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Robert Ly35f2fda2013-01-29 16:27:05 -08001page.title=Graphics
5 Copyright 2010 The Android Open Source Project
7 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 You may obtain a copy of the License at
13 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
16 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 limitations under the License.
19<div id="qv-wrapper">
20 <div id="qv">
21 <h2>In this document</h2>
22 <ol id="auto-toc">
23 </ol>
24 </div>
28 The Android framework has a variety of graphics rendering APIs for 2D and 3D that interact with
29 your HAL implementations and graphics drivers, so it is important to have a good understanding of
30 how they work at a higher level. There are two general ways that app developers can draw things
31 to the screen: with Canvas or OpenGL.
34 <a href=""></a>
35 is a 2D graphics API and is the most widely used graphics API by
36 developers. Canvas operations draw all the stock <a href="">android.view.View</a>s
37 and custom <a href="">android.view.View</a>s in Android. Prior to Android 3.0, Canvas used the Skia 2D drawing library to
38 draw, which could not take advantage of hardware acceleration.
41 Introduced in Android 3.0, hardware acceleration for Canvas APIs uses a new drawing library
42 called OpenGLRenderer that translates Canvas operations to OpenGL operations so that they can
43 execute on the GPU. Developers had to opt-in to this feature previously, but beginning in Android
44 4.0, hardware-accelerated Canvas is enabled by default. Consequently, a hardware GPU that
45 supports OpenGL ES 2.0 is mandatory for Android 4.0 devices.
48 The OpenGLRenderer does not interact with Skia, so we
49 anticipate Skia to be slowly phased out without adverse effects to developers. Skia is currently
50 deprecated and in maintenance mode but will be neccessary for a while because most apps published
51 today still rely on non-hardware accelerated Canvas operations. In addition, not all Skia
52 operations are supported by OpenGL, so some operations are still done in software with Skia, even
53 with hardware acceleration turned on.
56 The other main way that developers render graphics is by using OpenGL ES 1.x or 2.0 to directly
57 render to a surface. Android provides OpenGL ES interfaces in the
58 <a href="">android.opengl</a> package
59 that a developer can use to call into your GL implementation with the SDK or with native APIs
60 provided in the Android NDK.
62 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>A third option, Renderscript, was introduced in Android 3.0 to
63 serve as a platform-agnostic graphics rendering API (it used OpenGL ES 2.0 under the hood), but
64 will be deprecated starting in the Android 4.1 release.
66<h2 id="render">
67 How Android Renders Graphics
70 No matter what rendering API developers use, everything is rendered onto a buffer of pixel data
71 called a "surface." Every window that is created on the Android platform is backed by a surface.
72 All of the visible surfaces that are rendered to are composited onto the display
73 by the SurfaceFlinger, Android's system service that manages composition of surfaces.
74 Of course, there are more components that are involved in graphics rendering, and the
75 main ones are described below:
79 <dt>
80 <strong>Image Stream Producers</strong>
81 </dt>
82 <dd>Image stream producers can be things such as an OpenGL ES game, video buffers from the media server,
83 a Canvas 2D application, or basically anything that produces graphic buffers for consumption.
84 </dd>
86 <dt>
87 <strong>Image Stream Consumers</strong>
88 </dt>
89 <dd>The most common consumer of image streams is SurfaceFlinger, the system service that consumes
90 the currently visible surfaces and composites them onto the display using
91 information provided by the Window Manager. SurfaceFlinger is the only service that can
92 modify the content of the display. SurfaceFlinger uses OpenGL and the
93 hardware composer to compose a group of surfaces. Other OpenGL ES apps can consume image
94 streams as well, such as the camera app consuming a camera preview image stream.
95 </dd>
96 <dt>
97 <strong>SurfaceTexture</strong>
98 </dt>
99 <dd>SurfaceTexture contains the logic that ties image stream producers and image stream consumers together
100 and is made of three parts: <code>SurfaceTextureClient</code>, <code>ISurfaceTexture</code>, and
101 <code>SurfaceTexture</code> (in this case, <code>SurfaceTexture</code> is the actual C++ class and not
102 the name of the overall component). These three parts facilitate the producer (<code>SurfaceTextureClient</code>),
103 binder (<code>ISurfaceTexture</code>), and consumer (<code>SurfaceTexture</code>)
104 components of SurfaceTexture in processes such as requesting memory from Gralloc,
105 sharing memory across process boundaries, synchronizing access to buffers, and pairing the appropriate consumer with the producer.
106 SurfaceTexture can operate in both asynchronous (producer never blocks waiting for consumer and drops frames) and
107 synchronous (producer waits for consumer to process textures) modes. Some examples of image
108 producers are the camera preview produced by the camera HAL or an OpenGL ES game. Some examples
109 of image consumers are SurfaceFlinger or another app that wants to display an OpenGL ES stream
110 such as the camera app displaying the camera viewfinder.
111 </dd>
113 <dt>
114 <strong>Window Manager</strong>
115 </dt>
116 <dd>
117 The Android system service that controls window lifecycles, input and focus events, screen
118 orientation, transitions, animations, position, transforms, z-order, and many other aspects of
119 a window (a container for views). A window is always backed by a surface. The Window Manager
120 sends all of the window metadata to SurfaceFlinger, so SurfaceFlinger can use that data
121 to figure out how to composite surfaces on the display.
122 </dd>
124 <dt>
125 <strong>Hardware Composer</strong>
126 </dt>
127 <dd>
128 The hardware abstraction for the display subsystem. SurfaceFlinger can delegate certain
129 composition work to the hardware composer to offload work from the OpenGL and the GPU. This makes
130 compositing faster than having SurfaceFlinger do all the work. Starting with Jellybean MR1,
131 new versions of the hardware composer have been introduced. See the <code>hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/gralloc.h</code> <a href="#hwc">Hardware composer</a> section
132 for more information.
133 </dd>
135 <dt>
136 <strong>Gralloc</strong>
137 </dt>
138 <dd>Allocates memory for graphics buffers. See the If you
139 are using version 1.1 or later of the <a href="#hwc">hardware composer</a>, this HAL is no longer needed.</dd>
144 The following diagram shows how these components work together:
145</p><img src="images/graphics_surface.png">
146<p class="img-caption">
147 <strong>Figure 1.</strong> How surfaces are rendered
151<h2 id="provide">
152 What You Need to Provide
155 The following list and sections describe what you need to provide to support graphics in your product:
158 <li>OpenGL ES 1.x Driver
159 </li>
160 <li>OpenGL ES 2.0 Driver
161 </li>
162 <li>EGL Driver
163 </li>
164 <li>Gralloc HAL implementation
165 </li>
166 <li>Hardware Composer HAL implementation
167 </li>
168 <li>Framebuffer HAL implementation
169 </li>
171<h3 id="gl">
172 OpenGL and EGL drivers
175 You must provide drivers for OpenGL ES 1.x, OpenGL ES 2.0, and EGL. Some key things to keep in
176 mind are:
179 <li>The GL driver needs to be robust and conformant to OpenGL ES standards.
180 </li>
181 <li>Do not limit the number of GL contexts. Because Android allows apps in the background and
182 tries to keep GL contexts alive, you should not limit the number of contexts in your driver. It
183 is not uncommon to have 20-30 active GL contexts at once, so you should also be careful with the
184 amount of memory allocated for each context.
185 </li>
186 <li>Support the YV12 image format and any other YUV image formats that come from other
187 components in the system such as media codecs or the camera.
188 </li>
189 <li>Support the mandatory extensions: <code>GL_OES_texture_external</code>,
190 <code>EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer</code>, and <code>EGL_ANDROID_recordable</code>. We highly
191 recommend supporting <code>EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache</code> and <code>EGL_KHR_fence_sync</code> as
192 well.</li>
196 Note that the OpenGL API exposed to app developers is different from the OpenGL interface that
197 you are implementing. Apps do not have access to the GL driver layer, and must go through the
198 interface provided by the APIs.
201 Pre-rotation
203<p>Many times, hardware overlays do not support rotation, so the solution is to pre-transform the buffer before
204 it reaches SurfaceFlinger. A query hint in ANativeWindow was added (<code>NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_HINT</code>)
205 that represents the most likely transform to be be applied to the buffer by SurfaceFlinger.
207 Your GL driver can use this hint to pre-transform the buffer before it reaches SurfaceFlinger, so when the buffer
208 actually reaches SurfaceFlinger, it is correctly transformed. See the ANativeWindow
209 interface defined in <code>system/core/include/system/window.h</code> for more details. The following
210 is some pseudo-code that implements this in the hardware composer:
214ANativeWindow->query(ANativeWindow, NATIVE_WINDOW_DEFAULT_WIDTH, &w);
215ANativeWindow->query(ANativeWindow, NATIVE_WINDOW_DEFAULT_HEIGHT, &h);
216ANativeWindow->query(ANativeWindow, NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_HINT, &hintTransform);
217if (hintTransform & HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90)
218swap(w, h);
220native_window_set_buffers_dimensions(anw, w, h);
223// here GL driver renders content transformed by " hintTransform "
225int inverseTransform;
226inverseTransform = hintTransform;
227if (hintTransform & HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90)
228 inverseTransform ^= HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_180;
230native_window_set_buffers_transform(anw, inverseTransform);
235<h3 id="gralloc">
236 Gralloc HAL
239 The graphics memory allocator is needed to allocate memory that is requested by
240 SurfaceTextureClient in image producers. You can find a stub implementation of the HAL at
241 <code>hardware/libhardware/modules/gralloc.h</code>
244 Protected buffers
247 There is a gralloc usage flag <code>GRALLOC_USAGE_PROTECTED</code> that allows
248 the graphics buffer to be displayed only through a hardware protected path.
250<h3 id="hwc">
251 Hardware Composer HAL
254 The hardware composer is used by SurfaceFlinger to composite surfaces to the screen. The hardware
255 composer abstracts things like overlays and 2D blitters and helps offload some things that would
256 normally be done with OpenGL.
259<p>Jellybean MR1 introduces a new version of the HAL. We recommend that you start using version 1.1 of the hardware
260 composer HAL as it will provide support for the newest features (explicit synchronization, external displays, etc).
261 Keep in mind that in addition to 1.1 version, there is also a 1.0 version of the HAL that we used for internal
262 compatibility reasons and a 1.2 draft mode of the hardware composer HAL. We recommend that you implement
263 version 1.1 until 1.2 is out of draft mode.
266 <p>Because the physical display hardware behind the hardware composer
267 abstraction layer can vary from device to device, it is difficult to define recommended features, but
268 here is some guidance:</p>
271 <li>The hardware composer should support at least 4 overlays (status bar, system bar, application,
272 and live wallpaper) for phones and 3 overlays for tablets (no status bar).</li>
273 <li>Layers can be bigger than the screen, so the hardware composer should be able to handle layers
274 that are larger than the display (For example, a wallpaper).</li>
275 <li>Pre-multiplied per-pixel alpha blending and per-plane alpha blending should be supported at the same time.</li>
276 <li>The hardware composer should be able to consume the same buffers that the GPU, camera, video decoder, and Skia buffers are producing,
277 so supporting some of the following properties is helpful:
278 <ul>
279 <li>RGBA packing order</li>
280 <li>YUV formats</li>
281 <li>Tiling, swizzling, and stride properties</li>
282 </ul>
283 </li>
284 <li>A hardware path for protected video playback must be present if you want to support protected content.</li>
287 The general recommendation when implementing your hardware composer is to implement a no-op
288 hardware composer first. Once you have the structure done, implement a simple algorithm to
289 delegate composition to the hardware composer. For example, just delegate the first three or four
290 surfaces to the overlay hardware of the hardware composer. After that focus on common use cases,
291 such as:
294 <li>Full-screen games in portrait and landscape mode
295 </li>
296 <li>Full-screen video with closed captioning and playback control
297 </li>
298 <li>The home screen (compositing the status bar, system bar, application window, and live
299 wallpapers)
300 </li>
301 <li>Protected video playback
302 </li>
303 <li>Multiple display support
304 </li>
307 After implementing the common use cases, you can focus on optimizations such as intelligently
308 selecting the surfaces to send to the overlay hardware that maximizes the load taken off of the
309 GPU. Another optimization is to detect whether the screen is updating. If not, delegate composition
310 to OpenGL instead of the hardware composer to save power. When the screen updates again, contin`ue to
311 offload composition to the hardware composer.
315 You can find the HAL for the hardware composer in the
316 <code>hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/hwcomposer.h</code> and <code>hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/hwcomposer_defs.h</code>
317 files. A stub implementation is available in the <code>hardware/libhardware/modules/hwcomposer</code> directory.
324 VSYNC synchronizes certain events to the refresh cycle of the display. Applications always
325 start drawing on a VSYNC boundary and SurfaceFlinger always composites on a VSYNC boundary.
326 This eliminates stutters and improves visual performance of graphics.
327 The hardware composer has a function pointer</p>
329 <pre>int (waitForVsync*) (int64_t *timestamp)</pre>
331 <p>that points to a function you must implement for VSYNC. This function blocks until
332 a VSYNC happens and returns the timestamp of the actual VSYNC.
333 A client can receive a VSYNC timestamps once, at specified intervals, or continously (interval of 1).
334 You must implement VSYNC to have no more than a 1ms lag at the maximum (1/2ms or less is recommended), and
335 the timestamps returned must be extremely accurate.
338<h4>Explicit synchronization</h4>
339<p>Explicit synchronization is required in Jellybean MR1 and later and provides a mechanism
340for Gralloc buffers to be acquired and released in a synchronized way.
341Explicit synchronization allows producers and consumers of graphics buffers to signal when
342they are done with a buffer. This allows the Android system to asynchronously queue buffers
343to be read or written with the certainty that another consumer or producer does not currently need them.</p>
345This communication is facilitated with the use of synchronization fences, which are now required when requesting
346a buffer for consuming or producing. The
347 synchronization framework consists of three main parts:</p>
349 <li><code>sync_timeline</code>: a monotonically increasing timeline that should be implemented
350 for each driver instance. This basically is a counter of jobs submitted to the kernel for a particular piece of hardware.</li>
351 <li><code>sync_pt</code>: a single value or point on a <code>sync_timeline</code>. A point
352 has three states: active, signaled, and error. Points start in the active state and transition
353 to the signaled or error states. For instance, when a buffer is no longer needed by an image
354 consumer, this <code>sync_point</code> is signaled so that image producers
355 know that it is okay to write into the buffer again.</li>
356 <li><code>sync_fence</code>: a collection of <code>sync_pt</code>s that often have different
357 <code>sync_timeline</code> parents (such as for the display controller and GPU). This allows
358 multiple consumers or producers to signal that
359 they are using a buffer and to allow this information to be communicated with one function parameter.
360 Fences are backed by a file descriptor and can be passed from kernel-space to user-space.
361 For instance, a fence can contain two <code>sync_point</code>s that signify when two separate
362 image consumers are done reading a buffer. When the fence is signaled,
363 the image producers now know that both consumers are done consuming.</li>
364 </ul>
366<p>To implement explicit synchronization, you need to do provide the following:
369 <li>A kernel-space driver that implements a synchronization timeline for a particular piece of hardware. Drivers that
370 need to be fence-aware are generally anything that accesses or communicates with the hardware composer.
371 See the <code>system/core/include/sync/sync.h</code> file for more implementation details. The
372 <code>system/core/libsync</code> directory includes a library to communicate with the kernel-space </li>
373 <li>A hardware composer HAL module (version 1.1 or later) that supports the new synchronization functionality. You will need to provide
374 the appropriate synchronization fences as parameters to the <code>set()</code> and <code>prepare()</code> functions in the HAL. As a last resort,
375you can pass in -1 for the file descriptor parameters if you cannot support explicit synchronization for some reason. This
376is not recommended, however.</li>
377 <li>Two GL specific extensions related to fences, <code>EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync</code> and <code>EGL_ANDROID_wait_sync</code>,
378 along with incorporating fence support into your graphics drivers.</ul>