+<pre class="prettify"> 
+<!-- Bookmarks -->
+<string-array name="bookmarks">
+    <item>Google</item>
+    <item></item>
+    <item>Yahoo!</item>
+    <item></item>
+    <item>MSN</item>
+    <item></item>
+    <item>MySpace</item>
+    <item></item>
+    <item>Facebook</item>
+    <item></item>
+    <item>Wikipedia</item>
+    <item></item>
+    <item>eBay</item>
+    <item></item>
+    <item>CNN</item>
+    <item></item>
+    <item>New York Times</item>
+    <item></item>
+    <item>ESPN</item>
+    <item></item>
+    <item>Amazon</item>
+    <item></item>
+    <item>Weather Channel</item>
+    <item></item>
+    <item>BBC</item>
+    <item></item>
+<p>Like and Android application resource, the platform will load alternate resources based on the platform configuration values.  See <a href="">Resources and Internationalization</a> in the Android SDK for details.  To configure bookmarks for a specific mobile network operator, place your customized bookmarks in a separate <code>strings.xml</code> file and place it under a Mobile Network Code (MNO) specific resource folder.  For example, <code>Browser/res/values-mccXXX-mncYYY/strings.xml</code> where XXX and YYY represent the three-digit MCC and two to three digit MNC values.</p> 
+<p>Android loads any configuration-specific resources as override values for the default values, so it is only necessary to include the bookmarks string-array values in this file.</p> 
+<a name="androidEmailProviderCustomization"></a>
+<h3>Email Provider Customization</h3> 
+<p>The default email provider settings are stored as string resources in the Email application (<code>//android/packages/apps/Email/res/xml/providers.xml</code>) as illustrated below.</p> 
+    <providers>
+        <!-- Gmail variants -->
+        <provider id="gmail" label="Gmail" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="imap+ssl+://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="googlemail" label="Google Mail" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="imap+ssl+://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="google" label="Google" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="imap+ssl+://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="android" label="Android" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="imap+ssl+://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider></p> 
+        <!-- Common US providers -->
+        <provider id="aim" label="AIM" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="imap://" label="IMAP" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="aol" label="AOL" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="imap://" label="IMAP" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="comcast" label="Comcast" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="pop3+ssl+://" username="$user"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://" username="$user"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="compuserve" label="CompuServe" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="imap://" username="$user"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp://" username="$user"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="dotmac" label=".Mac" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="imap+tls://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+tls://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="earthlink" label="Earthlink" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="pop3://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="juno" label="Juno" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="pop3://" username="$user"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp://" username="$user"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="live" label="Windows Live Hotmail Plus" domain="" note="@string/provider_note_live">
+            <incoming uri="pop3+ssl+://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+tls+://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="hotmail" label="Windows Live Hotmail Plus" domain="" note="@string/provider_note_live">
+            <incoming uri="pop3+ssl+://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+tls+://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="msn" label="Windows Live Hotmail Plus" domain="" note="@string/provider_note_live">
+            <incoming uri="pop3+ssl+://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+tls+://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="mobileme" label="MobileMe" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="imap+tls://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+tls://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="netzero" label="NetZero" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="pop3://" username="$user"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp://" username="$user"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="sbcglobal" label="SBC Global" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="pop3://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="verizon" label="Verizon" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="pop3://" username="$user"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp://" username="$user"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="yahoo" label="Yahoo Plus" domain="" note="@string/provider_note_yahoo">
+            <incoming uri="pop3+ssl+://" username="$user"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://" username="$user"/>
+        </provider>
+        <!-- Common UK providers -->
+        <provider id="aol-uk" label="AOL" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="imap+ssl+://" label="IMAP" username="$user"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://" username="$user"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="bt" label="BT Internet" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="pop3://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp://" username=""/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="tiscali" label="Tiscali" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="pop3://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp://" username="$email:wq"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="yahoo-uk" label="Yahoo" domain="" note="@string/provider_note_yahoo_uk">
+            <incoming uri="pop3+ssl+://" username="$user"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl+://" username="$user"/>
+        </provider>
+        <!-- Common Germany providers -->
+        <provider id="freenet" label="Freenet" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="pop3://" username="$user"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+ssl://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="gmx" label="GMX" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="pop3+tls://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+tls://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="T-Online" label="T-Online" domain="" note="@string/provider_note_t_online">
+            <incoming uri="pop3://" username="$email"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp://" username="$email"/>
+        </provider>
+        <provider id="" label="" domain="">
+            <incoming uri="pop3+tls://" username="$user"/>
+            <outgoing uri="smtp+tls://" username="$user"/>
+        </provider>
+    </providers>
+<p>As with all Android application resources, the platform will load alternate resources based on the platform configuration values.  See <a href="">Resources and Internationalization</a> in the Android SDK for details.  To configure email providers for a specific mobile network operator, place the customized providers in a separate <code>providers.xml</code> file and place it under  a Mobile Network Code (MNO) specific resource folder.  For example, <code>Email/res/xml-mccXXX-mncYYY/providers.xml</code> where XXX and YYY represent the three-digit MCC and two to three digit MNC values.</p> 
+<a name="androidThemes"></a><h3>Platform Themes</h3> 
+<a name="androidThemesStyles"></a><h4>Themes and Styles</h4> 
+<p>System level styles are defined in <code>//android/framework/base/core/res/res/values/styles.xml</code>.</p> 
+<a name="androidThemesAnimations"></a><h4>Animations</h4> 
+<p>Android supports configurable animations for window and view transitions.  System-level animations are defined in XML in global resource files located in <code>//android/framework/base/core/res/res/anim/</code>.</p> 
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1ea7b00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+# Dalvik #
+The Dalvik virtual machine is intended to run on a variety of platforms.
+The baseline system is expected to be a variant of UNIX (Linux, BSD, Mac
+OS X) running the GNU C compiler.  Little-endian CPUs have been exercised
+the most heavily, but big-endian systems are explicitly supported.
+There are two general categories of work: porting to a Linux system
+with a previously unseen CPU architecture, and porting to a different
+operating system.  This document covers the former.
+<a name="dalvikCoreLibraries"></a><h3>Core Libraries</h3> 
+The native code in the core libraries (chiefly <code>dalvik/libcore</code>,
+but also <code>dalvik/vm/native</code>) is written in C/C++ and is expected
+to work without modification in a Linux environment.  Much of the code
+comes directly from the Apache Harmony project.
+The core libraries pull in code from many other projects, including
+OpenSSL, zlib, and ICU.  These will also need to be ported before the VM
+can be used.
+<a name="dalvikJNICallBridge"></a><h3>JNI Call Bridge</h3> 
+Most of the Dalvik VM runtime is written in portable C.  The one
+non-portable component of the runtime is the JNI call bridge.  Simply put,
+this converts an array of integers into function arguments of various
+types, and calls a function.  This must be done according to the C calling
+conventions for the platform.  The task could be as simple as pushing all
+of the arguments onto the stack, or involve complex rules for register
+assignment and stack alignment.
+To ease porting to new platforms, the <a href=""> 
+open-source FFI library</a> (Foreign Function Interface) is used when a
+custom bridge is unavailable.  FFI is not as fast as a native implementation,
+and the optional performance improvements it does offer are not used, so
+writing a replacement is a good first step.
+The code lives in <code>dalvik/vm/arch/*</code>, with the FFI-based version
+in the "generic" directory.  There are two source files for each architecture.
+One defines the call bridge itself:
+<code>void dvmPlatformInvoke(void* pEnv, ClassObject* clazz, int argInfo,
+int argc, const u4* argv, const char* signature, void* func,
+JValue* pReturn)</code> 
+This will invoke a C/C++ function declared:
+    <code>return_type func(JNIEnv* pEnv, Object* this [, <i>args</i>])<br></code> 
+</blockquote>or (for a "static" method):<blockquote> 
+    <code>return_type func(JNIEnv* pEnv, ClassObject* clazz [, <i>args</i>])</code> 
+The role of <code>dvmPlatformInvoke</code> is to convert the values in
+<code>argv</code> into C-style calling conventions, call the method, and
+then place the return type into <code>pReturn</code> (a union that holds
+all of the basic JNI types).  The code may use the method signature
+(a DEX "shorty" signature, with one character for the return type and one
+per argument) to determine how to handle the values.
+The other source file involved here defines a 32-bit "hint".  The hint
+is computed when the method's class is loaded, and passed in as the
+"argInfo" argument.  The hint can be used to avoid scanning the ASCII
+method signature for things like the return value, total argument size,
+or inter-argument 64-bit alignment restrictions.
+<a name="dalvikInterpreter"></a><h3>Interpreter</h3> 
+The Dalvik runtime includes two interpreters, labeled "portable" and "fast".
+The portable interpreter is largely contained within a single C function,
+and should compile on any system that supports gcc.  (If you don't have gcc,
+you may need to disable the "threaded" execution model, which relies on
+gcc's "goto table" implementation; look for the THREADED_INTERP define.)
+The fast interpreter uses hand-coded assembly fragments.  If none are
+available for the current architecture, the build system will create an
+interpreter out of C "stubs".  The resulting "all stubs" interpreter is
+quite a bit slower than the portable interpreter, making "fast" something
+of a misnomer.
+The fast interpreter is enabled by default.  On platforms without native
+support, you may want to switch to the portable interpreter.  This can
+be controlled with the <code>dalvik.vm.execution-mode</code> system
+property.  For example, if you:
+<code>adb shell "echo dalvik.vm.execution-mode = int:portable >> /data/local.prop"</code> 
+and reboot, the Android app framework will start the VM with the portable
+interpreter enabled.
+<h3>Mterp Interpreter Structure</h3> 
+There may be significant performance advantages to rewriting the
+interpreter core in assembly language, using architecture-specific
+optimizations.  In Dalvik this can be done one instruction at a time.
+The simplest way to implement an interpreter is to have a large "switch"
+statement.  After each instruction is handled, the interpreter returns to
+the top of the loop, fetches the next instruction, and jumps to the
+appropriate label.
+An improvement on this is called "threaded" execution.  The instruction
+fetch and dispatch are included at the end of every instruction handler.
+This makes the interpreter a little larger overall, but you get to avoid
+the (potentially expensive) branch back to the top of the switch statement.
+Dalvik mterp goes one step further, using a computed goto instead of a goto
+table.  Instead of looking up the address in a table, which requires an
+extra memory fetch on every instruction, mterp multiplies the opcode number
+by a fixed value.  By default, each handler is allowed 64 bytes of space.
+Not all handlers fit in 64 bytes.  Those that don't can have subroutines
+or simply continue on to additional code outside the basic space.  Some of
+this is handled automatically by Dalvik, but there's no portable way to detect
+overflow of a 64-byte handler until the VM starts executing.
+The choice of 64 bytes is somewhat arbitrary, but has worked out well for
+ARM and x86.
+In the course of development it's useful to have C and assembly
+implementations of each handler, and be able to flip back and forth
+between them when hunting problems down.  In mterp this is relatively
+straightforward.  You can always see the files being fed to the compiler
+and assembler for your platform by looking in the
+<code>dalvik/vm/mterp/out</code> directory.
+The interpreter sources live in <code>dalvik/vm/mterp</code>.  If you
+haven't yet, you should read <code>dalvik/vm/mterp/README.txt</code> now.
+<h3>Getting Started With Mterp</h3> 
+Getting started:
+<li>Decide on the name of your architecture.  For the sake of discussion,
+let's call it <code>myarch</code>.
+<li>Make a copy of <code>dalvik/vm/mterp/config-allstubs</code> to
+<li>Create a <code>dalvik/vm/mterp/myarch</code> directory to hold your
+source files.
+<li>Add <code>myarch</code> to the list in
+<li>Make sure <code>dalvik/vm/</code> will find the files for
+your architecture.  If <code>$(TARGET_ARCH)</code> is configured this
+will happen automatically.
+You now have the basic framework in place.  Whenever you make a change, you
+need to perform two steps: regenerate the mterp output, and build the
+core VM library.  (It's two steps because we didn't want the build system
+to require Python 2.5.  Which, incidentally, you need to have.)
+<li>In the <code>dalvik/vm/mterp</code> directory, regenerate the contents
+of the files in <code>dalvik/vm/mterp/out</code> by executing
+<code>./</code>.  Note there are two files, one in C and one
+in assembly.
+<li>In the <code>dalvik</code> directory, regenerate the
+<code></code> library with <code>mm</code>.  You can also use
+<code>make libdvm</code> from the top of the tree.
+This will leave you with an updated, which can be pushed out to
+a device with <code>adb sync</code> or <code>adb push</code>.  If you're
+using the emulator, you need to add <code>make snod</code> (System image,
+NO Dependency check) to rebuild the system image file.  You should not
+need to do a top-level "make" and rebuild the dependent binaries.
+At this point you have an "all stubs" interpreter.  You can see how it
+works by examining <code>dalvik/vm/mterp/cstubs/entry.c</code>.  The
+code runs in a loop, pulling out the next opcode, and invoking the
+handler through a function pointer.  Each handler takes a "glue" argument
+that contains all of the useful state.
+Your goal is to replace the entry method, exit method, and each individual
+instruction with custom implementations.  The first thing you need to do
+is create an entry function that calls the handler for the first instruction.
+After that, the instructions chain together, so you don't need a loop.
+(Look at the ARM or x86 implementation to see how they work.)
+Once you have that, you need something to jump to.  You can't branch
+directly to the C stub because it's expecting to be called with a "glue"
+argument and then return.  We need a C stub "wrapper" that does the
+setup and jumps directly to the next handler.  We write this in assembly
+and then add it to the config file definition.
+To see how this works, create a file called
+<code>dalvik/vm/mterp/myarch/stub.S</code> that contains one line:
+/\* stub for ${opcode} \*/
+Then, in <code>dalvik/vm/mterp/config-myarch</code>, add this below the
+<code>handler-size</code> directive:
+\# source for the instruction table stub
+asm-stub myarch/stub.S
+Regenerate the sources with <code>./</code>, and take a look
+inside <code>dalvik/vm/mterp/out/InterpAsm-myarch.S</code>.  You should
+see 256 copies of the stub function in a single large block after the
+<code>dvmAsmInstructionStart</code> label.  The <code>stub.S</code> 
+code will be used anywhere you don't provide an assembly implementation.
+Note that each block begins with a <code>.balign 64</code> directive.
+This is what pads each handler out to 64 bytes.  Note also that the
+<code>${opcode}</code> text changed into an opcode name, which should
+be used to call the C implementation (<code>dvmMterp_${opcode}</code>).
+The actual contents of <code>stub.S</code> are up to you to define.
+See <code>entry.S</code> and <code>stub.S</code> in the <code>armv5te</code> 
+or <code>x86</code> directories for working examples.
+If you're working on a variation of an existing architecture, you may be
+able to use most of the existing code and just provide replacements for
+a few instructions.  Look at the <code>armv4t</code> implementation as
+an example.
+<h3>Replacing Stubs</h3> 
+There are roughly 230 Dalvik opcodes, including some that are inserted by
+<a href="dexopt.html">dexopt</a> and aren't described in the
+<a href="dalvik-bytecode.html">Dalvik bytecode</a> documentation.  Each
+one must perform the appropriate actions, fetch the next opcode, and
+branch to the next handler.  The actions performed by the assembly version
+must exactly match those performed by the C version (in
+It is possible to customize the set of "optimized" instructions for your
+platform.  This is possible because optimized DEX files are not expected
+to work on multiple devices.  Adding, removing, or redefining instructions
+is beyond the scope of this document, and for simplicity it's best to stick
+with the basic set defined by the portable interpreter.
+Once you have written a handler that looks like it should work, add
+it to the config file.  For example, suppose we have a working version
+of <code>OP_NOP</code>.  For demonstration purposes, fake it for now by
+putting this into <code>dalvik/vm/mterp/myarch/OP_NOP.S</code>:
+/* This is my NOP handler */
+Then, in the <code>op-start</code> section of <code>config-myarch</code>, add:
+    op OP_NOP myarch
+This tells the generation script to use the assembly version from the
+<code>myarch</code> directory instead of the C version from the <code>c</code> 
+Execute <code>./</code>.  Look at <code>InterpAsm-myarch.S</code> 
+and <code>InterpC-myarch.c</code> in the <code>out</code> directory.  You
+will see that the <code>OP_NOP</code> stub wrapper has been replaced with our
+new code in the assembly file, and the C stub implementation is no longer
+As you implement instructions, the C version and corresponding stub wrapper
+will disappear from the output files.  Eventually you will have a 100%
+assembly interpreter.
+<h3>Interpreter Switching</h3> 
+The Dalvik VM actually includes a third interpreter implementation: the debug
+interpreter.  This is a variation of the portable interpreter that includes
+support for debugging and profiling.
+When a debugger attaches, or a profiling feature is enabled, the VM
+will switch interpreters at a convenient point.  This is done at the
+same time as the GC safe point check: on a backward branch, a method
+return, or an exception throw.  Similarly, when the debugger detaches
+or profiling is discontinued, execution transfers back to the "fast" or
+"portable" interpreter.
+Your entry function needs to test the "entryPoint" value in the "glue"
+pointer to determine where execution should begin.  Your exit function
+will need to return a boolean that indicates whether the interpreter is
+exiting (because we reached the "bottom" of a thread stack) or wants to
+switch to the other implementation.
+See the <code>entry.S</code> file in <code>x86</code> or <code>armv5te</code> 
+for examples.
+A number of VM tests can be found in <code>dalvik/tests</code>.  The most
+useful during interpreter development is <code>003-omnibus-opcodes</code>,
+which tests many different instructions.
+The basic invocation is:
+$ cd dalvik/tests
+$ ./run-test 003
+This will run test 003 on an attached device or emulator.  You can run
+the test against your desktop VM by specifying <code>--reference</code> 
+if you suspect the test may be faulty.  You can also use
+<code>--portable</code> and <code>--fast</code> to explictly specify
+one Dalvik interpreter or the other.
+Some instructions are replaced by <code>dexopt</code>, notably when
+"quickening" field accesses and method invocations.  To ensure
+that you are testing the basic form of the instruction, add the
+<code>--no-optimize</code> option.
+There is no in-built instruction tracing mechanism.  If you want
+to know for sure that your implementation of an opcode handler
+is being used, the easiest approach is to insert a "printf"
+call.  For an example, look at <code>common_squeak</code> in
+At some point you need to ensure that debuggers and profiling work with
+your interpreter.  The easiest way to do this is to simply connect a
+debugger or toggle profiling.  (A future test suite may include some
+tests for this.)
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c058d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# Debugging with GDB #
+The current version of `` has a `gdbclient` command that handles much of the setup.  For example, to attach the
+already-running `globaltime` application, execute the following, making sure that: 1) you do this from the same window used to build the software on the device you are debugging and 2) verify that the symbols in the object files in the build tree match up with what is installed on the device or emulator.
+    gdbclient app_process :5039 globaltime
+## Debugging ##
+### Short Instructions ###
+Android runs `gdbserver` on the device and an ARM aware `gdb`, named `arm-eabi-gdb`, on the desktop machine.
+1. First you need to run `gdbserver` on the device:
+	    gdbserver :5039 /system/bin/[EXECUTABLE]
+    The `:5039` tells gdbserver to listen on port 5039 on the localhost, which adb bridges from the host to the device. `executable` represents the command to debug, a common one being runtime -s which starts the entire system all running in a single process. 
+1. Launch `gdb` on the desktop. This can be done easily with the following command in the shell from which you built:
+        gdbclient [EXECUTABLE]
+At this point `gdb` will connect with your device and you should be
+  able to enter `c` to have the device start executing inside of the
+  desktop `gdb` session.
+### Detailed Instructions ###
+If the short instructions don't work, these detailed instructions should:
+1. On the device, launch a new command:
+        gdbserver :5039 /system/bin/[EXECUTABLE]
+    or attach to an existing process:
+        gdbserver :5039 --attach [PID]
+1. On your workstation, forward port 5039 to the device with adb:
+        adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039
+1. Start a special version of `gdb` that lives in the "prebuilt" area of the source tree:
+    - `prebuilt/Linux/toolchain-eabi-4.2.1/bin/arm-eabi-gdb` (for Linux) 
+    - `prebuilt/darwin-x86/toolchain-eabi-4.2.1/bin/arm-eabi-gdb` (for Darwin) 
+1. If you can't find either special version of `gdb`, run `find prebuilt -name arm-eabi-gdb` in your source tree to find and run the latest version:
+    prebuilt/Linux/toolchain-eabi-4.2.1/bin/arm-eabi-gdb  out/target/product/[PRODUCT_NAME]/symbols/system/bin/[EXECUTABLE]
+    Where [PRODUCT_NAME] is the name of the device product that you're building (for example, `sooner`),
+    and [EXECUTABLE] is the program to debug (usually `app_process` for an application).
+    Make sure to use the copy of the executable in the symbols directory, not the
+    primary android directory, because the one in the primary directory has
+    been stripped of its debugging information.
+1. In `gdb`, Tell `gdb` where to find the shared libraries that will get loaded:
+        set solib-absolute-prefix /[ABSOLUTE_PATH]/out/target/product/[PRODUCT_NAME]/symbols
+        set solib-search-path /[ABSOLUTE_PATH]/out/target/product/[PRODUCT_NAME]/symbols/system/lib
+    - [ABSOLUTE_PATH] is the path to your source tree; for example, `/work/device` or `/Users/hoser/android/device`.
+    - [PRODUCT_NAME] is the same as above; for example, `sooner`. 
+    Make sure you specify the correct directories--`gdb` may not tell you if you make a mistake.
+  - Connect to the device by issuing the `gdb` command:
+        target remote :5039
+    The `:5039` tells `gdb` to connect to the localhost port 5039, which is bridged to the device by `adb`.
+    You may need to inspire gdb to load some symbols by typing:
+        shared
+You should be connected and able to debug as you normally would. You can ignore the error about not 
+finding the location for the thread creation breakpoint. It will be found when
+the linker loads `libc` into your process before hitting `main()`. Also note that
+the `gdb` remote protocol doesn't have a way for the device to tell the host about
+newly created threads so you will not always see notifications about newly
+created threads. Info about other threads will be queried from the device when a
+breakpoint is hit or you ask for it by running info thread. 
+## Just-In-Time Debug Feature ##
+If you see the red LED flashing it means a process is in that new
+state (crashed and waiting for GDB connection). If this happens to the
+system process, most likely your device will be frozen at this point. 
+*Do not press the home key*. Bring the device to someone who can
+debug native crashes and ask for advice.
+If you're in the field and just want your device to continue as it
+would have without this feature (like cylonning), press home (a
+tombstone will be recorded as usual).
+To enable a process to be debugged this way, you need to set a property:
+    adb shell setprop debug.db.uid 10000
+and all processes with a `uid <= 10000` will be trapped in this 
+manner.  When one of them crashes, the tombstone is processed as usual, 
+an explicit message is printed into the log, and the red LED 
+starts flashing waiting for the Home key to be depressed (in which case it
+continues execution as usual).
+    I/DEBUG   (   27): ********************************************************
+    I/DEBUG   (   27): * process 82 crashed. debuggerd waiting for gdbserver
+    I/DEBUG   (   27): *
+    I/DEBUG   (   27): *     adb shell gdbserver :port --attach 82 &
+    I/DEBUG   (   27): *
+    I/DEBUG   (   27): * and press the HOME key.
+    I/DEBUG   (   27): ********************************************************
+When you see the entry above, make sure `adb` is forwarding port 5039 (you only need to do this once,
+  unless the ADB server dies) and execute:
+    % adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039
+Execute the line shown in the debug output, substituting 5039  for the proper `port`:
+    % adb shell gdbserver :5039 --attach 82 &
+If the crashing process is based off zygote (that is, system_server and all
+  applications), the default values for the `gdbclient` command, `app_process` binary and port `5039`, are correct, so you can execute:
+    % cd [TOP_OF_SOURCE_TREE];
+    % gdbclient
+Otherwise you need to determine the path of the crashing binary and follow the
+  steps as mentioned above (for example, `gdbclient hoser :5039` if
+  the `hoser` command has failed).
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c126e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# Debugging Native Code #
+## Capturing logs ##
+To capture log output:
+1. Produce a process list with `ps`   
+    *Note: Use `ps -t` if you want verbose thread feedback.*
+1. Dump kernel messages with `dmesg`.
+1. Get verbose log messages with `logcat '*:v' &`   
+    *Note: Running in background with & is important).*
+## Debug Scenarios ##
+    # command to device shell (via adb)
+    % command to host pc shell
+### Crash but no exit...stuck ###
+In this scenario, the GTalk app crashed but did not actually exit or seems stuck. Check the debug logs to see if there is anything unusual: 
+    # logcat &
+    ...
+    E/WindowManager(  182): Window client android.util.BinderProxy@4089f948 has died!!  Removing window.
+    W/WindowManager(  182): **** WINDOW CLIENT android.view.WindowProxy@40882248 DIED!
+    W/ActivityManager(  182): **** APPLICATION DIED!
+    I/ServiceManager(  257): Executing: /android/bin/app_process 
+        (link=/tmp/android-servicemanager/,    
+        wrapper=/tmp/android-servicemanager/
+    I/appproc (  257): App process is starting with pid=257, class=android/activity/ActivityThread.
+    I/        (  257): class initialization
+    I/SurfaceFlinger.HW(  182): About to give-up screen
+    I/SurfaceFlinger.HW(  182): screen given-up
+    I/SurfaceFlinger.HW(  182): Screen about to return
+    I/SurfaceFlinger.HW(  182): screen returned
+    I/SurfaceFlinger.HW(  182): About to give-up screen
+    I/SurfaceFlinger.HW(  182): screen given-up
+    I/SurfaceFlinger.HW(  182): Screen about to return
+    ...
+The logs indicate that the system launched a replacement GTalk process but that it got stuck somehow:
+    # ps
+    PID   PPID  VSIZE RSS   WCHAN    PC         NAME
+    257   181   45780 5292  ffffffff 53030cb4 S
+GTalk's PC is at 53030cb4. Look at the memory map to find out what lib is 0x53......
+    # cat /proc/257/maps
+    ...
+    51000000-5107c000 rwxp 00000000 1f:03 619        /android/lib/
+    52000000-52013000 rwxp 00000000 1f:03 639        /android/lib/
+    53000000-53039000 rwxp 00000000 1f:03 668        /android/lib/
+    53039000-53042000 rw-p 53039000 00:00 0
+    54000000-54002000 rwxp 00000000 1f:03 658        /android/lib/
+    ...
+Disassemble `libc` to figure out what is going on:
+    % prebuilt/Linux/toolchain-eabi-4.2.1/bin/arm-elf-objdump -d out/target/product/sooner/symbols/android/lib/
+    00030ca4 <__futex_wait>;:
+      30ca4:       e1a03002        mov     r3, r2
+      30ca8:       e1a02001        mov     r2, r1
+      30cac:       e3a01000        mov     r1, #0  ; 0x0
+      30cb0:       ef9000f0        swi     0x009000f0
+      30cb4:       e12fff1e        bx      lr
+### Blocked in a syscall ###
+In this scenario, the system is blocked in a syscall. To debug using `gdb`, first tell `adb` to forward the `gdb` port:
+    % adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039
+Start the `gdb` server and attach to process 257 (as demonstrated in the previous example):
+    # gdbserver :5039 --attach 257 &
+    Attached; pid = 257
+    Listening on port 5039
+    % prebuilt/Linux/toolchain-eabi-4.2.1/bin/arm-elf-gdb out/target/product/sooner/system/bin/app_process
+    (gdb) set solib-absolute-prefix /work/android/device/out/target/product/sooner/symbols
+    (gdb) set solib-search-path /work/android/device/out/target/product/sooner/symbols/android/lib
+    (gdb) target remote :5039
+    Remote debugging using :5039
+    0x53030cb4 in ?? ()
+    Current language:  auto; currently asm
+Don't let other threads get scheduled while we're debugging.
+You should "set scheduler-locking off" before issuing a "continue", or else your thread may get stuck on a futex or other
+spinlock because no other thread can release it.
+    (gdb) set scheduler-locking on
+    (gdb) where
+    #0  __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
+    #1  0x53010eb8 in pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x12081c, mutex=0x120818, abstime=0xffffffff)
+       at system/klibc/android/pthread.c:490
+    #2  0x6b01c848 in monitorWait (mon=0x120818, self=0x6b039ba4, ms=0, ns=0) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/lock.c:194
+    #3  0x6b01d1d8 in objectWait (obj=0x408091c0, ms=0, ns=0) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/lock.c:420
+    #4  0x6b01d4c8 in jamWait (clazz=0xfffffffc, mb=0x0, ostack=0x2e188) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/natives.c:91
+    #5  0x6b013b2c in resolveNativeWrapper (clazz=0x408001d0, mb=0x41798, ostack=0x2e188) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/dll.c:236
+    #6  0x6b015c04 in executeJava () at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/interp.c:2614
+    #7  0x6b01471c in executeMethodVaList (ob=0x0, clazz=0x40808f20, mb=0x12563c, jargs=0xbe9229f4)
+       at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/execute.c:91
+    #8  0x6b01bcd0 in Jam_CallStaticVoidMethod (env=0xfffffffc, klass=0x0, methodID=0x12563c)
+       at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/jni.c:1063
+    #9  0x58025b2c in android::AndroidRuntime::callStatic (this=0xfffffffc,
+       className=0xbe922f0a "android/activity/ActivityThread", methodName=0x57000b7c "main")
+       at libs/android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.cpp:215
+    #10 0x57000504 in android::app_init (className=0xbe922f0a "android/activity/ActivityThread")
+       at servers/app/library/app_init.cpp:20
+    #11 0x000089b0 in android::sp&lt;android::ProcessState&gt;::~sp ()
+    #12 0x000089b0 in android::sp&lt;android::ProcessState&gt;::~sp ()
+    Previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
+    (gdb) info threads
+     7 thread 263  __ioctl () at system/klibc/syscalls/__ioctl.S:12
+     6 thread 262  accept () at system/klibc/syscalls/accept.S:12
+     5 thread 261  __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
+     4 thread 260  __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
+     3 thread 259  __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
+     2 thread 258  __sigsuspend () at system/klibc/syscalls/__sigsuspend.S:12
+     1 thread 257  __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
+    (gdb) thread 7
+    [Switching to thread 7 (thread 263)]#0  __ioctl () at system/klibc/syscalls/__ioctl.S:12
+    12          movs    r0, r0
+    (gdb) bt
+    #0  __ioctl () at system/klibc/syscalls/__ioctl.S:12
+    #1  0x53010704 in ioctl (fd=-512, request=-1072143871) at system/klibc/android/ioctl.c:22
+    #2  0x51040ac0 in android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver (this=0x1207b8, doReceive=true) at RefBase.h:83
+    #3  0x510418a0 in android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool (this=0x1207b8, isMain=false)
+       at libs/utils/IPCThreadState.cpp:343
+    #4  0x51046004 in android::PoolThread::threadLoop (this=0xfffffe00) at libs/utils/ProcessState.cpp:52
+    #5  0x51036428 in android::Thread::_threadLoop (user=0xfffffe00) at libs/utils/Threads.cpp:1100
+    #6  0x58025c68 in android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell (args=0x105ffe28) at libs/android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.cpp:540
+    (gdb) thread 6
+    [Switching to thread 6 (thread 262)]#0  accept () at system/klibc/syscalls/accept.S:12
+    12          movs    r0, r0
+    (gdb) bt
+    #0  accept () at system/klibc/syscalls/accept.S:12
+    #1  0x6b0334e4 in jdwpAcceptConnection (state=0xfffffe00) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/jdwp/JdwpNet.c:213
+    #2  0x6b032660 in jdwpThreadEntry (self=0x4d020) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/jdwp/JdwpMain.c:37
+    #3  0x6b022c2c in shell (args=0x4d960) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:629
+    (gdb) thread 5
+    [Switching to thread 5 (thread 261)]#0  __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
+    88              bx              lr
+    (gdb) bt
+    #0  __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
+    #1  0x53010f48 in pthread_cond_timeout (cond=0x6b039b64, mutex=0x6b039b60, msecs=0) at system/klibc/android/pthread.c:513
+    #2  0x6b01c8d0 in monitorWait (mon=0x6b039b60, self=0x4d400, ms=1000, ns=272629312) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/lock.c:183
+    #3  0x6b022084 in threadSleep (thread=0x4d400, ms=1000, ns=272629312) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:215
+    #4  0x6b00d4fc in asyncGCThreadLoop (self=0x4d400) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/alloc.c:1179
+    #5  0x6b022c2c in shell (args=0x4d480) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:629
+    (gdb) thread 4
+    [Switching to thread 4 (thread 260)]#0  __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
+    88              bx              lr
+    (gdb) bt
+    #0  __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
+    #1  0x53010eb8 in pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x6b039934, mutex=0x6b039930, abstime=0x0)
+       at system/klibc/android/pthread.c:490
+    #2  0x6b00b3ec in referenceHandlerThreadLoop (self=0x4d360) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/alloc.c:1247
+    #3  0x6b022c2c in shell (args=0x4d960) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:629
+    (gdb) thread 3
+    [Switching to thread 3 (thread 259)]#0  __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
+    88              bx              lr
+    (gdb) bt
+    #0  __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
+    #1  0x53010eb8 in pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x6b03992c, mutex=0x6b039928, abstime=0x0)
+       at system/klibc/android/pthread.c:490
+    #2  0x6b00b1dc in finalizerThreadLoop (self=0x4d8e0) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/alloc.c:1238
+    #3  0x6b022c2c in shell (args=0x4d960) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:629
+    (gdb) thread 2
+    [Switching to thread 2 (thread 258)]#0  __sigsuspend () at system/klibc/syscalls/__sigsuspend.S:12
+    12          movs    r0, r0
+    (gdb) bt
+    #0  __sigsuspend () at system/klibc/syscalls/__sigsuspend.S:12
+    #1  0x6b023814 in dumpThreadsLoop (self=0x51b98) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:1107
+    #2  0x6b022c2c in shell (args=0x51b58) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:629
+### Crash in C / C++ code ###
+If it crashes, connect with `adb` and run `logcat` on the device. You should see output like this:
+    I/ActivityManager(  188): Starting activity: Intent { }
+    I/ActivityManager(  188): Starting application to host activity
+    I/ServiceManager(  417): Executing: /android/bin/app_process (link=/android/bin/app_process, wrapper=/android/bin/app_process)
+    I/DEBUG: -- observer of pid 417 starting --
+    I/appproc (  417): App process is starting with pid=417, class=android/activity/ActivityThread.
+    I/DEBUG: -- observer of pid 417 exiting --
+    I/DEBUG: -- observer of pid 420 starting --
+    I/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
+    I/DEBUG: pid: 373, tid: 401  &gt;&gt;&gt; android.content.providers.pim &lt;&lt;&lt;
+    I/DEBUG: signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 00000000
+    I/DEBUG:  r0 ffffffff  r1 00000000  r2 00000454  r3 002136d4
+    I/DEBUG:  r4 002136c0  r5 40804810  r6 0022dc70  r7 00000010
+    I/DEBUG:  r8 0020a258  r9 00000014  10 6b039074  fp 109ffcf8
+    I/DEBUG:  ip 6b039e90  sp 109ffc0c  lr 580239f0  pc 6b0156a0
+    I/DEBUG:          #01  pc 6b0156a0  /android/lib/
+    I/DEBUG:          #01  lr 580239f0  /android/lib/
+    I/DEBUG:          #02  pc 6b01481c  /android/lib/
+    I/DEBUG:          #03  pc 6b0148a4  /android/lib/
+    I/DEBUG:          #04  pc 6b00ebc0  /android/lib/
+    I/DEBUG:          #05  pc 6b02166c  /android/lib/
+    I/DEBUG:          #06  pc 6b01657c  /android/lib/
+    I/DEBUG:          #07  pc 6b01481c  /android/lib/
+    I/DEBUG:          #08  pc 6b0148a4  /android/lib/
+    I/DEBUG:          #09  pc 6b0235c0  /android/lib/
+    I/DEBUG:          #10  pc 5300fac4  /android/lib/
+    I/DEBUG:          #11  pc 5300fc5c  /android/lib/
+    I/DEBUG: -- observer of pid 373 exiting --
+    I/DEBUG: -- observer of pid 423 starting --
+If debugging output indicates an error in C or C++ code, the addresses aren't particularly useful, but the debugging symbols aren't present on the device.  Use the "stack" tool to convert these addresses to files and line numbers, for example:
+    pid: 373, tid: 401  >>> android.content.providers.pim <<<
+    signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 00000000
+      r0 ffffffff  r1 00000000  r2 00000454  r3 002136d4
+      r4 002136c0  r5 40804810  r6 0022dc70  r7 00000010
+      r8 0020a258  r9 00000014  10 6b039074  fp 109ffcf8
+      r8 0020a258  r9 00000014  10 6b039074  fp 109ffcf8
+      ADDR      FUNCTION                        FILE:LINE
+      6b0156a0  executeJava                     extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/interp.c:2674
+      580239f0  android_util_Parcel_freeBuffer  libs/android_runtime/android_util_Binder.cpp:765
+      6b01481c  executeMethodVaList             extlibs/jamvm- 1.4.1/src/execute.c:91
+      6b0148a4  executeMethodArgs               extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/execute.c:67
+      6b00ebc0  initClass                       extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/class.c:1124
+      6b02166c  resolveMethod                   extlibs/jamvm- 1.4.1/src/resolve.c:197
+      6b01657c  executeJava                     extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/interp.c:2237
+      6b01481c  executeMethodVaList             extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/execute.c:91
+      6b0148a4  executeMethodArgs               extlibs/jamvm- 1.4.1/src/execute.c:67
+      6b0235c0  threadStart                     extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:355
+      5300fac4  __thread_entry                  system/klibc/android/pthread.c:59
+      5300fc5c  pthread_create                  system/klibc/android/pthread.c:182
+Or you can run `logcat` without any parameters and it will read from `stdin`.  You can then paste output into the terminal or pipe it. Run `logcat` from the top of the tree in the environment in which you do builds so that the application can determine relative paths to the toolchain to use to decode the object files.
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9e08890
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+# Display Drivers #
+<p>This section describes how the display driver functions and offers a functional template designed to help you build your own device-specific driver.</p>
+<p>Android relies on the standard frame buffer device (<code>/dev/fb0</code> or <code>/dev/graphics/fb0</code>) and driver as described in the <code>linux/fb.h</code> kernel header file. For more information regarding the standard Linux frame buffer, please see <a href=";a=blob;f=Documentation/fb/framebuffer.txt">The Frame Buffer Device</a> at <a href=""></a>.
+<a name="androidDisplayDriverFunctionality"></a><h3>Functionality</h3>
+<p>In Android, every window gets implemented with an underlying Surface object, an object that gets placed on the framebuffer by SurfaceFlinger, the system-wide screen composer. Each Surface is double-buffered. The back buffer is where drawing takes place and the front buffer is used for composition. </p>
+<p> When <code>unlockCanvas()</code> is called, the back buffer is posted, which 
+  means that it gets displayed and &nbsp;becomes available again. Android flips the front and back buffers, ensuring a minimal amount of buffer copying and that there is always a buffer for SurfaceFlinger to use for composition (which ensures that the screen never flickers or shows artifacts).</p>
+<p>Android makes two requirements of the driver: a linear address space of mappable memory that it can write to directly and support for the rgb_565 pixel format. A typical frame display includes:</p>
+  <li>accessing the driver by calling open on <code>/dev/fb0</code></li>
+  <li>using the <code>FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO</code> and <code>FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO</code> Input / Output Control (ioctl) calls to retrieve information about the screen</li>
+  <li>using <code>FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO</code> ioctl to attempt to create a virtual display twice the size of the physical screen and to set the pixel format to rgb_565. If this succeeds, double buffering is accomplished with video memory. </li>
+<p>When a page flip is required, Android makes another <code>FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO</code> ioctl call with a new y-offset pointing to the other buffer in video memory.  This ioctl, in turn, invokes the driver's <code>.fb_pan_display</code> function in order to do the actual flip. If there isn't sufficient video memory, regular memory is used and is just copied into the video memory when it is time do the flip. After allocating the video memory and setting the pixel format, Android  uses <code>mmap()</code> to map the memory into the process's address space.  All writes to the frame buffer are done through this mmaped memory.</p>
+<p>To maintain adequate performance, framebuffer memory should be cacheable. If you use write-back, flush the cache before the frame buffer is written from DMA to the LCD. If that isn't possible, you may use write-through. As a last resort, you can also use uncached memory with the write-bugger enabled, but performance will suffer.</p>
+<a name="androidDisplayDriversSourceTemplate"></a><h3>Implementing Your Own Driver (Driver Template)</h3>
+<p>The following sample driver offers a functional example to help you build your own display driver. Modify <code>PGUIDE_FB...</code> macros as desired to match the requirements of your own device hardware.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+ *  pguidefb.c
+ * 
+ *  Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ *  published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+ *
+ * This template is designed to provide the minimum frame buffer
+ * functionality necessary for Android to display properly on a new
+ * device.  The PGUIDE_FB macros are meant as pointers indicating
+ * where to implement the hardware specific code necessary for the new
+ * device.  The existence of the macros is not meant to trivialize the
+ * work required, just as an indication of where the work needs to be
+ * done.
+ */
+#include &lt;linux/module.h&gt;
+#include &lt;linux/kernel.h&gt;
+#include &lt;linux/errno.h&gt;
+#include &lt;linux/string.h&gt;
+#include &lt;linux/slab.h&gt;
+#include &lt;linux/delay.h&gt;
+#include &lt;linux/mm.h&gt;
+#include &lt;linux/fb.h&gt;
+#include &lt;linux/init.h&gt;
+#include &lt;linux/platform_device.h&gt;
+/* Android currently only uses rgb565 in the hardware framebuffer */
+/* Android will use double buffer in video if there is enough */
+/* Modify these macros to suit the hardware */
+	/* Do what is necessary to cause the rotation */
+#define PGUIDE_FB_PAN 
+	/* Do what is necessary to cause the panning */
+	/* Do any early hardware initialization */
+	/* Do any later hardware initialization */
+#define PGUIDE_FB_WIDTH 320
+	/* Return the width of the screen */
+#define PGUIDE_FB_HEIGHT 240
+	/* Return the heighth of the screen */
+	/* Return the virtual address of the start of fb memory */
+	/* Return the physical address of the start of fb memory */
+	/* Do any hardware shutdown */
+struct pguide_fb {
+	int rotation;
+	struct fb_info fb;
+	u32			cmap[16];
+static inline u32 convert_bitfield(int val, struct fb_bitfield *bf)
+	unsigned int mask = (1 << bf->length) - 1;
+	return (val >> (16 - bf->length) & mask) << bf->offset;
+/* set the software color map.  Probably doesn't need modifying. */
+static int
+pguide_fb_setcolreg(unsigned int regno, unsigned int red, unsigned int green,
+		 unsigned int blue, unsigned int transp, struct fb_info *info)
+        struct pguide_fb  *fb = container_of(info, struct pguide_fb, fb);
+	if (regno < 16) {
+		fb->cmap[regno] = convert_bitfield(transp, &fb->fb.var.transp) |
+				  convert_bitfield(blue, &fb-> |
+				  convert_bitfield(green, &fb-> |
+				  convert_bitfield(red, &fb->;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	else {
+		return 1;
+	}
+/* check var to see if supported by this device.  Probably doesn't
+ * need modifying.
+ */
+static int pguide_fb_check_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *info)
+	if((var->rotate & 1) != (info->var.rotate & 1)) {
+		if((var->xres != info->var.yres) ||
+		   (var->yres != info->var.xres) ||
+		   (var->xres_virtual != info->var.yres) ||
+		   (var->yres_virtual > 
+		    info->var.xres * ANDROID_NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS) ||
+		   (var->yres_virtual < info->var.xres )) {
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		if((var->xres != info->var.xres) ||
+		   (var->yres != info->var.yres) ||
+		   (var->xres_virtual != info->var.xres) ||
+		   (var->yres_virtual > 
+		    info->var.yres * ANDROID_NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS) ||
+		   (var->yres_virtual < info->var.yres )) {
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+	}
+	if((var->xoffset != info->var.xoffset) ||
+	   (var->bits_per_pixel != info->var.bits_per_pixel) ||
+	   (var->grayscale != info->var.grayscale)) {
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	return 0;
+/* Handles screen rotation if device supports it. */
+static int pguide_fb_set_par(struct fb_info *info)
+	struct pguide_fb *fb = container_of(info, struct pguide_fb, fb);
+	if(fb->rotation != fb->fb.var.rotate) {
+		info->fix.line_length = 
+		  info->var.xres * ANDROID_BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
+		fb->rotation = fb->fb.var.rotate;
+	}
+	return 0;
+/* Pan the display if device supports it. */
+static int pguide_fb_pan_display(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *info)
+	struct pguide_fb *fb    __attribute__ ((unused)) 
+	    = container_of(info, struct pguide_fb, fb);
+	/* Set the frame buffer base to something like:
+	   fb->fb.fix.smem_start + fb->fb.var.xres * 
+	   ANDROID_BYTES_PER_PIXEL * var->yoffset
+	*/
+	return 0;
+static struct fb_ops pguide_fb_ops = {
+	.owner          = THIS_MODULE,
+	.fb_check_var   = pguide_fb_check_var,
+	.fb_set_par     = pguide_fb_set_par,
+	.fb_setcolreg   = pguide_fb_setcolreg,
+	.fb_pan_display = pguide_fb_pan_display,
+	/* These are generic software based fb functions */
+	.fb_fillrect    = cfb_fillrect,
+	.fb_copyarea    = cfb_copyarea,
+	.fb_imageblit   = cfb_imageblit,
+static int pguide_fb_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	int ret;
+	struct pguide_fb *fb;
+	size_t framesize;
+	uint32_t width, height;
+	fb = kzalloc(sizeof(*fb), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if(fb == NULL) {
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto err_fb_alloc_failed;
+	}
+	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, fb);
+	width = PGUIDE_FB_WIDTH;
+	height = PGUIDE_FB_HEIGHT;
+	fb->fb.fbops		= &pguide_fb_ops;
+	/* These modes are the ones currently required by Android */
+	fb->fb.flags		= FBINFO_FLAG_DEFAULT;
+	fb->fb.pseudo_palette	= fb->cmap;
+	fb->fb.fix.type		= FB_TYPE_PACKED_PIXELS;
+	fb->fb.fix.visual = FB_VISUAL_TRUECOLOR;
+	fb->fb.fix.line_length = width * ANDROID_BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
+	fb->fb.fix.accel	= FB_ACCEL_NONE;
+	fb->fb.fix.ypanstep = 1;
+	fb->fb.var.xres		= width;
+	fb->fb.var.yres		= height;
+	fb->fb.var.xres_virtual	= width;
+	fb->fb.var.yres_virtual	= height * ANDROID_NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS;
+	fb->fb.var.bits_per_pixel = 16;
+	fb->fb.var.activate	= FB_ACTIVATE_NOW;
+	fb->fb.var.height	= height;
+	fb->fb.var.width	= width;
+	fb-> = 11;
+	fb-> = 5;
+	fb-> = 5;
+	fb-> = 6;
+	fb-> = 0;
+	fb-> = 5;
+	framesize = width * height * 
+	fb->fb.screen_base = PGUIDE_FB_SCREEN_BASE;
+	fb->fb.fix.smem_start = PGUIDE_FB_SMEM_START;
+	fb->fb.fix.smem_len = framesize;
+	ret = fb_set_var(&fb->fb, &fb->fb.var);
+	if(ret)
+		goto err_fb_set_var_failed;
+	ret = register_framebuffer(&fb->fb);
+	if(ret)
+		goto err_register_framebuffer_failed;
+	return 0;
+	kfree(fb);
+	return ret;
+static int pguide_fb_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct pguide_fb *fb = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	kfree(fb);
+	return 0;
+static struct platform_driver pguide_fb_driver = {
+	.probe		= pguide_fb_probe,
+	.remove		= pguide_fb_remove,
+	.driver = {
+		.name = "pguide_fb"
+	}
+static int __init pguide_fb_init(void)
+	return platform_driver_register(&pguide_fb_driver);
+static void __exit pguide_fb_exit(void)
+	platform_driver_unregister(&pguide_fb_driver);
+<a name="androidDisplayDriversTroubleshooting"></a><h3>Troubleshooting</h3>
+<p>Both of the following problems have a similar cause:</p>
+  <li><strong>Number keys</strong>: In the dialer application, when a number key is pressed to dial a phone number, the number doesn't display on the screen until after the next number has been pressed. </li>
+  <li><strong>Arrow keys</strong>: When an arrow key is pressed, the desired icon doesn't get highlighted. For example, if you browse through icons in the Applications menu, you might notice that icons aren't highlighted as expected when you use the arrow key to navigate between options.</li>
+<p>Both problems are caused by an incorrect implementation of the frame buffer's page flipping. Key events are captured, but the graphical interface appears to drop every other frame. </p>
+<p>Android relies on a double buffer to smoothly render page flips (please see <a href="#androidDisplayDriverFunctionality">Functionality</a> for details).</p>
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d78e58d
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# GPS #
+Android defines a user space C abstraction interface for GPS hardware. The interface header is defined in `include/hardware/gps.h`. In order to integate GPS with Android, you need to build a shared library that implements this interface. 
+## Building a GPS Library ##
+To implement a GPS driver, create a shared library that implements the interface defined in `gps.h`. You must name your shared library `` so that it will get loaded from `/system/lib` at runtime. Place GPS sources and in `vendor/NAME/CHIPSET_OR_BOARD/gps/` (where "name" is your organization name and "chipset or board" is your hardware target).
+The following stub `` file ensures that `libgps` compiles and links to the appropriate libraries:
+    LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+    include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+    LOCAL_MODULE := libgps
+    # include any static library dependencies
+    # include any shared library dependencies
+    # include your source files.  eg. MyGpsLibrary.cpp
+    LOCAL_CFLAGS += \
+    # include any needed compile flags
+    # include any needed local header files
+    include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
+Doxygen content is unavailable at the moment as undergoes an overhaul. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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+# Providing Heap Memory #
+<div class="navigation" id="top">
+  <div class="tabs">
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="index.html"><span>Main&nbsp;Page</span></a></li>
+      <li><a href="modules.html"><span>Modules</span></a></li>
+      <li><a href="namespaces.html"><span>Namespaces</span></a></li>
+      <li><a href="annotated.html"><span>Data&nbsp;Structures</span></a></li>
+      <li><a href="files.html"><span>Files</span></a></li>
+    </ul>
+  </div>
+[<a class="el" href="group__networking.html">Neworking Support</a>]</small>
+</h1><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+This is the text in the "Providing Heap Memory" subgroup </div>
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..239a275
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+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Networking Support #
+<div class="navigation" id="top">
+  <div class="tabs">
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="index.html"><span>Main&nbsp;Page</span></a></li>
+      <li><a href="modules.html"><span>Modules</span></a></li>
+      <li><a href="namespaces.html"><span>Namespaces</span></a></li>
+      <li><a href="annotated.html"><span>Data&nbsp;Structures</span></a></li>
+      <li><a href="files.html"><span>Files</span></a></li>
+    </ul>
+  </div>
+<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Modules</h2></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="group__memory.html">Porividng Heap Memory</a></td></tr>
+<hr><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
+This is a text for the Networking Support Group </div>
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+# Android Platform Developer's Guide #
+Welcome to the Android Platform Dev Guide!  This guide provides an under-the-hood introduction to the Android platform, and is designed for platform developers and manufacturers building Android-powered devices.
+If you're a software developer interested in developing applications for Android, please visit the [Android Developers site](
+<a name="androidWelcomeAboutThisGuide"></a>
+# About this Guide #
+This guide is divided into sections by logical platform component (see the table of contents on the left).  Android is a complex project under constant development, and the level of detail, as well as the rate of change, may vary from section to section.  This guide will be updated regularly as more content becomes available.
+<a name="androidWelcomeIntendedAudience"></a>
+# Intended Audience #
+This guide is intended for engineers who are proficient with building and running Linux on embedded devices.  It aims to provide explanation of the Android platform rather than Linux or embedded development in general.
+<a name="androidWelcomeGettingStarted"></a>
+# Getting Started with Android #
+If you are new to Android, start with the platform documentation on the following sites:
+- [Android Developers site]( This site offers high-level platform documentation and architecture concepts.
+- [Android Open Source Project site](/): This site provides instructions on how to get the source code, establish a development environment, and perform a simple build.
+When you are ready to start customizing the platform or porting to your target hardware, start in this guide with the [Build System Overview](build_system.html).
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+# Instrumentation Testing #
+<p>This document describes how to use the Instrumentation Framework to write test cases. Instrumentation testing allows you to verify a particular feature or behavior with an automated JUnit TestCase. You can launch activities and providers within an application, send key events, and make assertions about various UI elements. </p>
+<p>You should have a working knowledge of the following:</p>
+  <li> Android Application Framework</li>
+  <li> Using <code>adb</code>, <code>am</code> and various logging functionality </li>
+  <li> A brief understanding of the application of interest, that is, the names of the classes which handle the intents etc. </li>
+  <li> JUnit testing.</li>
+<p> Each Android application runs in its own process. Instrumentation kills the application process and  restarts the process with Instrumentation. Instrumentation gives a handle to the application context used to poke around the application to validate test assertions, allowing you to write test cases to test applications at a much lower level than UI screen shot tests. Note that Instrumentation cannot catch UI bugs. </p>
+<a name="androidInstrumentationTestingFramework"></a><h3>Instrumentation Framework</h3>
+<a name="androidInstrumentationTestingClasses"></a><h4>Classes</h4>
+<p> The following classes help glue together <code>Instrumentation</code> with JUnit testing. </p>
+  <tr>
+    <th scope="col">Class</th>
+    <th scope="col">Description</th></tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td valign="top"><code>InstrumentationTestCase</code></td>
+    <td valign="top">
+	<p>This extends the standard JUnit <code>TestCase</code> and offers access to an <code>Instrumentation</code> class. Write tests inside your instrumentation class any way you see fit. For example, your test might launch activities and send key events. For this to work properly, the instrumentation needs to be injected into the test case.</p>	</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td valign="top"><code>InstrumentationTestRunner</code></td>
+    <td valign="top">The instrumentation test runner is an instrumentation that runs instrumentation test cases and injects itself into each test case. Instrumentation test cases need to be grouped together with an instrumentation test runner with the appropriate target package.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td valign="top"><code>InstrumentationTestSuite</code></td>
+    <td valign="top">The instrumentation test suite is a simple extension of the standard JUnit <code>TestSuite</code> that keeps a member <code>Instrumentation</code> variable on hand to inject into each <code>TestCase</code> before running them.  It is used by <code>InstrumentationTestRunner</code>.</td>
+  </tr>
+<p> Three additional base classes extend <code>InstrumentationTestCase</code> to allow you to test <code>Activity</code> and <code>Provider</code> classes:</p>
+  <tr>
+    <th scope="col">Class</th>
+    <th scope="col">Description</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td valign="top"><code>ActivityTestCase</code></td>
+    <td valign="top"><p>This class can be used to write tests for a specific activity.  An activity is launched in its <code>setUp()</code> method and finished with <code>tearDown</code>.  If you write a test case that extends <code>ActivityTestCase</code>, you can write tests that access the activity using <code>getActivity()</code> and assume it has been set up properly.</p></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td valign="top"><code>ServiceTestCase</code></td>
+    <td valign="top">This test case provides a framework in which you can test Service classes in a controlled environment.  It provides basic support for the lifecycle of a Service, and hooks by which you can inject various dependencies and control the environment in which your Service is tested.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td valign="top"><code>SingleLaunchActivityTestCase</code></td>
+    <td valign="top">This class is similar to <code>ActivityTestCase</code> except that the activity is launched once per class instead of every time the test case calls setup. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td valign="top"><code>ProviderTestCase</code></td>
+    <td valign="top">This class is similar to <code>ActivityTestCase</code> except that it will setup, tear down, and provide access to the <code>Provider</code> of your choice.</td>
+  </tr>
+<a name="androidInstrumentationFrameworkamCommand"></a><h4>Understanding the am Command</h4>
+<p>The am command is a command-line interface to the ActivityManager (see <a href=""></a> for details). <code>am</code> is used to start and instrument activities using the adb shell command, as shown in the snippet below:</p>
+<pre class="prettify">
+&gt; adb shell am
+usage: am [start|instrument]
+       am start [-a &lt;ACTION&gt;] [-d &lt;DATA_URI&gt;] [-t &lt;MIME_TYPE&gt;]
+                [-c &lt;CATEGORY&gt; [-c &lt;CATEGORY&gt;] ...]
+                [-e &lt;EXTRA_KEY&gt; &lt;EXTRA_VALUE&gt; [-e &lt;EXTRA_KEY&gt; &lt;EXTRA_VALUE&gt; ...]
+                [-n &lt;COMPONENT&gt;] [-D] [&lt;URI&gt;]
+       am instrument [-e &lt;ARG_NAME&gt; &lt;ARG_VALUE&gt;] [-p &lt;PROF_FILE&gt;]
+                [-w] &lt;COMPONENT&gt;
+For example, to start the Contacts application you can use
+&gt; adb shell am start -n
+<a name="androidInstrumentationFrameworkPlatform"></a><h3>Platform Test Suites</h3>
+<p>This section provides an overview for various unit and functional test cases that can be executed through the instrumentation framework.</p>
+<a name="androidTestingPlatformFramework"></a><h4>Framework Tests</h4>
+<p>Framework test cases test the Android application framework or specific Android application functionality that requires an Android runtime context.  These tests can be found in <code>//device/tests</code> and <code>//device/apps/AndroidTests</code>.</p>
+<a name="androidTestingPlatformCoreLibrary"></a><h4>Core Library</h4>
+<p>Core library test cases test the Android library functionality that does not require an Android runtime context.  These tests are split into Android library (android.* package space) tests at <code>//device/java/tests</code> and Java library (java.*, javax.*, etc. packages) tests at <code>//device/dalvik/libcore/.../tests</code>.</p>
+<a name="androidInstrumentationFrameworkWritingRunning"></a><h3>Running Tests</h3>
+<p>Each instrumentation test case is similar to an Android application with the distinction that it starts another application. For example, have a look in the <code>tests/Contacts</code> directory. </p>
+  <li> There should be a Makefile and an Android Manifest file. </li>
+  <li> Tests are located in <code>tests/Contacts/src/com/google/android/contactstests</code>. </li>
+  <li> The Instrumentation Test Runner is located at <code>tests/Contacts/src/com/google/android/contactstests/functional/</code>.</li>
+<p>Suppose you have a makefile with <code>Contactstests</code> as the target. </p>
+  <li> <code>make Contactstests</code>: Compiles the test cases. </li>
+  <li> <code>adb install Contactstests.apk</code>: Installs the apk on the device. </li>
+  <li> Use the adb shell <code>am</code> command to run them. </li>
+<p> To run your tests, use the <code>am instrument</code> command with your <code>InstrumentationTestRunner</code> as its argument. Results are printed as a result of the instrumentation. For example, the following snippet displays the output after running the framework tests with one test failing (note the unusual syntax caused by how instrumentations are run via <code>am</code>):</p>
+<pre class="prettify">
+$ adb shell am instrument -w
+INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: test results:=.......F.......
+Time: 6.837
+There was 1 failure:
+1) testSetUpConditions( requestFocus() should work from onCreate.
+        at
+        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
+        at android.test.InstrumentationTestSuite.runTest(
+        at android.test.InstrumentationTestSuite.runTest(
+        at android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner.onStart(
+        at$
+Tests run: 14,  Failures: 1,  Errors: 0
+&lt;RETURN&gt; to continue
+<a name="androidInstrumentationTestingRunningAll"></a><h4>All Tests with Default TestRunner behavior</h4>
+<p>If no class or package is passed in to run, InstrumentationTestRunner will automatically find and run all tests under the package of the test application (as defined by the <code>android:targetPackage</code> attribute of the instrumentation defined in its manifest file).
+$ adb shell am instrument -w \
+INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: Test results for InstrumentationTestRunner=..........
+Time: 2.317
+OK (10 tests)
+<a name="androidTestingTestSinglePakcage"></a><h4>Running all Tests Under Single Package</h4>
+<p>If you have many tests under one package, use the <code>-e package &lt;packagename&gt;</code> option to run all tests under that package without having to manually create a test suite.</p> 
+$ adb shell am instrument -w \
+  -e package \
+INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: Test results for InstrumentationTestRunner=........
+Time: 1.587
+OK (8 tests)
+<a name="androidTestingSingleTestSuite"></a><h4>Running a Single Test Suite</h4>
+<p>If you prefer to explicitly state which tests comprise all of your tests, you can define a test suite and run that directly. By convention, all test packages in your system should have at least one suite called <code>AllTests</code> (see <code></code>).  To run all of the tests using the <code>AllTests</code> suite for the api demos test app:</p>
+$ adb shell am instrument -w \
+  -e class \
+INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: Test results for AllTests=..........
+Time: 2.286
+OK (10 tests)
+<a name="androidInstrumentationTestingRunningSingleTestCase"></a><h4>A Single Test Case</h4>
+$ adb shell am instrument -w \
+  -e class \
+INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: Test results for Focus2ActivityTest=....
+Time: 1.359
+OK (4 tests)
+<a name="androidInstrumentationTestingRunningSingleTest"></a><h4>A Single Test</h4>
+$ adb shell am instrument -w \
+  -e class \
+INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: Test results for Focus2ActivityTest=.
+Time: 0.51
+OK (1 test)
+<a name="androidTestingDebugging"></a><h4>Attaching a debugger to your test</h4>
+<p>In order to debug your test code, instruct the controller to stop and wait for the debugger by adding <code>-e debug true</code> to your
+command line.  This causes the test runner to stop and wait for the debugger just before calling your <code>setUp()</code> method.  For example,</p> 
+$ adb shell am instrument -w \
+  -e debug true \
+<a name="androidInstrumentationTestingCreating"></a><h3>Writing Tests</h3>
+<p>When writing tests, refer to the ApiDemos tests as models (located at <code>//device/samples/ApiDemos</code>). This section provides an overview of the test structure with ApiDemos.</p>
+<a name="androidTestingLocationFiles"></a><h4>Location of Files</h4>
+<p>Test packages should use the following structure and include <code></code>, <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code>, <code></code>, and a src directory that mirrors the src directory of the tested application.</p> 
+<p>Files are located within a <code>tests</code> directory found in the root directory:</p> 
+$ find samples/ApiDemos/tests
+<a name="androidTestingContentMakefile"></a><h4>Contents of makefile</h4>
+<p>The contents of the makefile are similar to a normal application with the addition of a <code>LOCAL_INSTRUMENTATION_FOR</code> declaration.<p /> 
+# Add appropriate copyright banner here
+LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+# We only want this apk build for tests.
+# Include all test java files.
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
+# Notice that we don't have to include the src files of ApiDemos because, by
+# running the tests using an instrumentation targeting ApiDemos, we
+# automatically get all of its classes loaded into our environment.
+include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
+<a name="androidTestingContentManifest"></a><h4>Content of Manifest</h4>
+<p>Use the following example to create an <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code> file that declares the instrumentation. Specify that the framework supplied Instrumentation TestRunner targest the package of your application, allowing the tests that are run with the instrumentation to get access to all of the classes of your application without having to build the source into the test app. The name of the test application is typically the same as your target application with <code>.tests</code> appended. </p>
+# Add appropriate copyright banner here
+&lt;manifest xmlns:android=""
+    package=""&gt;
+    &lt;uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RUN_INSTRUMENTATION" /&gt;
+    &lt;!--
+    This declares that this app uses the instrumentation test runner targeting
+    the package of  To run the tests use the command:
+    "adb shell am instrument -w"
+    --&gt;
+    &lt;instrumentation android:name="android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner"
+                     android:targetPackage=""
+                     android:label="Tests for Api Demos."/&gt;
+<p>The following snippet will prefix the <code>/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner</code> when running tests from the command line:</p>
+$ adb shell am instrument -w \
+<a name="androidInstrumentationTestingCreatingTestRunner"></a><h4>New Instrumentation TestRunner</h4>
+<p>Create a class that derives from this class. You must override two abstract methods; one that returns the class loader of the target package, and another that defines all of the tests within the package. For example, the snippet below displays the test runner for the framework tests.</p>
+<pre class="prettify">
+public class FrameworkInstrumentationTestRunner extends InstrumentationTestRunner {
+    &#64;Override
+    public TestSuite getAllTests() {
+        InstrumentationTestSuite suite = new InstrumentationTestSuite(this);
+        suite.addTestSuite(FocusAfterRemovalTest.class);
+        suite.addTestSuite(RequestFocusTest.class);
+        suite.addTestSuite(RequestRectangleVisibleTest.class);
+        return suite;
+    }
+    &#64;Override
+    public ClassLoader getLoader() {
+        return FrameworkInstrumentationTestRunner.class.getClassLoader();
+    }
+<p> Next, in an appropriate <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code>, define the instrumentation for the derived class with the appropriate <code>android:targetPackage</code> set.  For example, the snippet below defines the instrumentation runner for the framework tests.</p>
+<pre class="prettify">
+&lt;uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RUN_INSTRUMENTATION" /&gt;
+&lt;instrumentation android:name="android.tests.FrameworkInstrumentationTestRunner"
+                 android:targetPackage=""
+                 android:label="framework instrumentation test runner" /&gt;
+<a name="androidInstrumentationTestingCreatingTestCase"></a><h4>New InstrumentationTestCase</h4>
+<p> To create a new test case, write a class that extends <code>InstrumentationTestCase</code> in the same application as your test runner.  The following snippet illustrates an example <code>ActivityTestCase</code> that tests an activity named <code>MyActivity</code>.</p>
+<pre class="prettify">
+public class ButtonPressTest extends ActivityTestCase&lt;MyActivity&gt; {
+    Button mLeftButton;
+    public ButtonPressTest() {
+        super("com.example", MyActivity.class);
+    }
+    &#64;Override
+    public void setUp() throws Exception {
+      super.setUp();
+      mLeftButton = (Button) getActivity().findViewById(;
+    }
+    public void testFocusMovesToRight() throws Exception {
+        assertTrue(mLeftButton.hasFocus());
+        getInstrumentation().sendCharacterSync(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT);
+        Button rightButton = (Button) getActivity().findViewById(;
+        assertTrue(rightButton.hasFocus());
+    }
+    // could have several more tests...
+<a name="androidInstrumentationFrameworkTestCase"></a><h4>Exploring a Test Case</h4>
+<p> The test case described in this section adds and tests a new Contact. Note that you can send intents, register intent receivers, etc. </p>
+<p><code></code> has helper functions that send key events and strings, for example: </p>
+  <li><code>getInstrumentation()</code>: Returns the handle to the instrumentation </li>
+  <li><code>sendCharacterSync</code>: Sends a character. </li>
+  <li><code>sendStringSync</code>: Sends a string to an input box. </li>
+  <li><code>sendKeyDownUpSync</code>: Sends a specific keyevent. </li>
+  <li><code>sendTrackballEventSync</code>: Sends a trackball event.</li>
+<p> You can find the test case below at <code>device/tests/Contacts.</code></p>
+<pre class="prettify">
+private void addNewContact(String name, int star, int phoneType, String number, String label,
+		String email, int emailType){
+	ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
+	Uri phoneUri = null;
+	Uri emailUri = null;
+	values.put(Contacts.People.NAME, name);
+	values.put(Contacts.People.STARRED, star);
+	//Add Phone Numbers
+	Uri uri = mActivity.getContentResolver().insert(Contacts.People.CONTENT_URI, values);
+	phoneUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(uri, Contacts.People.Phones.CONTENT_DIRECTORY);
+	values.clear();
+	values.put(Contacts.Phones.TYPE, phoneType);
+	values.put(Contacts.Phones.NUMBER, number);
+	values.put(Contacts.Phones.LABEL, label);
+	mActivity.getContentResolver().insert(phoneUri, values);
+	//Add Email
+	emailUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(uri, ContactMethods.CONTENT_DIRECTORY);
+	values.clear();
+	values.put(ContactMethods.KIND, Contacts.KIND_EMAIL);
+	values.put(ContactMethods.DATA, email);
+	values.put(ContactMethods.LABEL, "");
+	values.put(ContactMethods.TYPE, emailType);
+	mActivity.getContentResolver().insert(emailUri, values);
+ public void testAddSaveSingleContact(){
+	int previousCount = mActivity.getListView().getCount();
+	String message;
+	addNewContact(INPUT_NAME_1 + "1", "5435754532", "1" + INPUT_EMAIL_1, CONFIRM_OPTION);
+	message = "Added 1 to initial length=" + previousCount + ", but resulted with a count=" +
+		mActivity.getListView().getCount();
+	assertEquals(message, ++previousCount, mActivity.getListView().getCount());
+	// Check Content; Name; Num; Starred
+	assertEquals(INPUT_NAME_1 + "1", getTextFromView(0,;
+	assertEquals("5435754532", getTextFromView(0,;
+	//Check email is saved
+	//cursor = returnEmailCursorAtId("1");
+	Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://contacts/people/1");
+	uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(uri, ContactMethods.CONTENT_DIRECTORY);
+	Cursor cursor = mActivity.getContentResolver().query(uri, CONTACTS_COLUMNS, null, null, null);
+	assertTrue("returnEmailCursorAtId: Moving cursor to first row has failed", cursor.first());
+	int dataIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("data");
+	assertEquals("1" + INPUT_EMAIL_1, cursor.getString(dataIndex));
+	cursor.deactivate();
+	</pre>
+<a name="androidTestingKindsofTests"></a><h4>Deciding Kinds of Tests to Write</h4>
+<p>Once you are bootstrapped with your test application, you can start writing tests.  There are three of types of tests you may wish to write:</p> 
+<li> <strong>TestCase</strong>: The standard junit test case.
+<li> <strong>AndroidTestCase</strong>: A test case with access to a Context object that is injected for you by the instrumentation test runner.
+<li> <strong>InstrumentationTestCase</strong>: A test case with access to an Instrumentation, which can be used to launch activities, content providers, send key events, etc.
+<p>The API Demos test suite includes examples of all three styles and can be used as a guideline for writing each type of test.</p>
+<p>There are two utility classes available for the most common uses of InstrumentationTestCase: ActivityTestCase and ProviderTestCase.  See their javadoc for more information.
+<a name="troubleshooting"></a><h3>Troubleshooting</h3>
+<p>If you run your test cases and nothing appears to happen, have a look at <code>adb logcat</code>. The following is a common problem:</p>
+<pre class="prettify">
+I/dalvikvm(  688): threadid=11: attached from native, name=Binder Thread #1
+I/dalvikvm(  688): threadid=13: attached from native, name=Binder Thread #2
+W/ActivityManager(  469): Unable to find instrumentation info for: ComponentInfo{}
+D/AndroidRuntime(  688): Shutting down VM
+E/AndroidRuntime(  688): ERROR: thread attach failed
+<p>It's possible that the instrumentation apk isn't installed on your device or that the package name is incorrect in the Manifest file. </p>
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+# Keymaps and Keyboard Input #
+<p>This document describes how keyboard input gets translated into Android actions and how you can customize key layout and key character maps to match the needs of your own device. </p>
+<p>Android uses the standard Linux input event device (<code>/dev/event0</code>) and driver as described in the <code>linux/input.h</code> kernel header file. For more information regarding standard Linux input drivers, please see <a href=";a=blob;f=Documentation/input/input.txt">Linux Input drivers</a> at <a href=""></a>.</p>
+<a name="androidKeymapFunctionality"></a><h3>Functionality</h3>
+<p>Android's input event device is structured around an interrupt or polling routine that captures the device-specific scancode and converts it to a standard form acceptable to Linux (as defined in <code>input.h</code>) before passing it to the kernel with <code>input_event()</code>.</p>
+<p>The keymap driver's other primary function is to establish a probe function that sets up the interrupt or polling function, handles hardware initialization, and attaches the driver to the input subsystem with <code>input_register_device()</code>.</p>
+<p>The table below describes the steps required to translate from keyboard input to application action: </p>
+<table border=1>
+    <tbody><tr>
+      <th scope="col">Step</th>
+        <th scope="col">Action</th>
+        <th scope="col">Explanation</th>
+    </tr>
+	<tr>
+	  <td>1.</td>
+	  <td>Window manager reads key event from Linux keyboard driver. </td>
+	  <td>Events are typically positional. For example, the top-left position on a keypad returns 16 regardless of whether that key is printed with a Q (as on a QWERTY keypad) or an A (as on an AZERTY keypads). This first conversion by the Linux Keyboard Driver yields a scancode (for example, 16).</td>
+	</tr>
+	<tr>
+	  <td>2. </td>
+	  <td>Window manager maps scancode to keycode.</td>
+	  <td>When the window manager reads a key event out of the driver, it maps the scancode to a keycode using a key layout map file. Typically, the keycode is the primary symbol screen-printed on a key. For example, <code>KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER</code> is the center button on the five-way navigation control. Even though ALT + G generates a &quot;?&quot; character, <code>KEYCODE_G</code> is the keycode.</td>
+	  </tr>
+	<tr>
+	  <td>3. </td>
+	  <td>Window manager  sends both the scancode and the keycode to the application.</td>
+	  <td>Both the scancode and keycode are handled by the view with focus. 
+  How the application interprets both depend on the application.</td>
+	  </tr>
+<a name="androidKeymapKeyLayoutMapTitle"></a><h3>Key Layout Map</h3>
+<a name="androidKeymapKeyLayoutMapSelection"></a><h4>Selection of a Key Layout Map</h4>
+<p>Key layout maps are installed in <code>/system/usr/keylayout</code> and <code>/data/usr/keylayout</code>.</p>
+<p>For each keyboard device xxx, set the <code></code> system property (see <a href="build_new_device.html">Building New Device</a> for help setting system properties). If you don't specify a keylayout file, Android will default to <code>/system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl</code>.</p>
+<a name="androidKeymapKeyLayoutMapFileFormat"></a><h4>File Format</h4>
+<p>Key layout maps are stored on the device as UTF-8 text files and have the following characteristics:</p>
+<li>Comments: The pound symbol (#) denotes a comment and everything after the pound symbol on a line is ignored.</li>
+<li>Whitespace: All empty lines are ignored.</li>
+<li>Key definitions: Key definitions follow the syntax <code>key SCANCODE KEYCODE [FLAGS...]</code>, where <code>SCANCODE</code> is a number, <code>KEYCODE</code> is defined in your specific keylayout file (<code></code>), and potential <code>FLAGS</code> are defined as follows:
+<ul><li>SHIFT: While pressed, the shift key modifier is set</li>
+<li>ALT: While pressed, the alt key modifier is set</li>
+<li>CAPS: While pressed, the caps lock key modifier is set</li>
+<li>WAKE: When this key is pressed while the device is asleep, the device will wake up and the key event gets sent to the app.</li>
+<li>WAKE_DROPPED: When this key is pressed while the device is asleep, the device will wake up and the key event does not get sent to the app.</li>
+<a name="androidKeymapKeyLayoutMapExample"></a><h4>Example of a Key Layout Map File</h4>
+<p>The following code comes from  <code>android/src/device/product/generic/tuttle2.kl</code> and is an example of a complete key layout file:</p>
+<pre class="prettify">
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+key 2     1
+key 3     2
+key 4     3
+key 5     4
+key 6     5
+key 7     6
+key 8     7
+key 9     8
+key 10    9
+key 11    0
+key 158   BACK              WAKE_DROPPED
+key 230   SOFT_RIGHT        WAKE
+key 60    SOFT_RIGHT        WAKE
+key 107   ENDCALL           WAKE_DROPPED
+key 62    ENDCALL           WAKE_DROPPED
+key 229   MENU         WAKE_DROPPED
+key 59    MENU         WAKE_DROPPED
+key 228   POUND
+key 227   STAR
+key 231   CALL              WAKE_DROPPED
+key 61    CALL              WAKE_DROPPED
+key 108   DPAD_DOWN         WAKE_DROPPED
+key 103   DPAD_UP           WAKE_DROPPED
+key 102   HOME              WAKE
+key 105   DPAD_LEFT         WAKE_DROPPED
+key 106   DPAD_RIGHT        WAKE_DROPPED
+key 115   VOLUME_UP
+key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
+key 116   POWER             WAKE
+key 212   SLASH
+key 16    Q
+key 17    W
+key 18    E
+key 19    R
+key 20    T
+key 21    Y
+key 22    U
+key 23    I
+key 24    O
+key 25    P
+key 30    A
+key 31    S
+key 32    D
+key 33    F
+key 34    G
+key 35    H
+key 36    J
+key 37    K
+key 38    L
+key 14    DEL
+key 44    Z
+key 45    X
+key 46    C
+key 47    V
+key 48    B
+key 49    N
+key 50    M
+key 51    COMMA
+key 52    PERIOD
+key 28    NEWLINE
+key 56    ALT_LEFT
+key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
+key 215   AT
+key 57    SPACE
+key 53    SLASH
+key 127   SYM
+key 100   ALT_LEFT
+key 399   GRAVE
+<a name="androidKeymapKeyCharMap"></a><h3>Key Character Map</h3>
+<a name="androidKeymapKeyCharMapSelection"></a><h4>Selection of a Key Character Map</h4>
+<p>Key character maps are installed in <code>/system/usr/keychars</code> and <code>/data/usr/keychars</code>.</p>
+<p>For each keyboard device xxx, set the <code></code> system property to the full path of the desired keychar file. If you don't specify a keychar file, Android will default to <code>/system/usr/keychar/qwerty.kl</code>.
+<a name="androidKeymapKeyCharMapFileFormat"></a><h4>File Format</h4>
+<p>Key character maps are stored on the device as binary resources in order to reduce loading time. Key character maps have the following characteristics:</p>
+<li>Comments: The pound symbol (#) denotes a comment and everything after the pound symbol on a line is ignored.</li>
+<li>Whitespace: All empty lines are ignored.</li>
+<li>Column definitions: Column definitions follow the syntax <code>columns MODIFIERS [...]</code>, where <code>MODIFIERS</code> are defined as follows:
+<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
+    <tbody><tr>
+        <th scope="col">Character in MODIFIERS</th>
+        <th scope="col">Corresponding bit in the modifiers</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>O</td>
+        <td>no modifiers</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>S</td>
+        <td>MODIFIER_SHIFT</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>C</td>
+        <td>MODIFIER_CONTROL</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>L</td>
+        <td>MODIFIER_CAPS_LOCK</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>A</td>
+        <td>MODIFIER_ALT</td>
+    </tr>
+<li>Key definitions: Key definitions have the syntax <code>key SCANCODE CHARACTER [...]</code> where <code>SCANCODE</code> is a number and <code>CHARACTER</code> values are either UTF-8 characters in quotation marks (for example, "a") or a numeric value that <code>strtol</code> can parse.</li>
+<a name="androidKeymapKeyCharMapExample"></a><h4>Example of a Key Character Map File</h4>
+<p>The following code comes from <code>android/src/device/product/generic/tuttle2.kcm</code> and represents a complete key character file:</p>
+<p>The type line indicates what kind of keyboard your device implements. Possible types include:</p>
+<li><b>NUMERIC</b>: A numeric (12-key) keyboard.</li>
+<li><b>Q14</b>: A keyboard that includes all letters but multiple letters per key.</li>
+<li><b>QWERTY</b>: A keyboard with all letters and possibly numbers. This option applies to all full keyboard configurations, such as AZERTY.</li>
+<pre class="prettify">
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# keycode   base    caps    fn      caps_fn number  display_label
+A           'a'     'A'     '%'     0x00    '%'     'A'
+B           'b'     'B'     '='     0x00    '='     'B'
+C           'c'     'C'     '8'     0x00E7  '8'     'C'
+D           'd'     'D'     '5'     0x00    '5'     'D'
+E           'e'     'E'     '2'     0x0301  '2'     'E'
+F           'f'     'F'     '6'     0x00A5  '6'     'F'
+G           'g'     'G'     '-'     '_'     '-'     'G'
+H           'h'     'H'     '['     '{'     '['     'H'
+I           'i'     'I'     '$'     0x0302  '$'     'I'
+J           'j'     'J'     ']'     '}'     ']'     'J'
+K           'k'     'K'     '"'     '~'     '"'     'K'
+L           'l'     'L'     '''     '`'     '''     'L'
+M           'm'     'M'     '>'     0x00    '>'     'M'
+N           'n'     'N'     '<'     0x0303  '<'     'N'
+O           'o'     'O'     '('     0x00    '('     'O'
+P           'p'     'P'     ')'     0x00    ')'     'P'
+Q           'q'     'Q'     '*'     0x0300  '*'     'Q'
+R           'r'     'R'     '3'     0x20AC  '3'     'R'
+S           's'     'S'     '4'     0x00DF  '4'     'S'
+T           't'     'T'     '+'     0x00A3  '+'     'T'
+U           'u'     'U'     '&'     0x0308  '&'     'U'
+V           'v'     'V'     '9'     '^'     '9'     'V'
+W           'w'     'W'     '1'     0x00    '1'     'W'
+X           'x'     'X'     '7'     0xEF00  '7'     'X'
+Y           'y'     'Y'     '!'     0x00A1  '!'     'Y'
+Z           'z'     'Z'     '#'     0x00    '#'     'Z'
+COMMA       ','     ';'     ';'     '|'     ','     ','
+PERIOD      '.'     ':'     ':'     0x2026  '.'     '.'
+AT          '@'     '0'     '0'     0x2022  '0'     '@'
+SLASH       '/'     '?'     '?'     '\'     '/'     '/'
+SPACE       0x20    0x20    0x9     0x9     0x20    0x20
+NEWLINE     0xa     0xa     0xa     0xa     0xa     0xa
+# on pc keyboards
+TAB         0x9     0x9     0x9     0x9     0x9     0x9
+0           '0'     ')'     ')'     ')'     '0'     '0'
+1           '1'     '!'     '!'     '!'     '1'     '1'
+2           '2'     '@'     '@'     '@'     '2'     '2'
+3           '3'     '#'     '#'     '#'     '3'     '3'
+4           '4'     '$'     '$'     '$'     '4'     '4'
+5           '5'     '%'     '%'     '%'     '5'     '5'
+6           '6'     '^'     '^'     '^'     '6'     '6'
+7           '7'     '&'     '&'     '&'     '7'     '7'
+8           '8'     '*'     '*'     '*'     '8'     '8'
+9           '9'     '('     '('     '('     '9'     '9'
+GRAVE         '`'     '~'     '`'     '~'     '`'     '`'
+MINUS         '-'     '_'     '-'     '_'     '-'     '-'
+EQUALS        '='     '+'     '='     '+'     '='     '='
+LEFT_BRACKET  '['     '{'     '['     '{'     '['     '['
+RIGHT_BRACKET ']'     '}'     ']'     '}'     ']'     ']'
+BACKSLASH     '\'     '|'     '\'     '|'     '\'     '\'
+SEMICOLON     ';'     ':'     ';'     ':'     ';'     ';'
+APOSTROPHE    '''     '"'     '''     '"'     '''     '''
+STAR          '*'     '*'     '*'     '*'     '*'     '*'
+POUND         '#'     '#'     '#'     '#'     '#'     '#'
+PLUS          '+'     '+'     '+'     '+'     '+'     '+'
+<a name="androidKeymapKeyCharMapResourceBinaryFileFormat"></a><h4>Resource Binary File Format</h4>
+<p>The file snippet above gets converted to the following by the <code>makekcharmap</code> tool as part of the build process. You can <code>mmap</code> this file in and share the approximately 4k of memory that it uses between processes to minimize load time.</p>
+    <tbody><tr>
+        <th scope="col">Offset</th>
+        <th scope="col">Size (bytes)</th>
+        <th scope="col">Description</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>0x00-0x0b</td>
+        <td></td>
+        <td>The ascii value "keycharmap1" including the null character</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>0x0c-0x0f</td>
+        <td></td>
+        <td>padding</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>0x10-0x13</td>
+        <td></td>
+        <td>The number of entries in the modifiers table (COLS)</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>0x14-0x17</td>
+        <td></td>
+        <td>The number of entries in the characters table (ROWS)</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>0x18-0x1f</td>
+        <td></td>
+        <td>padding</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td></td>
+        <td>4*COLS</td>
+        <td>Modifiers table.  The modifier mask values that each of the 
+            columns in the characters table correspond to.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td></td>
+        <td></td>
+        <td>padding to the next 16 byte boundary</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td></td>
+        <td>4*COLS*ROWS</td>
+        <td>Characters table.  The modifier mask values that each of the
+            columns correspond to.</td>
+    </tr>
+<a name="androidKeymapDriverTemplate"></a><h3>Implementing Your Own Driver (Driver Template)</h3>
+<p>The following file, <code>pguide_events.c</code>, illustrates how to implement an Android keymap driver.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+ * pguide_events.c
+ *
+ *
+ * This template is designed to an example of the functionality
+ * necessary for Android to recieve input events.  The PGUIDE_EVENT
+ * macros are meant as pointers indicating where to implement the
+ * hardware specific code necessary for the new device.  The existence
+ * of the macros is not meant to trivialize the work required, just as
+ * an indication of where the work needs to be done.
+ * 
+ * Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
+ * Based on goldfish-events.c
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/input.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <asm/irq.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#define PGUIDE_EVENTS_INTERRUPT do{} while(0)
+#define PGUIDE_EVENTS_PROBE do{} while(0)
+struct event_dev {
+    struct input_dev *input;
+    int irq;
+static irqreturn_t pguide_events_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id)
+    struct event_dev *edev = dev_id;
+    unsigned type=0, code=0, value=0;
+    /* Set up type, code, and value per input.h
+     */
+    input_event(edev->input, type, code, value);
+    return IRQ_HANDLED;
+static int pguide_events_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+    struct input_dev *input_dev;
+    struct event_dev *edev;
+    printk("*** pguide events probe ***\n");
+    edev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct event_dev), GFP_KERNEL);
+    input_dev = input_allocate_device();
+    /* Setup edev->irq and do any hardware init */
+    if(request_irq(edev->irq, pguide_events_interrupt, 0,
+                   "pguide_events", edev) < 0) {
+        goto fail;
+    }
+        /* indicate that we generate key events */
+    set_bit(EV_KEY, input_dev->evbit);
+    set_bit(EV_REL, input_dev->evbit);
+    set_bit(EV_ABS, input_dev->evbit);
+    /* indicate that we generate *any* key event */
+    bitmap_fill(input_dev->keybit, KEY_MAX);
+    bitmap_fill(input_dev->relbit, REL_MAX);
+    bitmap_fill(input_dev->absbit, ABS_MAX);
+    platform_set_drvdata(pdev, edev);
+    input_dev->name = "pguide_events";
+    input_dev->private = edev;
+    input_dev-> = &pdev->dev;
+    input_register_device(input_dev);
+    return 0;
+    kfree(edev);
+    input_free_device(input_dev);
+    return -EINVAL;
+static struct platform_driver pguide_events_driver = {
+    .probe = pguide_events_probe,
+    .driver = {
+        .name = "pguide_events",
+    },
+static int __devinit pguide_events_init(void)
+    return platform_driver_register(&pguide_events_driver);
+static void __exit pguide_events_exit(void)
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Pguide Event Device");
+<a name="androidKeymapKeyCharMapSampleImplementation"></a><h3>Sample Implementation</h3>
+<p>Assume the following for the setup of a new keypad device:</p>
+<pre class="prettify">
+android.keylayout.partnerxx_keypad = /system/usr/keylayout/partnerxx_keypad.kl
+android.keychar.partnerxx_keypad = /system/usr/keychars/partnerxx.kcm
+<p>The following example log file indicates that you have correctly registered the new keypad:</p>
+<pre class="prettify">
+I/EventHub( 1548): New device: path=/dev/input/event0 name=partnerxx_keypad id=0x10000 (of 0x1) index=1 fd=30
+I/EventHub( 1548): new keyboard input device added, name = partnerxx_keypad
+D/WindowManager( 1548): Starting input thread.
+D/WindowManager( 1548): Startup complete!
+I/EventHub( 1548): New keyboard: name=partnerxx_keypad 
+  keymap=partnerxx_keypad.kl 
+  keymapPath=/system/usr/keychars/partnerxx_keypad.kcm.bin
+I/ServiceManager( 1535): ServiceManager: addService(window, 0x13610)
+I/EventHub( 1548): Reporting device opened: id=0x10000, name=/dev/input/event0
+I/KeyInputQueue( 1548): Device added: id=0x10000, name=partnerxx_keypad, classes=1
+I/KeyInputQueue( 1548):   Keymap: partnerxx_keypad.kl
+<p>The snippet above contains artificial line breaks to maintain a print-friendly document.</p>
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9be1487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Lights #
+<p>Android defines a user space C abstraction interface for LED hardware. The interface header is defined in 
+In order to integrate LEDs with Android you need to build a shared library that implements this interface. 
+The types of logical lights currently supported by Android include:
+<a name="androidLightsBuildingDriver"></a><h3>Building a Lights Library</h3>
+<p> To implement a Lights driver, create a shared library that implements the interface defined in <code>lights.h</code>. You must name your shared library 
+<code></code> so that it will get loaded from <code>/system/lib</code> at runtime. 
+Doxygen content is unavailable at the moment as is deconstructed and then reconstructed. Sorry for the inconvenience!
diff --git a/src/porting/ b/src/porting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ad917d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# Power Management #
+<a name="androidPowerIntro"></a><h2>Introduction</h2>
+<p>Android supports its own Power Management (on top of the standard Linux Power Management) designed with the premise that the CPU shouldn't consume power if no applications or services require power. For more information regarding standard Linux power management, please see <a href=";a=blob;f=Documentation/pm.txt">Linux Power Management Support</a> at <a href=""></a>.</p>
+<p>Android requires that applications and services request CPU resources with &quot;wake locks&quot; through the Android application framework and native Linux libraries. If there are no active wake locks, Android will shut down the CPU. </p>
+<p>The image below illustrates the Android power management architecture. </p>
+<p><img src='/images/androidPMArchitecture.gif'></p>
+Solid elements represent Android blocks and dashed elements represent partner-specific blocks.
+<a name="androidPowerWakeLocks"></a><h2>Wake Locks</h2>
+<p>Wake locks are used by applications and services to request CPU resources.</p>
+<p>A locked wakelock, depending on its type, prevents the system from entering suspend or other low-power states. This document describes how to employ wakelocks. </p>
+<p>There are two settings for a wakelock:</p>
+  <li><code>WAKE_LOCK_SUSPEND</code>: prevents a full system suspend. </li>
+  <li><code></code><code>WAKE_LOCK_IDLE</code>: low-power states, which often cause large interrupt latencies or that disable a set of interrupts, will not be entered from idle until the wakelocks are released. </li>
+<p>Unless the type is specified, this document refers to wakelocks of type <code>WAKE_LOCK_SUSPEND</code>. </p>
+<p>If the suspend operation has already started when locking a wakelock, the system will abort the suspend operation as long it has not already reached the <code>suspend_late</code> stage. This means that locking a wakelock from an interrupt handler or a freezeable thread always works, but if you lock a wakelock from a <code>suspend_late</code> handler, you must also return an error from that handler to abort suspend. You can use wakelocks to allow the user-space to decide which keys should wake the full system and turn on the screen. Use <code>set_irq_wake</code> or a platform-specific API to ensure that the keypad interrupt wakes up the CPU. Once the keypad driver has resumed, the sequence of events can look like this:</p>
+  <li> The Keypad driver receives an interrupt, locks the keypad-scan wakelock,
+    and starts scanning the keypad matrix. </li>
+  <li>The keypad-scan code detects a key change and reports it to the input-event
+    driver. </li>
+  <li>The input-event driver sees the key change, enqueues an event, and locks
+    the input-event-queue wakelock. </li>
+  <li>The keypad-scan code detects that no keys are held and unlocks the
+    keypad-scan wakelock. </li>
+  <li>The user-space input-event thread returns from select/poll, locks the
+    process-input-events wakelock, and calls read in the input-event device. </li>
+  <li>The input-event driver dequeues the key-event and, since the queue is now
+    empty, unlocks the input-event-queue wakelock. </li>
+  <li>The user-space input-event thread returns from read. It determines that the
+    key should not wake up the full system, releases the process-input-events
+    wakelock, and calls select or poll. </li>
+<p>The simple sequence diagram below illustrates these steps:</p>
+    <pre>
+     					Key pressed      Key released
+      					     |		      |
+      keypad-scan       		     ++++++++++++++++++++++
+      input-event-queue 			  +++ 		  +++
+      process-input-events 		            +++ 	    +++
+      </pre>
+<a name="driverAPI"></a><h3>Driver API</h3>
+<p>A driver can use the wakelock API by adding a wakelock variable to its state and calling <code>wake_lock_init</code>, as illustrated in the snippet below:</p>
+  struct state {
+  struct wakelock wakelock;
+  }
+  init() {
+  wake_lock_init(&amp;state-&gt;wakelock, WAKE_LOCK_SUSPEND, &quot;wakelockname&quot;);
+  }
+  Before freeing the memory, wake_lock_destroy must be called:
+  uninit() {
+  wake_lock_destroy(&amp;state-&gt;wakelock);
+  }
+  </pre>
+<p> When the driver determines that it needs to run (usually in an interrupt handler), it calls <code>wake_lock</code>:</p>
+  wake_lock(&amp;state-&gt;wakelock);
+  </pre>
+<p>When it no longer needs to run, it calls <code>wake_unlock</code>:</p>
+  wake_unlock(&amp;state-&gt;wakelock);
+  </pre>
+<p> It can also call <code>wake_lock_timeout</code> to release the wakelock after a delay:</p>
+  wake_lock_timeout(&amp;state-&gt;wakelock, HZ);
+<p> This works whether or not the wakelock is already held. It is useful if the driver woke up other parts of the system that do not use wakelocks but still need to run. Avoid this when possible, since it will waste power if the timeout is long or may fail to finish needed work if the timeout is short.</p>
+<a name="userspaceAPI"></a><h3>User-space API</h3>
+<p>Write <code>lockname</code> or <code>lockname timeout</code> to <code>/sys/power/wake_lock</code> lock and, if needed, create a wakelock. The timeout here is specified in nanoseconds. Write <code>lockname</code> to <code>/sys/power/wake_unlock</code> to unlock a user wakelock.</p>
+<p> Do not use randomly generated wakelock names as there is no API to free a user-space wakelock.</p>
+<a name="androidPowerWakeLocksDefinitions"></a><h3>Types of Wake Locks</h3>
+<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
+    <tbody><tr>
+        <th scope="col">Wake Lock </th>
+        <th scope="col">Description</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP <br/></td>
+        <td>Normally wake locks don't actually wake the device, they just cause it to remain on once it's already on. Think of the video player app as the normal behavior. Notifications that pop up and want the device to be on are the exception; use this flag to be like them.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>FULL_WAKE_LOCK</td>
+      <td>Wake lock that ensures that the screen and keyboard are on at full brightness. </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>ON_AFTER_RELEASE</td>
+      <td>When this wake lock is released, poke the user activity timer so the screen stays on for a little longer.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK</td>
+      <td>Wake lock that ensures that the CPU is running. The screen might not be on.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>Wake lock that ensures that the screen is on at full brightness; the keyboard backlight will be allowed to go off.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK</td>
+      <td>Wake lock that ensures that the screen is on, but the keyboard backlight will be allowed to go off, and the screen backlight will be allowed to go dim.</td>
+    </tr>
+<a name="androidPowerWakeLockExample"></a><h3>Exploring a Wake Lock Example</h3>
+<p>All power management calls follow the same basic format:</p>
+<p><ol><li>Acquire handle to the <code>PowerManager</code> service.</li>
+<li>Create a wake lock and specify the power management flags for screen, timeout, etc.</li>
+<li>Acquire wake lock.</li>
+<li>Perform operation (play MP3, open HTML page, etc.).</li>
+<li>Release wake lock.</li>
+<p>The snippet below illustrates this process.</p>
+<pre class="prettify">
+PowerManager pm = (PowerManager)mContext.getSystemService(
+                                          Context.POWER_SERVICE);
+PowerManager.WakeLock wl = pm.newWakeLock(
+                                      PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK
+                                      | PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE,
+                                      TAG);
+ // ...
+<a name="androidPowerPowerManagerClass"></a><h2>PowerManager class</h2>
+<p>The Android Framework exposes power management to services and applications through the <code>PowerManager</code> class.</p>
+<p>User space native libraries (any hardware function in <code>//device/lib/hardware/</code> meant to serve as supporting libraries for Android runtime) should never call into Android Power Management directly (see the image above). Bypassing the power management policy in the Android runtime will destabilize the system.</p>
+<p>All calls into Power Management should go through the Android runtime PowerManager APIs.</p>
+<p> Please visit 
+<a href=""></a> for a description of the API and examples.</p>
+<a name="androidPowerKernelRegistration"></a><h2>Registering Drivers with the PM Driver</h2>
+<p>You can register Kernel-level drivers with the Android Power Manager driver so that they're notified immediately before power down or after power up. For example, you might set a display driver to completely power down when a request comes in to power down from the user space (see the Android MSM MDDI display driver for a sample implementation).</p>
+<p>To register drivers with the Android PM driver, implement call-back handlers and register them with the Android PM, as illustrated in the snippet below:</p>
+<pre class="prettify">
+android_register_early_suspend(android_early_suspend_t *handler)
+android_register_early_resume(android_early_resume_t *handler)
+<p>It is critical in a drive to return immediately and not wait for anything to happen in the call back.</p>
+<a name="androidPowerEarlySuspend"></a><h2>Early Suspend</h2>
+<p>The early-suspend API allows drivers to get notified when user-space writes to <code>/sys/power/request_state</code> to indicate that the user visible sleep state should change. Suspend handlers are called in order of low to high (4 - 1 below) and resume handlers are called in order of high to low (1 - 4 below).</p>
+  <li><code>EARLY_SUSPEND_LEVEL_BLANK_SCREEN</code>: </li>
+  <ul>
+    <li>on suspend: the screen should be turned off but the framebuffer must still be accessible. </li>
+    <li>on resume: the screen can be turned back on.</li>
+  </ul>
+    <ul>
+      <li>on suspend: this level notifies user-space that it should stop accessing the framebuffer and it waits for it to complete.</li>
+      <li>on resume: it notifies user-space that it should resume screen access. Two methods are provided, console switch or a sysfs interface.</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li><code>EARLY_SUSPEND_LEVEL_DISABLE_FB</code>: Turn off the framebuffer
+    <ul>
+      <li>on suspend: turn off the framebuffer</li>
+      <li>on resume: turn the framebuffer back on. </li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+    <ul>
+      <li>on suspend: turn off input devices that are not capable of wakeup or where wakeup is disabled. </li>
+      <li>on resume: turn the same devices back on.</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
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+# Creating Release Keys and Signing Builds #
+<a name="intro"></a>
+<p>Android requires that each application be signed with the developer's digital keys to enforce signature permissions and application request to use shared user ID or target process.  For more information on the general Android security principles and signing requirements, see the Android Security and Permissions section in the Android Developer Guide).  The core Android platform uses four keys to maintain security of core platform components:</p>
+  <li><strong>platform</strong>: a key for packages that are part of the core platform.</li>
+  <li><strong>shared</strong>: a key for things that are shared in the <code>home/contacts</code> process.</li>
+  <li><strong>media</strong>: a key for packages that are part of the <code>media/download</code> system.</li>
+  <li><strong>releasekey</strong>: the default key to sign with if not otherwise specified</li>
+<p>These keys are used to sign applications separately for release images and are not used by the Android build system.  The build system signs packages with the testkeys provided in <code>build/target/product/security/</code>.  Because the testkeys are part of the standard Android open source distribution, they should never be used for production devices.  Instead, device manufacturers should generate their own private keys for shipping release builds.</p>
+<a name="generatingKeys"></a>
+<h3>Generating keys</h3>
+<p>A device manufacturer's keys for each product should be stored under  <code>vendor/&lt;vendor_name&gt;/security/&lt;product_name&gt;</code>, where <code>&lt;vendor_name&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;product_name&gt;</code> represent the manufacturer and product names.  To simplify key creation, copy the script below to this directory in a file called <code></code>.  To customize your keys, change the line that starts with AUTH to reflect the correct information for your company:</p>
+AUTH='/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Android/OU=Android/CN=Android/'
+if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
+        echo "Create a test certificate key."
+        echo "Usage: $0 NAME"
+        echo "Will generate NAME.pk8 and NAME.x509.pem"
+        echo "  $AUTH"
+        exit
+openssl genrsa -3 -out $1.pem 2048
+openssl req -new -x509 -key $1.pem -out $1.x509.pem -days 10000 \
+    -subj "$AUTH"
+echo "Please enter the password for this key:"
+openssl pkcs8 -in $1.pem -topk8 -outform DER -out $1.pk8 -passout stdin
+<p><code></code>  is a helper script to generate the platform's keys.  NOTE: the password you type will be visible in your terminal window.  Note the passwords you use as you will need them to sign release builds.</p>
+<p>To generate the required 4 platform keys, run <code></code> four times specifying the key name and password for each:</p>
+sh platform # enter password
+sh media # enter password
+sh shared # enter password
+sh release # enter password
+<p>You should now have new keys for your product.</p>
+<a name="signing"></a>
+<h3>Signing a build for release</h3>
+<p>Signing a build for a release is a two-step process.  </p>
+  <li>Sign all the individual parts of the build.</li>
+  <li>Put the parts back together into  image files.</li>
+<h4>Signing applications</h4>
+<p>Use <code>build/tools/releasetools/sign_target_files_apks</code> to sign a <code>target_files</code> package. The <code>target_files</code> package isn't built by default, you need to make sure to specify the "dist" target when you call make.  For example:</p>
+make -j4 PRODUCT-&lt;product_name&gt;-user dist
+<p>The command above creates a a file under <code>out/dist </code>called <code>&lt;product_name&gt;</code>.  This is the file you need to pass to the <code>sign_target_files_apks</code> script.</p>
+<p>You would typically run the script like this:</p>
+./build/tools/releasetools/sign_target_files_apks -d vendor/&lt;vendor_name&gt;/security/&lt;product_name&gt; &lt;product_name&gt;
+<p>If you have prebuilt and pre-signed apk's in your build that you don't want re-signed, you must explicitly ignore them by adding <code>-e Foo.apk=</code> to the command line for each apk you wish to ignore.</p>
+<p><code>sign_target_files_apks</code> also has many other options that could be useful for signing release builds.  Run it with <code>-h</code> as the only option to see the full help.</p>
+<h4>Creating image files</h4>
+<p>Once you have <code></code>, create the images so you can put it onto a device with the command below:</p>
+<p><code></code> contains all the <code>.img</code> files.  You can use <code>fastboot update</code> to use fastboot to get them on the device.</p>
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+# Sensors #
+Android defines a user space C abstraction interface for sensor hardware. The interface header is defined in 
+In order to integrate sensors with Android you need to build a shared library that implements this interface. 
+The types of sensors currently supported by Android include:
+- Accelerometer
+- Magnetic Field
+- Orientation
+- Gyroscope
+- Light
+- Pressure
+- Temperature
+- Proximity
+## Building a Sensor Library ##
+To implement a Sensors driver, create a shared library that implements the interface defined in `sensors.h`. You must name your shared library 
+`` so that it will get loaded from `/system/lib` at runtime. 
+The following stub file, ``, ensures that `libsensors` compiles and links to the appropriate libraries:
+    LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+    include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+    LOCAL_MODULE := sensors
+    # include any shared library dependencies
+    LOCAL_SRC_FILES := sensors.c
+    include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
+Doxygen content is unavailable at the moment as is deconstructed and then reconstructed. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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+# Setup and Building #
+- [Build System](build_system.html)
+    - [Configuring a New Product](build_new_device.html)
+    - [Build Cookbook](build_cookbook.html)
+- [Release Keys and Signing Builds](release_keys.html)
+# Customization #
+- [Customization](customization.html)
+# System #
+- [Bring up](bring_up.html)
+- Connectivity
+    - [Bluetooth](bluetooth.html)
+    - [GPS](gps.html)
+    - [WiFi](wifi.html)
+- [Display Drivers](display_drivers.html)
+- Input Devices
+    - [Keymaps and Keyboard](keymaps_keyboard_input.html)
+- [Lights](lights.html)
+- Multimedia
+    - [Audio](audio.html)
+    - [Camera/Video](camera.html)
+- [Power Management](power_management.html)
+- [Sensors](sensors.html)  
+- Telephony
+    - [Radio Interface Layer](telephony.html)
+    - [SIM Toolkit Application (STK)](stk.html)
+# Dalvik Virtual Machine #
+- [Porting Dalvik](dalvik.html)
+# Testing and Debugging #
+- [Instrumentation Testing](instrumentation_testing.html)
+- [Debugging GDB](debugging_gdb.html)
+- [Debugging Native Code](debugging_native.html)
+- [Debugging with tcpdump](tcpdump.html)
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+# Sim Toolkit Application (STK) #
+This document offers a high-level overview of the SIM Toolkit Application for Android 1.0 and is primarily of interest for implementors of the Radio Interface Layer (RIL). The STK is  R96 compatible (3GPP TS 11.14 v5.9.0) and complies partially with R99 (3GPP TS 101.267 v8.17.0). See the [STK Feature List](#androidSTKFeatureList) for the complete feature list. 
+The Android STK implementation includes three layers:
+- STK RIL: Low-level layer provided by the vendor plus `libril`. 
+- STK Telephony: Protocol translation layer that converts raw messages provided by the STK RIL to application level messages.
+- STK Application: Provides the user interface interactions needed by the STK.
+<img src="/images/stk.gif" alt="STK schema" width="566" height="516" />
+The Sim Toolkit communication flow is bi-directional and commands can originate from the `STK RIL` packaged in `RIL_UNSOL_STK_PROACTIVE_COMMAND`, `RIL_UNSOL_STK_EVENT_NOTIFY`, `RIL_UNSOL_REFRESH` and `RIL_UNSOL_STK_SESSION_END` messages.
+For commands sent or recieved by the STK RIL, it's not necessary to remove unused sub-commands because the upper layers will gracefully ignore unused information contained in the message. The content of each message is encoded in the BER-TLV format except for two:
+- `RIL_UNSOL_STK_SESSION_END`: has no data  
+- `RIL_REQUEST_HANDLE_CALL_SETUP_REQUESTED_FROM_SIM`: has a single byte of data that indicates accept/reject.
+See the [Android Platform Development Kit]( for details. 
+## Communication from the RIL up ##
+Communication to the upper layers is done using the `RIL_UNSOL_xxx` family of commands defined in `/hardware/ril/include/ril.h`. The payload for each command is encoded using BER-TLV. As stated above, it is not necessary to remove extraneous fields. This allows the SIM to pass a complete command to the upper layers and simplifies STK RIL code. Below is the mapping from RIL_UNSOL_xxx commands to the SIM commands.
+The Sim Toolkit communication flow is bi-directional and commands can originate from the `STK RIL` packaged in `RIL_UNSOL_STK_PROACTIVE_COMMAND`, `RIL_UNSOL_STK_EVENT_NOTIFY`, `RIL_UNSOL_REFRESH` and `RIL_UNSOL_STK_SESSION_END` messages.
+#### DISPLAY TEXT (6.4.1) ####
+This command is handled by `StkDialogActivity`. If the immediate response flag is set, the terminal response is sent with an "OK" `(0x00)` result code when the message is first received. Otherwise the terminal response is sent when the dialog is dismissed either from user action or it times out.
+The user sees a dialog box with a message and / or icon, an OK button, and a Cancel button.
+Terminal responses include: 
+- "OK" (0x00)
+- "Session terminated by user" (0x10)
+- "Backward move by user" (0x11)
+- "No response from user" (0x12)
+<img src="/images/stk_display_text.gif" border="1"> 
+#### GET IN KEY (6.4.2) ####
+This command is processed by `StkInputActivity`. It displays a dialog box with a prompt and or an icon and yes and no buttons.
+Terminal responses include:
+- "OK" (0x00) with "Yes" or "No" as the response text 
+- "Session terminated by user" (0x10) << Currently not supported 
+- "Backward move by user" (0x11) 
+- "No response from user" (0x12) 
+#### GET INPUT (6.4.3) ###
+This command is handled by `StkInputActivity`.
+The user sees a dialog box with a prompt and/or an icon, a text box with optional default text, and an OK button. 'digits only,' 'min,' 'max,' and 'hidden' modes are all supported.
+Terminal responses include:
+- "OK" (0x00) if the input criteria is met	 
+- "Session terminated by user" (0x10) << Currently not supported	 
+- "Backward move by user" (0x11)         
+- "No response from user" (0x12)  
+#### PLAY TONE (6.4.5) ####
+This command is processed by `ToneDialog`.
+The user sees a dialog box with a prompt for the duration of the tone or until the user presses the back key.
+Terminal responses include:
+- "OK" (0x00) if the tone is played to completion	 
+- "Session terminated by user" (0x10)  if back button is pressed  
+#### SET UP MENU (6.4.8) ####
+This command is processed by `StkAppService`. It installs the STK ICON on the home page and prepares the Main menu for use when the ICON is selected. Typically this is the first RIL unsolicited command and should not be sent until after the `RIL_RadioFunctions.getVersion` routine is called.
+Terminal reponses:
+- "OK" (0x00)  
+At a later time, the STK ICON will be selected and `StkMenuActivity` will launch and display the Main menu to the user. If an item is selected, it will be returned to the RIL in `RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_ENVELOPE_COMMAND` with the item id. If no item is selected, the `StkMenuActivity` will receive a timeout message and return to the Main menu and no message will be sent to the RIL.
+Depending upon what item is selected, the SIM may perform another action, such as sending another set of menu items via a SELECT ITEM command or performing an action like send an SMS or text display. 
+#### SELECT ITEM (6.4.9) ####
+This command is processed by `StkMenuActivity`. Instead of displaying the Main menu, the list of menu items provided in this command are displayed.
+Terminal responses:
+- "OK" (0x00)     
+The command then proceeds as in the SETUP MENU. 
+#### SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT (6.4.22) ####
+`StkAppService` displays the message and or icon as an Android notification.
+Terminal responses include:
+- "OK" (0x00) 
+#### LAUNCH BROWSER (6.4.26) ####
+This command is initially handled by `StkDialogActivity` and presents the user with a confirmation dialog, a URL, and OK, and cancel buttons. If the user presses OK, the browser is launched using the URL.
+Terminal responses include:
+- "OK" (0x00) the browser has been launched	     
+- "Session terminated by user" (0x10)  
+- "Backward move by user" (0x11) 
+- "No response from user" (0x12) 
+The commands in this section are proactive in nature. They are handled by the STK RIL and the upper layers and delivered using `RIL_UNSOL_STK_EVENT_NOTIFY` message. This distinction is an implementation detail of Android and is not defined in the 3GPP sepcifications.
+The upper layers handle the UI and the STK RIL handles all other aspects of each command, which means that the STK RIL sends the terminal response (it is never sent by the STK App). Each command must be a properlery-formed proactive command. It is not necessary to remove unused fields. The behavior of any other command <em>within this context </em>sent by `RIL_UNSOL_STK_EVENT_NOTIFY` is undefined. See Event Notify Command Details. 
+- SEND SMS (6.4.10) – no response 
+- SEND SS (6.4.11) – no response 
+- SEND USSD (6.4.12) – no response 
+- SEND DTMF (6.4.24) – no response 
+<img src="/images/stk_send_SMS.gif"> 
+Used to send the `REFRESH` command. No response.
+### REFRESH (6.4.7) ###
+Sent by the SIM to signal the end of a session. No content and no response.
+<img src="/images/stk_refresh_init.gif">
+<img src="/images/stk_refresh_update.gif"> 
+<img src="/images/stk_refresh_reset.gif"> 
+Sent by SIM to signal end of session. No content and no response.
+## Communication from the application down ##
+Communication from the upper layers to the RIL uses the commands below (defined in `ril.h`)
+Used to send a terminal response for commands sent via `RIL_UNSOL_STK_PROACTIVE_COMMAND`. 
+Contents include TERMINAL RESPONSE (6.8).
+Used to send information from to SIM encoded as BER-TLV tags (see R96  section 13). Two tags are supported:
+- BER_EVENT_DOWNLOAD_TAG (0xd6); Contents: EVENT DOWNLOAD Language selection (11.8) 
+Content for these tags include:
+- EVENT DOWNLOAD Language selection (11.8) 
+Returns a single-byte parameter:
+- 1: accepted 
+- 0: not accepted 
+This should cause the terminal response to be sent to the SIM.
+## Telephony ##
+STK Telephony is a protocol translation layer used to convert messages from BERL-TLV format to Application messages and back. 
+On the STK RIL side, STK Telphony receives raw buffer messages from RIL I/F and decodes them into a command parameters container before passing them on to the application. On the Application side, this layer receives application responses for commands and encodes them into raw buffer messages, which then get sent over the RIL I/F back to the SIM card.
+## Feature List ##
+Feature     | Support | Implemented by
+PROFILE DOWNLOAD - before radio turn-on | YES | Baseband
+GET INPUT   | YES    | ME
+GET INKEY   | YES    | ME
+SEND        | YES    | Baseband – ME
+SEND USSD   | YES    | Baseband – ME
+SEND DTMF   | YES    | Baseband – ME
+SET UP CALL | YES    | Baseband – ME
+PLAY TONE   | YES    | ME
+POLL INTERVAL | YES  | Baseband
+POLLING OFF | YES    | Baseband
+MORE TIME   | YES    | Baseband
+PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (Timing Advance) | YES | Baseband
+PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (battery state) | YES | Baseband
+PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (Search Mode change) | YES | Baseband
+REFRESH     | YES    | ME
+SET UP EVENT LIST | YES | Baseband – ME
+Event: MT call | YES | Baseband
+Event: Call connected (all modes) | YES | Baseband
+Event: Call disconnected (all modes) | YES | Baseband
+Event: Idle screen available | NO 
+Event: Browser termination | NO
+Event: Location status | YES | Baseband
+Event: Data available | NO 
+Event: Channel status | NO
+Event: Access Technology changed | YES | Baseband
+Event: Local Connection | NO 
+Event: Network Search Mode Change | YES | Baseband
+SMS-PP data download | YES | Baseband
+SMS-CB data download | YES | Baseband
+BIP over GPRS | NO
+BIP over USB | NO
+Text Attributes | NO
+Color icons | YES | ME
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+# Debugging with tcpdump #
+## Installing tcpdump ##
+### Pushing the binary to an existing device ###
+Download tcpdump from [](, then execute:
+    adb root
+    adb remount
+    adb push /wherever/you/put/tcpdump /system/xbin/tcpdump
+    adb shell chmod 6755 /data/local/tmp/tcpdump
+### Including tcpdump in the build image ###
+If you are running your own build, execute:
+    mmm external/tcpdump  # install the binary in out/.../system/xbin
+    make snod             # build a new system.img that includes it
+Flash the device as usual, for example, `fastboot flashball`.
+If you want to build tcpdump by default, add 
+    CUSTOM_TARGETS += tcpdump
+to your ``.
+## Running tcpdump ##
+You need to have root access on your device. 
+### Batch mode capture ###
+The typical procedure is to capture packets to a file and then examine the file on the desktop, as illustrated below:
+    adb shell tcpdump -i any -p -s 0 -w /sdcard/capture.pcap
+- `-i any`: listen on any network interface
+- `-p`: disable promiscuous mode (doesn't work anyway)
+- `-s 0`: capture the entire packet
+- `-w`: write packets to a file (rather than printing to stdout)
+Do whatever you want to capture, then ^C to stop it.
+    adb pull /sdcard/capture.pcap .
+    sudo apt-get install wireshark  # or ethereal, if you're still on dapper
+    wireshark capture.pcap          # or ethereal
+Look at your packets and be wise!
+You can run `tcpdump` in the background from an interactive shell or from Terminal. By default, tcpdump captures all traffic without filtering. If you prefer, add an expression like port 80 to the tcpdump command line.
+### Real time packet monitoring ###
+Execute the following if you would like to watch packets go by rather than capturing them to a file:
+    adb shell tcpdump -n -s 0
+- `-n`: skip DNS lookups
+- `-s 0`: capture the entire packet rather than just the header)
+Typical tcpdump options apply. For example, if you want to see HTTP traffic:
+    adb shell tcpdump -X -n -s 0 port 80
+You can also monitor packets with `wireshark` or `ethereal`:
+1. In one shell, start `tcpdump`:
+        adb shell "tcpdump -n -s 0 -w - | nc -l -p 11233"
+1. In a separate shell, forward data and run ethereal.
+        adb forward tcp:11233 tcp:11233 && nc 11233 | ethereal -k -S -i -
+Note that you can't restart capture via `ethereal`. If anything goes wrong, you will need to rerun both commands.
+For more immediate output, add `-l` as an option to the tcpdump command.  Note that this can cause `adb` to choke (it helps to use a nonzero argument for `-s` to limit the amount of data captured per packet; `-s 100` is sufficient if you just want to see headers).
+### Disabling encryption ###
+If your service runs over `https`, tcpdump is of limited use. In this case, you can rewrite some service URLs to use `http`, for example:
+    vendor/google/tools/override-gservices url:calendar_sync_https_proxy \
+ rewrite
+# Other network debugging commands #
+## On the device ##
+- `ifconfig interface`: configure a network interface. Note that unlike Linux, `ifconfig` on Android requires an argument.
+- `netcfg`: lists interfaces and IP addresses
+- `iftop`: like top for network
+- `route`: examine the routing table
+- `netstat`: see active network connections
+- `nc`: `netcat` connection utility
+## On the desktop ##
+- `curl`: fetch URLs directly to emulate device requests
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+# Radio Layer Interface #
+Android's Radio Interface Layer (RIL) provides an abstraction layer between Android telephony services 
+[android.telephony]( and radio hardware. The RIL is radio agnostic, and includes support for Global System for Mobile communication (GSM)-based radios.
+The diagram below illustrates the RIL in the context of Android's Telephony system architecture.
+<img src="/images/telephony.gif">
+Solid elements represent Android blocks and dashed elements represent partner-specific blocks.
+The RIL consists of two primary components:
+- *RIL Daemon*: The RIL daemon initializes the Vendor RIL, processes all communication from Android telephony services, and dispatches calls to the Vendor RIL as solicited commands.
+- *Vendor RIL*: The radio-specific Vendor RIL of `ril.h` that processes all communication with radio hardware and dispatches calls to the RIL Daemon (`rild`) through unsolicited commands.
+## RIL Initialization ##
+Android initializes the telephony stack and the Vendor RIL at startup as described in the sequence below:
+1. RIL daemon reads `rild.lib` path and `rild.libargs` system properties to determine the Vendor RIL library to use and any initialization arguments to provide to the Vendor RIL.
+1. RIL daemon loads the Vendor RIL library and calls `RIL_Init` to initialize the RIL and obtain a reference to RIL functions
+1. RIL daemon calls `RIL_register` on the Android telephony stack, providing a reference to the Vendor RIL functions
+See the RIL Daemon source code at `//device/commands/rild/rild.c` for details.
+### System Properties ###
+The following RIL-related system properties are set by the RIL library:
+- ``: list of valid Emergency Call Codes, for example, 911. Values are read from `EF_ECC` on the SIM and possibly supplmented by tables based on operator, network, or manufacturing code.
+The following RIL-related system properties are available to the RIL library:
+- ``: inidcates `hsxpa` support of target network.
+- ``: inidcates GPRS class of target network.
+- ``: adds the 3G prefix to the operator name.
+### RIL Interaction ###
+There are two forms of communication that the RIL handles:
+- Solicited commands: Solicited commands originated by RIL lib, such as `DIAL` and `HANGUP`.
+- Unsolicited responses: Unsolicited responses that originate from the baseband, such as `CALL_STATE_CHANGED` and `NEW_SMS`.
+#### Solicited ####
+The following snippet illustrates the interface for solicited commands:
+    void OnRequest (int request_id, void *data, size_t datalen, RIL_Token t);
+    void OnRequestComplete (RIL_Token t, RIL_Error e, void *response, size_t responselen);
+There are over sixty solicited commands grouped by the following families:
+- SIM PIN, IO, and IMSI/IMEI (11)
+- Call status and handling (dial, answer, mute&hellip;) (16)
+- Network status query (4)
+- Network setting (barring, forwarding, selection&hellip;) (12)
+- SMS (3)
+- PDP connection (4)
+- Power and reset (2)
+- Supplementary Services (5)
+- Vendor defined and support (4)
+The following diagram illustrates a solicited call in Android.
+<img src="/images/telephony_solicted_example.gif">
+#### Unsolicited ####
+The following snippet illustrates the interface for unsolicited commands:
+    void OnUnsolicitedResponse (int unsolResponse, void *data, size_t datalen);
+There are over ten unsolicited commands grouped by the following families:
+- Network status changed (4)
+- New SMS notify (3)
+- New USSD notify (2)
+- Signal strength or time changed (2)
+The following diagram illustrates an unsolicited call in Android.
+<img src="/images/telephony_unsolicted_example.gif">
+### Implementing the RIL ###
+To implement a radio-specific RIL, create a shared library that implements a set of functions required by Android to process radio requests. The required functions are defined in the RIL header (`/include/telephony/ril.h`).
+The Android radio interface is radio-agnostic and the Vendor RIL can use any protocol to communicate with the radio.&nbsp;Android provides a reference Vendor RIL, using the Hayes AT command set, that you can use as a quick start for telephony testing and a guide for commercial vendor RILs. The source code for the reference RIL is found at `/commands/reference-ril/`.
+Compile your Vendor RIL as a shared library using the convention ``, for example, ``, where:
+- `libril`: all vendor RIL implementations start with 'libril'
+- `COMPANY_NAME`: a company-specific abbreviation
+- `RIL version`: RIL version number
+- `so`: file extension
+#### RIL Init ####
+Your Vendor RIL must define a RIL_Init function that provides a handle to the functions which will process all radio requests.  RIL_Init will be called by the Android RIL Daemon at boot time to initialize the RIL.
+    RIL_RadioFunctions *RIL_Init (RIL_Env* env, int argc, char **argv);
+RIL_Init should return a RIL_RadioFunctions structure containing the handles to the radio functions:
+    type structure {
+    	int RIL_version;
+    	RIL_RequestFunc onRequest;
+    	RIL_RadioStateRequest onStateRequest;      
+    	RIL_Supports supports;
+    	RIL_Cancel onCancel;
+    	RIL_GetVersion getVersion;
+    } 
+    RIL_RadioFunctions;
+### RIL Functions ###
+`ril.h` defines RIL states and variables, such as `RIL_UNSOL_STK_CALL_SETUP`, `RIL_SIM_READY`, `RIL_SIM_NOT_READY`, as well as the functions described in the tables below. Skim the header file (`/device/include/telephony/ril.h`) for details.
+#### RIL Solicited Command Requests ####
+The vendor RIL must provide the functions described in the table below to handle solicited commands. The RIL solicited command request types are defined in `ril.h` with the `RIL_REQUEST_` prefix. Check the header file for details.
+- `void (*RIL_RequestFunc) (int request, void *data, size_t datalen, RIL_Token t);`
+    This is the RIL entry point for solicited commands and must be able to handle the various RIL solicited request types defined in `ril.h` with the `RIL_REQUEST_` prefix.
+    - `request` is one of `RIL_REQUEST_*`
+    - `data` is a pointer to data defined for that `RIL_REQUEST_*`
+    - `t` should be used in subsequent call to `RIL_onResponse`
+    - `datalen` is owned by caller, and should not be modified or freed by callee
+    Must be completed with a call to `RIL_onRequestComplete()`. `RIL_onRequestComplete()` may be called from any thread before or after this function returns. This will &nbsp;always be called from the same thread, so returning here implies that the radio is ready to process another command (whether or not the previous command has completed).
+- `RIL_RadioState (*RIL_RadioStateRequest)();`
+    This function should return the current radio state synchronously.
+- `int (*RIL_Supports)(int requestCode);`
+    This function returns "1" if the specified <code>RIL_REQUEST</code> code is supported and 0 if it is not.
+- `void (\*RIL_Cancel)(RIL_Token t);`
+    This function is used to indicate that a pending request should be canceled. This function is called from a separate thread--not the thread that calls `RIL_RequestFunc`.
+    On cancel, the callee should do its best to abandon the request and call `RIL_onRequestComplete` with `RIL_Errno CANCELLED` at some later point.
+    Subsequent calls to `RIL_onRequestComplete` for this request with other results will be tolerated but ignored (that is, it is valid to ignore the cancellation request).
+    `RIL_Cancel` calls should return immediately and not wait for cancellation.
+- `const char * (*RIL_GetVersion) (void);`
+    Return a version string for your Vendor RIL.
+The vendor RIL uses the following callback methods to communicate back to the Android RIL daemon.
+- `void RIL_onRequestComplete(RIL_Token t, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);`
+    - `t` is parameter passed in on previous call to `RIL_Notification` routine.
+    - If `e != SUCCESS`, then response can be null and is ignored.
+    - `response` is owned by caller, and should not be modified or freed by callee.
+    - `RIL_onRequestComplete` will return as soon as possible
+- `void RIL_requestTimedCallback (RIL_TimedCallback callback, void *param, const struct timeval *relativeTime);`
+    Call user-specified callback function on the same thread that `RIL_RequestFunc` is called. If `relativeTime` is specified, then it specifies a relative time value at which the callback is invoked. If `relativeTime` is NULL or points to a 0-filled structure, the callback will be invoked as soon as possible.
+#### RIL Unsolicited Commands ####
+The functions listed in the table below are call-back functions used by the Vendor RIL to invoke unsolicited commands on the Android platform. See `ril.h` for details. 
+- `void RIL_onUnsolicitedResponse(int unsolResponse, const void *data, size_t datalen);`
+    - `unsolResponse` is one of `RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_*`
+    - `data` is pointer to data defined for that `RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_*`
+    - `data` is owned by caller, and should not be modified or freed by callee
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+# Wi-Fi #
+Android uses wpa_supplicant as the platform interface to the Wi-Fi device. Your Wi-Fi driver must be compatible with the standard wpa_supplicant in addition to extensions added to the supplicant (specifically, the "DRIVER" commands described in `wifi.h/wifi_command()`).
+To create a Wi-Fi driver for Android:
+- Create a shared library that implements the interface defined in `include/hardware/wifi.h`, which also defines the Wi-Fi supplicant.
+- Follow the instructions posted at [](
+- Place your driver in `libs/hardware/wifi/`
+- Test your driver using the command line `wpa_cli` utilities.
+You can find the default implementation in `libs/hardware/wifi/wifi.c`. If you need to make changes, create a new source file similar to `wifi.c`, for example, `wifi_mywifi.c`. 
+Update the default `` file `libs/hardware/wifi/` as shown below.
+    LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libnetutils
+    ifeq ($(TARGET_PRODUCT),acme)
+        LOCAL_SRC_FILES += wifi/wifi_mywifi.c
+    else
+        LOCAL_SRC_FILES += wifi/wifi.c
+    endif
+Doxygen content is unavailable at the moment as undergoes an overhaul. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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+# Codenames, Tags, and Build Numbers #
+At a high level, Android development happens around families of
+releases, which use code names ordered alphabetically after tasty
+The code names match the following version numbers, along with
+API levels and NDK releases provided for convenience:
+Code name      | Version | API level
+(no code name) | 1.0     | API level 1
+(no code name) | 1.1     | API level 2
+Cupcake        | 1.5     | API level 3, NDK 1
+Donut          | 1.6     | API level 4, NDK 2
+Eclair         | 2.0     | API level 5
+Eclair         | 2.0.1   | API level 6
+Eclair         | 2.1     | API level 7, NDK 3
+Froyo          | 2.2.x   | API level 8, NDK 4
+Gingerbread    | 2.3.x   | API level 9, NDK 5
+Starting with Cupcake, individual builds are identified with a short
+build code, e.g. FRF85B. The first letter is the code name of the
+release family, e.g. F is Froyo. The second letter is a branch code
+that allows Google to identify the exact code branch that the build
+was made from, and R is by convention the primary release branch.
+The next letter and two digits are a date code. The letter counts
+quarters, with A being Q1 2009. Therefore, F is Q2 2010. The two
+digits count days within the quarter, so F85 is June 24 2010.
+Finally, the last letter identifies individual versions related to
+the same date code, sequentially starting with A; A is actually
+implicit and usually omitted for brevity. The date code is not
+guaranteed to be the exact date at which a build was made, and it is
+common that minor variations added to an existing build re-use the
+same date code as that existing build.
+Starting with Donut, the exact list of tags and builds is in the
+following table:
+Build  | Tag                | Notes
+DRC83  | android-1.6_r1.1     earliest Donut version, ADP1, ADP2
+DRC92  | android-1.6_r1.2
+DRD08  | android-1.6_r1.3
+DRD20  | android-1.6_r1.4
+DMD64  | android-1.6_r1.5   | latest Donut version
+ESD20  | android-2.0_r1     | earliest Eclair version
+ESD56  | android-2.0.1_r1
+ERD79  | android-2.1_r1     | Nexus One
+ERE27  | android-2.1_r2     | Nexus One
+EPE54B | android-2.1_r2.1p  | Nexus One
+ESE81  | android-2.1_r2.1s
+EPF21B | android-2.1_r2.1p2 | latest Eclair version
+FRF85B | android-2.2_r1     | earliest Froyo version, Nexus One
+FRF91  | android-2.2_r1.1   | Nexus One
+FRG01B | android-2.2_r1.2
+FRG22D | android-2.2_r1.3
+FRG83  | android-2.2.1_r1   | Nexus One
+FRG83D | android-2.2.1_r2   | Nexus One
+FRG83G | android-2.2.2_r1   | latest Froyo version, Nexus One
+GRH55  | android-2.3_r1     | earliest Gingerbread version, Nexus S
+GRH78  | android-2.3.1_r1   | Nexus S
+GRH78C | android-2.3.2_r1   | latest Gingerbread version, Nexus S
+The branches donut, eclair, froyo, gingerbread represent development
+branches that do not exactly match configurations that were tested
+by Google. They might contain a variety of changes in addition to
+the official tagged releases, and those haven't been as thoroughly
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+# Building for an Android Dev Phone #
+*The information on this page is a bit out of date. We'll update this
+page as soon as we can.*
+The basic manifest for 1.6 defines which projects are
+needed to do a generic build for the emulator or for unlocked Dream devices
+(e.g. the Android Dev Phone 1). You need to have an appropriate device running
+a matching official image.
+To build donut for dream (your
+device needs to be an ADP1 running an official 1.6 system):
+1. Follow the [normal steps](downloading.html) to setup repo and check out the sources.
+2. At the root of your source tree, run `. build/` like you normally would for an emulator build.
+3. Run `make adb` if you don't already have adb in your path.
+4. run `adb root`.
+5. in `vendor/htc/dream-open/` there is a script called "" that must be run (from that directory) to extract some proprietary binaries from your device (*). You only need to do this once.
+6. run `lunch aosp_dream_us-eng` to specifically configure the build system for dream (the default is the equivalent of "lunch generic-eng", which doesn't contain dream-specific files).
+7. run make from the top of the source tree.
+8. from this point, the fastboot tool (which is put automatically in your path) can be used to flash a device: boot the device into the bootloader by holding the back key while pressing the power key, and run `fastboot -w flashall`.
+Note: these instructions work for the sapphire (ADP2) build target, as
+well. Simply replace "dream" with "sapphire" above.
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+# Building the System #
+The basic sequence of build commands is as follows:
+## Initialize ##
+Initialize the environment with the `` script. Note
+that replacing "source" with a single dot saves a few characters,
+and the short form is more commonly used in documentation.
+    $ source build/
+    $ . build/
+## Choose a Target ##
+Choose which target to build with `lunch`.  The exact configuration can be passed as
+an argument, e.g. 
+    $ lunch full-eng
+Common targets include
+- **full-eng**: emulator build with all debugging enabled
+- **full_passion-userdebug**: passion (Nexus One) build with minimal debugging 
+- **full_crespo-userdebug**: crespo (Nexus S) build with minimal debugging. 
+If run with no arguments `lunch` will prompt you to choose a target from the menu. 
+All build targets take the form DEVICE-BUILDTYPE, where the DEVICE is a codename 
+referring to the particular hardware:
+Codename   | Device
+passion    | Nexus One
+crespo     | Nexus S
+voles      | Droid
+opal       | myTouch/Sapphire
+and the BUILDTYPE is one of the following:
+Buildtype   | Use
+user        | limited access; suited for production
+userdebug   | like "user" but with `su` access; preferred for debugging
+eng         | unrestricted access
+## Build the Code ##
+Build everything with `make`. GNU make can handle parallel
+tasks with a `-jN` argument, and it's common to use a number of
+tasks N that's between 1 and 2 times the number of hardware
+threads on the computer being used for the build. E.g. on a
+dual-E5520 machine (2 CPUs, 4 cores per CPU, 2 threads per core),
+the fastest builds are made with commands between `make -j16` and
+`make -j32`.
+    $ make -j4
+## Run It! ##
+You can either run your build on an emulator or flash it on a device. Please note that you have already selected your build target with `lunch`, and it is unlikely at best to run on a different target than it was built for.
+### Flash a Device ###
+To flash a device, you will need to use `fastboot`, which should be included in your path after a successful build. Place the device in fastboot mode either manually by holding the appropriate key combination at boot, or from the shell with
+    $ adb reboot bootloader
+Once the device is in fastboot mode, run 
+    $ fastboot flashall -w
+The `-w` option wipes the `/data` partition on the device; this is useful for your first time flashing a particular device, but is otherwise unnecessary.
+### Emulate an Android Device ###
+The emulator is added to your path automatically by the build process. To run the emulator, type
+    $ emulator
+# Troubleshooting Common Build Errors #
+## Wrong Java Version ##
+If you are attempting to build froyo or earlier with Java 1.6, or gingerbread or later
+with Java 1.5, `make` will abort with a message such as
+    ************************************************************
+    You are attempting to build with the incorrect version
+    of java.
+    Your version is: WRONG_VERSION.
+    The correct version is: RIGHT_VERSION.
+    Please follow the machine setup instructions at
+    ************************************************************
+This may be caused by
+- failing to install the correct JDK as specified on the [Initializing](initializing.html) page.  Building Android requires Sun JDK 5 or 6 depending on which release you are building.  
+- another JDK that you previously installed appearing in your path.  You can remove the offending JDK from your path with:
+        $ export PATH=${PATH/\/path\/to\/jdk\/dir:/}
+## Python Version 3 ##
+Repo is built on particular functionality from Python 2.x and is unfortunately incompatible with Python 3.  In order to use repo, please install Python 2.x:
+    $ apt-get install python
+## Gmake Version 3.82 ##
+There is a bug in `make` version 3.82 on Mac OS that prevents building Android. 
+TODO: what the error looks like with GNU make 3.82 on older builds that don't explicitly detect it.
+Follow the instructions on the [Initializing](initializing.html) page for reverting GNU make from 3.82 to 3.81.
+## Case Insensitive Filesystem ##
+If you are building on an HFS filesystem on Mac OS X, you may encounter an error such as
+    ************************************************************
+    You are building on a case-insensitive filesystem.
+    Please move your source tree to a case-sensitive filesystem.
+    ************************************************************
+Please follow the instructions on the [Initializing](initializing.html) page for creating a case-sensitive disk image.
+## No USB Permission ##
+On most Linux systems, unprivileged users cannot access USB ports by default. 
+TODO: what error will occur?
+Follow the instructions on the [Initializing](initializing.html) page for configuring USB access.  
+If adb was already running and cannot connect to the device after
+getting those rules set up, it can be killed with `adb kill-server`.
+That will cause adb to restart with the new configuration.
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+# Corporate Contributor License Agreement #
+In order to clarify the intellectual property license granted with Contributions from any person or entity, the Android Open Source Project (the "Project") must have a Contributor License Grant ("Grant") on file that has been signed by each Contributor, indicating agreement to the license terms below. This license is for your protection as a Contributor as well as the protection of the Project and the Android Open Source Project Leads (the "Project Leads"); it does not change your rights to use your own Contributions for any other purpose.
+This version of the Grant allows an entity (the "Corporation") to submit Contributions to the Project Leads, to authorize Contributions submitted by its designated employees to the Project Leads, and to grant copyright and patent licenses thereto. If you have not already done so, please complete and send an original signed Grant to
+ Google Inc.<br/>
+ Attn: Open Source Program Office<br/>
+ 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy<br/>
+ Building 43<br/>
+ Mountain View, CA 94043<br/>
+ U.S.A.
+Scanned agreements may also be emailed in PDF form to
+If necessary, you may send it by facsimile to (650) 887-1625. Please read this document carefully before signing and keep a copy for your records.
+<pre>Corporation name: ___________________________________________________<br><br><br><br>Corporation address: ________________________________________________<br><br><br><br>_____________________________________________________________________<br><br><br><br>_____________________________________________________________________<br><br><br><br>Point of Contact: ___________________________________________________<br><br><br><br>E-Mail:  ____________________________________________________________<br><br><br><br>Telephone: _____________________<br><br><br><br>Fax: ___________________________<br><br></pre>
+You accept and agree to the following terms and conditions for Your present and future Contributions submitted to the Project. Except for the license granted herein to the Project Leads and recipients of software distributed by the Project Leads, You reserve all right, title, and interest in and to Your Contributions.
+1. Definitions.
+    "You" (or "Your") shall mean the copyright owner or legal entity authorized by the copyright owner that is making this Grant to the Project Leads. For legal entities, the entity making a Contribution and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity are considered to be a single Contributor. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+    "Contribution" shall mean the code, documentation or other original works of authorship expressly identified in Schedule B, as well as any original work of authorship, including any modifications or additions to an existing work, that is intentionally submitted by You to the Project Leads for inclusion in, or documentation of, any of the products managed or maintained by the Project Leads (the "Work"). For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Project Leads or their representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Project Leads for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by You as "Not a Contribution."
+1. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Grant, You hereby grant to the Project Leads and to recipients of software distributed by the Project Leads a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute Your Contributions and such derivative works.
+1. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Grant, You hereby grant to the Project Leads and to recipients of software distributed by the Project Leads a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by You that are necessarily infringed by Your Contribution(s) alone or by combination of Your Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If any entity institutes patent litigation against You or any other entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that your Contribution, or the Work to which you have contributed, constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to that entity under this Grant for that Contribution or Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
+1. You represent that You are legally entitled to grant the above license. You represent further that each employee of the Corporation designated on Schedule A below (or in a subsequent written modification to that Schedule) is authorized to submit Contributions on behalf of the Corporation.
+1. You represent that each of Your Contributions is Your original creation (see section 7 for submissions on behalf of others).
+1. You are not expected to provide support for Your Contributions, except to the extent You desire to provide support. You may provide support for free, for a fee, or not at all. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, You provide Your Contributions on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+1. Should You wish to submit work that is not Your original creation, You may submit it to the Project Leads separately from any Contribution, identifying the complete details of its source and of any license or other restriction (including, but not limited to, related patents, trademarks, and license agreements) of which you are personally aware, and conspicuously marking the work as "Submitted on behalf of a third-party: [named here]".<br></p>
+1. It is your responsibility to notify the Project Leads when any change is required to the list of designated employees authorized to submit Contributions on behalf of the Corporation, or to the Corporation's Point of Contact with the Project.
+Please sign: __________________________________   Date: _______________<br><br>
+Title:  _______________________________________________________________<br><br>
+Corporation: __________________________________________________________
+### Schedule A ###
+[Initial list of designated employees. NB: authorization is not tied to particular Contributions.]
+### Schedule B ###
+[Identification of optional concurrent software grant. Would be left blank or omitted if there is no concurrent software grant.]
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+# Contributor License Agreement for Individuals #
+*Please visit the [code review tool](,new-agreement)
+to execute the grant online.This page provides the text of the Individual Contributor License Grant for your quick review.*
+In order to clarify the intellectual property license granted with Contributions from any person or entity, the Android Open Source Project (the "Project") must have a Contributor License Grant ("Grant") on file that has been signed by each Contributor, indicating agreement to the license terms below. This license is for your protection as a Contributor as well as the protection of the Project and the Android Open Source Project Leads (the "Project Leads"); it does not change your rights to use your own Contributions for any other purpose. If you have not already done so, please complete and send an original signed Grant to
+ Google Inc.<br/>
+ Attn: Open Source Program Office<br/>
+ 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy<br/>
+ Building 43<br/>
+ Mountain View, CA 94043<br/>
+ U.S.A.
+Scanned agreements may also be emailed in PDF form to, sent by facsimile to (650) 887-1625, or [signed electronically](,new-agreement).
+Please read this document carefully before signing and keep a copy for your records.
+Full name: ____________________________  E-Mail: ______________________<br><br>
+Mailing Address: ______________________  Telephone: ___________________<br><br>
+_______________________________________  Facsimile: ___________________<br><br>
+_______________________________________  Country:   ___________________
+You accept and agree to the following terms and conditions for Your present and future Contributions submitted to the Project. Except for the license granted herein to the Project Leads and recipients of software distributed by the Project Leads, You reserve all right, title, and interest in and to Your Contributions.
+1. Definitions. 
+    "You" (or "Your") shall mean the copyright owner or legal entity authorized by the copyright owner that is making this Grant. For legal entities, the entity making a Contribution and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity are considered to be a single Contributor. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "Contribution" shall mean any original work of authorship, including any modifications or additions to an existing work, that is intentionally submitted by You to the Project Leads for inclusion in, or documentation of, any of the products managed or maintained by the Project Leads (the "Work"). For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Project Leads or their representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Project Leads for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by You as "Not a Contribution."
+1. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Grant, You hereby grant to the Project Leads and to recipients of software distributed by the Project Leads a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute Your Contributions and such derivative works.
+1. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Grant, You hereby grant to the Project Leads and to recipients of software distributed by the Project Leads a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by You that are necessarily infringed by Your Contribution(s) alone or by combination of Your Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If any entity institutes patent litigation against You or any other entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that your Contribution, or the Work to which you have contributed, constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to that entity under this Grant for that Contribution or Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
+1. You represent that you are legally entitled to grant the above license. If your employer(s) has rights to intellectual property that you create that includes your Contributions, you represent that you have received permission to make Contributions on behalf of that employer, that your employer has waived such rights for your Contributions to the Project Leads, or that your employer has executed a separate Corporate Contributor License Grant with the Project Leads.
+1. You represent that each of Your Contributions is Your original creation (see section 7 for submissions on behalf of others). You represent that Your Contribution submissions include complete details of any third-party license or other restriction (including, but not limited to, related patents and trademarks) of which you are personally aware and which are associated with any part of Your Contributions.
+1. You are not expected to provide support for Your Contributions, except to the extent You desire to provide support. You may provide support for free, for a fee, or not at all. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, You provide Your Contributions on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON- INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+1. Should You wish to submit work that is not Your original creation, You may submit it to the Project Leads separately from any Contribution, identifying the complete details of its source and of any license or other restriction (including, but not limited to, related patents, trademarks, and license agreements) of which you are personally aware, and conspicuously marking the work as "Submitted on behalf of a third-party: [named here]".<br></p>
+1. You agree to notify the Project Leads of any facts or circumstances of which you become aware that would make these representations inaccurate in any respect.
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Android Code-Lines #
+The Android Open Source Project maintains a complete software stack intended
+to be ported by OEMs and other device implementors to run on actual hardware.
+Accordingly, we maintain a number of "code lines" to clearly separate the
+current stable version of Android from unstable experimental work.
+The chart below depicts at a conceptual level how AOSP manages code and
+releases. We're referring to these as "code lines" instead of "branches"
+simply because at any given moment there may be more than one branch extant
+for a given "code line".  For instance, when a release is cut, sometimes that
+will become a new branch in git, and sometimes not, based on the needs of the
+<img src="/images/code-lines.png"/>
+## Notes and Explanations ##
+- A *release* corresponds to a formal version of the Android platform, such
+as 1.5, 2.1, and so on. Generally speaking, a release of the platform
+corresponds to a version of the `SdkVersion` field used in
+AndroidManifest.xml files, and defined in `frameworks/base/api` in
+the source tree.
+- An *upstream* project is an open-source project from which the Android
+stack is pulling code. These include obvious projects such as the Linux kernel
+and WebKit, but over time we are migrating some of the semi-autonomous
+Android projects (such as Dalvik, the Android SDK tools, Bionic, and so on) to
+work as "upstream" projects. Generally, these projects are developed entirely in
+the public tree. For some upstream projects, development is done by contributing
+directly to the upstream project itself. See [Upstream Projects](submit-patches.html#upstream-projects)
+for details. In both cases, snapshots will be periodically pulled into releases.
+- The diagram refers to "Eclair" and "FroYo"; however, they are simply
+placeholders, and the diagram actually reflects the overall release and
+branching strategy.
+- At all times, a release code-line (which may actually consist of
+more than one actual branch in git) is considered the sole canonical source
+code for a given Android platform version. OEMs and other groups building devices
+should pull only from a release branch.
+- We will set up "experimental" code-lines to capture changes from
+the community, so that they can be iterated on, with an eye toward stability.
+- Changes that prove stable will eventually be pulled into a release
+branch. Note that this will only apply to bug fixes, app improvements, and
+other things that do not affect the APIs of the platform.
+- Changes will be pulled into release branches from upstream projects
+(including the Android "upstream" projects) as necessary.
+- The "n+1"th version (that is, next major version of the framework and
+platform APIs) will be developed by Google internally. See below for
+- Changes will be pulled from upstream, release, and experimental branches
+into Google's private branch as necessary.
+- When the platform APIs for the next version have stabilized and been fully
+tested, Google will cut a release of the next platform version. (This
+specifically refers to a new `SdkVersion`.) This will also
+correspond to the internal code-line being made a public release branch, and the
+new current platform code-line.
+- When a new platform version is cut, a corresponding experimental
+code-line will be created at the same time.
+## About Private Code-Lines ##
+The source management strategy above includes a code-line that Google will
+keep private. The reason for this is to focus attention on the current public
+version of Android.
+OEMs and other device builders naturally want to ship devices with the
+latest version of Android. Similarly, application developers don't want to
+deal with more extant platform versions than strictly necessary.  Meanwhile,
+Google retains responsibility for the strategic direction of Android as a
+platform and a product. Our approach is based on focusing on a small number of
+flagship devices to drive features, and secure protections of Android-related
+intellectual property.
+As a result, Google frequently has possession of confidential
+information of third parties, and we must refrain from revealing sensitive
+features until we've secured the appropriate protections. Meanwhile, there are
+real risks to the platform arising from having too many platform versions
+extant at once. For these reasons, we have structured the open-source project
+-- including third-party contributions -- to focus on the currently-public
+stable version of Android. "Deep development" on the next version of the
+platform will happen in private, until it's ready to become an official
+We recognize that many contributors will disagree with this approach. We
+respect that others may have a different point of view; however, this is the
+approach that we feel is best, and the one we've chosen to implement.
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index 0000000..d3d09bc
--- /dev/null
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+# Code Style Guidelines for Contributors #
+The rules below are not guidelines or recommendations, but strict rules.
+Contributions to Android generally *will not be accepted* if they do not
+adhere to these rules.
+Not all existing code follows these rules, but all new code is expected to.
+## Java Language Rules ##
+We follow standard Java coding conventions. We add a few rules:
+### Don't Ignore Exceptions ###
+Sometimes it is tempting to write code that completely ignores an exception
+like this:
+<!--div style="display: inline-block"> <!-- Just to make the code not overlap the ToC -->
+    void setServerPort(String value) {
+        try {
+            serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
+        } catch (NumberFormatException e) { }
+    }
+<!-- /div -->
+You must never do this. While you may think that your code will never
+encounter this error condition or that it is not important to handle it,
+ignoring exceptions like above creates mines in your code for someone else to
+trip over some day. You must handle every Exception in your code in some
+principled way. The specific handling varies depending on the case.
+*Anytime somebody has an empty catch clause they should have a
+creepy feeling. There are definitely times when it is actually the correct
+thing to do, but at least you have to think about it. In Java you can't escape
+the creepy feeling.* -[James Gosling](
+Acceptable alternatives (in order of preference) are:
+- Throw the exception up to the caller of your method.
+        void setServerPort(String value) throws NumberFormatException {
+            serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
+        }
+- Throw a new exception that's appropriate to your level of abstraction.
+        void setServerPort(String value) throws ConfigurationException {
+            try {
+                serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
+            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+                throw new ConfigurationException("Port " + value + " is not valid.");
+            }
+        }
+- Handle the error gracefully and substitute an appropriate value in the
+catch {} block.
+        /** Set port. If value is not a valid number, 80 is substituted. */
+        void setServerPort(String value) {
+            try {
+                serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
+            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+                serverPort = 80;  // default port for server 
+            }
+        }
+- Catch the Exception and throw a new `RuntimeException`. This is dangerous:
+only do it if you are positive that if this error occurs, the appropriate
+thing to do is crash.
+        /** Set port. If value is not a valid number, die. */
+        void setServerPort(String value) {
+            try {
+                serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
+            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+                throw new RuntimeException("port " + value " is invalid, ", e);
+            }
+        }
+    Note that the original exception is passed to the constructor for
+    RuntimeException.  If your code must compile under Java 1.3, you will need to
+    omit the exception that is the cause.
+- Last resort: if you are confident that actually ignoring the exception is
+appropriate then you may ignore it, but you must also comment why with a good
+        /** If value is not a valid number, original port number is used. */
+        void setServerPort(String value) {
+            try {
+                serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
+            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+                // Method is documented to just ignore invalid user input.
+                // serverPort will just be unchanged.
+            }
+        }
+### Don't Catch Generic Exception ###
+Sometimes it is tempting to be lazy when catching exceptions and do
+something like this:
+    try {
+        someComplicatedIOFunction();        // may throw IOException 
+        someComplicatedParsingFunction();   // may throw ParsingException 
+        someComplicatedSecurityFunction();  // may throw SecurityException 
+        // phew, made it all the way 
+    } catch (Exception e) {                 // I'll just catch all exceptions 
+        handleError();                      // with one generic handler!
+    }
+You should not do this. In almost all cases it is inappropriate to catch
+generic Exception or Throwable, preferably not Throwable, because it includes
+Error exceptions as well. It is very dangerous. It means that Exceptions you
+never expected (including RuntimeExceptions like ClassCastException) end up
+getting caught in application-level error handling. It obscures the failure
+handling properties of your code. It means if someone adds a new type of
+Exception in the code you're calling, the compiler won't help you realize you
+need to handle that error differently. And in most cases you shouldn't be
+handling different types of exception the same way, anyway.
+There are rare exceptions to this rule: certain test code and top-level
+code where you want to catch all kinds of errors (to prevent them from showing
+up in a UI, or to keep a batch job running). In that case you may catch
+generic Exception (or Throwable) and handle the error appropriately. You
+should think very carefully before doing this, though, and put in comments
+explaining why it is safe in this place.
+Alternatives to catching generic Exception:
+- Catch each exception separately as separate catch blocks after a single
+try. This can be awkward but is still preferable to catching all Exceptions.
+Beware repeating too much code in the catch blocks.</li>
+- Refactor your code to have more fine-grained error handling, with multiple
+try blocks. Split up the IO from the parsing, handle errors separately in each
+- Rethrow the exception. Many times you don't need to catch the exception at
+this level anyway, just let the method throw it.
+Remember: exceptions are your friend! When the compiler complains you're
+not catching an exception, don't scowl. Smile: the compiler just made it
+easier for you to catch runtime problems in your code.
+### Don't Use Finalizers ###
+Finalizers are a way to have a chunk of code executed
+when an object is garbage collected.
+Pros: can be handy for doing cleanup, particularly of external resources.
+Cons: there are no guarantees as to when a finalizer will be called,
+or even that it will be called at all.
+Decision: we don't use finalizers. In most cases, you can do what
+you need from a finalizer with good exception handling. If you absolutely need
+it, define a close() method (or the like) and document exactly when that
+method needs to be called. See InputStream for an example. In this case it is
+appropriate but not required to print a short log message from the finalizer,
+as long as it is not expected to flood the logs.
+### Fully Qualify Imports ###
+When you want to use class Bar from package foo,there
+are two possible ways to import it:
+1. `import foo.*;`
+Pros: Potentially reduces the number of import statements.
+1. `import foo.Bar;`
+Pros: Makes it obvious what classes are actually used. Makes
+code more readable for maintainers. 
+Decision: Use the latter for importing all Android code. An explicit
+exception is made for java standard libraries (`java.util.*`, `*`, etc.)
+and unit test code (`junit.framework.*`)
+## Java Library Rules ##
+There are conventions for using Android's Java libraries and tools. In some
+cases, the convention has changed in important ways and older code might use a
+deprecated pattern or library. When working with such code, it's okay to
+continue the existing style (see [Consistency](#consistency)). When
+creating new components never use deprecated libraries.
+## Java Style Rules ##
+### Use Javadoc Standard Comments ###
+Every file should have a copyright statement at the top. Then a package
+statement and import statements should follow, each block separated by a blank
+line. And then there is the class or interface declaration. In the Javadoc
+comments, describe what the class or interface does.
+    /*
+     * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project 
+     *
+     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     * You may obtain a copy of the License at 
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
+     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
+     * limitations under the License.
+     */
+    package;
+    import android.os.Blah;
+    import android.view.Yada;
+    import java.sql.ResultSet;
+    import java.sql.SQLException;
+    /**
+     * Does X and Y and provides an abstraction for Z.
+     */
+    public class Foo {
+        ...
+    }
+Every class and nontrivial public method you write *must* contain a
+Javadoc comment with at least one sentence describing what the class or method
+does. This sentence should start with a 3rd person descriptive verb.
+    /** Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a double value. */
+    static double sqrt(double a) {
+        ...
+    }
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new String by converting the specified array of 
+     * bytes using the platform's default character encoding.
+     */
+    public String(byte[] bytes) {
+        ...
+    }
+You do not need to write Javadoc for trivial get and set methods such as
+`setFoo()` if all your Javadoc would say is "sets Foo". If the method does
+something more complex (such as enforcing a constraint or having an important
+side effect), then you must document it. And if it's not obvious what the
+property "Foo" means, you should document it.
+Every method you write, whether public or otherwise, would benefit from
+Javadoc. Public methods are part of an API and therefore require Javadoc.
+Android does not currently enforce a specific style for writing Javadoc
+comments, but you should follow the 
+[Sun Javadoc conventions](
+### Write Short Methods ###
+To the extent that it is feasible, methods should be kept small and
+focused. It is, however, recognized that long methods are sometimes
+appropriate, so no hard limit is placed on method length. If a method exceeds
+40 lines or so, think about whether it can be broken up without harming the
+structure of the program.
+### Define Fields in Standard Places ###
+Fields should be defined either at the top of the file, or immediately before the methods that use them.
+### Limit Variable Scope ###
+The scope of local variables should be kept to a minimum (*Effective
+Java* Item 29). By doing so, you increase the readability and
+maintainability of your code and reduce the likelihood of error. Each variable
+should be declared in the innermost block that encloses all uses of the
+Local variables should be declared at the point they are first used. Nearly
+every local variable declaration should contain an initializer. If you don't
+yet have enough information to initialize a variable sensibly, you should
+postpone the declaration until you do.
+One exception to this rule concerns try-catch statements. If a variable is
+initialized with the return value of a method that throws a checked exception,
+it must be initialized inside a try block. If the value must be used outside
+of the try block, then it must be declared before the try block, where it
+cannot yet be sensibly initialized:
+    // Instantiate class cl, which represents some sort of Set 
+    Set s = null;
+    try {
+        s = (Set) cl.newInstance();
+    } catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException(cl + " not accessible");
+    } catch(InstantiationException e) {
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException(cl + " not instantiable");
+    }
+    // Exercise the set 
+    s.addAll(Arrays.asList(args));
+But even this case can be avoided by encapsulating the try-catch block in a method:
+    Set createSet(Class cl) {
+        // Instantiate class cl, which represents some sort of Set 
+        try {
+            return (Set) cl.newInstance();
+        } catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException(cl + " not accessible");
+        } catch(InstantiationException e) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException(cl + " not instantiable");
+        }
+    }
+    ...
+    // Exercise the set 
+    Set s = createSet(cl);
+    s.addAll(Arrays.asList(args));
+Loop variables should be declared in the for statement itself unless there
+is a compelling reason to do otherwise:
+    for (int i = 0; i n; i++) {
+        doSomething(i);
+    }
+    for (Iterator i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+        doSomethingElse(;
+    }
+### Order Import Statements ###
+The ordering of import statements is:
+1. Android imports
+1. Imports from third parties (`com`, `junit`, `net`, `org`)
+1. `java` and `javax`
+To exactly match the IDE settings, the imports should be:
+- Alphabetical within each grouping, with capital letters before lower case letters (e.g. Z before a).
+- There should be a blank line between each major grouping (`android`, `com`, `junit`, `net`, `org`, `java`, `javax`).
+Originally there was no style requirement on the ordering. This meant that
+the IDE's were either always changing the ordering, or IDE developers had to
+disable the automatic import management features and maintain the imports by
+hand. This was deemed bad. When java-style was asked, the preferred styles
+were all over the map. It pretty much came down to our needing to "pick an
+ordering and be consistent." So we chose a style, updated the style guide, and
+made the IDEs obey it. We expect that as IDE users work on the code, the
+imports in all of the packages will end up matching this pattern without any
+extra engineering effort.
+This style was chosen such that:
+- The imports people want to look at first tend to be at the top (`android`)
+- The imports people want to look at least tend to be at the bottom (`java`)
+- Humans can easily follow the style
+- IDEs can follow the style
+The use and location of static imports have been mildly controversial
+issues. Some people would prefer static imports to be interspersed with the
+remaining imports, some would prefer them reside above or below all other
+imports. Additinally, we have not yet come up with a way to make all IDEs use
+the same ordering.
+Since most people consider this a low priority issue, just use your
+judgement and please be consistent.
+### Use Spaces for Indentation ###
+We use 4 space indents for blocks. We never use tabs. When in doubt, be
+consistent with code around you.
+We use 8 space indents for line wraps, including function calls and
+assignments. For example, this is correct:
+    Instrument i =
+            someLongExpression(that, wouldNotFit, on, one, line);
+and this is not correct:
+    Instrument i =
+        someLongExpression(that, wouldNotFit, on, one, line);
+### Follow Field Naming Conventions ###
+- Non-public, non-static field names start with m.
+- Static field names start with s.
+- Other fields start with a lower case letter.
+- Public static final fields (constants) are ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES.
+For example:
+    public class MyClass {
+        public static final int SOME_CONSTANT = 42;
+        public int publicField;
+        private static MyClass sSingleton;
+        int mPackagePrivate;
+        private int mPrivate;
+        protected int mProtected;
+    }
+### Use Standard Brace Style ###
+Braces do not go on their own line; they go on the same line as the code
+before them. So:
+    class MyClass {
+        int func() {
+            if (something) {
+                // ...
+            } else if (somethingElse) {
+                // ...
+            } else {
+                // ...
+            }
+        }
+    }
+We require braces around the statements for a conditional. Except, if the
+entire conditional (the condition and the body) fit on one line, you may (but
+are not obligated to) put it all on one line. That is, this is legal:
+    if (condition) {
+        body(); 
+    }
+and this is legal:
+    if (condition) body(); 
+but this is still illegal:
+    if (condition)
+        body();  // bad!
+### Limit Line Length ###
+Each line of text in your code should be at most 100 characters long.
+There has been lots of discussion about this rule and the decision remains
+that 100 characters is the maximum.
+Exception: if a comment line contains an example command or a literal URL
+longer than 100 characters, that line may be longer than 100 characters for
+ease of cut and paste.
+Exception: import lines can go over the limit because humans rarely see
+them. This also simplifies tool writing.
+### Use Standard Java Annotations ###
+Annotations should precede other modifiers for the same language element.
+Simple marker annotations (e.g. @Override) can be listed on the same line with
+the language element. If there are multiple annotations, or parameterized
+annotations, they should each be listed one-per-line in alphabetical
+Android standard practices for the three predefined annotations in Java are:
+- `@Deprecated`: The @Deprecated annotation must be used whenever the use of the annotated
+element is discouraged. If you use the @Deprecated annotation, you must also
+have a @deprecated Javadoc tag and it should name an alternate implementation.
+In addition, remember that a @Deprecated method is *still supposed to
+    If you see old code that has a @deprecated Javadoc tag, please add the @Deprecated annotation.
+- `@Override`: The @Override annotation must be used whenever a method overrides the
+declaration or implementation from a super-class.
+    For example, if you use the @inheritdocs Javadoc tag, and derive from a
+    class (not an interface), you must also annotate that the method @Overrides
+    the parent class's method.
+- `@SuppressWarnings`: The @SuppressWarnings annotation should only be used under circumstances
+where it is impossible to eliminate a warning. If a warning passes this
+"impossible to eliminate" test, the @SuppressWarnings annotation *must* be
+used, so as to ensure that all warnings reflect actual problems in the
+    When a @SuppressWarnings annotation is necessary, it must be prefixed with
+    a TODO comment that explains the "impossible to eliminate" condition. This
+    will normally identify an offending class that has an awkward interface. For
+    example:
+        // TODO: The third-party class com.third.useful.Utility.rotate() needs generics 
+        @SuppressWarnings("generic-cast")
+        List<String> blix = Utility.rotate(blax);
+    When a @SuppressWarnings annotation is required, the code should be
+    refactored to isolate the software elements where the annotation applies.
+### Treat Acronyms as Words ###
+Treat acronyms and abbreviations as words in naming variables, methods, and classes. The names are much more readable:
+Good           | Bad
+XmlHttpRequest | XMLHTTPRequest
+getCustomerId  | getCustomerID
+class Html     | class HTML
+String url     | String URL
+long id        | long ID
+Both the JDK and the Android code bases are very inconsistent with regards
+to acronyms, therefore, it is virtually impossible to be consistent with the
+code around you. Bite the bullet, and treat acronyms as words.
+For further justifications of this style rule, see *Effective Java*
+Item 38 and *Java Puzzlers* Number 68.
+### Use TODO Comments ###
+Use TODO comments for code that is temporary, a short-term solution, or
+good-enough but not perfect.
+TODOs should include the string TODO in all caps, followed by a colon:
+    // TODO: Remove this code after the UrlTable2 has been checked in.
+    // TODO: Change this to use a flag instead of a constant.
+If your TODO is of the form "At a future date do something" make sure that
+you either include a very specific date ("Fix by November 2005") or a very
+specific event ("Remove this code after all production mixers understand
+protocol V7.").
+### Log Sparingly ###
+While logging is necessary it has a significantly negative impact on
+performance and quickly loses its usefulness if it's not kept reasonably
+terse. The logging facilities provides five different levels of logging. Below
+are the different levels and when and how they should be used.
+- `ERROR`: 
+This level of logging should be used when something fatal has happened,
+i.e. something that will have user-visible consequences and won't be
+recoverable without explicitly deleting some data, uninstalling applications,
+wiping the data partitions or reflashing the entire phone (or worse). This
+level is always logged. Issues that justify some logging at the ERROR level
+are typically good candidates to be reported to a statistics-gathering
+- `WARNING`: 
+This level of logging should used when something serious and unexpected
+happened, i.e. something that will have user-visible consequences but is
+likely to be recoverable without data loss by performing some explicit action,
+ranging from waiting or restarting an app all the way to re-downloading a new
+version of an application or rebooting the device. This level is always
+logged. Issues that justify some logging at the WARNING level might also be
+considered for reporting to a statistics-gathering server.
+This level of logging should used be to note that something interesting to
+most people happened, i.e. when a situation is detected that is likely to have
+widespread impact, though isn't necessarily an error. Such a condition should
+only be logged by a module that reasonably believes that it is the most
+authoritative in that domain (to avoid duplicate logging by non-authoritative
+components). This level is always logged.
+- `DEBUG`:
+This level of logging should be used to further note what is happening on the
+device that could be relevant to investigate and debug unexpected behaviors.
+You should log only what is needed to gather enough information about what is
+going on about your component. If your debug logs are dominating the log then
+you probably should be using verbose logging. 
+    This level will be logged, even
+on release builds, and is required to be surrounded by an `if (LOCAL_LOG)` or `if
+(LOCAL_LOGD)` block, where `LOCAL_LOG[D]` is defined in your class or
+subcomponent, so that there can exist a possibility to disable all such
+logging. There must therefore be no active logic in an `if (LOCAL_LOG)` block.
+All the string building for the log also needs to be placed inside the `if
+(LOCAL_LOG)` block. The logging call should not be re-factored out into a
+method call if it is going to cause the string building to take place outside
+of the `if (LOCAL_LOG)` block. 
+    There is some code that still says `if
+(localLOGV)`. This is considered acceptable as well, although the name is
+This level of logging should be used for everything else. This level will only
+be logged on debug builds and should be surrounded by an `if (LOCAL_LOGV)` block
+(or equivalent) so that it can be compiled out by default. Any string building
+will be stripped out of release builds and needs to appear inside the `if (LOCAL_LOGV)` block.
+- Within a given module, other than at the VERBOSE level, an
+error should only be reported once if possible: within a single chain of
+function calls within a module, only the innermost function should return the
+error, and callers in the same module should only add some logging if that
+significantly helps to isolate the issue.
+- In a chain of modules, other than at the VERBOSE level, when a
+lower-level module detects invalid data coming from a higher-level module, the
+lower-level module should only log this situation to the DEBUG log, and only
+if logging provides information that is not otherwise available to the caller.
+Specifically, there is no need to log situations where an exception is thrown
+(the exception should contain all the relevant information), or where the only
+information being logged is contained in an error code. This is especially
+important in the interaction between the framework and applications, and
+conditions caused by third-party applications that are properly handled by the
+framework should not trigger logging higher than the DEBUG level. The only
+situations that should trigger logging at the INFORMATIVE level or higher is
+when a module or application detects an error at its own level or coming from
+a lower level.
+- When a condition that would normally justify some logging is
+likely to occur many times, it can be a good idea to implement some
+rate-limiting mechanism to prevent overflowing the logs with many duplicate
+copies of the same (or very similar) information.
+- Losses of network connectivity are considered common and fully
+expected and should not be logged gratuitously. A loss of network connectivity
+that has consequences within an app should be logged at the DEBUG or VERBOSE
+level (depending on whether the consequences are serious enough and unexpected
+enough to be logged in a release build).
+- A full filesystem on a filesystem that is acceessible to or on
+behalf of third-party applications should not be logged at a level higher than
+- Invalid data coming from any untrusted source (including any
+file on shared storage, or data coming through just about any network
+connections) is considered expected and should not trigger any logging at a
+level higher then DEBUG when it's detected to be invalid (and even then
+logging should be as limited as possible).
+- Keep in mind that the `+` operator, when used on Strings,
+implicitly creates a `StringBuilder` with the default buffer size (16
+characters) and potentially quite a few other temporary String objects, i.e.
+that explicitly creating StringBuilders isn't more expensive than relying on
+the default '+' operator (and can be a lot more efficient in fact). Also keep
+in mind that code that calls `Log.v()` is compiled and executed on release
+builds, including building the strings, even if the logs aren't being
+- Any logging that is meant to be read by other people and to be
+available in release builds should be terse without being cryptic, and should
+be reasonably understandable. This includes all logging up to the DEBUG
+- When possible, logging should be kept on a single line if it
+makes sense. Line lengths up to 80 or 100 characters are perfectly acceptable,
+while lengths longer than about 130 or 160 characters (including the length of
+the tag) should be avoided if possible.
+- Logging that reports successes should never be used at levels
+higher than VERBOSE.
+- Temporary logging that is used to diagnose an issue that's
+hard to reproduce should be kept at the DEBUG or VERBOSE level, and should be
+enclosed by if blocks that allow to disable it entirely at compile-time.
+- Be careful about security leaks through the log. Private
+information should be avoided. Information about protected content must
+definitely be avoided. This is especially important when writing framework
+code as it's not easy to know in advance what will and will not be private
+information or protected content.
+- `System.out.println()` (or `printf()` for native code) should
+never be used. System.out and System.err get redirected to /dev/null, so your
+print statements will have no visible effects. However, all the string
+building that happens for these calls still gets executed.
+- *The golden rule of logging is that your logs may not
+unnecessarily push other logs out of the buffer, just as others may not push
+out yours.*
+### Be Consistent ###
+Our parting thought: BE CONSISTENT. If you're editing code, take a few
+minutes to look at the code around you and determine its style. If they use
+spaces around their if clauses, you should too. If their comments have little
+boxes of stars around them, make your comments have little boxes of stars
+around them too.
+The point of having style guidelines is to have a common vocabulary of
+coding, so people can concentrate on what you're saying, rather than on how
+you're saying it. We present global style rules here so people know the
+vocabulary. But local style is also important. If code you add to a a file
+looks drastically different from the existing code around it, it throws
+readers out of their rhythm when they go to read it. Try to avoid this.</p>
+## Javatests Style Rules ##
+### Follow Test Method Naming Conventions ###
+When naming test methods, you can use an underscore to seperate what is
+being tested from the specific case being tested. This style makes it easier
+to see exactly what cases are being tested.
+For example:
+    testMethod_specificCase1 testMethod_specificCase2
+    void testIsDistinguishable_protanopia() {
+        ColorMatcher colorMatcher = new ColorMatcher(PROTANOPIA)
+        assertFalse(colorMatcher.isDistinguishable(Color.RED, Color.BLACK))
+        assertTrue(colorMatcher.isDistinguishable(Color.X, Color.Y))
+    }
diff --git a/src/source/ b/src/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..835b808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Downloading the Source Tree #
+## Installing Repo ##
+Repo is a tool that makes it easier to work with Git in the context of Android. For more information about Repo, see <a href="{@docRoot}source/git-repo.html">Using Repo and Git</a>.</p>
+To install, initialize, and configure Repo, follow these steps:
+ - Make sure you have a bin/ directory in your home directory, and that it is included in your path:
+        $ mkdir ~/bin
+        $ PATH=~/bin:$PATH
+ - Download the Repo script and ensure it is executable:
+        $ curl > ~/bin/repo
+        $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
+## Initializing a Repo client ##
+After installing Repo, set up your client to access the android source repository:
+ - Create an empty directory to hold your working files:
+        $ mkdir WORKING_DIRECTORY
+ - Run `repo init` to bring down the latest version of Repo with all its most recent bug fixes.  You must specify a URL for the manifest, which specifies where the various repositories included in the Android source will be placed within your working directory.
+        $ repo init -u git://
+    To check out a branch other than "master", specify it with -b:
+        $ repo init -u git:// -b froyo
+ - When prompted, please configure Repo with your real name and email address.  To use the Gerrit code-review tool, you will need an email address that is connected with a [registered Google account](  Make sure this is a live address at which you can receive messages.  The name that you provide here will show up in attributions for your code submissions.
+A successful initialization will end with a message stating that Repo is initialized in your working directory.  Your client directory should now contain a `.repo` directory where files such as the manifest will be kept.
+## Getting the files ##
+To pull down files to your working directory from the repositories as specified in the default manifest, run
+    $ repo sync
+The Android source files will be located in your working directory under their project names.  The initial sync operation will take several minutes to complete.  For more about `repo sync` and other Repo commands, see [Using Repo and Git](git-repo.html).
+## Verifying Git Tags ##
+Load the following public key into your GnuPG key database. The key is used to sign annotated tags that represent releases.
+    $ gpg --import
+Copy and paste the key(s) below, then enter EOF (Ctrl-D) to end the input and process the keys.
+        -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
+        Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)  
+        mQGiBEnnWD4RBACt9/h4v9xnnGDou13y3dvOx6/t43LPPIxeJ8eX9WB+8LLuROSV
+        lFhpHawsVAcFlmi7f7jdSRF+OvtZL9ShPKdLfwBJMNkU66/TZmPewS4m782ndtw7
+        8tR1cXb197Ob8kOfQB3A9yk2XZ4ei4ZC3i6wVdqHLRxABdncwu5hOF9KXwCgkxMD
+        u4PVgChaAJzTYJ1EG+UYBIUEAJmfearb0qRAN7dEoff0FeXsEaUA6U90sEoVks0Z
+        wNj96SA8BL+a1OoEUUfpMhiHyLuQSftxisJxTh+2QclzDviDyaTrkANjdYY7p2cq
+        /HMdOY7LJlHaqtXmZxXjjtw5Uc2QG8UY8aziU3IE9nTjSwCXeJnuyvoizl9/I1S5
+        jU5SA/9WwIps4SC84ielIXiGWEqq6i6/sk4I9q1YemZF2XVVKnmI1F4iCMtNKsR4
+        MGSa1gA8s4iQbsKNWPgp7M3a51JCVCu6l/8zTpA+uUGapw4tWCp4o0dpIvDPBEa9
+        b/aF/ygcR8mh5hgUfpF9IpXdknOsbKCvM9lSSfRciETykZc4wrRCVGhlIEFuZHJv
+        aWQgT3BlbiBTb3VyY2UgUHJvamVjdCA8aW5pdGlhbC1jb250cmlidXRpb25AYW5k
+        gAAKCRDorT+BmrEOeNr+AJ42Xy6tEW7r3KzrJxnRX8mij9z8tgCdFfQYiHpYngkI
+        2t09Ed+9Bm4gmEO5Ag0ESedYRBAIAKVW1JcMBWvV/0Bo9WiByJ9WJ5swMN36/vAl
+        QN4mWRhfzDOk/Rosdb0csAO/l8Kz0gKQPOfObtyYjvI8JMC3rmi+LIvSUT9806Up
+        hisyEmmHv6U8gUb/xHLIanXGxwhYzjgeuAXVCsv+EvoPIHbY4L/KvP5x+oCJIDbk
+        C2b1TvVk9PryzmE4BPIQL/NtgR1oLWm/uWR9zRUFtBnE411aMAN3qnAHBBMZzKMX
+        LWBGWE0znfRrnczI5p49i2YZJAjyX1P2WzmScK49CV82dzLo71MnrF6fj+Udtb5+
+        pK+KMs/s3r6nJrnYLTfdZhtmQXimpoDMJg1zxmL8UfNUKiQZ6esoAWtDgpqt7Y7s
+        KZ8laHRARonte394hidZzM5nb6hQvpPjt2OlPRsyqVxw4c/KsjADtAuKW9/d8phb
+        N8bTyOJo856qg4oOEzKG9eeF7oaZTYBy33BTL0408sEBxiMior6b8LrZrAhkqDjA
+        vUXRwm/fFKgpsOysxC6xi553CxBUCH2omNV6Ka1LNMwzSp9ILz8jEGqmUtkBszwo
+        G1S8fXgE0Lq3cdDM/GJ4QXP/p6LiwNF99faDMTV3+2SAOGvytOX6KjKVzKOSsfJQ
+        EXzeoxcdoafxqf6gZlJZlACgkWF7wi2YLW3Oa+jv2QSTlrx4KLM=
+        =Wi5D 
+        -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
+After importing the keys, you can verify any tag with 
+    $ git tag -v TAG_NAME
+# Next: Build the code #
+You now have a complete local copy of the Android codebase.  Continue on to [building](building.html)....
diff --git a/src/source/ b/src/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb6c516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Flashing #
+To flash a device, you will need to use `fastboot`. Place the device in fastboot mode either manually by holding the appropriate key combination at boot, or from the shell with
+    $ adb reboot bootloader
+Once the device is in fastboot mode, run 
+    $ fastboot flashall -w
+The `-w` option wipes the `/data` partition on the device; this is useful for your first time flashing a particular device, but is otherwise unnecessary.
+# Emulating #
+To run the emulator, type
+    $ emulator
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9012872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Git Resources #
+For further information on Git, check out these excellent off-site resources:
+- The [Git Community Book]( (maintained by Scott Chacon) 
+- [Git Wiki](
+- [Git Manual Page]( 
+- [GitCasts]( (Git how-to videos)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..742a24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Get Involved #
+Thanks for your interest in Android! Here are some ways you can get involved
+and help us improve Android. For background on the Android project and our
+goals, check out the [Project Philosophy page](philosophy.html).
+## Report Bugs ##
+One of the easiest and most effective ways you can help improve Android is
+to file bugs. For more information, visit the [Reporting Bugs](report-bugs.html) page.
+Please note that we can't guarantee that any particular bug will be fixed in
+any particular release. To see what happens to your bug once you report it,
+read [Life of a Bug](life-of-a-bug.html).
+## Develop Apps ##
+We created Android so that all developers can distribute their applications
+to users on an open platform. One of the best ways you can help Android is to
+write cool apps that users love!
+To get started, visit []( This site
+provides the information and tools you need to write applications for
+compatible Android devices, using the SDK.
+## Contribute to the Code ##
+Code is King. We'd love to review any changes you submit, so please check
+out the source, pick a bug or feature, and get coding. Note that the smaller
+and more targetted your patch submissions, the easier it will be for us to
+review them.
+You can get started with Android by learning about the [Life of a Patch](life-of-a-patch.html), 
+and by learning about `git`, `repo`, and other tools using the links to the left. 
+If you need help along the way, you can join our [discussion groups](/community/index.html).
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e08a487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# Initializing a Build Environment #
+The "Getting Started" section describes how to set up your local work environment, how to use Repo to get the Android files, and how to build the files on your machine.  To build the Android source files, you will need to use Linux or Mac OS. Building under Windows is not currently supported.
+*Note: The source is approximately 2.6GB in size. You will need 10GB free to complete the build.*
+For an overview of the entire code-review and code-update process, see [Life of a Patch](life-of-a-patch.html).
+To see snapshots and histories of the files available in the public Android repositories, visit the [GitWeb]( web interface.
+# Setting up a Linux build environment #
+The Android build is routinely tested in house on recent versions of Ubuntu (10.04 and later), but most distributions should have the required build tools available.  Reports of successes or failures on other distributions are welcome.  
+*Note: It is also possible to build Android in a virtual machine.  If you are running Linux in a virtual machine, you will need at least 8GB of RAM/swap and 12GB or more of disk space in order to build the Android tree.*
+In general you will need:
+ - Python 2.4 -- 2.7, which you can download from [](
+ - JDK 6 if you wish to build Gingerbread or newer; JDK 5 for Froyo or older.  You can download both from [](
+ - Git 1.5.4 or newer. You can find it at [](
+ - (optional) Valgrind, a tool that will help you find memory leaks, stack corruption, array bounds overflows, etc. Download from [](
+Detailed instructions for Ubuntu 10.04+ follow.
+## Installing the JDK ##
+The Sun JDK is no longer in Ubuntu's main package repository.  In order to download it, you need to add the appropriate repository and indicate to the system which JDK should be used.
+Java 6: for Gingerbread and newer
+    $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb lucid partner"
+    $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb-src lucid partner"
+    $ sudo apt-get update
+    $ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
+Java 5: for Froyo and older
+    $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb dapper main multiverse"
+    $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb dapper-updates main multiverse"
+    $ sudo apt-get update
+    $ sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk
+## Installing required packages ##
+To set up your development environment, install the following required packages:
+    $ sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev libc6-dev 
+      lib32ncurses5-dev ia32-libs x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32readline5-dev lib32z-dev
+For building Froyo or an older release on a 64-bit system, several other packages are necessary to establish a 32-bit build environment:
+    $ sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-i386 libc6-dev-i386
+## Configuring USB Access ##
+Under GNU/linux systems (and specifically under Ubuntu systems),
+regular users can't directly access USB devices by default. The
+system needs to be configured to allow such access.
+The recommended approach is to create a file
+`/etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules` (as the root user) and to copy
+the following lines in it. <username> must be replaced by the
+actual username of the user who is authorized to access the phones
+over USB.
+    # adb protocol on passion (Nexus One)
+    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="4e12", MODE="0600", OWNER="<username>"
+    # fastboot protocol on passion (Nexus One)
+    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", ATTR{idProduct}=="0fff", MODE="0600", OWNER="<username>"
+    # adb protocol on crespo (Nexus S)
+    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="4e22", MODE="0600", OWNER="<username>"
+    # fastboot protocol on crespo (Nexus S)
+    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="4e20", MODE="0600", OWNER="<username>"
+Those new rules take effect the next time a device is plugged in.
+It might therefore be necessary to unplug the device and plug it
+back into the computer.
+This is known to work on both Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04.x LTS) and
+Lucid Lynx (10.04.x LTS). Other versions of Ubuntu or other
+variants of GNU/linux might require different configurations.
+# Setting up a Mac OS X build environment #
+To build the Android files in a Mac OS environment, you need an Intel/x86 machine running MacOS 10.4 (Tiger), 10.5 (Leopard), or 10.6 (Snow Leopard). The Android build system and tools do not support the obsolete PowerPC architecture.
+Android must be built on a case-sensitive file system because the sources contain files that differ only in case. We recommend that you build Android on a partition that has been formatted with the journaled file system HFS+.  HFS+ is required to successfully build Mac OS applications such as the Android Emulator for OS X.
+## Creating a case sensitive disk image ##
+If you want to avoid partitioning/formatting your hard drive, you can use a case-sensitive disk image instead. To create the image, launch Disk Utility and select "New Image".  A size of 12 GB should be sufficient to complete the build.  Be sure to select "case sensitive, journaled" as the volume format.
+This will create a .dmg file which, once mounted, acts as a drive with the required formatting for Android development. For a disk image named "android.dmg" stored in your home directory, you can add the following to your `~/.bash_profile` to mount the image when you execute "mountAndroid": 
+    # mount the android file image
+    function mountAndroid{ hdiutil attach ~/android.dmg-mountpoint /Volumes/android; }
+Once mounted, you'll do all your work in the "android" volume. You can eject it (unmount it) just like you would with an external drive.
+## Installing required packages ##
+- Install XCode from [the Apple developer site]( We recommend version 3.0 or newer.  If you are not already registered as an Apple developer, you will have to create an Apple ID in order to download.
+- Install MacPorts from [](
+    *Note: Make sure that `/opt/local/bin` appears in your path BEFORE `/usr/bin`.  If not, add* 
+        export PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH
+    *to your `~/.bash_profile`.*
+- Get make, git, and GPG packages from MacPorts: 
+        $ POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 sudo port install gmake libsdl git-core gnupg
+    If using Mac OS 10.4, also install bison:
+        $ POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 sudo port install bison
+## Reverting from make 3.82 ##
+There is a bug in gmake 3.82 that prevents android from building.  You can install version 3.81 using MacPorts by taking the following steps:
+- Edit `/opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf` and a line that says 
+        file:///Users/Shared/dports
+    above the rsync line.  Then create this directory: 
+        $ mkdir /Users/Shared/dports
+- In the new `dports` directory, run 
+        $ svn co --revision 50980 devel/gmake/
+- Create a port index for your new local repository: 
+        $ portindex /Users/Shared/dports
+- Finally, install the old version of gmake with 
+        $ sudo port install gmake @3.81
+## Setting a file descriptor limit ##
+On MacOS the default limit on the number of simultaneous file descriptors open is too low and a highly parallel build process may exceed this limit.  
+To increase the cap, add the following lines to your `~/.bash_profile`: 
+    # set the number of open files to be 1024
+    ulimit -S -n 1024
+# Next: Download the source #
+Your build environment is good to go!  Proceed to [downloading the source](downloading.html)....
diff --git a/src/source/ b/src/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ed2cae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# Life of a Bug #
+The Android Open Source project maintains a public issue tracker where you
+can report bugs and request features for the Android software stack. (For
+details on this issue tracker, please see the [Reporting Bugs](report-bugs.html) page).
+Reporting bugs is great (thank you!), but what happens to a bug report once
+you file it? This page describes the Life of a Bug.
+*lease note: the the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) issue tracker is
+intended only for bugs and feature requests related to the Android software
+stack. Because many users find their way here looking for the Google apps for
+Android (such as Gmail and so on), we have components set up for their
+convenience. However, these apps are not part of Android, and any issues
+reported on these components are not guaranteed to to receive attention.
+Most notably, to report issues related to Android Market, you should visit the
+[Android Market Support Forum](
+Here's the life of a bug, in a nutshell:
+1. A bug is filed, and has the state "New".
+1. An AOSP contributor periodically reviews and triages bugs. Bugs are
+triaged into one of four "buckets": New, Open, No-Action, or Resolved.
+1. Each bucket includes a number of states that provide more detail on the
+fate of the issue.
+1. Bugs in the "Resolved" bucket will eventually be included in a future
+release of the Android software.
+# Bucket Details #
+Here is some additional information on each bucket, what it means, and how
+it's handled.
+## New Issues ##
+New issues include bug reports that are not yet being acted upon. The two
+states are:
+- *New:*
+    The bug report has not yet been triaged (that is, reviewed by an AOSP contributor.)
+- *NeedsInfo:*
+    The bug report has insufficient information to act
+upon. The person who reported the bug needs to provide additional detail
+before it can be triaged. If enough time passes and no new information is
+provided, the bug may be closed by default, as one of the No-Action
+## Open Issues ##
+This bucket contains bugs that need action, but which are still
+unresolved, pending a change to the source code.
+- *Unassigned:*
+    The bug report has been recognized as an adequately
+detailed report of a legitimate issue, but has not yet been assigned to an
+AOSP contributor to be fixed. Typically, bugs in this state are considered low
+priority, at least insofar that if they were high priority, they'd be assigned
+to a contributor.
+- *Reviewed:*
+    Like *Unassigned*, but the issue
+represented is being tracked in a separate bug database. For example, the bug
+might have been reported via an internal bug-tracking system,
+which is considered the "master" copy. (For instance, Google maintains one
+such private issue tracker, intended primarily for bugs which contain
+sensitive information which can't be revealed publicly.)
+- *Assigned:*
+    Like *Unassigned*, but the bug has been
+actually assigned to a specific contributor to fix.
+Typically, a given bug will start in *Unassigned*, where it
+will remain until it is associated with a specific upcoming release, at which
+point it will enter *Reviewed* or *Assigned*. However,
+note that this isn't a guarantee, and it's not uncommon for bugs to go from
+*Unassigned* to one of the Resolved states.
+In general, if a bug is in one of these Open states, the AOSP team has
+recognized it as a legitimate issue and will fix it according to the product
+priorities and milestones. However, it's impossible to guarantee a fix in time 
+for any particular release.
+## No-Action Issues ##
+This bucket contains bugs that have for one reason or another been
+determined to not require any action.
+- *Spam:* 
+    A kind soul sent us some delicious pork products, that we,
+regrettably, do not want.
+- *Question:*
+    Someone mistook the issue tracker for a help forum.
+(This is not as uncommon as you might think: many users whose native language
+isn't English misunderstand the site and make this mistake.)
+- *Unreproducible:*
+    An AOSP contributor attempted to reproduce the
+behavior described, and was unable to do so. This sometimes means that the bug
+is legitimate but simply rare or difficult to reproduce, and sometimes means
+that the bug was fixed in a later release.
+- *WorkingAsIntended:*
+    An AOSP contributor has determined that the
+behavior described isn't a bug, but is the intended behavior. This state is
+also commonly referred to as "WAI".
+- *Declined:*
+    This is like *WorkingAsIntended*, except
+typically used for feature requests instead of bugs.  That is, an AOSP
+contributor has determined that the request is not going to be implemented in
+## Resolved Issues ##
+This bucket contains bugs that have had action taken, and are now
+considered resolved.
+- *FutureRelease:*
+    This bug has been fixed (or feature implemented) in
+a source tree, but has not yet been included in a formal Android
+platform release. (Note that this may also include fixes that exist in a
+private source tree that has not yet been contributed to a public
+- *Released:*
+    This bug has been fixed, and is included in a formal
+Android platform release. When this state is set, we try to also set a
+property indicating which release it was fixed in.
+- *Duplicate:*
+    This bug is a duplicate of another, existing bug report.
+# Other Stuff #
+The states and lifecycle above are how we generally try to track software.
+However, Android contains a lot of software and gets a correspondingly large
+number of bugs. As a result, sometimes bugs don't make it through all the
+states in a formal progression. We do try to keep the system up to date, but
+we tend to do so in periodic "bug sweeps" where we review the database and
+make updates.
+Since the AOSP is essentially constantly evolving, we do make tweaks to
+the list of bug states and the lifecycle described above.  When we do this,
+however, we'll be sure to update this page as well.
+Finally, you should be aware that for a variety of reasons, there are
+actually multiple issue trackers for Android-related issues. The 
+[Google Code Project Hosting Issue Tracker]( 
+is the *only* official public issue tracker; however,
+Google also maintains a private issue tracker, own, as do most OEMs. We try to
+keep the public issue tracker in sync with private issue trackers
+wherever possible, but in cases where confidential information and security
+issues are involved, this isn't always possible.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95cb96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Life of a Patch #
+The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) uses a web-based code review tool
+known as "gerrit". The image below is a flowchart that details what happens to
+a patch, once it's been written. Though it may appear complex, the majority of
+the steps below are performed in the web application.
+For full instructions on how to get set up to use gerrit and git, please
+see the [Submitting Patches](submit-patches.html) page.
+<img src="/images/workflow-0.png"/>
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+# Android 2.1 Platform #
+<p>Our sister site, <a
+includes feature overviews of the various Android platform versions.
+The links below will take you to where you can view this
+<p>The links below will navigate you away from this site.</p>
+<h3><a href="">Android 2.3</a></h3>
+<p>Android 2.3 corresponded to the "Gingerbread" milestone branch, and has an API level of 9.</p>
+<h3><a href="">Android 2.2</a></h3>
+<p>Android 2.2 corresponded to the "FroYo" milestone branch, and has an API level of 8.</p>
+<h3><a href="">Android 2.1</a></h3>
+<p>Android 2.1 corresponded to the "Eclair" milestone branch, and has an API level of
+<p>The Eclair branch was also used for 2.0 and 2.0.1; however, both of those
+releases were quickly obsoleted by the version 2.1 Eclair release. As Android
+2.1 includes key bug fixes and improvements not present in 2.0/2.0.1, only
+Android 2.1 should be used for new devices. As there is no compatibility
+program for 2.0 or 2.0.1, the officially compatible Eclair-based release is Android
+2.1. (The linked document refers to Android 2.0, because there were
+no new platform features added in 2.1.)</p>
+<h3><a href="">Android 1.6</a></h3>
+<p>Android 1.6 corresponded to the "Donut" milestone branch, and has an API level of
+<h3><a href="">Android 1.5</a></h3>
+<p>Android 1.5 corresponded to the "Cupcake" milestone branch, and has an API
+level of 3.</p>
+<h3><a href="">Android 1.1</a></h3>
+<p>Android 1.1 has an API level of 2. Android 1.1 was known as
+"Petit Four" internally, though this name was not used officially.</p>
+<h3>Android 1.0</h3>
+<p>was the first release of Android, and has an API
+level of 1. Since it was the first released version of Android, no platform
+highlights were prepared for this release.</p>
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+# Report Bugs #
+Thanks for your interest in Android! One of the best ways you can help us
+improve Android is to let us know about any problems you find with it.
+First, though: if you think you've found a security vulnerability,
+*please don't use the forms below*. Using the public forms below may
+allow anyone to see your report, which may put users at risk until the bug is
+fixed. Instead, please report security bugs to our security team by emailing
+<a href=""></a>.  We believe in
+responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities, and will give you proper
+attribution for any issues you report.
+Here's how to report non-security bugs:
+- [Search for your bug]( to see if anyone has already reported it.
+- If you find your issue and it's important to you, star it! That's how we know which bugs are most important to fix.
+- If no one's reported your bug, file the bug. You can use one of these templates:
+    - [Bug in your Device]( - use this if you are a user reporting a bug in a device you own
+    - [Bug in the Software]( - use this if you found a bug in the course of developing an app
+    - [Feature Request]( - use this for a feature you'd like to see in a future verison
+Please note that we can't guarantee that any particular bug can be fixed in
+any particular release. To see what happens to your bug once you report it,
+read [Life of a Bug](life-of-a-bug.html).
+In general, please put as much info in bugs as you can. Just a one liner
+telling us something isn't working is usually useless, and will probably be
+closed without any action. The more detail you provide, the more likely your
+issue is to be resolved. Below, there are some examples of a good bug report
+and a poor bug report.
+## A Poor Bug Report ##
+    Title: Error message
+    When running Eclipse I get an "Internal Error" that says "See the .log file for more details".
+    Steps to reproduce:
+    Happens when "Object o = null". Doesn't happen when changed to "Object o".
+    Expected results:
+    I wouldn't get the error message--would work with Object o = null.
+    Observed results:
+    See above.
+This is a poor bug report because it doesn't provide any context for the
+issue; is it a problem in the Dalvik virtual machine, the core framework, or
+something else? It also doesn't provide any code or hint on how to reproduce
+it. In other words, this bug report doesn't provide enough information for
+anyone to take action on, so it would be ignored.
+## A Good Bug Report ##
+    Title: Stepping over "Object o = null" causes Eclipse "Internal Error"
+    Interesting bug, while using Eclipse with m37a of android and the following code:
+    package;
+    import;
+    import android.os.Bundle;
+    import android.util.Log;
+    public class TestObjectNull extends Activity {
+        /** Called when the activity is first created. */
+        @Override
+        public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
+            super.onCreate(icicle);
+            setContentView(R.layout.main);
+            Object o = null;
+            o = "hi";
+            Log.v(TAG, "o=" + o);
+        }
+        static final String TAG = "TestObjectNull";
+    }
+    Eclipse indicates an "Internal Error" with "See the .log file for more
+    details" and then asks if I want to exit the workbench. This occurs when I
+    place a break point on "setContentView(R.layout.main);" and then single
+    step over "Object o = null;"
+    If I change "Object o = null;" to "Object o" all is well.
+    The last lines of the .log file are:
+    !ENTRY 4 2 2008-01-01 13:04:15.825
+    !MESSAGE An internal error occurred during: "has children update".
+    !STACK 0
+    java.lang.InternalError: Invalid signature: "<null>"
+            at
+    org.eclipse.jdi.internal.TypeImpl.signatureToTag(
+            at
+    org.eclipse.jdi.internal.LocalVariableImpl.tag(
+            at
+    org.eclipse.jdi.internal.StackFrameImpl.getValues(
+            at
+    org.eclipse.jdi.internal.StackFrameImpl.getValue(
+            at
+    org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDILocalVariable.retrieveValue(
+            at
+    org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIVariable.getCurrentValue(
+            at
+    org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIVariable.getValue(
+            at
+    org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.model.elements.VariableContentProvider.hasChildren(
+            at
+    org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.variables.JavaVariableContentProvider.hasChildren(
+            at
+    org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.model.elements.ElementContentProvider.updateHasChildren(
+            at
+    org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.model.elements.ElementContentProvider$
+            at
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+# Getting Started #
+- [Initializing the Build Environment](initializing.html)
+- [Downloading the Source](downloading.html)
+- [Building and Running](building.html)
+# Navigating the Source #
+- [Platform Overview](overview.html)
+- [Branches & Releases](code-lines.html)
+- [Build Numbers](build-numbers.html)
+- [Browse Source](
+# Contributing #
+- [Life of a Patch](life-of-a-patch.html)
+- [Submitting Patches](submit-patches.html)
+- [Life of a Bug](life-of-a-bug.html)
+- [Reporting Bugs](report-bugs.html)
+# Reference #
+- [Version Control](version-control.html)
+    - [Repo Commands](using-repo.html)
+    - [Git Resources](git-resources.html)
+- [Using Eclipse](using-eclipse.html)
+- [Code Style Guidelines](code-style.html)
+- [FAQs](/faqs.html)
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+# Submitting Patches #
+This page describes the full process of submitting a patch to the AOSP, including reviewing and tracking changes with Gerrit.
+## Prerequisites ##
+- Before you follow the instructions on this page, you will need to set up your
+local working environment and get the Android source files. For instructions,
+follow the "Getting Started" section [here](downloading.html).
+- For details about Repo and Git, see [Version Control](version-control.html).
+- For information about the different roles you can play within the Android
+Open Source community, see [Project roles](/about/roles.html).
+- If you plan to contribute code to the Android platform, be sure to read
+the [AOSP's licensing information](/about/licenses.html).
+- Note that changes to some of the upstream projects used by Android should be
+made directly to that project, as described in [Upstream Projects](#upstream-projects).
+## Patch Etiquette ##
+### Writing patch descriptions ###
+Each change list description will be pushed to the public AOSP repository. Please follow our guidelines for writing change descriptions in order to ensure your change is reviewed and approved.
+- Start with a one-line summary, 50-60 characters max, followed by a blank line. This format is used by git and gerrit for various displays.
+- The description should focus on what issue it solves, and how it solves it. The second part is somewhat optional when implementing new features, though desirable.
+- The description should be self-contained. It should not rely on people having access to any other information.
+- The description should be reasonably descriptive. You've spent a few hours or a few days working on your change so you can spend 5 minutes writing a proper description. Maybe write it while you do a final compile before submitting.
+## Using the Gerrit code-review tool ##
+You can open Gerrit by visiting whatever URL is returned to you from the repo upload command, 
+or by visiting [](
+### Viewing the status of uploaded changes ###
+To check the status of a change that you uploaded, open [Gerrit](, 
+sign in, and click MyChanges.
+### Reviewing a change ###
+If you are assigned to be the Approver for a change, you need to determine the following:
+- Does this change fit within this project's stated purpose?
+- Is this change valid within the project's existing architecture?
+- Does this change introduce design flaws that will cause problems in the future?
+- Does this change follow the best practices that have been established for this project?
+- Is this change a good way to perform the described function?
+- Does this change introduce any security or instability risks?
+If you approve of the change, mark it with LGTM ("Looks Good to Me") within Gerrit.
+### Verifying a change ###
+If you are assigned to be the Verifier for a change, you need to do the following:
+- Patch the change into your local client using one of the Download commands.
+- Build and test the change.
+- Within Gerrit use Publish Comments to mark the commit as "Verified" or "Fails," and add a message explaining what problems were identified.
+### Viewing diffs and comments ###
+To open the details of the change within Gerrit, click on the "Id number" or "Subject" of a change. To compare the established code with the updated code, click the file name under "Side-by-side diffs."
+### Adding comments ###
+Anyone in the community can use Gerrit to add inline comments to code submissions. A good comment will be relevant to the line or section of code to which it is attached in Gerrit. It might be a short and constructive suggestion about how a line of code could be improved, or it might be an explanation from the author about why the code makes sense the way it is.
+To add an inline comment, double-click the relevant line of the code and write your comment in the text box that opens. When you click Save, only you can see your comment.
+To publish your comments so that others using Gerrit will be able to see them, click the Publish Comments button. Your comments will be emailed to all relevant parties for this change, including the change owner, the patch set uploader (if different from the owner), and all current reviewers.
+### After a submission is approved ###
+After a submission makes it through the review and verification process, Gerrit automatically merges the change into the public repository. The change will now be visible in gitweb, and others users will be able to run `repo sync` to pull the update into their local client.
+### Downloading changes from Gerrit ###
+A submission that has been verified and merged will be downloaded with the next `repo sync`. If you wish to download a specific change that has not yet been approved, run
+    $ repo download TARGET CHANGE
+where TARGET is the local directory into which the change should be downloaded and CHANGE is the 
+change number as listed in [Gerrit]( For more information, 
+see the [Repo reference](/source/using-repo.html).
+### How do I become a Verifier or Approver? ###
+In short, contribute high-quality code to one or more of the Android projects.
+For details about the different roles in the Android Open Source community and
+who plays them, see [Project Roles](/about/roles.html).
+## Using GitWeb to track patch histories ##
+To view snapshots of the files that are in the public Android repositories and view file histories, use the [Android instance of GitWeb](
+<a name="upstream-projects"></a>
+## Upstream Projects ##
+Android makes use of a number of other open-source projects, such as the Linux kernel and WebKit, as described in
+[Branches and Releases](/source/code-lines.html). For the upstream projects detailed below, changes should be made directly upstream. Such changes will be incorporated into the Android tree as part of the usual process of pulling these projects.
+### WebKit ###
+All changes to the WebKit project at `external/webkit` should be made
+upstream at []( The process begins by filing a WebKit bug. 
+This bug should use `Android` for the `Platform` and `OS` 
+fields only if the bug is specific to Android. Bugs are far more likely to receive the reviewers'
+attention once a proposed fix is added and tests are included. See
+[Contributing Code to WebKit]( for details.
+### V8 ###
+All changes to the V8 project at `external/v8` should be submitted upstream at
+[]( See [Contributing to V8](
+for details.
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+# Using Eclipse #
+This document will help you set up the Eclipse IDE for Android platform development.
+*Note: if you are looking for information on how to use
+Eclipse to develop applications that run on Android, this is not the right
+page for you. You probably would find [the Eclipse page on]( more useful.*
+## Basic setup ##
+First, it's important to make sure the regular Android development system is set up.
+    cd /path/to/android/root 
+    make     
+**Important**: You will still be using `make` to build the files you will actually run (in the emulator or on a device). You will be using Eclipse to edit files and verify that they compile, but when you want to run something you will need to make sure files are saved in Eclipse and run `make` in a shell. The Eclipse build is just for error checking.
+Eclipse needs a list of directories to search for Java files. This is called the "Java Build Path" and can be set with the `.classpath` file. We have a sample version to start you off.
+    cd /path/to/android/root 
+    cp development/ide/eclipse/.classpath .
+    chmod u+w .classpath  
+Now edit that copy of `.classpath`, if necessary.
+### Increase Eclipse's Memory Settings ###
+The Android project is large enough that Eclipse's Java VM sometimes runs out of memory while compiling it. Avoid this problem by editing the the `eclipse.ini` file. On Apple OSX the eclipse.ini file is located at 
+    /Applications/eclipse/
+Memory-related defaults (as of Eclipse 3.4):
+    -Xms40m 
+    -Xmx256m 
+    -XX:MaxPermSize=256m 
+Recommended settings for Android development:
+    -Xms128m 
+    -Xmx512m 
+    -XX:MaxPermSize=256m 
+These settings set Eclipse's minimum Java heap size to 128MB, set the maximum Java heap size to 512MB, and keep the maximum permanent generation size at the default of 256MB.
+Now start Eclipse:
+    eclipse  
+Now create a project for Android development:
+1. If Eclipse asks you for a workspace location, choose the default.
+2. If you have a "Welcome" screen, close it to reveal the Java perspective.
+3. File > New > Java Project
+4. Pick a project name, "android" or anything you like.
+5. Select "Create project from existing source", enter the path to your Android root directory, and click Finish.
+6. Wait while it sets up the project. (You'll see a subtle progress meter in the lower right corner.)
+Once the project workspace is created, Eclipse should start building. In theory, it should build with no errors and you should be set to go. If necessary, uncheck and re-check Project Build Automatically to force a rebuild.
+*Note:* Eclipse sometimes likes to add an `import android.R` statement at the top of your files that use resources, especially when you ask eclipse to sort or otherwise manage imports. This will cause your make to break. Look out for these erroneous import statements and delete them.
+### When You Sync ###
+Every time you repo sync, or otherwise change files outside of Eclipse (especially the .classpath), you need to refresh Eclipse's view of things:
+1. Window > Show View > Navigator
+1. In the Navigator, right-click on the project name
+1. Click Refresh in the context menu
+### Adding Apps to the Build Path ###
+The default `.classpath` includes the source to the core system and a sample set of apps, but might not include the particular app you may want to work on. To add an app, you must add the app's source directory. To do this inside Eclipse:
+1. Project > Properties
+1. Select "Java Build Path" from the left-hand menu.
+1. Choose the "Source" tab.
+1. Click "Add Folder..."
+1. Add your app's `src` directory.
+1. Click OK.
+When you're done, the "source folder" path in the list should look like 
+    android/packages/apps/YOURAPP/src 
+Depending on which app(s) you include, you may also need to include `othersrc/main/java` directories under `android/dalvik/libcore`. Do this if you find you cannot build with the default set.
+## Eclipse formatting ##
+You can import files in `development/ide/eclipse` to make Eclipse
+follow the Android style rules.  
+1. Select Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style.
+1. Use Formatter > Import to import `android-formatting.xml`.
+1. Organize Imports > Import to import `android.importorder`.
+## Debugging the emulator with Eclipse ##
+You can also use eclipse to debug the emulator and step through code. First, start the emulator running:
+    cd /path/to/android/root 
+    . build/ 
+    lunch 1    
+    make       
+    emulator  
+If the emulator is running, you should see a picture of a phone.
+In another shell, start DDMS (the Dalvik debug manager):
+    cd /path/to/android/root 
+    ddms      
+You should see a splufty debugging console.
+Now, in eclipse, you can attach to the emulator:
+1. Run > Open Debug Dialog...
+1. Right-click "Remote Java Application", select "New".
+1. Pick a name, i.e. "android-debug" or anything you like.
+1. Set the "Project" to your project name.
+1. Keep the Host set to "localhost", but change Port to 8700.
+1. Click the "Debug" button and you should be all set.
+Note that port 8700 is attached to whatever process is currently selected in the DDMS console, so you need to sure that DDMS has selected the process you want to debug.
+You may need to open the Debug perspective (next to the "Java" perspective icon in the upper-right, click the small "Open Perspective" icon and select "Debug"). Once you do, you should see a list of threads; if you select one and break it (by clicking the "pause" icon), it should show the stack trace, source file, and line where execution is at. Breakpoints and whatnot should all work.
+## Bonus material ##
+Replace Ctrl with the Apple key on Mac.
+shortcut     | function
+Ctrl-Shift-o | Organize imports 
+Ctrl-Shift-t | load class by name 
+Ctrl-Shift-r | load non-class resource by name 
+Ctrl-1       | quick fix 
+Ctrl-e       | Recently viewed files 
+Ctrl-space   | auto complete 
+Shift-Alt-r  | refactor:rename 
+Shift-Alt-v  | refactor:move 
+## Eclipse is not working correctly, what should I do? ##
+Make sure:
+- You followed the instructions on this page precisely.
+- Your Problems view doesn't show any errors.
+- Your application respects the package/directory structure.
+If you're still having problems, please contact one of the Android mailing lists or IRC channels.
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+# Repo command reference #
+Repo usage takes the following form: 
+Optional elements are shown in brackets [ ]. Once Repo is installed, you can get information about any command by running   
+    repo help COMMAND
+Many commands take a project list as an argument. You can specify project-list as a list of names or a list of paths to local source directories for the projects:
+    repo sync [PROJECT0 PROJECT1 ... PROJECTN]
+    repo sync [/PATH/TO/PROJECT0 ... /PATH/TO/PROJECTN]
+## init ##
+    $ repo init -u URL [OPTIONS]
+Installs Repo in the current directory. This creates a `.repo/` directory that contains Git repositories for the Repo source code and the standard Android manifest files. The `.repo/` directory also contains `manifest.xml`, which is a symlink to the selected manifest in the `.repo/manifests/` directory.
+* `-u`: specify a URL from which to retrieve a manifest repository. The common manifest can be found at `git://`
+* `-m`: select a manifest file within the repository. If no manifest name is selected, the default is default.xml. 
+* `-b`: specify a revision, i.e., a particular manifest-branch.
+*Note: For all remaining Repo commands, the current working directory must either be the parent directory of `.repo/` or a subdirectory of the parent directory.*
+## sync ##
+    repo sync [PROJECT_LIST]
+Downloads new changes and updates the working files in your local environment. If you run `repo sync` without any arguments, it will synchronize the files for all the projects.
+When you run `repo sync`, this is what happens:
+- If the project has never been synchronized, then `repo sync` is equivalent to `git clone`. All branches in the remote repository are copied to the local project directory.
+- If the project has already been synchronized once, then `repo sync` is equivalent to:
+        git remote update 
+        git rebase origin/BRANCH
+    where `BRANCH` is the currently checked-out branch in the local project directory. If the local branch is not tracking a branch in the remote repository, then no synchronization will occur for the project.
+- If the git rebase operation results in merge conflicts, you will need to use the normal Git commands (for example, `git rebase --continue`) to resolve the conflicts.
+After a successful `repo sync`, the code in specified projects will be up to date with the code in the remote repository.
+* `-d`: switch specified projects back to the manifest revision.  Helpful if the project is currently on a topic branch, but the manifest revision is temporarily needed.
+* `-s`: sync to a known good build as specified by the manifest-server element in the current manifest.
+* `-f`: proceed with syncing other projects even if a project fails to sync.
+## upload ##
+    repo upload [PROJECT_LIST]
+For the specified projects, Repo compares the local branches to the remote branches updated during the last repo sync. Repo will prompt you to select one or more of the branches that have not yet been uploaded for review.
+After you select one or more branches, all commits on the selected branches are transmitted to Gerrit over an SSH connection.You will need to configure an SSH key to enable upload authorization. Visit [SSH Keys](,ssh-keys) within the user settings panel to register your public keys with Gerrit. To enable password-less uploads, consider using ssh-agent on your client system.
+When Gerrit receives the object data over its SSH server, it will turn each commit into a change so that reviewers can comment on each commit individually. To combine several "checkpoint" commits together into a single commit, use git rebase -i before you run repo upload.
+If you run repo upload without any arguments, it will search all the projects for changes to upload.
+To make edits to changes after they have been uploaded, you should use a tool like `git rebase -i` or `git commit --amend` to update your local commits.  After your edits are complete:
+- Make sure the updated branch is the currently checked out branch.
+- Use `repo upload --replace PROJECT` to open the change matching editor.
+- For each commit in the series, enter the Gerrit change ID inside the brackets:
+        # Replacing from branch foo 
+        [ 3021 ] 35f2596c Refactor part of GetUploadableBranches to lookup one specific...
+        [ 2829 ] ec18b4ba Update proto client to support patch set replacments 
+        [ 3022 ] c99883fe Teach 'repo upload --replace' how to add replacement patch se...
+        # Insert change numbers in the brackets to add a new patch set.
+        # To create a new change record, leave the brackets empty.
+After the upload is complete the changes will have an additional Patch Set.
+## diff ##
+    repo diff [PROJECT_LIST]
+Shows outstanding changes between commit and working tree using `git diff`. 
+## download ##
+    repo download TARGET CHANGE
+Downloads the specified change from the review system and makes it available in your project's local working directory.
+For example, to download [change 1241]( into your platform/frameworks/base directory:
+    $ repo download platform/frameworks/base 1241
+A `repo sync` should effectively remove any commits retrieved via `repo download`. Or, you can check out the remote branch; e.g., `git checkout m/master`.
+*Note: There is a slight mirroring lag between when a change is visible on the web in [Gerrit]( and when `repo download` will be able to find it, because changes are actually downloaded off the git:// mirror farm. Hence there will always be a lag of approximately 5 minutes before Gerrit pushes newly uploaded changes out to the mirror farm.*
+## forall ##
+    repo forall [PROJECT_LIST] -c COMMAND
+Executes the given shell command in each project.  The following additional environment variables are made available by `repo forall`:
+* `REPO_PROJECT` is set to the unique name of the project.
+* `REPO_PATH` is the path relative to the root of the client.
+* `REPO_REMOTE` is the name of the remote sstem from the manifest.
+* `REPO_LREV` is the name of the revision from the manifest, translated to a local tracking branch.  Used if you need to pass the manifest revision to a locally executed git command.
+* `REPO_RREV` is the name of the revision from the manifest, exactly as written in the manifest.
+* `-c`: command and arguments to execute. The command is evaluated through `/bin/sh` and any arguments after it are passed through as shell positional parameters.
+* `-p`: show project headers before output of the specified command.  This is achieved by binding pipes to the command's stdin, stdout, and sterr streams, and piping all output into a continuous stream that is displayed in a single pager session.
+* `-v`: show messages the command writes to stderr.  
+## prune ##
+    repo prune [PROJECT_LIST]
+Prunes (deletes) topics that are already merged.
+## start ##
+    repo start BRANCH_NAME [PROJECT_LIST]
+Begins a new branch for development, starting from the revision specified in the manifest.
+The `BRANCH_NAME` argument should provide a short description of the change you are trying to make to the projects.If you don't know, consider using the name default.
+The `PROJECT_LIST` specifies which projects will participate in this topic branch. 
+*Note: "." is a useful shorthand for the project in the current working directory.*
+## status ##
+    repo status [PROJECT_LIST]
+Compares the working tree to the staging area (index) and the most recent commit on this branch (HEAD) in each project specified.  Displays a summary line for each file where there is a difference between these three states.
+To see the status for only the current branch, run `repo status`. The status information will be listed by project. For each file in the project, a two-letter code is used:
+In the first column, an uppercase letter indicates how the staging area differs from the last committed state.
+letter | meaning        | description
+-      |  no change     |  same in HEAD and index
+A      |  added         |  not in HEAD, in index
+M      |  modified      |  in HEAD, modified in index
+D      |  deleted       |  in HEAD, not in index
+R      |  renamed       |  not in HEAD, path changed in index
+C      |  copied        |  not in HEAD, copied from another in index
+T      |  mode changed  |  same content in HEAD and index, mode changed
+U      |  unmerged      |  conflict between HEAD and index; resolution required
+In the second column, a lowercase letter indicates how the working directory differs from the index.
+letter |  meaning       | description
+-      |  new/unknown   |  not in index, in work tree
+m      |  modified      |  in index, in work tree, modified
+d      |  deleted       |  in index, not in work tree
diff --git a/src/source/ b/src/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a4a2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# Version Control with Repo and Git #
+To work with the Android code, you will need to use both Git and Repo.  In most situations, you can use Git instead of Repo, or mix Repo and Git commands to form complex commands. Using Repo for basic across-network operations will make your work much simpler, however.
+**Git** is an open-source version-control system designed to handle very large projects that are distributed over multiple repositories. In the context of Android, we use Git for local operations such as local branching, commits, diffs, and edits.  One of the challenges in setting up the Android project was figuring out how to best support the outside community--from the hobbiest community to large OEMs building mass-market consumer devices. We wanted components to be replaceable, and we wanted interesting components to be able to grow a life of their own outside of Android. We first chose a distributed revision control system, then further narrowed it down to Git.
+**Repo** is a repository management tool that we built on top of Git. Repo unifies the many Git repositories when necessary, does the uploads to our [revision control system](, and automates parts of the Android development workflow. Repo is not meant to replace Git, only to make it easier to work with Git in the context of Android. The repo command is an executable Python script that you can put anywhere in your path. In working with the Android source files, you will use Repo for across-network operations. For example, with a single Repo command you can download files from multiple repositories into your local working directory.
+**Gerrit** is a web-based code review system for projects that use git. Gerrit encourages more centralized use of Git by allowing all authorized users to submit changes, which are automatically merged if they pass code review. In addition, Gerrit makes reviewing easier by displaying changes side by side in-browser and enabling inline comments. 
+## Basic Workflow ##
+<div style="float:right">
+  <img src="/images/submit-patches-0.png">
+The basic pattern of interacting with the repositories is as follows:
+1. Use `repo start` to start a new topic branch.
+1. Edit the files.
+1. Use `git add` to stage changes.
+1. Use `git commit` to commit changes.
+1. Use `repo upload` to upload changes to the review server.
+# Task reference #
+The task list below shows a summary of how to do common Repo and Git tasks.
+For complete quick-start information and examples, see [Getting started](downloading.html).
+## Synchronizing your client ##
+To synchronize the files for all available projects: 
+    $ repo sync
+To synchronize the files for selected projects:
+    $ repo sync PROJECT0 PROJECT1 PROJECT2 ...
+## Creating topic branches ##
+Start a topic branch in your local work environment whenever you begin a change, for example when you begin work on a bug or new feature. A topic branch is not a copy of the original files; it is a pointer to a particular commit. This makes creating local branches and switching among them a light-weight operation. By using branches, you can isolate one aspect of your work from the others. For an interesting article about using topic branches, see [Separating topic branches](
+<img src="/images/external-link.png">
+To start a topic branch using Repo: 
+    $ repo start BRANCH_NAME
+To verify that your new branch was created:
+    $ repo status
+## Using topic branches ##
+To assign the branch to a particular project:
+    $ repo start BRANCH_NAME PROJECT
+To switch to another branch that you have created in your local work environment:
+    $ git checkout BRANCH_NAME
+To see a list of existing branches:
+    $ git branch
+    $ repo branches
+The name of the current branch will be preceded by an asterisk.
+*Note: A bug might be causing `repo sync` to reset the local topic branch. If `git branch` shows \* (no branch) after you run `repo sync`, then run `git checkout` again.*
+## Staging files ##
+By default, Git notices but does not track the changes you make in a project. In order to tell git to preserve your changes, you must mark them for inclusion in a commit. This is also called "staging". 
+You can stage your changes by running
+    git add
+which accepts as arguments any files or directories within the project directory. Despite the name, `git add` does not simply add files to the git repository; it can also be used to stage file modifications and deletions.
+## Viewing client status ##
+To list the state of your files:
+    $ repo status
+To see uncommitted edits:
+    $ repo diff
+The `repo diff` command shows every local edit that you have made that would *not* go into the commit, if you were to commit right now. To see every edit that would go into the commit if you were to commit right now, you need a Git command, `git diff`. Before running it, be sure you are in the project directory:
+    $ git diff --cached
+## Committing changes ##
+A commit is the basic unit of revision control in git, consisting of a snapshot of directory structure and file contents for the entire project. Creating a commit in git is as simple as typing
+    git commit
+You will be prompted for a commit message in your favorite editor; please provide a helpful message for any changes you submit to the AOSP. If you do not add a log message, the commit will be aborted. 
+## Uploading changes to Gerrit ##
+Before uploading, update to the latest revisions:
+    repo sync
+Next run
+    repo upload
+This will list the changes you have committed and prompt you to select which branches to upload to the review server. If there is only one branch, you will see a simple `y/n` prompt.
+## Recovering sync conflicts ##
+If a `repo sync` shows sync conflicts:
+- View the files that are unmerged (status code = U).
+- Edit the conflict regions as necessary.
+- Change into the relevant project directory, run `git add` and `git commit` for the files in question, and then "rebase" the changes. For example:
+        $ git add .
+        $ git commit 
+        $ git rebase --continue
+- When the rebase is complete start the entire sync again:
+        $ repo sync PROJECT0 PROJECT1 ... PROJECTN
+## Cleaning up your client files ##
+To update your local working directory after changes are merged in Gerrit:
+    $ repo sync 
+To safely remove stale topic branches: 
+    $ repo prune
+## Deleting a client ##
+Because all state information is stored in your client, you only need to delete the directory from your filesystem:
+Deleting a client will *permanently delete* any changes you have not yet uploaded for review.
+# Git and Repo cheatsheet #
+<img src="/images/git-repo-1.png">
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+<div id=sidebar>
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